/// Function name  : calculateGeneratorVariableIDFromName
// Description     : Returns the ID of the argument/variable in a ScriptGenerator with a given name.
//                    -> If the argument/variable does not already exist, it is created
// SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator  : [in] ScriptGenerator to search
// CONST TCHAR*       szVariable  : [in] Name of the argument/variable to search for
// Return Value   : One-based Variable ID
UINT  calculateGeneratorVariableIDFromName(SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator, CONST TCHAR*  szVariable)
   VARIABLE_NAME*  pVariableName;      // Pre-existing VariableName or newly created VariableName

   /// Iterate through existing VariableNames for a match
   for (LIST_ITEM*  pIterator = getListHead(pGenerator->pVariablesList); pIterator; pIterator = pIterator->pNext)
      // Prepare
      pVariableName = extractListItemPointer(pIterator, VARIABLE_NAME);

      // [CHECK] Does current VariableName match?
      if (utilCompareStringVariables(pVariableName->szName, szVariable))
         /// [FOUND] Return associated ID
         return pVariableName->iID;

   /// [NOT FOUND] Create a new VariableName with a zero-based ID
   pVariableName = createVariableName(szVariable, getListItemCount(pGenerator->pVariablesList));

   // Append to Generators's VariableNames list
   appendObjectToList(pGenerator->pVariablesList, (LPARAM)pVariableName);

   /// [FOUND] Return ID of new VariableName
   return pVariableName->iID;
/// Function name  : getScriptTranslatorVariablesCount
// Description     : Retrieves the number of arguments+variables in the ScriptGenerator's variables list
// CONST SCRIPT_TRANSLATOR*  pTranslator : [in] ScriptTranslator to query
// Return Value   : Number of arguments+variables in the translator's list
UINT  getScriptTranslatorVariablesCount(CONST SCRIPT_TRANSLATOR*  pTranslator)
   // [CHECK] Ensure translator exists

   // Return length of VariableNames list
   return getListItemCount(pTranslator->pVariablesList);
/// Function name  : getScriptGeneratorVariablesCount
// Description     : Retrieves the number of arguments+variables in the ScriptGenerator's variables list
// CONST SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator   : [in] ScriptpGenerator to query
// Return Value   : Number of arguments+variables in the generator's list
UINT  getScriptGeneratorVariablesCount(CONST SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator)
   // [CHECK] Ensure generator exists

   // Return length of VariableNames list
   return getListItemCount(pGenerator->pVariablesList);
/// Function name  : appendCommandToTranslator
// Description     : Adds a COMMAND to a ScriptTranslator's COMMAND output
// SCRIPT_TRANSLATOR*  pTranslator : [in] ScriptTranslator
// COMMAND*            pCommand    : [in] COMMAND to append
VOID   appendCommandToTranslator(SCRIPT_TRANSLATOR*  pTranslator, COMMAND*  pCommand)
   /// Assign a sequential zero-based index
   pCommand->iIndex = getListItemCount(pTranslator->pOutputList);

   /// Add to OUTPUT
   appendObjectToList(pTranslator->pOutputList, (LPARAM)pCommand);
/// Function name  : appendVariableNameToTranslator
// Description     : Adds a new argument/variable name to a ScriptTranslator' list of arguments+variables and calculates the correct ID
///                              Argument/Variable Names must be unique
// SCRIPT_TRANSLATOR*  pTranslator     : [in] ScriptTranslator
// CONST TCHAR*        szVariableName  : [in] Name of the argument/variable to add
VOID  appendVariableNameToTranslator(SCRIPT_TRANSLATOR*  pTranslator, CONST TCHAR*  szVariableName)
   VARIABLE_NAME*  pVariableName;   // VariableName being created

   /// Create new VariableName with a zero-based ID
   pVariableName = createVariableName(szVariableName, getListItemCount(pTranslator->pVariablesList));

   // Append to Translator's VariableNames list
   appendObjectToList(pTranslator->pVariablesList, (LPARAM)pVariableName);
/// Function name  : appendArgumentNameToGenerator
// Description     : Adds a new argument name to a ScriptGenerator's list of arguments+variables and calculates the correct ID
///                              Argument names must be unique
// SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator     : [in] ScriptGenerator
// CONST TCHAR*       szVariableName : [in] Name of the argument to add
VOID  appendArgumentNameToGenerator(SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator, CONST TCHAR*  szArgumentName)
   VARIABLE_NAME*  pVariableName;   // VariableName being created

   /// Create new VariableName with a zero-based ID
   pVariableName = createVariableName(szArgumentName, getListItemCount(pGenerator->pVariablesList));

   // Append to Generators's VariableNames list
   appendObjectToList(pGenerator->pVariablesList, (LPARAM)pVariableName);
/// Function name  : getDocumentCount
// Description     : Retrieves the active document, if any
// DOCUMENTS_DATA*  pDocumentsData   : [in] Window data
// Return Value   : Currently active DOCUMENT if any, otherwise NULL
UINT  getDocumentCount()
   DOCUMENTS_DATA*  pWindowData;

   // Prepare
   pWindowData = getDocumentsControlData(getMainWindowData()->hDocumentsTab);

   // Return document list item count
   return getListItemCount(pWindowData->pDocumentList);
void XAP_UnixDialog_History::_fillHistoryTree(void)

	UT_uint32 i;
	GtkTreeIter iter;

	GtkTreeStore * model = gtk_tree_store_new (4, // Total number of columns
                                          G_TYPE_STRING,   //Version number
										  G_TYPE_STRING, //           
										  G_TYPE_INT); //

	// build a list of all items
    for (i = 0; i < getListItemCount(); i++)
		// Add a new row to the model
		gchar *itime = g_locale_to_utf8(getListValue(i,1), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		gtk_tree_store_append (model, &iter,NULL);
		gtk_tree_store_set (model, &iter, 0, getListValue(i,0), 
							1,itime ,
							2,getListValue(i,2) ,
							3,getListItemId(i) ,
    m_wTreeView = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model));

	g_object_unref (model);	
// Renderer for the view
	GtkCellRenderer * renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
// Now create columns and add them to the tree
	GtkTreeViewColumn * column0 = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (getListHeader(0), renderer,
                                                      "text", 0,
	gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (m_wTreeView), column0);
	GtkTreeViewColumn * column1 = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (getListHeader(1), renderer,
                                                      "text", 1,
	gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (m_wTreeView), column1);
	GtkTreeViewColumn * column2 = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (getListHeader(2), renderer,
                                                      "text", 2,
	gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (m_wTreeView), column2);
	// now select first item in box
 	gtk_widget_grab_focus (m_wTreeView);

/// Function name  : appendCommandToGenerator
// Description     : Add a COMMAND to a generator's INPUT or OUTPUT list.
// SCRIPT_FILE*        pScriptFile : [in] ScriptFile to be appened
// CONST COMMAND_LIST  eList       : [in] INPUT/OUTPUT list ID
// COMMAND*            pCommand    : [in] COMMAND to be appended to the ScriptFile
VOID   appendCommandToGenerator(SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator, CONST COMMAND_LIST  eList, COMMAND*  pCommand)
   // Add COMMAND to the appropriate list
   switch (eList)
   /// [INPUT] Add to INPUT LIST
   case CL_INPUT: 
      // Assign a sequential zero-based index
      pCommand->iIndex = getListItemCount(pGenerator->pInputList);

      // Add to INPUT LIST
      appendObjectToList(pGenerator->pInputList, (LPARAM)pCommand);

   case CL_OUTPUT: 
      // [STANDARD] 
      if (isCommandType(pCommand, CT_STANDARD))
         // Assign a sequential zero-based index
         pCommand->iIndex = getListItemCount(pGenerator->pOutputStream->pStandardList);

         /// Add to STANDARD OUT
         appendObjectToList(pGenerator->pOutputStream->pStandardList, (LPARAM)pCommand);
      // [AUXILIARY] 
         // Assign a sequential zero-based index
         pCommand->iIndex = getListItemCount(pGenerator->pOutputStream->pAuxiliaryList);

         /// Add to AUXILIARY OUT
         appendObjectToList(pGenerator->pOutputStream->pAuxiliaryList, (LPARAM)pCommand);

         /// Associate COMMAND with the next standard command
         pCommand->iReferenceIndex = getListItemCount(pGenerator->pOutputStream->pStandardList);
/// Function name  : findLastCommandInGeneratorOutput
// Description     : Finds the last standard COMMAND in a generators OUTPUT
// CONST SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator : [in]  Script generator
// COMMAND*                &pOutput    : [out] Resultant COMMAND if found, otherwise NULL
// Return Value   : TRUE if found, FALSE otherwise
BOOL  findLastCommandInGeneratorOutput(CONST SCRIPT_GENERATOR*  pGenerator, COMMAND*  &pOutput)
   return findListObjectByIndex(pGenerator->pOutputStream->pStandardList, getListItemCount(pGenerator->pOutputStream->pStandardList) - 1, (LPARAM&)pOutput);