void GLWidget::rangeSearch(TwoDTree::Node *p, RangeQuery &rq, std::vector<QPointF> &includingPoints)
    if (p != nullptr) {
        double l;
        double r;
        double coord;

        if (p->isVertical) {
            l = qMin(rq.p2.y(), rq.p1.y());
            r = qMax(rq.p2.y(), rq.p1.y());
            coord = p->value.y();
        } else {
            l = qMin(rq.p2.x(), rq.p1.x());
            r = qMax(rq.p2.x(), rq.p1.x());
            coord = p->value.x();

        if (p->value.y() <= getHighest(rq) && p->value.y() >= getLowest(rq) &&
            p->value.x() >= getLeftMost(rq) && p->value.x() <= getRightMost(rq)) {
        if (l < coord) {
            rangeSearch(p->left, rq, includingPoints);
        if (r > coord) {
            rangeSearch(p->right, rq, includingPoints);
int main() {
    int n, m;
    scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
    while (m--) {
        int u, v;
        scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
        --u; --v;
        mp[u][v] = mp[v][u] = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) dp[1<<i][i] = 1;

    LL ans = 0;
    for (int s = 0; s < (1 << n); ++s) {
        int lowestPoint = getLowest(s);
        for (int end = 0; end < n; ++end) if ((s & (1 << end)) && dp[s][end]) {
            for (int to = lowestPoint; to < n; ++to) if (mp[end][to]) {
                if (s & (1 << to)) {
                    if ((1 << to | 1 << end) == s) continue;
                    if (to == lowestPoint) ans += dp[s][end];
                else {
                    dp[s | (1 << to)][to] += dp[s][end];
    printf("%I64d\n", ans/2);
    return 0;
bool PokerHandEvaluator::isStraight() {
    if (pairCount() > 0) return false;
    Rank lowest = getLowest();
    for (std::list<Card>::iterator it = cards.begin(); it != cards.end(); ++it) {
        Rank cardRank = it->getRank();
        for (std::list<Card>::iterator it2 = cards.begin(); it2 != cards.end(); ++it2) {

int main()
		string fileName = getFileName();

		vector<int> numberArray;
		initializeArray(fileName, numberArray);

		cout << "The lowest number is: " << getLowest(numberArray) << endl;
		cout << "The highest number is: " << getHighest(numberArray) << endl;
		cout << "The sum of all these numbers is: " << getSum(numberArray) << endl;
		cout << "The average of all these numbers is: " << setprecision(10) << fixed << getAverage(numberArray) << endl;

	} while (!wantToExit());

	return 0;
Exemple #5
vector<int> CSVop::getLowestrows(vector<int> rows, int col, double precision, bool absolute)
    double maxval;
    maxval = getLowest(col, rows);
    return getrowswtol(rows, col, maxval, precision, absolute);
neighbourList* aStarPathFinder(node* f_startNode_pst, node* f_endNode_pst)
	int32 unitGscore_i32 = 1;
	int32 gScoreStart_i32 = 0;
	int32 hScoreStart_i32;

	aStarNode* startAStarNode = createAStarNode(f_startNode_pst);
	aStarNode* startCameFrom_pst = NULL;

	aStarList* openAStarList_pst = createAStarList();
	aStarList* closedAStarList_pst = createAStarList();

	if(startAStarNode && openAStarList_pst && closedAStarList_pst)
		hScoreStart_i32 = heuristicEstimate(f_startNode_pst, f_startNode_pst, f_endNode_pst);

		setAllInfoAStarNode(startAStarNode, f_startNode_pst, startCameFrom_pst, gScoreStart_i32, hScoreStart_i32);

		addToEndAStarList(openAStarList_pst, startAStarNode);

			aStarNode* LowestFscoreNode_pst = getLowest(openAStarList_pst);

			if (f_endNode_pst == LowestFscoreNode_pst ->informationNode_pst)
				// Reconstruct path, destroy the AStarlists created above
				// and return the node list to process

				neighbourList* AstarPath_pst = reconstructPath(startAStarNode, LowestFscoreNode_pst);


				return AstarPath_pst;


			removeFromAStarList(openAStarList_pst, LowestFscoreNode_pst);
			addToEndAStarList(closedAStarList_pst, LowestFscoreNode_pst);

			node* currentNode_pst = LowestFscoreNode_pst ->informationNode_pst;

			neighbourList* NeighbourList_pst = getNeighbourList(currentNode_pst);

				neighbourListNode* nextNeighbour_pst = NULL;

				neighbourListNode* neighbour_pst = NeighbourList_pst->head;

				for (; neighbour_pst != NULL; neighbour_pst = nextNeighbour_pst)
			   		nextNeighbour_pst = neighbour_pst->next;

			   		node* neighbourNode_pst = neighbour_pst ->neighbourNode_pst;

			   		if(searchNeighbourInAStarList(closedAStarList_pst, neighbourNode_pst))

			   		int32 neighbourGscore_i32 = LowestFscoreNode_pst ->gScore_i32 + unitGscore_i32;

			   		aStarListNode* searchResult_pst = searchNeighbourInAStarList(openAStarList_pst, neighbourNode_pst);

			   		if (!searchResult_pst)
			   			aStarNode* neighbourAStarNode = createAStarNode(neighbourNode_pst);

			   			int32 neighbourHscore_i32 = heuristicEstimate(f_startNode_pst, neighbourNode_pst, f_endNode_pst);

			   			setAllInfoAStarNode(neighbourAStarNode, neighbourNode_pst, LowestFscoreNode_pst,
			   								neighbourGscore_i32, neighbourHscore_i32);

			   			addToEndAStarList(openAStarList_pst, neighbourAStarNode);
			   		else if (neighbourGscore_i32 < searchResult_pst ->aStarNode_pst ->gScore_i32)
			   			aStarNode* neighbourAStarNode = searchResult_pst ->aStarNode_pst;

			   			setCameFromPtr(neighbourAStarNode, LowestFscoreNode_pst);
			   			setGScore(neighbourAStarNode, neighbourGscore_i32);
			   			setFScore(neighbourAStarNode, neighbourGscore_i32, neighbourAStarNode ->hScore_i32);


		return NULL;

	return NULL;