Exemple #1
void set16BitCharSet 
(OOCTXT* pctxt, Asn116BitCharSet* pCharSet, Asn116BitCharSet* pAlphabet)
   /* Permitted alphabet range can either be specified as a range of    */
   /* characters or as a discrete set..                                 */

   if (pAlphabet->charSet.data) {
      int nocts = pAlphabet->charSet.nchars * 2;
      pCharSet->charSet.nchars = pAlphabet->charSet.nchars;

      pCharSet->charSet.data = 
         (ASN116BITCHAR*) ASN1MALLOC (pctxt, nocts);

      if (pCharSet->charSet.data != NULL)
         memcpy (pCharSet->charSet.data, pAlphabet->charSet.data, nocts);
   else {
      pCharSet->firstChar = pAlphabet->firstChar;
      pCharSet->lastChar  = pAlphabet->lastChar;
      pCharSet->charSet.nchars = pCharSet->lastChar - pCharSet->firstChar;

   pCharSet->unalignedBits = getUIntBitCount (pCharSet->charSet.nchars);

   pCharSet->alignedBits = 1;
   while (pCharSet->unalignedBits > pCharSet->alignedBits)
      pCharSet->alignedBits <<= 1;

Exemple #2
int encodeConsWholeNumber
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT adjusted_value, ASN1UINT range_value)
   ASN1UINT nocts, range_bitcnt = getUIntBitCount (range_value - 1);
   int stat;

   if (adjusted_value >= range_value && range_value != ASN1UINT_MAX) {
      return LOG_ASN1ERR (pctxt, ASN_E_RANGERR);

   /* If range is <= 255, bit-field case (10.5.7a) */

   if (range_value <= 255) {
      return encodeBits (pctxt, adjusted_value, range_bitcnt);

   /* If range is exactly 256, one-octet case (10.5.7b) */

   else if (range_value == 256) {
      stat = encodeByteAlign (pctxt);
      if (stat != ASN_OK) return LOG_ASN1ERR (pctxt, stat);

      return encodeBits (pctxt, adjusted_value, 8);

   /* If range > 256 and <= 64k (65536), two-octet case (10.5.7c) */

   else if (range_value <= 65536) {
      stat = encodeByteAlign (pctxt);
      if (stat != ASN_OK) return LOG_ASN1ERR (pctxt, stat);

      return encodeBits (pctxt, adjusted_value, 16);

   /* If range > 64k, indefinite-length case (10.5.7d) */

   else {
      /* Encode length determinant as a constrained whole number.    */
      /* Constraint is 1 to max number of bytes needed to hold       */
      /* the target integer value..                                  */

      if (adjusted_value < 256) nocts = 1;
      else if (adjusted_value < 65536) nocts = 2;
      else if (adjusted_value < 0x1000000) nocts = 3;
      else nocts = 4;

      stat = encodeBits (pctxt, nocts - 1, 2);
      if (stat != ASN_OK) return LOG_ASN1ERR (pctxt, stat);

      stat = encodeByteAlign (pctxt);
      if (stat != ASN_OK) return LOG_ASN1ERR (pctxt, stat);

      return encodeNonNegBinInt (pctxt, adjusted_value);