/* Function 'readComplexSubset' returning a subset of image. This is the version 
   of 'readSubset' that handles complex data.
void readComplexSubset(char *fileName, int width, int height, int posX, int posY, 
		       complexFloat *subset)
  FILE *fp;
  int ii, kk;
  complexFloat *buffer;
  meta_parameters *meta = meta_read(fileName);
  int lines = meta->general->line_count;
  int samples = meta->general->sample_count;

  /* Check whether input parameters are feasible */
  assert (width > 0);
  assert (height > 0);
  assert (width < lines);
  assert (height < samples);
  assert (posX > 0);
  assert (posY > 0);
  assert ((posX+width) < samples);
  assert ((posY+height) < lines);
  if (meta->general->data_type < 6)
    printErr("   ERROR: 'readcomplexSubset' does only work on complex data!\n");

  /* Allocate memory for buffers */
  buffer = (complexFloat *) MALLOC(height*samples*sizeof(complexFloat));

  /* Open image file */
  fp = FOPEN(fileName, "rb");

  /* Read the appropriate data chunk */
  get_complexFloat_lines(fp, meta, posY, height, buffer);

  /* Fill in the subset buffer */
  for (ii=0; ii<height; ii++) 
    for (kk=0; kk<width; kk++) 
      subset[ii*width+kk] = buffer[ii*samples+posX+kk];

  /* Clean up */
int main(int argc,char **argv)
  int lines,samps;                   /* Number of image lines and samples     */
  int fftLen,start_line;             /* FFT length, & line to start processing at*/
  int x,y,i,k;                       /* Counters                              */
  int f_lo1,f_lo2,f_hi1,f_hi2;       /* Filter frequency indicies             */
  int chunk_size,chunk_int;          /* Size of current datablock, & temp value*/
  int last_chunk;                    /* Size of the last chunk                */
  int compensate_for_last_chunk=1;   /* If last chunk = 0 dont loop for last chunk*/
  char *inName, *parmName, *outName; /* Input filename                        */
  float filtStart[2], filtEnd[2];    /* Filter start and stop variables       */
  float df, stop;                    /* Delta and counter variables           */
  complexFloat *inBuf,*outBuf;       /* Input/Output Image Buffers            */
  complexFloat *fftBuf;              /* FFT Buffer for the image              */
  float *ampBuf,*phsBuf;             /* Amplitude and Phase Buffers           */
  float *time_vector,A,B,shift;      /* Time vector, & freq modulation shift vars*/
  float chunk_float;                 /* Temporary value                       */
  FILE *inF, *freqF, *outF1;         /* Input and Output file pointers        */
  float cur_time, f_s;               /* Current time to increment the time vector by */
  meta_parameters *inMeta, *outMeta; /* Meta info about the images            */

/* Usage is shown if the user doesn't give 3 arguements */
  if(argc!=4) { usage(argv[0]); }

  printf("Program cpx_filter\n");

/* Get the filename and filter start and end frequencies from the command line*/ 
          inName = appendExt(argv[1],".cpx");

/* Get input metadata. Make sure data_type is complex */
  inMeta = meta_read(inName);
  if (inMeta->general->data_type < COMPLEX_BYTE) {
   switch (inMeta->general->data_type) {
     case ASF_BYTE:      inMeta->general->data_type=COMPLEX_BYTE;      break;
     case INTEGER16: inMeta->general->data_type=COMPLEX_INTEGER16; break;
     case INTEGER32: inMeta->general->data_type=COMPLEX_INTEGER32; break;
     case REAL32:    inMeta->general->data_type=COMPLEX_REAL32;    break;
     case REAL64:    inMeta->general->data_type=COMPLEX_REAL64;    break;
    meta_write (inMeta, inName);

/* Open the frequency parameter file and read the parameters */
  if((freqF=FOPEN(parmName,"r"))==NULL) {
    printf("Frequency Parameter File %s could not be Opened!\n",parmName);
  fscanf(freqF,"%f %f\n", &filtStart[0], &filtEnd[0]);
  fscanf(freqF,"%f %f\n", &filtStart[1], &filtEnd[1]);

  printf("Input file is %s\n",inName);
  printf("Output file is %s.cpx\n",outName);
  printf("Parameter file is %s\n",parmName);
  printf("Filtering from frequencies %.2f to %.2f Hz and %.2f to %.2f in Azimuth\n",filtStart[0],filtEnd[0],filtStart[1],filtEnd[1]);
  printf("The sampling frequency is %f Hz\n",f_s);
  printf("Shifting the spectrum by %.2f Hz\n",shift);

/* Get the number of lines and samples from the input meta file */
  lines = inMeta->general->line_count;
  samps = inMeta->general->sample_count;

  chunk_size  = BLOCK_SIZE;
  chunk_float = (float)lines/chunk_size;
  chunk_int   = lines/chunk_size;
  last_chunk  = (int)((chunk_float-(float)chunk_int) * (float)BLOCK_SIZE + 0.5);
  if( (2*TOSS_SIZE) > last_chunk)
  printf("Chunk Size is set to %d, the last chunk is %d lines\n",
         chunk_size, last_chunk);

/* Compute the FFT length based on the number of lines. Must be a power of 2 */
  i      = (log10(chunk_size)/log10(2)) + 1;
  fftLen = pow(2,i);
  printf("FFT Length is %d\n",fftLen);

  printf("The Input Image has %d lines and %d samples\n",lines,samps);

/* Allocate the memory for all the buffers */
  inBuf  = (complexFloat *)MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*samps*fftLen);
  outBuf = (complexFloat *)MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*samps*fftLen);
  fftBuf = (complexFloat *)MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*fftLen);
  ampBuf = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*fftLen);
  phsBuf = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*fftLen);
  time_vector = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*lines);

/* Open the Complex Image File */
  if((inF=FOPEN(inName,"rb"))==NULL) {        
    printf("Complex Image file %s could not be opened\n",inName);

  if((outF1=FOPEN(outName,"wb"))==NULL) {
    printf("Unable to write output %s\n",outName);

  outMeta = meta_copy(inMeta);
  outMeta->general->line_count = 
  outMeta->general->sample_count = samps; 
  meta_write(outMeta, outName);

/* Find the filter frequency index values */
  df   = f_s/fftLen;
  stop = 0;
  i    = 0;
  while(stop<filtStart[0]) {
    f_lo1 = i;
    stop  = df*i;

  stop = 0;
  i    = 0;
  while(stop<filtStart[1]) {

  i    = fftLen;
  stop = df*i;  
  while(stop>filtEnd[0]) {
    f_hi1 = i;
    stop  = df*i;   

  i    = fftLen;
  stop = df*i;
  while(stop>filtEnd[1]) {
    f_hi2 = i;
    stop  = df*i;

/* Zero out all the arrays and begin processing data */
  cur_time = 0;
  for(i=0; i<fftLen; i++)
    ampBuf[i] = 0;
    phsBuf[i] = 0;

  for(k=0; k<chunk_int+compensate_for_last_chunk; k++)
    printf("\nProcessing Chunk %d of %d\n",k,lines/chunk_size);

    start_line = (k==0) ? 0 : (k*chunk_size)-(2*TOSS_SIZE);

    if (k==chunk_int)


  /* Read in the data chunk & put in proper endian order */
    printf("Reading %d Lines Starting at Line %d\n",chunk_size,start_line);
    get_complexFloat_lines(inF, inMeta, start_line, chunk_size, inBuf);

  /* Process the each column */
    printf("Performing the FFT and Filtering Operations\n");
    for(x=0; x<samps; x++)
      if(x%1000 == 0)  printf("Processing Column %d\n",x);

        fftBuf[y].real = 0;
        fftBuf[y].imag = 0;

        fftBuf[y].real = inBuf[y*samps+x].real;
        fftBuf[y].imag = inBuf[y*samps+x].imag;


      for (i=0; i<fftLen; i++) 
        ampBuf[i] = sqrt(fftBuf[i].real*fftBuf[i].real
                    + fftBuf[i].imag*fftBuf[i].imag);        

        if(fftBuf[i].imag!=0.0 || fftBuf[i].real!=0.0)
          phsBuf[i] = atan2(fftBuf[i].imag,fftBuf[i].real);
          phsBuf[i] = 0;

        if(((i>f_lo1)&&(i<f_hi1)) || ((i>f_lo2) && (i<f_hi2)))
          ampBuf[i] = 0;
          phsBuf[i] = 0;

        fftBuf[i].real = ampBuf[i]*cos(phsBuf[i]);
        fftBuf[i].imag = ampBuf[i]*sin(phsBuf[i]);        


        outBuf[i*samps+x].real = fftBuf[i].real;
        outBuf[i*samps+x].imag = fftBuf[i].imag;
    printf("Finished the FFT and Filtering Operations\n");

  /* Perform the time-domain frequency shift */ 
    if(shift != 0.0)
      for(i=0; i<chunk_size; i++)
        time_vector[i] = cur_time+(1/f_s)*i;

      printf("\nPerforming time-domain frequency shift of %.2f Hz\n",shift);
      for(y=0; y<chunk_size; y++)
        for(x=0; x<samps; x++)
          A = outBuf[y*samps+x].real;
          B = outBuf[y*samps+x].imag;
          outBuf[y*samps+x].real = A*cos(2*pi*shift*time_vector[y])
                                   - B*sin(2*pi*shift*time_vector[y]);
          outBuf[y*samps+x].imag = B*cos(2*pi*shift*time_vector[y])
                                   + A*sin(2*pi*shift*time_vector[y]);

  /* Write out the data file in big endian format */
    printf("Writing the output lines %d to %d in file %s\n",
      start_line, start_line+chunk_size-TOSS_SIZE, outName);
    put_complexFloat_lines(outF1, outMeta, start_line,
      samps*(chunk_size-TOSS_SIZE), outBuf+(samps*TOSS_SIZE));


  return 0;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc,char **argv)
  int lines,samps,start_line;   /* Number of image lines and samples          */
  int x,y,ii;                   /* Counters and the filter frequency indicies */
  char *inName, *outName;       /* Input filename                             */
  char metaName[256];           /* Name of meta file                          */
  complexFloat *inBuf;          /* Input/Output Image Buffers                 */
  complexFloat *fftBuf;         /* FFT Buffer for the image                   */
  float *ampBuf,*phsBuf;        /* Amplitude and Phase Buffers                */
  float df, freq[FFT_LEN], f_s; /* Frequency Vector                           */
  FILE *inF,*outF1;             /* Input and Output file pointers             */
  meta_parameters *meta;        /* Meta-file data pointer                     */

/* Usage is shown if the user doesn't give correct number of arguments */
  if(argc!=4) { usage(argv[0]); }


/* Get the filename and filter start and end frequencies from the command line */ 
  inName  = argv[1];
  outName = argv[2];
  start_line = atoi(argv[3]);
  create_name(metaName, inName, ".meta");

/* Get the PRF and number of samples from the meta-file */
  meta = meta_read(metaName);
  lines = FFT_LEN;
  samps = meta->general->sample_count;
  f_s   = 1/(meta->sar->azimuth_time_per_pixel);
  printf("Sampling Frequency is %f\n",f_s);

/* Compute the FFT length based on the number of lines. Must be a power of 2 */
  printf("FFT Length is %d\n",FFT_LEN);

/* Allocate the memory for all the buffers */
  inBuf  = (complexFloat *)MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*samps*FFT_LEN);
  fftBuf = (complexFloat *)MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*FFT_LEN);
  ampBuf = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*FFT_LEN);
  phsBuf = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*FFT_LEN);

  df = f_s/FFT_LEN;
  for(ii=0; ii<FFT_LEN; ii++)   freq[ii] = df*ii;

/* Open the Complex Image File */
  if((inF=FOPEN(inName,"rb"))==NULL) {	
    printf("Complex Image file %s could not be opened\n",inName);

/* Zero out all the arrays and begin processing data */
  for(ii=0; ii<FFT_LEN; ii++) {

/* Read in the data chunk */
  printf("Reading Data Starting at Line %d\n",start_line);
  get_complexFloat_lines(inF, meta, start_line, FFT_LEN, inBuf);

/* Process the each column, take the average at the end */
  printf("Performing the FFT\n");
  for(x=0; x<samps; x++) {
    if(x%500 == 0)  printf("Processing Column %d\n",x);

    for(y=0; y<FFT_LEN; y++) {

    for(y=0; y<lines; y++) {


    for (ii=0; ii<FFT_LEN; ii++) {
      ampBuf[ii] += sqrt(fftBuf[ii].real*fftBuf[ii].real
                         + fftBuf[ii].imag*fftBuf[ii].imag);	
      if(fftBuf[ii].imag!=0.0 || fftBuf[ii].real!=0.0)
        phsBuf[ii] += atan2(fftBuf[ii].imag, fftBuf[ii].real);
  printf("Finished the FFT\n");

/* Open and write output file */
  if((outF1=FOPEN(outName,"w"))==NULL) {
    printf("Unable to write output %s\n",outName);
  for (ii=0; ii<FFT_LEN; ii++) {
    ampBuf[ii] /= samps;
    phsBuf[ii] /= samps;
    fprintf(outF1,"%f %f %f\n",freq[ii],ampBuf[ii],phsBuf[ii]);

/* Close up & leave */
  return 0;
Exemple #4
static void get_uavsar_lines(ReadUavsarClientInfo *info, meta_parameters *meta,
                             int row, int n, float *buf)
    // wrapper for get_float_line() that multilooks if needed
    int j,ns=meta->general->sample_count;
    if (info->ml) {
        int i,k;
        int nlooks = meta->sar->azimuth_look_count;
        row *= nlooks;

        // we fudged the line count in the metadata for the
        // viewer (which is displaying a multilooked image), we must
        // put the correct value back for the reader
        int lc = meta->general->line_count;
        meta->general->line_count = g_saved_line_count;

        float *tmp = MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ns);
        for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            float *this_row = buf + i*ns;
            get_float_line(info->fp, meta, row+i*nlooks, this_row);
            for (j=0; j<ns; ++j)
            int n_read = nlooks;
            for (k=1; k<nlooks; ++k) {
                if (row+n*nlooks+k >= meta->general->line_count) {
                } else {
                    get_float_line(info->fp, meta, row+i*nlooks+k, tmp);
                    for (j=0; j<ns; ++j)
                    for (j=0; j<ns; ++j)
                        this_row[j] += tmp[j];
            for (j=0; j<meta->general->sample_count; ++j)
                this_row[j] /= n_read;

        // restore the fudged value
        meta->general->line_count = lc;
    else {
        // no multilooking case
        if (info->is_complex) {
            complexFloat *cf_buf = MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*ns*n);
            get_complexFloat_lines(info->fp, meta, row, n, cf_buf);
            for (j=0; j<n*ns; ++j) {
                buf[j] = hypot(cf_buf[j].real, cf_buf[j].imag);
                //buf[j] = atan2_check(cf_buf[j].imag, cf_buf[j].real);
        else {
            get_float_lines(info->fp, meta, row, n, buf);
            for (j=0; j<n*ns; ++j)
Exemple #5
void c2p_ext(const char *inDataName, const char *inMetaName,
             const char *outfile, int multilook, int banded)
    meta_parameters *in_meta = meta_read(inMetaName);
    int data_type = in_meta->general->data_type;
    // the old code did this, but why??
    in_meta->general->data_type = meta_polar2complex(data_type);

    // some sanity checks
    switch (data_type) {
      case COMPLEX_BYTE:
      case COMPLEX_INTEGER16:
      case COMPLEX_INTEGER32:
      case COMPLEX_REAL32:
      case COMPLEX_REAL64:
          asfPrintError("c2p: %s is not a complex image.\n", inDataName);

    if (in_meta->general->band_count != 1)
        asfPrintError("c2p: %s is not a single-band image.\n", inDataName);

    if (!in_meta->sar)
        asfPrintError("c2p: %s is missing a SAR block.\n", inDataName);

    asfPrintStatus("Converting complex image to amplitude/phase...\n");

    int nl = in_meta->general->line_count;
    int ns = in_meta->general->sample_count;
    // process 1 line at a time when not multilooking, otherwise grab nlooks
    int nlooks = multilook ? in_meta->sar->look_count : 1;

    if (nlooks == 1 && multilook) {
        asfPrintStatus("Not multilooking, look_count is 1.\n");
        multilook = FALSE;

    if (multilook)
        asfPrintStatus("Multilooking with %d looks.\n", nlooks);

    meta_parameters *out_meta = meta_read(inMetaName);
    out_meta->general->data_type = meta_complex2polar(data_type);

    // set up input/output files
    FILE *fin = fopenImage(inDataName, "rb");

    // we either have 1 or 2 output files, per the "banded" flag.
    char *outfile_img = appendExt(outfile, ".img");
    char *amp_name=NULL, *phase_name=NULL;
    FILE *fout_banded=NULL, *fout_amp=NULL, *fout_phase=NULL;
    if (banded) {
        asfPrintStatus("Output is 2-band image: %s\n", outfile_img);
        fout_banded = fopenImage(outfile_img, "wb");
    } else {
        amp_name = appendToBasename(outfile_img, "_amp");
        phase_name = appendToBasename(outfile_img, "_phase");
        asfPrintStatus("Output amplitude file: %s\n", amp_name);
        asfPrintStatus("Output phase file: %s\n", phase_name);
        fout_amp = fopenImage(amp_name, "wb");
        fout_phase = fopenImage(phase_name, "wb");
    if (banded)
        assert(fout_banded && !fout_amp && !fout_phase);
        assert(!fout_banded && fout_amp && fout_phase);

    // get the metadata band_count correct, needed in the put_* calls
    if (banded) {
        out_meta->general->band_count = 2;
        strcpy(out_meta->general->bands, "AMP,PHASE");

    // input buffer
    complexFloat *cpx = MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*ns*nlooks);

    // output buffers
    float *amp = MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ns*nlooks);
    float *phase = MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ns*nlooks);

    int line_in;    // line in the input image
    int line_out=0; // line in the output image
    int samp;       // sample #, loop index
    int l;          // line loop index, iterates over the lines in the block

    out_meta->general->line_count = (int)ceil((double)nl/(double)nlooks);

    for (line_in=0; line_in<nl; line_in+=nlooks)
        // lc = "line count" -- how many lines to read. normally we will read
        // nlooks lines, but near eof we might have to read fewer
        int lc = nlooks; 
        if (line_in + lc > nl)
            lc = nl - line_in;

        // read "nlooks" (or possibly fewer, if near eof) lines of data
        int blockSize = get_complexFloat_lines(fin,in_meta,line_in,lc,cpx);
        if (blockSize != lc*ns)
            asfPrintError("bad blockSize: bs=%d nlooks=%d ns=%d\n", 
			  blockSize, nlooks, ns);

        // first, compute the power/phase
        for (l=0; l<lc; ++l) {
            for (samp=0; samp<ns; ++samp) {
                int k = l*ns + samp; // index into the block
                float re = cpx[k].real;
                float im = cpx[k].imag;
                if (re != 0.0 || im != 0.0) {
                    amp[k] = re*re + im*im;
                    phase[k] = atan2(im, re);
                } else {
                    amp[k] = phase[k] = 0.0;

        // now multilook, if requested
        if (multilook) {
            // put the multilooked data in the first "row" of amp,phase
            for (samp=0; samp<ns; ++samp) {
                float value = 0.0;
                for (l=0; l<lc; ++l)
                    value += amp[l*ns + samp];
                amp[samp] = sqrt(value/(float)lc);

                value = 0.0;
                for (l=0; l<lc; ++l)
                    value += phase[l*ns + samp];
                phase[samp] = value/(float)lc;
        else {
            for (samp=0; samp<ns*lc; ++samp)
                amp[samp] = sqrt(amp[samp]);

        // write out a line (multilooked) or a bunch of lines (not multi)
        if (multilook) {
            if (banded) {
                put_band_float_line(fout_banded, out_meta, 0, line_out, amp);
                put_band_float_line(fout_banded, out_meta, 1, line_out, phase);
            } else {
                put_float_line(fout_amp, out_meta, line_out, amp);
                put_float_line(fout_phase, out_meta, line_out, phase);
        } else {
            for (l=0; l<lc; ++l) {
                if (banded) {
                    put_band_float_line(fout_banded, out_meta, 0, line_in+l, amp);
                    put_band_float_line(fout_banded, out_meta, 1, line_in+l, phase);
                } else {
                    put_float_line(fout_amp, out_meta, line_in+l, amp);
                    put_float_line(fout_phase, out_meta, line_in+l, phase);


    if (fout_banded) fclose(fout_banded);
    if (fout_amp) fclose(fout_amp);
    if (fout_phase) fclose(fout_phase);

    if (multilook) {
        if (out_meta->general->line_count != line_out)
            asfPrintError("Line counts don't match: %d != %d\n",
                out_meta->general->line_count, line_out);
        out_meta->general->y_pixel_size *= nlooks;
        out_meta->sar->azimuth_time_per_pixel *= nlooks;
        out_meta->sar->multilook = TRUE;
    } else
        assert(line_out == nl);

    // write out the metadata, different whether multi-banded or not
    if (banded) {
        assert(!amp_name && !phase_name);
        meta_write(out_meta, outfile);
    } else {
        assert(amp_name && phase_name);
        out_meta->general->image_data_type = AMPLITUDE_IMAGE;
        meta_write(out_meta, amp_name);
        out_meta->general->image_data_type = PHASE_IMAGE;
        meta_write(out_meta, phase_name);

    if (multilook)
        asfPrintStatus("Original line count: %d, after multilooking: %d "
            "(%d looks)\n", nl, line_out, nlooks);




int asf_igram_coh(int lookLine, int lookSample, int stepLine, int stepSample,
		  char *masterFile, char *slaveFile, char *outBase,
		  float *average)
  char ampFile[255], phaseFile[255]; //, igramFile[512];
  char cohFile[512], ml_ampFile[255], ml_phaseFile[255]; //, ml_igramFile[512];
  FILE *fpMaster, *fpSlave, *fpAmp, *fpPhase, *fpCoh, *fpAmp_ml, *fpPhase_ml;
  int line, sample_count, line_count, count;
  float	bin_high, bin_low, max=0.0, sum_a, sum_b, ampScale;
  double hist_sum=0.0, percent, percent_sum;
  long long hist_val[HIST_SIZE], hist_cnt=0;
  meta_parameters *inMeta,*outMeta, *ml_outMeta;
  complexFloat *master, *slave, *sum_igram, *sum_ml_igram;
  float *amp, *phase, *sum_cpx_a, *sum_cpx_b, *coh, *pCoh;
  float *ml_amp, *ml_phase;

  // FIXME: Processing flow with two-banded interferogram needed - backed out
  //        for now
  create_name(ampFile, outBase,"_igram_amp.img");
  create_name(phaseFile, outBase,"_igram_phase.img");
  create_name(ml_ampFile, outBase,"_igram_ml_amp.img");
  create_name(ml_phaseFile, outBase,"_igram_ml_phase.img");
  //create_name(igramFile, outBase,"_igram.img");
  //create_name(ml_igramFile, outBase, "_igram_ml.img");
  //sprintf(cohFile, "coherence.img");
  create_name(cohFile, outBase, "_coh.img");

  // Read input meta file
  inMeta = meta_read(masterFile);
  line_count = inMeta->general->line_count; 
  sample_count = inMeta->general->sample_count;
  ampScale = 1.0/(stepLine*stepSample);

  // Generate metadata for single-look images 
  outMeta = meta_read(masterFile);
  outMeta->general->data_type = REAL32;

  // Write metadata for interferometric amplitude
  outMeta->general->image_data_type = AMPLITUDE_IMAGE;
  meta_write(outMeta, ampFile);

  // Write metadata for interferometric phase
  outMeta->general->image_data_type = PHASE_IMAGE;
  meta_write(outMeta, phaseFile);

  // Write metadata for interferogram
  outMeta->general->image_data_type = INTERFEROGRAM;
  outMeta->general->band_count = 2;
  strcpy(outMeta->general->bands, "IGRAM-AMP,IGRAM-PHASE");
  meta_write(outMeta, igramFile);
  // Generate metadata for multilooked images
  ml_outMeta = meta_read(masterFile);
  ml_outMeta->general->data_type = REAL32;
  ml_outMeta->general->line_count = line_count/stepLine;
  ml_outMeta->general->sample_count = sample_count/stepSample;
  ml_outMeta->general->x_pixel_size *= stepSample;
  ml_outMeta->general->y_pixel_size *= stepLine;
  ml_outMeta->sar->multilook = 1;
  ml_outMeta->sar->line_increment   *= stepLine;
  ml_outMeta->sar->sample_increment *= stepSample;
  // FIXME: This is the wrong increment but create_dem_grid does not know any
  //        better at the moment.
  //ml_outMeta->sar->line_increment = 1;
  //ml_outMeta->sar->sample_increment = 1;

  // Write metadata for multilooked interferometric amplitude
  ml_outMeta->general->image_data_type = AMPLITUDE_IMAGE;
  meta_write(ml_outMeta, ml_ampFile);

  // Write metadata for multilooked interferometric phase
  ml_outMeta->general->image_data_type = PHASE_IMAGE;
  meta_write(ml_outMeta, ml_phaseFile);

  // Write metadata for coherence image
  ml_outMeta->general->image_data_type = COHERENCE_IMAGE;
  meta_write(ml_outMeta, cohFile);

  // Write metadata for multilooked interferogram
  ml_outMeta->general->image_data_type = INTERFEROGRAM;
  strcpy(ml_outMeta->general->bands, "IGRAM-AMP,IGRAM-PHASE");
  ml_outMeta->general->band_count = 2;
  meta_write(ml_outMeta, ml_igramFile);

  // Allocate memory
  master = (complexFloat *) MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*sample_count*lookLine);
  slave = (complexFloat *) MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*sample_count*lookLine);
  amp = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count*lookLine);
  phase = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count*lookLine);
  ml_amp = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count/stepSample);
  ml_phase = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count/stepSample);
  coh = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count/stepSample);
  sum_cpx_a = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
  sum_cpx_b = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
  sum_igram = (complexFloat *) MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*sample_count);
  sum_ml_igram = (complexFloat *) MALLOC(sizeof(complexFloat)*sample_count);

  // Open files
  fpMaster = FOPEN(masterFile,"rb");
  fpSlave = FOPEN(slaveFile,"rb");
  fpAmp = FOPEN(ampFile,"wb");
  fpPhase = FOPEN(phaseFile,"wb");
  fpAmp_ml = FOPEN(ml_ampFile,"wb");
  fpPhase_ml = FOPEN(ml_phaseFile,"wb");
  //FILE *fpIgram = FOPEN(igramFile, "wb");
  //FILE *fpIgram_ml = FOPEN(ml_igramFile, "wb");
  fpCoh = FOPEN(cohFile,"wb");

  // Initialize histogram
  for (count=0; count<HIST_SIZE; count++) hist_val[count] = 0;

  asfPrintStatus("   Calculating interferogram and coherence ...\n\n");

  for (line=0; line<line_count; line+=stepLine)
    register int offset, row, column, limitLine;
    double igram_real, igram_imag;
    int inCol;
    limitLine=MIN(lookLine, line_count-line);

    printf("Percent completed %3.0f\r",(float)line/line_count*100.0);

    pCoh = coh;

    // Read in the next lines of data
    get_complexFloat_lines(fpMaster, inMeta, line, limitLine, master);
    get_complexFloat_lines(fpSlave, inMeta, line, limitLine, slave);

    // Add the remaining rows into sum vectors
    offset = sample_count;
    for (column=0; column<sample_count; column++)
      offset = column;
      sum_cpx_a[column] = 0.0;
      sum_cpx_b[column] = 0.0;
      sum_igram[column].real = 0.0;
      sum_igram[column].imag = 0.0;
      sum_ml_igram[column].real = 0.0;
      sum_ml_igram[column].imag = 0.0;
      igram_real = 0.0;
      igram_imag = 0.0;

      for (row=0; row<limitLine; row++)
	// Complex multiplication for interferogram generation
	igram_real = master[offset].real*slave[offset].real + 
        igram_imag = master[offset].imag*slave[offset].real - 
        amp[offset] = sqrt(igram_real*igram_real + igram_imag*igram_imag);
        if (FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(igram_real, 0.0) || 
	    FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(igram_imag, 0.0))
	  phase[offset] = atan2(igram_imag, igram_real);

       	sum_cpx_a[column] += AMP(master[offset])*AMP(master[offset]);
      	sum_cpx_b[column] += AMP(slave[offset])*AMP(slave[offset]);
       	sum_igram[column].real += igram_real;
	sum_igram[column].imag += igram_imag;
	if (line % stepLine == 0 && row < stepLine) {
	  sum_ml_igram[column].real += igram_real;
	  sum_ml_igram[column].imag += igram_imag;

	offset += sample_count;

      ml_amp[column] = 
	sqrt(sum_ml_igram[column].real*sum_ml_igram[column].real + 
      if (FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(sum_ml_igram[column].real, 0.0) || 
	  FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(sum_ml_igram[column].imag, 0.0))
	ml_phase[column] = 0.0;
	ml_phase[column] = atan2(sum_ml_igram[column].imag, 

    // Write single-look and multilooked amplitude and phase
    put_float_lines(fpAmp, outMeta, line, stepLine, amp);
    put_float_lines(fpPhase, outMeta, line, stepLine, phase);
    put_float_line(fpAmp_ml, ml_outMeta, line/stepLine, ml_amp);
    put_float_line(fpPhase_ml, ml_outMeta, line/stepLine, ml_phase);
    //put_band_float_lines(fpIgram, outMeta, 0, line, stepLine, amp);
    //put_band_float_lines(fpIgram, outMeta, 1, line, stepLine, phase);
    //put_band_float_line(fpIgram_ml, ml_outMeta, 0, line/stepLine, ml_amp);
    //put_band_float_line(fpIgram_ml, ml_outMeta, 1, line/stepLine, ml_phase);

    // Calculate the coherence by adding from sum vectors
    for (inCol=0; inCol<sample_count; inCol+=stepSample)
      register int limitSample = MIN(lookSample,sample_count-inCol);
      sum_a = 0.0;
      sum_b = 0.0;
      igram_real = 0.0;
      igram_imag = 0.0;

      // Step over multilook area and sum output columns
      for (column=0; column<limitSample; column++)
	igram_real += sum_igram[inCol+column].real;
	igram_imag += sum_igram[inCol+column].imag;				
	sum_a += sum_cpx_a[inCol+column];
	sum_b += sum_cpx_b[inCol+column];

      if (FLOAT_EQUIVALENT((sum_a*sum_b), 0.0))
	*pCoh = 0.0;
	*pCoh = (float) sqrt(igram_real*igram_real + igram_imag*igram_imag) /
	  sqrt(sum_a * sum_b);
	if (*pCoh>1.0001)
	  printf("   coh = %f -- setting to 1.0\n",*pCoh);
	  printf("   You shouldn't have seen this!\n");
	  printf("   Exiting.\n");

    // Write out values for coherence
    put_float_line(fpCoh, ml_outMeta, line/stepLine, coh);

    // Keep filling coherence histogram
    for (count=0; count<sample_count/stepSample; count++)
      register int tmp;
      tmp = (int) (coh[count]*HIST_SIZE); /* Figure out which bin this value is in */
      /* This shouldn't happen */
      if(tmp >= HIST_SIZE)
	tmp = HIST_SIZE-1;
      if(tmp < 0)
	tmp = 0;
      hist_val[tmp]++;        // Increment that bin for the histogram
      hist_sum += coh[count];   // Add up the values for the sum
      hist_cnt++;             // Keep track of the total number of values
      if (coh[count]>max) 
	max = coh[count];  // Calculate maximum coherence
  } // End for line

  printf("Percent completed %3.0f\n",(float)line/line_count*100.0);

  // Sum and print the statistics
  percent_sum = 0.0;
  printf("   Coherence  :  Occurrences  :  Percent\n");
  printf("   ---------------------------------------\n");
  for (count=0; count<HIST_SIZE; count++) {
    bin_low  = (float)(count)/(float)HIST_SIZE;
    bin_high = (float)(count+1)/(float)HIST_SIZE;
    percent  = (double)hist_val[count]/(double)hist_cnt;
    percent_sum += (float)100*percent;
    printf("   %.2f -> %.2f :   %.8lld       %2.3f \n",
		   bin_low,bin_high, (long long) hist_val[count],100*percent);
  *average = (float)hist_sum/(float)hist_cnt;
  printf("   ---------------------------------------\n");
  printf("   Maximum Coherence: %.3f\n", max);
  printf("   Average Coherence: %.3f  (%.1f / %lld) %f\n", 
		 *average,hist_sum, hist_cnt, percent_sum);

  // Free and exit