Exemple #1
EMBX_THREAD EMBX_OS_ThreadCreate(void (*thread)(void *), void *param, EMBX_INT priority, const EMBX_CHAR *name)
    task_t *t;

    EMBX_Info(EMBX_INFO_OS, (">>>>ThreadCreate\n"));

        name = get_default_name();

    t = task_create(thread, param, EMBX_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, priority, name, 0);
        EMBX_DebugMessage(("ThreadCreate: task_create failed.\n"));

    EMBX_Info(EMBX_INFO_OS, ("<<<<ThreadCreate\n"));

    return t;
Exemple #2
int z_restore( int argc, zword_t table, zword_t bytes, zword_t name )
   char new_name[Z_FILENAME_MAX + Z_PATHNAME_MAX + 1];
   char default_name[Z_FILENAME_MAX + Z_PATHNAME_MAX + 1];
   FILE *afp;

#if defined BUFFER_FILES        
   char afpbuffer[BUFSIZ];      
   int status;

   status = 0;

   if ( argc == 3 )
      get_default_name( default_name, name );
      if ( get_file_name( new_name, default_name, GAME_LOAD_AUX ) == 0 )
         goto finished;

      if ( ( afp = fopen( new_name, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
         goto finished;

#if defined BUFFER_FILES        
      setbuf( afp, afpbuffer ); 

      status = fread( datap + table, bytes, 1, afp );

      fclose( afp );

      if ( status != 0 )
         strcpy( auxilary_name, default_name );

      status = !status;
      /* Get the file name */
      status = 1;
      if ( get_file_name( new_name, save_name, GAME_RESTORE ) == 0 )
         /* Do the restore operation */
         if ( save_restore( new_name, GAME_RESTORE ) == 0 )
            /* Reset the status region (this is just for Seastalker) */
            if ( h_type < V4 )
               z_split_window( 0 );
               blank_status_line(  );

            /* Cleanup file */
            file_cleanup( new_name, GAME_SAVE );

            /* Save the new name as the default file name */
            strcpy( save_name, new_name );

            /* Indicate success */
            status = 0;

   /* Return result of save to Z-code */

   if ( h_type < V4 )
      conditional_jump( status == 0 );
      store_operand( (zword_t)(( status == 0 ) ? 2 : 0) );

   return ( status );
}                               /* z_restore */
Exemple #3
void Archive::make_index() {
  num_indices = 0;

  struct DirInfo {
    UInt32 index;
    UInt32 parent;
    wstring name;
    bool operator<(const DirInfo& dir_info) const {
      if (parent == dir_info.parent)
        return lstrcmpiW(name.c_str(), dir_info.name.c_str()) < 0;
        return parent < dir_info.parent;
  typedef set<DirInfo> DirList;
  map<UInt32, unsigned> dir_index_map;
  DirList dir_list;

  DirInfo dir_info;
  UInt32 dir_index = 0;
  ArcFileInfo file_info;
  wstring path;
  PropVariant prop;
  for (UInt32 i = 0; i < num_indices; i++) {
    // is directory?
    file_info.is_dir = in_arc->GetProperty(i, kpidIsDir, prop.ref()) == S_OK && prop.is_bool() && prop.get_bool();

    // file name
    if (in_arc->GetProperty(i, kpidPath, prop.ref()) == S_OK && prop.is_str())
    size_t name_end_pos = path.size();
    while (name_end_pos && is_slash(path[name_end_pos - 1])) name_end_pos--;
    size_t name_pos = name_end_pos;
    while (name_pos && !is_slash(path[name_pos - 1])) name_pos--;
    file_info.name.assign(path.data() + name_pos, name_end_pos - name_pos);

    // split path into individual directories and put them into DirList
    dir_info.parent = c_root_index;
    size_t begin_pos = 0;
    while (begin_pos < name_pos) {
      dir_info.index = dir_index;
      size_t end_pos = begin_pos;
      while (end_pos < name_pos && !is_slash(path[end_pos])) end_pos++;
      if (end_pos != begin_pos) {
        dir_info.name.assign(path.data() + begin_pos, end_pos - begin_pos);
        pair<DirList::iterator, bool> ins_pos = dir_list.insert(dir_info);
        if (ins_pos.second)
        dir_info.parent = ins_pos.first->index;
      begin_pos = end_pos + 1;
    file_info.parent = dir_info.parent;

    if (file_info.is_dir) {
      dir_info.index = dir_index;
      dir_info.parent = file_info.parent;
      dir_info.name = file_info.name;
      pair<DirList::iterator, bool> ins_pos = dir_list.insert(dir_info);
      if (ins_pos.second) {
        dir_index_map[dir_info.index] = i;
      else {
        if (dir_index_map.count(ins_pos.first->index))
          file_info.parent = c_dup_index;
          dir_index_map[ins_pos.first->index] = i;


  // add directories that not present in archive index
  file_list.reserve(file_list.size() + dir_list.size() - dir_index_map.size());
  dir_index = num_indices;
  for_each(dir_list.begin(), dir_list.end(), [&] (const DirInfo& dir_info) {
    if (dir_index_map.count(dir_info.index) == 0) {
      dir_index_map[dir_info.index] = dir_index;
      file_info.parent = dir_info.parent;
      file_info.name = dir_info.name;
      file_info.is_dir = true;

  // fix parent references
  for_each(file_list.begin(), file_list.end(), [&] (ArcFileInfo& file_info) {
    if (file_info.parent != c_root_index)
      file_info.parent = dir_index_map[file_info.parent];

  // create search index
  for (UInt32 i = 0; i < file_list.size(); i++) {
  sort(file_list_index.begin(), file_list_index.end(), [&] (UInt32 left, UInt32 right) -> bool {
    return file_list[left] < file_list[right];

Exemple #4
static krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
xcc_api_get_default_name(krb5_context context, char **str)
    return get_default_name(context, &krb5_xcc_api_ops, "API:11111111-71F2-48EB-94C4-7D7392E900E5", str);
Exemple #5
void z_restore (void)
    char new_name[MAX_FILE_NAME + 1];
    char default_name[MAX_FILE_NAME + 1];
    FILE *gfp;

    zword success = 0;

    if (zargc != 0) {

	/* Get the file name */

	get_default_name (default_name, (zargc >= 3) ? zargs[2] : 0);

	if (os_read_file_name (new_name, default_name, FILE_LOAD_AUX) == 0)
	    goto finished;

	strcpy (auxilary_name, default_name);

	/* Open auxilary file */

	if ((gfp = fopen (new_name, "rb")) == NULL)
	    goto finished;

	/* Load auxilary file */

	success = fread (zmp + zargs[0], 1, zargs[1], gfp);

	/* Close auxilary file */

	fclose (gfp);

    } else {

	long pc;
	zword release;
	zword addr;
	int i;

	/* Get the file name */

	if (os_read_file_name (new_name, save_name, FILE_RESTORE) == 0)
	    goto finished;

	strcpy (save_name, new_name);

	/* Open game file */

	if ((gfp = fopen (new_name, "rb")) == NULL)
	    goto finished;

	if (f_setup.save_quetzal) {
	    success = restore_quetzal (gfp, story_fp);

	} else {
	    /* Load game file */

	    release = (unsigned) fgetc (gfp) << 8;
	    release |= fgetc (gfp);

	    (void) fgetc (gfp);
	    (void) fgetc (gfp);

	    /* Check the release number */

	    if (release == h_release) {

		pc = (long) fgetc (gfp) << 16;
		pc |= (unsigned) fgetc (gfp) << 8;
		pc |= fgetc (gfp);

		SET_PC (pc);

		sp = stack + (fgetc (gfp) << 8);
		sp += fgetc (gfp);
		fp = stack + (fgetc (gfp) << 8);
		fp += fgetc (gfp);

		for (i = (int) (sp - stack); i < STACK_SIZE; i++) {
		    stack[i] = (unsigned) fgetc (gfp) << 8;
		    stack[i] |= fgetc (gfp);

		fseek (story_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

		for (addr = 0; addr < h_dynamic_size; addr++) {
		    int skip = fgetc (gfp);
		    for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)
			zmp[addr++] = fgetc (story_fp);
		    zmp[addr] = fgetc (gfp);
		    (void) fgetc (story_fp);

		/* Check for errors */

		if (ferror (gfp) || ferror (story_fp) || addr != h_dynamic_size)
		    success = -1;

		    /* Success */

		    success = 2;

	    } else print_string ("Invalid save file\n");

	if ((short) success >= 0) {

	    /* Close game file */

	    fclose (gfp);

	    if ((short) success > 0) {
		zbyte old_screen_rows;
		zbyte old_screen_cols;

		/* In V3, reset the upper window. */
		if (h_version == V3)
		    split_window (0);

		LOW_BYTE (H_SCREEN_ROWS, old_screen_rows);
		LOW_BYTE (H_SCREEN_COLS, old_screen_cols);

		/* Reload cached header fields. */
		restart_header ();

		 * Since QUETZAL files may be saved on many different machines,
		 * the screen sizes may vary a lot. Erasing the status window
		 * seems to cover up most of the resulting badness.
		if (h_version > V3 && h_version != V6
		    && (h_screen_rows != old_screen_rows
		    || h_screen_cols != old_screen_cols))
		    erase_window (1);
	} else
	    os_fatal ("Error reading save file");


    if (h_version <= V3)
	branch (success);
	store (success);

}/* z_restore */