float get_key_analog_state(const int key_code) override {
        LP3_ASSERT(key_code >= 0);
        LP3_ASSERT(key_code < get_key_count());
        if (key_code < this->button_count) {
            return 1 == SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, key_code) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
        } else if (key_code < this->button_count + (this->hat_count * hat_sides)) {
            const int subtracted_kc = key_code - this->button_count;
            const int position_check = subtracted_kc % 4;
            const int hat_code = subtracted_kc / 4;
            Uint8 r = SDL_JoystickGetHat(joystick, hat_code);
            switch(position_check) {
                case 0:
                    if (SDL_HAT_UP == r) {
                        return 1.0f;
                    } else if (SDL_HAT_LEFTUP == r || SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP == r) {
                        return diag_slop;
                    return 0.0f;
                case 1:
                    if (SDL_HAT_DOWN == r) {
                        return 1.0f;
                    } else if (SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN == r || SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN == r) {
                        return diag_slop;
                    return 0.0f;
                case 2:
                    if (SDL_HAT_LEFT == r) {
                        return 1.0f;
                    } else if (SDL_HAT_LEFTUP == r || SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN == r) {
                        return diag_slop;
                    return 0.0f;
                case 3:
                    if (SDL_HAT_RIGHT == r) {
                        return 1.0f;
                    } else if (SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP == r || SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN == r) {
                        return diag_slop;
                    return 0.0f;
					LP3_THROW2(lp3::core::Exception, "Bad case!");
        } else {
            const int subtracted_kc
                = key_code - (button_count + (hat_sides * hat_count));
            const int axis_code = subtracted_kc / axis_sides;

            const Sint16 r = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joystick, axis_code);
            //LP3_LOG_DEBUG("MARIO, %i is %i", axis_code, r);
            const int position_check = subtracted_kc % axis_sides;
            if (0 == position_check) {
                return lp3::narrow<float>(n_dz_adjust(r)) / -32768.0f;
            } else {
                return lp3::narrow<float>(dz_adjust(r)) / 32767.0f;

/*Test4 tests inserting a large number of keys, chekcing key_count, deleting a few, rechecking the
key_count, then clearing the entire table. We will then reinsert some keys.*/
static int test4(){
   int x = 1, y =2, z = 3, w =4, k = 5, a =6, b =7
   , c =8, d = 9, e = 10, f = 11, g = 12;
   Table *t;

   /*Creates table and adds 13 keys to it.*/
   create_table(&t, z, NULL);
   put(t, "Krabs", &a);
   put(t, "Larry", &b);
   put(t, "Herminator", &c);
   put(t, "Brian", &d);
   put(t, "Steve", &e);
   put(t, "Nelson", &f);
   put(t, "Corwin", &g);
   put(t, "Spongebob", &x);
   put(t, "Patrick", &y);
   put(t, "Squidward", &z);
   put(t, "Sandy", &w);
   put(t, "Art thou feeling it now,", NULL);
   put(t, "Mr. Krabs?", &k);
   printf("%d\n", get_key_count(t));
   /*Removes two keys from the table, then rechekcs key_count and
   displays the state of the table.*/
   remove_entry(t,"Mr. Krabs?");
   remove_entry(t,"Art thou feeling it now,");
   printf("%d\n", get_key_count(t));

   /*Clears the table, then rechecks the key_count.*/
   printf("%d\n", get_key_count(t));
   /*Reinserts 7 keys, then checks the state of the table again.*/
   put(t, "A1", &a);
   put(t, "A2", &b);
   put(t, "A3", &c);
   put(t, "A4", &d);
   put(t, "A5", &e);
   put(t, "A6", &f);
   put(t, "A7", &g);
   return SUCCESS;
 const char * get_key_name(const int key_code) override {
     LP3_ASSERT(key_code >= 0);
     LP3_ASSERT(key_code < get_key_count());
     return key_names[key_code].c_str();
 int find_pressed_key_code() override {
     for (int i = 0; i < get_key_count(); ++ i) {
         if (get_key_state(i)) { return i; }
     return -1;
/*Tests creating a table, placing key/value pairs in it, getting values from the table,
 clearing the entire table, then reinserting some key/value pairs and getting 
 their values. Also tests get_table_size */
static int test2() {
   int table_size = 4, x = 1, y = 3, z = 4, w = 5,
   a = 10, b = 2, c = 7, d = 8, e = 9, f = 12, g = 13;
   Table *t;
   void *value1, *value2, *value3, *value4, *value5, *value6,
    *value7, *value8, *value9, *value10, *value11;

   create_table(&t, table_size, NULL);
   /*Insert 4 keys into the table.*/
   put(t, "Spongebob", &x);
   put(t, "Patrick", &y);
   put(t, "Squidward", &z);
   put(t, "Sandy", &w);
   /*Check that each key has the correct value, and that get_value is
   operating correctly.*/
   get_value(t, "Spongebob", &value1);
   get_value(t, "Patrick", &value2);
   get_value(t, "Squidward", &value3);
   get_value(t, "Sandy", &value4);
   printf("Value for Spongebob: %d\n", *(int *) value1);
   printf("Value for Patrick: %d\n", *(int *) value2);
   printf("Value for Squidward: %d\n", *(int *) value3);
   printf("Value for Sandy: %d\n", *(int *) value4);
   /*Check the State of the entire table.*/
   /*Clear the entire table.*/
   /*Check that get_table_size and get_key_count are workign correctly.*/
   if(get_table_size(t) != 4 || get_key_count(t) != 0){
      return FAILURE;
   /*Make sure the table is empty.*/
   /*Reinsert 7 keys.*/
   put(t, "Krabs", &a);
   put(t, "Larry", &b);
   put(t, "Herminator", &c);
   put(t, "Brian", &d);
   put(t, "Steve", &e);
   put(t, "Nelson", &f);
   put(t, "Corwin", &g);
   /*Check that these keys have the correct values associated witht hem.*/
   get_value(t, "Krabs", &value5);
   get_value(t, "Larry", &value6);
   get_value(t, "Herminator", &value7);
   get_value(t, "Brian", &value8);
   get_value(t, "Steve", &value9);
   get_value(t, "Nelson", &value10);
   get_value(t, "Corwin", &value11);
   printf("Value for Krabs: %d\n", *(int *) value5);
   printf("Value for Larry: %d\n", *(int *) value6);
   printf("Value for Herminator: %d\n", *(int *) value7);
   printf("Value for Brian: %d\n", *(int *) value8);
   printf("Value for Steve: %d\n", *(int *) value9);
   printf("Value for Nelson: %d\n", *(int *) value10);
   printf("Value for Corwin: %d\n", *(int *) value11);
   /*Check the state of the entire table, especially to see if any keys from 
   before clear_table was called are left over. */

   return SUCCESS;
/*Tests null and failure cases for create_table, destroy_table, put, get_value,
static int test3(){
   int table_size =5, x =5;
   Table *t, *p;
   void *value1, *value2, *value3 = NULL;
   /*Tests NULL cases for create_table.*/
   if(create_table(NULL, table_size, NULL ) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   }else if(create_table(&t, 0, NULL) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   }/*Tests NULL case for destroy_table.*/
    if (destroy_table(NULL) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   }/*Tests NULL cases for put.*/
   if (put(NULL, "Krabs", &x) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   }else if (put(t, NULL, &x) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   /*Creates one empty table, and one table with two keys.*/
   create_table(&t, table_size, NULL);
   create_table(&p, table_size, NULL);
   put(t, "Art thou feeling it now,", NULL);
   put(t, "Mr. Krabs?", &x);
   /*Tests NULL and FAILURE cases for get_value.*/
   if(get_value(NULL, "Mr. Krabs?", &value1) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   } else if(get_value(t, NULL, &value1) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   } else if(get_value(t, "Spongebob", &value1) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   /*Tests get_value for cases where the value stored is NULL and where the input
   parameter value is NULL. */
   get_value(t, "Mr. Krabs?", &value1);
   get_value(t, "Art thou feeling it now,", &value2);
   get_value(t, "Mr. Krabs?", &value3);
   if(value2 != NULL){
      return FAILURE;
   printf("How much is Mr. Krabs feeling it: %d/10\n", *(int *) value1);
   printf("Key Count: %d\n", get_key_count(t));
   /*Tests NULL case for get_key_count.*/
   if(get_key_count(NULL) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   } /*Tests NULL and FAILURE cases for remove_entry.*/
   if(remove_entry(NULL, "Mr. Krabs?") != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   } else if (remove_entry(t, NULL) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   } else if (remove_entry(t, "Brian") != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   } /*Tests NULL case for clear_table. */
   if (clear_table(NULL) != -1){
      return FAILURE;
   } /*Tests is_empty with NULL, empty, and non-empty table.*/
   if (is_empty(t) != 0 || is_empty(NULL) != 1 || is_empty(p) != 1){
      return FAILURE;
   } /*Tests NULL case of get_table_size.*/
   if(get_table_size(NULL) != -1){
      return FAILURE;

   return SUCCESS;