Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]){

#define AOUT_DIR "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/testuidgid.txt"

	FILE *f = NULL;
	char fopenModus[2] = {};
	char username[255];
	long int uidresult[] = {0};
	long int gidresult[] = {0};
	long int uidowner[] = {0};
	long int gidowner[] = {0};
	long int fileprotection[] = {0};

	int filedesc;

	//check if 2 arguments are set
	if (argc != 2){
		perror("Funktionsargument fehlt: <username>");
	//get arguments from shell
	if (argv[1] != 0){
		strcpy (username, argv[1]);

	if (access(AOUT_DIR, (R_OK | W_OK)) != -1) {
				sprintf(fopenModus, "r+");
				} else {
				sprintf(fopenModus, "w");

			f = fopen(AOUT_DIR, fopenModus);
					"Test Text: uid gid!!\n");
	// Check if file has the defined uid (user ID) and gid (group ID)!
		//  getinfofile(int *filedescr, uid_t *uidowner, gid_t *gidowner, mode_t *fileprotection);
			filedesc = open(AOUT_DIR, O_RDWR);

			getinfofile(&filedesc, uidowner, gidowner, fileprotection);

		//	printf("getinfofile call: \n uidowner : %li\n gidowner : %li\n fileprotection : %lo\n", uidowner[0], gidowner[0], fileprotection[0]);
		//	getuidinfo(char *name, long int *uidresult, long int *gidresult);
			getuidbyname(username, uidresult, gidresult);
		//	printf("Result of function call:\n uid : %li\n gid : %li\n", uidresult[0], gidresult[0]);

			if ((uidowner[0] != uidresult[0]) || (gidowner[0] != gidresult[0])){
				if ((fchown(filedesc, uidresult[0], gidresult[0])) != 0){
					fprintf(stderr, "init_AOUT (LTC2635): Change owner of %s error: %s\n",AOUT_DIR, strerror(errno));


			return 0;
Exemple #2
read_in_tar_header (struct cpio_file_stat *file_hdr, int in_des)
  long bytes_skipped = 0;
  int warned = false;
  union tar_record tar_rec;
  struct tar_header *tar_hdr = (struct tar_header *) &tar_rec;
  uid_t *uidp;
  gid_t *gidp;

  tape_buffered_read ((char *) &tar_rec, in_des, TARRECORDSIZE);

  /* Check for a block of 0's.  */
  if (null_block ((long *) &tar_rec, TARRECORDSIZE))
#if 0
      /* Found one block of 512 0's.  If the next block is also all 0's
	 then this is the end of the archive.  If not, assume the
	 previous block was all corruption and continue reading
	 the archive.  */
      /* Commented out because GNU tar sometimes creates archives with
	 only one block of 0's at the end.  This happened for the
	 cpio 2.0 distribution!  */
      tape_buffered_read ((char *) &tar_rec, in_des, TARRECORDSIZE);
      if (null_block ((long *) &tar_rec, TARRECORDSIZE))
	  file_hdr->c_name = CPIO_TRAILER_NAME;
#if 0
      bytes_skipped = TARRECORDSIZE;

  while (1)
      file_hdr->c_chksum = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->chksum);

      if (file_hdr->c_chksum != tar_checksum (tar_hdr))
	  /* If the checksum is bad, skip 1 byte and try again.  When
	     we try again we do not look for an EOF record (all zeros),
	     because when we start skipping bytes in a corrupted archive
	     the chances are pretty good that we might stumble across
	     2 blocks of 512 zeros (that probably is not really the last
	     record) and it is better to miss the EOF and give the user
	     a "premature EOF" error than to give up too soon on a corrupted
	     archive.  */
	  if (!warned)
	      error (0, 0, _("invalid header: checksum error"));
	      warned = true;
	  memmove (&tar_rec, ((char *) &tar_rec) + 1, TARRECORDSIZE - 1);
	  tape_buffered_read (((char *) &tar_rec) + (TARRECORDSIZE - 1), in_des, 1);

      if (archive_format != arf_ustar)
	file_hdr->c_name = stash_tar_filename (NULL, tar_hdr->name);
	file_hdr->c_name = stash_tar_filename (tar_hdr->prefix, tar_hdr->name);
      file_hdr->c_nlink = 1;
      file_hdr->c_mode = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->mode);
      file_hdr->c_mode = file_hdr->c_mode & 07777;
  /* Debian hack: This version of cpio uses the -n flag also to extract
     tar archives using the numeric UID/GID instead of the user/group
     names in /etc/passwd and /etc/groups.  (98/10/15) -BEM */
      if (archive_format == arf_ustar && !numeric_uid
	  && (uidp = getuidbyname (tar_hdr->uname)))
	file_hdr->c_uid = *uidp;
	file_hdr->c_uid = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->uid);

      if (archive_format == arf_ustar && !numeric_uid
	  && (gidp = getgidbyname (tar_hdr->gname)))
	file_hdr->c_gid = *gidp;
	file_hdr->c_gid = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->gid);
      file_hdr->c_filesize = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->size);
      file_hdr->c_mtime = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->mtime);
      file_hdr->c_rdev_maj = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->devmajor);
      file_hdr->c_rdev_min = FROM_OCTAL (tar_hdr->devminor);
      file_hdr->c_tar_linkname = NULL;

      switch (tar_hdr->typeflag)
	case REGTYPE:
	case CONTTYPE:		/* For now, punt.  */
	  file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFREG;
	case DIRTYPE:
	  file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFDIR;
	case CHRTYPE:
	  file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFCHR;
	  /* If a POSIX tar header has a valid linkname it's always supposed
	     to set typeflag to be LNKTYPE.  System V.4 tar seems to
	     be broken, and for device files with multiple links it
	     puts the name of the link into linkname, but leaves typeflag 
	     as CHRTYPE, BLKTYPE, FIFOTYPE, etc.  */
	  file_hdr->c_tar_linkname = stash_tar_linkname (tar_hdr->linkname);

	  /* Does POSIX say that the filesize must be 0 for devices?  We
	     assume so, but HPUX's POSIX tar sets it to be 1 which causes
	     us problems (when reading an archive we assume we can always
	     skip to the next file by skipping filesize bytes).  For 
	     now at least, it's easier to clear filesize for devices,
	     rather than check everywhere we skip in copyin.c.  */
	  file_hdr->c_filesize = 0;
	case BLKTYPE:
	  file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFBLK;
	  file_hdr->c_tar_linkname = stash_tar_linkname (tar_hdr->linkname);
	  file_hdr->c_filesize = 0;
#ifdef CP_IFIFO
	  file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFIFO;
	  file_hdr->c_tar_linkname = stash_tar_linkname (tar_hdr->linkname);
	  file_hdr->c_filesize = 0;
	case SYMTYPE:
#ifdef CP_IFLNK
	  file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFLNK;
	  file_hdr->c_tar_linkname = stash_tar_linkname (tar_hdr->linkname);
	  file_hdr->c_filesize = 0;
	  /* Else fall through.  */
	case LNKTYPE:
	  file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFREG;
	  file_hdr->c_tar_linkname = stash_tar_linkname (tar_hdr->linkname);
	  file_hdr->c_filesize = 0;

	  /* Old tar format; if the last char in filename is '/' then it is
	     a directory, otherwise it's a regular file.  */
	  if (file_hdr->c_name[strlen (file_hdr->c_name) - 1] == '/')
	    file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFDIR;
	    file_hdr->c_mode |= CP_IFREG;
  if (bytes_skipped > 0)
    warn_junk_bytes (bytes_skipped);