void ghb_dict_copy(GhbValue *dst, const GhbValue *src) { GhbDictIter iter; const char *key; GhbValue *val, *dst_val; iter = ghb_dict_iter_init(src); while (ghb_dict_iter_next(src, &iter, &key, &val)) { dst_val = ghb_dict_get(dst, key); if (ghb_value_type(val) == GHB_DICT) { if (dst_val == NULL || ghb_value_type(dst_val) != GHB_DICT) { dst_val = ghb_value_dup(val); ghb_dict_set(dst, key, dst_val); } else if (ghb_value_type(dst_val) == GHB_DICT) { ghb_dict_copy(dst_val, val); } } else { ghb_dict_set(dst, key, ghb_value_dup(val)); } } }
void ghb_dict_set_bool(GhbValue *dict, const gchar *key, gboolean bval) { GhbValue *value; value = ghb_bool_value_new(bval); ghb_dict_set(dict, key, value); }
void ghb_dict_set_int(GhbValue *dict, const gchar *key, gint64 ival) { GhbValue *value; value = ghb_int_value_new(ival); ghb_dict_set(dict, key, value); }
void ghb_dict_set_double(GhbValue *dict, const gchar *key, gdouble dval) { GhbValue *value; value = ghb_double_value_new(dval); ghb_dict_set(dict, key, value); }
void ghb_dict_set_string(GhbValue *dict, const gchar *key, const gchar *sval) { GhbValue *value; value = ghb_string_value_new(sval); ghb_dict_set(dict, key, value); }
static void x264_update_int_setting(signal_user_data_t *ud, const gchar *name, const gchar *val) { gint ival; if (val == NULL) return; ival = g_strtod (val, NULL); ghb_dict_set(ud->x264_priv, name, ghb_int_value_new(ival)); ghb_check_dependency(ud, NULL, name); }
static void subtitle_def_lang_list_init(signal_user_data_t *ud) { GhbValue *lang_list; // Clear selected languages. subtitle_def_selected_lang_list_clear(ud); lang_list = ghb_dict_get_value(ud->settings, "SubtitleLanguageList"); if (lang_list == NULL) { lang_list = ghb_array_new(); ghb_dict_set(ud->settings, "SubtitleLanguageList", lang_list); } int ii, count; count = ghb_array_len(lang_list); for (ii = 0; ii < count; ) { GhbValue *lang_val = ghb_array_get(lang_list, ii); int idx = ghb_lookup_audio_lang(lang_val); if (ii == 0) { const iso639_lang_t *lang; lang = ghb_iso639_lookup_by_int(idx); subtitle_update_pref_lang(ud, lang); } GtkListBox *avail, *selected; GtkListBoxRow *row; avail = GTK_LIST_BOX(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "subtitle_avail_lang")); selected = GTK_LIST_BOX(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "subtitle_selected_lang")); row = ghb_find_lang_row(avail, idx); if (row) { GtkWidget *label = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(row)); g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(label)); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(row)); gtk_widget_show(label); gtk_list_box_insert(selected, label, -1); ii++; } else { // Error in list. Probably duplicate languages. Remove // this item from the list. ghb_array_remove(lang_list, ii); count--; } } if (count == 0) { subtitle_update_pref_lang(ud, NULL); } }
static void subtitle_add_to_settings(GhbValue *settings, GhbValue *subsettings) { // Add the current subtitle settings to the list. GhbValue *subtitle_list; gint count; gboolean burned, forced, def; gint source; subtitle_list = ghb_dict_get_value(settings, "subtitle_list"); if (subtitle_list == NULL) { subtitle_list = ghb_array_new(); ghb_dict_set(settings, "subtitle_list", subtitle_list); } // Validate some settings const char *mux_id; const hb_container_t *mux; mux_id = ghb_dict_get_string(settings, "FileFormat"); mux = ghb_lookup_container_by_name(mux_id); source = ghb_dict_get_int(subsettings, "SubtitleSource"); burned = ghb_dict_get_bool(subsettings, "SubtitleBurned"); if (burned && !hb_subtitle_can_burn(source)) { burned = FALSE; ghb_dict_set_bool(subsettings, "SubtitleBurned", burned); } if (!burned && !hb_subtitle_can_pass(source, mux->format)) { burned = TRUE; ghb_dict_set_bool(subsettings, "SubtitleBurned", burned); ghb_dict_set_bool(subsettings, "SubtitleDefaultTrack", FALSE); } def = ghb_dict_get_bool(subsettings, "SubtitleDefaultTrack"); forced = ghb_dict_get_bool(subsettings, "SubtitleForced"); if (forced && !hb_subtitle_can_force(source)) { forced = FALSE; ghb_dict_set_bool(subsettings, "SubtitleForced", forced); } ghb_array_append(subtitle_list, subsettings); // Check consistancy of exclusive flags count = ghb_array_len(subtitle_list); if (burned) ghb_subtitle_exclusive_burn_settings(settings, count-1); if (def) ghb_subtitle_exclusive_default_settings(settings, count-1); }
static void ghb_clear_subtitle_list_settings(GhbValue *settings) { GhbValue *subtitle_list; subtitle_list = ghb_dict_get_value(settings, "subtitle_list"); if (subtitle_list == NULL) { subtitle_list = ghb_array_new(); ghb_dict_set(settings, "subtitle_list", subtitle_list); } else ghb_array_reset(subtitle_list); }
G_MODULE_EXPORT void subtitle_edit_clicked_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gchar *path, signal_user_data_t *ud) { GtkTreeView *tv; GtkTreePath *tp; GtkTreeModel *tm; GtkTreeSelection *ts; GtkTreeIter ti; tv = GTK_TREE_VIEW(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "subtitle_list_view")); ts = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(tv); tm = gtk_tree_view_get_model(tv); tp = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path); if (gtk_tree_path_get_depth(tp) > 1) return; if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(tm, &ti, tp)) { GhbValue *subsettings, *backup; gtk_tree_selection_select_iter(ts, &ti); // Back up settings in case we need to revert. backup = ghb_value_dup( ghb_dict_get_value(ud->settings, "subtitle_list")); // Pop up the edit dialog GtkResponseType response; GtkWidget *dialog = GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "subtitle_dialog"); response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); gtk_widget_hide(dialog); if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) { ghb_dict_set(ud->settings, "subtitle_list", backup); subsettings = subtitle_get_selected_settings(ud, NULL); if (subsettings != NULL) { subtitle_update_dialog_widgets(ud, subsettings); } subtitle_refresh_list_ui(ud); } else { ghb_value_free(&backup); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { signal_user_data_t *ud; GError *error = NULL; GOptionContext *context; #if defined(_WIN32) // Tell gdk pixbuf where it's loader config file is. _putenv_s("GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE", "ghb.exe.local/loaders.cache"); _putenv_s("GST_PLUGIN_PATH", "lib/gstreamer-1.0"); #endif hb_global_init(); #ifdef ENABLE_NLS bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR); bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE); #endif context = g_option_context_new(_("- Transcode media formats")); g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_add_group(context, gtk_get_option_group(TRUE)); #if defined(_ENABLE_GST) g_option_context_add_group(context, gst_init_get_option_group()); #endif g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_warning("%s: %s", G_STRFUNC, error->message); g_clear_error(&error); } g_option_context_free(context); #if defined(_WIN32) if (win32_console) { // Enable console logging if(AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS) || AllocConsole()){ close(STDOUT_FILENO); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); close(STDERR_FILENO); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr); } } else { // Non-console windows apps do not have a stderr->_file // assigned properly stderr->_file = STDERR_FILENO; stdout->_file = STDOUT_FILENO; } #endif if (argc > 1 && dvd_device == NULL && argv[1][0] != '-') { dvd_device = argv[1]; } gtk_init(&argc, &argv); GtkCssProvider *css = gtk_css_provider_new(); error = NULL; gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(css, MyCSS, -1, &error); if (error == NULL) { GdkScreen *ss = gdk_screen_get_default(); gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen(ss, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(css), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } else { g_warning("%s: %s", G_STRFUNC, error->message); g_clear_error(&error); } #if !defined(_WIN32) notify_init("HandBrake"); #endif ghb_resource_init(); ghb_load_icons(); #if !defined(_WIN32) dbus_g_thread_init(); #endif ghb_udev_init(); ghb_write_pid_file(); ud = g_malloc0(sizeof(signal_user_data_t)); ud->debug = ghb_debug; g_log_set_handler(NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, debug_log_handler, ud); g_log_set_handler("Gtk", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, warn_log_handler, ud); //g_log_set_handler("Gtk", G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, warn_log_handler, ud); ud->globals = ghb_dict_new(); ud->prefs = ghb_dict_new(); ud->settings_array = ghb_array_new(); ud->settings = ghb_dict_new(); ghb_array_append(ud->settings_array, ud->settings); ud->builder = create_builder_or_die(BUILDER_NAME); // Enable events that alert us to media change events watch_volumes(ud); //GtkWidget *widget = GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "PictureDetelecineCustom"); //gtk_entry_set_inner_border(widget, 2); // Since GtkBuilder no longer assigns object ids to widget names // Assign a few that are necessary for style overrides to work #if defined(_NO_UPDATE_CHECK) GtkWidget *widget; widget = GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "check_updates_box"); gtk_widget_hide(widget); #endif // Must set the names of the widgets that I want to modify // style for. gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "preview_hud"), "preview_hud"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "preview_frame"), "preview_frame"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "live_preview_play"), "live_preview_play"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "live_preview_progress"), "live_preview_progress"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "live_encode_progress"), "live_encode_progress"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "live_duration"), "live_duration"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "preview_show_crop"), "preview_show_crop"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "preview_fullscreen"), "preview_fullscreen"); gtk_widget_set_name(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "activity_view"), "activity_view"); // Redirect stderr to the activity window ghb_preview_init(ud); IoRedirect(ud); ghb_log( "%s - %s - %s", HB_PROJECT_TITLE, HB_PROJECT_BUILD_TITLE, HB_PROJECT_URL_WEBSITE ); ghb_init_dep_map(); // Need to connect x264_options textview buffer to the changed signal // since it can't be done automatically GtkTextView *textview; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; textview = GTK_TEXT_VIEW(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "x264Option")); buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(textview); g_signal_connect(buffer, "changed", (GCallback)x264_entry_changed_cb, ud); textview = GTK_TEXT_VIEW(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "VideoOptionExtra")); buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(textview); g_signal_connect(buffer, "changed", (GCallback)video_option_changed_cb, ud); textview = GTK_TEXT_VIEW(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "MetaLongDescription")); buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(textview); g_signal_connect(buffer, "changed", (GCallback)plot_changed_cb, ud); ghb_combo_init(ud); g_debug("ud %p\n", ud); g_debug("ud->builder %p\n", ud->builder); bind_audio_tree_model(ud); bind_subtitle_tree_model(ud); bind_presets_tree_model(ud); bind_queue_tree_model(ud); bind_chapter_tree_model(ud); // Connect up the signals to their callbacks // I wrote my own connector so that I could pass user data // to the callbacks. Builder's standard autoconnect doesn't all this. gtk_builder_connect_signals_full(ud->builder, MyConnect, ud); ghb_init_audio_defaults_ui(ud); ghb_init_subtitle_defaults_ui(ud); // Parsing x264 options "" initializes x264 widgets to proper defaults ghb_x264_init(ud); // Load prefs before presets. Some preset defaults may depend // on preference settings. // First load default values ghb_settings_init(ud->prefs, "Preferences"); ghb_settings_init(ud->globals, "Globals"); ghb_settings_init(ud->settings, "Initialization"); ghb_settings_init(ud->settings, "OneTimeInitialization"); // Load user preferences file ghb_prefs_load(ud); // Store user preferences into ud->prefs ghb_prefs_to_settings(ud->prefs); int logLevel = ghb_dict_get_int(ud->prefs, "LoggingLevel"); ghb_backend_init(logLevel); // Load the presets files ghb_presets_load(ud); // Note that ghb_preset_to_settings(ud->settings) is called when // the default preset is selected. ghb_settings_to_ui(ud, ud->globals); ghb_settings_to_ui(ud, ud->prefs); // Note that ghb_settings_to_ui(ud->settings) happens when initial // empty title is initialized. if (ghb_dict_get_bool(ud->prefs, "hbfd")) { ghb_hbfd(ud, TRUE); } const gchar *source = ghb_dict_get_string(ud->prefs, "default_source"); ghb_dvd_set_current(source, ud); // Populate the presets tree view ghb_presets_list_init(ud, NULL); // Get the first preset name if (arg_preset != NULL) { ghb_select_preset(ud->builder, arg_preset); } else { ghb_select_default_preset(ud->builder); } // Grey out widgets that are dependent on a disabled feature ghb_check_all_depencencies(ud); if (dvd_device != NULL) { // Source overridden from command line option ghb_dict_set_string(ud->globals, "scan_source", dvd_device); g_idle_add((GSourceFunc)ghb_idle_scan, ud); } else { GhbValue *gval = ghb_dict_get_value(ud->prefs, "default_source"); ghb_dict_set(ud->globals, "scan_source", ghb_value_dup(gval)); } // Reload and check status of the last saved queue g_idle_add((GSourceFunc)ghb_reload_queue, ud); // Start timer for monitoring libhb status, 500ms g_timeout_add(200, ghb_timer_cb, (gpointer)ud); // Add dvd devices to File menu ghb_volname_cache_init(); GHB_THREAD_NEW("Cache Volume Names", (GThreadFunc)ghb_cache_volnames, ud); GtkWidget *ghb_window = GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "hb_window"); gint window_width, window_height; GdkGeometry geo = { -1, -1, 1920, 768, -1, -1, 10, 10, 0, 0, GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST }; GdkWindowHints geo_mask; geo_mask = GDK_HINT_MIN_SIZE | GDK_HINT_MAX_SIZE | GDK_HINT_BASE_SIZE; gtk_window_set_geometry_hints(GTK_WINDOW(ghb_window), ghb_window, &geo, geo_mask); window_width = ghb_dict_get_int(ud->prefs, "window_width"); window_height = ghb_dict_get_int(ud->prefs, "window_height"); /* * Filter objects in GtkBuilder xml * Unfortunately, GtkFilter is poorly supported by GtkBuilder, * so a lot of the setup must happen in code. SourceFilterAll SourceFilterVideo SourceFilterTS SourceFilterMPG SourceFilterEVO SourceFilterVOB SourceFilterMKV SourceFilterMP4 SourceFilterAVI SourceFilterMOV SourceFilterOGG SourceFilterFLV SourceFilterWMV */ // Add filters to source chooser GtkFileFilter *filter; GtkFileChooser *chooser; chooser = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "source_dialog")); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterAll")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, _("All")); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterVideo")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, _("Video")); gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type(filter, "video/*"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterTS")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "TS"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.ts"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.TS"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.m2ts"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.M2TS"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterMPG")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "MPG"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.mpg"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.MPG"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.mepg"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.MEPG"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterEVO")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "EVO"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.evo"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.EVO"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterVOB")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "VOB"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.vob"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.VOB"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterMKV")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "MKV"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.mkv"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.MKV"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterMP4")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "MP4"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.mp4"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.MP4"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.m4v"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.M4V"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterMOV")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "MOV"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.mov"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.MOV"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterAVI")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "AVI"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.avi"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.AVI"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterOGG")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "OGG"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.ogg"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.OGG"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.ogv"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.OGV"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.ogm"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.OGM"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterFLV")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "FLV"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.flv"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.FLV"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterWMV")); gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "WMV"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.wmv"); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.WMV"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(chooser, filter); // Gtk has a really stupid bug. If the file chooser is showing // hidden files AND there is no filter set, it will not select // the filename when gtk_file_chooser_set_filename is called. // So add a completely unnessary filter to prevent this behavior. filter = GTK_FILE_FILTER(GHB_OBJECT(ud->builder, "SourceFilterAll")); gtk_file_chooser_set_filter(chooser, filter); #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 16, 0) PangoFontDescription *font_desc; font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string("monospace 10"); textview = GTK_TEXT_VIEW(GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "activity_view")); gtk_widget_override_font(GTK_WIDGET(textview), font_desc); pango_font_description_free(font_desc); #endif // Grrrr! Gtk developers !!!hard coded!!! the width of the // radio buttons in GtkStackSwitcher to 100!!! // // Thankfully, GtkStackSwitcher is a regular container object // and we can access the buttons to change their width. GList *stack_switcher_children, *link; GtkContainer * stack_switcher = GTK_CONTAINER( GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "SettingsStackSwitcher")); link = stack_switcher_children = gtk_container_get_children(stack_switcher); while (link != NULL) { GtkWidget *widget = link->data; gtk_widget_set_size_request(widget, -1, -1); gtk_widget_set_hexpand(widget, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_halign(widget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL); link = link->next; } g_list_free(stack_switcher_children); gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(ghb_window), window_width, window_height); gtk_widget_show(ghb_window); // Everything should be go-to-go. Lets rock! gtk_main(); ghb_backend_close(); ghb_value_free(&ud->queue); ghb_value_free(&ud->settings_array); ghb_value_free(&ud->prefs); ghb_value_free(&ud->globals); ghb_value_free(&ud->x264_priv); g_io_channel_unref(ud->activity_log); ghb_settings_close(); ghb_resource_free(); #if !defined(_WIN32) notify_uninit(); #endif g_object_unref(ud->builder); g_free(ud->current_dvd_device); g_free(ud); return 0; }
static void start_element( GMarkupParseContext *ctx, const gchar *name, const gchar **attr_names, const gchar **attr_values, gpointer ud, GError **error) { parse_data_t *pd = (parse_data_t*)ud; union { gint id; gpointer pid; } id; gint ii; // Check to see if the first element found has been closed // If so, ignore any junk following it. if (pd->closed_top) return; for (ii = 0; ii < TAG_MAP_SZ; ii++) { if (strcmp(name, tag_map[ii].tag) == 0) { id.id = tag_map[ii].id; break; } } if (ii == TAG_MAP_SZ) { g_warning("Unrecognized start tag (%s)", name); return; } g_queue_push_head(pd->tag_stack, id.pid); GhbType gtype = 0; GhbValue *gval = NULL; GhbValue *current = g_queue_peek_head(pd->stack); switch (id.id) { case P_PLIST: { // Ignore } break; case P_KEY: { if (pd->key) g_free(pd->key); pd->key = NULL; } break; case P_DICT: { gval = ghb_dict_new(); g_queue_push_head(pd->stack, gval); } break; case P_ARRAY: { gval = ghb_array_new(); g_queue_push_head(pd->stack, gval); } break; case P_INTEGER: { } break; case P_REAL: { } break; case P_STRING: { } break; case P_DATE: { } break; case P_TRUE: { } break; case P_FALSE: { } break; case P_DATA: { } break; } // Add the element to the current container if (gval) { // There's an element to add if (current == NULL) { pd->plist = gval; return; } gtype = ghb_value_type(current); if (gtype == GHB_ARRAY) { ghb_array_append(current, gval); } else if (gtype == GHB_DICT) { if (pd->key == NULL) { g_warning("No key for dictionary item"); ghb_value_free(&gval); } else { ghb_dict_set(current, pd->key, gval); } } else { g_error("Invalid container type. This shouldn't happen"); } } }
static void end_element( GMarkupParseContext *ctx, const gchar *name, gpointer ud, GError **error) { parse_data_t *pd = (parse_data_t*)ud; gint id; union { gint id; gpointer pid; } start_id; gint ii; // Check to see if the first element found has been closed // If so, ignore any junk following it. if (pd->closed_top) return; for (ii = 0; ii < TAG_MAP_SZ; ii++) { if (strcmp(name, tag_map[ii].tag) == 0) { id = tag_map[ii].id; break; } } if (ii == TAG_MAP_SZ) { g_warning("Unrecognized start tag (%s)", name); return; } start_id.pid = g_queue_pop_head(pd->tag_stack); if (start_id.id != id) g_warning("start tag != end tag: (%s %d) %d", name, id, id); GhbValue *gval = NULL; GhbValue *current = g_queue_peek_head(pd->stack); GhbType gtype = 0; switch (id) { case P_PLIST: { // Ignore } break; case P_KEY: { if (pd->key) g_free(pd->key); pd->key = g_strdup(pd->value); return; } break; case P_DICT: { g_queue_pop_head(pd->stack); } break; case P_ARRAY: { g_queue_pop_head(pd->stack); } break; case P_INTEGER: { gint64 val = g_strtod(pd->value, NULL); gval = ghb_int_value_new(val); } break; case P_REAL: { gdouble val = g_strtod(pd->value, NULL); gval = ghb_double_value_new(val); } break; case P_STRING: { gval = ghb_string_value_new(pd->value); } break; case P_TRUE: { gval = ghb_bool_value_new(TRUE); } break; case P_FALSE: { gval = ghb_bool_value_new(FALSE); } break; default: { g_message("Unhandled plist type %d", id); } break; } if (gval) { // Get the top of the data structure stack and if it's an array // or dict, add the current element if (current == NULL) { pd->plist = gval; pd->closed_top = TRUE; return; } gtype = ghb_value_type(current); if (gtype == GHB_ARRAY) { ghb_array_append(current, gval); } else if (gtype == GHB_DICT) { if (pd->key == NULL) { g_warning("No key for dictionary item"); ghb_value_free(&gval); } else { ghb_dict_set(current, pd->key, gval); } } else { g_error("Invalid container type. This shouldn't happen"); } } if (g_queue_is_empty(pd->stack)) pd->closed_top = TRUE; }
G_MODULE_EXPORT void subtitle_add_clicked_cb(GtkWidget *xwidget, signal_user_data_t *ud) { // Add the current subtitle settings to the list. GhbValue *subsettings, *backup; gboolean one_burned; gint track; int title_id, titleindex; const hb_title_t *title; title_id = ghb_dict_get_int(ud->settings, "title"); title = ghb_lookup_title(title_id, &titleindex); if (title == NULL) { return; } // Back up settings in case we need to revert. backup = ghb_value_dup( ghb_dict_get_value(ud->settings, "subtitle_list")); one_burned = subtitle_is_one_burned(ud->settings); const char *mux_id; const hb_container_t *mux; mux_id = ghb_dict_get_string(ud->settings, "FileFormat"); mux = ghb_lookup_container_by_name(mux_id); int count = hb_list_count(title->list_subtitle); for (subsettings = NULL, track = 0; subsettings == NULL && track < count; track++) { subsettings = subtitle_add_track(ud, ud->settings, title, track, mux->format, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &one_burned); } if (subsettings == NULL) { subsettings = subtitle_add_track(ud, ud->settings, title, 0, mux->format, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, &one_burned); } ghb_add_subtitle_to_ui(ud, subsettings); if (subsettings != NULL) { // Pop up the edit dialog GtkResponseType response; GtkWidget *dialog = GHB_WIDGET(ud->builder, "subtitle_dialog"); response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); gtk_widget_hide(dialog); if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) { ghb_dict_set(ud->settings, "subtitle_list", backup); subsettings = subtitle_get_selected_settings(ud, NULL); if (subsettings != NULL) { subtitle_update_dialog_widgets(ud, subsettings); } subtitle_refresh_list_ui(ud); } else { ghb_value_free(&backup); } } }