Exemple #1
//short dest; // 0 - terrain gworld   1 - screen
// if terrain_to_draw is -1, do black
// if terrain_to_draw >= 10000, force to draw graphic which is terrain_to_draw - 10000
void draw_one_terrain_spot (short i,short j,short terrain_to_draw) {
	rectangle where_draw;
	rectangle source_rect;
	sf::Texture* source_gworld;
	short anim_type = 0;
	location l;
	l.x = i; l.y = j;
	if(supressing_some_spaces && (l != ok_space[0]) && (l != ok_space[1]) && (l != ok_space[2]) && (l != ok_space[3]))
	where_draw = calc_rect(i,j);
 	if(terrain_to_draw == -1) {
		fill_rect(terrain_screen_gworld, where_draw, sf::Color::Black);
	if(terrain_to_draw >= 10000) { // force using a specific graphic
		terrain_to_draw -= 10000;
		int which_sheet = terrain_to_draw / 50;
		source_gworld = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("ter" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet)).get();
		terrain_to_draw %= 50;
		source_rect = calc_rect(terrain_to_draw % 10, terrain_to_draw / 10);
		anim_type = -1;
	else if(univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_to_draw].picture >= 2000) { // custom
		graf_pos_ref(source_gworld, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_to_draw].picture - 2000 + (anim_ticks % 4));
		anim_type = 0;
	else if(univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_to_draw].picture >= 1000) { // custom
		graf_pos_ref(source_gworld, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_to_draw].picture - 1000);
	else if(univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_to_draw].picture >= 960) { // animated
		source_gworld = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("teranim").get();
		terrain_to_draw = univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_to_draw].picture;
		source_rect = calc_rect(4 * ((terrain_to_draw - 960) / 5) + (anim_ticks % 4),(terrain_to_draw - 960) % 5);
		anim_type = 0;
	else {
		terrain_to_draw = univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_to_draw].picture;
		int which_sheet = terrain_to_draw / 50;
		source_gworld = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("ter" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet)).get();
		terrain_to_draw %= 50;
		source_rect = calc_rect(terrain_to_draw % 10, terrain_to_draw / 10);
		anim_type = -1;
	if(anim_type >= 0) {
		if((is_town()) || (is_out()))
			anim_onscreen = true;
	rect_draw_some_item(*source_gworld, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, where_draw);
Exemple #2
void cCustomGraphics::copy_graphic(pic_num_t dest, pic_num_t src, size_t numSlots) {
	if(numSlots < 1) return;
	if(!party_sheet) {
		sf::Image empty;
		empty.create(280, 180, sf::Color::Transparent);
		party_sheet.reset(new sf::Texture);
		party_sheet->create(280, 180);
		numSheets = 1;
	size_t havePics = count();
	if(havePics < dest + numSlots) {
		int addRows = 1;
		while(havePics + 10 * addRows < dest + numSlots)
		sf::RenderTexture temp;
		temp.create(280, party_sheet->getSize().y + 36 * addRows);
		rect_draw_some_item(*party_sheet, rectangle(*party_sheet), temp, rectangle(*party_sheet));
		*party_sheet = temp.getTexture();
	sf::Texture* from_sheet;
	sf::Texture* to_sheet;
	sf::Texture* last_src = nullptr;
	sf::RenderTexture temp;
	rectangle from_rect, to_rect;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) {
		graf_pos_ref(from_sheet, from_rect) = find_graphic(src + i);
		graf_pos_ref(to_sheet, to_rect) = find_graphic(dest + i, true);
		if(to_sheet != last_src) {
			if(last_src) *last_src = temp.getTexture();
			last_src = to_sheet;
			temp.create(to_sheet->getSize().x, to_sheet->getSize().y);
			rect_draw_some_item(*to_sheet, rectangle(*to_sheet), temp, rectangle(*to_sheet));
		rect_draw_some_item(*from_sheet, from_rect, temp, to_rect);
	*last_src = temp.getTexture();
Exemple #3
void draw_items(location where){
	if(!point_onscreen(center,where)) return;
	location where_draw(4 + where.x - center.x, 4 + where.y - center.y);
	rectangle from_rect, to_rect;
	if(supressing_some_spaces && (where != ok_space[0]) && (where != ok_space[1]) && (where != ok_space[2]) && (where != ok_space[3]))
	for(int i = 0; i < univ.town.items.size(); i++) {
		if(univ.town.items[i].variety != eItemType::NO_ITEM && univ.town.items[i].item_loc == where) {
			if(univ.town.items[i].contained) continue;
			if(party_can_see(where) >= 6) continue;
			sf::Texture* src_gw;
			to_rect = coord_to_rect(where_draw.x,where_draw.y);
			if(univ.town.items[i].graphic_num >= 10000){
				graf_pos_ref(src_gw, from_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(univ.town.items[i].graphic_num - 10000, true);
			}else if(univ.town.items[i].graphic_num >= 1000){
				graf_pos_ref(src_gw, from_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(univ.town.items[i].graphic_num - 1000);
				graf_pos_ref(src_gw, from_rect) = calc_item_rect(univ.town.items[i].graphic_num, to_rect);
			rect_draw_some_item(*src_gw, from_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, to_rect, sf::BlendAlpha);
Exemple #4
void draw_party_symbol(location center) {
	rectangle source_rect;
	location target(4,4);
	short i = 0;
	if((is_town()) && (univ.town.p_loc.x > 70))
	if(overall_mode == MODE_LOOK_TOWN || cartoon_happening) {
		target.x += univ.town.p_loc.x - center.x;
		target.y += univ.town.p_loc.y - center.y;
	if((univ.party.in_boat < 0) && (univ.party.in_horse < 0)) {
		i = first_active_pc();
		sf::Texture* from_gw;
		pic_num_t pic = univ.party[i].which_graphic;
		if(pic >= 1000) {
			bool isParty = pic >= 10000;
			pic_num_t need_pic = pic % 1000;
			if(univ.party.direction >= 4)
			graf_pos_ref(from_gw, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(need_pic, isParty);
		} else if(pic >= 100) {
			// Note that we assume it's a 1x1 graphic.
			// PCs can't be larger than that, but we leave it to the scenario designer to avoid assigning larger graphics.
			pic_num_t need_pic = pic - 100;
			int mode = 0;
			if(univ.party.direction >= 4)
			source_rect = get_monster_template_rect(need_pic, mode, 0);
			int which_sheet = m_pic_index[need_pic].i / 20;
			from_gw = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("monst" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet)).get();
		} else {
			source_rect = calc_rect(2 * (pic / 8), pic % 8);
			if(univ.party.direction >= 4)
			from_gw = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("pcs").get();
		ter_num_t ter = 0;
			ter = univ.out[univ.party.p_loc.x][univ.party.p_loc.y];
		else if(is_town() || is_combat())
			ter = univ.town->terrain(univ.town.p_loc.x,univ.town.p_loc.y);
		// now wedge in bed graphic
		if(is_town() && univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].special == eTerSpec::BED)
			draw_one_terrain_spot((short) target.x,(short) target.y,10000 + univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].flag1);
		else Draw_Some_Item(*from_gw, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, target, 1, 0);
	else if(univ.party.in_boat >= 0) {
		if(univ.party.direction == DIR_N) i = 2;
		else if(univ.party.direction == DIR_S) i = 3;
		else i = univ.party.direction > DIR_S;
		Draw_Some_Item(*ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("vehicle"), calc_rect(i,0), terrain_screen_gworld, target, 1, 0);
	}else {
		i = univ.party.direction > 3;
		Draw_Some_Item(*ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("vehicle"), calc_rect(i + 2, 1), terrain_screen_gworld, target, 1, 0);
Exemple #5
//short mode; // 0 - put pcs in gworld  1 - only rectangle around active pc
void draw_pcs(location center,short mode) {
	rectangle source_rect,active_pc_rect;
	location where_draw;
	// Draw current pc on top
	int pcs[6] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
	if(current_pc < 6)
		std::swap(pcs[5], pcs[current_pc]);
	for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
		int i = pcs[j];
		if(univ.party[i].main_status == eMainStatus::ALIVE)
			if(point_onscreen(center, univ.party[i].combat_pos) &&
			   (cartoon_happening || party_can_see(univ.party[i].combat_pos) < 6)){
				where_draw.x = univ.party[i].combat_pos.x - center.x + 4;
				where_draw.y = univ.party[i].combat_pos.y - center.y + 4;
				sf::Texture* from_gw;
				pic_num_t pic = univ.party[i].which_graphic;
				if(pic >= 1000) {
					bool isParty = pic >= 10000;
					pic_num_t need_pic = pic % 1000;
					if(univ.party[i].direction >= 4)
					if(combat_posing_monster == i)
						need_pic += 2;
					graf_pos_ref(from_gw, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(need_pic, isParty);
				} else if(pic >= 100) {
					// Note that we assume it's a 1x1 graphic.
					// PCs can't be larger than that, but we leave it to the scenario designer to avoid assigning larger graphics.
					pic_num_t need_pic = pic - 100;
					int mode = 0;
					if(univ.party[current_pc].direction >= 4)
					if(combat_posing_monster == i)
						mode += 10;
					source_rect = get_monster_template_rect(need_pic, mode, 0);
					int which_sheet = m_pic_index[need_pic].i / 20;
					from_gw = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("monst" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet)).get();
				} else {
					source_rect = calc_rect(2 * (pic / 8), pic % 8);
					if(univ.party[i].direction >= 4)
					if(combat_posing_monster == i)
					from_gw = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("pcs").get();
				if(mode == 0) {
					Draw_Some_Item(*from_gw, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, where_draw, 1, 0);
				if((current_pc == i) && (mode == 1) && !monsters_going) {
					active_pc_rect.top = 18 + where_draw.y * 36;
					active_pc_rect.left = 18 + where_draw.x * 28;
					active_pc_rect.bottom = 54 + where_draw.y * 36;
					active_pc_rect.right = 46 + where_draw.x * 28;
					frame_roundrect(mainPtr, active_pc_rect, 8, sf::Color::Magenta);
Exemple #6
void draw_monsters() {
	short i,j = 0,k;
	short width,height;
	rectangle source_rect,to_rect;
	location where_draw,store_loc;
	ter_num_t ter;
	rectangle monst_rects[4][4] = {
		for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
			if(univ.party.out_c[i].exists) {
				if((point_onscreen(univ.party.p_loc, univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc)) &&
					(can_see_light(univ.party.p_loc, univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc,sight_obscurity) < 5)) {
					where_draw.x = univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc.x - univ.party.p_loc.x + 4;
					where_draw.y = univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc.y - univ.party.p_loc.y + 4;
					for(j = 0; univ.party.out_c[i].what_monst.monst[j] == 0 && j < 7; j++);
					short picture_wanted;
					if(j == 7) univ.party.out_c[i].exists = false; // begin watch out
					else {
						picture_wanted = get_monst_picnum(univ.party.out_c[i].what_monst.monst[j]);
					} // end watch out
					if(univ.party.out_c[i].exists) {
						if(picture_wanted >= 1000) {
							for(k = 0; k < width * height; k++) {
								sf::Texture* src_gw;
								graf_pos_ref(src_gw, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(picture_wanted % 1000 +
																							 ((univ.party.out_c[i].direction < 4) ? 0 : (width * height)) + k);
								to_rect = monst_rects[(width - 1) * 2 + height - 1][k];
								to_rect.offset(13 + 28 * where_draw.x,13 + 36 * where_draw.y);
								rect_draw_some_item(*src_gw, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld,to_rect, sf::BlendAlpha);
						if(picture_wanted < 1000) {
							for(k = 0; k < width * height; k++) {
								source_rect = get_monster_template_rect(picture_wanted,(univ.party.out_c[i].direction < 4) ? 0 : 1,k);
								to_rect = monst_rects[(width - 1) * 2 + height - 1][k];
								to_rect.offset(13 + 28 * where_draw.x,13 + 36 * where_draw.y);
								int which_sheet = m_pic_index[picture_wanted].i / 20;
								sf::Texture& monst_gworld = *ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("monst" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet));
								rect_draw_some_item(monst_gworld, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld,to_rect, sf::BlendAlpha);
	if(is_town() || is_combat()) {
		for(i = 0; i < univ.town.monst.size(); i++)
			if(univ.town.monst[i].active != 0 && !univ.town.monst[i].invisible && univ.town.monst[i].status[eStatus::INVISIBLE] <= 0)
				if(point_onscreen(center,univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc) && party_can_see_monst(i)) {
					where_draw.x = univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.x - center.x + 4;
					where_draw.y = univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.y - center.y + 4;
					for(k = 0; k < width * height; k++) {
						store_loc = where_draw;
						store_loc.x += k % width;
						store_loc.y += k / width;
						ter = univ.town->terrain(univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.x,univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.y);
						// in bed?
						if(store_loc.x >= 0 && store_loc.x < 9 && store_loc.y >= 0 && store_loc.y < 9 &&
						   (univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].special == eTerSpec::BED) && isHumanoid(univ.town.monst[i].m_type)
						   && (univ.town.monst[i].active == 1 || univ.town.monst[i].target == 6) &&
						   width == 1 && height == 1)
							draw_one_terrain_spot((short) where_draw.x,(short) where_draw.y,10000 + univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].flag1);
						else if(univ.town.monst[i].picture_num >= 1000) {
							bool isParty = univ.town.monst[i].picture_num >= 10000;
							sf::Texture* src_gw;
							pic_num_t need_pic = (univ.town.monst[i].picture_num % 1000) + k;
							if(univ.town.monst[i].direction >= 4) need_pic += width * height;
							if(combat_posing_monster == i + 100) need_pic += (2 * width * height);
							graf_pos_ref(src_gw, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(need_pic, isParty);
							Draw_Some_Item(*src_gw, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, store_loc, 1, 0);
						} else {
							pic_num_t this_monst = univ.town.monst[i].picture_num;
							int pic_mode = (univ.town.monst[i].direction) < 4 ? 0 : 1;
							pic_mode += (combat_posing_monster == i + 100) ? 10 : 0;
							source_rect = get_monster_template_rect(this_monst, pic_mode, k);
							int which_sheet = m_pic_index[this_monst].i / 20;
							sf::Texture& monst_gworld = *ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("monst" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet));
							Draw_Some_Item(monst_gworld, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, store_loc, 1, 0);