std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> run_halide(Halide::Buffer<uint8_t> &in, Halide::Buffer<uint8_t> &y, Halide::Buffer<uint8_t> &u, Halide::Buffer<uint8_t> &v)
    in(0, 0, 0) = in(0, 0, 0);
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    rgbyuv420gpu_ref(in.raw_buffer(), y.raw_buffer(), u.raw_buffer(), v.raw_buffer());
    halide_copy_to_host(nullptr, y.raw_buffer());
    halide_copy_to_host(nullptr, u.raw_buffer());
    halide_copy_to_host(nullptr, v.raw_buffer());
    halide_device_free(nullptr, y.raw_buffer());
    halide_device_free(nullptr, u.raw_buffer());
    halide_device_free(nullptr, v.raw_buffer());
    halide_device_free(nullptr, in.raw_buffer());
    auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    return end - start;
Exemple #2
WEAK void CacheEntry::destroy() {
    halide_free(NULL, key);
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < tuple_count; i++) {
        halide_device_free(NULL, &buffer(i));
        halide_free(NULL, buffer(i).host - extra_bytes_host_bytes);
Exemple #3
EXPORT void destroy<BufferContents>(const BufferContents *p) {
    int error = halide_device_free(NULL, const_cast<buffer_t *>(&p->buf));
    user_assert(!error) << "Failed to free device buffer\n";

    delete p;
Exemple #4
WEAK void CacheEntry::destroy() {
    halide_free(NULL, key);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tuple_count; i++) {
        halide_device_free(NULL, &buffer(i));
        halide_free(NULL, get_pointer_to_header(buffer(i).host));
Exemple #5
EXPORT void destroy<BufferContents>(const BufferContents *p) {
    // Ignore errors. We may be cleaning up a buffer after an earlier
    // error, and asserting would re-raise it.
    halide_device_free(nullptr, const_cast<buffer_t *>(&p->buf));
    delete p;
Exemple #6
WEAK void CacheEntry::destroy() {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tuple_count; i++) {
        halide_device_free(NULL, &buf[i]);
        halide_free(NULL, get_pointer_to_header(buf[i].host));
    halide_free(NULL, metadata_storage);
WEAK int halide_default_device_and_host_free(void *user_context, struct buffer_t *buf, const halide_device_interface *device_interface) {
    int result = halide_device_free(user_context, buf);
    halide_free(user_context, buf->host);
    buf->host = NULL;
    buf->host_dirty = false;
    buf->dev_dirty = false;
    return result;
Exemple #8
WEAK int halide_device_free_legacy(void *user_context, struct buffer_t *old_buf) {
    halide_buffer_t new_buf = {0};
    halide_dimension_t shape[4];
    new_buf.dim = shape;
    int err = guess_type_and_dimensionality(user_context, old_buf, &new_buf);
    err = err || halide_upgrade_buffer_t(user_context, "", old_buf, &new_buf, /*bounds_query_only*/ 0);
    err = err || halide_device_free(user_context, &new_buf);
    err = err || halide_downgrade_buffer_t_device_fields(user_context, "", &new_buf, old_buf);
    return err;
Exemple #9
WEAK int halide_default_device_and_host_free(void *user_context, struct halide_buffer_t *buf,
                                             const halide_device_interface_t *device_interface) {
    int result = halide_device_free(user_context, buf);
    if (buf->host) {
        halide_free(user_context, buf->host);
        buf->host = NULL;
    return result;
Exemple #10
/** Copy image data from host memory to device memory. This should not be
 * called directly; Halide handles copying to the device automatically. */
WEAK int halide_copy_to_device(void *user_context,
                               struct halide_buffer_t *buf,
                               const halide_device_interface_t *device_interface) {
    int result = 0;

    ScopedMutexLock lock(&device_copy_mutex);

        << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf
        << ", host: " << buf->host
        << ", dev: " << buf->device
        << ", host_dirty: " << buf->host_dirty()
        << ", dev_dirty: " << buf->device_dirty() << "\n";
    if (device_interface == NULL) {
        debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf << " interface is NULL\n";
        if (buf->device_interface == NULL) {
            debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf << " no interface error\n";
            return halide_error_code_no_device_interface;
        device_interface = buf->device_interface;

    if (buf->device && buf->device_interface != device_interface) {
        debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf << " flipping buffer to new device\n";
        if (buf->device_interface != NULL && buf->device_dirty()) {
            halide_assert(user_context, !buf->host_dirty());
            result = copy_to_host_already_locked(user_context, buf);
            if (result != 0) {
                debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf << " flipping buffer halide_copy_to_host failed\n";
                return result;
        result = halide_device_free(user_context, buf);
        if (result != 0) {
            debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf << " flipping buffer halide_device_free failed\n";
            return result;
        buf->set_host_dirty(true); // force copy back to new device below.

    if (buf->device == 0) {
        result = halide_device_malloc(user_context, buf, device_interface);
        if (result != 0) {
            debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf
                                << " halide_copy_to_device call to halide_device_malloc failed\n";
            return result;

    if (buf->host_dirty()) {
        debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf << " host is dirty\n";
        if (buf->device_dirty()) {
            debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device " << buf << " dev_dirty is true error\n";
            return halide_error_code_copy_to_device_failed;
        } else {
            result = device_interface->copy_to_device(user_context, buf);
            if (result == 0) {
            } else {
                debug(user_context) << "halide_copy_to_device "
                                    << buf << "device copy_to_device returned an error\n";
                return halide_error_code_copy_to_device_failed;

    return 0;
Exemple #11
/** Free any device memory associated with a halide_buffer_t and ignore any
 * error. Used when freeing as a destructor on an error. */
WEAK void halide_device_free_as_destructor(void *user_context, void *obj) {
    struct halide_buffer_t *buf = (struct halide_buffer_t *)obj;
    halide_device_free(user_context, buf);
Exemple #12
WEAK int halide_weak_device_free(void *user_context, struct halide_buffer_t *buf) {
    return halide_device_free(user_context, buf);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    LOGI("\nvvvv vvvv vvvv");

    int width = 128;
    int height = 128;
    int channels = 4;

    int32_t *input = (int32_t*)malloc(width * height * channels * sizeof(int32_t));
    int32_t *output = (int32_t*)malloc(width * height * channels * sizeof(int32_t));
    LOGI("Allocated memory for %dx%dx%d image", width, height, channels);

    buffer_t bt_input = make_interleaved_image(width, height, channels, input);
    for (int i = 0; i < std::min(bt_input.extent[0], width); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < std::min(bt_input.extent[1], height); j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < bt_input.extent[2]; k++) {
                input[i * bt_input.stride[0] +
                      j * bt_input.stride[1] +
                      k * bt_input.stride[2]] = ((i + j) % 2) * 6;
    LOGI("Input :\n");
    bt_input.host_dirty = true;

    buffer_t bt_output = make_interleaved_image(width, height, channels, output);

    two_kernels_filter(&bt_input, &bt_output);
    LOGI("Filter is done.");
    halide_device_sync(NULL, &bt_output);
    LOGI("Sync is done");
    halide_copy_to_host(NULL, &bt_output);

    LOGI("Output :\n");

    int count_mismatches = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < bt_output.extent[0]; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < bt_output.extent[1]; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < bt_output.extent[2]; k++) {
                int32_t output_value =
                    ((int32_t*)[i * bt_output.stride[0] +
                                               j * bt_output.stride[1] +
                                               k * bt_output.stride[2]];
                int32_t input_value =
                    ((int32_t*)[i * bt_input.stride[0] +
                                              j * bt_input.stride[1] +
                                              k * bt_input.stride[2]];
                if (output_value != input_value) {
                    if (count_mismatches < 100) {
                        std::ostringstream str;
                        str << "bt_output and bt_input results differ at "
                            << "(" << i << ", " << j << ", " << k << "):"
                            << output_value << " != " << input_value
                            << "\n";
                        LOGI("%s", str.str().c_str());

    LOGI(count_mismatches == 0? "Test passed.\n": "Test failed.\n");

    halide_device_free(NULL, &bt_input);
    halide_device_free(NULL, &bt_output);

    halide_device_release(NULL, halide_openglcompute_device_interface());

    LOGI("^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^\n");
Exemple #14
int Buffer::free_dev_buffer() {
    return halide_device_free(NULL, raw_buffer());