// draw a HORIZONTAL line in html
void Statsdb::drawLine3 ( SafeBuf &sb ,
		 long x1 , 
		 long x2 ,
		 long fy1 , 
		 long color ,
		 long width ) {

	// do not draw repeats in the case we have a ton of points to plot
	long key32 ;
	key32 = hash32h ( x1  , 0 );
	key32 = hash32h ( x2  , key32);
	key32 = hash32h ( fy1 , key32);
	key32 = hash32h ( color , key32);
	key32 = hash32h ( width , key32);
	if ( m_dupTable.isInTable(&key32) ) return;

	sb.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
		      , x1 + m_bx
		      , (fy1 - width/2) + m_by
		      , color
		      , width
		      , x2 - x1
// draw a HORIZONTAL line in html
void Statsdb::drawLine3 ( SafeBuf &sb ,
		 int32_t x1 , 
		 int32_t x2 ,
		 int32_t fy1 , 
		 int32_t color ,
		 int32_t width ) {

	// do not draw repeats in the case we have a ton of points to plot
	int32_t key32 ;
	key32 = hash32h ( x1  , 0 );
	key32 = hash32h ( x2  , key32);
	key32 = hash32h ( fy1 , key32);
	key32 = hash32h ( color , key32);
	key32 = hash32h ( width , key32);
	if ( m_dupTable.isInTable(&key32) ) return;

	sb.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
				  "left:%" PRId32";"
				  "bottom:%" PRId32";"
				  "background-color:#%" PRIx32";"
				  "min-height:%" PRId32"px;"
				  "min-width:%" PRId32"px;\""
				  " class=\"color-%" PRIx32"\"></div>\n"
		      , x1 + m_bx
		      , (fy1 - width/2) + m_by
		      , color
		      , width
		      , x2 - x1
		      , color
iconv_t gbiconv_open( char *tocode, char *fromcode) {
	// get hash for to/from
	uint32_t hash1 = hash32Lower_a(tocode, gbstrlen(tocode), 0);
	uint32_t hash2 = hash32Lower_a(fromcode, gbstrlen(fromcode),0);
	uint32_t hash = hash32h(hash1, hash2);

	g_errno = 0;
	iconv_t *convp = (iconv_t *)s_convTable.getValue(&hash);
	iconv_t conv = NULL;
	if ( convp ) conv = *convp;
	//log(LOG_DEBUG, "uni: convertor %s -> %s from hash 0x%"XINT32": 0x%"XINT32"",
	//    fromcode, tocode,
	//    hash, conv);
	if (!conv){
		//log(LOG_DEBUG, "uni: Allocating new convertor for "
		//    "%s to %s (hash: 0x%"XINT32")",
		//    fromcode, tocode,hash);
		conv = iconv_open(tocode, fromcode);
		if (conv == (iconv_t) -1) {
			log(LOG_WARN, "uni: failed to open converter for "
			    "%s to %s: %s (%d)", fromcode, tocode, 
			    strerror(errno), errno);
			// need to stop if necessary converters don't open
			//char *xx=NULL; *xx = 0;
			g_errno = errno;
			if (errno == EINVAL)
				g_errno = EBADCHARSET;
			return conv;
		// add mem to table to keep track
		g_mem.addMem((void*)conv, 52, "iconv", 1);
		// cache convertor
		s_convTable.addKey(&hash, &conv);
		//log(LOG_DEBUG, "uni: Saved convertor 0x%"INT32" under hash 0x%"XINT32"",
		//    conv, hash);
		// reset convertor
		char *dummy = NULL;
		size_t dummy2 = 0;
		// JAB: warning abatement
		//size_t res = iconv(conv,NULL,NULL,&dummy,&dummy2);

	return conv;
u_int96_t hash96 ( int32_t h1 ,  u_int96_t h2 ) {
    h2.n0 = hash64  ( h1 , h2.n0 );
    h2.n1 = hash32h ( h1 , h2.n1 );
    return h2;
u_int96_t hash96 ( u_int96_t h1 ,  u_int96_t h2 ) {
    h1.n0 = hash64  ( h1.n0 , h2.n0 );
    h1.n1 = hash32h ( h1.n1 , h2.n1 );
    return h1;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Statsdb::gifLoop ( ) {
	// shortcut
	Msg5 *m = &m_msg5;

	//#ifndef _USEPLOTTER_
	//return true;

	// loop over all the lists in the time range, [m_t1,m_t2]
	for ( ; ! m_done ; ) {
		if ( ! m->getList ( (char)RDB_STATSDB	,
				    "statsdb"		, // coll
				    &m_list		,
				    (char *)&m_startKey	,
				    (char *)&m_endKey	,
				    32000	, // requested scan size
				    true 	, // include tree?
				    false	, // add to cache?
				    0		, // max cache age
				    0		, // start file number
				    -1		, // number of files
				    NULL	, // state
				    gotListWrapper, // callback
				    m_niceness	, // niceness
				    false	, // do error correction?
				    NULL	, // cache key pointer
				    0		, // # retries
				    -1		, // max # retries
				    true	, // compensate for merge?
				    -1		, // sync point
				    NULL	) ) // msg5b
			return false;
		// . process list
		// . returns false with g_errno set on error
		if ( ! processList() ) return true;

	// define time delta - commented out because it's currently not used.
	long dt = m_t2 - m_t1;

	//#ifdef _USEPLOTTER_

	// gif size
	//char tmp[64];
	// dimensions of the gif
	//sprintf ( tmp , "%lix%li", (long)DX+m_bx*2 , (long)DY+m_by*2 );
	//GIFPlotter::parampl ( "BITMAPSIZE" , (void *)tmp );
	// create one
	//GIFPlotter plotter ( NULL , m_fd , NULL );
	// open it
	//plotter.openpl ( );

	// define the space with boundaries 100 unit wide boundaries
	//plotter.space ( 0 , 0 , DX + m_bx * 2 , DY + m_by * 2 );

	// line thickness in user coordinates (pixels for us)
	//plotter.linewidth ( 1 );       
	// set bg color to gray (r/g/b) 
	//plotter.bgcolor ( 0xd600 , 0xce00 , 0xd600 );
	// erase Plotter's graphics display
	//plotter.erase ();                
	// draw axises in black
	//plotter.pencolorname ("black");    

	// main graphing window
	m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:relative;"
		      // the tick marks we print below are based on it
		      // being a window of the last 20 seconds... and using
		      // DX pixels
		      ,(long)DX + 2 *m_bx
			,(long)DY + 2*m_by);

	// draw the x-axis
	//plotter.line ( m_bx , m_by , DX + m_bx , m_by  );

	// 10 x-axis tick marks
	for ( int x = DX/20 ; x <= DX ; x += DX/20 ) {
		// tick mark
		//plotter.line ( x , -20 , x , 20 );
		m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
			      , m_bx + (long)x-1
		long xv = (long)(dt * (long long)x/(long long)DX)-(long)dt;
		// LABEL
		m_gw.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
				, (long)x-10 + m_bx
				// the label:
				, xv

	HashTableX tmpht;

	long col = 0;

	m_sb2->safePrintf("<table border=1 width=100%%>\n");

	// label offset to prevent collisions of superimposing multiple
	// graph calbrations
	long zoff = 0;

	// point to the triplets in m_sb1's buffer (x,y,c)
	char *p    = m_sb1.getBufStart();
	char *pend = p + m_sb1.length();
	for ( ; p < pend ; p += 12 ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// get graph hash of this point
		long  gh = *(long *)(p +8);

		// if we already did this graph, skip it
		if ( tmpht.isInTable ( &gh ) ) continue;

		// . graph this single graph of this color
		// . returns ptr to first point of different color!
		plotGraph ( p , pend , gh , m_gw , zoff );
		// prevent collisions
		zoff += 20;

		// get the label based on graphHash
		Label *bb = getLabel ( gh );

		// add to key
		if ( col == 0 )

		m_sb2->safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%06lx>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>"
				 bb->m_color ,
				 bb->m_keyDesc );

		if ( col == 1 )

		// inc column and wrap
		if ( ++col >= 2 ) col = 0;

		// . do not re-display 
		// . TODO: deal with error
		tmpht.addKey ( &gh );

	// clear that up

	// now plot the events, horizontal line segments like the performance
	// graph uses
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_ht3.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
		// skip if slot empty
		if ( ! m_ht3.m_flags[i] ) continue;
		// get the offset into m_sb3
		long offset = *(long *)m_ht3.getValueFromSlot(i);
		// get buf start
		char *bufStart = m_sb3.getBufStart();
		// get the ptr
		EventPoint *pp = (EventPoint *)(bufStart + offset);

		// get name of parm
		Parm *m = g_parms.getParmFromParmHash ( pp->m_parmHash );
		// make sure we got it
		if ( ! m ) { 
			log("statsdb: unrecognized parm hash = %li",
			//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

		// set the line width
		//plotter.linewidth ( pp->m_thickness );

		// get parm hash
		long colorHash = pp->m_parmHash;
		// add in old/new values to make it different
		colorHash = hash32h ( (long)pp->m_oldVal , colorHash );
		colorHash = hash32h ( (long)pp->m_newVal , colorHash );
		// . get color
		// . is really the parm hash in disguise
		long c1 = colorHash & 0x00ffffff;
		// use the color specified from addStat_r() for this line/pt
		//plotter.pencolor ( ((c1 >> 16) & 0xff) << 8 ,
		//		   ((c1 >>  8) & 0xff) << 8 ,
		//		   ((c1 >>  0) & 0xff) << 8 );

		long x1 = pp->m_a;
		long x2 = pp->m_b;
		long y1 = *(long *)m_ht3.getKey(i); // i value
		// ensure at least 3 units wide for visibility
		if ( x2 < x1 + 10 ) x2 = x1 + 10;
		// . flip the y so we don't have to scroll the browser down
		// . DY does not include the axis and tick marks
		//long fy1 = DY - y1 + m_by ;
		// plot it
		//plotter.line ( x1 , fy1 , x2 , fy1 );
		drawLine3 ( m_gw , x1 , x2 , y1 , c1 , pp->m_thickness );

		// add to map key? only if we haven't already
		if ( tmpht.isInTable ( &colorHash ) ) continue;

		// add it
		if ( col == 0 )

		char *title = "unknown parm";
		if ( m ) title = m->m_title;

		m_sb2->safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%06lx>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>",c1);

		// print the parm name and old/new values

		if ( pp->m_oldVal != pp->m_newVal )
			m_sb2->safePrintf(" (%.02f -> %.02f)",


		if ( col == 1 )

		// inc column and wrap
		if ( ++col >= 2 ) col = 0;

		// . do not re-display 
		// . TODO: deal with error
		tmpht.addKey ( &colorHash ) ;

	// clear that up

	// and stat states

	// all done free some mem

	// but not m_sb2 cuz that has the html in it!!

	// all done
	//if ( plotter.closepl () < 0 ) 
	//	log("admin: Could not close performance graph object.");
	// close the file
	//fclose ( m_fd );


	// close main graphing window

	return true;
bool Statsdb::init ( ) {

	// 20 pixel borders
	m_bx = 10;
	m_by = 40;

	// keep it at least at 20MB otherwise it is filling up the tree 
	// constantly and dumping
	long maxTreeMem = g_conf.m_statsdbMaxTreeMem;
	if ( maxTreeMem < 10000000 ) maxTreeMem = 10000000;

	long nodeSize = sizeof(StatData)+8+12+4 + sizeof(collnum_t);
	// for debug
	//nodeSize = 50000;

	// . We take a snapshot of g_stats every minute.
	// . Each sample struct taken from g_stats ranges from 1k - 2k
	//   after compression depending on the state of the
	//   all errors arrays.
	uint32_t maxTreeNodes  = maxTreeMem / nodeSize;
	uint32_t maxCacheNodes = g_conf.m_statsdbMaxCacheMem / nodeSize;

	// assume low niceness
	m_niceness = 0;

	// init the label table
	static char s_buf[576];
	if ( ! m_labelTable.set(4,4,64,s_buf,576,false,0,"statcolors") )
		return false;
	// stock the table
	long n = (long)sizeof(s_labels)/ sizeof(Label);
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		Label *bb = &s_labels[i];
		// hash the label
		bb->m_labelHash = hash32n ( bb->m_label );
		// then incorporate the bool parm
		bb->m_graphHash = hash32h( bb->m_labelHash , bb->m_graphType );
		// add it to labeltable... why???
		if ( ! m_labelTable.addKey (&bb->m_graphHash,&bb ) ) { 
			char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// sanity test
	//Stat ts;
	//ts.setKey ( 0x123456789LL , 0x7654321 );
	//if ( ts.getTime1()     != 0x123456789LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	//if ( ts.getLabelHash() != 0x7654321     ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	//ts.setKey ( 1268261684329LL , -246356284 );
	//if ( ts.getTime1()     != 1268261684329LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	//if ( ts.getLabelHash() != -246356284      ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// call this twice per second
	if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500,NULL,flushStatsWrapper))
		return log("statsdb: Failed to initialize timer callback2.");

	m_init   = true;

	// make the rec cache 0 bytes, cuz we are just using page cache now
	if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir		, // working directory
			    "statsdb"			, // dbname
			    true			, // dedup keys
			    sizeof(StatData)            , // fixed record size
			    200,//g_conf.m_statsdbMinFilesToMerge ,
			    maxTreeMem                  ,
			    maxTreeNodes		,
			    true			, // balance tree?
			    0                           , // m_statsdbMaxCchMem
			    maxCacheNodes		,
			    false			, // use half keys?
			    false			, // cache from disk?
			    NULL			, // page cache pointer
			    false			, // is titledb?
			    false			,
			    sizeof(key96_t)		, // key size
			    false, // bias disk page cache?
			    true ) ) // is collectionless?
		return false;

	m_disabled = false;

	return true;
void processReply ( char *reply , long replyLen ) {

	// store our current reply
	SafeBuf fb2;
	fb2.safeMemcpy(reply,replyLen );

	// log that we got the reply
	log("qa: got reply(len=%li)(errno=%s)=%s",

	char *content = NULL;
	long  contentLen = 0;

	// get mime
	if ( reply ) {
		HttpMime mime;
		mime.set ( reply, replyLen , NULL );
		// only hash content since mime has a timestamp in it
		content = mime.getContent();
		contentLen = mime.getContentLen();
		if ( content && contentLen>0 && content[contentLen] ) { 
			char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	if ( ! content ) {
		content = "";
		contentLen = 0;

	s_content = content;

	// take out <responseTimeMS>
	markOut ( content , "<currentTimeUTC>");
	markOut ( content , "<responseTimeMS>");

	// until i figure this one out, take it out
	markOut ( content , "<docsInCollection>");

	// until i figure this one out, take it out
	markOut ( content , "<hits>");

	// for those links in the html pages
	markOut ( content, "rand64=");

	// for json
	markOut ( content , "\"currentTimeUTC\":" );
	markOut ( content , "\"responseTimeMS\":");
	markOut ( content , "\"docsInCollection\":");

	// for xml
	markOut ( content , "<currentTimeUTC>" );
	markOut ( content , "<responseTimeMS>");
	markOut ( content , "<docsInCollection>");

	// indexed 1 day ago
	markOut ( content,"indexed:");
	// modified 1 day ago
	markOut ( content,"modified:");

	// s_gigabitCount... it is perpetually incrementing static counter
	// in PageResults.cpp

	// for some reason the term freq seems to change a little in
	// the scoring table

	// make checksum. we ignore back to back spaces so this
	// hash works for <docsInCollection>10 vs <docsInCollection>9
	long contentCRC = 0; 
	if ( content ) contentCRC = qa_hash32 ( content );

	// note it
	log("qa: got contentCRC of %lu",contentCRC);

	// if what we expected, save to disk if not there yet, then
	// call s_callback() to resume the qa pipeline
	if ( contentCRC == s_expectedCRC ) {
		// save content if good
		char fn3[1024];
		File ff; ff.set ( fn3 );
		if ( ! ff.doesExist() ) {
			// if not there yet then save it
		// . continue on with the qa process
		// . which qa function that may be

	// if crc of content does not match what was expected then do a diff
	// so we can see why not

	// this means caller does not care about the response
	if ( ! s_checkCRC ) {

	//const char *emsg = "qa: bad contentCRC of %li should be %li "
	//	"\n";//"phase=%li\n";

	// hash url
	long urlHash32 = hash32n ( s_url.getUrl() );

	// combine test function too since two tests may use the same url
	long nameHash = hash32n ( s_qt->m_testName );

	// combine together
	urlHash32 = hash32h ( nameHash , urlHash32 );

	static bool s_init = false;
	if ( ! s_init ) {
		s_init = true;
		// make symlink
		//char cmd[512];
		//snprintf(cmd,"cd %s/html ;ln -s ../qa ./qa", g_hostdb.m_dir);
		char dir[1024];
		long status = ::mkdir ( dir ,
					S_IROTH | S_IXOTH );
	        if ( status == -1 && errno != EEXIST && errno )
			log("qa: Failed to make directory %s: %s.",
		// try to load from disk
		SafeBuf fn;
		log("qa: loading crctable.dat");
		s_ht.load ( fn.getBufStart() , "crctable.dat" );

	// break up into lines
	char fn2[1024];
	fb2.save ( fn2 );

	// look up in hashtable to see what reply crc should be
	long *val = (long *)s_ht.getValue ( &urlHash32 );

	// just return if the same
	if ( val && contentCRC == *val ) {
		g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<b style=color:green;>"
				      "passed test</b><br>%s : "
				      "<a href=%s>%s</a> (urlhash=%lu "
				      "crc=<a href=/qa/content.%lu>"

	if ( ! val ) {
		// add it so we know
		s_ht.addKey ( &urlHash32 , &contentCRC );
		g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<b style=color:blue;>"
				      "first time testing</b><br>%s : "
				      "<a href=%s>%s</a> "
				      "(urlhash=%lu "
				      "crc=<a href=/qa/content.%lu>%lu"

	log("qa: crc changed for url %s from %li to %li",

	// get response on file
	SafeBuf fb1;
	char fn1[1024];
	sprintf(fn1,"%sqa/content.%lu",g_hostdb.m_dir, *val);

	// do the diff between the two replies so we can see what changed
	char cmd[1024];
	sprintf(cmd,"diff %s %s > /tmp/diffout",fn1,fn2);
	log("qa: %s\n",cmd);

	g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<b style=color:red;>FAILED TEST</b><br>%s : "
			      "<a href=%s>%s</a> (urlhash=%lu)<br>"

			      "<input type=checkbox name=urlhash%lu value=1 "
			      // use ajax to update test crc. if you undo your
			      // check then it should put the old val back.
			      // when you first click the checkbox it should
			      // gray out the diff i guess.
			      "onclick=submitchanges(%lu,%lu);> "
			      "Accept changes"

			      "original on left, new on right. "
			      "oldcrc = <a href=/qa/content.%lu>%lu</a>"

			      " != <a href=/qa/content.%lu>%lu</a> = newcrc"
			      "<br>diff output follows:<br>"
			      "<pre id=%lu style=background-color:0xffffff;>",

			      // input checkbox name field

			      // submitchanges() parms

			      // original/old content.%lu

			      // new content.%lu

			      // for the pre tag id:

	// store in output
	SafeBuf sb;
	g_qaOutput.htmlEncode ( sb.getBufStart() );


	// if this is zero allow it to slide by. it is learning mode i guess.
	// so we can learn what crc we need to use.
	// otherwise, stop right there for debugging
	//if ( s_expectedCRC != 0 ) exit(1);

	// keep on going