Exemple #1
void subColumn(char *asciiColumn, char *inFile, char *subFile, char *outFile)
/* subColumn - Substitute one column in a tab-separated file.. */
struct hash *subHash = hashTwoColumnFile(subFile);
int column = atoi(asciiColumn);
if (column == 0)
    column -= 1;
char *row[1024*4];
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inFile, TRUE);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
int rowCount;
while ((rowCount = lineFileChopNextTab(lf, row, ArraySize(row))) > 0)
    if (rowCount == ArraySize(row))
        errAbort("Too many columns (%d) line %d of  %s.", rowCount, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    if (column >= rowCount)
        errAbort("Not enough columns (%d) line %d of  %s.", rowCount, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<rowCount; ++i)
	char *s = row[i];
	if (i == column)
	    if (isList)
		s = subCommaList(subHash, s);
		char *sub = hashFindVal(subHash, s);
		if (sub == NULL)
		    if (fMiss)
		        fprintf(fMiss, "%s\n", s);
			errAbort("%s not in %s line %d of %s", s, subFile, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
		    s = sub;
	fputs(s, f);
	if (i == rowCount-1)
	    fputc('\n', f);
	    fputc('\t', f);
Exemple #2
void regClusterBedExpCfg(char *input, char *output)
/* regClusterBedExpCfg - Create config file for hgBedsToBedExps from list of files.. */
if (cellLetter)
    cellLetterHash = hashTwoColumnFile(cellLetter);
if (encodeList)
    makeConfigFromEncodeList(input, output);
else if (tabList)
    makeConfigFromTabList(input, output, useTarget);
    makeConfigFromFileList(input, output);
void kgAttachKegg(char *database, char *locusLinkToPathway, char *knownToKegg)
/* kgAttachKegg - Attach UCSC genes to KEGG pathways via locusLink IDs. */
/* Build up hash keyed by locus link ID with KEGG pathway id's as value. */
struct hash *llToKegg = hashTwoColumnFile(locusLinkToPathway);
verbose(1, "Got %d items in %s\n", llToKegg->elCount, locusLinkToPathway);

/* Build up hash keyed by refSeq accession (without version) with UCSC known gene values. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
struct hash *ucscToRef = hashNew(16);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "select * from knownToRefSeq");
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hashAdd(ucscToRef, row[0], cloneString(row[1]));
verbose(1, "Got %d items in %s.knownToRefSeq\n", ucscToRef->elCount, database);

/* Build up hash keyed by refSeq accessions with locus link values. */
struct hash *refToLl = hashNew(16);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "select mrnaAcc,locusLinkId from refLink");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hashAdd(refToLl, row[0], cloneString(row[1]));
verbose(1, "Got %d items in %s.refLink\n", refToLl->elCount, database);

/* Stream through kgTxInfo table getting ones that are _primarily_ refSeq. */
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "select name from kgTxInfo where isRefSeq=1");
FILE *f = mustOpen(knownToKegg, "w");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *ucsc = row[0];
    char *refSeq = hashFindVal(ucscToRef, ucsc);
    if (refSeq)
	char *ll = hashFindVal(refToLl, refSeq);
	if (ll)
	    char *kegg = hashFindVal(llToKegg, ll);
	    if (kegg)
		fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", ucsc, ll, kegg);
struct hash *loadGeneToModule(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName, char *table)
/* Load up simple two-column file into a lookup type table. */
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(512);
"CREATE TABLE  %s (\n"
"    gene varchar(255) not null,\n"
"    module int not null,\n"
"              #Indices\n"
"    PRIMARY KEY(gene(12)),\n"
"    INDEX(module)\n"
")\n", table);
sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string);
sqlLoadTabFile(conn, fileName, table, 0);
verbose(1, "Loaded %s table\n", table);
return hashTwoColumnFile(fileName);
Exemple #5
void txGeneCdsMap(char *inBed, char *inInfo, char *inPicks, char *refPepToTxPsl, 
	char *refToPepTab, char *chromSizes, char *cdsToRna, char *rnaToGenome)
/* txGeneCdsMap - Create mapping between CDS region of gene and genome. */
/* Load info into hash. */
struct hash *infoHash = hashNew(18);
struct txInfo *info, *infoList = txInfoLoadAll(inInfo);
for (info = infoList; info != NULL; info = info->next)
    hashAdd(infoHash, info->name, info);

/* Load picks into hash.  We don't use cdsPicksLoadAll because empty fields
 * cause that autoSql-generated routine problems. */
struct hash *pickHash = newHash(18);
struct cdsPick *pick;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inPicks, TRUE);
char *row[CDSPICK_NUM_COLS];
while (lineFileRowTab(lf, row))
    pick = cdsPickLoad(row);
    hashAdd(pickHash, pick->name, pick);

/* Load refPep/tx alignments into hash keyed by tx. */
struct hash *refPslHash = hashNew(18);
struct psl *psl, *pslList  = pslLoadAll(refPepToTxPsl);
for (psl = pslList; psl != NULL; psl = psl->next)
    hashAdd(refPslHash, psl->tName, psl);

struct hash *refToPepHash = hashTwoColumnFile(refToPepTab);
struct hash *chromSizeHash = hashNameIntFile(chromSizes);

/* Load in bed. */
struct bed *bed, *bedList = bedLoadNAll(inBed, 12);

/* Open output, and stream through bedList, writing output. */
FILE *fCdsToRna = mustOpen(cdsToRna, "w");
FILE *fRnaToGenome = mustOpen(rnaToGenome, "w");
int refTotal = 0, refFound = 0;
for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
    if (bed->thickStart < bed->thickEnd)
	char *chrom = bed->chrom;
	int chromSize = hashIntVal(chromSizeHash, chrom);
	info = hashMustFindVal(infoHash, bed->name);
	pick = hashMustFindVal(pickHash, bed->name);
	if (info->isRefSeq)
	    char *refAcc = txAccFromTempName(bed->name);
	    if (!startsWith("NM_", refAcc))
		errAbort("Don't think I did find that refSeq acc, got %s", refAcc);
	    char *protAcc = hashMustFindVal(refToPepHash, refAcc);
	    if (findAndMapPsl(bed, protAcc, refPslHash, chromSize, fCdsToRna))
	    fakeCdsToMrna(bed, fCdsToRna);
	fakeRnaToGenome(bed, chromSize, fRnaToGenome);
verbose(1, "Missed %d of %d refSeq protein mappings.  A small number of RefSeqs just map\n"
           "to genome in the UTR.\n", refTotal - refFound, refTotal);
Exemple #6
void edwFixReplaced(char *database, char *inTab, char *spikedTab, char *outSql, char *outRa)
/* edwFixReplaced - Clean up files that were replaced in ENCODE2. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = edwConnect();
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inTab, TRUE);
FILE *fSql = mustOpen(outSql, "w");
FILE *fRa = mustOpen(outRa, "w");
char *row[2];
struct hash *renameHash = rootRenameHash();
struct hash *spikedHash = hashTwoColumnFile(spikedTab);
int depCount = 0, repCount = 0;
while (lineFileRowTab(lf, row))
    /* Get fields in local variables. */
    char *oldFileName = row[0];
    char *objStatus = row[1];

    /* Do spikein rename lookup. */
    char *spiked = hashFindVal(spikedHash, oldFileName);
    if (spiked != NULL)
	verbose(2, "renaming spikeing %s to %s\n", oldFileName, spiked);
        oldFileName = spiked;

    /* Get rid of bai name for bam,bai pairs. */
    char *comma = strchr(oldFileName, ',');
    if (comma != NULL)
	if (!endsWith(comma, ".bai"))
	    errAbort("Unexpected conjoining of files line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	*comma = 0;

    /* For .fastq.tgz files we got to unpack them. */
    if (endsWith(oldFileName, ".fastq.tgz"))
	/* Get root name - name minus suffix */
	char *oldRoot = cloneString(oldFileName);
	verbose(2, "Processing fastq.tgz %s %s\n", oldFileName, oldRoot);

	// Find records for old version.
	char query[512];
	sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
	    "select * from edwFile where submitFileName like '%s/%%/%s.fastq.tgz.dir/%%'"
	    " order by submitFileName",
	    database, oldRoot);
	struct edwFile *oldList = edwFileLoadByQuery(conn, query);
	int oldCount = slCount(oldList);
	if (oldCount == 0)
	    errAbort("No records match %s", query);

	// Find record for replaced version.
	// Fortunately all of the fastq.tgz's are just V2, which simplifies code a bit
	sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
	    "select * from edwFile where submitFileName like '%s/%%/%sV2.fastq.tgz.dir/%%'"
	    " order by submitFileName",
	    database, oldRoot);
	struct edwFile *newList = edwFileLoadByQuery(conn, query);
	int newCount = slCount(newList);
	if (newCount == 0)
	    errAbort("No records match %s", query);

	// Make a hash of new records keyed by new file name inside of tgz
	struct edwFile *newEf;
	struct hash *newHash = hashNew(0);
	for (newEf = newList; newEf != NULL; newEf = newEf->next)
	    char fileName[FILENAME_LEN];
	    splitPath(newEf->submitFileName, NULL, fileName, NULL);
	    hashAdd(newHash, fileName, newEf);
	    verbose(2, " %s\n", fileName);
	verbose(2, "%d in oldList, %d in newList\n", oldCount, newCount);

	// Loop through old records trying to find corresponding new record
	struct edwFile *oldEf;
	for (oldEf = oldList; oldEf != NULL; oldEf = oldEf->next)
	    char fileName[FILENAME_LEN];
	    splitPath(oldEf->submitFileName, NULL, fileName, NULL);
	    struct edwFile *newEf = hashFindVal(newHash, fileName);
	    char *newName = "n/a";
	    fprintf(fSql, "update edwFile set deprecated='%s' where id=%u;\n", objStatus, oldEf->id);
	    if (newEf != NULL)
		fprintf(fSql, "update edwFile set replacedBy=%u where id=%u;\n", newEf->id, oldEf->id);
		newName = newEf->submitFileName;
	    fprintf(fRa, "objStatus %s\n", objStatus);
	    fprintf(fRa, "oldFile %s\n", oldEf->submitFileName);
	    fprintf(fRa, "newFile %s\n", newName);
	    fprintf(fRa, "\n");
	    verbose(2, "%s -> %s\n", oldEf->submitFileName, newName);

	/* Figure out new file name by either adding V2 at end, or if there is already a V#,
	 * replacing it. */
#ifdef SOON
#endif /* SOON */
	int oldVersion = 1;
	char *noVersion = NULL;
	    /* Split old file name into root and suffix. */
	    char *suffix = edwFindDoubleFileSuffix(oldFileName);
	    if (suffix == NULL)
		errAbort("No suffix in %s line %d of %s", oldFileName, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    char *oldRoot = cloneStringZ(oldFileName, suffix - oldFileName);
	    char *renamed = hashFindVal(renameHash, oldRoot);
	    if (renamed != NULL)
		verbose(2, "Overriding %s with %s\n", oldRoot, renamed);
		oldRoot = cloneString(renamed);

	    /* Look for V# at end of old root, and if it's there chop it off and update oldVersion */
	    noVersion = oldRoot;  // If no V, we done. */
	    char *vPos = strrchr(oldRoot, 'V');
	    if (vPos != NULL)
		char *numPos = vPos + 1;
		int numSize = strlen(numPos);
		if (numSize == 1 || numSize == 2)
		    if (isAllDigits(numPos))
			oldVersion = atoi(numPos);
			*vPos = 0;
			errAbort("Expecting numbers after V in file name got %s line %d of %s",
			    numPos, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    verbose(2, "%s parses to  %s %d %s\n", oldFileName, noVersion, oldVersion, suffix);

	    /* Find record for old file. */
	    char query[512];
	    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
		"select * from edwFile where submitFileName like '%s/%%/%s'", 
		database, oldFileName);
	    struct edwFile *oldEf = edwFileLoadByQuery(conn, query);
	    if (slCount(oldEf) != 1)
		errAbort("Expecting one result got %d for %s\n", slCount(oldEf), query);
	    fprintf(fSql, "# %s %s\n", oldFileName, objStatus);
	    verbose(2, "%s: %s\n", oldFileName, objStatus);

	    /* Find record for new file. */
	    struct edwFile *newEf = NULL;
	    int newVersion;
	    for (newVersion = oldVersion+1; newVersion < 7; ++newVersion)
		sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
		    "select * from edwFile where submitFileName like '%s/%%/%sV%d%s'",
		    database, noVersion, newVersion, suffix); 
		newEf = edwFileLoadByQuery(conn, query);
		if (newEf != NULL)
	    if (newEf == NULL)
		verbose(2, "Could not find next version of %s (%s)", oldFileName, oldRoot);
	    if (slCount(newEf) > 1)
		errAbort("Expecting one result got %d for %s\n", slCount(newEf), query);

	    long long oldId = oldEf->id;
	    fprintf(fSql, "update edwFile set deprecated='%s' where id=%lld;\n", objStatus, oldId);
	    char *newName = "n/a";
	    if (newEf != NULL)
		long long newId = newEf->id;
		fprintf(fSql, "update edwFile set replacedBy=%lld where id=%lld;\n", newId, oldId);
		newName = newEf->submitFileName;
	    fprintf(fRa, "objStatus %s\n", objStatus);
	    fprintf(fRa, "oldFile %s\n", oldEf->submitFileName);
	    fprintf(fRa, "newFile %s\n", newName);
	    fprintf(fRa, "\n");
	    verbose(2, "%s -> %s\n", oldEf->submitFileName, newName);
verbose(1, "%d deprecated, %d replaced\n", depCount, repCount);