Exemple #1
int findlandtileflags( int argc, char **argv )
    unsigned long flags = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 );

    for( u16 y = 0; y < 4095; ++y )
        for( u16 x = 0; x < 6143; ++x )
            short z;
            USTRUCT_MAPINFO mi;
            safe_getmapinfo( x, y, &z, &mi );
            if (landtile_uoflags( mi.landtile ) & flags)
                cout << x << "," << y << "," << (int) mi.z;
                cout << ": landtile " << hexint(mi.landtile)
                     << ", flags " << hexint( landtile_uoflags( mi.landtile ) );
                cout << endl;

    return 0;
Exemple #2
int findgraphic( int argc, char **argv )
    int graphic = strtoul( argv[1], NULL, 0 );
    cout << "Searching map for statics with graphic=" << hexint(graphic) << endl;


    for( u16 y = 0; y < 4095; ++y )
        for( u16 x = 0; x < 6143; ++x )
            StaticList statics;
            readallstatics( statics, x, y );
            for( unsigned i = 0; i < statics.size(); ++i )
                StaticRec& rec = statics[i];
                if (rec.graphic == graphic)
                    cout << x << "," << y << "," << rec.z << endl;
    return 0;
// scripted_create duplicates some of this work
//Dave changed 3/8/3 to use objecthash
UMulti* UMulti::create( const ItemDesc& descriptor, u32 serial )
    UMulti* multi = NULL;

    if ( descriptor.type == ItemDesc::BOATDESC )
        multi = new UBoat( descriptor );
    else if ( descriptor.type == ItemDesc::HOUSEDESC )
        multi = new UHouse( descriptor );
        cerr << "Tried to create multi " << hexint(descriptor.objtype) << " but no definition exists in itemdesc.cfg" << endl;
        return NULL;

    if (serial)
        multi->serial = UseItemSerialNumber( serial );
        multi->serial = GetNewItemSerialNumber();

    multi->serial_ext = ctBEu32( multi->serial );

    return multi;
Exemple #4
Item* Item::create( u16 objtype, u32 serial )
	const ItemDesc& id = find_itemdesc( objtype );
	if (&id != &empty_itemdesc)
		return create( id, serial );
	else if (objtype <= config.max_tile_id)
		temp_itemdesc.objtype = objtype;
		temp_itemdesc.graphic = objtype;
		return create( temp_itemdesc, serial );
		string message = "Objtype not defined: " + hexint( objtype );
		if ( !config.ignore_load_errors )
			throw runtime_error( message );
			cerr << message << endl;
			return NULL;
bool OSExecutorModule::signal_event( BObjectImp* imp )

    if (blocked_ && (wait_type == WAIT_EVENT)) // already being waited for
        /* Now, the tricky part.  The value to return on an error or
		   completion condition has already been pushed onto the value
		   stack - so, we need to replace it with the real result.
        exec.ValueStack.top().set( new BObject( imp ) );
        /* This executor will get moved to the run queue at the
           next step_scripts(), where blocked is checked looking
           for timed out or completed operations. */

    else        // not being waited for, so queue for later.
        if (events_.size() < max_eventqueue_size)
            events_.push( imp );
			if (config.discard_old_events)
				BObject ob( events_.front() );
				events_.push( imp );
				if (config.loglevel >= 11)
					cout << "Event queue for " << exec.scriptname() << " is full, discarding event." << endl;
					ExecutorModule* em = exec.findModule( "npc" );
					if (em)
						NPCExecutorModule* npcemod = static_cast<NPCExecutorModule*>(em);
						cout << "NPC Serial: " << hexint( npcemod->npc.serial ) <<
							" (" << npcemod->npc.x << " " << npcemod->npc.y << " " << (int) npcemod->npc.z << ")" << endl;
					BObject ob( imp );
					cout << "Event: " << ob->getStringRep() << endl;
				return false;

	return true;
Exemple #6
char *amqp_util_encode(char *key, char *dest) {
	char *p, *end;
 	if ((strlen(key) == 1) && (key[0] == '#' || key[0] == '*')) {
 		*dest++ = key[0];
		*dest = '\0';
		return dest;
	for (p = key, end = key + strlen(key); p < end; p++) {
		if (KEY_SAFE(*p)) {
			*dest++ = *p;
		} else if (*p == '.') {
			memcpy(dest, "%2E", 3);
			dest += 3;
		} else if (*p == ' ') {
			*dest++ = '+';
		} else {
			*dest++ = '%';
			sprintf(dest, "%c%c", hexint(HI4(*p)), hexint(LO4(*p)));
			dest += 2;
	*dest = '\0';
	return dest;
void uo_client_listener_thread( void* arg )
    UoClientListener* ls = reinterpret_cast<UoClientListener*>(arg);

	atomic_cout( "Listening for UO clients on port " + decint(ls->port) 
		+ " (encryption: " + decint(ls->encryption.eType) + "," + hexint(ls->encryption.uiKey1) + "," + hexint(ls->encryption.uiKey2) + ")");

    SocketListener SL( ls->port, Socket::option(Socket::nonblocking|Socket::reuseaddr) );
    while (!exit_signalled)
        if (SL.GetConnection( 5 ))
            // create an appropriate Client object

            SocketClientThread* thread = new UoClientThread( ls, SL );
BObjectImp* PolSystemExecutorModule::mf_GetItemDescriptor()
    unsigned short objtype;
    if (getObjtypeParam( exec, 0, objtype ))
        const ItemDesc& id = find_itemdesc( objtype );
        if(id.objtype == 0 && id.graphic == 0)
            return new BError( "Itemdesc.cfg entry for objtype " + hexint(objtype) + " not found." );

        auto_ptr<BStruct> descriptor(new BStruct());

        id.PopulateStruct( descriptor.get() );

        return descriptor.release();
        return new BError( "Invalid parameter type" );
Exemple #9
int mapdump( int argc, char* argv[] )
    u16 wxl = 5485, wxh = 5500, wyl=0, wyh=30;

    if (argc >= 4)
        wxl = wxh = static_cast<u16>(atoi( argv[2] ));
        wyl = wyh = static_cast<u16>(atoi( argv[3] ));
    if (argc >= 6)
        wxh = static_cast<u16>(atoi( argv[4] ));
        wyh = static_cast<u16>(atoi( argv[5] ));


    ofstream ofs( "mapdump.html" );

    ofs << "<table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>" << endl;
    ofs << "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
    for( u16 x = wxl; x <= wxh; ++x )
        ofs << "<td align=center>" << x << "</td>";
    ofs << "</tr>" << endl;
    for( u16 y = wyl; y <= wyh; ++y )
        ofs << "<tr><td valign=center>" << y << "</td>" << endl;
        for( u16 x = wxl; x <= wxh; ++x )
            ofs << "<td align=left valign=top>";
            short z;
            USTRUCT_MAPINFO mi;
            safe_getmapinfo( x, y, &z, &mi );
            USTRUCT_LAND_TILE landtile;
            readlandtile( mi.landtile, &landtile );
            ofs << "z=" << z << "<br>";
            ofs << "landtile=" << hexint(mi.landtile) << " " << landtile.name << "<br>";
            ofs << "&nbsp;flags=" << hexint( landtile.flags ) << "<br>";
            ofs << "mapz=" << (int)mi.z << "<br>";
            StaticList statics;
            readallstatics( statics, x, y );
            if (!statics.empty())
                ofs << "<table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>" << endl;
                ofs << "<tr><td>graphic</td><td>z</td><td>flags</td><td>ht</td>" << endl;
                for( unsigned i = 0; i < statics.size(); ++i )
                    ofs << "<tr>";
                    StaticRec& rec = statics[i];
                    ofs << "<td>" << hexint( rec.graphic ) << "</td>";
                    ofs << "<td>" << int(rec.z) << "</td>";
                    ofs << "<td>" << hexint( rec.flags ) << "</td>";
                    ofs << "<td>" << int(rec.height) << "</td>";
                    ofs << "</tr>" << endl;
                ofs << "</table>" << endl;
            ofs << "</td>" << endl;
        ofs << "</tr>" << endl;
    ofs << "</table>" << endl;
    return 0;