Exemple #1
/* silly helper for mailbox name string comparisons, because of INBOX */
int imap_mxcmp (const char* mx1, const char* mx2)
  char* b1;
  char* b2;
  int rc;

  if (!mx1 || !*mx1)
    mx1 = "INBOX";
  if (!mx2 || !*mx2)
    mx2 = "INBOX";
  if (!ascii_strcasecmp (mx1, "INBOX") && !ascii_strcasecmp (mx2, "INBOX"))
    return 0;

  b1 = safe_malloc (strlen (mx1) + 1);
  b2 = safe_malloc (strlen (mx2) + 1);

  imap_fix_path (NULL, mx1, b1, strlen (mx1) + 1);
  imap_fix_path (NULL, mx2, b2, strlen (mx2) + 1);

  rc = mutt_strcmp (b1, b2);
  FREE (&b1);
  FREE (&b2);

  return rc;
Exemple #2
/* imap_expand_path: IMAP implementation of mutt_expand_path. Rewrite
 *   an IMAP path in canonical and absolute form.
 * Inputs: a buffer containing an IMAP path, and the number of bytes in
 *   that buffer.
 * Outputs: The buffer is rewritten in place with the canonical IMAP path.
 * Returns 0 on success, or -1 if imap_parse_path chokes or url_ciss_tostring
 *   fails, which it might if there isn't enough room in the buffer. */
int imap_expand_path (char* path, size_t len)
  IMAP_DATA* idata;
  ciss_url_t url;
  char fixedpath[LONG_STRING];
  int rc;

  if (imap_parse_path (path, &mx) < 0)
    return -1;

  idata = imap_conn_find (&mx.account, M_IMAP_CONN_NONEW);
  mutt_account_tourl (&mx.account, &url);
  imap_fix_path (idata, mx.mbox, fixedpath, sizeof (fixedpath));
  url.path = fixedpath;

  rc = url_ciss_tostring (&url, path, len, U_DECODE_PASSWD);
  FREE (&mx.mbox);

  return rc;
Exemple #3
int imap_append_message (CONTEXT *ctx, MESSAGE *msg)
  IMAP_DATA* idata;
  FILE *fp;
  char buf[LONG_STRING];
  char mbox[LONG_STRING];
  char mailbox[LONG_STRING];
  char internaldate[IMAP_DATELEN];
  char imap_flags[SHORT_STRING];
  size_t len;
  progress_t progressbar;
  size_t sent;
  int c, last;
  int rc;

  idata = (IMAP_DATA*) ctx->data;

  if (imap_parse_path (ctx->path, &mx))
    return -1;

  imap_fix_path (idata, mx.mbox, mailbox, sizeof (mailbox));
  if (!*mailbox)
    strfcpy (mailbox, "INBOX", sizeof (mailbox));

  if ((fp = fopen (msg->path, "r")) == NULL)
    mutt_perror (msg->path);
    goto fail;

  /* currently we set the \Seen flag on all messages, but probably we
   * should scan the message Status header for flag info. Since we're
   * already rereading the whole file for length it isn't any more
   * expensive (it'd be nice if we had the file size passed in already
   * by the code that writes the file, but that's a lot of changes.
   * Ideally we'd have a HEADER structure with flag info here... */
  for (last = EOF, len = 0; (c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF; last = c)
    if(c == '\n' && last != '\r')

  rewind (fp);

  mutt_progress_init (&progressbar, _("Uploading message..."),
		      MUTT_PROGRESS_SIZE, NetInc, len);

  imap_munge_mbox_name (idata, mbox, sizeof (mbox), mailbox);
  imap_make_date (internaldate, msg->received);

  imap_flags[0] = imap_flags[1] = 0;
  if (msg->flags.read)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Seen");
  if (msg->flags.replied)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Answered");
  if (msg->flags.flagged)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Flagged");
  if (msg->flags.draft)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Draft");

  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "APPEND %s (%s) \"%s\" {%lu}", mbox,
            imap_flags + 1,
	    (unsigned long) len);

  imap_cmd_start (idata, buf);

    rc = imap_cmd_step (idata);
  while (rc == IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE);

  if (rc != IMAP_CMD_RESPOND)
    char *pc;

    dprint (1, (debugfile, "imap_append_message(): command failed: %s\n",

    pc = idata->buf + SEQLEN;
    SKIPWS (pc);
    pc = imap_next_word (pc);
    mutt_error ("%s", pc);
    mutt_sleep (1);
    safe_fclose (&fp);
    goto fail;

  for (last = EOF, sent = len = 0; (c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF; last = c)
    if (c == '\n' && last != '\r')
      buf[len++] = '\r';

    buf[len++] = c;

    if (len > sizeof(buf) - 3)
      sent += len;
      flush_buffer(buf, &len, idata->conn);
      mutt_progress_update (&progressbar, sent, -1);

  if (len)
    flush_buffer(buf, &len, idata->conn);

  mutt_socket_write (idata->conn, "\r\n");
  safe_fclose (&fp);

    rc = imap_cmd_step (idata);
  while (rc == IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE);

  if (!imap_code (idata->buf))
    char *pc;

    dprint (1, (debugfile, "imap_append_message(): command failed: %s\n",
    pc = idata->buf + SEQLEN;
    SKIPWS (pc);
    pc = imap_next_word (pc);
    mutt_error ("%s", pc);
    mutt_sleep (1);
    goto fail;

  FREE (&mx.mbox);
  return 0;

  FREE (&mx.mbox);
  return -1;
Exemple #4
/* imap_browse: IMAP hook into the folder browser, fills out browser_state,
 *   given a current folder to browse */
int imap_browse (char* path, struct browser_state* state)
  IMAP_DATA* idata;
  char buf[LONG_STRING];
  char buf2[LONG_STRING];
  char nsbuf[LONG_STRING];
  char mbox[LONG_STRING];
  char list_cmd[5];
  int home_namespace = 0;
  int n;
  int i;
  int nsup;
  char ctmp;
  int nns;
  char *cur_folder;
  short showparents = 0;
  int noselect;
  int noinferiors;

  if (imap_parse_path (path, &mx))
    mutt_error (_("%s is an invalid IMAP path"), path);
    return -1;

  strfcpy (list_cmd, option (OPTIMAPLSUB) ? "LSUB" : "LIST", sizeof (list_cmd));

  if (!(idata = imap_conn_find (&(mx.account), 0)))
    goto fail;

  if (!mx.mbox)
    home_namespace = 1;
    mbox[0] = '\0';		/* Do not replace "" with "INBOX" here */
    mx.mbox = safe_strdup(ImapHomeNamespace);
    nns = 0;
    if (mutt_bit_isset(idata->capabilities,NAMESPACE))
      mutt_message _("Getting namespaces...");
      if (browse_get_namespace (idata, nsbuf, sizeof (nsbuf), 
				nsi, sizeof (nsi),  &nns) != 0)
	goto fail;
      if (browse_verify_namespace (idata, nsi, nns) != 0)
	goto fail;

  mutt_message _("Getting folder list...");

  /* skip check for parents when at the root */
  if (mx.mbox && mx.mbox[0] != '\0')
    imap_fix_path (idata, mx.mbox, mbox, sizeof (mbox));
    imap_munge_mbox_name (buf, sizeof (buf), mbox);
    imap_unquote_string(buf); /* As kludgy as it gets */
    mbox[sizeof (mbox) - 1] = '\0';
    strncpy (mbox, buf, sizeof (mbox) - 1);
    n = mutt_strlen (mbox);

    dprint (3, (debugfile, "imap_browse: mbox: %s\n", mbox));

    /* if our target exists and has inferiors, enter it if we
     * aren't already going to */
    if (mbox[n-1] != idata->delim)
      snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s \"\" \"%s\"", list_cmd, mbox);
      imap_cmd_start (idata, buf);
        if (imap_parse_list_response (idata, &cur_folder, &noselect,
            &noinferiors, &idata->delim) != 0)
	  goto fail;

        if (cur_folder)
          imap_unmunge_mbox_name (cur_folder);

          if (!noinferiors && cur_folder[0] &&
            (n = strlen (mbox)) < LONG_STRING-1)
            mbox[n++] = idata->delim;
            mbox[n] = '\0';
      while (ascii_strncmp (idata->cmd.buf, idata->cmd.seq, SEQLEN));

    /* if we're descending a folder, mark it as current in browser_state */
    if (mbox[n-1] == idata->delim)
      /* don't show parents in the home namespace */
      if (!home_namespace)
	showparents = 1;
      imap_qualify_path (buf, sizeof (buf), &mx, mbox);
      state->folder = safe_strdup (buf);

    /* Find superiors to list
     * Note: UW-IMAP servers return folder + delimiter when asked to list
     *  folder + delimiter. Cyrus servers don't. So we ask for folder,
     *  and tack on delimiter ourselves.
     * Further note: UW-IMAP servers return nothing when asked for 
     *  NAMESPACES without delimiters at the end. Argh! */
    for (n--; n >= 0 && mbox[n] != idata->delim ; n--);
    if (n > 0)			/* "aaaa/bbbb/" -> "aaaa" */
      /* forget the check, it is too delicate (see above). Have we ever
       * had the parent not exist? */
      ctmp = mbox[n];
      mbox[n] = '\0';

      if (showparents)
	dprint (3, (debugfile, "imap_init_browse: adding parent %s\n", mbox));
	imap_add_folder (idata->delim, mbox, 1, 0, state, 1);

      /* if our target isn't a folder, we are in our superior */
      if (!state->folder)
        /* store folder with delimiter */
        mbox[n++] = ctmp;
        ctmp = mbox[n];
        mbox[n] = '\0';
        imap_qualify_path (buf, sizeof (buf), &mx, mbox);
        state->folder = safe_strdup (buf);
      mbox[n] = ctmp;
    /* "/bbbb/" -> add  "/", "aaaa/" -> add "" */
      char relpath[2];
      /* folder may be "/" */
      snprintf (relpath, sizeof (relpath), "%c" , n < 0 ? '\0' : idata->delim);
      if (showparents)
        imap_add_folder (idata->delim, relpath, 1, 0, state, 1); 
      if (!state->folder)
        imap_qualify_path (buf, sizeof (buf), &mx, relpath);
        state->folder = safe_strdup (buf);

  /* no namespace, no folder: set folder to host only */
  if (!state->folder)
    imap_qualify_path (buf, sizeof (buf), &mx, NULL);
    state->folder = safe_strdup (buf);

  if (home_namespace && mbox[0] != '\0')
    /* Listing the home namespace, so INBOX should be included. Home 
     * namespace is not "", so we have to list it explicitly. We ask the 
     * server to see if it has descendants. */
    dprint (2, (debugfile, "imap_init_browse: adding INBOX\n"));
    if (browse_add_list_result (idata, "LIST \"\" \"INBOX\"", state, 0))
      goto fail;

    if (!state->entrylen)
      mutt_error _("No such folder");
      goto fail;

  nsup = state->entrylen;

  dprint (3, (debugfile, "imap_browse: Quoting mailbox scan: %s -> ", mbox));
  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s%%", mbox);
  imap_quote_string (buf2, sizeof (buf2), buf);
  dprint (3, (debugfile, "%s\n", buf2));
  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s \"\" %s", list_cmd, buf2);
  if (browse_add_list_result (idata, buf, state, 0))
    goto fail;

  mutt_clear_error ();

	(int (*)(const void*,const void*)) compare_names);
  if (home_namespace)
  {				/* List additional namespaces */
    for (i = 0; i < nns; i++)
      if (nsi[i].listable && !nsi[i].home_namespace) {
	imap_add_folder(nsi[i].delim, nsi[i].prefix, nsi[i].noselect,
			nsi[i].noinferiors, state, 0);
	dprint (3, (debugfile, "imap_init_browse: adding namespace: %s\n",

  FREE (&mx.mbox);
  return 0;

  FREE (&mx.mbox);
  return -1;