static char *microdvd_load_tags(struct microdvd_tag *tags, char *s) { s = check_for_italic_slash_marker(tags, s); while (*s == '{') { char *start = s; char tag_char = *(s + 1); struct microdvd_tag tag = {0}; if (!tag_char || *(s + 2) != ':') break; s += 3; switch (tag_char) { /* Style */ case 'Y': tag.persistent = MICRODVD_PERSISTENT_ON; case 'y': while (*s && *s != '}') { int style_index = indexof(MICRODVD_STYLES, *s); if (style_index >= 0) tag.data1 |= (1 << style_index); s++; } if (*s != '}') break; /* We must distinguish persistent and non-persistent styles * to handle this kind of style tags: {y:ib}{Y:us} */ tag.key = tag_char; break; /* Color */ case 'C': tag.persistent = MICRODVD_PERSISTENT_ON; case 'c': while (*s == '$' || *s == '#') s++; tag.data1 = strtol(s, &s, 16) & 0x00ffffff; if (*s != '}') break; tag.key = 'c'; break; /* Font name */ case 'F': tag.persistent = MICRODVD_PERSISTENT_ON; case 'f': { int len = indexof(s, '}'); if (len < 0) break; tag.data_string = s; tag.data_string_len = len; s += len; tag.key = 'f'; break; } /* Font size */ case 'S': tag.persistent = MICRODVD_PERSISTENT_ON; case 's': tag.data1 = strtol(s, &s, 10); if (*s != '}') break; tag.key = 's'; break; /* Charset */ case 'H': { //TODO: not yet handled, just parsed. int len = indexof(s, '}'); if (len < 0) break; tag.data_string = s; tag.data_string_len = len; s += len; tag.key = 'h'; break; } /* Position */ case 'P': if (!*s) break; tag.persistent = MICRODVD_PERSISTENT_ON; tag.data1 = (*s++ == '1'); if (*s != '}') break; tag.key = 'p'; break; /* Coordinates */ case 'o': tag.persistent = MICRODVD_PERSISTENT_ON; tag.data1 = strtol(s, &s, 10); if (*s != ',') break; s++; tag.data2 = strtol(s, &s, 10); if (*s != '}') break; tag.key = 'o'; break; default: /* Unknown tag, we consider it's text */ break; } if (tag.key == 0) return start; microdvd_set_tag(tags, tag); s++; } return check_for_italic_slash_marker(tags, s); }
void Chunk::doWork(){ double maxChange = 0.0; double * temp; iterations++; if((iterations == ITER)&&(CkMyPe()==0)) numFinished++; //if (thisIndex == 0) // CkPrintf("Iteration: %d\n",iterations); for (int i=0; i<WORK; ++i) { resetBoundary(); if((thisIndex !=0)&&(thisIndex != total-1)) for (int i=1; i<myxdim+1; i++) for (int j=1; j<myydim-1; j++) { B[indexof(i,j,myydim)] = (0.2)*(A[indexof(i, j, myydim)] + A[indexof(i, j+1,myydim)] + A[indexof(i, j-1,myydim)] + A[indexof(i+1,j, myydim)] + A[indexof(i-1,j, myydim)]); double change = B[indexof(i,j,myydim)] - A[indexof(i,j,myydim)]; if (change < 0) change = - change; if (change > maxChange) maxChange = change; } if(thisIndex == 0) for (int i=1; i<myxdim; i++) for (int j=1; j<myydim-1; j++) { B[indexof(i,j,myydim)] = (0.2)*(A[indexof(i, j, myydim)] + A[indexof(i, j+1,myydim)] + A[indexof(i, j-1,myydim)] + A[indexof(i+1,j, myydim)] + A[indexof(i-1,j, myydim)]); double change = B[indexof(i,j,myydim)] - A[indexof(i,j,myydim)]; if (change < 0) change = - change; if (change > maxChange) maxChange = change; } if(thisIndex == total-1) { for (int i=1; i<myxdim; i++) for (int j=1; j<myydim-1; j++) { B[indexof(i,j,myydim)] = (0.2)*(A[indexof(i, j, myydim)] + A[indexof(i, j+1,myydim)] + A[indexof(i, j-1,myydim)] + A[indexof(i+1,j, myydim)] + A[indexof(i-1,j, myydim)]); double change = B[indexof(i,j,myydim)] - A[indexof(i,j,myydim)]; if (change < 0) change = - change; if (change > maxChange) maxChange = change; } } temp = A; A =B; B=temp; } }
#include "j.h" static F2(jtcanta); static A jtcants(J jt,A a,A w,A z){A a1,q,y;B*b,*c;I*u,wr,zr;P*wp,*zp; RZ(a&&w&&z); RZ(a=grade1(a)); wr=AR(w); wp=PAV(w); a1=SPA(wp,a); zr=AR(z); zp=PAV(z); ASSERT(wr==zr,EVNONCE); RZ(b=bfi(wr,a1,1)); GA(q,B01,wr,1,0); c=BAV(q); u=AV(a); DO(wr, c[i]=b[u[i]];); SPB(zp,a,ifb(wr,c)); SPB(zp,e,ca(SPA(wp,e))); RZ(y=fromr(grade1(indexof(a,a1)),SPA(wp,i))); RZ(q=grade1(y)); SPB(zp,i,from(q,y)); SPB(zp,x,from(q,canta(over(zero,increm(grade1(less(a,a1)))),SPA(wp,x)))); R z; } /* w is sparse */ #define CANTA(T,exp) \ {T*u=(T*)zv,*v=(T*)wv; \ DO(zn, exp; j=r-1; ++tv[j]; d+=mv[j]; \ while(j&&sv[j]==tv[j]){d+=mv[j-1]-mv[j]*sv[j]; tv[j]=0; ++tv[--j];}); \ } static F2(jtcanta){A m,s,t,z;B b;C*wv,*zv;I*av,c,d,j,k,*mv,r,*sv,*tv,wf,wr,*ws,zn,zr; RZ(a&&w); av=AV(a); ws=AS(w); wr=AR(w); r=jt->rank?jt->rank[1]:wr; jt->rank=0;
int generate_key (char ** const result, const unsigned char qflag, const unsigned char rflag, const unsigned char eflag, const unsigned char uflag, const unsigned char sflag, const char * dvalue, const char * ovalue, const char * tvalue, const char * pvalue, const char * kvalue) { int ret = 0; int i = 0; unsigned char tvalue_uchar = 0; if (tvalue==0) { tvalue_uchar=0; } else { tvalue_uchar=(unsigned char)(atoi(tvalue)); } if (uflag==1) { publen = 65; } result[0] = (char *)malloc(200); result[1] = (char *)malloc(100); strcpy(result[0],""); strcpy(result[1],""); if (rflag == 1) { if (eflag != 1) { strcpy(result[0],"A private key is needed to decrypt\n"); return(1); } unsigned char * privkey = malloc(privlen); int randomData = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY); size_t randomDataLen = 0; while (randomDataLen < privlen) { ssize_t res = read(randomData, privkey + randomDataLen, privlen - randomDataLen); if (res < 0) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot read /dev/random\n"); return(1); } randomDataLen += res; } close(randomData); /* Get the address twice and compare */ char ** bc_address = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); char ** pubkey_bc = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { unsigned char * pubkey = malloc(publen); ret = priv_to_pub(pubkey,publen,privkey,privlen); pubkey_bc[i] = malloc(35); ret = pubkey_to_bc_format(pubkey_bc[i],pubkey,publen,tvalue_uchar); if (ret==-1) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot convert public key to address\n"); return(1); } bc_address[i] = pubkey_bc[i] + ret; free(pubkey); } i = 0; do { if (bc_address[0][i] != bc_address[1][i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Address generations inconsistent\n"); return(1); } i++; } while (bc_address[0][i] != '\0'); strcpy(result[0],bc_address[0]); if (pvalue != 0) { int passlen = strlen(pvalue); if (passlen > 42) { strcpy(result[0],"The passphrase cannot be longer than 42 characters\n"); return(1); } if (passlen==0) { strcpy(result[0],"The passphrase cannot be empty\n"); return(1); } for (i=0;i<passlen;i++) { if (indexof(pvalue[i],b64chars)==-1) { strcpy(result[0],"The passphrase may only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens\n"); return(1); } } if (pvalue[0] == ' ') { strcpy(result[0],"The first character of the passphrase cannot be the space character\n"); return(1); } unsigned char * password_uchar = (unsigned char *)malloc(privlen+1); ret = b64_to_uchar(password_uchar,privlen,pvalue,strlen(pvalue),1); if (ret < 0) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot parse passphrase\n"); return(1); } unsigned char * privkey_encrypted= (unsigned char *)malloc(privlen); ret = add_uchars(privkey_encrypted,privkey,password_uchar,privlen); unsigned char * privkey_decrypted = (unsigned char *)malloc(privlen); ret = subtract_uchars(privkey_decrypted,privkey_encrypted,password_uchar,privlen); for (i=0;i<privlen;i++) { if (privkey_decrypted[i] != privkey[i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot encrypt private key\n"); return(1); } } free(privkey_decrypted); free(password_uchar); free(privkey); privkey = privkey_encrypted; } /* Get the private key twice and compare */ char ** bc_privkey = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); char ** privkey_bc = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { privkey_bc[i] = (char *)malloc(53); ret = privkey_to_bc_format(privkey_bc[i],privkey,privlen,0,0); if (ret==-1) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot convert private key to the Bitcoin format\n"); return(1); } else if (ret==-2) { strcpy(result[0],"Private key does not match public key\n"); return(1); } bc_privkey[i] = privkey_bc[i] + ret; } i = 0; do { if (bc_privkey[0][i] != bc_privkey[1][i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Private key generations inconsistent\n"); return(1); } i++; } while (bc_privkey[0][i] != '\0'); strcpy(result[1],bc_privkey[0]); if (qflag == 1) { ret = qrencode(bc_address[0],bc_privkey[0],dvalue,ovalue,pvalue,eflag,sflag); if (ret!=0) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot qr-encode\n"); return(1); } } free(privkey); free(pubkey_bc[0]); free(pubkey_bc[1]); free(pubkey_bc); free(privkey_bc[0]); free(privkey_bc[1]); free(privkey_bc); free(bc_address); free(bc_privkey); } else if (kvalue != 0) { unsigned char * privkey_1_full = malloc(privlen+7); int privkey_offset = b58_to_uchar(privkey_1_full,privlen+6,kvalue,strlen(kvalue),1); if (privkey_offset < 0) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot parse private key\n"); return(1); } unsigned char * privkey_1 = privkey_1_full + privkey_offset; unsigned char * hash1 = malloc(32); SHA256(privkey_1,privlen+1+1-privkey_offset,hash1); unsigned char * hash2 = malloc(32); SHA256(hash1,32,hash2); privkey_1 += 1; unsigned char * privkey_1_hash = privkey_1+privlen+1-privkey_offset; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (privkey_1_hash[i]!=hash2[i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Invalid private key\n"); return(1); } } unsigned char * privkey_2 = (unsigned char *)malloc(privlen); if (pvalue == 0) { memcpy(privkey_2,privkey_1,privlen); for (i=0; i<privlen; i++) { if (privkey_2[i] != privkey_1[i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot copy private key\n"); return(1); } } } else { int passlen = strlen(pvalue); if (passlen > 42) { strcpy(result[0],"The passphrase cannot be longer than 42 characters\n"); return(1); } if (passlen==0) { strcpy(result[0],"The passphrase cannot be empty\n"); return(1); } for (i=0;i<passlen;i++) { if (indexof(pvalue[i],b64chars)==-1) { strcpy(result[0],"The passphrase may only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens\n"); return(1); } } if (pvalue[0] == ' ') { strcpy(result[0],"The first character of the passphrase cannot be a space\n"); return(1); } unsigned char * password_uchar = (unsigned char *)malloc(privlen+1); ret = b64_to_uchar(password_uchar,privlen,pvalue,strlen(pvalue),1); if (ret < 0) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot parse passphrase\n"); return(1); } unsigned char * privkey_1_check = (unsigned char *)malloc(privlen); if (eflag == 1) { ret = add_uchars(privkey_2,privkey_1,password_uchar,privlen); ret = subtract_uchars(privkey_1_check,privkey_2,password_uchar,privlen); for (i=0; i<privlen; i++) { if (privkey_1[i] != privkey_1_check[i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot add passphrase to private key\n"); return(1); } } } else { ret = subtract_uchars(privkey_2,privkey_1,password_uchar,privlen); ret = add_uchars(privkey_1_check,privkey_2,password_uchar,privlen); for (i=0; i<privlen; i++) { if (privkey_1[i] != privkey_1_check[i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot subtract passphrase from private key\n"); return(1); } } } free(privkey_1_check); free(password_uchar); } if (privkey_offset == 1) { publen = 65; } else { publen = 33; } /* Get the address twice and compare */ char ** bc_address = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); char ** pubkey_bc = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { unsigned char * pubkey = malloc(publen); if (eflag == 1) { ret = priv_to_pub(pubkey,publen,privkey_1,privlen); } else { ret = priv_to_pub(pubkey,publen,privkey_2,privlen); } pubkey_bc[i] = malloc(35); ret = pubkey_to_bc_format(pubkey_bc[i],pubkey,publen,tvalue_uchar); if (ret==-1) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot convert public key to address\n"); return(1); } bc_address[i] = pubkey_bc[i] + ret; free(pubkey); } i = 0; do { if (bc_address[0][i] != bc_address[1][i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Address generations inconsistent\n"); return(1); } i++; } while (bc_address[0][i] != '\0'); strcpy(result[0],bc_address[0]); /* Get the private key twice and compare */ char ** bc_privkey = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); char ** privkey_bc = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*2); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { privkey_bc[i] = (char *)malloc(53); ret = privkey_to_bc_format(privkey_bc[i],privkey_2,privlen,0,0); if (ret==-1) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot convert private key to the Bitcoin format\n"); return(1); } else if (ret==-2) { strcpy(result[0],"Private key does not match public key\n"); return(1); } bc_privkey[i] = privkey_bc[i] + ret; } do { if (bc_privkey[0][i] != bc_privkey[1][i]) { strcpy(result[0],"Private key generations inconsistent\n"); return(1); } i++; } while (bc_privkey[0][i] != '\0'); strcpy(result[1],bc_privkey[0]); if (qflag == 1) { ret = qrencode(bc_address[0],bc_privkey[0],dvalue,ovalue,pvalue,eflag,sflag); if (ret!=0) { strcpy(result[0],"Cannot qr-encode\n"); return(1); } } free(privkey_1_full); free(privkey_2); free(hash1); free(hash2); free(pubkey_bc[0]); free(pubkey_bc[1]); free(pubkey_bc); free(privkey_bc[0]); free(privkey_bc[1]); free(privkey_bc); free(bc_address); free(bc_privkey); } return(0); }
int b64_to_uchar (unsigned char * const result, const size_t m, const char * b64, const size_t n, const unsigned char check_reverse) { BIGNUM * tot_bn = 0; BN_dec2bn(&tot_bn,"0"); BIGNUM * pow64 = 0; BN_dec2bn(&pow64,"1"); BIGNUM * one64 = 0; BN_dec2bn(&one64,"64"); int i = 0; const unsigned char * input_it = b64 + n - 1; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { BIGNUM * input_bn = 0; char * input_str = malloc(4); sprintf(input_str,"%d",indexof(*input_it,b64chars)); BN_dec2bn(&input_bn,input_str); BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_mul(input_bn, pow64, input_bn, ctx); BN_add(tot_bn,tot_bn,input_bn); BN_mul(pow64, pow64, one64, ctx); BN_free(input_bn); if (input_str != 0) { free(input_str); } BN_CTX_free(ctx); input_it--; } unsigned char * output_it = result + m; *output_it = '\0'; output_it--; BIGNUM * one256 = 0; BN_dec2bn(&one256,"256"); int offset = m; while (BN_cmp(tot_bn,one256) >= 0) { BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BIGNUM * tot_mod_256 = BN_new(); BN_div(tot_bn, tot_mod_256, tot_bn, one256, ctx); char * tot_mod_256_str = BN_bn2dec(tot_mod_256); *output_it = atoi(tot_mod_256_str); BN_free(tot_mod_256); BN_CTX_free(ctx); free(tot_mod_256_str); output_it--; offset--; } char * tot_str = BN_bn2dec(tot_bn); *output_it = atoi(tot_str); offset--; input_it = b64; for (i=1; i<n; i++) { if ((*input_it == b64chars[0]) && (offset > 0)) { output_it--; *output_it = 0; offset--; input_it++; } else { break; } } if (check_reverse == 1) { unsigned char * result_b64 = (char *)malloc(n+1); int ret = uchar_to_b64(result_b64,n,result+offset,m-offset,0); if (ret < 0) { return(-1); } input_it = b64; const char * input_chk = result_b64 + ret; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if (*input_chk != *input_it) { return(-1); } input_it++; input_chk++; } free(result_b64); } int offset_saved = offset; while (offset > 0) { output_it--; *output_it = 0; offset--; } BN_free(tot_bn); BN_free(pow64); BN_free(one256); BN_free(one64); free(tot_str); return(offset_saved); }
static void parse_rtsp_response(const struct iphdr *iph, const struct tcphdr *tcph, const char *buffer, int len) { const char *line = buffer; int i; struct ip_port_pair spair, *ppair; unsigned long dport; spair.dstip = iph->saddr; spair.srcip = iph->daddr; spair.dstport = ntohs(tcph->source); spair.srcport = ntohs(tcph->dest); if(!ht_contains(preparing_pairs, &spair)) { return; } dport = (unsigned long)ht_get(preparing_pairs, &spair); ppair = (struct ip_port_pair*)ht_get_key(preparing_pairs, &spair); ht_remove(preparing_pairs, ppair); free(ppair); while(len > 0) { i = 0; while((line[i] != '\r' || line[i+1] != '\n') && len > 1) { i++; len--; } // According to RFC of RTSP, I know SETUP command contains // ports used by RTP. Here is the response: // RTSP/1.0 200 OK // CSeq: 3 // Transport: RTP/AVP;some params;client_port=32423;server_port=34543;other params // Session: 12345678 if(i >= 10 && 0 == strncmp(line, "Transport:", 10)) { int index = indexof(line, i, "server_port=", 12); if(index > 0) { unsigned long sport = atoi(line+index+12); struct ip_port_pair *pair = (struct ip_port_pair*)malloc(sizeof(struct ip_port_pair)); struct rtp_connect_data *data = (struct rtp_connect_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct rtp_connect_data)); pair->srcip = iph->saddr; pair->dstip = iph->daddr; pair->srcport = sport; pair->dstport = dport; pair->timestamp = timestamp(); if(verbose) { printf("RTSP SETUP REPLY ["); dump_ip_port_pair(&spair, (print_func)fprintf, stdout); printf("] client_port=%lu, server_port=%lu\n", dport, sport); printf("RTP connection["); dump_ip_port_pair(pair, (print_func)fprintf, stdout); printf("]\n"); } data->inited = false; data->conn = pair; if(ht_put(sending_pairs, pair, data)) { free(pair); free(data); } } } line += i+2; len -= 2; } }
int main(void) { printf("%d %d\n", indexof('o'), indexof('z')); return 0; }
static void paste(GeanyDocument * doc, const gchar * website) { SoupSession *session; SoupMessage *msg = NULL; gchar *f_content; gchar const *f_type; gchar *f_title; gchar *p_url; gchar *formdata = NULL; gchar *user_agent = NULL; gchar **tokens_array; const gchar *langs_supported_codepad[] = { "C", "C++", "D", "Haskell", "Lua", "OCaml", "PHP", "Perl", "Plain Text", "Python", "Ruby", "Scheme", "Tcl" }; const gchar *langs_supported_dpaste[] = { "Bash", "C", "CSS", "Diff", "Django/Jinja", "HTML", "IRC logs", "JavaScript", "PHP", "Python console session", "Python Traceback", "Python", "Python3", "Restructured Text", "SQL", "Text only" }; gint occ_position; gint i; guint status; gsize f_length; g_return_if_fail(doc && doc->is_valid); f_type = doc->file_type->name; if (doc->file_name == NULL) f_title = document_get_basename_for_display(doc, -1); else f_title = g_path_get_basename(doc->file_name); load_settings(); f_content = get_paste_text(doc, &f_length); if (f_content == NULL || f_content[0] == '\0') { dialogs_show_msgbox(GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("Refusing to create blank paste")); return; } switch (website_selected) { case CODEPAD_ORG: for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(langs_supported_codepad); i++) { if (g_strcmp0(f_type, langs_supported_codepad[i]) == 0) break; else f_type = DEFAULT_TYPE_CODEPAD; } msg = soup_message_new("POST", website); formdata = soup_form_encode("lang", f_type, "code", f_content, "submit", "Submit", NULL); break; case TINYPASTE_COM: msg = soup_message_new("POST", website); formdata = soup_form_encode("paste", f_content, "title", f_title, "is_code", g_strcmp0(f_type, "None") == 0 ? "0" : "1", NULL); break; case DPASTE_DE: for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(langs_supported_dpaste); i++) { if (g_strcmp0(f_type, langs_supported_dpaste[i]) == 0) break; else f_type = DEFAULT_TYPE_DPASTE; } msg = soup_message_new("POST", website); /* apparently detects automatically the syntax of the * pasted code so 'lexer' should be unneeded */ formdata = soup_form_encode("content", f_content, "title", f_title, "lexer", f_type, NULL); break; case SPRUNGE_US: msg = soup_message_new("POST", website); formdata = soup_form_encode("sprunge", f_content, NULL); break; case PASTEBIN_GEANY_ORG: msg = soup_message_new("POST", website); formdata = soup_form_encode("content", f_content, "author", author_name, "title", f_title, "lexer", f_type, NULL); break; } g_free(f_content); user_agent = g_strconcat(PLUGIN_NAME, " ", PLUGIN_VERSION, " / Geany ", GEANY_VERSION, NULL); session = soup_session_async_new_with_options(SOUP_SESSION_USER_AGENT, user_agent, NULL); g_free(user_agent); soup_message_set_request(msg, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", SOUP_MEMORY_TAKE, formdata, strlen(formdata)); status = soup_session_send_message(session, msg); p_url = g_strdup(msg->response_body->data); g_object_unref(session); g_object_unref(msg); if(status == SOUP_STATUS_OK) { /* * doesn't return only the url of the new snippet pasted * but an html page. This minimal parser will get the bare url. */ if (website_selected == CODEPAD_ORG) { tokens_array = g_strsplit(p_url, "<a href=\"", 0); /* cuts the string when it finds the first occurrence of '/' * It shoud work even if codepad would change its url. */ SETPTR(p_url, g_strdup(tokens_array[5])); occ_position = indexof(tokens_array[5], '\"'); g_strfreev(tokens_array); if(occ_position != -1) { p_url[occ_position] = '\0'; } else { dialogs_show_msgbox(GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("Unable to paste the code on\n" "Retry or select another pastebin.")); g_free(p_url); return; } } else if(website_selected == TINYPASTE_COM) { /* returns a XML response which looks * like this: * * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> * <result> * <response>xxxxx</response> * </result> */ tokens_array = g_strsplit_set(p_url, "<>", 0); SETPTR(p_url, g_strdup_printf("http://%s/%s", websites[TINYPASTE_COM], tokens_array[6])); g_strfreev(tokens_array); } else if(website_selected == DPASTE_DE) { SETPTR(p_url, g_strndup(p_url + 1, strlen(p_url) - 2)); } else if(website_selected == SPRUNGE_US) { /* in order to enable the syntax highlightning on * it is necessary to append at the returned url a question * mark '?' followed by the file type. * * e.g. */ gchar *ft_tmp = g_ascii_strdown(f_type, -1); g_strstrip(p_url); SETPTR(p_url, g_strdup_printf("%s?%s", p_url, ft_tmp)); g_free(ft_tmp); } if (check_button_is_checked) { utils_open_browser(p_url); } else { GtkWidget *dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(geany->main_widgets->window), GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, _("Paste Successful")); gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_markup(GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(dlg), _("Your paste can be found here:\n<a href=\"%s\" " "title=\"Click to open the paste in your browser\">%s</a>"), p_url, p_url); gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dlg)); gtk_widget_destroy(dlg); } } else { dialogs_show_msgbox(GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("Unable to paste the code. Check your connection and retry.\n" "Error code: %d\n"), status); } g_free(p_url); }
int main() { fin = fopen(_P ".in", "r"); assert(fin); fout = fopen(_P ".out", "w"); assert(fout); // read input ret = fscanf(fin, "%d %d", &rmax, &cmax); assert(ret == 2); readpos(fin, &king); nknight = 0; while (readpos(fin, &knights[nknight])) { nknight++; } /* printpos(&king); for (int i = 0; i < nknight; i++) { printpos(&knights[i]); } */ fclose(fin); // compute the min map computeAll(); int mintotal = -1; int rking = king.r; int cking = king.c; for (int rgath = 0; rgath < rmax; rgath++) { for (int cgath = 0; cgath < cmax; cgath++) { int minkdelta = imax(iabs(rking - rgath), iabs(cking - cgath)); int indgath = indexof(rgath, cgath); int total = 0; bool unreachable = false; for (int k = 0; k < nknight; k++) { int indknight = indexof(&knights[k]); int ms = minsteps(indgath, indknight); if (ms < 0) { unreachable = true; break; } knights[k].d = minsteps(indgath, indknight); total += knights[k].d; } if (unreachable) continue; // knight unreachable memset(touched, 0, sizeof(bool) * MAXIND); int head = 0; int tail = 1; trace[0].r = rking; trace[0].c = cking; trace[0].d = 0; while (head < tail) { int dthis = trace[head].d; if (dthis >= minkdelta) break; int rthis = trace[head].r; int cthis = trace[head].c; int indpick = indexof(rthis, cthis); int deltabase = minsteps(indgath, indpick); if (deltabase >= 0) { // reachable int mindel = 1000; for (int k = 0; k < nknight; k++) { int indknight = indexof(&knights[k]); int ms = minsteps(indpick, indknight); if (ms < 0) continue; int delta = deltabase + ms; assert(delta >= knights[k].d); delta -= knights[k].d; if (delta < mindel) { mindel = delta; } if (mindel == 0) break; // drive by already } if (nknight > 0) { // have knights int dmin = dthis + mindel; if (dmin < minkdelta) { minkdelta = dmin; } } } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int rthat = rthis + ksteps[i].r; int cthat = cthis + ksteps[i].c; if (rthat < 0 || rthat >= rmax) continue; if (cthat < 0 || cthat >= cmax) continue; int ind = indexof(rthat, cthat); if (touched[ind]) continue; int dthat = dthis + 1; touched[ind] = true; trace[tail].r = rthat; trace[tail].c = cthat; trace[tail].d = dthat; tail++; } head++; } total += minkdelta; if (mintotal < 0 || total < mintotal) { mintotal = total; } } } assert(mintotal >= 0); fprintf(fout, "%d\n", mintotal); return 0; }
players_t LIBCOD_CALL *server_getstatus( server_t *server ) { string tmp = server_private_rcon_sz( server, "status", 8192 ); if ( strcmp( tmp, "" ) == 0 || strstr( tmp, "disconnect" ) != NULL || strstr( tmp, "Bad rconpassword" ) != NULL || strstr( tmp, "No rconpassword set on the server" ) != NULL ) { xfree( tmp ); return NULL; } int guid = 0; if ( server->version >= COD_1_3 ) guid = 1; int n = 1, k = 0; for ( ; tmp[ k ]; k++ ) { if ( tmp[ k ] == '\n' ) n++; } string *data = xmalloc( ( 128 * n ) ); string p = strtok( tmp, "\n" ); for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) { data[ k ] = p; p = strtok( NULL, "\n" ); } players_t *ply = xmalloc( sizeof( players_t ) ); ply->players = xmalloc( ( sizeof( player_t ) * ( ( n - 2 ) ? n - 2 : 1 ) ) ); int i = 0, playercount = 0; string d; for ( i = 3; i < n; i++ ) { d = data[ i ]; trim( d ); trimwhitespace( d ); // count the total number of spaces int c = 1, j = 0; for ( ; d[ j ]; j++ ) { if ( d[ j ] == ' ' ) c++; } if ( c < 7 + guid ) continue; //ply->players = xrealloc( ply->players, ( sizeof( player_t ) * ( playercount + 1 ) ) ); // malloc an array for use later string *arr = xmalloc( ( 32 * c ) ); string pch2 = strtok( d, " " ); for ( j = 0; j < c; j++ ) { arr[ j ] = pch2; pch2 = strtok( NULL, " " ); } j = 0; // client number / score ply->players[ playercount ].clientnumber = (byte) atoi( arr[ j++ ] ); ply->players[ playercount ].score = atoi( arr[ j++ ] ); // ping string ping = arr[ j++ ]; if ( strcmp( ping, "CNCT" ) == 0 || strcmp( ping, "ZMBI" ) == 0 ) ply->players[ playercount ].ping = 999; else ply->players[ playercount ].ping = (unsigned short) atoi( ping ); if ( guid ) strcpy( ply->players[ playercount ].guid, arr[ j++ ] ); // name :> if ( c < 8 + guid ) strcpy( ply->players[ playercount ].name, "" ); else if ( c == 8 + guid ) strcpy( ply->players[ playercount ].name, arr[ j++ ] ); else { string tmpname = xmalloc( 34 ); strcpy( tmpname, " " ); for ( ; j < c - 4; j++ ) { strcat( tmpname, arr[ j ] ); strcat( tmpname, " " ); } trim( tmpname ); strcpy( ply->players[ playercount ].name, tmpname ); xfree( tmpname ); } // last msg ply->players[ playercount ].lastmsg = atoi( arr[ j++ ] ); // address / port string a = arr[ j++ ]; if ( indexof( a, ':', 0 ) > -1 ) { string address = substring( a, 0, indexof( a, ':', 0 ) ); string sport = substring( a, indexof( a, ':', 0 ), strlen( a ) ); int port = atoi( sport ); strcpy( ply->players[ playercount ].ipaddress, address ); ply->players[ playercount ].port = port; xfree( address ); xfree( sport ); } else { strcpy( ply->players[ playercount ].ipaddress, a ); ply->players[ playercount ].port = -1; } // qport / rate ply->players[ playercount ].qport = atoi( arr[ j++ ] ); ply->players[ playercount ].rate = atoi( arr[ j++ ] ); xfree( arr ); playercount++; } xfree( data ); xfree( tmp ); ply->playercount = playercount; return ply; }
void LIBCOD_CALL server_detectversion( server_t *server ) { string buff = xmalloc( 1024 ); int err = server_raw_socket( server, "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetinfo xxx", buff, 1024 ); if ( err > 0 || indexof( buff, '\\', 0 ) < 0 ) { xfree( buff ); spawn_error( "Error while running server_detectversion", false ); return; } string infostring = substring( buff, indexof( buff, '\\', 0 ), strlen( buff ) ); xfree( buff ); string val = Info_ValueForKey( infostring, "protocol" ); int gameversion = UNKNOWN; if ( strcmp( val, "" ) == 0 ) return; int protocol = atoi( val ); switch ( protocol ) { // Call of Duty case 1: gameversion = COD_1_1; break; case 2: gameversion = COD_1_2; break; case 4: gameversion = COD_1_3; break; case 5: gameversion = COD_1_4; break; case 6: gameversion = COD_1_5; break; // Call of Duty: United Offensive case 21: gameversion = CODUO_1_41; break; case 22: gameversion = CODUO_1_51; break; // Call of Duty 2 case 115: gameversion = COD2_1_0; break; case 116: gameversion = COD2_1_01; break; case 117: gameversion = COD2_1_2; break; case 118: gameversion = COD2_1_3; break; // Call of Duty: World at War case 93: gameversion = CODWAW_1_0; break; case 94: gameversion = CODWAW_1_0_1017; break; case 95: gameversion = CODWAW_1_1; break; case 96: gameversion = CODWAW_1_2; break; case 97: gameversion = CODWAW_1_3; break; case 98: gameversion = CODWAW_1_4; break; case 99: gameversion = CODWAW_1_5; break; case 100: gameversion = CODWAW_1_6; break; case 101: gameversion = CODWAW_1_7; break; default: break; } if ( gameversion == UNKNOWN ) { string voice = Info_ValueForKey( infostring, "voice" ); if ( strcmp( voice, "" ) != 0 ) { switch ( protocol ) { // Call of Duty 4 case 0: gameversion = COD4_1_1; break; case 1: gameversion = COD4_1_2; break; case 2: gameversion = COD4_1_3; break; case 3: gameversion = COD4_1_4; break; case 4: gameversion = COD4_1_5; break; case 5: gameversion = COD4_1_6; break; case 6: gameversion = COD4_1_7; break; default: break; } } } xfree( infostring ); server->version = gameversion; server->versionstring = versionstring( gameversion ); }
int domain_runnable(int domid) { return new_qos->domain_info[indexof(domid)].runnable; }
static long get_units(DBADDR *paddr, char *units) { if(dbGetFieldIndex(paddr) == indexof(HIGH)) strcpy(units, "s"); return(0); }
int smith_waterman(char *q, const int q_len, char *db, const int db_len, char g_init, char g_ext) { char H[q_len+1][db_len+1]; char E[q_len+1][db_len+1]; char F[q_len+1][db_len+1]; char prev[q_len+1][db_len+1][2]; char q_out[q_len+db_len]; char db_out[q_len+db_len]; char max1,max2,idxi,idxj,deW; int i, j, k, l, m, n; int maxi,maxj; int maxval = 0; for (i = 0; i <= q_len; i++) { H[i][0] = 0; E[i][0] = 0; F[i][0] = 0; prev[i][0][1] = 0; if (i==0)prev[i][0][0] = 0; else prev[i][0][0] = -1; } for (j = 0; j <= db_len; j++) { H[0][j] = 0; E[0][j] = 0; F[0][j] = 0; prev[0][j][0] = 0; if (i==0)prev[0][j][1] = 0; else prev[0][j][1] = -1; } for (i = 1; i <= q_len; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= db_len; j++) { E[i][j] = MAX((E[i][j-1]-g_ext),(H[i][j-1]-g_init)); F[i][j] = MAX((F[i-1][j]-g_ext),(H[i-1][j]-g_init)); idxi = indexof(*(q+i-1)); idxj = indexof(*(db+j-1)); if ((idxi == -1) || (idxj == -1)){ deW = (strncmp(q+i-1, db+j-1, 1) == 0) ? MATCH : MISMATCH; } else { deW = W[idxi][idxj]; } max1 = MAX(0,E[i][j]); max2 = MAX(F[i][j],H[i-1][j-1]+deW); H[i][j] = MAX(max1,max2); if (H[i][j]>maxval) { maxval = H[i][j]; maxi = i; maxj = j; } if (H[i][j] == H[i-1][j-1]+deW) {prev[i][j][0] = -1; prev[i][j][1] = -1;} else if (H[i][j] == E[i][j]) {prev[i][j][0] = 0; prev[i][j][1] = -1; } else if (H[i][j] == F[i][j]) {prev[i][j][0] = -1; prev[i][j][1] = 0; } else {prev[i][j][0] = 0; prev[i][j][1] = 0; } } } printf("Alignment Matrix\n"); for (i = 1; i <= q_len; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= db_len; j++) { printf("%d\t",H[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("Max Score:%d\n",H[maxi][maxj]); i = maxi; j = maxj; k = 0; while(!( ((i==0) && (j==0)) || (H[i][j] == 0))) { if((prev[i][j][0] == -1) && (prev[i][j][1] == -1)){ q_out[k] = *(q+i-1); db_out[k] = *(db+j-1); } else if ((prev[i][j][0] == 0) && (prev[i][j][1] == -1)){ q_out[k] = 45; db_out[k] = *(db+j-1); } else if ((prev[i][j][0] == -1) && (prev[i][j][1] == 0)){ q_out[k] = *(q+i-1); db_out[k] = 45; } else { q_out[k] = 45; db_out[k] = 45; } m = i + prev[i][j][0]; n = j + prev[i][j][1]; i = m; j = n; k++; } for (i=0; i<n-m; i++) printf(" "); for (i=0; i<m; i++) printf("%c",q[i]); for (i=k-1; i>=0; i--) printf("%c",q_out[i]); for (i=maxi; i<=q_len; i++) printf("%c",q[i]); printf("\n"); for (i=0; i<n-m; i++) printf(" "); for (i=0; i<m; i++) printf(" "); for (i=k-1; i>=0; i--) {if (q_out[i] == db_out[i]) printf(":"); else printf(".");} printf("\n"); for (i=0; i<m-n; i++) printf(" "); for (i=0; i<n; i++) printf("%c",db[i]); for (i=k-1; i>=0; i--) printf("%c",db_out[i]); for (i=maxj; i<=db_len; i++) printf("%c",db[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** * FunctionName : user_platform_timer_first_start * Description : calculate the wait time of each timer * Parameters : count -- The number of timers given by server * Returns : none *******************************************************************************/ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_platform_timer_first_start(uint16 count) { int i = 0; struct esp_platform_wait_timer_param timer_wait_param[100] = {0}; ESP_DBG("current timestamp= %ds\n", timestamp); timestamp = timestamp + min_wait_second; for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { char *str = timer_splits[i]; if (indexof(str, "f", 0) == 0) { char *fixed_wait[2]; ESP_DBG("timer is fixed mode\n"); split(str, "=", fixed_wait); os_memcpy(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param, fixed_wait[0] + 1, os_strlen(fixed_wait[0]) - 1); os_memcpy(timer_wait_param[i].wait_action, fixed_wait[1], os_strlen(fixed_wait[1])); timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_second = atoi(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param) - timestamp; os_free(fixed_wait[0]); os_free(fixed_wait[1]); } else if (indexof(str, "l", 0) == 0) { char *loop_wait[2]; ESP_DBG("timer is loop mode\n"); split(str, "=", loop_wait); os_memcpy(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param, loop_wait[0] + 1, os_strlen(loop_wait[0]) - 1); os_memcpy(timer_wait_param[i].wait_action, loop_wait[1], os_strlen(loop_wait[1])); timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_second = atoi(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param) - (timestamp % atoi(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param)); os_free(loop_wait[0]); os_free(loop_wait[1]); } else if (indexof(str, "w", 0) == 0) { char *week_wait[2]; int monday_wait_time = 0; ESP_DBG("timer is weekend mode\n"); split(str, "=", week_wait); os_memcpy(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param, week_wait[0] + 1, os_strlen(week_wait[0]) - 1); os_memcpy(timer_wait_param[i].wait_action, week_wait[1], os_strlen(week_wait[1])); monday_wait_time = (timestamp - 1388937600) % (7 * 24 * 3600); ESP_DBG("monday_wait_time == %d", monday_wait_time); if (atoi(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param) > monday_wait_time) { timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_second = atoi(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param) - monday_wait_time; } else { timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_second = 7 * 24 * 3600 - monday_wait_time + atoi(timer_wait_param[i].wait_time_param); } os_free(week_wait[0]); os_free(week_wait[1]); } } esp_platform_find_min_time(timer_wait_param, count); if(min_wait_second == 0) { return; } esp_platform_timer_action(timer_wait_param, count); }
inline int indexof(Coord * p) { return indexof(p->r, p->c); }
bool readvalue(const bsreq* hint_type, bool create) { bool need_identifier = false; buffer[0] = 0; value = 0; value_type = 0; value_object = 0; if(p[0] == '-' || (p[0] >= '0' && p[0] <= '9')) { value = sz2num(p, &p); value_type = number_type; } else if(p[0] == '\'') { p++; readstring('\''); value_type = text_type; need_identifier = true; } else if(p[0] == '\"') { p++; readstring('\"'); value_type = text_type; } else if(readidentifier()) { value_type = text_type; need_identifier = true; } else return false; // Not found value tag if(need_identifier) { auto value_data = bsdata::find(hint_type); if(!value_data) { for(value_data = bsdata::first; value_data; value_data = value_data->next) { auto f = value_data->fields->getkey(); if(!f) continue; value_object = value_data->find(f, buffer); if(value_object) break; } } else value_object = value_data->find(value_data->fields->getkey(), buffer); // If not find create this if(!value_object && value_data && create) { auto f = value_data->fields->getkey(); if(f) { value_object = value_data->add(); f->set(f->ptr(value_object), (int)szdup(buffer)); } } if(value_data) value_type = value_data->fields; else value_type = number_type; if(value_object && value_data) value = value_data->indexof(value_object); if(!value_object) warning(ErrorNotFoundIdentifier1p, buffer); } else if(create && hint_type && value_type == number_type) { auto value_data = bsdata::find(hint_type); value_type = hint_type; if(value_data) { if(value < (int)value_data->getmaxcount()) { if(value >= (int)value_data->getcount()) value_data->setcount(value + 1); value_object = value_data->get(value); } } } skipws(); return true; }
static long get_graphic_double(DBADDR *paddr,struct dbr_grDouble *pgd) { aoRecord *prec=(aoRecord *)paddr->precord; switch (dbGetFieldIndex(paddr)) { case indexof(VAL): case indexof(OVAL): case indexof(PVAL): case indexof(HIHI): case indexof(HIGH): case indexof(LOW): case indexof(LOLO): case indexof(LALM): case indexof(ALST): case indexof(MLST): case indexof(IVOV): pgd->upper_disp_limit = prec->hopr; pgd->lower_disp_limit = prec->lopr; break; default: recGblGetGraphicDouble(paddr,pgd); } return(0); }