Exemple #1
void marker_loglik(int n_ind, int n_gen, int *geno,
                   double error_prob, double initf(int, int *),
                   double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
                   double *loglik)
    int i, v;
    double temp;
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in loglik argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = (int) ftrunc(*loglik / 1000.0);
    cross_scheme[1] = ((int) *loglik) - 1000 * cross_scheme[0];

    *loglik = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        temp = initf(1, cross_scheme) + emitf(geno[i], 1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
        for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++)
            temp = addlog(temp, initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(geno[i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme));

        (*loglik) += temp;
Exemple #2
int scot(FILE *inf, FILE *outf, char *fil)
    char    s[128];
    Inst   *insttop, *ip;

    initf(inf, outf, fil);
    if (findword(s) || strcmp(s, "orchestra"))
      scotferror(Str("Score must start with orchestra section"));
    for (;;) {
      if (findword(s))
      if (!strcmp(s, "functions"))
      else if (!strcmp(s, "score"))
        scotferror(Str("Expected score or functions section"));
    fputs("e\n", outfile);
    while (insttop) {
      ip = insttop;
      insttop = insttop->next;
      free((char *) ip);
    if (errcount)
    return errcount;
Exemple #3
void marker_loglik(int n_ind, int n_gen, int *geno, 
		   double error_prob, double initf(int), 
		   double emitf(int, int, double),
		   double *loglik)
  int i, v;
  double temp;
  *loglik = 0.0;
  for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */
    temp = initf(1) + emitf(geno[i], 1, error_prob);
    for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++) 
      temp = addlog(temp, initf(v+1) + emitf(geno[i], v+1, error_prob));

    (*loglik) += temp;
Exemple #4
int main (){

    float tab[N];
    float tab2[N];
    initf(tab, N);
//    read(tab, N);
    copyf(tab, tab2, N);
    priintf(tab2, N);
    npermutf(tab2, N, 2);
    priintf(tab2, N);

    char tab3[N];
    char tab4[N];
    char tab5[N];

    initc(tab3, N);
    initc(tab4, N);
    initc(tab5, N);

    npermutc(tab4, N, 1);
    minToMaj(tab5, N);

        printc(tab3, N);
        printc(tab4, N);
        printc(tab5, N);

    mirror(tab4, N);

        printc(tab3, N);
        printc(tab4, N);
        printc(tab5, N);

    printf("%d\n", searchs(tab3, tab4, N, N));
    printf("%d\n", searchs(tab3, tab5, N, N));

    frac ax = {30, 50};
    frac bx = {30, 50};
    printf("frac %d %d\n", ax.nume, ax.deno);
    printf("simply frac %d %d\n", ax.nume, ax.deno);

    return 0;
Exemple #5
Fichier : macro.c Projet : 8l/FUZIX
static void comsubst(void)
	/* command substn */
	register char d;
	register STKPTR savptr = fixstak();

	while ((d = readc()) != SQUOTE && d)

		register char *argc;
		trim(argc = fixstak());
		register TREPTR t =
		    makefork(FPOU, cmd(EOFSYM, MTFLG | NLFLG));
		int pv[2];

		/* this is done like this so that the pipe
		 * is open only when needed
		execute(t, 0, 0, pv);
	staktop = movstr(savptr, stakbot);

	while (d = readc())
		pushstak(d | quote);


	while (stakbot != staktop) {
		if ((*--staktop & STRIP) != NL) {
Exemple #6
void *
radiusd_load_ext(const char *name, const char *ident, void **symbol)
	lt_dlhandle handle;

	GRAD_DEBUG2(1,"Loading module '%s', symbol '%s'", name, ident);
	if (lt_dlinit()) {
		GRAD_DEBUG(1,"lt_ldinit failed");
		return NULL;
	handle = lt_dlopenext(name);
	if (handle) {
		*symbol = lt_dlsym(handle, ident);
		if (*symbol) {
			grad_dl_init_t initf =
				(grad_dl_init_t) lt_dlsym(handle, "init");
			if (initf) {
				if (initf()) {
						 _("Cannot load module %s: init function failed"),
					handle = NULL;

		} else {
				 _("Cannot load module %s: symbol %s not found"),
				 name, ident);
			handle = NULL;
	} else
		grad_log(GRAD_LOG_NOTICE, _("Cannot load module %s: %s"),
			 name, lt_dlerror());

	GRAD_DEBUG1(1,"Handle %p", handle);
	if (!handle) 
	return handle;
Exemple #7
Fichier : macro.c Projet : 8l/FUZIX
void subst(int in, int ot)
	register char c;
	register int count = CPYSIZ;

	/* DQUOTE used to stop it from quoting */
	while (c = (getch(DQUOTE) & STRIP)) {
		if (--count == 0) {
			count = CPYSIZ;
Exemple #8
void *
psc_memnode_getobj(int pos, void *(*initf)(void *), void *arg)
	struct psc_memnode *pmn;
	void *p;

	pmn = psc_memnode_get();
	p = psc_memnode_getkey(pmn, pos);
	if (p)
		return (p);
	p = psc_memnode_getkey(pmn, pos);
	if (p) {
		return (p);
	p = initf(arg);
	psc_memnode_setkey(pmn, pos, p);
	return (p);
Exemple #9
void forward_prob(int i, int n_mar, int n_gen, int curpos, int *cross_scheme, double error_prob,
	     int **Geno, double **probmat, double **alpha,
	     double initf(int, int *), 
	     double emitf(int, int, double, int *))
  /* forward equations */

  /* Note: true genotypes coded as 1, 2, ...
     but in the alpha's and beta's, we use 0, 1, ... */

  int j,v,v2;
  double errortol,salpha;

  /* initialize alpha */
  /* curpos = -1: use error_prob always */
  /* curpos >= 0: use TOL except when j == curpos, then use error_prob */

  errortol = error_prob;
  if(curpos > 0) errortol = TOL;
  for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
    alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, errortol, cross_scheme);
  if(curpos == 0) errortol = TOL;

  for(j=1; j<n_mar; j++) {
    if(curpos == j) errortol = error_prob;
    for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
      salpha = alpha[0][j-1] + stepfc(1, v+1, j-1, probmat);
      for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++)
	salpha = addlog(salpha, alpha[v2][j-1] + stepfc(v2+1, v+1, j-1, probmat));
      alpha[v][j] = salpha + emitf(Geno[j][i], v+1, errortol, cross_scheme);
    if(curpos == j) errortol = TOL;
Exemple #10
void est_map(int n_ind, int n_mar, int n_gen, int *geno, double *rf,
             double *rf2, double error_prob, double initf(int, int *),
             double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
             double stepf(int, int, double, double, int *),
             double nrecf1(int, int, double, int*), double nrecf2(int, int, double, int*),
             double *loglik, int maxit, double tol, int sexsp,
             int verbose)
    int i, j, j2, v, v2, it, flag=0, **Geno, ndigits;
    double s, **alpha, **beta, **gamma, *cur_rf, *cur_rf2;
    double curloglik, maxdif, temp;
    char pattern[100], text[200];
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in loglik argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = (int) ftrunc(*loglik / 1000.0);
    cross_scheme[1] = ((int) *loglik) - 1000 * cross_scheme[0];
    *loglik = 0.0;

    /* allocate space for beta and reorganize geno */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_mar, geno, &Geno);
    allocate_alpha(n_mar, n_gen, &alpha);
    allocate_alpha(n_mar, n_gen, &beta);
    allocate_dmatrix(n_gen, n_gen, &gamma);
    allocate_double(n_mar-1, &cur_rf);
    allocate_double(n_mar-1, &cur_rf2);

    /* digits in verbose output */
    if(verbose) {
        ndigits = (int)ceil(-log10(tol));
        if(ndigits > 16) ndigits=16;
        sprintf(pattern, "%s%d.%df", "%", ndigits+3, ndigits+1);

    /* begin EM algorithm */
    for(it=0; it<maxit; it++) {

        for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
            cur_rf[j] = cur_rf2[j] = rf[j];
            rf[j] = 0.0;
            if(sexsp) {
                cur_rf2[j] = rf2[j];
                rf2[j] = 0.0;

        for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

            R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

            /* initialize alpha and beta */
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
                beta[v][n_mar-1] = 0.0;

            /* forward-backward equations */
            for(j=1,j2=n_mar-2; j<n_mar; j++, j2--) {

                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                    alpha[v][j] = alpha[0][j-1] + stepf(1, v+1, cur_rf[j-1], cur_rf2[j-1], cross_scheme);
                    beta[v][j2] = beta[0][j2+1] + stepf(v+1,1,cur_rf[j2], cur_rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                        emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

                    for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                        alpha[v][j] = addlog(alpha[v][j], alpha[v2][j-1] +
                                             stepf(v2+1,v+1,cur_rf[j-1],cur_rf2[j-1], cross_scheme));
                        beta[v][j2] = addlog(beta[v][j2], beta[v2][j2+1] +
                                             stepf(v+1,v2+1,cur_rf[j2],cur_rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                                             emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],v2+1,error_prob, cross_scheme));

                    alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob, cross_scheme);


            for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {

                /* calculate gamma = log Pr(v1, v2, O) */
                for(v=0, s=0.0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                    for(v2=0; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                        gamma[v][v2] = alpha[v][j] + beta[v2][j+1] +
                            emitf(Geno[j+1][i], v2+1, error_prob, cross_scheme) +
                            stepf(v+1, v2+1, cur_rf[j], cur_rf2[j], cross_scheme);

                        if(v==0 && v2==0) s = gamma[v][v2];
                        else s = addlog(s, gamma[v][v2]);

                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                    for(v2=0; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                        rf[j] += nrecf1(v+1,v2+1, cur_rf[j], cross_scheme) * exp(gamma[v][v2] - s);
                        if(sexsp) rf2[j] += nrecf2(v+1,v2+1, cur_rf[j], cross_scheme) * exp(gamma[v][v2] - s);

        } /* loop over individuals */

        /* rescale */
        for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
            rf[j] /= (double)n_ind;
            if(rf[j] < tol/1000.0) rf[j] = tol/1000.0;
            else if(rf[j] > 0.5-tol/1000.0) rf[j] = 0.5-tol/1000.0;

            if(sexsp) {
                rf2[j] /= (double)n_ind;
                if(rf2[j] < tol/1000.0) rf2[j] = tol/1000.0;
                else if(rf2[j] > 0.5-tol/1000.0) rf2[j] = 0.5-tol/1000.0;
            else rf2[j] = rf[j];

        if(verbose>1) {
            /* print estimates as we go along*/
            Rprintf("   %4d ", it+1);
            for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
                temp = fabs(rf[j] - cur_rf[j])/(cur_rf[j]+tol*100.0);
                if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
                if(sexsp) {
                    temp = fabs(rf2[j] - cur_rf2[j])/(cur_rf2[j]+tol*100.0);
                    if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
                /* bsy add */
                if(verbose > 2)
                    Rprintf("%d %f %f\n", j+1, cur_rf[j], rf[j]);
                /* bsy add */
            sprintf(text, "%s%s\n", "  max rel've change = ", pattern);
            Rprintf(text, maxdif);

        /* check convergence */
        for(j=0, flag=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
            if(fabs(rf[j] - cur_rf[j]) > tol*(cur_rf[j]+tol*100.0) ||
               (sexsp && fabs(rf2[j] - cur_rf2[j]) > tol*(cur_rf2[j]+tol*100.0))) {
                flag = 1;

        if(!flag) break;

    } /* end EM algorithm */

    if(flag) warning("Didn't converge!\n");

    /* calculate log likelihood */
    *loglik = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */
        /* initialize alpha */
        for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
            alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
        /* forward equations */
        for(j=1; j<n_mar; j++) {
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                alpha[v][j] = alpha[0][j-1] +
                    stepf(1, v+1, rf[j-1], rf2[j-1], cross_scheme);

                for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++)
                    alpha[v][j] = addlog(alpha[v][j], alpha[v2][j-1] +
                                         stepf(v2+1,v+1,rf[j-1],rf2[j-1], cross_scheme));

                alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

        curloglik = alpha[0][n_mar-1];
        for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++)
            curloglik = addlog(curloglik, alpha[v][n_mar-1]);

        *loglik += curloglik;

    if(verbose) {
        if(verbose < 2) {
            /* print final estimates */
            Rprintf("  no. iterations = %d\n", it+1);
            for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
                temp = fabs(rf[j] - cur_rf[j])/(cur_rf[j]+tol*100.0);
                if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
                if(sexsp) {
                    temp = fabs(rf2[j] - cur_rf2[j])/(cur_rf2[j]+tol*100.0);
                    if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
            sprintf(text, "%s%s\n", "  max rel've change at last step = ", pattern);
            Rprintf(text, maxdif);

        Rprintf("  loglik: %10.4lf\n\n", *loglik);

Exemple #11
int test_moves() {
	Board b;
	Move *moves;
	int status, num_moves, expected;
	status = WIN;

	/* on startup, there shouldn't be any king moves */
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 20;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	/* try this config (black moves) */
	initf(&b, "rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2");
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 22;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	/* try this config (white moves) */
	initf(&b, "rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2");
	set_play(&b, WHITE);
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 13 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 5; /* pawns, knights, king, queen, bishop */
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	/* here is one with only rook moves */
	initf(&b, "8/8/8/2r5/8/5R2/8/8 b KQkq - 1 2");
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 14;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	/* here is one with only rook moves */
	initf(&b, "8/2p5/8/2r5/8/5R2/8/8 b KQkq - 1 2");
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 13;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	/* here is another one with only rook moves */
	initf(&b, "8/2p5/8/2rp4/8/5R2/8/8 b KQkq - 1 2");
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 9;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	/* here is one last one with only rook moves */
	initf(&b, "8/2p5/8/2rp4/8/2p2R2/8/8 b KQkq - 1 2");
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 7;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	/* and again for white... */
	initf(&b, "8/2p5/8/2rp4/8/2p2R2/8/8 w KQkq - 1 2");
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 12;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;

	/* try to figure out bishop issue */
	initf(&b, "8/3/8/2B5/8/8/8/8 w KQkq - 1 2");
	moves = gen_moves(&b, &num_moves);
	expected = 11;
	if(num_moves != expected) {
		if(!QUIET) {
			if(to_play(&b) == WHITE)
				printf("\t>> WHITE to play, ");
				printf("\t>> BLACK to play, ");
			printf("expected %d moves, but saw %d\n", expected, num_moves);
		status = FAIL;
	return status;
Exemple #12
/* mexFunction is the gateway routine for the MEX-file. */ 
mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
             int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
  int i, r, c, Xrows, Xcols, Lrows, Lcols;
  float **mfv, **X, **L, *inData, *inLib, *outData, *outMd;
  (void) nlhs;     /* unused parameters */
  (void) plhs;
  const mwSize *dims;
  mwSize number_of_dimensions;
  mxClassID  category;

/* Check to see if we are on a platform that does not support the compatibility layer. */
#if defined(_LP64) || defined (_WIN64)
#ifdef MX_COMPAT_32
  for (i=0; i<nrhs; i++)  {
      if (mxIsSparse(prhs[i])) {
                    "MEX-files compiled on a 64-bit platform that use sparse array functions need to be compiled using -largeArrayDims.");

  /* check inputs */
  if (nrhs != 2) 
    fprintf(stderr,"I need 2 inputs\n");
  if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]) != 2)
    mexPrintf("usage: mf(X,L), where each row of X is a spectrum\n");
  if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]) != 2)
    mexPrintf("usage: mf(X,L), where each row of L is a spectrum\n");
  category = mxGetClassID(prhs[0]);
  if (category != mxSINGLE_CLASS)
    mexPrintf("The data matrix must have type 'single'\n");
  category = mxGetClassID(prhs[1]);
  if (category != mxSINGLE_CLASS)
    mexPrintf("The library matrix must have type 'single'\n");
  /* Get input dimensions */
  dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
  Xrows = dims[0];
  Xcols = dims[1];
  dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
  Lrows = dims[0];
  Lcols = dims[1];
  if (Lcols != Xcols)
    mexPrintf("Dimension mismatch between library and data\n");
  inData = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[0]);
  inLib = (float *)  mxGetData(prhs[1]);

  /* build data arrays. do MF detection, clean up */
  newf(&X, Xrows, Xcols);
  newf(&L, Lrows, Lcols);
  initf(&mfv, Xrows, Lrows, 0);
  /* Copy matlab input arrays into X and L */
  for (r=0; r<Xrows; r++)
    for (c=0; c<Xcols; c++)
      X[r][c] = inData[c*Xrows+r];
  for (r=0; r<Lrows; r++)
    for (c=0; c<Lcols; c++)
      L[r][c] = inLib[c*Lrows+r];
  /* create space for output */
  outData = (float *) mxCalloc(Xrows*Lrows, sizeof(float));
  outMd = (float *) mxCalloc(Xrows, sizeof(float));
  /* call the library function for matched filter detection */
  mf(X, Xrows, Xcols, L, Lrows, NEVALS, DIAG, mfv, outMd);
  /* copy into the output array */
  for (r=0; r<Xrows; r++)
    for (c=0; c<Lrows; c++)
      outData[c*Xrows+r] = mfv[r][c];
  /* clean up */
  clearf(X, Xrows, Xcols);
  clearf(L, Lrows, Lcols);
  clearf(mfv, Xrows, Lrows);

  /* create output structure */
  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(0, 0, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
  mxSetData(plhs[0], outData);
  mxSetM(plhs[0], Xrows);
  mxSetN(plhs[0], Lrows);
  if (nlhs > 1) 
    plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(0, 0, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
    mxSetData(plhs[1], outMd);
    mxSetM(plhs[1], Xrows);
    mxSetN(plhs[1], 1);
Exemple #13
void calc_genoprob_special(int n_ind, int n_pos, int n_gen, int *geno, 
			   double *rf, double *rf2, 
			   double error_prob, double *genoprob, 
			   double initf(int), 
			   double emitf(int, int, double),
			   double stepf(int, int, double, double)) 
  int i, j, j2, v, v2, curpos;
  double s, **alpha, **beta;
  int **Geno;
  double ***Genoprob;
  /* allocate space for alpha and beta and 
     reorganize geno and genoprob */
  reorg_geno(n_ind, n_pos, geno, &Geno);
  reorg_genoprob(n_ind, n_pos, n_gen, genoprob, &Genoprob);
  allocate_alpha(n_pos, n_gen, &alpha);
  allocate_alpha(n_pos, n_gen, &beta);

  for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

    for(curpos=0; curpos < n_pos; curpos++) {

      if(!Geno[curpos][i]) continue;

      R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

      /* initialize alpha and beta */
      for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
	  alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob);
	  alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, TOL);
	beta[v][n_pos-1] = 0.0;

      /* forward-backward equations */
      for(j=1,j2=n_pos-2; j<n_pos; j++, j2--) {
	for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
	  alpha[v][j] = alpha[0][j-1] + stepf(1, v+1, rf[j-1], rf2[j-1]);
	    beta[v][j2] = beta[0][j2+1] + stepf(v+1,1,rf[j2], rf2[j2]) + 
	    beta[v][j2] = beta[0][j2+1] + stepf(v+1,1,rf[j2], rf2[j2]) + 

	  for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
	    alpha[v][j] = addlog(alpha[v][j], alpha[v2][j-1] + 
	      beta[v][j2] = addlog(beta[v][j2], beta[v2][j2+1] + 
				   stepf(v+1,v2+1,rf[j2],rf2[j2]) +
	      beta[v][j2] = addlog(beta[v][j2], beta[v2][j2+1] + 
				   stepf(v+1,v2+1,rf[j2],rf2[j2]) +


	    alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob);
	    alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,TOL);

      /* calculate genotype probabilities */
      s = Genoprob[0][curpos][i] = alpha[0][curpos] + beta[0][curpos];
      for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++) {
	Genoprob[v][curpos][i] = alpha[v][curpos] + beta[v][curpos];
	s = addlog(s, Genoprob[v][curpos][i]);
      for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) 
	Genoprob[v][curpos][i] = exp(Genoprob[v][curpos][i] - s);

    } /* end loop over current position */

  } /* loop over individuals */
Exemple #14
static void
exfile(int prof)
	time_t	mailtime = 0;	/* Must not be a register variable */
	time_t 	curtime = 0;

	 * move input
	if (input > 0) {
		Ldup(input, INIO);
		input = INIO;


	if (setjmp(errshell) && prof) {
		(void) endjobs(0);
	 * error return here

	loopcnt = peekc = peekn = 0;
	fndef = 0;
	nohash = 0;
	iopend = 0;

	if (input >= 0)
	 * command loop
	for (;;) {
		stakchk();	/* may reduce sbrk */

		if ((flags & prompt) && standin->fstak == 0 && !eof) {

			if (mailp) {

				if ((curtime - mailtime) >= mailchk) {
					mailtime = curtime;

			/* necessary to print jobs in a timely manner */
			if (trapnote & TRAPSET)


#ifdef TIME_OUT


		trapnote = 0;
		peekc = readwc();
		if (eof) {
			if (endjobs(JOB_STOPPED))
			eof = 0;

#ifdef TIME_OUT

			struct trenod *t;
			t = cmd(NL, MTFLG);
			if (t == NULL && flags & ttyflg)
				execute(t, 0, eflag);

		eof |= (flags & oneflg);

Exemple #15
void calc_genoprob(int n_ind, int n_pos, int n_gen, int *geno,
                   double *rf, double *rf2,
                   double error_prob, double *genoprob,
                   double initf(int, int *),
                   double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
                   double stepf(int, int, double, double, int *))
    int i, j, j2, v, v2;
    double s, **alpha, **beta;
    int **Geno;
    double ***Genoprob;
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in genoprob argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = genoprob[0];
    cross_scheme[1] = genoprob[1];
    genoprob[0] = 0.0;
    genoprob[1] = 0.0;

    /* allocate space for alpha and beta and
       reorganize geno and genoprob */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_pos, geno, &Geno);
    reorg_genoprob(n_ind, n_pos, n_gen, genoprob, &Genoprob);
    allocate_alpha(n_pos, n_gen, &alpha);
    allocate_alpha(n_pos, n_gen, &beta);

    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        /* initialize alpha and beta */
        for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
            alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
            beta[v][n_pos-1] = 0.0;

        /* forward-backward equations */
        for(j=1,j2=n_pos-2; j<n_pos; j++, j2--) {

            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                alpha[v][j] = alpha[0][j-1] + stepf(1, v+1, rf[j-1], rf2[j-1], cross_scheme);
                beta[v][j2] = beta[0][j2+1] + stepf(v+1,1,rf[j2], rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                    emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

                for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                    alpha[v][j] = addlog(alpha[v][j], alpha[v2][j-1] +
                                         stepf(v2+1,v+1,rf[j-1],rf2[j-1], cross_scheme));
                    beta[v][j2] = addlog(beta[v][j2], beta[v2][j2+1] +
                                         stepf(v+1,v2+1,rf[j2],rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                                         emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],v2+1,error_prob, cross_scheme));

                alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

        /* calculate genotype probabilities */
        for(j=0; j<n_pos; j++) {
            s = Genoprob[0][j][i] = alpha[0][j] + beta[0][j];
            for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++) {
                Genoprob[v][j][i] = alpha[v][j] + beta[v][j];
                s = addlog(s, Genoprob[v][j][i]);
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
                Genoprob[v][j][i] = exp(Genoprob[v][j][i] - s);

        /* the following is the old version */
        /*    for(j=0; j<n_pos; j++) {
              s = 0.0;
              for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
              s += (Genoprob[v][j][i] = exp(alpha[v][j] + beta[v][j]));

              for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
              Genoprob[v][j][i] /= s;
              } */

    } /* loop over individuals */

Exemple #16
void calc_pairprob(int n_ind, int n_pos, int n_gen, int *geno,
                   double *rf, double *rf2,
                   double error_prob, double *genoprob,
                   double *pairprob,
                   double initf(int, int *),
                   double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
                   double stepf(int, int, double, double, int *))
    int i, j, j2, v, v2, v3;
    double s=0.0, **alpha, **beta;
    int **Geno;
    double ***Genoprob, *****Pairprob;
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in genoprob argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = genoprob[0];
    cross_scheme[1] = genoprob[1];
    genoprob[0] = 0.0;
    genoprob[1] = 0.0;

    /* n_pos must be at least 2, or there are no pairs! */
    if(n_pos < 2) error("n_pos must be > 1 in calc_pairprob");

    /* allocate space for alpha and beta and
       reorganize geno, genoprob, and pairprob */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_pos, geno, &Geno);
    reorg_genoprob(n_ind, n_pos, n_gen, genoprob, &Genoprob);
    reorg_pairprob(n_ind, n_pos, n_gen, pairprob, &Pairprob);
    allocate_alpha(n_pos, n_gen, &alpha);
    allocate_alpha(n_pos, n_gen, &beta);

    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        /* initialize alpha and beta */
        for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
            alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
            beta[v][n_pos-1] = 0.0;

        /* forward-backward equations */
        for(j=1,j2=n_pos-2; j<n_pos; j++, j2--) {

            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                alpha[v][j] = alpha[0][j-1] + stepf(1, v+1, rf[j-1], rf2[j-1], cross_scheme);

                beta[v][j2] = beta[0][j2+1] + stepf(v+1,1,rf[j2], rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                    emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

                for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                    alpha[v][j] = addlog(alpha[v][j], alpha[v2][j-1] +
                                         stepf(v2+1,v+1,rf[j-1],rf2[j-1], cross_scheme));
                    beta[v][j2] = addlog(beta[v][j2], beta[v2][j2+1] +
                                         stepf(v+1,v2+1,rf[j2],rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                                         emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],v2+1,error_prob, cross_scheme));

                alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

        /* calculate genotype probabilities */
        for(j=0; j<n_pos; j++) {
            s = Genoprob[0][j][i] = alpha[0][j] + beta[0][j];
            for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++) {
                Genoprob[v][j][i] = alpha[v][j] + beta[v][j];
                s = addlog(s, Genoprob[v][j][i]);
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
                Genoprob[v][j][i] = exp(Genoprob[v][j][i] - s);

        /* calculate Pr(G[j], G[j+1] | marker data) for i = 1...n_pos-1 */
        for(j=0; j<n_pos-1; j++) {
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                for(v2=0; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                    Pairprob[v][v2][j][j+1][i] = alpha[v][j] + beta[v2][j+1] +
                        stepf(v+1,v2+1,rf[j],rf2[j], cross_scheme) +
                        emitf(Geno[j+1][i],v2+1,error_prob, cross_scheme);
                    if(v==0 && v2==0) s=Pairprob[v][v2][j][j+1][i];
                    else s = addlog(s,Pairprob[v][v2][j][j+1][i]);
            /* scale to sum to 1 */
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
                for(v2=0; v2<n_gen; v2++)
                    Pairprob[v][v2][j][j+1][i] =
                        exp(Pairprob[v][v2][j][j+1][i] - s);

        /* now calculate Pr(G[i], G[j] | marker data) for j > i+1 */
        for(j=0; j<n_pos-2; j++) {
            for(j2=j+2; j2<n_pos; j2++) {

                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) { /* genotype at pos'n j */
                    for(v2=0; v2<n_gen; v2++) { /* genotype at pos'n j2 */

                        Pairprob[v][v2][j][j2][i] = 0.0;

                        for(v3=0; v3<n_gen; v3++) { /* genotype at pos'n j2-1 */
                            s = Genoprob[v3][j2-1][i];
                            if(fabs(s) > TOL) /* avoid 0/0 */
                                Pairprob[v][v2][j][j2][i] += Pairprob[v][v3][j][j2-1][i]*

                } /* end loops over genotypes */

        } /* end loops over pairs of positions */

    } /* end loop over individuals */
Exemple #17
void argmax_geno(int n_ind, int n_pos, int n_gen, int *geno,
                 double *rf, double *rf2,
                 double error_prob, int *argmax,
                 double initf(int, int *),
                 double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
                 double stepf(int, int, double, double, int *))
    int i, j, v, v2;
    double s, t, *gamma, *tempgamma, *tempgamma2;
    int **Geno, **Argmax, **traceback;
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in argmax argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = argmax[0];
    cross_scheme[1] = argmax[1];
    argmax[0] = geno[0];
    argmax[1] = geno[1];

    /* Read R's random seed */
    /* in the case of multiple "most likely" genotype sequences,
       we pick from them at random */

    /* allocate space and
       reorganize geno and argmax */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_pos, geno, &Geno);
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_pos, argmax, &Argmax);
    allocate_imatrix(n_pos, n_gen, &traceback);
    allocate_double(n_gen, &gamma);
    allocate_double(n_gen, &tempgamma);
    allocate_double(n_gen, &tempgamma2);

    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        /* begin viterbi algorithm */
        if(n_pos > 1) { /* multiple markers */
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
                gamma[v] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);

            for(j=0; j<n_pos-1; j++) {
                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                    tempgamma[v] = s = gamma[0] + stepf(1, v+1, rf[j], rf2[j], cross_scheme);
                    traceback[j][v] = 0;

                    for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                        t = gamma[v2] + stepf(v2+1, v+1, rf[j], rf2[j], cross_scheme);
                        if(t > s || (fabs(t-s) < TOL && unif_rand() < 0.5)) {
                            tempgamma[v] = s = t;
                            traceback[j][v] = v2;
                    tempgamma2[v] = tempgamma[v] + emitf(Geno[j+1][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) gamma[v] = tempgamma2[v];

            /* finish off viterbi and then traceback to get most
               likely sequence of genotypes */
            Argmax[n_pos-1][i] = 0;
            s = gamma[0];
            for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++) {
                if(gamma[v] > s || (fabs(gamma[v]-s) < TOL &&
                                    unif_rand() < 0.5)) {
                    s = gamma[v];
                    Argmax[n_pos-1][i] = v;
            for(j=n_pos-2; j >= 0; j--)
                Argmax[j][i] = traceback[j][Argmax[j+1][i]];
        else {  /* for exactly one marker */
            s = initf(1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], 1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
            Argmax[0][i] = 0;
            for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++) {
                t = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
                if(t > s || (fabs(t-s) < TOL && unif_rand() < 0.5)) {
                    s = t;
                    Argmax[0][i] = v;

        /* code genotypes as 1, 2, ... */
        for(j=0; j<n_pos; j++) Argmax[j][i]++;

    } /* loop over individuals */

    /* write R's random seed */
Exemple #18
static void exfile(BOOL prof)
	register L_INT mailtime = 0;
	register int userid;
	struct stat statb;

	/* move input */
	if (input > 0) {
		Ldup(input, INIO);
		input = INIO;

	/* move output to safe place */
	if (output == 2) {
		Ldup(dup(2), OTIO);
		output = OTIO;

	userid = getuid();

	/* decide whether interactive */
	if ((flags & intflg)
	    || ((flags & oneflg) == 0 && isatty(output) && isatty(input))) {
		dfault(&ps1nod, (userid ? stdprompt : supprompt));
		dfault(&ps2nod, readmsg);
		flags |= ttyflg | prompt;
	} else {
		flags |= prof;
		flags &= ~prompt;

	if (setjmp(errshell) && prof) {

	/* error return here */
	loopcnt = breakcnt = peekc = 0;
	iopend = 0;
	if (input >= 0)

	/* command loop */
	for (;;) {
		stakchk();	/* may reduce sbrk */
		if ((flags & prompt) && standin->fstak == 0 && !eof) {
			if (mailnod.namval
			    && stat(mailnod.namval, &statb) >= 0
			    && statb.st_size
			    && (statb.st_mtime != mailtime)
			    && mailtime) {
			mailtime = statb.st_mtime;
			flags |= waiting;

		trapnote = 0;
		peekc = readc();
		if (eof)
		flags &= ~waiting;
		execute(cmd(NL, MTFLG), 0, NULL, NULL);
		eof |= (flags & oneflg);
Exemple #19
void sim_geno(int n_ind, int n_pos, int n_gen, int n_draws,
              int *geno, double *rf, double *rf2,
              double error_prob, int *draws,
              double initf(int, int *),
              double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
              double stepf(int, int, double, double, int *))
    int i, k, j, v, v2;
    double s, **beta, *probs;
    int **Geno, ***Draws, curstate;
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in draws argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = draws[0];
    cross_scheme[1] = draws[1];
    draws[0] = 0;
    draws[1] = 0;

    /* allocate space for beta and
       reorganize geno and draws */
    /* Geno indexed as Geno[pos][ind] */
    /* Draws indexed as Draws[rep][pos][ind] */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_pos, geno, &Geno);
    reorg_draws(n_ind, n_pos, n_draws, draws, &Draws);
    allocate_alpha(n_pos, n_gen, &beta);
    allocate_double(n_gen, &probs);

    /* Read R's random seed */

    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        /* do backward equations */
        /* initialize beta */
        for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) beta[v][n_pos-1] = 0.0;

        /* backward equations */
        for(j=n_pos-2; j>=0; j--) {

            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                beta[v][j] = beta[0][j+1] + stepf(v+1,1,rf[j], rf2[j], cross_scheme) +
                    emitf(Geno[j+1][i],1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

                for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++)
                    beta[v][j] = addlog(beta[v][j], beta[v2][j+1] +
                                        stepf(v+1,v2+1,rf[j],rf2[j], cross_scheme) +
                                        emitf(Geno[j+1][i],v2+1,error_prob, cross_scheme));

        for(k=0; k<n_draws; k++) { /* k = simulation replicate */

            /* first draw */
            /* calculate probs */
            s = (probs[0] = initf(1, cross_scheme)+emitf(Geno[0][i],1,error_prob, cross_scheme)+beta[0][0]);
            for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++) {
                probs[v] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme) +
                s = addlog(s, probs[v]);
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) probs[v] = exp(probs[v] - s);

            /* make draw: returns a value from {1, 2, ..., n_gen} */
            curstate = Draws[k][0][i] = sample_int(n_gen, probs);

            /* move along chromosome */
            for(j=1; j<n_pos; j++) {
                /* calculate probs */
                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++)
                    probs[v] = exp(stepf(curstate,v+1,rf[j-1],rf2[j-1], cross_scheme) +
                                   emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob, cross_scheme) +
                                   beta[v][j] - beta[curstate-1][j-1]);
                /* make draw */
                curstate = Draws[k][j][i] = sample_int(n_gen, probs);

        } /* loop over replicates */

    } /* loop over individuals */

    /* write R's random seed */

Exemple #20
int udl_load( const char *pname )
  FILE *fp;
  char *pdata;
  int id;
  u32 temp;
  char ctemp[ UDL_MAX_LTR_SYMNAME + 1 ];
  udl_module_data *m;
  udl_module_data tmpm;

  udl_debug( "Loading module %s\n", pname );
  if( ( fp = fopen( pname, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
    udl_debug( "Cannot read module from file %s\n", pname );

  // Read hash
  fread( &tmpm.hash, 1, 4, fp );

  // Read signature
  fread( &temp, 1, 4, fp );
  if( temp != UDL_MOD_SIGN )
    udl_debug( "Invalid module signature\n" );
    fclose( fp );

  // Read module data
  fread( &tmpm.total, 1, 4, fp );
  fread( &tmpm.offset, 1, 4, fp );
  udl_debug( "module size: %u offset: %08X\n", ( unsigned )tmpm.total, ( unsigned )tmpm.offset );

  // Read module name (fixed size always)
  fread( ctemp, 1, UDL_MAX_MOD_NAME, fp );
  udl_debug( "module name: %s\n", ctemp );

  // Now it's a good time to check if the module is already loaded
  if( ( id = udlh_slot_from_name( ctemp ) ) != -1 )
    udl_debug( "Module %s already loaded.\n", ctemp );
    if( udl_modules[ id ].hash == tmpm.hash )
      udl_debug( "Modules are identical, incrementing reference count.\n" );
      udl_modules[ id ].refcount ++;
      udl_debug( "Another version of '%s' is already loaded, unable to load the new module.\n", ctemp );
    fclose( fp );
    return id;
    if( ( id = udlh_find_slot() ) == -1 )
      udl_debug( "No slots available\n" );
      fclose( fp );
      return UDL_NO_SLOTS;
  m = udl_modules + id;
  *m = tmpm;
  m->refcount = 1;
  udl_debug( "Will load module at slot %d\n", id );

  // Read all data now
  if( ( pdata = ( char* )malloc( m->total + UDL_MAX_MOD_NAME ) ) == NULL )
    udl_debug( "Not enough memory\n" );
    fclose( fp );
    return UDL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
  m->data = pdata;
  memcpy( pdata, ctemp, UDL_MAX_MOD_NAME );
  pdata += UDL_MAX_MOD_NAME;
  if( fread( pdata, 1, m->total, fp ) != m->total )
    udl_debug( "Unable to read %u bytes from file\n", ( unsigned )m->total );
    fclose( fp );
    udlh_free_slot( id );
  fclose( fp );

  // Is this a LTR-compatible Lua module?
  // It needs two symbols for this: luaopen_<modname> and <modname>_map
  strcpy( ctemp, "luaopen_" );
  strncat( ctemp, ( const char* )m->data, UDL_MAX_LTR_SYMNAME );
  udl_rotables[ id ] = 0;
  if( udl_find_symbol( id, ctemp ) )
    strncpy( ctemp, ( const char* )m->data, UDL_MAX_LTR_SYMNAME );
    strncat( ctemp, "_map", UDL_MAX_LTR_SYMNAME );
    if( ( temp = udl_find_symbol( id, ctemp ) ) != 0 )
      udl_debug( "This is a LTR module\n" );
      // Save the adress of module's rotable in udl_rotables
      udl_rotables[ id ] = temp;
      udl_debug( "ROMTABLE at %X\n", ( unsigned )udl_rotables[ id ] );

#if 0 && defined( UDL_DEBUG )
  // Dump symbol table
  printf( "Symbol table: \n" );
  pdata = m->data + UDL_MAX_MOD_NAME;
  while( 1 )
    if( *pdata == '\0' )
      pdata ++;
    printf( "  name: %s\t\t ", pdata );
    pdata += strlen( pdata ) + 1;
    pdata = ( char* )( ( ( u32 )pdata + 3 ) & ~3 );
    printf( "offset: %08X\n", ( unsigned )*( u32* )pdata );
    pdata += 4;
  pdata = ( char* )( ( ( u32 )pdata + 3 ) & ~3 );

  // If the module has an init function, call it now
  if( ( temp = udl_find_symbol( id, UDL_MOD_INIT_FNAME ) ) != 0 )
    p_udl_init_func initf = ( p_udl_init_func )temp;
    if( initf( id ) == 0 )
      udl_debug( "The module init function returned 0, unloading module.\n" );
      udlh_free_slot( id );
      return UDL_INIT_ERROR;
    udl_debug( "the module doesn't have an init function.\n" );

  // Return module slot
  return id;
Exemple #21
readvar(unsigned char **names)
	struct fileblk	fb;
	register struct fileblk *f = &fb;
	unsigned char	c[MULTI_BYTE_MAX+1];
	register int	rc = 0;
	struct namnod *n;
	unsigned char	*rel;
	unsigned char *oldstak;
	register unsigned char *pc, *rest;
	int		d;
	unsigned int	(*newwc)(void);
	extern const char	badargs[];

	if (eq(*names, "-r")) {
		if (*++names == NULL)
		newwc = readwc;
	} else
		newwc = nextwc;
	n = lookup(*names++);	/* done now to avoid storage mess */
	rel = (unsigned char *)relstak();

	 * If stdin is a pipe then this lseek(2) will fail with ESPIPE, so
	 * the read buffer size is set to 1 because we will not be able
	 * lseek(2) back towards the beginning of the file, so we have
	 * to read a byte at a time instead
	if (lseek(0, (off_t)0, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
		f->fsiz = 1;

#ifdef	__sun
	 * If stdin is a socket then this isastream(3C) will return 1, so
	 * the read buffer size is set to 1 because we will not be able
	 * lseek(2) back towards the beginning of the file, so we have
	 * to read a byte at a time instead
	if (isastream(0) == 1)
		f->fsiz = 1;

	 * strip leading IFS characters
	for (;;) 
		d = newwc();
		rest = readw(d);
		pc = c;
		while(*pc++ = *rest++);
		if(!anys(c, ifsnod.namval))

	oldstak = curstak();
	for (;;)
		if ((*names && anys(c, ifsnod.namval)) || eolchar(d))
			if (staktop >= brkend)
			assign(n, absstak(rel));
			if (*names)
				n = lookup(*names++);
				n = 0;
			if (eolchar(d))
			else		/* strip imbedded IFS characters */
				while(1) {
					d = newwc();
					rest = readw(d);
					pc = c;
					while(*pc++ = *rest++);
					if(!anys(c, ifsnod.namval))
			if(d == '\\' && newwc == nextwc) {
				d = newwc();
				rest = readw(d);
				while(d = *rest++) {
					if (staktop >= brkend)
				oldstak = staktop;
				pc = c;
				while(d = *pc++) {
					if (staktop >= brkend)
				if(!anys(c, ifsnod.namval))
					oldstak = staktop;
			d = newwc();

			if (eolchar(d))
				staktop = oldstak;
				rest = readw(d);
				pc = c;
				while(*pc++ = *rest++);
	while (n)
		assign(n, nullstr);
		if (*names)
			n = lookup(*names++);
			n = 0;

	if (eof)
		rc = 1;

#ifdef	__sun
	if (isastream(0) != 1)
		 * If we are reading on a stream do not attempt to
		 * lseek(2) back towards the start because this is
		 * logically meaningless, but there is nothing in
		 * the standards to pervent the stream implementation
		 * from attempting it and breaking our code here
		lseek(0, (off_t)(f->nxtoff - f->endoff), SEEK_CUR);
