 * This function tests if a given line (split into tokens) has the right components
 * to be registering a new variable.
bool isRegisteringVariable(MavenCompiler* c, StringList tokens) {
	// what does it take to register a variable?
	// 1. must have a datatype.
	// 2. must not have brackets ().
	// 3. is allowed to have a default value, but be careful where its placed.
	// this function needs to be improved to work like dissectFunction()
	// skip other keywords
	int token;
	for(token = 0; token < tokens.length(); ++token)
		if(tokens[token] != "public" && tokens[token] != "private"
		   && tokens[token] != "static" && tokens[token] != "constant"
		   && tokens[token] != "constant" && tokens[token] != "writeonly")
	// check data type
	string rawtype = stripRawType(tokens[token]);
	if(!isDataType(rawtype) && !objectExists(c, rawtype) && !enumExists(c, rawtype))
		return false;
	// the rest
	for(int i = 0; i < tokens.length(); ++i) {
		for(int j = 0; j < tokens[i].length(); ++j) {
			if(tokens[i][j] == '=') return true;
			if(tokens[i][j] == '(' || tokens[i][j] == ')')
				return false;
	return true;
Exemple #2
 * 简单判断是否是变量定义,只是判断开始是否为数据类型
bool isVariableDef(char * buf){
    if(isDataType(buf) == true){
      return true;
    return false;
MavenVariable dissectVariable(MavenCompiler* c, string line) {
	MavenVariable v;
	StringList parts = smartTokens(line);
	v.atLine = c->lineNumber;
	// variable length arguments
	if(trim(line) == "...") {
		v.type = "maven.Object[]";
		v.name = "varargs";
		return v;
	// read keywords in order
	if(trim(line) == "") return v;
	int i = 0;
	if(parts[i] == "public") {
		v.isPublic = true;
	} else if(parts[i] == "private") {
		v.isPublic = false;
	if(parts[i] == "constant") {
		v.mutability = MU_CONSTANT;
	if(parts[i] == "static") {
		v.isStatic = true;
	v.type = parts[i++];
	int nID = findNamespaceID(c, c->currentNamespace);
	smartAssert(nID >= 0);
	int enumID = findEnumID(c, nID, v.type);
	if(!isDataType(v.type) && enumID < 0)
		v.type = findMavenObjectPath(c, v.type);
	if(enumID >= 0)
		v.type = c->currentNamespace + "." + c->namespaces->at(nID).enums[enumID].name;
	v.name = parts[i++];
	return v;
string keywordNew(MavenCompiler* c, string entity, string element, string args, string& type) {
	string rawType = stripRawType(entity);
	int depth = ((element != "") ? 1 : 0);
	//cout << "entity = '" << entity << "', element = '" << element << "', args = '" << args << "', line = " << c->lineNumber << endl;
	// if this is a native type
	StringList types;
	MavenMutability mut;
	if(isDataType(rawType)) {
		type = appendArrayDepth(c, rawType, depth);
		string r = "new maven::" + rawType + "Array(" + dissectCode(c, element, types, mut) + ")";
		// bug #54: make sure types is 'int'
		return r;
	// first make sure the class exists
	bool isEnum = false;
	type = appendArrayDepth(c, findMavenObjectPath(c, trim(entity)), depth);
	if(stripRawType(type) == MAVEN_INVALID) {
		if(enumExists(c, stripRawType(entity))) {
			isEnum = true;
			type = c->currentNamespace + "." + appendArrayDepth(c, entity, depth);
		} else {
			pushError(c, "Unknown class '%s'", stripRawType(type));
			return MAVEN_INVALID;
	int namespaceID, objectID;
	findClass(c, entity, namespaceID, objectID);
	smartAssert(namespaceID >= 0);
	smartAssert(objectID >= 0);
	// if its a single Object
	if(element == "") {
		string r = "new ";
		r += c->namespaces->at(namespaceID).name + "::" + c->namespaces->at(namespaceID).objects->at(objectID)->name;
		for(int i = 0; i < depth; ++i)
			r += "*";
		// args is assumed to be predissected.
		return r + "(" + args + ")";
	} else {
		string elements = dissectCode(c, element, types, mut);
		// bug #54: make sure types is 'int'
		string r = "new maven::";
		if(isEnum) {
			r += "int";
			rawType = "int";
			int nID = findNamespaceID(c, c->currentNamespace);
			smartAssert(nID >= 0);
			int enumID = findEnumID(c, nID, entity);
			smartAssert(enumID >= 0);
			if(trim(args) == "")
				args = intToString(c->namespaces->at(nID).enums[enumID].getDefaultValue());
		} else r += "object";
		string tempVar = getNextTempVariable(c);
			c->beforeLine += rawType + "* " + tempVar + " = new " + rawType + "[" + elements + "];\n";
		else c->beforeLine += "maven::Object** " + tempVar + " = new maven::Object*[" + elements + "];\n";
		c->beforeLine += "for(int __INIT = 0; __INIT < " + elements + "; ++__INIT)\n";
		if(isDataType(rawType)) {
			if(trim(args) == "")
				args = "0";
			c->beforeLine += tempVar + "[__INIT] = " + args + ";\n";
		} else c->beforeLine += tempVar + "[__INIT] = (maven::Object*) new " + rawType + "(" + args + ");\n";
		r += "Array(" + elements + "," + tempVar + ")";
		return r;
Exemple #5
int main(){

	freopen("lexer_output.txt", "r", stdin);
	trieRoot = createNewTrieNode();
	if(trieRoot == NULL){
		perror("Could not create root node!!\n");
		return 0;

	envTop = NULL;
	currentScope = totalVariables = 0;

	token t;
	while(scanf("%d%d", &t.iden, &t.line) != EOF){

		fgets(t.value, 1000, stdin);

		int len = strlen(t.value);
		t.value[len-1] = '\0';
		if(t.value[0] == '-')	t.value[0] = '\0';

		lexemeStream[stream_size++] = t;

	// int zz;
	// for(zz=0;zz<stream_size;zz++)
	// 	printf("%d ", lexemeStream[zz].iden);	printf("\n");

	int i, n = stream_size, lastLineOfDeclaration = -1, lastDataTypeOfDeclaration = -1;
	int lastDataTypeOfAssignment = -1, lastLineOfAssignment = -1;
	funcName[0] = '!';	funcName[1] = '\0';
	int insideMain = 0, diff = 0;
	funcParameterCount = 0;


		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == MAIN)	insideMain = 1;
		if(i == 2){

			if(lexemeStream[i].iden != MAIN){

				assert(lexemeStream[i].iden == FUNC);
				strcpy(funcName, lexemeStream[i+1].value);

		//check for recursive function calls
		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == FUNC && !insideMain){

			printf("Semantic error: Recursive function calls not allowed.\n");

		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == LSQ){

		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == RSQ){

		//store function parameter list
		if(isDataType(lexemeStream[i].iden) && diff > 0 && !insideMain){

			funcParameterType[funcParameterCount++] = lexemeStream[i].iden;

		//for function calls inside main, check whether correct function name is used
		//then check for correct number and types of parameters
		if(insideMain && i > 0 && lexemeStream[i].iden == IDEN && lexemeStream[i-1].iden == FUNC){

			if(strcmp(funcName, lexemeStream[i].value) > 0)
				printf("Function named %s in line %d not declared.\n", lexemeStream[i].value, lexemeStream[i].line);

			int j, argumentCount = 0, wrongType = 0;
			for(j=i+1;j < stream_size && lexemeStream[j].iden != RSQ;j++){

				if(lexemeStream[j].iden != IDEN)	continue;

				if(argumentCount < funcParameterCount && getDataType(lexemeStream[j]) != funcParameterType[argumentCount])
					wrongType = lexemeStream[j].line;

			if(argumentCount != funcParameterCount)	printf("Incorrect number of function arguments in line %d.\n", lexemeStream[j].line);
			if(wrongType > 0)	printf("Type mismatch in function parameters in line %d.\n", wrongType);

			i = j;

		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == LAD){

		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == RAD){


			lastLineOfDeclaration = lexemeStream[i].line;
			lastDataTypeOfDeclaration = lexemeStream[i].iden;

// printf("setting lastlineOfDeclaration = %d because of %d.\n", lastLineOfDeclaration, lexemeStream[i].iden);

		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == ASSIGN){

			//line number of assignment operator
			lastLineOfAssignment = lexemeStream[i].line;

		if(lexemeStream[i].iden == IDEN){


			//check if variable is being declared or referenced
			if(lastLineOfDeclaration == lexemeStream[i].line){

				declareVariable(lexemeStream[i], lastDataTypeOfDeclaration);


			if(lexemeStream[i].line != lastLineOfAssignment){

				lastDataTypeOfAssignment = getDataType(lexemeStream[i]);

			if(lexemeStream[i].line == lastLineOfAssignment){

				int dataType = getDataType(lexemeStream[i]);
				if(dataType != lastDataTypeOfAssignment){

					printf("Semantic error in line %d: Type mismatch between LHS and RHS in line %d.\n", lexemeStream[i].line, lastLineOfAssignment);

// int c = 0, cc = 0;
// EnvStackNode temp = envTop;
// while(temp != NULL){
// 	c++;
// 	EnvListNode ev = temp->ev;
// 	while(ev != NULL){
// 		cc++;
// 		ev = ev->next;
// 	}

// 	temp = temp->next;
// }
// printf("Total active scopes : %d and active variables = %d.\n", c, cc);
// printf("\ncheck variable stack of size = %d :\n", z);
// for(int i=0;i<z;i++){

// 	int idx = vvv[i];
// 	if(variableStack[idx] == NULL){
// 		printf("empty stack at idx = %d\n", idx);
// 		continue;
// 	}
// 	printf("idx = %d has the value = %s\n", idx, variableStack[idx]->node.name);
// }

	return 0;