Exemple #1
// convert const char * to uint
bool libcore::str2uint(uint64_t &value, uint64_t default_value, const char *pstr, size_t size)
	if (size == 0)
		value = default_value;
		return false;

	if (is_hex(pstr, size, true) != false) // 0x??
		if (libcore::hex2uint(value, default_value, pstr, size) != false)
			return true;

	if (is_sdec(pstr, size) != false)
		if (libcore::dec2sint((int64_t &)value, (int64_t &)default_value, pstr, size) != false)
			return true;

	if (is_udec(pstr, size) != false)
		if (libcore::dec2uint(value, default_value, pstr, size) != false)
			return true;

	return false;
Exemple #2
// ==================================
// ---------------------------------
// Is a string a signed decimal?
// ---------------------------------
unsigned int is_dec (char * const str_i)
  return (is_udec (&str_i[(str_i[0] == '-') || (str_i[0] == '+')]));
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int rc;

	if (argc != 1)
			(strcmp(argv[1], "-h")     == 0) ||
			(strcmp(argv[1], "-help")  == 0) ||
			(strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
			printf("example: %s\n", argv[0]);
			return 0;

	rc = uint2str();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = sint2str();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = is_hex();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = is_udec();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = is_sdec();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = is_uint_string_overflow();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = is_sint_string_overflow();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = hex2uint();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = hex2sint();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = sign_expand();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

// convert dec string to uint
	bool dec2uint(uint64_t &result, uint64_t default_value, const char *pstr, size_t size);
	bool dec2uint(uint64_t &result, uint64_t default_value, const char *pstr);
	bool dec2uint(uint64_t &result, uint64_t default_value, const std::string &str);
	bool dec2uint(uint64_t &result, const char *pstr, size_t size);
	bool dec2uint(uint64_t &result, const char *pstr);
	bool dec2uint(uint64_t &result, const std::string &str);

	rc = dec2sint();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = str2uint();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = str2bool();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

// convert byte to hex string
	const char *bin2hex(const uint8_t byte, bool flag_up = false);

// convert sibmol to number, example: '0' -> 0, 'F' -> 15
	bool hex2bin(uint8_t source, uint8_t &target);

// block read from handle
	size_t blk_read(int handle, off64_t offset, void *pdata, size_t size);

// block write to handle
	size_t blk_write(int handle, off64_t offset, const void *pdata, size_t size, bool flag_sync = false);

// block recv from handle
	size_t blk_recv(int handle, void *pdata, size_t size);

// block send to handle
	size_t blk_send(int handle, const void *pdata, size_t size);

// file open read only
	int file_open_ro(const char *pfilename);

// file open read/write
	int file_open_rw(const char *pfilename, bool flag_truncate = false, bool flag_excl = false);

// file close
	int file_close(int handle, bool flag_sync = false);

// read data from exist file
	int file_get(const char *pfilename, off_t offset, void *pdata, size_t data_size);
	int file_get(const char *pfilename, void **pdata, size_t *data_size);
	int file_get(const char *pfilename, std::string &data);

// write data to exist file
	int file_set(const char *pfilename, off_t offset, const void *pdata, size_t data_size, bool flag_sync = false, bool flag_truncate = false, bool flag_excl = false);
	int file_set(const char *pfilename, off_t offset, const std::string &data, bool flag_sync = false, bool flag_truncate = false, bool flag_excl = false);
	int file_set(const char *pfilename, const std::string &data, bool flag_sync = false, bool flag_truncate = false, bool flag_excl = false);

// return (concat str1 and str2) or NULL
	char *concat_str(const char *pstr1, const char *pstr2);

// get env var and convert to bool
	bool env2bool(bool &result, bool value_default, const char *pname);

	rc = get_signal_name();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = flip();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = remove_file_ext();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

// check ipv4 string like ''
	bool is_ipaddress(const char *str);

// set signal
	bool set_signal(int signo, void (*sig_handler)(int));

// string to lower
	void strtolower(const std::string &source, std::string &target);

// check pointer and strlen
	size_t strlen(const char *pstr);

	rc = find();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = bin2print();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	rc = rnd();
	if (rc == -1) return 1;

	return 0;