int main() { uint8_t index = 0; uint8_t maxhsize = DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH; FRESULT fr; uint32_t state = ST_START; uint32_t nameCount = 0; uint32_t vpos = 0; uint32_t hpos = 0; #if defined(PCBTARANIS) wdt_reset(); RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOAEN; // Enable portA clock #endif pwrInit(); #if defined(PCBSKY9X) MATRIX->CCFG_SYSIO |= 0x000000F0L; // Disable syspins, enable B4,5,6,7 #endif #if defined(PCBSKY9X) init_SDcard(); PIOC->PIO_PER = PIO_PC25; // Enable bit C25 (USB-detect) start_timer0(); #endif lcdInit(); #if defined(PCBSKY9X) extern uint8_t OptrexDisplay; OptrexDisplay = 1; #endif lcd_clear(); lcd_putsLeft(0, BOOTLOADER_TITLE); lcd_invert_line(0); lcdRefresh(); #if defined(PCBSKY9X) OptrexDisplay = 0; lcdRefresh(); #endif #if defined(PCBTARANIS) keysInit(); I2C_EE_Init(); init_hw_timer(); #endif __enable_irq(); init10msTimer(); #if defined(PCBSKY9X) EblockAddress = -1; init_spi(); #endif #if defined(PCBSKY9X) LockBits = readLockBits(); if (LockBits) { clearLockBits(); } #endif #if defined(PCBTARANIS) // SD card detect pin sdInit(); usbInit(); usbStart(); #endif for (;;) { wdt_reset(); if (Tenms) { if (EE_timer) { if (--EE_timer == 0) { #if defined(PCBSKY9X) writeBlock(); #endif } } Tenms = 0; lcd_clear(); lcd_putsLeft(0, BOOTLOADER_TITLE); lcd_invert_line(0); uint8_t event = getEvent(); if (state != ST_USB) { if (usbPlugged()) { state = ST_USB; if (!unlocked) { unlocked = 1; unlockFlash(); } usbPluggedIn(); } } if (state == ST_START) { lcd_putsLeft(2*FH, "\010Write Firmware"); lcd_putsLeft(3*FH, "\010Restore EEPROM"); lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\010Exit"); lcd_invert_line(2+vpos); lcd_putsLeft(7*FH, INDENT "Or plug in a USB cable for mass storage"); if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_DOWN)) { vpos == 2 ? vpos = 0 : vpos = vpos+1; } else if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_UP)) { vpos == 0 ? vpos = 2 : vpos = vpos-1; } else if (event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { switch (vpos) { case 0: state = ST_FLASH_MENU; break; case 1: state = ST_RESTORE_MENU; break; default: state = ST_REBOOT; } } } if (state == ST_USB) { lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\026USB Connected"); if (usbPlugged() == 0) { vpos = 0; if (unlocked) { lockFlash(); unlocked = 0; } state = ST_START; } #if defined(PCBSKY9X) usbMassStorage(); #endif } if (state == ST_FLASH_MENU || state == ST_RESTORE_MENU) { sdInit(); memoryType = (state == ST_RESTORE_MENU ? MEM_EEPROM : MEM_FLASH); state = ST_DIR_CHECK; } else if (state == ST_DIR_CHECK) { fr = f_chdir(getBinaryPath()); if (fr == FR_OK) { state = ST_OPEN_DIR; } else { lcd_putsLeft(2*FH, INDENT "Directory is missing!"); if (event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_EXIT) || event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { vpos = 0; state = ST_START; } } } if (state == ST_OPEN_DIR) { index = 0; fr = f_opendir(&Dj, "."); if (fr == FR_OK) { state = ST_FILE_LIST; nameCount = fillNames(0); hpos = 0; vpos = 0; } } if (state == ST_FILE_LIST) { uint32_t limit = 6; if (nameCount < limit) { limit = nameCount; } maxhsize = 0; for (uint32_t i=0; i<limit; i++) { uint32_t x; x = strlen(Filenames[i]); if (x > maxhsize) { maxhsize = x; } if (x > DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH) { if (hpos + DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH > x) { x = x - DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH; } else { x = hpos; } } else { x = 0; } lcd_putsnAtt(INDENT_WIDTH, 16 + FH * i, &Filenames[i][x], DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH, 0); } if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_DOWN) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_DOWN)) { if (vpos < limit - 1) { vpos += 1; } else { if (nameCount > limit) { index += 1; nameCount = fillNames(index); } } } else if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_UP) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_UP)) { if (vpos > 0) { vpos -= 1; } else { if (index) { index -= 1; nameCount = fillNames(index); } } } #if !defined(PCBTARANIS) else if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_RIGHT) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_RIGHT)) { if (hpos + DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH < maxhsize) { hpos += 1; } } else if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_LEFT) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_LEFT)) { if (hpos) { hpos -= 1; } } #endif else if (event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { // Select file to flash state = ST_FLASH_CHECK; Valid = 0; } else if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_EXIT)) { state = ST_START; vpos = 0; } lcd_invert_line(2 + vpos); } else if (state == ST_FLASH_CHECK) { int result = menuFlashFile(vpos, event); FirmwareSize = FileSize[vpos] - BOOTLOADER_SIZE; if (result == 0) { // canceled state = ST_FILE_LIST; } else if (result == 1) { // confirmed firmwareAddress = FIRMWARE_ADDRESS + BOOTLOADER_SIZE; firmwareWritten = 0; eepromAddress = 0; eepromWritten = 0; state = ST_FLASHING; } } else if (state == ST_FLASHING) { // commit to flashing lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\032Writing..."); if (!unlocked && (memoryType == MEM_FLASH)) { unlocked = 1; unlockFlash(); } int progress; if (memoryType == MEM_FLASH) { writeFlashBlock(); firmwareWritten += sizeof(Block_buffer); progress = (200*firmwareWritten) / FirmwareSize; } else { writeEepromBlock(); eepromWritten += sizeof(Block_buffer); progress = (200*eepromWritten) / EESIZE; } lcd_rect( 3, 6*FH+4, 204, 7); lcd_hline(5, 6*FH+6, progress, FORCE); lcd_hline(5, 6*FH+7, progress, FORCE); lcd_hline(5, 6*FH+8, progress, FORCE); fr = f_read(&FlashFile, (BYTE *)Block_buffer, sizeof(Block_buffer), &BlockCount); if (BlockCount == 0) { state = ST_FLASH_DONE; // EOF } if (firmwareWritten >= FLASHSIZE - BOOTLOADER_SIZE) { state = ST_FLASH_DONE; // Backstop } if (eepromWritten >= EESIZE) { state = ST_FLASH_DONE; // Backstop } } if (state == ST_FLASH_DONE) { if (unlocked) { lockFlash(); unlocked = 0; } lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\024Writing Complete"); if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_EXIT) || event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { state = ST_START; vpos = 0; } } if (event == EVT_KEY_LONG(BOOT_KEY_EXIT)) { state = ST_REBOOT; } lcdRefresh(); if (PowerUpDelay < 20) { // 200 mS PowerUpDelay += 1; } else { sdPoll10ms(); } } if (pwrCheck() == e_power_off && state != ST_FLASHING && state != ST_USB) { pwrOff(); for (;;) { // Wait for power to go off } } if (state == ST_REBOOT) { if ((~readKeys() & 0x7E) == 0) { NVIC_SystemReset(); } } } return 0; }
int main() { uint8_t index = 0; uint8_t maxhsize = DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH; FRESULT fr; uint32_t state = ST_START; uint32_t nameCount = 0; uint32_t vpos = 0; uint32_t hpos = 0; #if defined(PCBTARANIS) wdt_reset(); RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(PWR_RCC_AHB1Periph | KEYS_RCC_AHB1Periph | LCD_RCC_AHB1Periph | BACKLIGHT_RCC_AHB1Periph | I2C_RCC_AHB1Periph | SD_RCC_AHB1Periph, ENABLE); RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(LCD_RCC_APB1Periph | BACKLIGHT_RCC_APB1Periph | INTERRUPT_5MS_APB1Periph | I2C_RCC_APB1Periph | SD_RCC_APB1Periph, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(BACKLIGHT_RCC_APB2Periph, ENABLE); #endif pwrInit(); delaysInit(); //needed for lcdInit() lcdInit(); backlightInit(); lcd_clear(); lcd_putsn(0, 0, (const char *)bootloaderVersion, 0); // trick to avoid bootloaderVersion to be optimized out ... lcd_putsLeft(0, BOOTLOADER_TITLE); lcd_invert_line(0); lcdRefresh(); keysInit(); i2cInit(); __enable_irq(); init10msTimer(); #if defined(PCBTARANIS) // SD card detect pin sdInit(); usbInit(); #endif for (;;) { wdt_reset(); if (Tenms) { Tenms = 0; lcdRefreshWait(); lcd_clear(); lcd_putsLeft(0, BOOTLOADER_TITLE); lcd_invert_line(0); uint8_t event = getEvent(); if (state != ST_USB) { if (usbPlugged()) { state = ST_USB; if (!unlocked) { unlocked = 1; unlockFlash(); } usbPluggedIn(); } } if (state == ST_START) { lcd_putsLeft(2*FH, "\010Write Firmware"); lcd_putsLeft(3*FH, "\010Restore EEPROM"); lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\010Exit"); lcd_invert_line(2+vpos); lcd_putsLeft(7*FH, INDENT "Or plug in a USB cable for mass storage"); if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_DOWN)) { vpos == 2 ? vpos = 0 : vpos = vpos+1; } else if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_UP)) { vpos == 0 ? vpos = 2 : vpos = vpos-1; } else if (event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { switch (vpos) { case 0: state = ST_FLASH_MENU; break; case 1: state = ST_RESTORE_MENU; break; default: state = ST_REBOOT; } } } if (state == ST_USB) { lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\026USB Connected"); if (usbPlugged() == 0) { vpos = 0; if (unlocked) { lockFlash(); unlocked = 0; } state = ST_START; } #if defined(PCBSKY9X) usbMassStorage(); #endif } if (state == ST_FLASH_MENU || state == ST_RESTORE_MENU) { sdInit(); memoryType = (state == ST_RESTORE_MENU ? MEM_EEPROM : MEM_FLASH); state = ST_DIR_CHECK; } else if (state == ST_DIR_CHECK) { fr = f_chdir(getBinaryPath()); if (fr == FR_OK) { state = ST_OPEN_DIR; } else { lcd_putsLeft(2*FH, INDENT "Directory is missing!"); if (event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_EXIT) || event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { vpos = 0; state = ST_START; } } } if (state == ST_OPEN_DIR) { index = 0; fr = f_opendir(&Dj, "."); if (fr == FR_OK) { state = ST_FILE_LIST; nameCount = fillNames(0); hpos = 0; vpos = 0; } } if (state == ST_FILE_LIST) { uint32_t limit = 6; if (nameCount < limit) { limit = nameCount; } maxhsize = 0; for (uint32_t i=0; i<limit; i++) { uint32_t x; x = strlen(Filenames[i]); if (x > maxhsize) { maxhsize = x; } if (x > DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH) { if (hpos + DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH > x) { x = x - DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH; } else { x = hpos; } } else { x = 0; } lcd_putsnAtt(INDENT_WIDTH, 16 + FH * i, &Filenames[i][x], DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH, 0); } if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_DOWN) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_DOWN)) { if (vpos < limit - 1) { vpos += 1; } else { if (nameCount > limit) { index += 1; nameCount = fillNames(index); } } } else if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_UP) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_UP)) { if (vpos > 0) { vpos -= 1; } else { if (index) { index -= 1; nameCount = fillNames(index); } } } #if !defined(PCBTARANIS) else if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_RIGHT) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_RIGHT)) { if (hpos + DISPLAY_CHAR_WIDTH < maxhsize) { hpos += 1; } } else if (event == EVT_KEY_REPT(BOOT_KEY_LEFT) || event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_LEFT)) { if (hpos) { hpos -= 1; } } #endif else if (event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { // Select file to flash state = ST_FLASH_CHECK; Valid = 0; } else if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_EXIT)) { state = ST_START; vpos = 0; } lcd_invert_line(2 + vpos); } else if (state == ST_FLASH_CHECK) { int result = menuFlashFile(vpos, event); FirmwareSize = FileSize[vpos] - BOOTLOADER_SIZE; if (result == 0) { // canceled state = ST_FILE_LIST; } else if (result == 1) { // confirmed firmwareAddress = FIRMWARE_ADDRESS + BOOTLOADER_SIZE; firmwareWritten = 0; eepromAddress = 0; eepromWritten = 0; state = ST_FLASHING; } } else if (state == ST_FLASHING) { // commit to flashing lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\032Writing..."); if (!unlocked && (memoryType == MEM_FLASH)) { unlocked = 1; unlockFlash(); } int progress; if (memoryType == MEM_FLASH) { writeFlashBlock(); firmwareWritten += sizeof(Block_buffer); progress = (200*firmwareWritten) / FirmwareSize; } else { writeEepromBlock(); eepromWritten += sizeof(Block_buffer); progress = (200*eepromWritten) / EESIZE; } lcd_rect( 3, 6*FH+4, 204, 7); lcd_hline(5, 6*FH+6, progress, FORCE); lcd_hline(5, 6*FH+7, progress, FORCE); lcd_hline(5, 6*FH+8, progress, FORCE); fr = f_read(&FlashFile, (BYTE *)Block_buffer, sizeof(Block_buffer), &BlockCount); if (BlockCount == 0) { state = ST_FLASH_DONE; // EOF } if (firmwareWritten >= FLASHSIZE - BOOTLOADER_SIZE) { state = ST_FLASH_DONE; // Backstop } if (eepromWritten >= EESIZE) { state = ST_FLASH_DONE; // Backstop } } if (state == ST_FLASH_DONE) { if (unlocked) { lockFlash(); unlocked = 0; } lcd_putsLeft(4*FH, "\024Writing Complete"); if (event == EVT_KEY_FIRST(BOOT_KEY_EXIT) || event == EVT_KEY_BREAK(BOOT_KEY_MENU)) { state = ST_START; vpos = 0; } } if (event == EVT_KEY_LONG(BOOT_KEY_EXIT)) { state = ST_REBOOT; } lcdRefresh(); if (PowerUpDelay < 20) { // 200 mS PowerUpDelay += 1; } else { sdPoll10ms(); } } if (state != ST_FLASHING && state != ST_USB) { #if defined(REV9E) if (pwrPressed()) { #else if (pwrCheck() == e_power_off) { #endif lcdOff(); // this drains LCD caps pwrOff(); for (;;) { // Wait for power to go off } } } if (state == ST_REBOOT) { if (readKeys() == 0) { lcd_clear(); lcdRefresh(); lcdRefreshWait(); RCC->CSR |= RCC_CSR_RMVF; //clear the reset flags in RCC clock control & status register NVIC_SystemReset(); } } } return 0; }
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(); Serial.print(SELF_NAME); Serial.println(F(" started...")); #ifdef ETHERNET_FEATURE ethernetInit(); #endif sdCardInit(); #ifdef RTC_FEATURE rtcInit(); #endif #ifdef SERVER_FEATURE serverInit(); #endif timersInit(); #ifdef MAJORDOMO_FEATURE majordomoInit(); majordomoMegaLive(); #endif #ifdef LAURENT_FEATURE laurentInit(); #endif #ifdef SD_INFO_FEATURE sdInfoInit(); #endif #ifdef SD_FILES_FEATURE sdFilesInit(); #endif #ifdef PING_FEATURE pingInit(); #endif #ifdef UPLOAD_FEATURE uploadInit(); #endif #ifdef PIRS_FEATURE pirsInit(); #endif #ifdef CONTACTS_FEATURE contactsInit(); #endif #ifdef TEMP_FEATURE tempInit(); #endif #ifdef ELECTRO_FEATURE electroInit(); #endif #ifdef KEYS_FEATURE keysInit(); #endif #ifdef LEDS_FEATURE ledsInit(); #endif #ifdef NOO_FEATURE nooInit(); #endif timeStamp(); Serialprint("GLOBAL Init DONE\n"); Serial.println(); timeStamp(); Serialprint("AMS WORK\n"); } // setup
void boardInit() { RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(PWR_RCC_AHB1Periph | KEYS_RCC_AHB1Periph | LCD_RCC_AHB1Periph | BACKLIGHT_RCC_AHB1Periph | ADC_RCC_AHB1Periph | I2C_RCC_AHB1Periph | SD_RCC_AHB1Periph | HAPTIC_RCC_AHB1Periph | INTMODULE_RCC_AHB1Periph | EXTMODULE_RCC_AHB1Periph | TELEMETRY_RCC_AHB1Periph | SERIAL_RCC_AHB1Periph | TRAINER_RCC_AHB1Periph | HEARTBEAT_RCC_AHB1Periph, ENABLE); RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(LCD_RCC_APB1Periph | BACKLIGHT_RCC_APB1Periph | INTERRUPT_5MS_APB1Periph | TIMER_2MHz_APB1Periph | I2C_RCC_APB1Periph | SD_RCC_APB1Periph | TRAINER_RCC_APB1Periph | TELEMETRY_RCC_APB1Periph | SERIAL_RCC_APB1Periph, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(BACKLIGHT_RCC_APB2Periph | ADC_RCC_APB2Periph | HAPTIC_RCC_APB2Periph | INTMODULE_RCC_APB2Periph | EXTMODULE_RCC_APB2Periph | HEARTBEAT_RCC_APB2Periph, ENABLE); #if !defined(REV9E) // some REV9E boards need that the pwrInit() is moved a little bit later pwrInit(); #endif keysInit(); adcInit(); delaysInit(); lcdInit(); // delaysInit() must be called before audioInit(); init2MhzTimer(); init5msTimer(); __enable_irq(); i2cInit(); usbInit(); #if defined(HAPTIC) hapticInit(); #endif #if defined(REV9E) bluetoothInit(BLUETOOTH_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE); #endif #if defined(DEBUG) DBGMCU_APB1PeriphConfig(DBGMCU_IWDG_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM1_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM2_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM3_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM6_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM8_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM10_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM13_STOP|DBGMCU_TIM14_STOP, ENABLE); #endif #if defined(REV9E) if (!WAS_RESET_BY_WATCHDOG_OR_SOFTWARE()) { lcd_clear(); lcd_bmp(76, 2, bmp_lock, 0, 60); lcdRefresh(); lcdRefreshWait(); tmr10ms_t start = get_tmr10ms(); tmr10ms_t duration = 0; uint8_t pwr_on = 0; while (pwrPressed()) { duration = get_tmr10ms() - start; if (duration < PWR_PRESS_DURATION_MIN) { unsigned index = duration / (PWR_PRESS_DURATION_MIN / 4); lcd_clear(); lcd_bmp(76, 2, bmp_startup, index*60, 60); } else if (duration >= PWR_PRESS_DURATION_MAX) { displaySleepBitmap(); turnBacklightOff(); } else { if (pwr_on != 1) { pwr_on = 1; pwrInit(); backlightInit();, 3, PLAY_NOW); } } lcdRefresh(); lcdRefreshWait(); } if (duration < PWR_PRESS_DURATION_MIN || duration >= PWR_PRESS_DURATION_MAX) { boardOff(); } } else { pwrInit(); backlightInit(); } topLcdInit(); #else backlightInit(); #endif }