Exemple #1
bool TestOpenCL::initKernel()
	boost::filesystem::path kernelDirectory=boost::filesystem::current_path();

	std::string kernelPath=kernelDirectory.string()+"/roll.cl";

	return loadKernelFile(m_openCLContext, m_openCLDevice, kernelPath, "rollHorizontal", m_kernel);
Exemple #2
cl_program clCreateProgramWithSource (cl_context context,
                                      cl_uint count,
                                      const char **strings,
                                      const size_t *lengths,
                                      cl_int *errcode_ret)
  PRINT_DEBUG("\n====\tCreating program with source\t====\n");

  if(context == NULL || context == (cl_context)0)
      setErrCode(errcode_ret, CL_INVALID_CONTEXT);
      return (cl_program)0;

  if(lengths == NULL || strings == NULL || count <= 0)
      setErrCode(errcode_ret, CL_INVALID_VALUE);
      return (cl_program)0;

  FILE *outputFile;
  time_t seconds;
  seconds = time (NULL);
  char fileName[33];

  //convert integer to string

  PRINT_DEBUG("Creating file %s ...\n", fileName);
  if( (outputFile = fopen(fileName, "w")) == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file.\n");
      return (cl_program)0;

  PRINT_DEBUG("File created successfully\n");
  PRINT_DEBUG("Writing to file ...\n");

  int i;
  size_t sumSourceSize = 0;
  for(i=0; i<count; i++)
      fputs(strings[i], outputFile);
      sumSourceSize += lengths[i];

  //close file so Lua can open it

  PRINT_DEBUG("Finished writing to file.\n");

  cl_program program = malloc(sizeof(struct _cl_program));
  program->program_ref_count = 1;

  program->program_context = context;

  program->program_num_devices = 0;
  program->program_devices = NULL;

  PRINT_DEBUG("Allocating memory for program_source\n");

  program->program_source = malloc(sumSourceSize);

  PRINT_DEBUG("Concatanating strings together...\n");
  //copy the first string and concat the rest
  strcpy(program->program_source, strings[0]);
  for(i=1; i<count; i++)
      strcat(program->program_source, strings[i]);

  lua_State *L = createLuaState();

  PRINT_DEBUG("Loading kernel file %s...\n", fileName);
  loadKernelFile(L, fileName);

  char *kernelName;
  int numArgs;

  loadNextKernel(L, &kernelName, &numArgs);

  if(numArgs < 0 || kernelName == NULL)
      PRINT_DEBUG("ERROR:numArgs returned less than zero\n");
      setErrCode(errcode_ret, CL_INVALID_VALUE);
      return (cl_program)0;

  // TODO: This next section is a bit messy.
  // It should be cleaned up.
  // Generating the linked list and then copying the data could
  //  be put into separate functions.

  //temporary linked list struct
  struct list_element {
    char *funcName;
    int numArgs;
    struct list_element * next;

  struct list_element *head, *curr;

  head = NULL;

  int numKernels = 0;
  while(kernelName != NULL)
      PRINT_DEBUG("Kernel name: %s  Num args: %d\n", kernelName, numArgs);


      curr = malloc(sizeof(struct list_element));
      curr->funcName = malloc(strlen(kernelName));
      strcpy(curr->funcName, kernelName);
      curr->numArgs = numArgs;
      curr->next = head;
      head = curr;
      loadNextKernel(L, &kernelName, &numArgs);

  //TODO: Delete the temporary file

  curr = head;

  PRINT_DEBUG("Transfering func names to program object\n");

  program->program_num_kernels = numKernels;
  program->program_kernel_names = malloc(numKernels * sizeof(char*));
  program->program_kernel_num_args = malloc(numKernels * sizeof(int));

      program->program_kernel_names[i] = malloc(strlen(curr->funcName));
      program->program_kernel_num_args[i] = curr->numArgs;

      //the structs should be freed
      curr = curr->next;

  //TODO: This function probably has a bunch of memory leaks.
  PRINT_DEBUG("\n====\tReturn program  \t====\n");

  return program;
