 * Function:        void ProcessIO(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This function is a place holder for other user routines.
 *                  It is a mixture of both USB and non-USB tasks.
 * Note:            None
void ProcessIO(void)
    //Blink the LEDs according to the USB device status, but only do so if the PC application isn't connected and controlling the LEDs.

    //User Application USB tasks below.
    //Note: The user application should not begin attempting to read/write over the USB
    //until after the device has been fully enumerated.  After the device is fully
    //enumerated, the USBDeviceState will be set to "CONFIGURED_STATE".
    if((USBDeviceState < CONFIGURED_STATE)||(USBSuspendControl==1)) return;
    //As the device completes the enumeration process, the USBCBInitEP() function will
    //get called.  In this function, we initialize the user application endpoints (in this
    //example code, the user application makes use of endpoint 1 IN and endpoint 1 OUT).
    //The USBGenRead() function call in the USBCBInitEP() function initializes endpoint 1 OUT
    //and "arms" it so that it can receive a packet of data from the host.  Once the endpoint
    //has been armed, the host can then send data to it (assuming some kind of application software
    //is running on the host, and the application software tries to send data to the USB device).
    //If the host sends a packet of data to the endpoint 1 OUT buffer, the hardware of the SIE will
    //automatically receive it and store the data at the memory location pointed to when we called
    //USBGenRead().  Additionally, the endpoint handle (in this case USBGenericOutHandle) will indicate
    //that the endpoint is no longer busy.  At this point, it is safe for this firmware to begin reading
    //from the endpoint buffer, and processing the data.  In this example, we have implemented a few very
    //simple commands.  For example, if the host sends a packet of data to the endpoint 1 OUT buffer, with the
    //first byte = 0x80, this is being used as a command to indicate that the firmware should "Toggle LED(s)".
    if(!USBHandleBusy(USBGenericOutHandle))		//Check if the endpoint has received any data from the host.
        switch(OUTPacket[0])					//Data arrived, check what kind of command might be in the packet of data.
            case 0x80:  //Toggle LED(s) command from PC application.
		        blinkStatusValid = FALSE;		//Disable the regular LED blink pattern indicating USB state, PC application is controlling the LEDs.
                if(mGetLED_1() == mGetLED_2())
            case 0x81:  //Get push button state command from PC application.
                INPacket[0] = 0x81;				//Echo back to the host PC the command we are fulfilling in the first byte.  In this case, the Get Pushbutton State command.
//				if(sw2 == 1)					//pushbutton not pressed, pull up resistor on circuit board is pulling the PORT pin high
				if (UserSW == 1)
					INPacket[1] = 0x01;			
				else							//sw2 must be == 0, pushbutton is pressed and overpowering the pull up resistor
					INPacket[1] = 0x00;
				//Now check to make sure no previous attempts to send data to the host are still pending.  If any attemps are still
				//pending, we do not want to write to the endpoint 1 IN buffer again, until the previous transaction is complete.
				//Otherwise the unsent data waiting in the buffer will get overwritten and will result in unexpected behavior.    
		            //The endpoint was not "busy", therefore it is safe to write to the buffer and arm the endpoint.					
	                //The USBGenWrite() function call "arms" the endpoint (and makes the handle indicate the endpoint is busy).
	                //Once armed, the data will be automatically sent to the host (in hardware by the SIE) the next time the 
	                //host polls the endpoint.  Once the data is successfully sent, the handle (in this case USBGenericInHandle) 
	                //will indicate the the endpoint is no longer busy.
					USBGenericInHandle = USBGenWrite(USBGEN_EP_NUM,(BYTE*)&INPacket,USBGEN_EP_SIZE);	
        //Re-arm the OUT endpoint for the next packet:
	    //The USBGenRead() function call "arms" the endpoint (and makes it "busy").  If the endpoint is armed, the SIE will 
	    //automatically accept data from the host, if the host tries to send a packet of data to the endpoint.  Once a data 
	    //packet addressed to this endpoint is received from the host, the endpoint will no longer be busy, and the application
	    //can read the data which will be sitting in the buffer.
        USBGenericOutHandle = USBGenRead(USBGEN_EP_NUM,(BYTE*)&OUTPacket,USBGEN_EP_SIZE);
}//end ProcessIO
 * Function:        void BlinkUSBStatus(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        BlinkUSBStatus turns on and off LEDs 
 *                  corresponding to the USB device state.
 * Note:            mLED macros can be found in HardwareProfile.h
 *                  USBDeviceState is declared and updated in
 *                  usb_device.c.
void BlinkUSBStatus(void)
    static WORD led_count=0;
    if(led_count == 0)led_count = 10000U;

    if(USBSuspendControl == 1)
        }//end if
        if(USBDeviceState == DETACHED_STATE)
        else if(USBDeviceState == ATTACHED_STATE)
        else if(USBDeviceState == POWERED_STATE)
        else if(USBDeviceState == DEFAULT_STATE)
        else if(USBDeviceState == ADDRESS_STATE)
            if(led_count == 0)
            }//end if
        else if(USBDeviceState == CONFIGURED_STATE)
            }//end if
        }//end if(...)
    }//end if(UCONbits.SUSPND...)

}//end BlinkUSBStatus
Exemple #3
 * Function:        void ProcessIO(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This function is a place holder for other user
 *                  routines. It is a mixture of both USB and
 *                  non-USB tasks.
 * Note:            None
void ProcessIO(void)
    //Blink the LEDs according to the USB device status, but only do so if the PC application isn't connected and controlling the LEDs.

    // Check if the device is enumerated and is ready to accept commands.
    if((USBDeviceState < CONFIGURED_STATE)||(USBSuspendControl==1)) return;

    if(!USBHandleBusy(USBGenericOutHandle))		//Check if the endpoint has received any data from the host.
        switch(OUTPacket[0])					//Data arrived, check what kind of command might be in the packet of data.
			case 'A':
					if(OUTPacket[1] == '0')
						ADCON0bits.ADON = 0;	// Switch off ADC.
						ADCON0 &= 0xF0;			// Select channel 0
						ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
						ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
						// Wait if conversion is happening
						INPacket[0] = ADRESL;
						INPacket[1] = ADRESH;
					else if(OUTPacket[1] == '1')
						ADCON0bits.ADON = 0;	// Switch off ADC.
						ADCON0 &= 0xF0;			// Select channel 
						ADCON0bits.CHS0 = 1;
						ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
						ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
						// Wait if conversion is happening
						INPacket[0] = ADRESL;
						INPacket[1] = ADRESH;
					USBGenericInHandle = USBGenWrite(USBGEN_EP_NUM,(BYTE*)&INPacket,USBGEN_EP_SIZE);	
            case 0x80:  //Toggle LED(s) command from PC application.
		        blinkStatusValid = FALSE;		//Disable the regular LED blink pattern indicating USB state, PC application is controlling the LEDs.
                if(mGetLED_1() == mGetLED_2())
            case 0x81:  //Get push button state command from PC application.
		            //The endpoint was not "busy", therefore it is safe to write to the buffer and arm the endpoint.					
                    INPacket[0] = 0x81;				//Echo back to the host PC the command we are fulfilling in the first byte.  In this case, the Get Pushbutton State command.
    				if(sw2 == 1)					//pushbutton not pressed, pull up resistor on circuit board is pulling the PORT pin high
    					INPacket[1] = 0x01;			
    				else							//sw2 must be == 0, pushbutton is pressed and overpowering the pull up resistor
    					INPacket[1] = 0x00;
	                // Arm back the handle.
					USBGenericInHandle = USBGenWrite(USBGEN_EP_NUM,(BYTE*)&INPacket,USBGEN_EP_SIZE);	
        USBGenericOutHandle = USBGenRead(USBGEN_EP_NUM,(BYTE*)&OUTPacket,USBGEN_EP_SIZE);
}//end ProcessIO