static void build_rot_matrix(
    miVector *old_dir,
    miVector *new_dir,
    miMatrix rot_transform)
    miVector rot_axis;
    mi_vector_prod(&rot_axis, old_dir, new_dir);

    float cos_theta = mi_vector_dot(old_dir, new_dir);
    float theta = (float) acos(cos_theta);

    mi_matrix_rotate_axis(rot_transform, &rot_axis, theta);
Exemple #2
miBoolean Facade_tex_coord(miState *state, miScalar size, 
			       miBoolean cylindrical,
			       miVector *tex_point)
  miVector facing, facade_center, observer_center;
  miVector intersection;
  miVector fx, fy, fz;

  /* first - determine the center of the facade,
             the center of the observer, 
             and the direction of the facade */

    mi_point_from_object(state, &facade_center, &zero);

    observer_center = state->org;

    mi_vector_sub(&facing, &observer_center, &facade_center);

    if (cylindrical)
	miVector fix;

	mi_vector_to_object(state, &fix, &facing);
	fix.y = 0;
	mi_vector_from_object(state, &facing, &fix);


  /* second - compute the intersection of the ray and the facade */

    miScalar l;

    l = lume_plane_ray_intersection(&intersection, 
				       &facade_center, &facing,
				       &state->point, &state->dir);

    if (l <= 0)  /* no intersection */
      return miFALSE;


  /* third - build a coordinate system for the texture */
    miVector object_up;

    fz = facing;

    mi_vector_from_object(state, &object_up, &up);
    mi_vector_prod(&fx, &object_up, &fz);
    mi_vector_prod(&fy, &fz, &fx);

  /* forth - convert the intersection to the texture coordinate system */
    mi_vector_sub(&intersection, &intersection, &facade_center);

    tex_point->x = mi_vector_dot(&intersection, &fx);
    tex_point->y = mi_vector_dot(&intersection, &fy);
    tex_point->z = mi_vector_dot(&intersection, &fz);

    mi_vector_div(tex_point, size);

    tex_point->x += 0.5;
    tex_point->y += 0.5;

  return miTRUE;
Exemple #3
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean physical_light(
	miColor			*result,
	miState			*state,
	struct physical_light	*parms)
	struct physical_light	p, *paras = &p;	/* mi_eval'ed parameters */
	miTag			light = 0;
	miColor			visibility = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
	miVector		normal, u, v, axis, spotdir, dir;
	miScalar		cosine, r=state->dist, r2, f, d, area, radius;
	miScalar		exponent, spread;
	miScalar		maxcolor;
	int			type, areatype;

	p.color     = *mi_eval_color (&parms->color);
	p.cone      = *mi_eval_scalar(&parms->cone);
	p.threshold = *mi_eval_scalar(&parms->threshold);
	p.cos_exp   = *mi_eval_scalar(&parms->cos_exp);

	miASSERT(paras->color.r >= 0.0 && paras->color.g >= 0.0 &&
		 paras->color.b >= 0.0);   /* no 'light suckers', please */

	mi_query(miQ_INST_ITEM,  state, state->light_instance,	&light);
	mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_TYPE, state, light,			&type);
	mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA, state, light,			&areatype);

	if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT) {
		 * compute irradiance from this light source at the surface of
		 * object
		mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_EXPONENT, state, light, &exponent);
		r2 = exponent == 0 || exponent == 2 ? r*r : pow(r, exponent);

		switch(areatype) {
		  case miLIGHT_NONE:		/* point, spot or directional*/
			 * distance attenuation: 4 Pi r^2 is the area of a
			 * sphere around the point. Same normalization as for
			 * spherical light
			f = type==miLIGHT_DIRECTION ? 1 : 1 / (4 * M_PI * r2);

		  case miLIGHT_RECTANGLE:	/* rectangular area light */
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_U, state, light, &u);
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_V, state, light, &v);
			mi_vector_prod(&normal, &u, &v);
			mi_vector_to_light(state, &dir, &state->dir);
			 * Compute area-to-point form factor (except cos at
			 * the receiver). <cosine> is cos at sender. Returning
			 * 2 means "no color and stop sampling".
			cosine = mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir);
			if (cosine <= 0)
			if (paras->cos_exp != 0 && paras->cos_exp != 1)
				cosine = pow(cosine, paras->cos_exp);
			 * cos term and distance attenuation. No area term
			 * since "color" of the light is energy, not radiance.
			f = cosine / (M_PI * r2);

		  case miLIGHT_DISC:		/* disc area light */
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_D_NORMAL, state,light,&normal);
			mi_vector_to_light(state, &dir, &state->dir);

			cosine = mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir);
			if (cosine <= 0)
			if (paras->cos_exp != 0 && paras->cos_exp != 1)
				cosine = pow(cosine, paras->cos_exp);
			f = cosine / (M_PI * r2);

		  case miLIGHT_SPHERE:		/* spherical area light */
		  case miLIGHT_CYLINDER:	/* cylindrical area light */
			f = 1 / (4 * M_PI * r2);

		  case miLIGHT_OBJECT:
		        /* two sided */
			 * this is legal for object lights only: state->child
			 * is set according to the intersection with the light
			 * geometry itself
		        cosine = -state->child->dot_nd;
			if (cosine <= 0)
			if (paras->cos_exp != 0 && paras->cos_exp != 1)
				cosine = pow(cosine, paras->cos_exp);
		        f = cosine / (4 * M_PI * r2);

			mi_error("physical_light: unknown light source type");
		if (type == miLIGHT_SPOT) {	/* spot light source */
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_DIRECTION, state, light, &spotdir);
			miASSERT(fabs(mi_vector_norm(&spotdir) - 1.) < miEPS);
			mi_vector_to_light(state, &dir, &state->dir);
			d = mi_vector_dot(&dir, &spotdir);
			if (d <= 0)
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_SPREAD, state, light, &spread);
			if (d < spread)
			if (d < paras->cone)
				f *= 1 - (d - paras->cone) /
					 (spread - paras->cone);

		 * Return false without checking occlusion (shadow ray) if
		 * color is very dark. (This introduces bias which could be
		 * avoided if probabilities were used to decide whether to
		 * carry on or return here.)
		maxcolor = mi_MAX3(paras->color.r, paras->color.g,
		if (f * maxcolor < paras->threshold)

		 * Check for occlusion by an opaque object and compute
		 * visibility
		if (!mi_trace_shadow(&visibility, state) || BLACK(visibility))

		 * Compute result. Visibility is always (1 1 1) here for
		 * dgs_material() so the multiplication by visibility could be
		 * avoided. But for base light shaders visibility can be less.
		result->r = f * paras->color.r * visibility.r;
		result->g = f * paras->color.g * visibility.g;
		result->b = f * paras->color.b * visibility.b;
	} else {		/* Visible area light source: return radiance*/
		switch (areatype) {
		  case miLIGHT_RECTANGLE:	/* rectangular area light */
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_U, state, light, &u);
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_V, state, light, &v);
			mi_vector_prod(&normal, &u, &v);
			/* Compute radiance: result = paras->color / area */
			mi_normal_to_light(state, &dir, &state->normal);
			if (mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir) > 0) {
				area = 4.0 * mi_vector_norm(&normal);
				miASSERT(area > 0.0);
				result->r = paras->color.r / area;
				result->g = paras->color.g / area;
				result->b = paras->color.b / area;
			} else
				*result = black;   /* back side is black */

		  case miLIGHT_DISC:		/* disc area light source */
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_D_NORMAL, state,light,&normal);
			mi_normal_to_light(state, &dir, &state->normal);
			if (mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir) > 0) {
				mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_D_RADIUS, state,
							light, &radius);
				area = M_PI * radius * radius;
				miASSERT(area > 0.0);
				result->r = paras->color.r / area;
				result->g = paras->color.g / area;
				result->b = paras->color.b / area;
			} else
				*result = black;

		  case miLIGHT_SPHERE:		/* spherical area light */
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_S_RADIUS, state,light,&radius);
			area = 4.0 * M_PI * radius * radius;
			miASSERT(area > 0.0);
			result->r = paras->color.r / area;
			result->g = paras->color.g / area;
			result->b = paras->color.b / area;

		  case miLIGHT_CYLINDER:	/* cylindrical area light */
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_C_RADIUS, state,light,&radius);
			mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_C_AXIS, state, light, &axis);
			/* area = pi*radius^2 * h = pi*radius^2 * 2 * |axis| */
			area = 2 * M_PI * radius * radius *
			miASSERT(area > 0.0);
			result->r = paras->color.r / area;
			result->g = paras->color.g / area;
			result->b = paras->color.b / area;

		  case miLIGHT_OBJECT:
		        mi_query(miQ_INST_AREA, state,
				 state->light_instance, &area);
			result->r = paras->color.r / area;
			result->g = paras->color.g / area;
			result->b = paras->color.b / area;

		  case miLIGHT_NONE:		/* point, spot or directional*/

			mi_error("physical_light: unknown light source type");
	miASSERT(result->r >= 0 && result->g >= 0 && result->b >= 0);