static void multi_upload_before (perf_test_t *test) { multi_upload_test_t *upload_test; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_gridfs_t *gridfs; bson_error_t error; mongoc_database_t *db; multi_upload_thread_context_t *ctx; int i; perf_test_before (test); upload_test = (multi_upload_test_t *) test; client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (upload_test->pool); db = mongoc_client_get_database (client, "perftest"); if (!mongoc_database_drop (db, &error)) { MONGOC_ERROR ("database_drop: %s\n", error.message); abort (); } gridfs = mongoc_client_get_gridfs (client, "perftest", NULL, &error); if (!gridfs) { MONGOC_ERROR ("get_gridfs: %s\n", error.message); abort (); } write_one_byte_file (gridfs); mongoc_gridfs_destroy (gridfs); mongoc_client_pool_push (upload_test->pool, client); for (i = 0; i < upload_test->cnt; i++) { ctx = &upload_test->contexts[i]; ctx->client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (upload_test->pool); ctx->gridfs = mongoc_client_get_gridfs (ctx->client, "perftest", NULL, &error); if (!ctx->gridfs) { MONGOC_ERROR ("get_gridfs: %s\n", error.message); abort (); } ctx->stream = mongoc_stream_file_new_for_path (ctx->path, O_RDONLY, 0); if (!ctx->stream) { perror ("stream_new_for_path"); abort (); } } mongoc_database_destroy (db); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { mongoc_client_pool_t *pool; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_uri_t *uri; unsigned count = 10000; if (argc > 1) { if (!(uri = mongoc_uri_new(argv[1]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse uri: %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } } else { uri = mongoc_uri_new("mongodb://"); } if (argc > 2) { count = MAX(atoi(argv[2]), 1); } pool = mongoc_client_pool_new(uri); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop(pool); test_load(client, count); mongoc_client_pool_push(pool, client); mongoc_uri_destroy(uri); mongoc_client_pool_destroy(pool); return 0; }
static void multi_download_before (perf_test_t *test) { multi_download_test_t *download_test; bson_error_t error; multi_download_thread_context_t *ctx; int i; perf_test_before (test); prep_tmp_dir (test->data_path); download_test = (multi_download_test_t *) test; for (i = 0; i < download_test->cnt; i++) { ctx = &download_test->contexts[i]; ctx->client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (download_test->pool); ctx->gridfs = mongoc_client_get_gridfs (ctx->client, "perftest", NULL, &error); if (!ctx->gridfs) { MONGOC_ERROR ("get_gridfs: %s\n", error.message); abort (); } } }
static void test_mongoc_metadata_append_after_cmd (void) { mongoc_client_pool_t *pool; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_uri_t *uri; _reset_metadata (); uri = mongoc_uri_new ("mongodb://"); pool = mongoc_client_pool_new (uri); /* Make sure that after we pop a client we can't set global metadata */ pool = mongoc_client_pool_new (uri); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); ASSERT (!mongoc_metadata_append ("a", "a", "a")); mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_uri_destroy (uri); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); _reset_metadata (); }
static void _test_topology_events (bool pooled) { mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = NULL; context_t context; bool r; bson_error_t error; bson_iter_t events_iter; bson_iter_t event_iter; uint32_t i; context_init (&context); if (pooled) { pool = test_framework_client_pool_new (); pool_set_topology_event_callbacks (pool, &context); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); } else { client = test_framework_client_new (); client_set_topology_event_callbacks (client, &context); } r = mongoc_client_command_simple (client, "admin", tmp_bson ("{'ping': 1}"), NULL, NULL, &error); ASSERT_OR_PRINT (r, error); if (pooled) { mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); } else { mongoc_client_destroy (client); } /* first event is topology opening */ bson_iter_init (&events_iter, &; bson_iter_next (&events_iter); ASSERT (bson_iter_recurse (&events_iter, &event_iter)); ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&event_iter, "topology_opening_event")); /* last event is topology closed */ for (i = 1; i < context.n_events; i++) { ASSERT (bson_iter_next (&events_iter)); } ASSERT (bson_iter_recurse (&events_iter, &event_iter)); ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&event_iter, "topology_closed_event")); /* no more events */ ASSERT (!bson_iter_next (&events_iter)); context_destroy (&context); }
static void test_mongoc_client_pool_basic (void) { mongoc_client_pool_t *pool; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_uri_t *uri; uri = mongoc_uri_new("mongodb://"); pool = mongoc_client_pool_new(uri); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop(pool); assert(client); mongoc_client_pool_push(pool, client); mongoc_uri_destroy(uri); mongoc_client_pool_destroy(pool); }
static PyObject * pymongoc_client_pool_pop (PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { pymongoc_client_pool_t *client_pool = (pymongoc_client_pool_t *)self; mongoc_client_t *client; PyObject *pyclient; if (!pymongoc_client_pool_check (self)) { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "self must be a pymongoc.ClientPool"); return NULL; } BSON_ASSERT (client_pool->client_pool); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (client_pool->client_pool); return pymongoc_client_new (client, false); }
static void _test_heartbeat_events (bool pooled, bool succeeded) { context_t context; mock_server_t *server; mongoc_uri_t *uri; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = NULL; future_t *future; request_t *request; char *expected_json; bson_error_t error; context_init (&context); /* auto-respond to "foo" command */ server = mock_server_new (); mock_server_run (server); mock_server_autoresponds (server, responder, NULL, NULL); uri = mongoc_uri_copy (mock_server_get_uri (server)); mongoc_uri_set_option_as_int32 (uri, "serverSelectionTimeoutMS", 400); if (pooled) { pool = mongoc_client_pool_new (uri); pool_set_heartbeat_event_callbacks (pool, &context); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); } else { client = mongoc_client_new_from_uri (uri); client_set_heartbeat_event_callbacks (client, &context); } /* trigger "ismaster" handshake */ future = future_client_command_simple (client, "admin", tmp_bson ("{'foo': 1}"), NULL, NULL, &error); /* topology scanner calls ismaster once */ request = mock_server_receives_ismaster (server); if (succeeded) { mock_server_replies_ok_and_destroys (request); } else { mock_server_hangs_up (request); request_destroy (request); } /* pooled client opens new socket, handshakes it by calling ismaster again */ if (pooled && succeeded) { request = mock_server_receives_ismaster (server); mock_server_replies_ok_and_destroys (request); } if (succeeded) { /* "foo" command succeeds */ ASSERT_OR_PRINT (future_get_bool (future), error); } else { ASSERT (!future_get_bool (future)); } if (pooled) { mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); } else { mongoc_client_destroy (client); } /* even if pooled, only topology scanner sends events, so we get one pair */ if (succeeded) { expected_json = bson_strdup_printf ( "{'0': {'heartbeat_started_event': {'host': '%s'}}," " '1': {'heartbeat_succeeded_event': {'host': '%s'}}}", mock_server_get_host_and_port (server), mock_server_get_host_and_port (server)); } else { expected_json = bson_strdup_printf ( "{'0': {'heartbeat_started_event': {'host': '%s'}}," " '1': {'heartbeat_failed_event': {'host': '%s'}}}", mock_server_get_host_and_port (server), mock_server_get_host_and_port (server)); } check_json_apm_events (&, tmp_bson (expected_json)); future_destroy (future); bson_free (expected_json); mongoc_uri_destroy (uri); mock_server_destroy (server); context_destroy (&context); }
void* MongoDBConnectionPool::newConnection(const bool& isWrite, const ConnectionNode& node) { mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = (mongoc_client_pool_t*)getEnv(); mongoc_client_t *client = mongoc_client_pool_pop(pool); std::cout << client << std::endl; return client; }
Client *ClientPool :: pop () { mongoc_client_t * c = mongoc_client_pool_pop (clientPool.get()); auto client = new Client(c, this); return client; }
static void test2 (void) { mongoc_read_prefs_t *read_prefs; mongoc_collection_t *collection; mongoc_cursor_t *cursor; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = NULL; const bson_t *doc; bson_error_t error; bool r; bson_t q; bson_init(&q); /* * Start by killing 2 of the replica set nodes. */ ha_node_kill(r1); ha_node_kill(r2); if (use_pool) { pool = ha_replica_set_create_client_pool(replica_set); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); } else { client = ha_replica_set_create_client(replica_set); } collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(client, "test2", "test2"); /* * Perform a query and ensure it fails with no nodes available. */ read_prefs = mongoc_read_prefs_new(MONGOC_READ_SECONDARY_PREFERRED); cursor = mongoc_collection_find(collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 100, 0, &q, NULL, read_prefs); /* * Try to submit OP_QUERY. Since it is SECONDARY PREFERRED, it should * succeed if there is any node up (which r3 is up). */ r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(!r); /* No docs */ /* No error, slaveOk was set */ ASSERT_OR_PRINT (!mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error), error); mongoc_read_prefs_destroy(read_prefs); mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor); mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); if (use_pool) { mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); } else { mongoc_client_destroy(client); } bson_destroy(&q); ha_node_restart(r1); ha_node_restart(r2); }
static void test1 (void) { mongoc_server_description_t *description; mongoc_collection_t *collection; mongoc_read_prefs_t *read_prefs; mongoc_cursor_t *cursor; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = NULL; const bson_t *doc; bson_error_t error; bool r; ha_node_t *replica; bson_t q; int i; bson_init(&q); if (use_pool) { pool = ha_replica_set_create_client_pool(replica_set); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); } else { client = ha_replica_set_create_client(replica_set); } collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(client, "test1", "test1"); MONGOC_DEBUG("Inserting test documents."); insert_test_docs(collection); MONGOC_INFO("Test documents inserted."); read_prefs = mongoc_read_prefs_new(MONGOC_READ_SECONDARY); MONGOC_DEBUG("Sending query to a SECONDARY."); cursor = mongoc_collection_find(collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 100, &q, NULL, read_prefs); BSON_ASSERT(cursor); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->server_id); /* * Send OP_QUERY to server and get first document back. */ MONGOC_INFO("Sending OP_QUERY."); r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(r); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->sent); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->done); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->rpc.reply.n_returned == 100); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->end_of_event); /* * Make sure we queried a secondary. */ description = mongoc_topology_server_by_id(client->topology, cursor->server_id, &error); ASSERT_OR_PRINT (description, error); BSON_ASSERT (description->type != MONGOC_SERVER_RS_PRIMARY); mongoc_server_description_destroy(description); /* * Exhaust the items in our first OP_REPLY. */ MONGOC_DEBUG("Exhausting OP_REPLY."); for (i = 0; i < 98; i++) { r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(r); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->done); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->end_of_event); } /* * Finish off the last item in this OP_REPLY. */ MONGOC_INFO("Fetcing last doc from OP_REPLY."); r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(r); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); BSON_ASSERT(cursor->sent); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->done); BSON_ASSERT(!cursor->end_of_event); /* * Determine which node we queried by using the server_id to * get the cluster information. */ BSON_ASSERT(cursor->server_id); replica = get_replica(client, cursor->server_id); /* * Kill the node we are communicating with. */ MONGOC_INFO("Killing replicaSet node to synthesize failure."); ha_node_kill(replica); /* * Try to fetch the next result set, expect failure. */ MONGOC_DEBUG("Checking for expected failure."); r = mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &doc); BSON_ASSERT(!r); r = mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error); BSON_ASSERT(r); MONGOC_WARNING("%s", error.message); mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor); mongoc_read_prefs_destroy(read_prefs); mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); if (use_pool) { mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); } else { mongoc_client_destroy(client); } bson_destroy(&q); ha_node_restart(replica); }
static void test_exhaust_cursor (bool pooled) { mongoc_stream_t *stream; mongoc_write_concern_t *wr; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool = NULL; mongoc_collection_t *collection; mongoc_cursor_t *cursor; mongoc_cursor_t *cursor2; const bson_t *doc; bson_t q; bson_t b[10]; bson_t *bptr[10]; int i; bool r; uint32_t hint; bson_error_t error; bson_oid_t oid; int64_t timestamp1; if (pooled) { pool = test_framework_client_pool_new (); client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); } else { client = test_framework_client_new (); } assert (client); collection = get_test_collection (client, "test_exhaust_cursor"); assert (collection); mongoc_collection_drop(collection, &error); wr = mongoc_write_concern_new (); mongoc_write_concern_set_journal (wr, true); /* bulk insert some records to work on */ { bson_init(&q); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { bson_init(&b[i]); bson_oid_init(&oid, NULL); bson_append_oid(&b[i], "_id", -1, &oid); bson_append_int32(&b[i], "n", -1, i % 2); bptr[i] = &b[i]; } BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS; ASSERT_OR_PRINT (mongoc_collection_insert_bulk ( collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, wr, &error), error); END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS; } /* create a couple of cursors */ { cursor = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_EXHAUST, 0, 0, 0, &q, NULL, NULL); cursor2 = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0, &q, NULL, NULL); } /* Read from the exhaust cursor, ensure that we're in exhaust where we * should be and ensure that an early destroy properly causes a disconnect * */ { r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc); if (!r) { mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error); fprintf (stderr, "cursor error: %s\n", error.message); } assert (r); assert (doc); assert (cursor->in_exhaust); assert (client->in_exhaust); /* destroy the cursor, make sure a disconnect happened */ timestamp1 = get_timestamp (client, cursor); mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor); assert (! client->in_exhaust); } /* Grab a new exhaust cursor, then verify that reading from that cursor * (putting the client into exhaust), breaks a mid-stream read from a * regular cursor */ { cursor = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_EXHAUST, 0, 0, 0, &q, NULL, NULL); r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc); if (!r) { mongoc_cursor_error (cursor2, &error); fprintf (stderr, "cursor error: %s\n", error.message); } assert (r); assert (doc); assert (timestamp1 < get_timestamp (client, cursor2)); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc); if (!r) { mongoc_cursor_error (cursor2, &error); fprintf (stderr, "cursor error: %s\n", error.message); } assert (r); assert (doc); } r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc); assert (r); assert (doc); doc = NULL; r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc); assert (!r); assert (!doc); mongoc_cursor_error(cursor2, &error); assert (error.domain == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT); assert (error.code == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_IN_EXHAUST); mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor2); } /* make sure writes fail as well */ { BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS; r = mongoc_collection_insert_bulk (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, (const bson_t **)bptr, 10, wr, &error); END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS; assert (!r); assert (error.domain == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT); assert (error.code == MONGOC_ERROR_CLIENT_IN_EXHAUST); } /* we're still in exhaust. * * 1. check that we can create a new cursor, as long as we don't read from it * 2. fully exhaust the exhaust cursor * 3. make sure that we don't disconnect at destroy * 4. make sure we can read the cursor we made during the exhuast */ { cursor2 = mongoc_collection_find (collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0, &q, NULL, NULL); stream = (mongoc_stream_t *)mongoc_set_get(client->cluster.nodes, cursor->hint); hint = cursor->hint; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc); assert (r); assert (doc); } r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc); assert (!r); assert (!doc); mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor); assert (stream == (mongoc_stream_t *)mongoc_set_get(client->cluster.nodes, hint)); r = mongoc_cursor_next (cursor2, &doc); assert (r); assert (doc); } bson_destroy(&q); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { bson_destroy(&b[i]); } ASSERT_OR_PRINT (mongoc_collection_drop (collection, &error), error); mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wr); mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor2); mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); if (pooled) { mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); } else { mongoc_client_destroy (client); } }
static int mongodb_log(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { int ret = -1; bson_t *doc = NULL; mongoc_collection_t *collection = NULL; if(dbpool == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "unexpected error, no connection pool\n"); return ret; } mongoc_client_t *dbclient = mongoc_client_pool_pop(dbpool); if(dbclient == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "unexpected error, no client allocated\n"); return ret; } do { bson_error_t error; doc = bson_new(); if(doc == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "cannot make a document\n"); break; } mongoc_collection_t *collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(dbclient, dbname, dbcollection); if(collection == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "cannot get such a collection, %s, %s\n", dbname, dbcollection); break; } BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "clid", cdr->clid); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "src", cdr->src); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "dst", cdr->dst); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "dcontext", cdr->dcontext); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "channel", cdr->channel); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "dstchannel", cdr->dstchannel); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "lastapp", cdr->lastapp); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "lastdata", cdr->lastdata); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "disposition", ast_cdr_disp2str(cdr->disposition)); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "amaflags", ast_channel_amaflags2string(cdr->amaflags)); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "accountcode", cdr->accountcode); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "uniqueid", cdr->uniqueid); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "userfield", cdr->userfield); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "peeraccount", cdr->peeraccount); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, "linkedid", cdr->linkedid); BSON_APPEND_INT32(doc, "duration", cdr->duration); BSON_APPEND_INT32(doc, "billsec", cdr->billsec); BSON_APPEND_INT32(doc, "sequence", cdr->sequence); BSON_APPEND_TIMEVAL(doc, "start", &cdr->start); BSON_APPEND_TIMEVAL(doc, "answer", &cdr->answer); BSON_APPEND_TIMEVAL(doc, "end", &cdr->end); if (serverid) BSON_APPEND_OID(doc, SERVERID, serverid); if(!mongoc_collection_insert(collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, doc, NULL, &error)) ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "insertion failed, %s\n", error.message); ret = 0; // success } while(0); if (collection) mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); if (doc) bson_destroy(doc); mongoc_client_pool_push(dbpool, dbclient); return ret; }
static void test_mongoc_metadata_append_success (void) { mock_server_t *server; mongoc_uri_t *uri; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool; request_t *request; const bson_t *request_doc; bson_iter_t iter; bson_iter_t md_iter; bson_iter_t inner_iter; const char *val; const char *driver_name = "php driver"; const char *driver_version = "version abc"; const char *platform = "./configure -nottoomanyflags"; char big_string [METADATA_MAX_SIZE]; memset (big_string, 'a', METADATA_MAX_SIZE - 1); big_string [METADATA_MAX_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; _reset_metadata (); /* Make sure setting the metadata works */ ASSERT (mongoc_metadata_append (driver_name, driver_version, platform)); server = mock_server_new (); mock_server_run (server); uri = mongoc_uri_copy (mock_server_get_uri (server)); mongoc_uri_set_option_as_int32 (uri, "heartbeatFrequencyMS", 500); pool = mongoc_client_pool_new (uri); /* Force topology scanner to start */ client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); request = mock_server_receives_ismaster (server); ASSERT (request); request_doc = request_get_doc (request, 0); ASSERT (request_doc); ASSERT (bson_has_field (request_doc, "isMaster")); ASSERT (bson_has_field (request_doc, METADATA_FIELD)); ASSERT (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, request_doc, METADATA_FIELD)); ASSERT (bson_iter_recurse (&iter, &md_iter)); /* Make sure and driver.version and platform are all right */ ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&md_iter, "driver")); ASSERT (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT (&md_iter)); ASSERT (bson_iter_recurse (&md_iter, &inner_iter)); ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&inner_iter, "name")); ASSERT (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8 (&inner_iter)); val = bson_iter_utf8 (&inner_iter, NULL); ASSERT (val); ASSERT (strstr (val, driver_name) != NULL); ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&inner_iter, "version")); ASSERT (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8 (&inner_iter)); val = bson_iter_utf8 (&inner_iter, NULL); ASSERT (val); ASSERT (strstr (val, driver_version)); /* Check os type not empty */ ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&md_iter, "os")); ASSERT (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT (&md_iter)); ASSERT (bson_iter_recurse (&md_iter, &inner_iter)); ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&inner_iter, "type")); ASSERT (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8 (&inner_iter)); val = bson_iter_utf8 (&inner_iter, NULL); ASSERT (val); ASSERT (strlen (val) > 0); /* Not checking os_name, as the spec says it can be NULL. */ /* Check platform field ok */ ASSERT (bson_iter_find (&md_iter, "platform")); ASSERT (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8 (&md_iter)); val = bson_iter_utf8 (&md_iter, NULL); ASSERT (val); ASSERT (strstr (val, platform) != NULL); mock_server_replies_simple (request, "{'ok': 1, 'ismaster': true}"); request_destroy (request); /* Cleanup */ mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); mongoc_uri_destroy (uri); mock_server_destroy (server); _reset_metadata (); }
/* Test the case where we can't prevent the metadata doc being too big * and so we just don't send it */ static void test_mongoc_metadata_cannot_send (void) { mock_server_t *server; mongoc_uri_t *uri; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_client_pool_t *pool; request_t *request; const char *const server_reply = "{'ok': 1, 'ismaster': true}"; const bson_t *request_doc; char big_string[METADATA_MAX_SIZE]; mongoc_metadata_t *md; _reset_metadata (); /* Mess with our global metadata struct so the metadata doc will be * way too big */ memset (big_string, 'a', METADATA_MAX_SIZE - 1); big_string[METADATA_MAX_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; md = _mongoc_metadata_get (); bson_free (md->os_name); md->os_name = bson_strdup (big_string); server = mock_server_new (); mock_server_run (server); uri = mongoc_uri_copy (mock_server_get_uri (server)); mongoc_uri_set_option_as_int32 (uri, "heartbeatFrequencyMS", 500); pool = mongoc_client_pool_new (uri); /* Pop a client to trigger the topology scanner */ client = mongoc_client_pool_pop (pool); request = mock_server_receives_ismaster (server); /* Make sure the isMaster request DOESN'T have a metadata field: */ ASSERT (request); request_doc = request_get_doc (request, 0); ASSERT (request_doc); ASSERT (bson_has_field (request_doc, "isMaster")); ASSERT (!bson_has_field (request_doc, METADATA_FIELD)); mock_server_replies_simple (request, server_reply); request_destroy (request); /* Cause failure on client side */ request = mock_server_receives_ismaster (server); ASSERT (request); mock_server_hangs_up (request); request_destroy (request); /* Make sure the isMaster request still DOESN'T have a metadata field * on subsequent heartbeats. */ request = mock_server_receives_ismaster (server); ASSERT (request); request_doc = request_get_doc (request, 0); ASSERT (request_doc); ASSERT (bson_has_field (request_doc, "isMaster")); ASSERT (!bson_has_field (request_doc, METADATA_FIELD)); mock_server_replies_simple (request, server_reply); request_destroy (request); /* cleanup */ mongoc_client_pool_push (pool, client); mongoc_client_pool_destroy (pool); mongoc_uri_destroy (uri); mock_server_destroy (server); /* Reset again so the next tests don't have a metadata doc which * is too big */ _reset_metadata (); }