Exemple #1
static void msTileResetMetatileLevel(mapObj *map) {
  hashTableObj *meta = &(map->web.metadata); 
  const char *zero = "0";
  const char *value = NULL;

  /*  Is the tile_metatile_levetl set... */
  if((value = msLookupHashTable(meta, "tile_metatile_level")) != NULL) {
    msRemoveHashTable(meta, "tile_metatile_level");
    msInsertHashTable(meta, "tile_metatile_level", zero);
  /* No tile_metatile_level value. */
  else {
    msInsertHashTable(meta, "tile_metatile_level", zero);
Exemple #2
int msSetConfigOption( mapObj *map, const char *key, const char *value)

  /* We have special "early" handling of this so that it will be */
  /* in effect when the projection blocks are parsed and pj_init is called. */
  if( strcasecmp(key,"PROJ_LIB") == 0 ) {
    /* value may be relative to map path */
    msSetPROJ_LIB( value, map->mappath );

  /* Same for MS_ERRORFILE, we want it to kick in as early as possible
   * to catch parsing errors.
   * Value can be relative to mapfile, unless it's already absolute
  if( strcasecmp(key,"MS_ERRORFILE") == 0 ) {
    if (msSetErrorFile( value, map->mappath ) != MS_SUCCESS)
      return MS_FAILURE;

  if( msLookupHashTable( &(map->configoptions), key ) != NULL )
    msRemoveHashTable( &(map->configoptions), key );
  msInsertHashTable( &(map->configoptions), key, value );

  return MS_SUCCESS;
Handle<Value> MSHashTable::NamedSetter (Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo& info) {
  MSHashTable *table = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<MSHashTable>(info.Holder());
  v8::String::AsciiValue key(property);
  v8::String::AsciiValue val(value);

  msInsertHashTable(table->this_, *key, *val);

Exemple #4
char* KmlRenderer::lookupSymbolUrl(imageObj *img, symbolObj *symbol, symbolStyleObj *symstyle)
    char	symbolHexColor[32];
        <Style id="randomColorIcon">

    sprintf(symbolHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", symstyle->style->color.alpha, symstyle->style->color.blue,
            symstyle->style->color.green, symstyle->style->color.red);
    snprintf(SymbolName, sizeof(SymbolName), "symbol_%s_%.1f_%s", symbol->name, symstyle->scale, symbolHexColor);

    char *symbolUrl = msLookupHashTable(StyleHashTable, SymbolName);
    if (!symbolUrl)
        char iconFileName[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
        char iconUrl[MS_MAXPATHLEN];

        if (img->imagepath)
            char *tmpFileName = msTmpFile(NULL, MapPath, img->imagepath, "png");
            snprintf(iconFileName, sizeof(iconFileName), "%s", tmpFileName);
            sprintf(iconFileName, "symbol_%s_%.1f.%s", symbol->name, symstyle->scale, "png");

        if (createIconImage(iconFileName, symbol, symstyle) != MS_SUCCESS)
            char errMsg[512];
            sprintf(errMsg, "Error creating icon file '%s'", iconFileName);
            msSetError(MS_IOERR, errMsg, "KmlRenderer::lookupSymbolStyle()" );
            return NULL;

        if (img->imageurl)
          sprintf(iconUrl, "%s%s.%s", img->imageurl, msGetBasename(iconFileName), "png");
          snprintf(iconUrl, sizeof(iconUrl), "%s", iconFileName);

        hashObj *hash = msInsertHashTable(StyleHashTable, SymbolName, iconUrl);
        symbolUrl = hash->data;

    return symbolUrl;
Exemple #5
int msCopyHashTable(hashTableObj *dst, hashTableObj *src) {
    const char *key=NULL;
    while (1) {
        key = msNextKeyFromHashTable(src, key);
        if (!key) 
            msInsertHashTable(dst, key, msLookupHashTable(src, key));
    return MS_SUCCESS;
Exemple #6
int mapObj_setMetaData(mapObj *self, char *name, char *value) {
    if (msInsertHashTable(&(self->web.metadata), name, value) == NULL)
	return MS_FAILURE;
    return MS_SUCCESS;
int msLoadFontSet(fontSetObj *fontset, mapObj *map)
  FILE *stream;
  char buffer[MS_BUFFER_LENGTH];
  char alias[64], file1[MS_PATH_LENGTH], file2[MS_PATH_LENGTH];
  char *path;
  char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
  int i;
  int bFullPath = 0;

  if(fontset->numfonts != 0) /* already initialized */


  fontset->map = (mapObj *)map;

  path = msGetPath(fontset->filename);

  /* fontset->fonts = msCreateHashTable(); // create font hash */
  /* if(!fontset->fonts) { */
  /* msSetError(MS_HASHERR, "Error initializing font hash.", "msLoadFontSet()"); */
  /* return(-1); */
  /* } */

  stream = fopen( msBuildPath(szPath, fontset->map->mappath, fontset->filename), "r");
  if(!stream) {
    msSetError(MS_IOERR, "Error opening fontset %s.", "msLoadFontset()",

  i = 0;
  while(fgets(buffer, MS_BUFFER_LENGTH, stream)) { /* while there's something to load */

    if(buffer[0] == '#' || buffer[0] == '\n' || buffer[0] == '\r' || buffer[0] == ' ')
      continue; /* skip comments and blank lines */

    sscanf(buffer,"%s %s", alias,  file1);

    if (!(*file1) || !(*alias) || (strlen(file1) <= 0))

    bFullPath = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
    if (file1[0] == '\\' || (strlen(file1) > 1 && (file1[1] == ':')))
      bFullPath = 1;
    if(file1[0] == '/')
      bFullPath = 1;

    if(bFullPath) { /* already full path */
      msInsertHashTable(&(fontset->fonts), alias, file1);
    } else {
      snprintf(file2, sizeof(file2), "%s%s", path, file1);
      /* msInsertHashTable(fontset->fonts, alias, file2); */

      ** msBuildPath is use here, but if we have to save the fontset file
      ** the msBuildPath must be done everywhere the fonts are used and
      ** removed here.
      msInsertHashTable(&(fontset->fonts), alias,
                        msBuildPath(szPath, fontset->map->mappath, file2));



  fontset->numfonts = i;
  fclose(stream); /* close the file */

int updateMap(mapservObj *mapserv, mapObj *map) {
  int i, j;

  if(!msLookupHashTable(&(map->web.validation), "immutable")) {
    /* check for any %variable% substitutions here, also do any map_ changes, we do this here so WMS/WFS  */
    /* services can take advantage of these "vendor specific" extensions */
    for(i=0; i<mapserv->request->NumParams; i++) {
       ** a few CGI variables should be skipped altogether
       ** qstring: there is separate per layer validation for attribute queries and the substitution checks
       **          below conflict with that so we avoid it here
      if(strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"qstring",7) == 0) continue;

      /* check to see if there are any additions to the mapfile */
      if(strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"map_",4) == 0 || strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"map.",4) == 0) {
        msAcquireLock( TLOCK_PARSER );
        if(msUpdateMapFromURL(map, mapserv->request->ParamNames[i], mapserv->request->ParamValues[i]) != MS_SUCCESS) {
          msReleaseLock( TLOCK_PARSER );
          return MS_FAILURE;
        msReleaseLock( TLOCK_PARSER );


      if(strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"classgroup",10) == 0) { /* #4207 */
        for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
          setClassGroup(GET_LAYER(map, j), mapserv->request->ParamValues[i]);

    msApplySubstitutions(map, mapserv->request->ParamNames, mapserv->request->ParamValues, mapserv->request->NumParams);

    /* check to see if a ogc map context is passed as argument. if there */
    /* is one load it */

    for(i=0; i<mapserv->request->NumParams; i++) {
      if(strcasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"context") == 0) {
        if(mapserv->request->ParamValues[i] && strlen(mapserv->request->ParamValues[i]) > 0) {
          if(strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamValues[i],"http",4) == 0) {
            if(msGetConfigOption(map, "CGI_CONTEXT_URL"))
              msLoadMapContextURL(map, mapserv->request->ParamValues[i], MS_FALSE);
          } else
            msLoadMapContext(map, mapserv->request->ParamValues[i], MS_FALSE);

   * RFC-42 HTTP Cookie Forwarding
   * Here we set the http_cookie_data metadata to handle the
   * HTTP Cookie Forwarding. The content of this metadata is the cookie
   * content. In the future, this metadata will probably be replaced
   * by an object that is part of the mapObject that would contain
   * information on the application status (such as cookie).
  if( mapserv->request->httpcookiedata != NULL ) {
    msInsertHashTable( &(map->web.metadata), "http_cookie_data",
                       mapserv->request->httpcookiedata );

  return MS_SUCCESS;
Exemple #9
static int msContourLayerReadRaster(layerObj *layer, rectObj rect)
  mapObj *map = layer->map;  
  char **bands;
  char pointer[64], memDSPointer[128];
  int band = 1;
  double adfGeoTransform[6], adfInvGeoTransform[6];
  double llx, lly, urx, ury;  
  rectObj copyRect, mapRect;
  int dst_xsize, dst_ysize;
  int virtual_grid_step_x, virtual_grid_step_y;
  int src_xoff, src_yoff, src_xsize, src_ysize;  
  double map_cellsize_x, map_cellsize_y, dst_cellsize_x, dst_cellsize_y;
  GDALRasterBandH hBand = NULL;
  CPLErr eErr;
  contourLayerInfo *clinfo = (contourLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("Entering msContourLayerReadRaster().\n");

  if (clinfo == NULL || clinfo->hOrigDS == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Assertion failed: Contour layer not opened!!!",
    return MS_FAILURE;    

  bands = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(
               CSLFetchNameValue(layer->processing,"BANDS"), " ,", FALSE, FALSE );
  if (CSLCount(bands) > 0) {
    band = atoi(bands[0]);
    if (band < 1 || band > GDALGetRasterCount(clinfo->hOrigDS)) {
      msSetError( MS_IMGERR,
                  "BANDS PROCESSING directive includes illegal band '%d', should be from 1 to %d.",
                  band, GDALGetRasterCount(clinfo->hOrigDS));
      return MS_FAILURE;

  hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(clinfo->hOrigDS, band);
  if (hBand == NULL)
               "Band %d does not exist on dataset.",
               "msContourLayerReadRaster()", band);
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (layer->projection.numargs > 0 &&
      EQUAL(layer->projection.args[0], "auto")) {
    const char *wkt;
    wkt = GDALGetProjectionRef(clinfo->hOrigDS);
    if (wkt != NULL && strlen(wkt) > 0) {
      if (msOGCWKT2ProjectionObj(wkt, &(layer->projection),
                                 layer->debug) != MS_SUCCESS) {
        char  msg[MESSAGELENGTH*2];
        errorObj *ms_error = msGetErrorObj();

        snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg),
                  "PROJECTION AUTO cannot be used for this "
                  "GDAL raster (`%s').",
                  ms_error->message, layer->data);
        msg[MESSAGELENGTH-1] = '\0';

        msSetError(MS_OGRERR, "%s","msDrawRasterLayer()",
        return MS_FAILURE;
   * Compute the georeferenced window of overlap, and read the source data
   * downsampled to match output resolution, or at full resolution if
   * output resolution is lower than the source resolution.
   * A large portion of this overlap calculation code was borrowed from 
   * msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(). 
   * Would be possible to move some of this to a reusable function?
   * Note: This code works only if no reprojection is involved. It would
   * need rework to support cases where output projection differs from source
   * data file projection.
  src_xsize = GDALGetRasterXSize(clinfo->hOrigDS);
  src_ysize = GDALGetRasterYSize(clinfo->hOrigDS);

  /* set the Dataset extent */
  msGetGDALGeoTransform(clinfo->hOrigDS, map, layer, adfGeoTransform);  
  clinfo->extent.minx = adfGeoTransform[0];
  clinfo->extent.maxy = adfGeoTransform[3];
  clinfo->extent.maxx = adfGeoTransform[0] + src_xsize * adfGeoTransform[1];
  clinfo->extent.miny = adfGeoTransform[3] + src_ysize * adfGeoTransform[5];
  if (layer->transform) {
    if (layer->debug)
      msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): Entering transform.\n");

    InvGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, adfInvGeoTransform);

    mapRect = rect;
    map_cellsize_x = map_cellsize_y = map->cellsize;      
#ifdef USE_PROJ
    /* if necessary, project the searchrect to source coords */
    if (msProjectionsDiffer( &(map->projection), &(layer->projection)))  {
      if ( msProjectRect(&map->projection, &layer->projection, &mapRect)
          != MS_SUCCESS ) {
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(%s): unable to reproject map request rectangle into layer projection, canceling.\n", layer->name);
        return MS_FAILURE;

      map_cellsize_x = MS_CELLSIZE(mapRect.minx, mapRect.maxx, map->width);
      map_cellsize_y = MS_CELLSIZE(mapRect.miny, mapRect.maxy, map->height);

      /* if the projection failed to project the extent requested, we need to
         calculate the cellsize to preserve the initial map cellsize ratio */
      if ( (mapRect.minx < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,0,src_ysize)) ||
           (mapRect.maxx > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,src_xsize,0)) ||
           (mapRect.miny < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_ysize)) || 
           (mapRect.maxy > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,src_xsize,0)) ) {

        int src_unit, dst_unit;
        src_unit = GetMapserverUnitUsingProj(&map->projection);
        dst_unit = GetMapserverUnitUsingProj(&layer->projection);
        if (src_unit == -1 || dst_unit == -1) {
          msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(%s): unable to reproject map request rectangle into layer projection, canceling.\n", layer->name);
          return MS_FAILURE;

        map_cellsize_x =  MS_CONVERT_UNIT(src_unit, dst_unit,
                                          MS_CELLSIZE(rect.minx, rect.maxx, map->width)); 
        map_cellsize_y = MS_CONVERT_UNIT(src_unit, dst_unit,
                                         MS_CELLSIZE(rect.miny, rect.maxy, map->height));
    if (map_cellsize_x == 0 || map_cellsize_y == 0) {
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): Cellsize can't be 0.\n");
      return MS_FAILURE;
    /* Adjust MapServer pixel model to GDAL pixel model */
    mapRect.minx -= map_cellsize_x*0.5;
    mapRect.maxx += map_cellsize_x*0.5;
    mapRect.miny -= map_cellsize_y*0.5;
    mapRect.maxy += map_cellsize_y*0.5;

     * If raw data cellsize (from geotransform) is larger than output map_cellsize
     * then we want to extract only enough data to match the output map resolution
     * which means that GDAL will automatically sample the data on read.
     * To prevent bad contour effects on tile edges, we adjust the target cellsize 
     * to align the extracted window with a virtual grid based on the origin of the 
     * raw data and a virtual grid step size corresponding to an integer sampling step.
     * If source data has a greater cellsize (i.e. lower res) that requested ouptut map
     * then we use the raw data cellsize as target cellsize since there is no point in 
     * interpolating the data for contours in this case.

    virtual_grid_step_x = (int)floor(map_cellsize_x / ABS(adfGeoTransform[1]));
    if (virtual_grid_step_x < 1)
      virtual_grid_step_x = 1; /* Do not interpolate data if grid sampling step < 1 */

    virtual_grid_step_y = (int)floor(map_cellsize_y / ABS(adfGeoTransform[5]));
    if (virtual_grid_step_y < 1)
      virtual_grid_step_y = 1; /* Do not interpolate data if grid sampling step < 1 */
    /* target cellsize is a multiple of raw data cellsize based on grid step*/
    dst_cellsize_x = ABS(adfGeoTransform[1]) * virtual_grid_step_x;
    dst_cellsize_y = ABS(adfGeoTransform[5]) * virtual_grid_step_y;

    /* Compute overlap between source and target views */

    copyRect = mapRect;

    if (copyRect.minx < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,0,src_ysize))
      copyRect.minx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,0,src_ysize);
    if (copyRect.maxx > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,src_xsize,0))
      copyRect.maxx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,src_xsize,0);
    if (copyRect.miny < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_ysize))
      copyRect.miny = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_ysize);
    if (copyRect.maxy > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,src_xsize,0))
      copyRect.maxy = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,src_xsize,0);
    if (copyRect.minx >= copyRect.maxx || copyRect.miny >= copyRect.maxy) {
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): No overlap.\n");
      return MS_SUCCESS;

     * Convert extraction window to raster coordinates
    llx = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+0,copyRect.minx,copyRect.miny);
    lly = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+3,copyRect.minx,copyRect.miny);
    urx = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+0,copyRect.maxx,copyRect.maxy);
    ury = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+3,copyRect.maxx,copyRect.maxy);

     * Align extraction window with virtual grid 
     * (keep in mind raster coordinates origin is at upper-left)
     * We also add an extra buffer to fix tile boundarie issues when zoomed
    llx = floor(llx / virtual_grid_step_x) * virtual_grid_step_x - (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    urx = ceil(urx / virtual_grid_step_x) * virtual_grid_step_x + (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    ury = floor(ury / virtual_grid_step_y) * virtual_grid_step_y - (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    lly = ceil(lly / virtual_grid_step_y) * virtual_grid_step_y + (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    src_xoff = MAX(0,(int) floor(llx+0.5));
    src_yoff = MAX(0,(int) floor(ury+0.5));
    src_xsize = MIN(MAX(0,(int) (urx - llx + 0.5)),
                    GDALGetRasterXSize(clinfo->hOrigDS) - src_xoff);
    src_ysize = MIN(MAX(0,(int) (lly - ury + 0.5)),
                    GDALGetRasterYSize(clinfo->hOrigDS) - src_yoff);

    /* Update the geographic extent (buffer added) */
    /* TODO: a better way to go the geo_trans */
    copyRect.minx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+0,src_xoff,0);
    copyRect.maxx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+0,src_xoff+src_xsize,0);
    copyRect.miny = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_yoff+src_ysize);
    copyRect.maxy = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_yoff);
     * If input window is to small then stop here
    if (src_xsize < 2 || src_ysize < 2)
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): input window too small, or no apparent overlap between map view and this window(1).\n");
      return MS_SUCCESS;

    /* Target buffer size */
    dst_xsize = (int)ceil((copyRect.maxx - copyRect.minx) / dst_cellsize_x);
    dst_ysize = (int)ceil((copyRect.maxy - copyRect.miny) / dst_cellsize_y);

    if (dst_xsize == 0 || dst_ysize == 0) {
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): no apparent overlap between map view and this window(2).\n");
      return MS_SUCCESS;

    if (layer->debug)
      msDebug( "msContourLayerReadRaster(): src=%d,%d,%d,%d, dst=%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
               src_xoff, src_yoff, src_xsize, src_ysize,
               0, 0, dst_xsize, dst_ysize );
  } else {
    src_xoff = 0;
    src_yoff = 0;
    dst_xsize = src_xsize = MIN(map->width,src_xsize);
    dst_ysize = src_ysize = MIN(map->height,src_ysize);
    copyRect.minx = copyRect.miny = 0;
    copyRect.maxx = map->width;
    copyRect.maxy = map->height;
    dst_cellsize_y = dst_cellsize_x = 1;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Allocate buffer, and read data into it.                         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  clinfo->buffer = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * dst_xsize * dst_ysize);
  if (clinfo->buffer == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "Malloc(): Out of memory.", "msContourLayerReadRaster()");
    return MS_FAILURE;

  eErr = GDALRasterIO(hBand, GF_Read,
                      src_xoff, src_yoff, src_xsize, src_ysize,
                      clinfo->buffer, dst_xsize, dst_ysize, GDT_Float64,
                      0, 0);

  if (eErr != CE_None) {
    msSetError( MS_IOERR, "GDALRasterIO() failed: %s",
                "msContourLayerReadRaster()", CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  memset(pointer, 0, sizeof(pointer));
  CPLPrintPointer(pointer, clinfo->buffer, sizeof(pointer));
          pointer, dst_xsize, dst_ysize);
  clinfo->hDS = GDALOpen(memDSPointer,  GA_ReadOnly);
  if (clinfo->hDS == NULL) {
               "Unable to open GDAL Memory dataset.",
    return MS_FAILURE;

  adfGeoTransform[0] = copyRect.minx;
  adfGeoTransform[1] = dst_cellsize_x;
  adfGeoTransform[2] = 0;
  adfGeoTransform[3] = copyRect.maxy;
  adfGeoTransform[4] = 0;
  adfGeoTransform[5] = -dst_cellsize_y;

  clinfo->cellsize = MAX(dst_cellsize_x, dst_cellsize_y);
    char buf[64];
    sprintf(buf, "%lf", clinfo->cellsize);
    msInsertHashTable(&layer->metadata, "__data_cellsize__", buf);
  GDALSetGeoTransform(clinfo->hDS, adfGeoTransform);
  return MS_SUCCESS;
Exemple #10
* Is there any XMP metadata in the map file for us to worry about?
msXmpWrite( mapObj *map, const char *filename )

  /* Should hold our keys */
  hashTableObj hash_metadata = map->web.metadata;
  /* Temporary place for custom name spaces */
  hashTableObj hash_ns;
  /* We use regex to strip out the namespace and XMP key value from the metadata key */
  regex_t xmp_regex;
  const char *xmp_ns_str = "^xmp_(.+)_namespace$";
  const char *xmp_tag_str = "^xmp_(.+)_(.+)$";
  const char *key = NULL;
  static int regflags = REG_ICASE | REG_EXTENDED;

  /* XMP object and file pointers */
  XmpPtr xmp;
  XmpFilePtr f;

  /* Force the hash table to empty */
  hash_ns.numitems = 0;

  /* Prepare XMP library */
  f = xmp_files_open_new(filename, XMP_OPEN_FORUPDATE);
  if ( ! f ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                "Unable to open temporary file '%s' to write XMP info",
                "msXmpWrite()", filename );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Create a new XMP structure if the file doesn't already have one */
  xmp = xmp_files_get_new_xmp(f);
  if ( xmp == NULL )
    xmp = xmp_new_empty();

  /* Check we can write to the file */
  if ( ! xmp_files_can_put_xmp(f, xmp) ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                "Unable to write XMP information to '%s'",
                "msXmpWrite()", filename );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Compile our "xmp_*_namespace" regex */
  if ( regcomp(&xmp_regex, xmp_ns_str, regflags) ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                "Unable compile regex '%s'",
                "msXmpWrite()", xmp_ns_str );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Check all the keys for "xmp_*_namespace" pattern */
  key = msFirstKeyFromHashTable(&hash_metadata);

  /* No first key? No license info. We shouldn't get here. */
  if ( ! key )
    return MS_SUCCESS;

  do {
    /* Our regex has one match slot */
    regmatch_t matches[2];

    /* Found a custom namespace entry! Store it for later. */
    if ( 0 == regexec(&xmp_regex, key, 2, matches, 0) ) {
      size_t ns_size = 0;
      char *ns_name = NULL;
      const char *ns_uri;

      /* Copy in the namespace name */
      ns_size = matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so;
      ns_name = msSmallMalloc(ns_size + 1);
      memcpy(ns_name, key + matches[1].rm_so, ns_size);
      ns_name[ns_size] = 0; /* null terminate */

      /* Copy in the namespace uri */
      ns_uri = msLookupHashTable(&hash_metadata, key);
      msInsertHashTable(&hash_ns, ns_name, ns_uri);
      xmp_register_namespace(ns_uri, ns_name, NULL);
  } while( (key = msNextKeyFromHashTable(&hash_metadata, key)) );
  /* Clean up regex */

  /* Compile our "xmp_*_*" regex */
  if ( regcomp(&xmp_regex, xmp_tag_str, regflags) ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                "Unable compile regex '%s'",
                "msXmpWrite()", xmp_tag_str );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Check all the keys for "xmp_*_*" pattern */
  key = msFirstKeyFromHashTable(&hash_metadata);
  do {
    /* Our regex has two match slots */
    regmatch_t matches[3];

    /* Found a namespace entry! Write it into XMP. */
    if ( 0 == regexec(&xmp_regex, key, 3, matches, 0) ) {
      /* Get the namespace and tag name */
      size_t ns_name_size = matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so;
      size_t ns_tag_size = matches[2].rm_eo - matches[2].rm_so;
      char *ns_name = msSmallMalloc(ns_name_size + 1);
      char *ns_tag = msSmallMalloc(ns_tag_size + 1);
      const char *ns_uri = NULL;
      memcpy(ns_name, key + matches[1].rm_so, ns_name_size);
      memcpy(ns_tag, key + matches[2].rm_so, ns_tag_size);
      ns_name[ns_name_size] = 0; /* null terminate */
      ns_tag[ns_tag_size] = 0; /* null terminate */

      if ( strcmp(ns_tag,"namespace") == 0 ) {

      /* If this is a default name space?... */
      if ( (ns_uri = msXmpUri(ns_name)) ) {
        xmp_register_namespace(ns_uri, ns_name, NULL);
        xmp_set_property(xmp, ns_uri, ns_tag, msLookupHashTable(&hash_metadata, key), 0);
      /* Or maybe it's a custom one?... */
      else if ( (ns_uri = msLookupHashTable(&hash_ns, ns_name)) ) {
        xmp_set_property(xmp, ns_uri, ns_tag, msLookupHashTable(&hash_metadata, key), 0);
      /* Or perhaps we're screwed. */
      else {
        msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                    "Unable to identify XMP namespace '%s' in metadata key '%s'",
                    "msXmpWrite()", ns_name, key );
        return MS_FAILURE;
  } while( (key = msNextKeyFromHashTable(&hash_metadata, key)) );

  /* Clean up regex */

  /* Write out the XMP */
  if ( !xmp_files_put_xmp(f, xmp) ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                "Unable to execute '%s' on pointer %p",
                "msXmpWrite()", "xmp_files_put_xmp", f );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Write out the file and flush */
  if ( !xmp_files_close(f, XMP_CLOSE_SAFEUPDATE) ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                "Unable to execute '%s' on pointer %p",
                "msXmpWrite()", "xmp_files_close", f );
    return MS_FAILURE;


  return MS_SUCCESS;

  return MS_FAILURE;
** Extract Map File name from params and load it.
** Returns map object or NULL on error.
static mapObj*
msModuleLoadMap(mapservObj *mapserv, mapserver_dir_config *conf)
  int i;
  /* OK, here's the magic: we take the mapObj from our stored config.
   * We will use a copy of it created by msCopyMap since MapServer
   * modifies the object at several places during request processing
  mapObj *map = msNewMapObj ();
  if(!map) return NULL;
  msCopyMap (map, conf->map);

  /* check for any %variable% substitutions here, also do any map_ changes, we do this here so WMS/WFS  */
  /* services can take advantage of these "vendor specific" extensions */
  for(i=0; i<mapserv->request->NumParams; i++) {
    ** a few CGI variables should be skipped altogether
    ** qstring: there is separate per layer validation for attribute queries and the substitution checks
    **          below conflict with that so we avoid it here
    if(strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"qstring",7) == 0) continue;

    if(strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"map_",4) == 0 || strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"map.",4) == 0) { /* check to see if there are any additions to the mapfile */
      if(msUpdateMapFromURL(map, mapserv->request->ParamNames[i], mapserv->request->ParamValues[i]) != MS_SUCCESS) {
        return NULL;

  msApplySubstitutions(map, mapserv->request->ParamNames, mapserv->request->ParamValues, mapserv->request->NumParams);

  /* check to see if a ogc map context is passed as argument. if there */
  /* is one load it */

  for(i=0; i<mapserv->request->NumParams; i++) {
    if(strcasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamNames[i],"context") == 0) {
      if(mapserv->request->ParamValues[i] && strlen(mapserv->request->ParamValues[i]) > 0) {
        if(strncasecmp(mapserv->request->ParamValues[i],"http",4) == 0) {
          if(msGetConfigOption(map, "CGI_CONTEXT_URL"))
            msLoadMapContextURL(map, mapserv->request->ParamValues[i], MS_FALSE);
        } else
          msLoadMapContext(map, mapserv->request->ParamValues[i], MS_FALSE);
   * RFC-42 HTTP Cookie Forwarding
   * Here we set the http_cookie_data metadata to handle the
   * HTTP Cookie Forwarding. The content of this metadata is the cookie
   * content. In the future, this metadata will probably be replaced
   * by an object that is part of the mapObject that would contain
   * information on the application status (such as cookie).
  if( mapserv->request->httpcookiedata != NULL ) {
    msInsertHashTable( &(map->web.metadata), "http_cookie_data",
                       mapserv->request->httpcookiedata );

  return map;
const char* KmlRenderer::lookupPlacemarkStyle()
  char  lineHexColor[32];
  char  polygonHexColor[32];
  char  labelHexColor[32];
  char        *styleName=NULL;

  styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, "style");

  if (SymbologyFlag[Line]) {
      <LineStyle id="ID">
      <!-- inherited from ColorStyle -->
      <color>ffffffff</color>            <!-- kml:color -->
      <colorMode>normal</colorMode>      <!-- colorModeEnum: normal or random -->

      <!-- specific to LineStyle -->
      <width>1</width>                   <!-- float -->

    for (int i=0; i<numLineStyle; i++) {
      if (currentLayer && currentLayer->compositer && currentLayer->compositer->opacity > 0 && currentLayer->compositer->opacity < 100 &&
          LineStyle[i].color->alpha == 255)
        LineStyle[i].color->alpha = MS_NINT(currentLayer->compositer->opacity*2.55);

      sprintf(lineHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", LineStyle[i].color->alpha, LineStyle[0].color->blue,
              LineStyle[i].color->green, LineStyle[i].color->red);

      char lineStyleName[32];
      sprintf(lineStyleName, "_line_%s_w%.1f", lineHexColor, LineStyle[i].width);
      styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, lineStyleName);

  if (SymbologyFlag[Polygon]) {
      <PolyStyle id="ID">
      <!-- inherited from ColorStyle -->
      <color>ffffffff</color>            <!-- kml:color -->
      <colorMode>normal</colorMode>      <!-- kml:colorModeEnum: normal or random -->

      <!-- specific to PolyStyle -->
      <fill>1</fill>                     <!-- boolean -->
      <outline>1</outline>               <!-- boolean -->

    if (currentLayer && currentLayer->compositer && currentLayer->compositer->opacity > 0 && currentLayer->compositer->opacity < 100 &&
        PolygonColor.alpha == 255)
      PolygonColor.alpha = MS_NINT(currentLayer->compositer->opacity*2.55);
    sprintf(polygonHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", PolygonColor.alpha, PolygonColor.blue, PolygonColor.green, PolygonColor.red);

    char polygonStyleName[64];
    sprintf(polygonStyleName, "_polygon_%s", polygonHexColor);
    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, polygonStyleName);

  if (SymbologyFlag[Label]) {
      <LabelStyle id="ID">
      <!-- inherited from ColorStyle -->
      <color>ffffffff</color>            <!-- kml:color -->
      <colorMode>normal</colorMode>      <!-- kml:colorModeEnum: normal or random -->

      <!-- specific to LabelStyle -->
      <scale>1</scale>                   <!-- float -->

    if (currentLayer && currentLayer->compositer && currentLayer->compositer->opacity > 0 && currentLayer->compositer->opacity < 100 &&
        LabelColor.alpha == 255)
      LabelColor.alpha = MS_NINT(currentLayer->compositer->opacity*2.55);
    sprintf(labelHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", LabelColor.alpha, LabelColor.blue, LabelColor.green, LabelColor.red);

    // __TODO__ add label scale

    char labelStyleName[64];
    sprintf(labelStyleName, "_label_%s", labelHexColor);
    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, labelStyleName);

  if (SymbologyFlag[Symbol]) {
    <Style id="randomColorIcon">

    /* __TODO__ add label scale */

    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, "_");
    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, SymbolName);

  const char *styleUrl = msLookupHashTable(StyleHashTable, styleName);
  if (!styleUrl) {
    char *styleValue=NULL;
    styleValue = msStringConcatenate(styleValue, "#");
    styleValue = msStringConcatenate(styleValue, styleName);
    hashObj *hash = msInsertHashTable(StyleHashTable, styleName, styleValue);
    styleUrl = hash->data;

    /* Insert new Style node into Document node*/
    xmlNodePtr styleNode = xmlNewChild(DocNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Style", NULL);
    xmlNewProp(styleNode, BAD_CAST "id", BAD_CAST styleName);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Polygon]) {
      xmlNodePtr polyStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "PolyStyle", NULL);
      xmlNewChild(polyStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "color", BAD_CAST polygonHexColor);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Line]) {
      for (int i=0; i<numLineStyle; i++) {
        xmlNodePtr lineStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "LineStyle", NULL);
        sprintf(lineHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", LineStyle[i].color->alpha, LineStyle[i].color->blue,
                LineStyle[i].color->green, LineStyle[i].color->red);
        xmlNewChild(lineStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "color", BAD_CAST lineHexColor);

        char width[16];
        sprintf(width, "%.1f", LineStyle[i].width);
        xmlNewChild(lineStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "width", BAD_CAST width);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Symbol]) {
      xmlNodePtr iconStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "IconStyle", NULL);

      xmlNodePtr iconNode = xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Icon", NULL);
      xmlNewChild(iconNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "href", BAD_CAST SymbolUrl);

      /*char scale[16];
        sprintf(scale, "%.1f", style->scale);
        xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "scale", BAD_CAST scale);*/
    } else {
      const char *value=msLookupHashTable(&currentLayer->metadata, "kml_default_symbol_href");
      if (value && strlen(value) > 0) {
        xmlNodePtr iconStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "IconStyle", NULL);

        xmlNodePtr iconNode = xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Icon", NULL);
        xmlNewChild(iconNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "href", BAD_CAST value);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Label]) {
      xmlNodePtr labelStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "LabelStyle", NULL);
      xmlNewChild(labelStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "color", BAD_CAST labelHexColor);

      /*char scale[16];
        sprintf(scale, "%.1f", style->scale);
        xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "scale", BAD_CAST scale);*/

  if (styleName)

  return styleUrl;