// <factor> ::= <variable> // | <constant> // | ( <expression> ) // | NOT <factor> // <variable> ::= <simple variable> // | <index variable> // <simple variable> ::= <identifier of variable> // <index variable> ::= <variable array> [ <expression> ] // <variable array> ::= <simple variable> // <identifier of variable> ::= <identifier> // <constant> ::= <intconst> // | <charconst> // | <identifier of constant> // <identifier of constant> ::= <identifier> void SyntaxAnalyzer::factor() { switch (symbol) { case ident: variable(); break; case intconst: case charconst: // @todo - conflict // case ident: nextsymbol(); break; case leftparent: accept(leftparent); expression(); accept(rightparent); break; case notop: nextsymbol(); factor(); default: //@todo - what error ? break; } } // factor( )
// <simple expression> ::= <sign><term> { <operator plus><term> } // <sign> ::= + | - | <empty> // <operator plus> ::= + | - | OR void SyntaxAnalyzer::simpleExpression() { if (symbol == plus || symbol == minus) { nextsymbol(); } term(); while (symbol == plus || symbol == minus || symbol == orop) { nextsymbol(); term(); } } // simpleexpression( )
void SyntaxAnalyzer::skipto(std::set<symboltype> &relevantsymbols) { while (relevantsymbols.find(symbol) == relevantsymbols.end()) { nextsymbol(); //std::cout << "skip: " << symbol << "\n"; } }
// <relation operator> ::= = | <> | < | <= | >= | > void SyntaxAnalyzer::relationOperator() { if(relOps.find(symbol) != relOps.end()) { nextsymbol(); } else { error(51, symbolposition); } }
// <term> ::= <factor> { <operator multiply><factor> } // <operator multiply> ::= * | DIV | AND void SyntaxAnalyzer::term() { factor(); while (symbol == times || symbol == divop || symbol == andop) { nextsymbol(); factor(); } } // term( )
void getenc(encoding ev, int width[256]) { int i, SCMseen, Ccnt, wx, cc; FILE *afm; char *name, ns; for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { ev[i] = NULL; width[i] = -1000; } if (encfile) { enc = fopen(encfile, "r"); if (enc == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", encfile); if (nextsymbol() != '/') fatal("missing '/encoding' in %s\n", encfile); if (nextsymbol() != '[') fatal("missing '[' in %s\n", encfile); i = 0; while (i < 256 && (ns = nextsymbol()) == '/') { name = string(pline); if (strcmp(name, ".notdef") == 0) { i++; remove_string(); continue; } addcc(name, i++); } if (i != 256) fatal("missing %d symbols in %s\n", 256-i, encfile); if (nextsymbol() != ']') fatal("missing ']' in %s\n", encfile); fclose(enc); } afm = fopen(afmfile, "r"); if (afm == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", afmfile); SCMseen = 0; Ccnt = 0; while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm)) if (strncmp(line, "StartCharMetrics", 16) == 0) { SCMseen = 1; break; } if (SCMseen == 0) fatal("%s: no valid AFM file\n", afmfile); while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm)) { if (strncmp(line, "EndCharMetrics", 14) == 0) break; if (strncmp(line, "C ", 2) != 0) fatal("%s: unexpected line\n", afmfile); /* Gracefully terminate when the AFM file is not valid. Every line */ /* in the AFM file should specify a "C"haracter, a "WX"idth, and */ /* a "N"ame. (ndw) */ pline = value_after(line, "C"); if (pline == NULL) fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no char):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line); cc = decimal(pline); pline = value_after(pline, "WX"); if (pline == NULL) fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no width):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line); wx = decimal(pline); pline = value_after(pline, "N"); if (pline == NULL) fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no name):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line); name = string(pline); if (encfile) { if ((i = getcc(name)) == -1) { remove_string(); continue; } do { /* allow more occurences per name */ ev[i] = name; width[i] = wx; i = getcc(name); } while (i >= 0); } else if (cc >= 0 && cc <= 255) { /* ndw: 10/13/92 */ ev[cc] = name; width[cc] = wx; } else if (cc > 255) printf("Char code %d ignored (out of range).\n", cc); Ccnt++; } if (Ccnt == 0) fatal("%s: no characters selected\n", afmfile); }
void getenc(char **fontname, char **encname, encoding ev, int width[256]) { int i, len, SCMseen, Ccnt, wx, cc; FILE *afm; char *name, ns; for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { ev[i] = NULL; width[i] = -1000; } if (encfile) { enc = fopen(encfile, "r"); if (enc == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", encfile); if (nextsymbol() != '/') fatal("missing '/encoding' in %s\n", encfile); *encname = nextpsname(); if (nextsymbol() != '[') fatal("missing '[' in %s\n", encfile); i = 0; while (i < 256 && (ns = nextsymbol()) == '/') { name = my_string(pline); if (strcmp(name, ".notdef") == 0) { i++; remove_string(); continue; } addcc(name, i++); } if (i != 256) fatal("missing %d symbols in %s\n", 256-i, encfile); if (nextsymbol() != ']') fatal("missing ']' in %s\n", encfile); fclose(enc); } afm = fopen(afmfile, "r"); if (afm == NULL) fatal("Can't open %s\n", afmfile); /* * Scan header of AFM file and take the FontName and EncodingScheme * (used for identification purposes in the PK postamble) * Stop after reading `StartCharMetrics'. */ SCMseen = 0; Ccnt = 0; while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm)) { if (strncmp(line, "FontName", 8) == 0) { pline = value_after(line, "FontName"); len = strlen(pline); if (*(pline+len-1) == '\n') { *(pline+len-1) = '\0'; len--; } *fontname = malloc(len + 1); if (*fontname == NULL) fatal("Out of memory\n"); strcpy(*fontname, pline); } else if (encname == NULL && strncmp(line, "EncodingScheme", 8) == 0) { pline = value_after(line, "EncodingScheme"); len = strlen(pline); if (*(pline+len-1) == '\n') { *(pline+len-1) = '\0'; len--; } *encname = malloc(len + 1); if (*encname == NULL) fatal("Out of memory\n"); strcpy(*encname, pline); } else if (strncmp(line, "StartCharMetrics", 16) == 0) { SCMseen = 1; break; } } if (SCMseen == 0) fatal("%s: no metrics info\n", afmfile); while (fgets(line, LINEBUF-1, afm)) { if (strncmp(line, "EndCharMetrics", 14) == 0) break; if (strncmp(line, "C ", 2) != 0) fatal("%s: unexpected line\n", afmfile); /* Gracefully terminate when the AFM file is not valid. Every line */ /* in the AFM file should specify a "C"haracter, a "WX"idth, and */ /* a "N"ame. (ndw) */ pline = value_after(line, "C"); if (pline == NULL) fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no char):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line); cc = decimal(pline); pline = value_after(pline, "WX"); if (pline == NULL) fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no width):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line); wx = decimal(pline); pline = value_after(pline, "N"); if (pline == NULL) fatal("\nBad char metric in %s (no name):\n\t %s\n", afmfile, line); name = my_string(pline); if (encfile) { if ((i = getcc(name)) == -1) { remove_string(); continue; } do { /* allow more occurences per name */ ev[i] = name; width[i] = wx; i = getcc(name); } while (i >= 0); } else if (cc >= 0 && cc <= 255) { /* ndw: 10/13/92 */ ev[cc] = name; width[cc] = wx; } else if (cc > 255) msg("Char code %d ignored (out of range).\n", cc); Ccnt++; } if (Ccnt == 0) fatal("%s: no characters selected\n", afmfile); }
void SyntaxAnalyzer::accept(symboltype symbolexpected) { symbol == symbolexpected ? nextsymbol() : syntaxerror(symbolexpected); } // accept( )