AudioBus* AudioNodeInput::pull(AudioBus* inPlaceBus, size_t framesToProcess)

    // Handle single connection case.
    if (numberOfRenderingConnections() == 1 && node()->internalChannelCountMode() == AudioNode::Max) {
        // The output will optimize processing using inPlaceBus if it's able.
        AudioNodeOutput* output = this->renderingOutput(0);
        return output->pull(inPlaceBus, framesToProcess);

    AudioBus* internalSummingBus = this->internalSummingBus();

    if (!numberOfRenderingConnections()) {
        // At least, generate silence if we're not connected to anything.
        // FIXME: if we wanted to get fancy, we could propagate a 'silent hint' here to optimize the downstream graph processing.
        return internalSummingBus;

    // Handle multiple connections case.
    sumAllConnections(internalSummingBus, framesToProcess);
    return internalSummingBus;
void AudioNodeInput::sumAllConnections(AudioBus* summingBus, size_t framesToProcess)

    // We shouldn't be calling this method if there's only one connection, since it's less efficient.
    ASSERT(numberOfRenderingConnections() > 1 || node()->internalChannelCountMode() != AudioNode::Max);

    if (!summingBus)

    AudioBus::ChannelInterpretation interpretation = node()->internalChannelInterpretation();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfRenderingConnections(); ++i) {
        AudioNodeOutput* output = renderingOutput(i);

        // Render audio from this output.
        AudioBus* connectionBus = output->pull(0, framesToProcess);

        // Sum, with unity-gain.
        summingBus->sumFrom(*connectionBus, interpretation);
Exemple #3
void PannerNode::notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(ContextRenderLock& r, AudioNode* node)
    if (!node)
    // First check if this node is an AudioBufferSourceNode. If so, let it know about us so that doppler shift pitch can be taken into account.
    if (node->nodeType() == NodeTypeAudioBufferSource) 
        AudioBufferSourceNode* bufferSourceNode = reinterpret_cast<AudioBufferSourceNode*>(node);
        // Go through all inputs to this node.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node->numberOfInputs(); ++i)
            auto input = node->input(i);

            // For each input, go through all of its connections, looking for AudioBufferSourceNodes.
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < input->numberOfRenderingConnections(r); ++j) 
                auto connectedOutput = input->renderingOutput(r, j);
                AudioNode* connectedNode = connectedOutput->node();
                notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode(r, connectedNode); // recurse
Exemple #4
void AudioParam::calculateFinalValues(ContextRenderLock& r, float* values, unsigned numberOfValues, bool sampleAccurate)
    bool isSafe = r.context() && values && numberOfValues;
    if (!isSafe)

    // The calculated result will be the "intrinsic" value summed with all audio-rate connections.

    if (sampleAccurate) {
        // Calculate sample-accurate (a-rate) intrinsic values.
        calculateTimelineValues(r, values, numberOfValues);
    else {
        // Calculate control-rate (k-rate) intrinsic value.
        bool hasValue;
        float timelineValue = m_timeline.valueForContextTime(r, narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_value), hasValue);

        if (hasValue)
            m_value = timelineValue;

        values[0] = narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_value);
    // if there are rendering connections, be sure they are ready
    size_t connectionCount = numberOfRenderingConnections(r);
    if (!connectionCount)

    // Now sum all of the audio-rate connections together (unity-gain summing junction).
    // Note that parameter connections would normally be mono, so mix down to mono if necessary.
    // LabSound: For some reason a bus was temporarily created here and the results discarded.
    // Bug still exists in WebKit top of tree.
    if (m_data->m_internalSummingBus && m_data->m_internalSummingBus->length() < numberOfValues)
    if (!m_data->m_internalSummingBus)
        m_data->m_internalSummingBus.reset(new AudioBus(1, numberOfValues));

    // point the summing bus at the values array
    m_data->m_internalSummingBus->setChannelMemory(0, values, numberOfValues);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < connectionCount; ++i) {
        auto output = renderingOutput(r, i);
        if (!output)

        // Render audio from this output.
        AudioBus* connectionBus = output->pull(r, 0, AudioNode::ProcessingSizeInFrames);

        // Sum, with unity-gain.
AudioBus* AudioNodeInput::bus()

    // Handle single connection specially to allow for in-place processing.
    if (numberOfRenderingConnections() == 1 && node()->internalChannelCountMode() == AudioNode::Max)
        return renderingOutput(0)->bus();

    // Multiple connections case or complex ChannelCountMode (or no connections).
    return internalSummingBus();
Exemple #6
AudioBus* AudioNodeInput::bus() {

  // Handle single connection specially to allow for in-place processing.
  if (numberOfRenderingConnections() == 1 &&
      handler().internalChannelCountMode() == AudioHandler::Max)
    return renderingOutput(0)->bus();

  // Multiple connections case or complex ChannelCountMode (or no connections).
  return internalSummingBus();
Exemple #7
unsigned AudioNodeInput::numberOfRenderingChannels()

    // Find the number of channels of the rendering connection with the largest number of channels.
    unsigned maxChannels = 1; // one channel is the minimum allowed

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfRenderingConnections(); ++i)
        maxChannels = max(maxChannels, renderingOutput(i)->bus()->numberOfChannels());
    return maxChannels;
void AudioParam::calculateFinalValues(float* values, unsigned numberOfValues, bool sampleAccurate)
    bool isGood = context() && context()->isAudioThread() && values && numberOfValues;
    if (!isGood)

    // The calculated result will be the "intrinsic" value summed with all audio-rate connections.

    if (sampleAccurate) {
        // Calculate sample-accurate (a-rate) intrinsic values.
        calculateTimelineValues(values, numberOfValues);
    } else {
        // Calculate control-rate (k-rate) intrinsic value.
        bool hasValue;
        float timelineValue = m_timeline.valueForContextTime(context(), narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_value), hasValue);

        if (hasValue)
            m_value = timelineValue;

        values[0] = narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_value);

    // Now sum all of the audio-rate connections together (unity-gain summing junction).
    // Note that connections would normally be mono, but we mix down to mono if necessary.
    RefPtr<AudioBus> summingBus = AudioBus::create(1, numberOfValues, false);
    summingBus->setChannelMemory(0, values, numberOfValues);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfRenderingConnections(); ++i) {
        AudioNodeOutput* output = renderingOutput(i);

        // Render audio from this output.
        AudioBus* connectionBus = output->pull(0, AudioNode::ProcessingSizeInFrames);

        // Sum, with unity-gain.