std::string CVProjectUtil::WriteQc(
	const std::string &file,
	unsigned int qcFlags,
	const std::list< std::string > &qcStuff )
	// Get the pathname for the Qc file
	const std::string qc( Qc( file ) );
	const std::string dir( DirName( qc ) );

	if ( _access( qc.c_str(), 00 ) == 0 )
		merr << "Cannot overwrite destination qc: " << qc << std::endl;
		return "";

	CreateDirectoryEx( Prefix().c_str(), dir.c_str(), NULL );

	std::ofstream os( qc.c_str() );
	if ( !os )
		merr << "Couldn't write to qc: " << qc << std::endl;
		return "";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcYUp )
		os << "$upaxis Y\n\n";
	else if ( qcFlags & kQcZUp )
		os << "$upaxis Z\n\n";
	else if ( qcFlags & kQcXUp )
		os << "$upaxis X\n\n";

	if ( m_path.length() )
		os << "$cdmaterials " << Path() << "\n\n";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcCollapseBones )
		os << "$collapsebones\n\n";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcCenterBonesOnVerts )
		os << "$centerbonesonverts\n\n";

	if ( qcFlags & kQcSkipBoneInBBox )
		os << "$skipboneinbbox\n\n";

	std::copy( qcStuff.begin(), qcStuff.end(), std::ostream_iterator< std::string >( os, "\n" ) );

	// TODO: Ask for relative names...
	os << "\n";
	os << "$modelname " << ( m_path.empty() ? "" : m_path + "/" ) << File( file ) << ".mdl\n";
	os << "\n";
	os << "$model " << File( file ) << " \"" << File( file ) << ".smd\" {\n";
	os << "}\n";
	os << "\n";
	os << "$sequence idle \"" << File( file ) << ".smd\"" << std::endl;
	os << "\n";


	return qc;
Exemple #2
std::string CraftOutput::dump() const
	std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
	os << "(item=\"" << item << "\", time=" << time << ")";
	return os.str();
Exemple #3
  void LLVMState::run(STATE) {
    state_ = state;

    GCTokenImpl gct;
    JITCompileRequest* compile_request = nil<JITCompileRequest>();
    OnStack<1> os(state, compile_request);

    state->gc_dependent(gct, 0);

    bool show_machine_code_ = jit_dump_code() & cMachineCode;

    while(!thread_exit_) {

      current_compiler_ = 0;

        GCIndependent guard(state, 0);

          utilities::thread::Mutex::LockGuard lg(compile_lock_);

          while(compile_list_.get()->empty_p()) {

            if(thread_exit_) break;

      if(thread_exit_) break;

        utilities::thread::Mutex::LockGuard guard(request_lock_);

        compile_request = try_as<JITCompileRequest>(compile_list_.get()->shift(state));
        if(!compile_request || compile_request->nil_p()) continue;

      utilities::thread::Condition* cond = compile_request->waiter();

      // Don't proceed until requester has reached the wait_cond
      if(cond) wait_mutex.lock();

      Context ctx(this);
      jit::Compiler jit(&ctx);

      current_compiler_ = &jit;

      uint32_t class_id = 0;
      uint32_t serial_id = 0;
      void* func = 0;

      try {
        if(compile_request->receiver_class() &&
            !compile_request->receiver_class()->nil_p()) {
          // Apparently already compiled, probably some race
                compile_request->receiver_class())) {
            if(config().jit_show_compiling) {
              CompiledCode* code = compile_request->method();
              llvm::outs() << "[[[ JIT already compiled "
                        << enclosure_name(code) << "#" << symbol_debug_str(code->name())
                        << (compile_request->is_block() ? " (block)" : " (method)")
                        << " ]]]\n";

            // If someone was waiting on this, wake them up.
            if(cond) {

            current_compiler_ = 0;


          class_id = compile_request->receiver_class()->class_id();
          serial_id = compile_request->receiver_class()->serial_id();

          timer::StopWatch<timer::microseconds> timer(


          bool indy = !config().jit_sync;
          func = jit.generate_function(indy);

        // We were unable to compile this function, likely
        // because it's got something we don't support.
        if(!func) {
          if(config().jit_show_compiling) {
            CompiledCode* code = compile_request->method();
            llvm::outs() << "[[[ JIT error background compiling "
                      << enclosure_name(code) << "#" << symbol_debug_str(code->name())
                      << (compile_request->is_block() ? " (block)" : " (method)")
                      << " ]]]\n";
          // If someone was waiting on this, wake them up.
          if(cond) {

          current_compiler_ = 0;

      } catch(LLVMState::CompileError& e) {
        utilities::logger::info("JIT: compile error: %s", e.error());


        // If someone was waiting on this, wake them up.
        if(cond) {
        current_compiler_ = 0;


      if(show_machine_code_) {

      // If the method has had jit'ing request disabled since we started
      // JIT'ing it, discard our work.
      if(!compile_request->machine_code()->jit_disabled()) {

        jit::RuntimeDataHolder* rd = ctx.runtime_data_holder();


        if(!compile_request->is_block()) {
          if(class_id) {
                class_id, serial_id, reinterpret_cast<executor>(func), rd);
          } else {
            compile_request->method()->set_unspecialized(reinterpret_cast<executor>(func), rd);
        } else {
          compile_request->method()->set_unspecialized(reinterpret_cast<executor>(func), rd);



        rd->run_write_barrier(shared().om, compile_request->method());

        if(config().jit_show_compiling) {
          CompiledCode* code = compile_request->method();
          llvm::outs() << "[[[ JIT finished background compiling "
                    << enclosure_name(code) << "#" << symbol_debug_str(code->name())
                    << (compile_request->is_block() ? " (block)" : " (method)")
                    << " ]]]\n";

      // If someone was waiting on this, wake them up.
      if(cond) {

      current_compiler_ = 0;
int test_main(int, char*[])
#if !defined __BORLANDC__
    fs::path const tmpdir(fs::complete("/tmp"));
#endif // !defined __BORLANDC__

    std::string filename0("/tmp/eraseme");

    std::ofstream os(filename0.c_str(), ios_out_trunc_binary());

        << "a=a\n"
        << "No equal sign--line should be ignored.\n"
        << "\n"
        << "b=b\n"
        << "c=\n"
        << "d==\n"
        << "e=1=.\n"
        << "f= f \r\n"
        << "this=a test\n"
        << "z=2\n"
        << "y=-3.142\n"
        << "x=2.718 \n"
        << "w= 2.718\n"
        << "v= 2.718 \n"
        << "u=\n"
        << "t= \n"
        << "s=       \n"

    name_value_pairs n_v_pairs_0(filename0);
    std::map<std::string, std::string> m0 = n_v_pairs_0.map();
    BOOST_TEST(0 == std::remove(filename0.c_str()));

    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL(15, m0.size());

    // Test string_value().

    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL("a"     , n_v_pairs_0.string_value("a"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL("b"     , n_v_pairs_0.string_value("b"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL(""      , n_v_pairs_0.string_value("c"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL("="     , n_v_pairs_0.string_value("d"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL("1=."   , n_v_pairs_0.string_value("e"));
#ifndef LMI_MSW
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL(" f \r" , n_v_pairs_0.string_value("f"));
#else  // LMI_MSW
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL(" f "   , n_v_pairs_0.string_value("f"));
#endif // LMI_MSW
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL("a test", n_v_pairs_0.string_value("this"));

    // Test numeric_value().

    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL( 2.0    , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("z"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL(-3.142  , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("y"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL( 2.718  , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("x"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL( 2.718  , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("w"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL( 2.718  , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("v"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL( 0.0    , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("u"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL( 0.0    , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("t"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL( 0.0    , n_v_pairs_0.numeric_value("s"));

    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL("2.718" , n_v_pairs_0.string_numeric_value("v"));
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL("0"     , n_v_pairs_0.string_numeric_value("s"));

    std::string filename1("/tmp/nonexistent_name_value_pairs_test_file");
    name_value_pairs n_v_pairs_1(filename1);
    std::map<std::string, std::string> m1 = n_v_pairs_1.map();
    BOOST_TEST_EQUAL(0, m1.size());

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #5
  Object* Channel::receive_timeout(STATE, GCToken gct, Object* duration, CallFrame* call_frame) {
    // Passing control away means that the GC might run. So we need
    // to stash this into a root, and read it back out again after
    // control is returned.
    // DO NOT USE this AFTER wait().

    // We have to do this because we can't pass this to OnStack, since C++
    // won't let us reassign it.

    Channel* self = this;
    OnStack<2> os(state, self, duration);

    GCLockGuard lg(state, gct, call_frame, mutex_);

    if(self->semaphore_count_ > 0) {
      return cNil;

    if(!self->value_->empty_p()) return self->value_->shift(state);

    // Otherwise, we need to wait for a value.
    struct timespec ts = {0,0};
    bool use_timed_wait = true;

    if(Fixnum* fix = try_as<Fixnum>(duration)) {
      ts.tv_sec = fix->to_native();
    } else if(Float* flt = try_as<Float>(duration)) {
      uint64_t nano = (uint64_t)(flt->val * NANOSECONDS);
      ts.tv_sec  =  (time_t)(nano / NANOSECONDS);
      ts.tv_nsec =    (long)(nano % NANOSECONDS);
    } else if(duration->nil_p()) {
      use_timed_wait = false;
    } else {
      return Primitives::failure();

    // We pin this so we can pass condition_ out without worrying about
    // us moving it.
    if(!self->pin()) {
      rubinius::bug("unable to pin Channel");

    struct timeval tv = {0,0};
    if(use_timed_wait) {
      gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
      uint64_t nano = ts.tv_nsec + tv.tv_usec * 1000;
      ts.tv_sec  += tv.tv_sec + nano / NANOSECONDS;
      ts.tv_nsec  = nano % NANOSECONDS;

    // We lock to manipulate the wait condition on the VM* so that
    // we can sync up properly with another thread trying to wake us
    // up right as we're trying to go to sleep.
    state->lock(gct, call_frame);

    if(!state->check_async(call_frame)) {
      return NULL;




    bool exception = false;

    for(;;) {
        GCIndependent gc_guard(state, call_frame);

        if(use_timed_wait) {
          if(self->condition_.wait_until(self->mutex_, &ts) == utilities::thread::cTimedOut) break;
        } else {

      // or there are values available.
      if(self->semaphore_count_ > 0 || !self->value()->empty_p()) break;
      if(!state->check_async(call_frame)) {
        exception = true;

    state->vm()->thread->sleep(state, cFalse);


    if(exception || !state->check_async(call_frame)) return NULL;

    if(self->semaphore_count_ > 0) {
      return cNil;

    // We were awoken, but there is no value to use. Return false.
    if(self->value()->empty_p()) return cFalse;

    return self->value()->shift(state);
Exemple #6
int main( int argc, char * * argv )
	// initialize memory managers

	// intialize RNG
	srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) );


	bool coreOnly = false;
	bool fullscreen = true;
	bool exitAfterImport = false;
	bool allowRoot = false;
	bool renderLoop = false;
	bool renderTracks = false;
	QString fileToLoad, fileToImport, renderOut, profilerOutputFile, configFile;

	// first of two command-line parsing stages
	for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
		QString arg = argv[i];

		if( arg == "--help"    || arg == "-h" ||
		    arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" ||
		    arg == "--render"  || arg == "-r" )
			coreOnly = true;
		else if( arg == "--rendertracks" )
			coreOnly = true;
			renderTracks = true;
		else if( arg == "--allowroot" )
			allowRoot = true;
		else if( arg == "--geometry" || arg == "-geometry")
			if( arg == "--geometry" )
				// Delete the first "-" so Qt recognize the option
				strcpy(argv[i], "-geometry");
			// option -geometry is filtered by Qt later,
			// so we need to check its presence now to
			// determine, if the application should run in
			// fullscreen mode (default, no -geometry given).
			fullscreen = false;

#ifndef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32
	if ( ( getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0 ) && !allowRoot )
		printf( "LMMS cannot be run as root.\nUse \"--allowroot\" to override.\n\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	QCoreApplication * app = coreOnly ?
			new QCoreApplication( argc, argv ) :
					new QApplication( argc, argv ) ;

	Mixer::qualitySettings qs( Mixer::qualitySettings::Mode_HighQuality );
	ProjectRenderer::OutputSettings os( 44100, false, 160,
						ProjectRenderer::Depth_16Bit );
	ProjectRenderer::ExportFileFormats eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile;

	// second of two command-line parsing stages
	for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
		QString arg = argv[i];

		if( arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" )
			printVersion( argv[0] );
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--help" || arg  == "-h" )
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--upgrade" || arg == "-u" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			DataFile dataFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) );

			if( argc > i+1 ) // output file specified
				dataFile.writeFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i+1] ) );
			else // no output file specified; use stdout
				QTextStream ts( stdout );
				dataFile.write( ts );
				fflush( stdout );

			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--allowroot" )
			// Ignore, processed earlier
			if( allowRoot )
				printf( "\nOption \"--allowroot\" will be ignored on this platform.\n\n" );
		else if( arg == "--dump" || arg == "-d" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			QFile f( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) );
			f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
			QString d = qUncompress( f.readAll() );
			printf( "%s\n", d.toUtf8().constData() );

			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" || arg == "--rendertracks" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );
			renderOut = fileToLoad;
		else if( arg == "--loop" || arg == "-l" )
			renderLoop = true;
		else if( arg == "--output" || arg == "-o" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo output file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			renderOut = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );
		else if( arg == "--format" || arg == "-f" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo output format specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			const QString ext = QString( argv[i] );

			if( ext == "wav" )
				eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile;
			else if( ext == "ogg" )
				eff = ProjectRenderer::OggFile;
				printf( "\nInvalid output format %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--samplerate" || arg == "-s" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo samplerate specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			sample_rate_t sr = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt();
			if( sr >= 44100 && sr <= 192000 )
				os.samplerate = sr;
				printf( "\nInvalid samplerate %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--bitrate" || arg == "-b" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo bitrate specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			int br = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt();

			if( br >= 64 && br <= 384 )
				os.bitrate = br;
				printf( "\nInvalid bitrate %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg =="--float" || arg == "-a" )
			os.depth = ProjectRenderer::Depth_32Bit;
		else if( arg == "--interpolation" || arg == "-i" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo interpolation method specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			const QString ip = QString( argv[i] );

			if( ip == "linear" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_Linear;
			else if( ip == "sincfastest" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincFastest;
			else if( ip == "sincmedium" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincMedium;
			else if( ip == "sincbest" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincBest;
				printf( "\nInvalid interpolation method %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--oversampling" || arg == "-x" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo oversampling specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			int o = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt();

			switch( o )
				case 1:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_None;
				case 2:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_2x;
				case 4:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_4x;
				case 8:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_8x;
				printf( "\nInvalid oversampling %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--import" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo file specified for importing.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			fileToImport = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );

			// exit after import? (only for debugging)
			if( QString( argv[i + 1] ) == "-e" )
				exitAfterImport = true;
		else if( arg == "--profile" || arg == "-p" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo profile specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			profilerOutputFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );
		else if( arg == "--config" || arg == "-c" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo configuration file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			configFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );
			if( argv[i][0] == '-' )
				printf( "\nInvalid option %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );

	// Test file argument before continuing
	if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() )
		fileCheck( fileToLoad );
	else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() )
		fileCheck( fileToImport );


	// set language
	QString pos = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", "language" );
	if( pos.isEmpty() )
		pos = QLocale::system().name().left( 2 );

#define QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ConfigManager::inst()->localeDir()

	// load translation for Qt-widgets/-dialogs
	loadTranslation( QString( "qt_" ) + pos,
					QString( QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ) );
	// load actual translation for LMMS
	loadTranslation( pos );

	// try to set realtime priority
#ifndef __OpenBSD__
	struct sched_param sparam;
	sparam.sched_priority = ( sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO ) +
				sched_get_priority_min( SCHED_FIFO ) ) / 2;
	if( sched_setscheduler( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &sparam ) == -1 )
		printf( "Notice: could not set realtime priority.\n" );

	if( !SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) )
		printf( "Notice: could not set high priority.\n" );

	struct sigaction sa;
	sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
	sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
	if ( sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "Signal initialization failed.\n" );
	if ( sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "Signal initialization failed.\n" );

	bool destroyEngine = false;

	// if we have an output file for rendering, just render the song
	// without starting the GUI
	if( !renderOut.isEmpty() )
		Engine::init( true );
		destroyEngine = true;

		printf( "Loading project...\n" );
		Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad );
		if( Engine::getSong()->isEmpty() )
			printf("The project %s is empty, aborting!\n", fileToLoad.toUtf8().constData() );
			exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
		printf( "Done\n" );

		Engine::getSong()->setExportLoop( renderLoop );

		// when rendering multiple tracks, renderOut is a directory
		// otherwise, it is a file, so we need to append the file extension
		if ( !renderTracks )
			renderOut = baseName( renderOut ) +

		// create renderer
		RenderManager * r = new RenderManager( qs, os, eff, renderOut );
		QCoreApplication::instance()->connect( r,
				SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( quit() ) );

		// timer for progress-updates
		QTimer * t = new QTimer( r );
		r->connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
				SLOT( updateConsoleProgress() ) );
		t->start( 200 );

		if( profilerOutputFile.isEmpty() == false )
			Engine::mixer()->profiler().setOutputFile( profilerOutputFile );

		// start now!
		if ( renderTracks )
	else // otherwise, start the GUI
		new GuiApplication();

		// re-intialize RNG - shared libraries might have srand() or
		// srandom() calls in their init procedure
		srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) );

		// recover a file?
		QString recoveryFile = ConfigManager::inst()->recoveryFile();

		bool recoveryFilePresent = QFileInfo( recoveryFile ).exists() &&
				QFileInfo( recoveryFile ).isFile();
		bool autoSaveEnabled =
			ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui", "enableautosave" ).toInt();
		if( recoveryFilePresent )
			QMessageBox mb;
			mb.setWindowTitle( MainWindow::tr( "Project recovery" ) );
			mb.setText( QString(
				"<p style=\"margin-left:6\">%1</p>"
				"<table cellpadding=\"3\">"
				"  <tr>"
				"    <td><b>%2</b></td>"
				"    <td>%3</td>"
				"  </tr>"
				"  <tr>"
				"    <td><b>%4</b></td>"
				"    <td>%5</td>"
				"  </tr>"
				"  <tr>"
				"    <td><b>%6</b></td>"
				"    <td>%7</td>"
				"  </tr>"
				"</html>" ).arg(
				MainWindow::tr( "There is a recovery file present. "
					"It looks like the last session did not end "
					"properly or another instance of LMMS is "
					"already running. Do you want to recover the "
					"project of this session?" ),
				MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ),
				MainWindow::tr( "Recover the file. Please don't run "
					"multiple instances of LMMS when you do this." ),
				MainWindow::tr( "Ignore" ),
				MainWindow::tr( "Launch LMMS as usual but with "
					"automatic backup disabled to prevent the "
					"present recover file from being overwritten." ),
				MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ),
				MainWindow::tr( "Launch a default session and delete "
					"the restored files. This is not reversible." )
							) );

			mb.setIcon( QMessageBox::Warning );
			mb.setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "icon" ) );
			mb.setWindowFlags( Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint );

			QPushButton * recover;
			QPushButton * discard;
			QPushButton * ignore;
			QPushButton * exit;
			#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
				// setting all buttons to the same roles allows us 
				// to have a custom layout
				discard = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ),
									QMessageBox::AcceptRole );
				ignore = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Ignore" ),
									QMessageBox::AcceptRole );
				recover = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ),
									QMessageBox::AcceptRole );

			# else 
				// in qt4 the button order is reversed
				recover = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ),
									QMessageBox::AcceptRole );
				ignore = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Ignore" ),
									QMessageBox::AcceptRole );
				discard = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ),
									QMessageBox::AcceptRole );

			// have a hidden exit button
			exit = mb.addButton( "", QMessageBox::RejectRole);
			// set icons
			recover->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "recover" ) );
			discard->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "discard" ) );
			ignore->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "ignore" ) );

			mb.setDefaultButton( recover );
			mb.setEscapeButton( exit );

			if( mb.clickedButton() == discard )
			else if( mb.clickedButton() == recover ) // Recover
				fileToLoad = recoveryFile;
				gui->mainWindow()->setSession( MainWindow::SessionState::Recover );
			else if( mb.clickedButton() == ignore )
				if( autoSaveEnabled )
					gui->mainWindow()->setSession( MainWindow::SessionState::Limited );
			else // Exit
				return 0;

		// first show the Main Window and then try to load given file

		// [Settel] workaround: showMaximized() doesn't work with
		// FVWM2 unless the window is already visible -> show() first
		if( fullscreen )

		if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() )
			if( fileToLoad == recoveryFile )
				Engine::getSong()->createNewProjectFromTemplate( fileToLoad );
				Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad );
		else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() )
			ImportFilter::import( fileToImport, Engine::getSong() );
			if( exitAfterImport )
				return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		// If enabled, open last project if there is one. Else, create
		// a new one. Also skip recently opened file if limited session to
		// lower the chance of opening an already opened file.
		else if( ConfigManager::inst()->
				value( "app", "openlastproject" ).toInt() &&
				recentlyOpenedProjects().isEmpty() &&
			gui->mainWindow()->getSession() !=
				MainWindow::SessionState::Limited )
			QString f = ConfigManager::inst()->
			QFileInfo recentFile( f );

			if ( recentFile.exists() )
				Engine::getSong()->loadProject( f );

		// Finally we start the auto save timer and also trigger the
		// autosave one time as recover.mmp is a signal to possible other
		// instances of LMMS.
		if( autoSaveEnabled &&
			gui->mainWindow()->getSession() != MainWindow::SessionState::Limited )

	const int ret = app->exec();
	delete app;

	if( destroyEngine )

	// cleanup memory managers

	// ProjectRenderer::updateConsoleProgress() doesn't return line after render
	if( coreOnly )
		printf( "\n" );

	return ret;
int test_main( int /* argc */, char* /* argv */[] )
    const char * testfile = boost::archive::tmpnam(NULL);
    BOOST_REQUIRE(NULL != testfile);

    std::list<A *> alist;
        test_ostream os(testfile, TEST_STREAM_FLAGS);
        test_oarchive oa(os, TEST_ARCHIVE_FLAGS);
        A * free_a_ptr = new A;
        alist.push_back(new A);
        // verify that first element is the same as the free pointer
        BOOST_CHECK((*alist.begin()) == free_a_ptr);
        oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("alist", alist);
        oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("free_a_ptr", free_a_ptr);
    std::list<A *> alist1;
        test_istream is(testfile, TEST_STREAM_FLAGS);
        test_iarchive ia(is, TEST_ARCHIVE_FLAGS);
        A * free_a_ptr1;
        ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("alist", alist1);
        ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("free_a_ptr", free_a_ptr1);
            alist.size() == alist1.size() 
            && std::equal(alist.begin(),alist.end(),alist1.begin(),ptr_equal_to<A *>())
        // verify that first element is the same as the free pointer
        BOOST_CHECK((*alist1.begin()) == free_a_ptr1);

    #ifdef BOOST_HAS_SLIST
    std::list<A *> aslist;
        aslist.push_back(new A);
        aslist.push_back(new A);
        test_ostream os(testfile, TEST_STREAM_FLAGS);
        test_oarchive oa(os, TEST_ARCHIVE_FLAGS);
        aslist.push_back(new A);
        aslist.push_back(new A);
        oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("aslist", aslist);
    std::list<A *> aslist1;
        test_istream is(testfile, TEST_STREAM_FLAGS);
        test_iarchive ia(is, TEST_ARCHIVE_FLAGS);
        ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("aslist", aslist1);
        BOOST_CHECK(aslist.size() == aslist1.size() &&
            std::equal(aslist.begin(),aslist.end(),aslist1.begin(),ptr_equal_to<A *>())
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void IOList::writeIOList(string filename)
   ofstream os(filename.c_str(), ios::out);
void Foam::fileFormats::SMESHsurfaceFormat<Face>::write
    const fileName& filename,
    const MeshedSurfaceProxy<Face>& surf
    const pointField& pointLst = surf.points();
    const List<Face>&  faceLst = surf.faces();
    const List<label>& faceMap = surf.faceMap();

    const List<surfZone>& zones =
      ? surfaceFormatsCore::oneZone(faceLst)
      : surf.surfZones()

    const bool useFaceMap = (surf.useFaceMap() && zones.size() > 1);

    OFstream os(filename);
    if (!os.good())
            << "Cannot open file for writing " << filename
            << exit(FatalError);

    // Write header
    os  << "# tetgen .smesh file written " << clock::dateTime().c_str() << nl
        << "# <points count=\"" << pointLst.size() << "\">" << nl
        << pointLst.size() << " 3" << nl;    // 3: dimensions

    // Write vertex coords
    forAll(pointLst, ptI)
        const point& pt = pointLst[ptI];

        os  << ptI << ' ' << pt.x() << ' ' << pt.y() << ' ' << pt.z() << nl;
    os  << "# </points>" << nl
        << nl
        << "# <faces count=\"" << faceLst.size() << "\">" << endl;

    os  << faceLst.size() << " 1" << endl;   // one attribute: zone number

    label faceIndex = 0;
    forAll(zones, zoneI)
        const surfZone& zone = zones[zoneI];

        if (useFaceMap)
            forAll(zone, localFaceI)
                const Face& f = faceLst[faceMap[faceIndex++]];

                os << f.size();
                forAll(f, fp)
                    os << ' ' << f[fp];
                os << ' ' << zoneI << endl;
            forAll(zones[zoneI], localFaceI)
                const Face& f = faceLst[faceIndex++];

                os << f.size();
                forAll(f, fp)
                    os << ' ' << f[fp];
                os << ' ' << zoneI << endl;
Exemple #10
 bool Index::init(std::istream &is, const char *path, int open_flag)
     if (path && path[0]) {
         strcpy(name_, path);
     if (name_[0]) {
         // Prepare directory
         switch (open_flag) {
             case INDEX_CREATE_OR_OPEN:
                 DIR *dir=opendir(name_);
                 if (!dir) {
                     // Create dir
                     if(mkdir(name_, 0755)!=0) {
                         return false;
                 } else {
             case INDEX_CREATE:
                 DIR *dir=opendir(name_);
                 if (dir) {
                     // Directory exists, failed
                     return false;
                 // Create dir
                 if(mkdir(name_, 0755)!=0) {
                     return false;
             case INDEX_OPEN:
                 DIR *dir=opendir(name_);
                 if (!dir) {
                     return false;
     if (!fc_) {
         return false;
     char buf[PATH_MAX];
     ri_=create_reverse_index(common::add_suffix(buf, name_, "/rindex"));
     if (!ri_) {
         delete fc_;
         return false;
     fi_=new index::ForwardIndex(common::add_suffix(buf, name_, "/findex"), fc_);
     if (!fi_) {
         delete ri_;
         delete fc_;
         return false;
     if (open_flag==INDEX_CREATE || open_flag==INDEX_CREATE_OR_OPEN) {
         if (path && path[0]) {
             // Save config.xml file under the index directory if this index has a name
             char buf[PATH_MAX];
             memset(buf, 0, PATH_MAX);
             strcpy(buf, path);
             strcat(buf, "/config.xml");
             std::ofstream os(buf);
             os << fc_->serialize();
     return true;
Exemple #11
int main (int argc, char** argv) {

    // Creates runtime and base app
	pI::Application app;
	pI::Runtime runtime(app.GetRuntime());

    std::cerr << "Plugin dir: " << app.FindPIPluginDir() << std::endl;
	app.LoadPluginLibraries (app.FindPIPluginDir().c_str());

	std::vector<std::string> names(GetPluginNames (runtime));
	const pI_int count(names.size());

	std::cout << "{" << std::endl;

	appendValue(std::cout, API_VERSION, runtime.GetRuntimeVersion());
	appendValue(std::cout, PLUGIN_COUNT, count);

	std::cout << "\"" << PLUGINS << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
	for (pI_int lv = 0; lv < count; ++lv) {
		std::cout << "{" << std::endl;
		appendValue(std::cout, NAME, names[lv]);

		if (names[lv] == "CImg/Functions") {
			// special treatment for CImg META plugin
			try {
				pI::pInPtr p(runtime.SpawnPlugin ((const pI_str) names[lv].c_str()));
				pI::Arguments params(p->GetParameterSignature());
				appendValue(std::cout, DESCRIPTION, p->GetDescription());
				appendValue(std::cout, PLUGIN_VERSION, p->GetpInVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, API_VERSION, p->GetAPIVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, AUTHOR, p->GetAuthor());
				appendValue(std::cout, COPYRIGHT, p->GetCopyright());
				appendValue(std::cout, OPTIONAL_INIT, "false");
				appendValue(std::cout, DEFAULT_INIT, "true");

				std::cout << "\"parameters\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
				for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < params.size(); ++lv2) {
					std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (params[lv2]);
					if (lv2 < params.size() - 1) {
						std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl;
				std::cout << "]," << std::endl;

				pI::StringSelection sts(params[0]);
				std::cout << "\"CImg functions\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
				for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < sts.GetCount(); ++lv2) {
					sts.SetIndex (lv2);
					p->Initialize (params);
					std::cout << "{" << std::endl;
					appendValue(std::cout, NAME, sts.GetSymbols (lv2));
					std::cout << "\"inputSignature\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments is(p->GetInputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv3 = 0; lv3 < is.size(); ++lv3) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (is[lv3]);
						if (lv3 < is.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]," << std::endl;
					std::cout << "\"outputSignature\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments os(p->GetOutputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv3 = 0; lv3 < os.size(); ++lv3) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (os[lv3]);
						if (lv3 < os.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]" << std::endl;
					std::cout << "}";
					if (lv2 < sts.GetCount() - 1)
						std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl;
				std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
			} catch (...) {}
		} else {
			try {
				pI::pInPtr p(runtime.SpawnPlugin ((const pI_str) names[lv].c_str()));
				appendValue(std::cout, DESCRIPTION, p->GetDescription());
				appendValue(std::cout, PLUGIN_VERSION, p->GetpInVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, API_VERSION, p->GetAPIVersion());
				appendValue(std::cout, AUTHOR, p->GetAuthor());
				appendValue(std::cout, COPYRIGHT, p->GetCopyright());
				bool optional_init((p->GetInputSignature().size() > 0) ||
								   (p->GetOutputSignature().size() > 0));
				appendValue(std::cout, OPTIONAL_INIT, (optional_init ? "true" : "false"));

				std::cout << "\"" << PARAMETERS << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
				pI::Arguments params(p->GetParameterSignature());
				for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < params.size(); ++lv2) {
					std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (params[lv2]);
					if (lv2 < params.size() - 1) {
						std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl;
				std::cout << "]," << std::endl;
				bool default_init;
				try {
					p->Initialize (params);
					default_init = true;
				} catch (...) {
					default_init = false;
				appendValue(std::cout, DEFAULT_INIT, (default_init ? "true" : "false"), optional_init || default_init);

				if (optional_init || default_init) {
					std::cout << "\"" << INPUT_SIGNATURE << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments is(p->GetInputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < is.size(); ++lv2) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (is[lv2]);
						if (lv2 < is.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]," << std::endl;
					std::cout << "\"" << OUTPUT_SIGNATURE << "\":" << std::endl << "[" << std::endl;
					pI::Arguments os(p->GetOutputSignature());
					for (pI_size lv2 = 0; lv2 < os.size(); ++lv2) {
						std::cout << runtime.SerializeArgument (os[lv2]);
						if (lv2 < os.size() - 1)
							std::cout << ",";
					std::cout << std::endl << "]" << std::endl;
				} else
					std::cout << std::endl;
			} catch (...) {}
		std::cout << "}";
		if (lv < count - 1)
			std::cout << ",";
		std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "]" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl;
	return 0;
int CLocalFinderApp::Run(void)
    CArgs myargs = GetArgs();

    int left            = myargs["from"].AsInteger();
    int right           = myargs["to"].AsInteger();
    bool repeats        = myargs["rep"];

    // read our sequence data
    CFastaReader fastareader(myargs["input"].AsString());
    CRef<CSeq_loc> masked_regions;
    masked_regions = fastareader.SaveMask();
    CRef<CSeq_entry> se = fastareader.ReadOneSeq();
    if(masked_regions) {
        CBioseq& bioseq = se->SetSeq();     // assumes that reader gets only one sequence per fasta id (no [] in file)
        CRef<CSeq_annot> seq_annot(new CSeq_annot);
        CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable* feature_table = &seq_annot->SetData().SetFtable();
        for(CSeq_loc_CI i(*masked_regions); i; ++i) {
            CRef<CSeq_feat> repeat(new CSeq_feat);
            CRef<CSeq_id> id(new CSeq_id);
            CRef<CSeq_loc> loc(new CSeq_loc(*id, i.GetRange().GetFrom(), i.GetRange().GetTo()));

    CRef<CObjectManager> objmgr = CObjectManager::GetInstance();
    CScope scope(*objmgr);

    CRef<CSeq_id> cntg(new CSeq_id);
    CSeq_loc loc;
    CSeqVector vec(loc, scope);

    CResidueVec seq;

    // read the alignment information
    TGeneModelList alignments;
    if(myargs["align"]) {
        CNcbiIstream& alignmentfile = myargs["align"].AsInputFile();
        string our_contig = cntg->GetSeqIdString(true);
        string cur_contig; 
        CAlignModel algn;
        while(alignmentfile >> algn >> getcontig(cur_contig)) {
            if (cur_contig==our_contig)

    // create engine
    CRef<CHMMParameters> hmm_params(new CHMMParameters(myargs["model"].AsInputFile()));
    CGnomonEngine gnomon(hmm_params, seq, TSignedSeqRange(left, right));

    // run!
    gnomon.Run(alignments, repeats, true, true, false, false, 10.0);

    // dump the annotation
    CRef<CSeq_annot> annot = gnomon.GetAnnot(*cntg);
    auto_ptr<CObjectOStream> os(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, cout));
    *os << *annot;

    return 0;

Exemple #13
  // Installed by default in BlockEnvironment::execute, it runs the bytecodes
  // for the block in the interpreter.
  // Future code will detect hot blocks and queue them in the JIT, whereby the
  // JIT will install a newly minted machine function into ::execute.
  Object* BlockEnvironment::execute_interpreter(STATE, CallFrame* previous,
                            BlockEnvironment* env, Arguments& args,
                            BlockInvocation& invocation)
    // Don't use env->machine_code() because it might lock and the work should
    // already be done.
    MachineCode* const mcode = env->compiled_code_->machine_code();

    if(!mcode) {
      Exception::internal_error(state, previous, "invalid bytecode method");
      return 0;

    if(mcode->call_count >= 0) {
      if(mcode->call_count >= state->shared().config.jit_call_til_compile) {
        LLVMState* ls = LLVMState::get(state);

        GCTokenImpl gct;
        OnStack<1> os(state, env);
        ls->compile_soon(state, gct, env->compiled_code(), previous, env, true);

      } else {

    StackVariables* scope = ALLOCA_STACKVARIABLES(mcode->number_of_locals);

    Module* mod = invocation.module;
    if(!mod) mod = env->module();
    scope->initialize(invocation.self, env->top_scope_->block(),
                      mod, mcode->number_of_locals);

    InterpreterCallFrame* frame = ALLOCA_CALLFRAME(mcode->stack_size);


    frame->previous = previous;
    frame->constant_scope_ = invocation.constant_scope;

    frame->arguments = &args;
    frame->dispatch_data = env;
    frame->compiled_code = env->compiled_code_;
    frame->scope = scope;
    frame->top_scope_ = env->top_scope_;
    frame->flags = invocation.flags | CallFrame::cCustomConstantScope
                                    | CallFrame::cMultipleScopes
                                    | CallFrame::cBlock;

    // TODO: this is a quick hack to process block arguments in 1.9.
    if(!LANGUAGE_18_ENABLED(state)) {
      if(!GenericArguments::call(state, frame, mcode, scope, args, invocation.flags)) {
        return NULL;

    if(unlikely(state->vm()->tooling())) {
      Module* mod = scope->module();
      if(SingletonClass* sc = try_as<SingletonClass>(mod)) {
        if(Module* ma = try_as<Module>(sc->attached_instance())) {
          mod = ma;

      OnStack<2> os(state, env, mod);

      // Check the stack and interrupts here rather than in the interpreter
      // loop itself.

      GCTokenImpl gct;

      if(!state->check_interrupts(gct, frame, frame)) return NULL;

      state->checkpoint(gct, frame);

      tooling::BlockEntry method(state, env, mod);
      return (*mcode->run)(state, mcode, frame);
    } else {
      // Check the stack and interrupts here rather than in the interpreter
      // loop itself.

      GCTokenImpl gct;

      if(!state->check_interrupts(gct, frame, frame)) return NULL;

      state->checkpoint(gct, frame);
      return (*mcode->run)(state, mcode, frame);
    // Check the stack and interrupts here rather than in the interpreter
    // loop itself.

    GCTokenImpl gct;

    if(!state->check_interrupts(gct, frame, frame)) return NULL;

    state->checkpoint(gct, frame);
    return (*mcode->run)(state, mcode, frame);
Exemple #14
static void writeVTKFile(CDataArray2D<float, 9> visData, int timestep)
	char numstr[21];
	sprintf(numstr, "%d", timestep);

	int width = visData.width;
	int height = visData.height;

	printf("%i, %i", width, height);

	std::string filename;
		// genearte filebuf to write to file
	std::filebuf fb;
	fb.open(const_cast<char *>(filename.c_str()), std::ios::out);
	std::ostream os(&fb);

		//printf("%s geöffnet", const_cast<char *>(filename.c_str()));

	// vtk Header
	os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;
	os << "<VTKFile type=\"RectilinearGrid\">" << std::endl;

	// domain size
	os << "<RectilinearGrid WholeExtent=\"0 " << width << " 0 " << height
	   << " 0 0\">" << std::endl;
	os << "<Piece Extent=\"" << 0 << " " << width << " " << 0 << " " << height << " 0 0\">" << std::endl;

	// specify coordinates
	os << "<Coordinates>" << std::endl;
	os << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;

	for(int i = 0; i <= width; ++i){
		os << (float)i << " ";
	os << std::endl;

	os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;

	// along y-Axis
	os << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
	for(int i = 0; i <= height; ++i){
		os << (float)i << " ";
	os << std::endl;
	os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;

	// along z-Axis (nothing to do => 2D)
	os << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" format=\"ascii\">0 0</DataArray>"
	   << std::endl;

	os << "</Coordinates>" << std::endl;

	// add payload
	os << "<CellData Vectors=\"velocity\" Scalars=\"rho, p_force\">"
	   << std::endl;

	// 1 velocity field
	os << "<DataArray Name=\"velocity\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" type=\"Float64\" format=\"ascii\">"
	  << std::endl;

	for(int j = height-1; j >=0; --j){
	    for(int i = 0; i < width; ++i){
	    	//printf("tut was bei %i, %i", i, j);
			os << std::scientific << visData.getRef(i, j, 0) << " " << visData.getRef(i, j, 1) << " " << 0.  // war mal u[i][j] v[i][j]
			   << std::endl;

	os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;

	// 2 pressure
	os << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"rho\" format=\"ascii\">"
	   << std::endl;

	for(int j = height-1; j >=0; --j){
		for(int i = 0; i < width; ++i){
			os << std::scientific << visData.getRef(i, j, 2) << std::endl;

	os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;

	// 3 vorticity
	os << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"p_force\" format=\"ascii\">"
	   << std::endl;

	for(int j = height-1; j >=0; --j){
		for(int i = 0; i < width; ++i){
			os << std::scientific << visData.getRef(i, j, 3) << std::endl;

	os << "</DataArray>" << std::endl;

	os << "</CellData>" << std::endl;

	os << "</Piece>" << std::endl;

	os << "</RectilinearGrid>" << std::endl;
	os << "</VTKFile>" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    try {
        options(argc, argv);

        utils::compress_istream is(input_file, 1024 * 1024);
        utils::compress_ostream os(output_file);

        if (map_file != "-" && ! boost::filesystem::exists(map_file))
            throw std::runtime_error("no map file: " + map_file.string());

        utils::compress_istream ms(map_file);

        hypergraph_type hypergraph;
        sentence_type   sentence;
        span_set_type   spans;
        phrase_type     rhs;

        while (1) {
            is >> hypergraph;
            ms >> sentence;

            if (! is || ! ms) break;

            if (! hypergraph.is_valid()) {
                os << hypergraph << '\n';

            // map terminals...
            // we will first compute spans, then, perform terminal mapping..


            cicada::span_edge(hypergraph, spans);

            for (size_t edge_id = 0; edge_id != hypergraph.edges.size(); ++ edge_id) {
                hypergraph_type::edge_type& edge = hypergraph.edges[edge_id];
                const span_type& span = spans[edge_id];
                const hypergraph_type::symbol_type lhs = edge.rule->lhs;


                int pos = 0;
                int span_pos = span.first;
                hypergraph_type::rule_type::symbol_set_type::const_iterator riter_end = edge.rule->rhs.end();
                for (hypergraph_type::rule_type::symbol_set_type::const_iterator riter = edge.rule->rhs.begin(); riter != riter_end; ++ riter) {
                    if (riter->is_non_terminal()) {
                        const int __non_terminal_index = riter->non_terminal_index();
                        const int non_terminal_pos = utils::bithack::branch(__non_terminal_index <= 0, pos, __non_terminal_index - 1);
                        ++ pos;

                        // compute span_pos from antecedent node...

                        span_pos = spans[hypergraph.nodes[edge.tails[non_terminal_pos]].edges.front()].second;
                    } else if (*riter != vocab_type::EPSILON) {
                        ++ span_pos;

                edge.rule = hypergraph_type::rule_type::create(hypergraph_type::rule_type(lhs, rhs.begin(), rhs.end()));

            os << hypergraph << '\n';

        if (is || ms)
            throw std::runtime_error("# of hypergraphs and # of sentences do not match");
    catch (std::exception& err) {
        std::cerr << "error: " << err.what() << std::endl;
        return 1;
    return 0;
Exemple #16
bool Xsd::RenderXSD( HTTPRequest *pRequest, QObject *pClass )
    const QMetaObject *pMetaObject = pClass->metaObject();

    QString     sClassName = ConvertTypeToXSD( pMetaObject->className(), true);
    QDomElement oRoot      = CreateSchemaRoot();

    QMap<QString, QString> typesToInclude;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create xs:complexType structure
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    QDomElement oTypeNode = createElement( "xs:complexType" );
    QDomElement oSeqNode  = createElement( "xs:sequence"    );

    oTypeNode.setAttribute( "name", sClassName );

    oTypeNode.appendChild( oSeqNode  );
    // -=>TODO: Add an xs:annotation node with class descriptions

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Add all properties for this type
    //  <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="<propName>" type="<propType>"/>
    //	<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="<childName>" nillable="true" 
    //              type="tns:<ChildType>"/>
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    int nCount = pMetaObject->propertyCount();

    for (int nIdx=0; nIdx < nCount; ++nIdx ) 
        QMetaProperty metaProperty = pMetaObject->property( nIdx );

        if (metaProperty.isDesignable( pClass ))
            const char *pszPropName = metaProperty.name();
            QString     sPropName( pszPropName );

            if ( sPropName.compare( "objectName" ) == 0)

            // ----------------------------------------------------------
            // Create xs:element for this property
            // ----------------------------------------------------------

            QDomElement oNode        = createElement( "xs:element" );
            QString     sType        = metaProperty.typeName();
            bool        bCustomType  = false;
            QString     sContentName = QString();
            QString     sContentType = QString();

            // if this is a child object, sType will be QObject*
            // which we can't use, so we need to read the
            // properties value, and read it's metaObject data

            if (sType == "QObject*")
                QVariant val = metaProperty.read( pClass );
                const QObject *pObject = val.value< QObject* >(); 

                sType = pObject->metaObject()->className();
                bCustomType = true;
            else if ((sType == "QVariantList" ) || (sType == "QVariantMap"))
                sContentType = ReadPropertyMetadata( pClass, 
                                                     "type" );

                if (sContentType.at(0) == 'Q')
                    sContentType = sContentType.mid( 1 );

                sContentType.remove( "DTC::"    );
                sContentType.remove( QChar('*') );

                if (sType == "QVariantMap")
                    sContentName = ReadPropertyMetadata( pClass, 
                                                         "name" );

                    if (sContentName.isEmpty())
                        sContentName = sContentType;

                    sType = "MapOfString" + sContentName;
                    sType = "ArrayOf" + sContentType;

                bCustomType = true;

            else if (sType == "QStringList") 
                sType = "ArrayOfString"; 
                bCustomType = true; 

            QString sNewPropName( metaProperty.name() );

            if (IsNillable( sType ))
                oNode.setAttribute( "nillable" , true );   

            if (bCustomType)
                typesToInclude.insert( sType, sContentType );
            oNode.setAttribute( "type"     , ((bCustomType) ? "tns:" : "xs:") +
                                       ConvertTypeToXSD( sType, bCustomType ));

            oNode.setAttribute( "name"     , sNewPropName );
            oNode.setAttribute( "minOccurs", 0            );

            oSeqNode.appendChild( oNode );

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create element for class
    //	   <xs:element name="<className>" nillable="true" type="tns:<className>"/>
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    QDomElement oElementNode = createElement( "xs:element" );

    oElementNode.setAttribute( "type"    , "tns:" + sClassName );
    oElementNode.setAttribute( "nillable", "true" );
    oElementNode.setAttribute( "name"    , sClassName );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build xml tree...
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    appendChild( oRoot );

    if (typesToInclude.count() > 0)
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create all needed includes
        //	<xs:include schemaLocation="<path to dependant schema"/>
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

        QString sBaseUri = "http://" + pRequest->m_mapHeaders[ "host" ] + 
                                       pRequest->m_sResourceUrl + "?type=";

        QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = typesToInclude.constBegin();
        while( it != typesToInclude.constEnd())
            QDomElement oIncNode = createElement( "xs:include" );
            QString     sType    = it.key();

            sType.remove( "DTC::" );

            if (it.value().isEmpty())
                oIncNode.setAttribute( "schemaLocation", sBaseUri + sType );
                oIncNode.setAttribute( "schemaLocation", sBaseUri + sType + "&name=" + it.value() );
            oRoot.appendChild( oIncNode );

    oRoot.appendChild( oTypeNode    );
    oRoot.appendChild( oElementNode );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Return xsd doc to caller
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    QTextStream os( &(pRequest->m_response) );

    pRequest->m_eResponseType   = ResponseTypeXML;

    save( os, 0 );

    return true;
Exemple #17
bool baseClass::writeCutEfficFile()
  bool ret = true;
  int nEntRoottuple = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
  int nEntTot = (skimWasMade_ ? NBeforeSkim_ : nEntRoottuple );
  string cutEfficFile = *cutEfficFile_ + ".dat";
  ofstream os(cutEfficFile.c_str());

  os << "################################## Preliminary Cut Values ###################################################################\n"
     << "########################### variableName                        value1          value2          value3          value4          level\n"
     << preCutInfo_.str();

  int cutIdPed=0;
  os << "################################## Cuts #####################################################################################\n"
     <<"#id             variableName           min1           max1           min2           max2          level              N          Npass         EffRel      errEffRel         EffAbs      errEffAbs"<<endl
     << fixed
     << setw(3) << cutIdPed 
     << setw(25) << "nocut" 
     << setprecision(4) 
     << setw(15) << "-"
     << setw(15) << "-"
     << setw(15) << "-"
     << setw(15) << "-"
     << setw(15) << "-"
     << setw(15) << nEntTot
     << setw(15) << nEntTot
     << setprecision(11) 
     << setw(15) << "1.00000000000"
     << setw(15) << "0.00000000000"
     << setw(15) << "1.00000000000"
     << setw(15) << "0.00000000000"
     << endl;

  double effRel;
  double effRelErr;
  double effAbs;
  double effAbsErr;
      effRel = (double) nEntRoottuple / (double) NBeforeSkim_;
      effRelErr = sqrt( (double) effRel * (1.0 - (double) effRel) / (double) NBeforeSkim_ );
      effAbs = effRel;
      effAbsErr = effRelErr;
      os << fixed
	 << setw(3) << ++cutIdPed
	 << setw(25) << "skim" 
	 << setprecision(4) 
	 << setw(15) << "-"
	 << setw(15) << "-"
	 << setw(15) << "-"
	 << setw(15) << "-"
	 << setw(15) << "-"
	 << setw(15) << NBeforeSkim_
	 << setw(15) << nEntRoottuple
	 << setprecision(11) 
	 << setw(15) << effRel
	 << setw(15) << effRelErr
	 << setw(15) << effAbs
	 << setw(15) << effAbsErr
	 << endl;
  for (vector<string>::iterator it = orderedCutNames_.begin(); 
       it != orderedCutNames_.end(); it++) 
      cut * c = & (cutName_cut_.find(*it)->second);
      effRel = (double) c->nEvtPassed / (double) c->nEvtInput;
      effRelErr = sqrt( (double) effRel * (1.0 - (double) effRel) / (double) c->nEvtInput );
      effAbs = (double) c->nEvtPassed / (double) nEntTot;
      effAbsErr = sqrt( (double) effAbs * (1.0 - (double) effAbs) / (double) nEntTot );

      std::stringstream ssm1, ssM1, ssm2,ssM2;
      ssm1 << fixed << setprecision(4) << c->minValue1;
      ssM1 << fixed << setprecision(4) << c->maxValue1;
      if(c->minValue2 == -9999999) 
	  ssm2 << "-inf";
	  ssm2 << fixed << setprecision(4) << c->minValue2;
      if(c->maxValue2 ==  9999999) 
	  ssM2 << "+inf";
	  ssM2 << fixed << setprecision(4) << c->maxValue2;
      os << setw(3) << cutIdPed+c->id 
	 << setw(25) << c->variableName 
	 << setprecision(4)
	 << fixed 
	 << setw(15) << ( ( c->minValue1 == -9999999.0 ) ? "-inf" : ssm1.str() )
	 << setw(15) << ( ( c->maxValue1 ==  9999999.0 ) ? "+inf" : ssM1.str() )
	 << setw(15) << ( ( c->minValue2 > c->maxValue2 ) ? "-" : ssm2.str() )
	 << setw(15) << ( ( c->minValue2 > c->maxValue2 ) ? "-" : ssM2.str() )
	 << setw(15) << c->level_int
	 << setw(15) << c->nEvtInput
	 << setw(15) << c->nEvtPassed
	 << setprecision(11) 
	 << setw(15) << effRel
	 << setw(15) << effRelErr
	 << setw(15) << effAbs
	 << setw(15) << effAbsErr
	 << endl;
  // Any failure mode to implement?
  return ret;
Exemple #18
bool Xsd::RenderArrayXSD( HTTPRequest   *pRequest, 
                          const QString &sClassName, 
                          bool           bCustomType )
    QString     sArrayName = "ArrayOf" + sClassName;
    QString     sType;

    if (bCustomType)
        sType = "tns:" + sClassName;
        sType = "xs:" + ConvertTypeToXSD( sClassName, false );

    QDomElement oRoot      = CreateSchemaRoot();

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create xs:complexType structure
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    QDomElement oTypeNode = createElement( "xs:complexType" );
    QDomElement oSeqNode  = createElement( "xs:sequence"    );

    // -=>TODO: Add an xs:annotation node with class descriptions

    oTypeNode.setAttribute( "name", sArrayName );
    oTypeNode.appendChild( oSeqNode  );

    QDomElement oNode = createElement( "xs:element" );

    oNode.setAttribute( "type"      , sType );
    oNode.setAttribute( "nillable"  , "true" );
    oNode.setAttribute( "name"      , sClassName );
    oNode.setAttribute( "maxOccurs" , "unbounded" );
    oNode.setAttribute( "minOccurs" , "0"         );

    oSeqNode.appendChild( oNode  );
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    QDomElement oElementNode = createElement( "xs:element" );

    oElementNode.setAttribute( "type"    , "tns:" + sArrayName );
    oElementNode.setAttribute( "nillable", "true" );
    oElementNode.setAttribute( "name"    , sArrayName );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build xml tree...
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    appendChild( oRoot );

    if (bCustomType)
        QDomElement oIncNode = createElement( "xs:include" );

        QString sBaseUri = "http://" + pRequest->m_mapHeaders[ "host" ] + 
                                       pRequest->m_sResourceUrl + "?type=";

        oIncNode.setAttribute( "schemaLocation", sBaseUri + sClassName );

        oRoot.appendChild( oIncNode );
    oRoot.appendChild( oTypeNode    );
    oRoot.appendChild( oElementNode );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Return xsd doc to caller
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    QTextStream os( &(pRequest->m_response) );

    pRequest->m_eResponseType   = ResponseTypeXML;

    save( os, 0 );

    return true;

Exemple #19
void PreviewLoader::Impl::startLoading(bool wait)
	if (pending_.empty() || !pconverter_)

	// Only start the process off after the buffer is loaded from file.
	if (!buffer_.isFullyLoaded())

	LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()");

	// As used by the LaTeX file and by the resulting image files
	string const directory = buffer_.temppath();

	string const filename_base = unique_filename(directory);

	// Create an InProgress instance to place in the map of all
	// such processes if it starts correctly.
	InProgress inprogress(filename_base, pending_, pconverter_->to);

	// clear pending_, so we're ready to start afresh.

	// Output the LaTeX file.
	FileName const latexfile(filename_base + ".tex");

	// we use the encoding of the buffer
	Encoding const & enc = buffer_.params().encoding();
	ofdocstream of;
	try { of.reset(enc.iconvName()); }
	catch (iconv_codecvt_facet_exception const & e) {
		LYXERR0("Caught iconv exception: " << e.what()
			<< "\nUnable to create LaTeX file: " << latexfile);

	TexRow texrow;
	otexstream os(of, texrow);
	OutputParams runparams(&enc);
	LaTeXFeatures features(buffer_, buffer_.params(), runparams);

	if (!openFileWrite(of, latexfile))

	if (!of) {
		LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()\n"
					<< "Unable to create LaTeX file\n" << latexfile);
	of << "\\batchmode\n";
	// handle inputenc etc.
	buffer_.params().writeEncodingPreamble(os, features);
	of << "\n\\begin{document}\n";
	dumpData(of, inprogress.snippets);
	of << "\n\\end{document}\n";
	if (of.fail()) {
		LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()\n"
					 << "File was not closed properly.");

	double const font_scaling_factor = 
		buffer_.isExporting() ? 75.0 * buffer_.params().html_math_img_scale 
			: 0.01 * lyxrc.dpi * lyxrc.zoom * lyxrc.preview_scale_factor;

	// The colors should be customizable.
	ColorCode const bg = buffer_.isExporting() 
	               ? Color_white : PreviewLoader::backgroundColor();
	ColorCode const fg = buffer_.isExporting() 
	               ? Color_black : PreviewLoader::foregroundColor();
	// The conversion command.
	ostringstream cs;
	cs << pconverter_->command
	   << " " << quoteName(latexfile.toFilesystemEncoding())
	   << " --dpi " << int(font_scaling_factor)
	   << " --fg " << theApp()->hexName(fg)
	   << " --bg " << theApp()->hexName(bg);
	// FIXME what about LuaTeX?
	if (buffer_.params().useNonTeXFonts)
		cs << " --latex=xelatex";
	if (buffer_.params().encoding().package() == Encoding::japanese)
		cs << " --latex=platex";
	if (buffer_.params().bibtex_command != "default")
		cs << " --bibtex=" << quoteName(buffer_.params().bibtex_command);
	else if (buffer_.params().encoding().package() == Encoding::japanese)
		cs << " --bibtex=" << quoteName(lyxrc.jbibtex_command);
		cs << " --bibtex=" << quoteName(lyxrc.bibtex_command);
	if (buffer_.params().bufferFormat() == "lilypond-book")
		cs << " --lilypond";

	string const command = libScriptSearch(cs.str());

	if (wait) {
		ForkedCall call(buffer_.filePath());
		int ret = call.startScript(ForkedProcess::Wait, command);
		static int fake = (2^20) + 1;
		int pid = fake++;
		inprogress.pid = pid;
		inprogress.command = command;
		in_progress_[pid] = inprogress;
		finishedGenerating(pid, ret);

	// Initiate the conversion from LaTeX to bitmap images files.
		convert_ptr(new ForkedCall::SignalType);
	convert_ptr->connect(bind(&Impl::finishedGenerating, this, _1, _2));

	ForkedCall call(buffer_.filePath());
	int ret = call.startScript(command, convert_ptr);

	if (ret != 0) {
		LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()\n"
					<< "Unable to start process\n" << command);

	// Store the generation process in a list of all such processes
	inprogress.pid = call.pid();
	inprogress.command = command;
	in_progress_[inprogress.pid] = inprogress;
Exemple #20
bool Xsd::RenderMapXSD( HTTPRequest   *pRequest, 
                        const QString &sClassName, 
                        bool           bCustomType )
    QString     sArrayName   = "MapOfString" + sClassName;
    QString     sMapItemName = pRequest->m_mapParams[ "name" ];
    QString     sType;

    if (sMapItemName.isEmpty())
        sMapItemName = sClassName;

    if (bCustomType)
        sType = "tns:" + sMapItemName;
        sType = "xs:" + ConvertTypeToXSD( sMapItemName, false );

    QDomElement oRoot      = CreateSchemaRoot();

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create xs:complexType structure
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    QDomElement oTypeNode = createElement( "xs:complexType" );
    QDomElement oSeqNode  = createElement( "xs:sequence"    );
    QDomElement oAnno     = createElement( "xs:annotation"  );
    QDomElement oAppInfo  = createElement( "xs:appinfo"     );

    QDomElement oNode = createElement( "IsDictionary" );
    oNode.setAttribute( "xmlns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/" );
    oNode.appendChild( createTextNode( "true" ));

    oTypeNode.appendChild( oAnno    );
    oAnno    .appendChild( oAppInfo );
    oAppInfo .appendChild( oNode    );

    // -=>TODO: Add an xs:annotation node with class descriptions

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  <xs:sequence>
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    oTypeNode.setAttribute( "name", sArrayName );
    oTypeNode.appendChild( oSeqNode  );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="KeyValueOfString<Type>">
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    QDomElement oInnerNode = createElement( "xs:element" );

    oInnerNode.setAttribute( "name"      , sClassName  );
    oInnerNode.setAttribute( "maxOccurs" , "unbounded" );
    oInnerNode.setAttribute( "minOccurs" , "0"         );

    oSeqNode.appendChild( oInnerNode );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //      <xs:complexType>
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    oNode = createElement( "xs:complexType" );

    oInnerNode.appendChild( oNode );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //        <xs:sequence>
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    QDomElement oInnerSeq = createElement( "xs:sequence" );

    oNode.appendChild( oInnerSeq );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //           <xs:element name="Key" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    oNode = createElement( "xs:element" );

    oNode.setAttribute( "type"      , "xs:string" );
    oNode.setAttribute( "nillable"  , "true" );
    oNode.setAttribute( "name"      , "Key" );

    oInnerSeq.appendChild( oNode  );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //           <xs:element name="Value" nillable="true" type="<Type>"  /> 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    oNode = createElement( "xs:element" );

    oNode.setAttribute( "type"      , sType );
    oNode.setAttribute( "nillable"  , "true" );
    oNode.setAttribute( "name"      , "Value" );

    oInnerSeq.appendChild( oNode  );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //<xs:element name="MapOfString<Type>" nillable="true" type="tns:MapOfString<Type>" /> 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    QDomElement oElementNode = createElement( "xs:element" );

    oElementNode.setAttribute( "type"    , "tns:" + sArrayName );
    oElementNode.setAttribute( "nillable", "true" );
    oElementNode.setAttribute( "name"    , sArrayName );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build xml tree...
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    appendChild( oRoot );

    if (bCustomType)
        QDomElement oIncNode = createElement( "xs:include" );

        QString sBaseUri = "http://" + pRequest->m_mapHeaders[ "host" ] + pRequest->m_sResourceUrl + "?type=";

        oIncNode.setAttribute( "schemaLocation", sBaseUri + sClassName );

        oRoot.appendChild( oIncNode );
    oRoot.appendChild( oTypeNode    );
    oRoot.appendChild( oElementNode );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Return xsd doc to caller
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    QTextStream os( &(pRequest->m_response) );

    pRequest->m_eResponseType   = ResponseTypeXML;

    save( os, 0 );

    return true;

Exemple #21
void SSDPExtension::GetDeviceList( HTTPRequest *pRequest )
    SSDPCache    &cache  = UPnp::g_SSDPCache;
    int           nCount = 0;
    NameValues    list;

    VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, "SSDPExtension::GetDeviceList" );


    QString     sXML = "";
    QTextStream os( &sXML, QIODevice::WriteOnly );

    for (SSDPCacheEntriesMap::Iterator it  = cache.Begin();
                                       it != cache.End();
                                     ++it )
        SSDPCacheEntries *pEntries = *it;

        if (pEntries != NULL)
            os << "<Device uri='" << it.key() << "'>" << endl;


            EntryMap *pMap = pEntries->GetEntryMap();

            for (EntryMap::Iterator itEntry  = pMap->begin();
                                    itEntry != pMap->end();
                                  ++itEntry )

                DeviceLocation *pEntry = *itEntry;

                if (pEntry != NULL)


                    os << "<Service usn='" << pEntry->m_sUSN 
                       << "' expiresInSecs='" << pEntry->ExpiresInSecs()
                       << "' url='" << pEntry->m_sLocation << "' />" << endl;


            os << "</Device>" << endl;

    os << flush;

        NameValue("DeviceCount",           cache.Count()));
        NameValue("DevicesAllocated",      SSDPCacheEntries::g_nAllocated));
        NameValue("CacheEntriesFound",     nCount));
        NameValue("CacheEntriesAllocated", DeviceLocation::g_nAllocated));
        NameValue("DeviceList",            sXML));


    pRequest->FormatActionResponse( list );

    pRequest->m_eResponseType   = ResponseTypeXML;
    pRequest->m_nResponseStatus = 200;
Exemple #22
    render_unit( std::istream &is, const vec3i &base_pos )
    : base_pos_(base_pos),
        assert( is.good() );
//         height_fields_ = crystal_bits::load_crystal(is, pump_factor_);
//         std::cout << "hf: " << height_fields_.size() << "\n";
//         scene_static_.init_solid(height_fields_);
        const size_t pump_factor = 4;
         base_pos_.x *= pump_factor;
         base_pos_.z *= pump_factor;
        scene_static_.init_solid_from_crystal(is, pump_factor);

//        scene_static_.init_planes();
        uint64_t scene_hash = scene_static_.hash();
        auto bin_name = hash_to_filename(scene_hash);
        std::cout << "baked name: " << bin_name << "\n";
        try {
            std::ifstream is( bin_name.c_str() );
            light_static_ = light_static( is, scene_hash );
        } catch( std::runtime_error x ) {
            std::cerr << "load failed. recreating. error:\n" << x.what() << std::endl;
            light_static_ = setup_formfactors(scene_static_.planes(), scene_static_.solid());    
        if( !false ) {
            std::ofstream os( bin_name.c_str() );
            light_static_.write(os, scene_hash);
        light_dynamic_ = light_dynamic(scene_static_.planes().size() );
        rad_core_ = make_rad_core_threaded(scene_static_, light_static_);
//         vbob_ = vbo_builder(scene_static_.planes().size() );
//         vbob_.update_index_buffer( scene_static_.planes().size());
//         vbob_.update_vertices( scene_static_.planes().begin(), scene_static_.planes().end());
        vbob_ts_ = vbo_builder_tristrip( scene_static_.tristrip_at(0) );
        auto bin_map = scene_static_.bin_maps().at(0);
        lightmap.upload_rgb( (uint8_t*)bin_map.data(), 256, 256 );
Exemple #23
void Renderer::renderSLG() {

    std::string currentDir = FileUtils::getCurrentDir();

    std::string imageFilename = tfm::format("../%s-images/frame-%04d.png", _animationName, _frameIndex);

    int width = 1280;
    int height = 720;
    int spp = 64;

        std::ofstream os("render.cfg");
        os << "opencl.platform.index = -1" << std::endl;
        os << "opencl.cpu.use = 0" << std::endl;
        os << "opencl.gpu.use = 1" << std::endl;
        os << "opencl.gpu.workgroup.size = 64" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.epsilon.min = 9.99999971718068536574719e-10" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.epsilon.max = 0.100000001490116119384766" << std::endl;
        os << "renderengine.type = PATHOCL" << std::endl;
        os << "accelerator.instances.enable = 0" << std::endl;
        os << "path.maxdepth = 12" << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("film.width = %d", width) << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("film.height = %d", height) << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("image.filename = %s", imageFilename) << std::endl;
        os << "sampler.type = RANDOM" << std::endl;
        os << "film.filter.type = GAUSSIAN" << std::endl;
        os << "film.filter.xwidth = 1" << std::endl;
        os << "film.filter.ywidth = 1" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.file = scene.scn" << std::endl;
        os << "film.imagepipeline.0.type = TONEMAP_LINEAR" << std::endl;
        os << "film.imagepipeline.1.type = GAMMA_CORRECTION" << std::endl;
        os << "film.imagepipeline.1.value = 2.2" << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("batch.haltspp = %d", spp) << std::endl;

        std::ofstream os("scene.scn");

        Vector3f origin = _engine.camera().position();
        Vector3f target = _engine.camera().target();
        Vector3f up = _engine.camera().up();
        float fov = _engine.camera().fov() * 1.6f;

        os << tfm::format("scene.camera.lookat.orig = %f %f %f", origin.x(), origin.y(), origin.z()) << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("scene.camera.lookat.target = %f %f %f", target.x(), target.y(), target.z()) << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("scene.camera.up = %f %f %f", up.x(), up.y(), up.z()) << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("scene.camera.fieldofview = %f", fov) << std::endl;

#if 0
#scene.camera.screenwindow = -1 1 -1 1
scene.camera.cliphither = 0.0010000000474974513053894
scene.camera.clipyon = 1.00000001504746621987669e+30
scene.camera.lensradius = 0.00218750000931322574615479
scene.camera.focaldistance = 0.28457677364349365234375
scene.camera.horizontalstereo.enable = 0
scene.camera.horizontalstereo.oculusrift.barrelpostpro.enable = 0
scene.camera.autofocus.enable = 1

        Vector3f dir = Vector3f(1.f).normalized();
#if 0
        os << tfm::format("scene.sunlight.dir = %f %f %f", dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z()) << std::endl;
        os << "scene.sunlight.turbidity = 2.2" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.sunlight.relsize = 1" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.sunlight.gain = 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001" << std::endl;
        os << tfm::format("scene.skylight.dir = %f %f %f", dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z()) << std::endl;
        os << "scene.skylight.turbidity = 2.2" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.skylight.gain = 0.00007 0.00007 0.00007" << std::endl;

        os << "scene.materials.fluid.type = matte" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.materials.fluid.kd = 0.3 0.3 1.0" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.materials.boundary.type = matte" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.materials.boundary.kd = 0.5 0.5 0.5" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.materials.floor.type = matte" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.materials.floor.kd = 0.2 0.2 0.2" << std::endl;

        // export fluid
        PlyWriter::save(_engine.fluidMesh(), "fluid.ply");
        os << "scene.objects.fluid.material = fluid" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.objects.fluid.ply = fluid.ply" << std::endl;

        // export boundaries
        const auto &boundaryMeshes = _engine.sph().boundaryMeshes();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < boundaryMeshes.size(); ++i) {
            std::string name = tfm::format("boundary-%03d", i);
            std::string filename = name + ".ply";
            PlyWriter::save(boundaryMeshes[i], filename);
            os << tfm::format("scene.objects.%s.material = boundary", name) << std::endl;
            os << tfm::format("scene.objects.%s.ply = %s", name, filename) << std::endl;

        // export floor
        Box3f box = _engine.scene().world.bounds;
        box.max.y() = box.min.y();
        box.min.y() -= 0.01f * box.extents().norm();
        Mesh floorMesh = Mesh::createBox(box);
        PlyWriter::save(floorMesh, "floor.ply");
        os << "scene.objects.floor.material = floor" << std::endl;
        os << "scene.objects.floor.ply = floor.ply" << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << tfm::format("Rendering frame %d with SLG4 ...", _frameIndex) << std::endl;

    try {
        std::string slg = "/home/freak/luxmark-v3.1/slg4";
        std::string arguments = "-o render.cfg";
        exec_stream_t es;
        // Set 1 minutes timeout
        es.set_wait_timeout(exec_stream_t::s_out | exec_stream_t::s_err | exec_stream_t::s_child, 60*1000);
        es.start(slg, arguments);

        std::string s;
        while (std::getline(es.err(), s).good()) {
            std::cout << s << std::endl;
            if (StringUtils::endsWith(StringUtils::trim(s), "Done.")) {
                DBG("detected finish");

        DBG("closing slg");
        if (!es.close()) {
            std::cerr << "SLG4 timeout!" << std::endl;
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "exec-stream error: " << e.what() << "\n";

Exemple #24
int main( int argc, char * * argv )
	// initialize memory managers

	// intialize RNG
	srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) );


	bool coreOnly = false;
	bool fullscreen = true;
	bool exitAfterImport = false;
	bool allowRoot = false;
	bool renderLoop = false;
	QString fileToLoad, fileToImport, renderOut, profilerOutputFile;

	// first of two command-line parsing stages
	for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
		QString arg = argv[i];

		if( arg == "--help"    || arg == "-h" ||
		    arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" ||
		    arg == "--render"  || arg == "-r" )
			coreOnly = true;
		else if( arg == "--allowroot" )
			allowRoot = true;
		else if( arg == "-geometry" )
			// option -geometry is filtered by Qt later,
			// so we need to check its presence now to
			// determine, if the application should run in
			// fullscreen mode (default, no -geometry given).
			fullscreen = false;

#ifndef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32
	if ( ( getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0 ) && !allowRoot )
		printf( "LMMS cannot be run as root.\nUse \"--allowroot\" to override.\n\n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	QCoreApplication * app = coreOnly ?
			new QCoreApplication( argc, argv ) :
					new QApplication( argc, argv ) ;

	Mixer::qualitySettings qs( Mixer::qualitySettings::Mode_HighQuality );
	ProjectRenderer::OutputSettings os( 44100, false, 160,
						ProjectRenderer::Depth_16Bit );
	ProjectRenderer::ExportFileFormats eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile;

	// second of two command-line parsing stages
	for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
		QString arg = argv[i];

		if( arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" )
			printVersion( argv[0] );
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--help" || arg  == "-h" )
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--upgrade" || arg == "-u" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			DataFile dataFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) );

			if( argc > i+1 ) // output file specified
				dataFile.writeFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i+1] ) );
			else // no output file specified; use stdout
				QTextStream ts( stdout );
				dataFile.write( ts );
				fflush( stdout );

			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--allowroot" )
			// Ignore, processed earlier
			if( allowRoot )
				printf( "\nOption \"--allowroot\" will be ignored on this platform.\n\n" );
		else if( arg == "--dump" || arg == "-d" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			QFile f( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) );
			f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
			QString d = qUncompress( f.readAll() );
			printf( "%s\n", d.toUtf8().constData() );

			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		else if( arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );
			renderOut = baseName( fileToLoad ) + ".";
		else if( arg == "--loop-mode" || arg == "-l" )
			renderLoop = true;
		else if( arg == "--output" || arg == "-o" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo output file specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			renderOut = baseName( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) ) + ".";
		else if( arg == "--format" || arg == "-f" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo output format specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			const QString ext = QString( argv[i] );

			if( ext == "wav" )
				eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile;
			else if( ext == "ogg" )
				eff = ProjectRenderer::OggFile;
				printf( "\nInvalid output format %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--samplerate" || arg == "-s" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo samplerate specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			sample_rate_t sr = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt();
			if( sr >= 44100 && sr <= 192000 )
				os.samplerate = sr;
				printf( "\nInvalid samplerate %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--bitrate" || arg == "-b" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo bitrate specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			int br = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt();

			if( br >= 64 && br <= 384 )
				os.bitrate = br;
				printf( "\nInvalid bitrate %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg =="--float" || arg == "-a" )
			os.depth = ProjectRenderer::Depth_32Bit;
		else if( arg == "--interpolation" || arg == "-i" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo interpolation method specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			const QString ip = QString( argv[i] );

			if( ip == "linear" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_Linear;
			else if( ip == "sincfastest" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincFastest;
			else if( ip == "sincmedium" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincMedium;
			else if( ip == "sincbest" )
		qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincBest;
				printf( "\nInvalid interpolation method %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--oversampling" || arg == "-x" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo oversampling specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			int o = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt();

			switch( o )
				case 1:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_None;
				case 2:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_2x;
				case 4:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_4x;
				case 8:
		qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_8x;
				printf( "\nInvalid oversampling %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		else if( arg == "--import" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo file specified for importing.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			fileToImport = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );

			// exit after import? (only for debugging)
			if( QString( argv[i + 1] ) == "-e" )
				exitAfterImport = true;
		else if( arg == "--profile" || arg == "-p" )

			if( i == argc )
				printf( "\nNo profile specified.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			profilerOutputFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[1] );
			if( argv[i][0] == '-' )
				printf( "\nInvalid option %s.\n\n"
	"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] );


	// set language
	QString pos = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", "language" );
	if( pos.isEmpty() )
		pos = QLocale::system().name().left( 2 );

#define QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ConfigManager::inst()->localeDir()

	// load translation for Qt-widgets/-dialogs
	loadTranslation( QString( "qt_" ) + pos,
					QString( QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ) );
	// load actual translation for LMMS
	loadTranslation( pos );

	// try to set realtime priority
#ifndef __OpenBSD__
	struct sched_param sparam;
	sparam.sched_priority = ( sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO ) +
				sched_get_priority_min( SCHED_FIFO ) ) / 2;
	if( sched_setscheduler( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &sparam ) == -1 )
		printf( "Notice: could not set realtime priority.\n" );

	if( !SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) )
		printf( "Notice: could not set high priority.\n" );

	// if we have an output file for rendering, just render the song
	// without starting the GUI
	if( !renderOut.isEmpty() )
		Engine::init( true );

		QFileInfo fileInfo( fileToLoad );
		if ( !fileInfo.exists() )
			printf("The file %s does not exist!\n", fileToLoad.toStdString().c_str());
			exit( 1 );

		printf( "Loading project...\n" );
		Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad );
		printf( "Done\n" );

		Engine::getSong()->setExportLoop( renderLoop );

		// create renderer
		QString extension = ( eff == ProjectRenderer::WaveFile ) ? "wav" : "ogg";
		ProjectRenderer * r = new ProjectRenderer( qs, os, eff, renderOut + extension );
		QCoreApplication::instance()->connect( r,
				SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( quit() ) );

		// timer for progress-updates
		QTimer * t = new QTimer( r );
		r->connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
				SLOT( updateConsoleProgress() ) );
		t->start( 200 );

		if( profilerOutputFile.isEmpty() == false )
			Engine::mixer()->profiler().setOutputFile( profilerOutputFile );

		// start now!
	else // otherwise, start the GUI
		new GuiApplication();

		// re-intialize RNG - shared libraries might have srand() or
		// srandom() calls in their init procedure
		srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) );

		// recover a file?
		QString recoveryFile = ConfigManager::inst()->recoveryFile();

		if( QFileInfo(recoveryFile).exists() &&
			QMessageBox::question( gui->mainWindow(), MainWindow::tr( "Project recovery" ),
						MainWindow::tr( "It looks like the last session did not end properly. "
										"Do you want to recover the project of this session?" ),
						QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes )
			fileToLoad = recoveryFile;

		// we try to load given file
		if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() )
			if( fullscreen )

			if( fileToLoad == recoveryFile )
				Engine::getSong()->createNewProjectFromTemplate( fileToLoad );
				Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad );
		else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() )
			ImportFilter::import( fileToImport, Engine::getSong() );
			if( exitAfterImport )
				return EXIT_SUCCESS;

			if( fullscreen )

			// [Settel] workaround: showMaximized() doesn't work with
			// FVWM2 unless the window is already visible -> show() first
			if( fullscreen )

	const int ret = app->exec();
	delete app;

	// cleanup memory managers

	return ret;
Exemple #25
int main(int argn,char **argv){
  cout <<USAGE <<endl;

  //-- setup the simulator, swift, opengl, and the SocAbstraction
  ors::Graph ors;
  //cout <<"read configuration:\n" <<ors <<endl;

  SwiftModule swift;
  OpenGL gl;
  gl.watch("loaded configuration - press ENTER");

  uint T=200;
  soc::SocSystem_Ors soc;

  //-- setup the control variables (problem definition)
  TaskVariable *pos = new TaskVariable("position",ors, posTVT,"endeff","<t(0 0 .2)>",0,0,ARR());
  pos->y_target = arr(ors.getName("target")->X.p.v,3);
  TaskVariable *col = new TaskVariable("collision",ors, collTVT,0,0,0,0,ARR(.05));
  col->y_target = ARR(0.);

  //-- feedback control (kinematic or dynamic) to reach the targets
  arr q,dq,qv;
  for(uint t=0;t<T;t++){
    //q += dq;
    //soc.reportOnState(cout); //->would generate detailed ouput on the state of all variables...
    gl.update(STRING("bayesian Inverse Kinematics: iteration "<<t));
  gl.watch("<press ENTER>");
  //-- planning (AICO) to generate an optimal (kinematic) trajectory
  ofstream os("z.traj"); q.writeRaw(os); os.close();
  for(;;) soc.displayTrajectory(q,NULL,1,"AICO (planned trajectory)");
  return 0;
Exemple #26
geos::geom::Geometry *WKBParser::readHEX(std::istream &is)
	unsigned char h;
	unsigned char l;
	unsigned char r_h;
	unsigned char r_l, v;
	std::stringstream os(std::ios_base::binary|std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out);

		is >> h;
		is >> l;

		switch (h)
			case '0':
				r_h = 0;
			case '1':
				r_h = 1;
			case '2':
				r_h = 2;
			case '3':
				r_h = 3;
			case '4':
				r_h = 4;
			case '5':
				r_h = 5;
			case '6':
				r_h = 6;
			case '7':
				r_h = 7;
			case '8':
				r_h = 8;
			case '9':
				r_h = 9;
			case 'A':
            case 'a':
				r_h = 10;
			case 'B':
            case 'b':
				r_h = 11;
			case 'C':
			case 'c':
				r_h = 12;
			case 'D':
			case 'd':
				r_h = 13;
			case 'E':
			case 'e':
				r_h = 14;
			case 'F':
			case 'f':
				r_h = 15;

				return NULL;

		switch (l)
			case '0':
				r_l = 0;
			case '1':
				r_l = 1;
			case '2':
				r_l = 2;
			case '3':
				r_l = 3;
			case '4':
				r_l = 4;
			case '5':
				r_l = 5;
			case '6':
				r_l = 6;
			case '7':
				r_l = 7;
			case '8':
				r_l = 8;
			case '9':
				r_l = 9;
			case 'A':
            case 'a':
				r_l = 10;
			case 'B':
            case 'b':
				r_l = 11;
			case 'C':
			case 'c':
				r_l = 12;
			case 'D':
			case 'd':
				r_l = 13;
			case 'E':
			case 'e':
				r_l = 14;

			case 'F':
			case 'f':
				r_l = 15;

				return NULL;
		v = (r_h<<4) + r_l;
		os << v;

	return read(os);
Exemple #27
std::string CraftDefinitionToolRepair::dump() const
	std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
	os << "(toolrepair, additional_wear=" << additional_wear << ")";
	return os.str();
Exemple #28
int main(int argc, char* argv[])	{

	ifstream is(argv[1]);
	int N;
	is >> N;
	string* gene = new string[N];
	CodonSequenceAlignment** ali = new CodonSequenceAlignment*[N];
	FileSequenceAlignment** nucali = new FileSequenceAlignment*[N];
	double* freq = new double[Nnuc];
	double* comp = new double[N];
	double* gc = new double[N];
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		is >> gene[i];
		cerr << gene[i] << '\n';
		nucali[i] = new FileSequenceAlignment(gene[i]);
		ali[i] = new CodonSequenceAlignment(nucali[i],true);
		double tmp = ali[i]->NucleotideCompositionalHeterogeneity(0);
		gc[i] = freq[1] + freq[2];
		comp[i] = tmp;

	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		cerr << gene[i] << '\t' << gc[i] << '\t' << comp[i] << '\n';

	int* permut = new int[N];
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		permut[i] = i;
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		for (int j=N-1; j>i; j--)	{
			if (gc[permut[i]] > gc[permut[j]])	{
				int tmp = permut[i];
				permut[i] = permut[j];
				permut[j] = tmp;
	ofstream os("sort.gc");
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		os << gene[permut[i]] << '\t' << gc[permut[i]] << '\t' << comp[permut[i]] << '\n';
	cerr << '\n';

	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		permut[i] = i;
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		for (int j=N-1; j>i; j--)	{
			if (comp[permut[i]] > comp[permut[j]])	{
				int tmp = permut[i];
				permut[i] = permut[j];
				permut[j] = tmp;
	ofstream pos("sort.comp");
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)	{
		pos << gene[permut[i]] << '\t' << comp[permut[i]] << '\t' << gc[permut[i]] << '\n';
Exemple #29
void CNodeDefManager::fillTileAttribs(ITextureSource *tsrc, TileSpec *tile,
		TileDef *tiledef, u32 shader_id, bool use_normal_texture,
		bool backface_culling, u8 alpha, u8 material_type)
	tile->shader_id     = shader_id;
	tile->texture       = tsrc->getTextureForMesh(tiledef->name, &tile->texture_id);
	tile->alpha         = alpha;
	tile->material_type = material_type;

	// Normal texture and shader flags texture
	if (use_normal_texture) {
		tile->normal_texture = tsrc->getNormalTexture(tiledef->name);
	tile->flags_texture = tsrc->getShaderFlagsTexture(tile->normal_texture ? true : false);

	// Material flags
	tile->material_flags = 0;
	if (backface_culling)
		tile->material_flags |= MATERIAL_FLAG_BACKFACE_CULLING;
	if (tiledef->animation.type == TAT_VERTICAL_FRAMES)
	if (tiledef->tileable_horizontal)
		tile->material_flags |= MATERIAL_FLAG_TILEABLE_HORIZONTAL;
	if (tiledef->tileable_vertical)
		tile->material_flags |= MATERIAL_FLAG_TILEABLE_VERTICAL;

	// Animation parameters
	int frame_count = 1;
	if (tile->material_flags & MATERIAL_FLAG_ANIMATION_VERTICAL_FRAMES) {
		// Get texture size to determine frame count by aspect ratio
		v2u32 size = tile->texture->getOriginalSize();
		int frame_height = (float)size.X /
				(float)tiledef->animation.aspect_w *
		frame_count = size.Y / frame_height;
		int frame_length_ms = 1000.0 * tiledef->animation.length / frame_count;
		tile->animation_frame_count = frame_count;
		tile->animation_frame_length_ms = frame_length_ms;

	if (frame_count == 1) {
	} else {
		std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);

		for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) {

			FrameSpec frame;

			os << tiledef->name << "^[verticalframe:"
				<< frame_count << ":" << i;

			frame.texture = tsrc->getTextureForMesh(os.str(), &frame.texture_id);
			if (tile->normal_texture)
				frame.normal_texture = tsrc->getNormalTexture(os.str());
			frame.flags_texture = tile->flags_texture;
			tile->frames[i] = frame;
std::string CVProjectUtil::WriteVmt(
	const std::string &file,
	const std::string &shader,
	bool translucent )
	// Get the pathname for the VMT file
	const std::string vmt( Vmt( file ) );
	const std::string dir( DirName( vmt ) );

	if ( _access( vmt.c_str(), 00 ) == 0 )
		merr << "Cannot overwrite destination vmt: " << vmt << std::endl;
		return "";

	CreateDirectoryEx( Prefix().c_str(), dir.c_str(), NULL );

	std::ofstream os( vmt.c_str() );
	if ( !os )
		merr << "Couldn't write to vmt: " << vmt << std::endl;
		return "";

	// Shader

	os << "\"";
	if ( shader.size() )
		os << shader;
	else {
		os << "VertexLitGeneric";
	os << "\"\n";

	// Parameters
	os << "{\n";

	// Base Texture
	os << "\t\"$basetexture\" \"";

	const std::string path( Path() );
	if ( path.size() )
		os << path + "/";

	if ( file.size() )
		os << file;
	else if ( m_file.size() )
		os << m_file;
		os << "unknown";

	os << "\"\n";

	// Translucent

	if ( translucent )
		os << "\t\"$translucent\" \"1\"\n";

	os << "}\n";


	return vmt;