Exemple #1
void MapgenV6::placeTreesAndJungleGrass()
	//TimeTaker t("placeTrees");

	PseudoRandom grassrandom(blockseed + 53);

	content_t c_sand            = ndef->getId("mapgen_sand");

	content_t c_junglegrass = ndef->getId("mapgen_junglegrass");
	// if we don't have junglegrass, don't place cignore... that's bad
	if (c_junglegrass == CONTENT_IGNORE)
		c_junglegrass = CONTENT_AIR;
	MapNode n_junglegrass(c_junglegrass);
	v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();

	// Divide area into parts
	s16 div = 8;
	s16 sidelen = central_area_size.X / div;
	double area = sidelen * sidelen;

	// N.B.  We must add jungle grass first, since tree leaves will
	// obstruct the ground, giving us a false ground level
	for (s16 z0 = 0; z0 < div; z0++)
	for (s16 x0 = 0; x0 < div; x0++) {
		// Center position of part of division
		v2s16 p2d_center(
			node_min.X + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * x0,
			node_min.Z + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * z0
		// Minimum edge of part of division
		v2s16 p2d_min(
			node_min.X + sidelen * x0,
			node_min.Z + sidelen * z0
		// Maximum edge of part of division
		v2s16 p2d_max(
			node_min.X + sidelen + sidelen * x0 - 1,
			node_min.Z + sidelen + sidelen * z0 - 1

		// Get biome at center position of part of division
		BiomeV6Type bt = getBiome(v3POS(p2d_center.X, node_min.Y, p2d_center.Y));

		// Amount of trees
		float humidity = getHumidity(v3POS(p2d_center.X, node_max.Y, p2d_center.Y));
		s32 tree_count;
		if (bt == BT_JUNGLE || bt == BT_TAIGA || bt == BT_NORMAL) {
			tree_count = area * getTreeAmount(p2d_center) * ((humidity + 1)/2.0);
			if (bt == BT_JUNGLE)
				tree_count *= 4;
		} else {
			tree_count = 0;

		if (node_max.Y < water_level)
			tree_count /= 2;

		// Add jungle grass
		if (bt == BT_JUNGLE) {
			u32 grass_count = 5 * humidity * tree_count;
			for (u32 i = 0; i < grass_count; i++) {
				s16 x = grassrandom.range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
				s16 z = grassrandom.range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);
/* wtf
				int mapindex = central_area_size.X * (z - node_min.Z)
								+ (x - node_min.X);
				s16 y = heightmap[mapindex];
				s16 y = findGroundLevelFull(v2s16(x, z));
				if (y < water_level)

				u32 vi = vm->m_area.index(x, y, z);
				// place on dirt_with_grass, since we know it is exposed to sunlight
				if (vm->m_data[vi].getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass) {
					vm->m_area.add_y(em, vi, 1);
					vm->m_data[vi] = n_junglegrass;

		// Put trees in random places on part of division
		for (s32 i = 0; i < tree_count; i++) {
			s16 x = myrand_range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
			s16 z = myrand_range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);
/* wtf
			int mapindex = central_area_size.X * (z - node_min.Z)
							+ (x - node_min.X);
			s16 y = heightmap[mapindex];
			s16 y = findGroundLevelFull(v2s16(x, z));

			// Don't make a tree under water level
			// Don't make a tree so high that it doesn't fit
			if (y > node_max.Y - 6)

			v3s16 p(x, y, z);
			// Trees grow only on mud and grass and snowblock
				u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p);
				content_t c = vm->m_data[i].getContent();
				if (c != c_dirt &&
						c != c_dirt_with_grass &&
						c != c_dirt_with_snow &&
						c != c_snowblock &&
						(y >= water_level || c != c_sand))

			// Make a tree
			if (y < water_level) {
				if (y < water_level - 20) // do not spawn trees in lakes
					treegen::make_cavetree(*vm, p, bt == BT_JUNGLE, ndef, myrand());
			} else if (bt == BT_JUNGLE) {
				treegen::make_jungletree(*vm, p, ndef, myrand());
			} else if (bt == BT_TAIGA) {
				treegen::make_pine_tree(*vm, p - v3s16(0, 1, 0), ndef, myrand());
			} else if (bt == BT_NORMAL) {
				bool is_apple_tree = (myrand_range(0, 3) == 0) &&
							getHaveAppleTree(v2s16(x, z));
				treegen::make_tree(*vm, p, is_apple_tree, ndef, myrand());
	//printf("placeTreesAndJungleGrass: %dms\n", t.stop());
size_t Decoration::placeDeco(Mapgen *mg, u32 blockseed, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax)
	PseudoRandom ps(blockseed + 53);
	int carea_size = nmax.X - nmin.X + 1;

	// Divide area into parts
	if (carea_size % sidelen) {
		errorstream << "Decoration::placeDeco: chunk size is not divisible by "
			"sidelen; setting sidelen to " << carea_size << std::endl;
		sidelen = carea_size;

	s16 divlen = carea_size / sidelen;
	int area = sidelen * sidelen;

	for (s16 z0 = 0; z0 < divlen; z0++)
	for (s16 x0 = 0; x0 < divlen; x0++) {
		v2s16 p2d_center( // Center position of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * x0,
			nmin.Z + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * z0
		v2s16 p2d_min( // Minimum edge of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen * x0,
			nmin.Z + sidelen * z0
		v2s16 p2d_max( // Maximum edge of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen + sidelen * x0 - 1,
			nmin.Z + sidelen + sidelen * z0 - 1

		// Amount of decorations
		float nval = (flags & DECO_USE_NOISE) ?
			NoisePerlin2D(&np, p2d_center.X, p2d_center.Y, mapseed) :
		u32 deco_count = area * MYMAX(nval, 0.f);

		for (u32 i = 0; i < deco_count; i++) {
			s16 x = ps.range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
			s16 z = ps.range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);

			int mapindex = carea_size * (z - nmin.Z) + (x - nmin.X);

			s16 y = mg->heightmap ?
					mg->heightmap[mapindex] :
					mg->findGroundLevel(v2s16(x, z), nmin.Y, nmax.Y);

			if (y < nmin.Y || y > nmax.Y ||
				y < y_min  || y > y_max)

			if (y + getHeight() >= mg->vm->m_area.MaxEdge.Y) {
#if 0
				printf("Decoration at (%d %d %d) cut off\n", x, y, z);
				//add to queue
				JMutexAutoLock cutofflock(cutoff_mutex);
				cutoffs.push_back(CutoffData(x, y, z, height));

			if (mg->biomemap) {
				std::set<u8>::iterator iter;

				if (!biomes.empty()) {
					iter = biomes.find(mg->biomemap[mapindex]);
					if (iter == biomes.end())

			v3s16 pos(x, y, z);
			if (generate(mg->vm, &ps, pos))
				mg->gennotify.addEvent(GENNOTIFY_DECORATION, pos, index);

	return 0;
Exemple #3
void Decoration::placeDeco(Mapgen *mg, u32 blockseed, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax) {
	PseudoRandom ps(blockseed + 53);
	int carea_size = nmax.X - nmin.X + 1;

	// Divide area into parts
	if (carea_size % sidelen) {
		errorstream << "Decoration::placeDeco: chunk size is not divisible by "
			"sidelen; setting sidelen to " << carea_size << std::endl;
		sidelen = carea_size;

	s16 divlen = carea_size / sidelen;
	int area = sidelen * sidelen;

	for (s16 z0 = 0; z0 < divlen; z0++)
	for (s16 x0 = 0; x0 < divlen; x0++) {
		v2s16 p2d_center( // Center position of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * x0,
			nmin.Z + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * z0
		v2s16 p2d_min( // Minimum edge of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen * x0,
			nmin.Z + sidelen * z0
		v2s16 p2d_max( // Maximum edge of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen + sidelen * x0 - 1,
			nmin.Z + sidelen + sidelen * z0 - 1

		// Amount of decorations
		float nval = np ?
			NoisePerlin2D(np, p2d_center.X, p2d_center.Y, mapseed) :
		u32 deco_count = area * MYMAX(nval, 0.f);

		for (u32 i = 0; i < deco_count; i++) {
			s16 x = ps.range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
			s16 z = ps.range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);

			int mapindex = carea_size * (z - nmin.Z) + (x - nmin.X);

			s16 y = mg->heightmap ?
					mg->heightmap[mapindex] :
					mg->findGroundLevel(v2s16(x, z), nmin.Y, nmax.Y);

			if (y < nmin.Y || y > nmax.Y)

			int height = getHeight();
			int max_y = nmax.Y;// + MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1;
			if (y + 1 + height > max_y) {
#if 0
				printf("Decoration at (%d %d %d) cut off\n", x, y, z);
				//add to queue
				JMutexAutoLock cutofflock(cutoff_mutex);
				cutoffs.push_back(CutoffData(x, y, z, height));

			if (mg->biomemap) {
				std::set<u8>::iterator iter;

				if (biomes.size()) {
					iter = biomes.find(mg->biomemap[mapindex]);
					if (iter == biomes.end())

			generate(mg, &ps, max_y, v3s16(x, y, z));
Exemple #4
void MapgenV5::actuallyGenerate()
	ManualMapVoxelManipulator &vmanip = *vm;

	v2s16 p2d_center(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_min.Z+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2);

		Get average ground level from noise
	s16 minimum_groundlevel = (s16)get_sector_minimum_ground_level(
			seed, node_min, node_max);
	// Minimum amount of ground above the top of the central block
	s16 minimum_ground_depth = minimum_groundlevel - node_max.Y;

	s16 maximum_groundlevel = (s16)get_sector_maximum_ground_level(
			seed, node_min, node_max, 1);
	// Maximum amount of ground above the bottom of the central block
	s16 maximum_ground_depth = maximum_groundlevel - node_min.Y;

	#if 0
		Special case for high air or water: Just fill with air and water.
	if(maximum_ground_depth < -20)
		for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
		for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
			// Node position
			v2s16 p2d(x,z);
				// Use fast index incrementing
				v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
				u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_min.Y, p2d.Y));
				for(s16 y=node_min.Y; y<=node_max.Y; y++)
					// Only modify places that have no content
					if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE)
						if(y <= WATER_LEVEL)
							vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_water_source);
							vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
					vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
		// We're done

		If block is deep underground, this is set to true and ground
		density noise is not generated, for speed optimization.
	bool all_is_ground_except_caves = (minimum_ground_depth > 40);
		Create a block-specific seed
	u32 blockseed = (u32)(seed%0x100000000ULL) + full_node_min.Z*38134234
			+ full_node_min.Y*42123 + full_node_min.X*23;
		Make some 3D noise
	//OldNoiseBuffer noisebuf1;
	//OldNoiseBuffer noisebuf2;
	OldNoiseBuffer noisebuf_cave;
	OldNoiseBuffer noisebuf_ground;
	OldNoiseBuffer noisebuf_ground_crumbleness;
	OldNoiseBuffer noisebuf_ground_wetness;
		v3f minpos_f(node_min.X, node_min.Y, node_min.Z);
		v3f maxpos_f(node_max.X, node_max.Y, node_max.Z);

		//TimeTaker timer("noisebuf.create");

			Cave noise
#if 1
				minpos_f.X, minpos_f.Y, minpos_f.Z,
				maxpos_f.X, maxpos_f.Y, maxpos_f.Z,
				2, 2, 2);

			Ground noise
		// Sample length
		v3f sl = v3f(4.0, 4.0, 4.0);
			Density noise
		if(all_is_ground_except_caves == false)
			//noisebuf_ground.create(seed+983240, 6, 0.60, false,
					minpos_f.X, minpos_f.Y, minpos_f.Z,
					maxpos_f.X, maxpos_f.Y, maxpos_f.Z,
					sl.X, sl.Y, sl.Z);
			Ground property noise
		sl = v3f(2.5, 2.5, 2.5);
				minpos_f.X, minpos_f.Y, minpos_f.Z,
				maxpos_f.X, maxpos_f.Y+5, maxpos_f.Z,
				sl.X, sl.Y, sl.Z);
				minpos_f.X, minpos_f.Y, minpos_f.Z,
				maxpos_f.X, maxpos_f.Y+5, maxpos_f.Z,
				sl.X, sl.Y, sl.Z);
		Make base ground level

	for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
	for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
		// Node position
		v2s16 p2d(x,z);
			// Use fast index incrementing
			v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
			u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_min.Y, p2d.Y));
			for(s16 y=node_min.Y; y<=node_max.Y; y++)
				// Only modify places that have no content
				if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					// First priority: make air and water.
					// This avoids caves inside water.
					if(all_is_ground_except_caves == false
							&& val_is_ground(noisebuf_ground.get(x,y,z),
							v3s16(x,y,z), seed) == false)
						if(y <= WATER_LEVEL)
							vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_water_source);
							vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
					else if(noisebuf_cave.get(x,y,z) > CAVE_NOISE_THRESHOLD)
						vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
						vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_stone);
				vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);

		Add mud and sand and others underground (in place of stone)

	for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
	for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
		// Node position
		v2s16 p2d(x,z);
			// Use fast index incrementing
			v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
			u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
			for(s16 y=node_max.Y; y>=node_min.Y; y--)
				if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_stone)
					if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y,z) > 1.3)
						if(noisebuf_ground_wetness.get(x,y,z) > 0.0)
							vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_dirt);
							vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_sand);
					else if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y,z) > 0.7)
						if(noisebuf_ground_wetness.get(x,y,z) < -0.6)
							vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_gravel);
					else if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y,z) <
							-3.0 + MYMIN(0.1 * sqrt((float)MYMAX(0, -y)), 1.5))
						vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_lava_source);
						// TODO: Is this needed?
						/*for(s16 x1=-1; x1<=1; x1++)
						for(s16 y1=-1; y1<=1; y1++)
						for(s16 z1=-1; z1<=1; z1++)
									v3s16(p2d.X+x1, y+y1, p2d.Y+z1));*/

				vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
	// Add dungeons
		DungeonParams dp;

		dp.np_rarity  = nparams_dungeon_rarity;
		dp.np_density = nparams_dungeon_density;
		dp.np_wetness = nparams_dungeon_wetness;
		dp.c_water = c_water_source;
		// TODO
		//if (getBiome(0, v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z)) == BT_NORMAL) {
		if (1) {
			dp.c_cobble  = c_cobble;
			dp.c_moss    = c_mossycobble;
			dp.c_stair   = c_stair_cobble;

			dp.diagonal_dirs = false;
			dp.mossratio  = 3.0;
			dp.holesize   = v3s16(1, 2, 1);
			dp.roomsize   = v3s16(0, 0, 0);
			dp.notifytype = GENNOTIFY_DUNGEON;
		} /*else {
			dp.c_cobble  = c_sandbrick;
			dp.c_moss    = c_sandbrick; // should make this 'cracked sandstone' later
			dp.c_stair   = c_stair_sandstone;

			dp.diagonal_dirs = true;
			dp.mossratio  = 0.0;
			dp.holesize   = v3s16(2, 3, 2);
			dp.roomsize   = v3s16(2, 5, 2);
			dp.notifytype = GENNOTIFY_TEMPLE;

		DungeonGen dgen(this, &dp);
		dgen.generate(blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);

		If close to ground level

	//if(abs(approx_ground_depth) < 30)
	if(minimum_ground_depth < 5 && maximum_ground_depth > -5)
			Add grass and mud

		for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
		for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
			// Node position
			v2s16 p2d(x,z);
				bool possibly_have_sand = get_have_sand(seed, p2d);
				bool have_sand = false;
				u32 current_depth = 0;
				bool air_detected = false;
				bool water_detected = false;

				// Use fast index incrementing
				s16 start_y = node_max.Y+2;
				v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
				u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, start_y, p2d.Y));
				for(s16 y=start_y; y>=node_min.Y-3; y--)
					if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source)
						water_detected = true;
					if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_AIR)
						air_detected = true;

					if((vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_stone
							|| vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass
							|| vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt
							|| vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_sand
							|| vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_gravel
							) && (air_detected || water_detected))
						if(current_depth == 0 && y <= WATER_LEVEL+2
								&& possibly_have_sand)
							have_sand = true;
						if(current_depth < 4)
								vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_sand);
							#if 1
							else if(current_depth==0 && !water_detected
									&& y >= WATER_LEVEL && air_detected)
								vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_dirt_with_grass);
								vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_dirt);
							if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt
								|| vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
								vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_stone);


						if(current_depth >= 8)
					else if(current_depth != 0)

					vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
Exemple #5
void MapgenV6::placeTreesAndJungleGrass() {
	//TimeTaker t("placeTrees");
	PseudoRandom grassrandom(blockseed + 53);

	content_t c_sand            = ndef->getId("mapgen_sand");

	content_t c_junglegrass = ndef->getId("mapgen_junglegrass");
	// if we don't have junglegrass, don't place cignore... that's bad
	if (c_junglegrass == CONTENT_IGNORE)
		c_junglegrass = CONTENT_AIR;
	MapNode n_junglegrass(c_junglegrass);
	v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
	// Divide area into parts
	s16 div = 8;
	s16 sidelen = central_area_size.X / div;
	double area = sidelen * sidelen;
	// N.B.  We must add jungle grass first, since tree leaves will
	// obstruct the ground, giving us a false ground level
	for (s16 z0 = 0; z0 < div; z0++)
	for (s16 x0 = 0; x0 < div; x0++) {
		// Center position of part of division
		v2s16 p2d_center(
			node_min.X + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * x0,
			node_min.Z + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * z0
		// Minimum edge of part of division
		v2s16 p2d_min(
			node_min.X + sidelen * x0,
			node_min.Z + sidelen * z0
		// Maximum edge of part of division
		v2s16 p2d_max(
			node_min.X + sidelen + sidelen * x0 - 1,
			node_min.Z + sidelen + sidelen * z0 - 1
		// Amount of trees, jungle area
		u32 tree_count = area * getTreeAmount(p2d_center);
		float humidity = 0;
		bool is_jungle = false;
		if (flags & MGV6_JUNGLES) {
			humidity = getHumidity(p2d_center);
			if (humidity > 0.75) {
				is_jungle = true;
				tree_count *= 4;

		if (node_max.Y < water_level)
			tree_count /= 2;

		// Add jungle grass
		if (is_jungle) {			
			u32 grass_count = 5 * humidity * tree_count;
			for (u32 i = 0; i < grass_count; i++) {
				s16 x = grassrandom.range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
				s16 z = grassrandom.range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);
				s16 y = findGroundLevelFull(v2s16(x, z)); ////////////////optimize this!
				if (y < water_level || y < node_min.Y || y > node_max.Y)
				u32 vi = vm->m_area.index(x, y, z);
				// place on dirt_with_grass, since we know it is exposed to sunlight
				if (vm->m_data[vi].getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass) {
					vm->m_area.add_y(em, vi, 1);
					vm->m_data[vi] = n_junglegrass;
		// Put trees in random places on part of division
		for (u32 i = 0; i < tree_count; i++) {
			s16 x = myrand_range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
			s16 z = myrand_range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);
			s16 y = findGroundLevelFull(v2s16(x, z)); ////////////////////optimize this!
			// Don't make a tree under water level
			// Don't make a tree so high that it doesn't fit
			if(y > node_max.Y - 6)
			v3s16 p(x,y,z);
			// Trees grow only on mud and grass
				u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p);
				MapNode *n = &vm->m_data[i];
				if (n->getContent() != c_dirt &&
					n->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass &&
					(y >= water_level || n->getContent() != c_sand))
			// Make a tree
			if (y < water_level) {
				if (y < water_level - 20) // do not spawn trees in lakes
					treegen::make_cavetree(*vm, p, is_jungle, ndef, myrand());
			else if (is_jungle) {
				treegen::make_jungletree(*vm, p, ndef, myrand());
			} else {
				bool is_apple_tree = (myrand_range(0, 3) == 0) &&
										getHaveAppleTree(v2s16(x, z));
				treegen::make_tree(*vm, p, is_apple_tree, ndef, myrand());
	//printf("placeTreesAndJungleGrass: %dms\n", t.stop());
size_t Decoration::placeDeco(Mapgen *mg, u32 blockseed, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax)
	PcgRandom ps(blockseed + 53);
	int carea_size = nmax.X - nmin.X + 1;

	// Divide area into parts
	// If chunksize is changed it may no longer be divisable by sidelen
	if (carea_size % sidelen)
		sidelen = carea_size;

	s16 divlen = carea_size / sidelen;
	int area = sidelen * sidelen;

	for (s16 z0 = 0; z0 < divlen; z0++)
	for (s16 x0 = 0; x0 < divlen; x0++) {
		v2s16 p2d_center( // Center position of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * x0,
			nmin.Z + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * z0
		v2s16 p2d_min( // Minimum edge of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen * x0,
			nmin.Z + sidelen * z0
		v2s16 p2d_max( // Maximum edge of part of division
			nmin.X + sidelen + sidelen * x0 - 1,
			nmin.Z + sidelen + sidelen * z0 - 1

		// Amount of decorations
		float nval = (flags & DECO_USE_NOISE) ?
			NoisePerlin2D(&np, p2d_center.X, p2d_center.Y, mapseed) :
		u32 deco_count = 0;
		float deco_count_f = (float)area * nval;
		if (deco_count_f >= 1.f) {
			deco_count = deco_count_f;
		} else if (deco_count_f > 0.f) {
			// For low density decorations calculate a chance for 1 decoration
			if (ps.range(1000) <= deco_count_f * 1000.f)
				deco_count = 1;

		for (u32 i = 0; i < deco_count; i++) {
			s16 x = ps.range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
			s16 z = ps.range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);

			int mapindex = carea_size * (z - nmin.Z) + (x - nmin.X);

			if (flags & DECO_LIQUID_SURFACE)
				y = mg->findLiquidSurface(v2s16(x, z), nmin.Y, nmax.Y);
			else if (mg->heightmap)
				y = mg->heightmap[mapindex];
				y = mg->findGroundLevel(v2s16(x, z), nmin.Y, nmax.Y);

			if (y < nmin.Y || y > nmax.Y ||
				y < y_min  || y > y_max)

			if (y + getHeight() >= mg->vm->m_area.MaxEdge.Y) {
#if 0
				printf("Decoration at (%d %d %d) cut off\n", x, y, z);
				//add to queue
				MutexAutoLock cutofflock(cutoff_mutex);
				cutoffs.push_back(CutoffData(x, y, z, height));

			if (mg->biomemap) {
				std::set<u8>::iterator iter;

				if (!biomes.empty()) {
					iter = biomes.find(mg->biomemap[mapindex]);
					if (iter == biomes.end())

			v3s16 pos(x, y, z);
			if (generate(mg->vm, &ps, pos))
				mg->gennotify.addEvent(GENNOTIFY_DECORATION, pos, index);

	return 0;