bool SecurityOrigin::canAccess(const SecurityOrigin* other) const
    if (m_universalAccess)
        return true;

    if (this == other)
        return true;

    if (isUnique() || other->isUnique())
        return false;

    // document.domain handling, as per
    // 1) Neither document has set document.domain. In this case, we insist
    //    that the scheme, host, and port of the URLs match.
    // 2) Both documents have set document.domain. In this case, we insist
    //    that the documents have set document.domain to the same value and
    //    that the scheme of the URLs match. Ports do not need to match.
    bool canAccess = false;
    if (m_protocol == other->m_protocol) {
        if (!m_domainWasSetInDOM && !other->m_domainWasSetInDOM) {
            if (m_host == other->m_host && m_port == other->m_port)
                canAccess = true;
        } else if (m_domainWasSetInDOM && other->m_domainWasSetInDOM) {
            if (m_domain == other->m_domain)
                canAccess = true;

    if (canAccess && isLocal())
        canAccess = passesFileCheck(other);

    return canAccess;
Exemple #2
bool SecurityOrigin::isSameSchemeHostPort(const SecurityOrigin* other) const 
    if (m_host != other->m_host)
        return false;

    if (m_protocol != other->m_protocol)
        return false;

    if (m_port != other->m_port)
        return false;

    if (isLocal() && !passesFileCheck(other))
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #3
bool SecurityOrigin::canAccess(const SecurityOrigin* other) const
    if (m_universalAccess)
        return true;

    if (this == other)
        return true;

    if (isUnique() || other->isUnique())
        return false;

    // Here are two cases where we should permit access:
    // 1) Neither document has set document.domain. In this case, we insist
    //    that the scheme, host, and port of the URLs match.
    // 2) Both documents have set document.domain. In this case, we insist
    //    that the documents have set document.domain to the same value and
    //    that the scheme of the URLs match.
    // This matches the behavior of Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 6.
    // Internet Explorer 7 and Opera 9 are more strict in that they require
    // the port numbers to match when both pages have document.domain set.
    // FIXME: Evaluate whether we can tighten this policy to require matched
    //        port numbers.
    // Opera 9 allows access when only one page has set document.domain, but
    // this is a security vulnerability.

    bool canAccess = false;
    if (m_protocol == other->m_protocol) {
        if (!m_domainWasSetInDOM && !other->m_domainWasSetInDOM) {
            if (m_host == other->m_host && m_port == other->m_port)
                canAccess = true;
        } else if (m_domainWasSetInDOM && other->m_domainWasSetInDOM) {
            if (m_domain == other->m_domain)
                canAccess = true;

    if (canAccess && isLocal())
       canAccess = passesFileCheck(other);

    return canAccess;