Exemple #1
PmError Pm_Close( PortMidiStream *stream ) {
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    PmError err = pmNoError;

    /* arg checking */
    if (midi == NULL) /* midi must point to something */
        err = pmBadPtr;
    /* if it is an open device, the device_id will be valid */
    else if (midi->device_id < 0 || midi->device_id >= pm_descriptor_index)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    /* and the device should be in the opened state */
    else if (!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    if (err != pmNoError) 
        goto error_return;

    /* close the device */
    err = (*midi->dictionary->close)(midi);
    /* even if an error occurred, continue with cleanup */
    descriptors[midi->device_id].internalDescriptor = NULL;
    descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened = FALSE;
    return pm_errmsg(err);
Exemple #2
PMEXPORT PmError Pm_Poll( PortMidiStream *stream )
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    PmError err;

    pm_hosterror = FALSE;
    /* arg checking */
    if(midi == NULL)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if (!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if (!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.input)
        err = pmBadPtr;
        err = (*(midi->dictionary->poll))(midi);

    if (err != pmNoError) {
        if (err == pmHostError) {
            midi->dictionary->host_error(midi, pm_hosterror_text,
           pm_hosterror = TRUE;
        return pm_errmsg(err);

    return !Pm_QueueEmpty(midi->queue);
Exemple #3
int Pm_CountDevices( void )
    PmError err = Pm_Initialize();
    if (err)
        return pm_errmsg(err);
    return pm_descriptor_index;
Exemple #4
   returns number of longs actually read, or error code
   When the reader wants data:
     if overflow_flag:
         do not get anything
         empty the buffer (read_ptr = write_ptr)
         clear overflow_flag
         return pmBufferOverflow
     get data
     return number of messages
PmError Pm_Read(PortMidiStream *stream, PmEvent *buffer, long length) {
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    int n = 0;
    long head;
    PmError err = pmNoError;
    /* arg checking */
    if(midi == NULL)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if(Pm_HasHostError(midi))
        err = pmHostError;
    else if(!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if(!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.input)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    /* First poll for data in the buffer...
     * This either simply checks for data, or attempts first to fill the buffer
     * with data from the MIDI hardware; this depends on the implementation.
     * We could call Pm_Poll here, but that would redo a lot of redundant
     * parameter checking, so I copied some code from Pm_Poll to here: */
    else err = (*(midi->dictionary->poll))(midi);

    if (err != pmNoError) {
        return pm_errmsg(err);

    head = midi->head;
    while (head != midi->tail && n < length) {
        PmEvent event = midi->buffer[head++];
        *buffer++ = event;
        if (head == midi->buffer_len) head = 0;
    midi->head = head;
    if (midi->overflow) {
        midi->head = midi->tail;
        midi->overflow = FALSE;
        return pm_errmsg(pmBufferOverflow);
    return n;
Exemple #5
PmError Pm_SetChannelMask(PortMidiStream *stream, int mask)
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    PmError err = pmNoError;

    if (midi == NULL)
        err = pmBadPtr;
        midi->channel_mask = mask;

    return pm_errmsg(err);
Exemple #6
 * returns number of messages actually read, or error code
PMEXPORT int Pm_Read(PortMidiStream *stream, PmEvent *buffer, int32_t length) {
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    int n = 0;
    PmError err = pmNoError;
    pm_hosterror = FALSE;
    /* arg checking */
    if(midi == NULL)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if(!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if(!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.input)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    /* First poll for data in the buffer...
     * This either simply checks for data, or attempts first to fill the buffer
     * with data from the MIDI hardware; this depends on the implementation.
     * We could call Pm_Poll here, but that would redo a lot of redundant
     * parameter checking, so I copied some code from Pm_Poll to here: */
    else err = (*(midi->dictionary->poll))(midi);

    if (err != pmNoError) {
        if (err == pmHostError) {
            midi->dictionary->host_error(midi, pm_hosterror_text,
          pm_hosterror = TRUE;
        return pm_errmsg(err);

    while (n < length) {
        PmError err = Pm_Dequeue(midi->queue, buffer++);
        if (err == pmBufferOverflow) {
            /* ignore the data we have retreived so far */
            return pm_errmsg(pmBufferOverflow);
        } else if (err == 0) { /* empty queue */
    return n;
Exemple #7
PmError Pm_SetFilter(PortMidiStream *stream, long filters) {
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    PmError err = pmNoError;

    /* arg checking */
    if (midi == NULL)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if (!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
        midi->filters = filters;
    return pm_errmsg(err);
Exemple #8
PmError Pm_Abort( PortMidiStream* stream ) {
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    PmError err;
    /* arg checking */
    if (midi == NULL)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    if (!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.output)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    if (!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
        err = (*midi->dictionary->abort)(midi);
    return pm_errmsg(err);
Exemple #9
PmError Pm_Poll( PortMidiStream *stream )
    PmInternal *midi = (PmInternal *) stream;
    PmError err;

    /* arg checking */
    if(midi == NULL)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if(Pm_HasHostError(midi))
        err = pmHostError;
    else if(!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if(!descriptors[midi->device_id].pub.input)
        err = pmBadPtr;
        err = (*(midi->dictionary->poll))(midi);

    if (err != pmNoError)
        return pm_errmsg(err);
        return midi->head != midi->tail;
Exemple #10
PmError Pm_OpenOutput(PortMidiStream** stream,
                      PmDeviceID outputDevice,
                      void *outputDriverInfo,
                      long bufferSize,
                      PmTimeProcPtr time_proc,
                      void *time_info,
                      long latency ) {
    PmInternal *midi;
    PmError err = pmNoError;
    pm_hosterror = FALSE;
    *stream =  NULL;
    /* arg checking */
    if (outputDevice < 0 || outputDevice >= pm_descriptor_index)
        err = pmInvalidDeviceId;
    else if (!descriptors[outputDevice].pub.output) 
        err = pmBadPtr;
    else if (descriptors[outputDevice].pub.opened)
        err = pmBadPtr;
    if (err != pmNoError) 
        goto error_return;

    /* create portMidi internal data */
    midi = (PmInternal *) pm_alloc(sizeof(PmInternal)); 
    *stream = midi;                 
    if (!midi) {
        err = pmInsufficientMemory;
        goto error_return;
    midi->device_id = outputDevice;
    midi->write_flag = TRUE;
    midi->time_proc = time_proc;
    /* if latency > 0, we need a time reference. If none is provided,
       use PortTime library */
    if (time_proc == NULL && latency != 0) {
        if (!Pt_Started()) 
            Pt_Start(1, 0, 0);
        /* time_get does not take a parameter, so coerce */
        midi->time_proc = (PmTimeProcPtr) Pt_Time;
    midi->time_info = time_info;
    /* when stream used, this buffer allocated and used by 
        winmm_out_open; deleted by winmm_out_close */
    midi->buffer_len = bufferSize;
    midi->buffer = NULL;
    midi->head = 0; /* unused by output */
    midi->tail = 0; /* unused by output */
    /* if latency zero, output immediate (timestamps ignored) */
    /* if latency < 0, use 0 but don't return an error */
    if (latency < 0) latency = 0;
    midi->latency = latency;
    midi->overflow = FALSE; /* not used */
    midi->flush = FALSE; /* not used */
    midi->sysex_in_progress = FALSE;
    midi->sysex_message = 0; /* unused by output */
    midi->sysex_message_count = 0; /* unused by output */
    midi->filters = 0; /* not used for output */
    midi->sync_time = 0;
    midi->first_message = TRUE;
    midi->dictionary = descriptors[outputDevice].dictionary;
    descriptors[outputDevice].internalDescriptor = midi;
    /* open system dependent output device */
    err = (*midi->dictionary->open)(midi, outputDriverInfo);
    if (err) {
        *stream = NULL;
        descriptors[outputDevice].internalDescriptor = NULL;
        /* free portMidi data */
    } else {
        /* portMidi input open successful */
        descriptors[outputDevice].pub.opened = TRUE;
    return pm_errmsg(err);
Exemple #11
PmError Pm_OpenInput(PortMidiStream** stream,
                     PmDeviceID inputDevice,
                     void *inputDriverInfo,
                     long bufferSize,
                     PmTimeProcPtr time_proc,
                     void *time_info) {
    PmInternal *midi;
    PmError err = pmNoError;
    pm_hosterror = FALSE;
    *stream = NULL;
    /* arg checking */
    if (inputDevice < 0 || inputDevice >= pm_descriptor_index) 
        err = pmInvalidDeviceId;
    else if (!descriptors[inputDevice].pub.input) 
        err =  pmBadPtr;
    else if(descriptors[inputDevice].pub.opened)
        err =  pmBadPtr;
    if (err != pmNoError) 
        goto error_return;

    /* create portMidi internal data */
    midi = (PmInternal *) pm_alloc(sizeof(PmInternal)); 
    *stream = midi;
    if (!midi) {
        err = pmInsufficientMemory;
        goto error_return;
    midi->device_id = inputDevice;
    midi->write_flag = FALSE;
    midi->time_proc = time_proc;
    midi->time_info = time_info;
    /* windows adds timestamps in the driver and these are more accurate than
       using a time_proc, so do not automatically provide a time proc. Non-win
       implementations may want to provide a default time_proc in their
       system-specific midi_out_open() method.
    if (bufferSize <= 0) bufferSize = 256; /* default buffer size */
    else bufferSize++; /* buffer holds N-1 msgs, so increase request by 1 */
    midi->buffer_len = bufferSize; /* portMidi input storage */
    midi->buffer = (PmEvent *) pm_alloc(sizeof(PmEvent) * midi->buffer_len); 
    if (!midi->buffer) { 
        /* free portMidi data */
        *stream = NULL;
        err = pmInsufficientMemory;
        goto error_return;
    midi->head = 0;
    midi->tail = 0;
    midi->latency = 0; /* not used */
    midi->overflow = FALSE;
    midi->flush = FALSE;
    midi->sysex_in_progress = FALSE;
    midi->sysex_message = 0; 
    midi->sysex_message_count = 0; 
    midi->filters = PM_FILT_ACTIVE;
    midi->sync_time = 0;
    midi->first_message = TRUE;
    midi->dictionary = descriptors[inputDevice].dictionary; 
    descriptors[inputDevice].internalDescriptor = midi;
    /* open system dependent input device */
    err = (*midi->dictionary->open)(midi, inputDriverInfo);
    if (err) {
        *stream = NULL;
        descriptors[inputDevice].internalDescriptor = NULL;
        /* free portMidi data */
    } else {
        /* portMidi input open successful */
        descriptors[inputDevice].pub.opened = TRUE;
    return pm_errmsg(err);