Exemple #1
void* runWatcher(void* pArgs) {
	StoreWatcher* lWatcher = (StoreWatcher*) pArgs;
	Store* lStore = lWatcher->mStore;
	JavaVM* lJavaVM = lWatcher->mJavaVM;
	JNIEnv* lEnv = getJNIEnv(lJavaVM);
	if (lEnv == NULL)
		goto ERROR;
	int32_t lRunning = 1;
	while (lRunning) {
		StoreEntry* lEntry = lWatcher->mStore->mEntries;
		int32_t lScanning = 1;
		while (lScanning) {
// Critical section begining, one thread at a time.
// Entries cannot be added or modified.
			(*lEnv)->MonitorEnter(lEnv, lWatcher->mStoreFront);
			lRunning = (lWatcher->mState == STATE_OK);
			StoreEntry* lEntryEnd = lWatcher->mStore->mEntries
					+ lWatcher->mStore->mLength;
			lScanning = (lEntry < lEntryEnd);
			if (lRunning && lScanning) {
				processEntry(lEnv, lWatcher, lEntry);
// Critical section end.
			(*lEnv)->MonitorExit(lEnv, lWatcher->mStoreFront);
// Goes to next element.
	ERROR: (*lJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(lJavaVM);
Exemple #2
static int processSection(xmlElement *element, xml2lpc_context *ctx) {
	xmlNode *cur_node = NULL;
	xmlNode *cur_attr = NULL;
	const char *name = NULL;

	for (cur_attr = (xmlNode *)element->attributes; cur_attr; cur_attr = cur_attr->next) {
		dumpAttr(cur_attr, ctx);
		if(strcmp((const char*)cur_attr->name, "name") == 0) {
			name = (const char*)cur_attr->children->content;

	if(name != NULL) {
		for (cur_node = element->children; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) {
			dumpNode(cur_node, ctx);
			if (cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
				if(strcmp((const char*)cur_node->name, "entry") == 0 ) {
					processEntry((xmlElement*)cur_node, name, ctx);

		} else {
			xml2lpc_log(ctx, XML2LPC_WARNING, "ignored section with no \"name\" attribute, line:%d", xmlGetLineNo((xmlNode*)element));

		return 0;
Exemple #3
void extractAccsFromGb(char *gbFile, boolean missingOk, char *accFile,
                       char **accNames, int accCount)
/* Parse records of genBank file and print ones that match accession names. */
FILE *out = stdout;
struct hash *accTbl = hashNew(0);
struct lineFile *lf;
struct dyString* headLines = dyStringNew(4096);
int i;

if (accFile != NULL)
    loadAccs(accFile, accTbl);
for (i = 0; i < accCount; i++)
    addAcc(accTbl, accNames[i]);

/* process file */
lf = lineFileOpen(gbFile, TRUE);
while (seekLocus(lf))
    processEntry(lf, accTbl, headLines, out);


/* flush and check for errors */

if (!missingOk)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  MrfEntry *currEntry;
  int mode;
  if (argc != 3) {
    usage ("%s <file.annotation> <include|exclude>",argv[0]);
  intervalFind_addIntervalsToSearchSpace (argv[1],0);
  if (strEqual (argv[2],"include")) {
    mode = MODE_INCLUDE;
  else if (strEqual (argv[2],"exclude")) {
    mode = MODE_EXCLUDE;
  else {
     usage ("%s <file.annotation> <include|exclude>",argv[0]);

  mrf_init ("-");
  puts (mrf_writeHeader ());
  while (currEntry = mrf_nextEntry ()) {
    processEntry (currEntry,mode);
  mrf_deInit ();
  return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  MrfEntry *currEntry;
  char *targetName;
  int targetStart,targetEnd;
  WordIter w;
  int count=0;
  int currCount=0; 

  if (argc != 2) {
    usage ("%s <targetName:targetStart-targetEnd>",argv[0]);

  w = wordIterCreate (argv[1],":- ",0);
  targetName = hlr_strdup (wordNext (w));
  targetStart = atoi (wordNext (w));
  targetEnd = atoi (wordNext (w));
  wordIterDestroy (w);

  mrf_init ("-");
  while (currEntry = mrf_nextEntry ()) {
    currCount = processEntry (currEntry,targetName,targetStart,targetEnd);
    count = currCount+count;
  printf("Count for %s:%d-%d = %d\n", targetName, targetStart, targetEnd, count);
  mrf_deInit ();
  hlr_free (targetName);
  return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  MrfEntry *currEntry;
  char *targetName;
  int targetStart,targetEnd;
  WordIter w;
  if (argc != 2) {
    usage ("%s <targetName:targetStart-targetEnd>",argv[0]);
  w = wordIterCreate (argv[1],":- ",0);
  targetName = hlr_strdup (wordNext (w));
  targetStart = atoi (wordNext (w));
  targetEnd = atoi (wordNext (w));
  wordIterDestroy (w);

  mrf_init ("-");
  puts (mrf_writeHeader ());
  while (currEntry = mrf_nextEntry ()) {
    processEntry (currEntry,targetName,targetStart,targetEnd);
  mrf_deInit ();
  hlr_free (targetName);
  return 0;
Exemple #7
static void processSection_cb(const char *entry, struct __processSectionCtx *ctx) {
	if(ctx->ret == 0) {
		const char *comment = "#";
		xmlNode *node;
		xmlAttr *name_attr;
		if (strncmp(comment, entry, strlen(comment)) == 0) {
			lpc2xml_log(ctx->ctx, LPC2XML_WARNING, "Skipped commented entry %s", entry);
			ctx->ret = 0;

		node = xmlNewChild(ctx->node, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"entry", NULL);
		if(node == NULL) {
			lpc2xml_log(ctx->ctx, LPC2XML_ERROR, "Can't create \"entry\" element");
			ctx->ret = -1;
		name_attr = xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"name", (const xmlChar *)entry);
		if(name_attr == NULL) {
			lpc2xml_log(ctx->ctx, LPC2XML_ERROR, "Can't create name attribute for \"entry\" element");
			ctx->ret = -1;

		ctx->ret = processEntry(ctx->section, entry, node, ctx->ctx);
QSharedPointer<SyncObject> DatabaseSync<SO>::syncEntries()
  qDebug() << "Running sync for type: " + getType();

  // make sure root groups are the same.It has to be if we are syncing the same
  // database
  Q_ASSERT(db1->rootGroup()->uuid() == db2->rootGroup()->uuid());
  entries1 = getEntriesMap(db1);
  entries2 = getEntriesMap(db2);
  QList<SO *> missingEntries;
  Q_FOREACH(SO * cloudEntry, entries2) {
    if (!processEntry(db2, cloudEntry)) continue;

    // remote entry also exists in local database
    if (entries1.contains(cloudEntry->uuid())) {
      SO *localEntry = entries1[cloudEntry->uuid()];
      syncEntry(localEntry, cloudEntry);
      syncLocation(localEntry, cloudEntry);
    // entry exists only in remote database
    else {

  if (missingEntries.length() > 0)

  // count whether any unique entry exist in local database
  // to further decide whether we need to update remote db
  Q_FOREACH(SO * localEntry, entries1) {
    if (!processEntry(db1, localEntry)) continue;
    if (!entries2.contains(localEntry->uuid())) {
      bool isRemoved = Tools::hasChild(db1->metadata()->recycleBin(), localEntry);
      if (isRemoved) {
        // entry should be created and removed to recycle bin in remote database
        getSyncObject()->increase(getObjectType(), SRemoved(), SRemote());
      } else {
        // entry is missing in remote database
        getSyncObject()->increase(getObjectType(), SMissing(), SRemote());
  return DatabaseSync::syncObject;
static void metaDataProcess(struct sqlConnection *conn,
                            struct gbStatusTbl* statusTbl,
                            char* raPath,
                            HGID faFileId, HGID pepFaId)
/* Parse a ra file looking for accessions to add to the database.  If the
 * ra entry matches the status->selectProc object, it will be saved for
 * loading. */
/* parse and save all ra records, in assending file offset order */
gbMDParseOpen(raPath, conn, gOptions, gTmpDir);
while (processEntry(conn, statusTbl, faFileId, pepFaId))
    continue; /* loop filler */
Exemple #10
void SoundQueue::processEntries() {
	_state = 0;
