void MoveHandler::updateControllers() { for(int i = 0; i < connections; i++) { psmove_poll(this->controllers[i]); this->buttons[i] = psmove_get_buttons(this->controllers[i]); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { PSMove *moves[MAX_CONTROLLERS]; int controllers = psmove_count_connected(); int i; int quit = 0; for (i=0; i<controllers; i++) { moves[i] = psmove_connect_by_id(i); if (moves[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to controller #%d.\n", i); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } while (!quit) { for (i=0; i<controllers; i++) { int x, y, z; int seq = psmove_poll(moves[i]); if (seq) { int which; if (psmove_get_buttons(moves[i]) & Btn_PS) { quit = 1; break; } seq -= 1; for (which=0; which<2; which++) { printf("%d %s PSMOVE seq=%-2d", i, psmove_get_serial(moves[i]), seq*2+which); psmove_get_half_frame(moves[i], Sensor_Accelerometer, which, &x, &y, &z); printf(" aX=%-6d aY=%-6d aZ=%-6d", x, y, z); psmove_get_half_frame(moves[i], Sensor_Gyroscope, which, &x, &y, &z); printf(" gX=%-6d gY=%-6d gZ=%-6d", x, y, z); psmove_get_magnetometer(moves[i], &x, &y, &z); /* The y value of the magnetometer is inverted in linmctool */ printf(" mX=%-5d mY=%-5d mZ=%-5d", x, -y, z); printf("\n"); } } } } for (i=0; i<controllers; i++) { psmove_disconnect(moves[i]); } return 0; }
void Tracker::update() { for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i++) { while (psmove_poll(m_moves[i])) ; float x, y, z; psmove_fusion_get_position(m_fusion, m_moves[i], &x, &y, &z); int buttons = psmove_get_buttons(m_moves[i]); if (buttons & Btn_MOVE) { psmove_reset_orientation(m_moves[i]); } else if (buttons & Btn_PS) { exit(0); } else if (buttons & Btn_SELECT) { m_rotation += 2.; } else if (buttons & Btn_CROSS) { m_trace.push_back(Point3D(x, y, z)); } if (buttons & Btn_START) { if (m_has_last_offset) { m_offset = Point3D(m_offset.x + x - m_last_offset.x, m_offset.y + y - m_last_offset.y, m_offset.z + z - m_last_offset.z); } else { m_has_last_offset = true; } m_last_offset = Point3D(x, y, z); } else { m_has_last_offset = false; } unsigned int pressed, released; psmove_get_button_events(m_moves[i], &pressed, &released); if (pressed & Btn_SQUARE) { m_items[i] -= 1; if (m_items[i] < 0) m_items[i] = ITEM_MAX - 1; } else if (pressed & Btn_TRIANGLE) { m_items[i] += 1; if (m_items[i] == ITEM_MAX) m_items[i] = 0; } else if (pressed & Btn_CIRCLE) { m_trace.clear(); m_rotation = 0.; m_offset = Point3D(0., 0., 0.); } } psmove_tracker_update_image(m_tracker); psmove_tracker_update(m_tracker, NULL); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (!psmove_init(PSMOVE_CURRENT_VERSION)) { fprintf(stderr, "PS Move API init failed (wrong version?)\n"); exit(1); } int i, c; c = psmove_count_connected(); printf("Connected controllers: %d\n", c); if(c==0) return 1; PSMove **moves = (PSMove **)malloc(sizeof(PSMove *)*c); for(i=0; i<c; i++) { moves[i] = psmove_connect_by_id(i); psmove_set_rate_limiting(moves[i], 1); } bool running = true; while(running) { for(i=0; i<c; i++) { while(psmove_poll(moves[i])) {} int buttons = psmove_get_buttons(moves[i]); int x, y, z, r, g, b; psmove_get_accelerometer(moves[i], &x, &y, &z); r = convert_accel_to_col(x); g = convert_accel_to_col(y); b = convert_accel_to_col(z); if(buttons & Btn_PS) running = false; else if(buttons & Btn_MOVE) psmove_set_leds(moves[i], 255, 255, 255); else psmove_set_leds(moves[i], (unsigned char)r, (unsigned char)g, (unsigned char)b); clock_t t = clock(); if(((t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 5) == 0) psmove_set_rumble(moves[i], 255); else psmove_set_rumble(moves[i], 0); psmove_update_leds(moves[i]); } } for(i=0; i<c; i++) { psmove_disconnect(moves[i]); } free(moves); return 0; }
void MainWindow::timeout() { unsigned char r, g, b; psmove_tracker_get_color(m_tracker, m_move, &r, &g, &b); psmove_set_leds(m_move, r, g, b); psmove_update_leds(m_move); psmove_tracker_update_image(m_tracker); psmove_tracker_update(m_tracker, m_move); float x, y; if (psmove_tracker_get_position(m_tracker, m_move, &x, &y, NULL)) { QPointF currentPos(x, y); unsigned int buttons = 0; while (psmove_poll(m_move)) { unsigned int pressed; psmove_get_button_events(m_move, &pressed, NULL); if (pressed & Btn_MOVE) { m_points[m_pointsOffset] = currentPos; m_pointsOffset = (m_pointsOffset + 1) % 4; m_mapping.set(m_points); } if (pressed & Btn_T) { m_path.moveTo(m_mapping.map(currentPos)); } if (pressed & Btn_CIRCLE) { m_path = QPainterPath(); } if (pressed & Btn_PS) { QApplication::quit(); } buttons = psmove_get_buttons(m_move); } if (buttons & Btn_T) { m_path.lineTo(m_mapping.map(currentPos)); } m_mousePos = QPointF(x, y); update(); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (!psmove_init(PSMOVE_CURRENT_VERSION)) { fprintf(stderr, "PS Move API init failed (wrong version?)\n"); exit(1); } /* Check if at least one controller is attached */ if (psmove_count_connected() < 1) { printf("No Move controller attached.\n"); exit(1); } PSMove *move = psmove_connect(); if(move == NULL) { printf("Could not connect to default Move controller.\n"); exit(1); } /* Make sure we are connected via Bluetooth */ if (psmove_connection_type(move) != Conn_Bluetooth) { printf("Controller must be connected via Bluetooth.\n"); psmove_disconnect(move); exit(1); } unsigned int freq_idx = 0; while (!(psmove_get_buttons(move) & Btn_PS)) { if (!psmove_poll(move)) { continue; } unsigned int pressed_buttons; psmove_get_button_events(move, &pressed_buttons, NULL); unsigned long frequency = freqs[freq_idx]; /* Cycle through the list of frequencies */ if (pressed_buttons & Btn_CROSS) { freq_idx = (freq_idx + 1) % NUM_FREQS; frequency = freqs[freq_idx]; printf("Selecting frequency %lu Hz. Press SQUARE to apply.\n", frequency); } /* Apply the currently selected frequency as new PWM frequency */ if (pressed_buttons & Btn_SQUARE) { printf("Setting LED PWM frequency to %lu Hz.\n", frequency); /* Switch off the LEDs. If we do not do this, changing the PWM frequency will switch off the LEDs and keep them off until the Bluetooth connection has been teared down (at least once) and then reestablished. */ psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 0, 0); psmove_update_leds(move); /* TODO: How can we make sure the LEDs are really off before changing the PWM frequency? It seems to work in all tests so far, but a proper verification would be nice. */ if (!psmove_set_led_pwm_frequency(move, frequency)) { printf("Failed to set LED PWM frequency.\n"); } } /* Keep fixed color for visual feedback */ psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 0, 63); psmove_update_leds(move); } psmove_disconnect(move); psmove_shutdown(); return 0; }
void PSMoveQt::onTimeout() { int ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, mx, my, mz, buttons, battery; while (psmove_poll(_move)) { setTrigger(psmove_get_trigger(_move)); psmove_get_gyroscope(_move, &gx, &gy, &gz); if (gx != _gx || gy != _gy || gz != _gz) { _gx = gx; _gy = gy; _gz = gz; emit gyroChanged(); } psmove_get_accelerometer(_move, &ax, &ay, &az); if (ax != _ax || ay != _ay || az != _az) { _ax = ax; _ay = ay; _az = az; emit accelerometerChanged(); } psmove_get_magnetometer(_move, &mx, &my, &mz); if (mx != _mx || my != _my || mz != _mz) { _mx = mx; _my = my; _mz = mz; emit magnetometerChanged(); } buttons = psmove_get_buttons(_move); if (buttons != _buttons) { unsigned int pressed, released; psmove_get_button_events(_move, &pressed, &released); for (int i=1; i<=PSMoveQt::T; i <<= 1) { if (pressed & i) { emit buttonPressed(i); } else if (released & i) { emit buttonReleased(i); } } _buttons = buttons; } battery = psmove_get_battery(_move); if (battery != _battery) { bool charging = (battery == Batt_CHARGING || _battery == Batt_CHARGING); _battery = battery; if (charging) { emit chargingChanged(); } else if (_battery != Batt_CHARGING) { emit batteryChanged(_battery); } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (!psmove_init(PSMOVE_CURRENT_VERSION)) { fprintf(stderr, "PS Move API init failed (wrong version?)\n"); exit(1); } /* check if at least one controller is attached */ if (psmove_count_connected() < 1) { printf("No Move controller attached.\n"); exit(1); } PSMove *move = psmove_connect(); if(move == NULL) { printf("Could not connect to default Move controller.\n"); exit(1); } /* make sure we are connected via Bluetooth */ if (psmove_connection_type(move) != Conn_Bluetooth) { printf("Controller must be connected via Bluetooth.\n"); psmove_disconnect(move); exit(1); } int ext_connected = 0; enum Extension_Device ext_device = Ext_Unknown; while (!(psmove_get_buttons(move) & Btn_PS)) { if (!psmove_poll(move)) { continue; } if(psmove_is_ext_connected(move)) { /* if the extension device was not connected before, report connect */ if (!ext_connected) { PSMove_Ext_Device_Info ext; enum PSMove_Bool success = psmove_get_ext_device_info(move, &ext); if (success) { switch (ext.dev_id) { case EXT_DEVICE_ID_SHARP_SHOOTER: ext_device = Ext_Sharp_Shooter; printf("Sharp Shooter extension connected!\n"); break; case EXT_DEVICE_ID_RACING_WHEEL: ext_device = Ext_Racing_Wheel; printf("Racing Wheel extension connected!\n"); break; default: ext_device = Ext_Unknown; printf("Unknown extension device (id 0x%04X) connected!\n", ext.dev_id); break; } } else { printf("Unknown extension device connected! Failed to get device info.\n"); } } ext_connected = 1; /* handle button presses etc. for a known extension device only */ PSMove_Ext_Data data; if (psmove_get_ext_data(move, &data)) { unsigned int move_buttons = psmove_get_buttons(move); switch (ext_device) { case Ext_Sharp_Shooter: handle_sharp_shooter(&data, move_buttons); break; case Ext_Racing_Wheel: handle_racing_wheel(move, &data, move_buttons); break; default: break; } } } else { /* if the extension device was connected before, report disconnect */ if (ext_connected) { printf("Extension device disconnected!\n"); } ext_connected = 0; } } psmove_disconnect(move); return 0; }
void PSMoveAPI::update() { for (auto &c: controllers) { if (c->connected && !c->sent_connect) { if (receiver->connect != nullptr) { // Send initial connect event receiver->connect(&c->controller, user_data); } c->sent_connect = true; } if (!c->connected && !c->sent_disconnect) { if (receiver->disconnect != nullptr) { // Send disconnect event receiver->disconnect(&c->controller, user_data); } c->sent_disconnect = true; } if (!c->connected) { // Done with this controller (TODO: Can we check reconnect?) continue; } auto read_move = c->read_move(); if (read_move == nullptr) { // We don't have a handle that supports reading (USB-only connection); // we call update exactly once (no new data will be reported), so that // the update method can change the LED and rumble values if (receiver->update != nullptr) { receiver->update(&c->controller, user_data); } } else { while (psmove_poll(read_move)) { if (receiver->update != nullptr) { int previous = c->controller.buttons; c->controller.buttons = psmove_get_buttons(read_move); c->controller.pressed = c->controller.buttons & ~previous; c->controller.released = previous & ~c->controller.buttons; c->controller.trigger = float(psmove_get_trigger(read_move)) / 255.f; psmove_get_accelerometer_frame(read_move, Frame_SecondHalf, &c->controller.accelerometer.x, &c->controller.accelerometer.y, &c->controller.accelerometer.z); psmove_get_gyroscope_frame(read_move, Frame_SecondHalf, &c->controller.gyroscope.x, &c->controller.gyroscope.y, &c->controller.gyroscope.z); psmove_get_magnetometer_vector(read_move, &c->controller.magnetometer.x, &c->controller.magnetometer.y, &c->controller.magnetometer.z); c->controller.battery = psmove_get_battery(read_move); receiver->update(&c->controller, user_data); } } } auto write_move = c->write_move(); if (write_move != nullptr) { psmove_set_leds(write_move, uint32_t(255 * c->controller.color.r), uint32_t(255 * c->controller.color.g), uint32_t(255 * c->controller.color.b)); psmove_set_rumble(write_move, uint32_t(255 * c->controller.rumble)); if (psmove_update_leds(write_move) == Update_Failed) { if (read_move != nullptr && write_move != read_move) { // Disconnected from USB, but we read from Bluetooth, so we // can just give up the USB connection and use Bluetooth psmove_disconnect(c->move_usb), c->move_usb = nullptr; // Now that USB is gone, clear the controller's USB flag c->controller.usb = 0; } else { c->connected = false; } } } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { PSMove *move; enum PSMove_Connection_Type ctype; int i; i = psmove_count_connected(); printf("Connected controllers: %d\n", i); move = psmove_connect(); if (move == NULL) { printf("Could not connect to default Move controller.\n" "Please connect one via USB or Bluetooth.\n"); exit(1); } ctype = psmove_connection_type(move); switch (ctype) { case Conn_USB: printf("Connected via USB.\n"); break; case Conn_Bluetooth: printf("Connected via Bluetooth.\n"); break; case Conn_Unknown: printf("Unknown connection type.\n"); break; } if (ctype == Conn_USB) { PSMove_Data_BTAddr addr; psmove_read_btaddrs(move, &addr, NULL); printf("Current BT Host: "); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { printf("%02x ", addr[i]); } printf("\n"); #if 0 /* This is the easy method (pair to this host): */ if (psmove_pair(move)) { printf("Paired. Press the PS Button now :)\n"); } else { printf("psmove_pair() failed :/\n"); } /* This is the advanced method: */ /* Example BT Address: 01:23:45:67:89:ab */ const PSMove_Data_BTAddr newhost = { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, }; if (!psmove_set_btaddr(move, &newhost)) { printf("Could not set BT address!\n"); } #endif } for (i=0; i<10; i++) { psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 255*(i%3==0), 0); psmove_set_rumble(move, 255*(i%2)); psmove_update_leds(move); usleep(10000*(i%10)); } for (i=250; i>=0; i-=5) { psmove_set_leds(move, i, i, 0); psmove_set_rumble(move, 0); psmove_update_leds(move); } /* Enable rate limiting for LED updates */ psmove_set_rate_limiting(move, 1); psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 0, 0); psmove_set_rumble(move, 0); psmove_update_leds(move); while (!(psmove_get_buttons(move) & Btn_PS)) { int res = psmove_poll(move); if (res) { if (psmove_get_buttons(move) & Btn_TRIANGLE) { printf("Triangle pressed, with trigger value: %d\n", psmove_get_trigger(move)); psmove_set_rumble(move, psmove_get_trigger(move)); } else { psmove_set_rumble(move, 0x00); } psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 0, psmove_get_trigger(move)); int x, y, z; psmove_get_accelerometer(move, &x, &y, &z); printf("accel: %5d %5d %5d\n", x, y, z); psmove_get_gyroscope(move, &x, &y, &z); printf("gyro: %5d %5d %5d\n", x, y, z); psmove_get_magnetometer(move, &x, &y, &z); printf("magnetometer: %5d %5d %5d\n", x, y, z); printf("buttons: %x\n", psmove_get_buttons(move)); int battery = psmove_get_battery(move); if (battery == Batt_CHARGING) { printf("battery charging\n"); } else if (battery >= Batt_MIN && battery <= Batt_MAX) { printf("battery level: %d / %d\n", battery, Batt_MAX); } else { printf("battery level: unknown (%x)\n", battery); } printf("temperature: %d\n", psmove_get_temperature(move)); psmove_update_leds(move); } } psmove_disconnect(move); return 0; }
int main(void) { PSMove *moves[7]; int last_xs[7]; int last_ys[7]; int last_zs[7]; float decay = 0.009; float increase = 0.004; // amount to get to brightness float brightness = 0.49; int told_everyone = 0; int dist_thresh; char *env_dist_thresh = getenv("DIST_THRESH"); if (env_dist_thresh == NULL) { dist_thresh = 1000; } else { dist_thresh = atoi(env_dist_thresh); } int i, j, move_count; int rcolors[][3] = { {254, 0, 0}, {255, 0, 0}, {255, 7, 0}, {255, 7, 0}, {255, 13, 0}, {255, 20, 0}, {255, 20, 0}, {255, 26, 0}, {255, 26, 0}, {255, 33, 0}, {255, 33, 0}, {255, 39, 0}, {255, 39, 0}, {255, 46, 0}, {255, 46, 0}, {255, 52, 0}, {255, 59, 0}, {255, 59, 0}, {255, 65, 0}, {255, 65, 0}, {255, 72, 0}, {255, 72, 0}, {255, 78, 0}, {255, 78, 0}, {255, 85, 0}, {255, 85, 0}, {255, 91, 0}, {255, 97, 0}, {255, 97, 0}, {255, 103, 0}, {255, 103, 0}, {255, 109, 0}, {255, 109, 0}, {255, 116, 0}, {255, 116, 0}, {255, 122, 0}, {255, 122, 0}, {255, 128, 0}, {255, 134, 0}, {255, 134, 0}, {255, 140, 0}, {255, 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sizeof(int)) / 3; while (!(psmove_get_buttons(moves[0]) & Btn_PS)) { for (i = move_count-1; i >= 0; i--) { PSMove *move = moves[i]; int res = psmove_poll(move); if (res) { int x, y, z; psmove_get_gyroscope(move, &x, &y, &z); int diff_x = x - last_xs[i]; int diff_y = y - last_ys[i]; int diff_z = z - last_zs[i]; // update last pos last_xs[i] = x; last_ys[i] = y; last_zs[i] = z; float distance = sqrt((diff_x * diff_x) + (diff_y * diff_y) + (diff_z * diff_z)); if (distance > dist_thresh) { colors[i] = colors[i] + 1; if (colors[i] >= max_color) { colors[i] = 0; } psmove_set_leds(move, rcolors[colors[i]][0] * brightness, rcolors[colors[i]][1] * brightness, rcolors[colors[i]][2] * brightness); psmove_update_leds(move); } } usleep(10000); } } for (i = move_count-1; i >= 0; i--) { psmove_disconnect(moves[i]); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { PSMove *move; enum PSMove_Connection_Type ctype; int i; if (!psmove_init(PSMOVE_CURRENT_VERSION)) { fprintf(stderr, "PS Move API init failed (wrong version?)\n"); exit(1); } i = psmove_count_connected(); printf("Connected controllers: %d\n", i); move = psmove_connect(); if (move == NULL) { printf("Could not connect to default Move controller.\n" "Please connect one via USB or Bluetooth.\n"); exit(1); } char *serial = psmove_get_serial(move); printf("Serial: %s\n", serial); free(serial); ctype = psmove_connection_type(move); switch (ctype) { case Conn_USB: printf("Connected via USB.\n"); break; case Conn_Bluetooth: printf("Connected via Bluetooth.\n"); break; case Conn_Unknown: printf("Unknown connection type.\n"); break; } for (i=0; i<10; i++) { psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 255*(i%3==0), 0); psmove_set_rumble(move, 255*(i%2)); psmove_update_leds(move); psmove_usleep(10000 * (i % 10)); } for (i=250; i>=0; i-=5) { psmove_set_leds(move, i, i, 0); psmove_set_rumble(move, 0); psmove_update_leds(move); } /* Enable rate limiting for LED updates */ psmove_set_rate_limiting(move, 1); psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 0, 0); psmove_set_rumble(move, 0); psmove_update_leds(move); while (ctype != Conn_USB && !(psmove_get_buttons(move) & Btn_PS)) { int res = psmove_poll(move); if (res) { if (psmove_get_buttons(move) & Btn_TRIANGLE) { printf("Triangle pressed, with trigger value: %d\n", psmove_get_trigger(move)); psmove_set_rumble(move, psmove_get_trigger(move)); } else { psmove_set_rumble(move, 0x00); } psmove_set_leds(move, 0, 0, psmove_get_trigger(move)); int x, y, z; psmove_get_accelerometer(move, &x, &y, &z); printf("accel: %5d %5d %5d\n", x, y, z); psmove_get_gyroscope(move, &x, &y, &z); printf("gyro: %5d %5d %5d\n", x, y, z); psmove_get_magnetometer(move, &x, &y, &z); printf("magnetometer: %5d %5d %5d\n", x, y, z); printf("buttons: %x\n", psmove_get_buttons(move)); int battery = psmove_get_battery(move); if (battery == Batt_CHARGING) { printf("battery charging\n"); } else if (battery == Batt_CHARGING_DONE) { printf("battery fully charged (on charger)\n"); } else if (battery >= Batt_MIN && battery <= Batt_MAX) { printf("battery level: %d / %d\n", battery, Batt_MAX); } else { printf("battery level: unknown (%x)\n", battery); } printf("raw temperature: %d\n", psmove_get_temperature(move)); printf("celsius temperature: %f\n", psmove_get_temperature_in_celsius(move)); psmove_update_leds(move); } } psmove_disconnect(move); psmove_shutdown(); return 0; }
uint32 FPSMoveWorker::Run() { if (!psmove_init(PSMOVE_CURRENT_VERSION)) { UE_LOG(LogPSMove, Error, TEXT("PS Move API init failed (wrong version?)")); return -1; } // I want the psmoves and psmove_tracker to be local variables in the thread. // Initialize an empty array of psmove controllers PSMove* psmoves[FPSMoveWorker::k_max_controllers]; memset(psmoves, 0, sizeof(psmoves)); // Initialize and configure the psmove_tracker PSMoveTracker *psmove_tracker = psmove_tracker_new(); // Unfortunately the API does not have a way to change the resolution and framerate. PSMoveFusion *psmove_fusion = psmove_fusion_new(psmove_tracker, 1., 1000.); int tracker_width = 640; int tracker_height = 480; if (psmove_tracker) { UE_LOG(LogPSMove, Log, TEXT("PSMove tracker initialized.")); //Set exposure. TODO: Expose this to component. psmove_tracker_set_exposure(psmove_tracker, Exposure_LOW); //Exposure_LOW, Exposure_MEDIUM, Exposure_HIGH psmove_tracker_set_smoothing(psmove_tracker, 0, 1); psmove_tracker_set_mirror(psmove_tracker, PSMove_True); psmove_tracker_get_size(psmove_tracker, &tracker_width, &tracker_height); UE_LOG(LogPSMove, Log, TEXT("Camera Dimensions: %d x %d"), tracker_width, tracker_height); } else { UE_LOG(LogPSMove, Log, TEXT("PSMove tracker failed to initialize.")); } //Initial wait before starting. FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.03); float xcm, ycm, zcm, oriw, orix, oriy, oriz; while (StopTaskCounter.GetValue() == 0) { // Get positional data from tracker if (psmove_tracker) { // Setup or tear down controller connections based on the number of active controllers UpdateControllerConnections(psmove_tracker, psmoves); // Renew the image on camera if (PSMoveCount > 0) { psmove_tracker_update_image(psmove_tracker); // Sometimes libusb crashes here. psmove_tracker_update_cbb(psmove_tracker, NULL); // Passing null (instead of m_moves[i]) updates all controllers. } } else { FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.001); } for (int i = 0; i < PSMoveCount; i++) { FPSMoveRawControllerData_TLS &localControllerData = WorkerControllerDataArray[i]; //-------------- // Read the published data from the component //-------------- localControllerData.WorkerRead(); // Get positional data from tracker if (psmove_tracker) { localControllerData.IsTracked = psmove_tracker_get_status(psmove_tracker, psmoves[i]) == Tracker_TRACKING; psmove_fusion_get_transformed_location(psmove_fusion, psmoves[i], &xcm, &ycm, &zcm); if (localControllerData.IsTracked && xcm && ycm && zcm && !isnan(xcm) && !isnan(ycm) && !isnan(zcm) && xcm == xcm && ycm == ycm && zcm == zcm) { localControllerData.PosX = xcm; localControllerData.PosY = ycm; localControllerData.PosZ = zcm; } else { localControllerData.IsTracked = false; } //UE_LOG(LogPSMove, Log, TEXT("X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f"), xcm, ycm, zcm); if (localControllerData.ResetPoseRequest && localControllerData.IsTracked) { psmove_tracker_reset_location(psmove_tracker, psmoves[i]); } // If we are to change the tracked colour. if (localControllerData.UpdateLedRequest) { // Stop tracking the controller with the existing color psmove_tracker_disable(psmove_tracker, psmoves[i]); localControllerData.IsTracked = false; localControllerData.IsCalibrated = false; psmove_tracker_set_dimming(psmove_tracker, 0.0); // Set dimming to 0 to trigger blinking calibration. psmove_set_leds(psmoves[i], 0, 0, 0); // Turn off the LED to make sure it isn't trackable until new colour set. psmove_update_leds(psmoves[i]); FColor newFColor = localControllerData.LedColourRequest.Quantize(); if (psmove_tracker_enable_with_color(psmove_tracker, psmoves[i], newFColor.R, newFColor.G, newFColor.B) == Tracker_CALIBRATED) { this->WorkerControllerDataArray[i].IsCalibrated = true; } else { UE_LOG(LogPSMove, Error, TEXT("Failed to change tracking color for PSMove controller %d"), i); } localControllerData.LedColourWasUpdated = true; } else { localControllerData.LedColourWasUpdated = false; } } else { FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.001); } // Do bluetooth IO: Orientation, Buttons, Rumble //TODO: Is it necessary to keep polling until no frames are left? while (psmove_poll(psmoves[i]) > 0) { // Update the controller status (via bluetooth) psmove_poll(psmoves[i]); // Get the controller orientation (uses IMU). psmove_get_orientation(psmoves[i], &oriw, &orix, &oriy, &oriz); localControllerData.OriW = oriw; localControllerData.OriX = orix; localControllerData.OriY = oriy; localControllerData.OriZ = oriz; //UE_LOG(LogPSMove, Log, TEXT("Ori w,x,y,z: %f, %f, %f, %f"), oriw, orix, oriy, oriz); // Get the controller button state localControllerData.Buttons = psmove_get_buttons(psmoves[i]); // Bitwise; tells if each button is down. psmove_get_button_events(psmoves[i], &localControllerData.Pressed, &localControllerData.Released); // i.e., state change // Get the controller trigger value (uint8; 0-255) localControllerData.TriggerValue = psmove_get_trigger(psmoves[i]); // Set the controller rumble (uint8; 0-255) psmove_set_rumble(psmoves[i], localControllerData.RumbleRequest); } if (localControllerData.ResetPoseRequest) { psmove_reset_orientation(psmoves[i]); //TODO: reset yaw only localControllerData.PoseWasReset = true; } else { localControllerData.PoseWasReset = false; } //-------------- // Publish the updated worker data to the component //-------------- localControllerData.WorkerPost(); } //Sleeping the thread seems to crash libusb. //FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.005); } // Delete the controllers for (int i = 0; i<PSMoveCount; i++) { psmove_disconnect(psmoves[i]); } // Delete the fusion if (psmove_fusion) { psmove_fusion_free(psmove_fusion); } // Delete the tracker if (psmove_tracker) { psmove_tracker_free(psmove_tracker); } psmove_shutdown(); return 0; }