Exemple #1
static void
test_qof_object_book_end( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    QofBook *book = NULL, *book2 = NULL;
    gint32 list_length;

    g_test_message( "Test book with no objects" );
    book = qof_book_new();
    g_assert( book );
    object_book_begin_struct.call_count = 0;
    g_assert_cmpint( 1, == , g_list_length( get_book_list() ) );
    g_assert_cmpint( g_list_index( get_book_list(), (gconstpointer) book), != , -1 );
    qof_book_destroy( book ); /* calls object_book_end */
    g_assert_cmpint( object_book_begin_struct.call_count, == , 0 );
    g_assert_cmpint( 0, == , g_list_length( get_book_list() ) );

    list_length = generate_and_register_objects( 1, MOCK_OBJECT_BOOK_END );

    g_test_message( "Test book end with random objects registered and book end set up" );
    book2 = qof_book_new();
    g_assert( book2 );
    object_book_begin_struct.book = book2;
    g_assert_cmpint( 1, == , g_list_length( get_book_list() ) );
    g_assert_cmpint( g_list_index( get_book_list(), (gconstpointer) book2 ), != , -1 );
    qof_book_destroy( book2 ); /* calls object_book_end */
    g_assert_cmpint( object_book_begin_struct.call_count, == , list_length );
    g_assert_cmpint( 0, == , g_list_length( get_book_list() ) );
    void SetUp() {
        QofBook *book = qof_book_new();
        Account *root = gnc_account_create_root(book);

        t_asset_account1 = xaccMallocAccount(book);
        xaccAccountSetName(t_asset_account1, "Asset");
        gnc_account_append_child(root, t_asset_account1);

        t_bank_account = xaccMallocAccount(book);
        xaccAccountSetName(t_bank_account, "Bank");
        gnc_account_append_child(t_asset_account1, t_bank_account);

        t_asset_account2 = xaccMallocAccount(book);
        xaccAccountSetName(t_asset_account2, "Asset-Bank");
        gnc_account_append_child(root, t_asset_account2);

        t_sav_account = xaccMallocAccount(book);
        xaccAccountSetName(t_sav_account, "Bank");
        gnc_account_append_child(t_asset_account2, t_sav_account);

        t_expense_account = xaccMallocAccount(book);
        xaccAccountSetName(t_expense_account, "Expense");
        gnc_account_append_child(root, t_expense_account);

        t_expense_account1 = xaccMallocAccount(book);
        xaccAccountSetName(t_expense_account1, "Food");
        gnc_account_append_child(t_expense_account, t_expense_account1);

        t_expense_account2 = xaccMallocAccount(book);
        xaccAccountSetName(t_expense_account2, "Drink");
        gnc_account_append_child(t_expense_account, t_expense_account2);
Exemple #3
static void
test_object (void)
    QofBook *book = qof_book_new();

    do_test ((NULL != book), "book null");

    /* Test the global registration and lookup functions */
        do_test (!qof_object_register (NULL), "register NULL");
        do_test (qof_object_register (&bus_obj), "register test object");
        do_test (!qof_object_register (&bus_obj), "register test object again");
        do_test (qof_object_lookup (TEST_MODULE_NAME) == &bus_obj,
                 "lookup our installed object");
        do_test (qof_object_lookup ("snm98sn snml say  dyikh9y9ha") == NULL,
                 "lookup non-existant object object");

        do_test (!g_strcmp0 (qof_object_get_type_label (TEST_MODULE_NAME),
                 "test description return");

    test_foreach (book, TEST_MODULE_NAME);
    test_printable (TEST_MODULE_NAME, (gpointer)1);
main (int argc, char** argv)
    qof_init ();
    cashobjects_register ();
    xaccLogDisable ();

    gnc_transaction_xml_v2_testing = TRUE;

    book = qof_book_new ();

    if (argc > 1)
        test_files_in_dir (argc, argv, test_real_transaction,
                           gnc_transaction_sixtp_parser_create (),
                           "gnc:transaction", book);
        test_transaction ();

    print_test_results ();
    qof_close ();
    exit (get_rv ());
Exemple #5
static void
test_qof_object_foreach( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    gint user_data;
    QofBook *book = NULL;
    QofCollection *col = NULL;

    /* setup */
    book = qof_book_new();
    g_assert( book );
    g_assert_cmpint( g_list_length( get_object_modules() ), == , 0 );
    qof_object_register( fixture->qofobject );
    g_assert_cmpint( g_list_length( get_object_modules() ), == , 1 );
    col = qof_book_get_collection( book, fixture->qofobject->e_type ); /* make col already exist */
    g_assert( col );

    g_test_message( "Test foreach and data" );
    foreach_cb_struct.user_data = ( gpointer ) &user_data;
    foreach_cb_struct.is_called = FALSE;
    foreach_cb_struct.col = col;
    foreach_cb_struct.cb = mock_instance_foreach_cb;
    fixture->qofobject->foreach = mock_foreach;
    qof_object_foreach( fixture->qofobject->e_type, book, mock_instance_foreach_cb, ( gpointer ) &user_data );
    g_assert( foreach_cb_struct.is_called == TRUE );

    qof_book_destroy( book );
Exemple #6
static void
test_qof_object_new_instance( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    QofBook *book = NULL;
    QofInstance *inst = NULL;

    book = qof_book_new();
    g_assert( book );

    g_test_message( "Test null check" );
    g_assert( qof_object_new_instance( NULL, book ) == NULL );

    g_test_message( "Test non existing object type" );
    g_assert( qof_object_new_instance( "non existing type", book ) == NULL );

    g_test_message( "Test with registered object type and create not set" );
    g_assert( qof_object_register( fixture->qofobject ) );
    g_assert( qof_object_new_instance( fixture->qofobject->e_type, book ) == NULL );

    g_test_message( "Test with registered object type and create set" );
    object_create_struct.is_called = FALSE;
    object_create_struct.book = book;
    object_create_struct.inst = NULL;
    fixture->qofobject->create = mock_object_create;
    inst = qof_object_new_instance( fixture->qofobject->e_type, book );
    g_assert( inst );
    g_assert( object_create_struct.is_called == TRUE );
    g_assert( object_create_struct.inst == inst );

    g_object_unref( inst );
    qof_book_destroy( book );
Exemple #7
static void
test_address (void)
    QofInstance *ent;
    GncAddress *address;
    QofBook *book = qof_book_new ();

    ent = g_object_new(QOF_TYPE_INSTANCE, "guid", guid_null(), NULL);
    ent->e_type = "asdf";

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncAddressCreate (NULL,  NULL) == NULL, "address create NULL");

        address = gncAddressCreate (book, ent);
        do_test (address != NULL, "address create");

        gncAddressBeginEdit (address);
        gncAddressDestroy (address);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting routines */
        address = gncAddressCreate (book, ent);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Name", gncAddressSetName, gncAddressGetName);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Addr1", gncAddressSetAddr1, gncAddressGetAddr1);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Addr2", gncAddressSetAddr2, gncAddressGetAddr2);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Addr3", gncAddressSetAddr3, gncAddressGetAddr3);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Addr4", gncAddressSetAddr4, gncAddressGetAddr4);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Phone", gncAddressSetPhone, gncAddressGetPhone);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Fax", gncAddressSetFax, gncAddressGetFax);
        test_string_fcn (address, "Email", gncAddressSetEmail, gncAddressGetEmail);
Exemple #8
static void
test_qof_object_is_dirty( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    QofBook *book = NULL;
    gint32 list_length;

    g_test_message( "Test null check returns false" );
    g_assert( qof_object_is_dirty( NULL ) == FALSE );

    g_test_message( "Test with no objects" );
    book = qof_book_new();
    g_assert( book );
    object_dirty_struct.call_count = 0;
    g_assert( qof_object_is_dirty( book ) == FALSE );
    g_assert_cmpint( object_dirty_struct.call_count, == , 0 );

    list_length = generate_and_register_objects( 1, MOCK_OBJECT_DIRTY );

    g_test_message( "Test with registered objects and suppose all collections are clean" );
    object_dirty_struct.objects = get_object_modules();
    object_dirty_struct.result = FALSE;
    g_assert( qof_object_is_dirty( book ) == FALSE );
    g_assert_cmpint( object_dirty_struct.call_count, == , list_length );

    g_test_message( "Test with registered objects and suppose first collection is dirty" );
    object_dirty_struct.objects = get_object_modules();
    object_dirty_struct.result = TRUE;
    object_dirty_struct.call_count = 0;
    g_assert( qof_object_is_dirty( book ) == TRUE );
    g_assert_cmpint( object_dirty_struct.call_count, == , 1 ); /* should break on first */

    qof_book_destroy( book );
static void
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        gnc_commodity *test_com1;
        gchar *test_str1;
        gchar *test_str2;
        gnc_commodity *test_com2;
        xmlNodePtr test_node;
        QofBook *book;

        book = qof_book_new ();

        test_str1 = get_random_string();
        test_str2 = get_random_string();

        test_com1 = gnc_commodity_new(book, NULL, test_str1, test_str2, NULL, 0);
        test_node = commodity_ref_to_dom_tree("test-com", test_com1);

        test_com2 = dom_tree_to_commodity_ref_no_engine(test_node, book);

        do_test(gnc_commodity_equiv(test_com1, test_com2),


        qof_book_destroy (book);
Exemple #10
static void
setup( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    fixture->book = qof_book_new();

    fixture->account = xaccMallocAccount(fixture->book);
    fixture->commodity = gnc_commodity_new(fixture->book, "foo", "bar", "xy", "xy", 100);
    xaccAccountSetCommodity(fixture->account, fixture->commodity);

Exemple #11
static void
test_qof_object_register( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    GList *books = NULL;
    gint32 list_length = g_test_rand_int_range( 0, 5 );
    int i;
    QofObject *simple_object = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < list_length; i++ )
        QofBook *book = qof_book_new();
        g_assert( book );
        books = g_list_prepend ( books, book );
        g_assert_cmpint( g_list_length( books ), == , (i + 1) );
    g_assert_cmpint( list_length, == , g_list_length( books ) );

    g_test_message( "Test null check" );
    g_assert( qof_object_register( NULL ) == FALSE );

    g_test_message( "Test new object register with book_begin specified" );
    fixture->qofobject->book_begin = mock_book_begin;
    book_begin_struct.books = books;
    book_begin_struct.call_count = 0;
    g_assert( qof_object_register( fixture->qofobject ) == TRUE );
    g_assert( qof_object_lookup( "my type object" ) == fixture->qofobject );
    g_assert_cmpint( book_begin_struct.call_count, == , list_length );

    g_test_message( "Test registering the same object one more time" );
    book_begin_struct.call_count = 0;
    g_assert( qof_object_register( fixture->qofobject ) == FALSE );
    g_assert( qof_object_lookup( "my type object" ) == fixture->qofobject );
    g_assert_cmpint( book_begin_struct.call_count, == , 0 );

    g_test_message( "Test new object register without book_begin specified" );
    simple_object = new_object( "my type simple", "simple desc", EMPTY );
    g_assert( qof_object_register( simple_object ) == TRUE );
    g_assert( qof_object_lookup( "my type simple" ) == simple_object );
    g_assert_cmpint( book_begin_struct.call_count, == , 0 );

    g_test_message( "Test register simple object one more time" );
    g_assert( qof_object_register( simple_object ) == FALSE );
    g_assert( qof_object_lookup( "my type simple" ) == simple_object );

    g_test_message( "Test book begin is called only one time when object is registered" );
    simple_object->book_begin = mock_book_begin;
    book_begin_struct.books = books;
    book_begin_struct.call_count = 0;
    g_assert( qof_object_register( simple_object ) == FALSE );
    g_assert_cmpint( book_begin_struct.call_count, == , 0 );

    g_list_foreach( books, (GFunc) qof_book_destroy, NULL );
    g_list_free( books );
    g_free( simple_object );
static void
setup( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    fixture->book = qof_book_new();

    fixture->account = xaccMallocAccount(fixture->book);
    fixture->commodity = gnc_commodity_new(fixture->book, "foo", "bar", "xy", "xy", 100);
    xaccAccountSetCommodity(fixture->account, fixture->commodity);

    fixture->customer = gncCustomerCreate(fixture->book);
    gncOwnerInitCustomer(&fixture->owner, fixture->customer);
Exemple #13
static void
qof_session_init (QofSession *session)
    if (!session) return;

    session->entity.e_type = QOF_ID_SESSION;
    session->book = qof_book_new ();
    session->book_id = NULL;
    session->backend = NULL;
    session->lock = 1;

    qof_session_clear_error (session);
Exemple #14
static void test_main()

    book = qof_book_new ();




    qof_book_destroy (book);
Exemple #15
/* ================================================================= */
static void
load_single_book (GncSqlBackend* sql_be, GncSqlRow& row)
    QofBook* pBook;

    g_return_if_fail (sql_be != NULL);

    gnc_sql_load_guid (sql_be, row);

    pBook = sql_be->book();
    if (pBook == NULL)
        pBook = qof_book_new ();

    qof_book_begin_edit (pBook);
    gnc_sql_load_object (sql_be, row, GNC_ID_BOOK, pBook, col_table);
    gnc_sql_slots_load (sql_be, QOF_INSTANCE (pBook));
    qof_book_commit_edit (pBook);

    qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (pBook));
Exemple #16
main (int argc, char** argv)
    g_setenv ("GNC_UNINSTALLED", "1", TRUE);
    gnc_engine_init (argc, argv);

    book = qof_book_new ();

    if (argc > 1)
        test_files_in_dir (argc, argv, test_real_commodity,
                           gnc_commodity_sixtp_parser_create (),
                           "gnc:commodity", book);
        test_generation ();

    print_test_results ();
    exit (get_rv ());
Exemple #17
static void
test_qof_object_mark_clean( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    QofBook *book = NULL;
    gint32 list_length;

    g_test_message( "Test with no objects" );
    book = qof_book_new();
    g_assert( book );
    object_mark_clean_struct.call_count = 0;
    g_assert_cmpint( g_list_length( get_object_modules() ), == , 0 );
    qof_object_mark_clean( book );
    g_assert_cmpint( object_mark_clean_struct.call_count, == , 0 );

    list_length = generate_and_register_objects( 1, MOCK_OBJECT_MARK_CLEAN );

    g_test_message( "Test with registered objects and mark clean set up" );
    object_mark_clean_struct.objects = get_object_modules();
    qof_object_mark_clean( book );
    g_assert_cmpint( object_mark_clean_struct.call_count, == , list_length );

    qof_book_destroy( book );
Exemple #18
static void
test_qof_object_foreach_sorted( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
    int i;
    gint32 list_length = g_test_rand_int_range( 0, 5 );
    gint user_data;
    QofBook *book = NULL;
    QofCollection *col = NULL;
    foreach_for_sorted_struct.instances = NULL;

    /* setup */
    book = qof_book_new();
    g_assert( book );
    g_assert_cmpint( g_list_length( get_object_modules() ), == , 0 );
    qof_object_register( fixture->qofobject );
    g_assert_cmpint( g_list_length( get_object_modules() ), == , 1 );

    fixture->qofobject->foreach = mock_foreach_for_sorted;
    /* init instances */
    col = qof_book_get_collection( book, fixture->qofobject->e_type );
    for (i = 0; i < list_length; i++ )
        QofInstance * inst = g_object_new( QOF_TYPE_INSTANCE, NULL );
        g_assert( QOF_IS_INSTANCE( inst ) );
        foreach_for_sorted_struct.instances = g_list_append( foreach_for_sorted_struct.instances, inst );
        qof_collection_insert_entity( col, inst );
    g_assert_cmpint( list_length, == , g_list_length( foreach_for_sorted_struct.instances ) );

    foreach_for_sorted_struct.call_count = 0;
    foreach_for_sorted_struct.user_data = &user_data;
    qof_object_foreach_sorted( fixture->qofobject->e_type, book, mock_instance_foreach_cb_for_sorted, ( gpointer ) &user_data );
    g_assert_cmpint( list_length, == , foreach_for_sorted_struct.call_count );

    qof_book_destroy( book );
    g_list_free( foreach_for_sorted_struct.instances );
Exemple #19
static void
test_employee (void)
    QofBook *book;
    GncEmployee *employee;

    book = qof_book_new();

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncEmployeeCreate (NULL) == NULL, "employee create NULL");
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        do_test (employee != NULL, "employee create");
        do_test (qof_instance_get_book(QOF_INSTANCE(employee)) == book,

        gncEmployeeBeginEdit (employee);
        gncEmployeeDestroy (employee);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncEmployeeSetID, gncEmployeeGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Username", gncEmployeeSetUsername, gncEmployeeGetUsername);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Language", gncEmployeeSetLanguage, gncEmployeeGetLanguage);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Acl", gncEmployeeSetAcl, gncEmployeeGetAcl);

        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Workday", gncEmployeeSetWorkday, gncEmployeeGetWorkday);
        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Rate", gncEmployeeSetRate, gncEmployeeGetRate);

        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncEmployeeSetActive, gncEmployeeGetActive);

        do_test (gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee) != NULL, "Addr");

        guid_replace (&guid);
        employee = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
        gncEmployeeSetGUID (employee, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(employee))), "guid compare");
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_EMPLOYEE_MODULE_NAME, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;
        GncAddress *addr;

        addr = gncEmployeeGetAddr (employee);
        gncAddressSetName (addr, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, employee);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (g_strcmp0 (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");

    qof_book_destroy (book);
Exemple #20
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int err, fake_argc = 1;
    char * fake_argv[] = {"hello", 0};
    QofBook *book;
    Account *root;
    char *bufp;
    int rc, sz;

    /* intitialize the engine */
    gnc_engine_init (fake_argc, fake_argv);

    /* contact the database, which is a flat file for this demo */
    book = qof_book_new ();

    rc = gnc_book_begin (book, "file:/tmp/demo.gnucash", FALSE);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    rc = gnc_book_load (book);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    /* the root pointer points to our local cache of the data */
    root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);

    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    /* done with initialization, go into event loop */

    while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0)
        GList *split_list;
        Query *q = NULL;
        char *request_method;
        int read_len = 0;

        /* get the request method */
        request_method = getenv ("REQUEST_METHOD");

        /* Lets pretend that method=get means user has logged
         * in.  Send the user the accounts and currencies,
         * but not the transactions/splits. */
        if (!strcmp ("GET", request_method))
            gncxml_write_account_tree_to_buf(root, &bufp, &sz);

            /* print the HTTP header */
            printf("Content-type: text/gnc-xml\r\n"
                   "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
                   "\r\n", sz);

            /* send the xml to the client */
            printf ("%s", bufp);
            free (bufp);

            /* wait for the next request */

        if (!strcmp ("POST", request_method))
            char * content_length = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
            read_len = atoi (content_length);

            /* read 'read_len' bytes from stdin ... */
            bufp = (char *) malloc (read_len);
            fread (bufp, read_len, 1, stdin);

            /* conver the xml input into a gnucash query structure... */
            q = gncxml_read_query (bufp, read_len);
            xaccQuerySetGroup (q, root);

            /* hack -- limit to 30 splits ... */
            xaccQuerySetMaxSplits (q, 30);
            split_list = xaccQueryGetSplits (q);

            xaccFreeQuery (q);

            /* wait for the next request */

        /* if we got to here, an error -- unknown method */
        printf("Content-type: text/plain\r\n"
               "unknown request type \n");



    err = gnc_book_get_error (book);

    /* 500 Server Error */
    FCGI_SetExitStatus (500);

    printf("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
           "error was %s\n", strerror (err));


    /* close the book */
    qof_book_destroy (book);

    /* shut down the engine */
    gnc_engine_shutdown ();

    sleep (1);

    return 0;
Exemple #21
qof_session_load (QofSession *session,
                  QofPercentageFunc percentage_func)
    QofBook *newbook, *oldbook;
    QofBackend *be;
    QofBackendError err;

    if (!session) return;
    if (!session->book_id) return;

    ENTER ("sess=%p book_id=%s", session, session->book_id
           ? session->book_id : "(null)");

    /* At this point, we should are supposed to have a valid book
    * id and a lock on the file. */

    oldbook = session->book;

    /* XXX why are we creating a book here? I think the books
    * need to be handled by the backend ... especially since
    * the backend may need to load multiple books ... XXX. FIXME.
    newbook = qof_book_new();
    session->book = newbook;
    PINFO ("new book=%p", newbook);

    qof_session_clear_error (session);

    /* This code should be sufficient to initialize *any* backend,
    * whether http, postgres, or anything else that might come along.
    * Basically, the idea is that by now, a backend has already been
    * created & set up.  At this point, we only need to get the
    * top-level account group out of the backend, and that is a
    * generic, backend-independent operation.
    be = session->backend;
    qof_book_set_backend(newbook, be);

    /* Starting the session should result in a bunch of accounts
    * and currencies being downloaded, but probably no transactions;
    * The GUI will need to do a query for that.
    if (be)
        be->percentage = percentage_func;

        if (be->load)
            be->load (be, newbook, LOAD_TYPE_INITIAL_LOAD);
            qof_session_push_error (session, qof_backend_get_error(be), NULL);

    /* XXX if the load fails, then we try to restore the old set of books;
    * however, we don't undo the session id (the URL).  Thus if the
    * user attempts to save after a failed load, they weill be trying to
    * save to some bogus URL.   This is wrong. XXX  FIXME.
    err = qof_session_get_error(session);
    if ((err != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR) &&
            (err != ERR_FILEIO_FILE_TOO_OLD) &&
            (err != ERR_FILEIO_NO_ENCODING) &&
            (err != ERR_FILEIO_FILE_UPGRADE) &&
            (err != ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_OLD) &&
            (err != ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_NEW))
        /* Something broke, put back the old stuff */
        qof_book_set_backend (newbook, NULL);
        qof_book_destroy (newbook);
        session->book = oldbook;
        LEAVE("error from backend %d", qof_session_get_error(session));
    qof_book_set_backend (oldbook, NULL);
    qof_book_destroy (oldbook);

    LEAVE ("sess = %p, book_id=%s", session, session->book_id
           ? session->book_id : "(null)");
Exemple #22
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int err, fake_argc = 1;
    char * fake_argv[] = {"hello", 0};
    QofBook *book;
    Account *root;
    char *request_bufp, *reply_bufp;
    int rc, sz;

    /* intitialize the engine */
    gnc_engine_init (fake_argc, fake_argv);

    /* contact the database, which is a flat file for this demo */
    /* this should really be an SQL server */
    book = qof_book_new ();

    rc = gnc_book_begin (book, "file:/tmp/demo.xac", FALSE);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    rc = gnc_book_load (book);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    /* the root pointer points to our local cache of the data */
    root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);

    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    /* done with initialization, go into event loop */

    while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0)
        GList *split_list;
        Query *q = NULL;
        const char *request_method;
        const char *user_agent;
        const char *auth_string;
        const char *content_length;
        int read_len = 0;
        int send_accts = 0;

        /* get the user agent; reject if wrong agent */
        user_agent = getenv ("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
        if (strncmp ("gnucash", user_agent, 7))
            reject_user_agent (user_agent);

        /* get the request method */
        request_method = getenv ("REQUEST_METHOD");
        if (strcmp ("POST", request_method))
            /* method=post is the only spported method*/

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* look for an authentication cookie */
        auth_string = find_cookie ("gnc-server");

        /* found the cookie, lets make sure that it is valid */
        if (auth_string)
            gboolean valid_session;
            valid_session = have_session (auth_string);
            if (!valid_session)

                /* XXX invalid sessions are a sign of hacking;
                 * this event should be noted in a security log
                 * and the server admin contacted.
                reject_session (auth_string);

        /* go ahead and read the message body.
         * we'll need this soon enough */
        content_length = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
        read_len = atoi (content_length);

        /* read 'read_len' bytes from stdin ... */
        request_bufp = (char *) g_malloc (read_len);
        fread (request_bufp, read_len, 1, stdin);

        /* if no previously authenticated session,
         * authenticate now */
        if (!auth_string)
            char *name = NULL, *passwd = NULL;
            parse_for_login (request_bufp, &name, &passwd);

            auth_string = auth_user (name, passwd);
            if (!auth_string)
                g_free (request_bufp);
            send_accts = 1;

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* send only the accounts to the user */
        if (send_accts)
            /* print the HTTP header */
            printf("Content-type: text/gnc-xml\r\n"
                   "Set-Cookie: %s\r\n"
                   "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
                   auth_string, sz);

            /* since this is the first time the user is logging
             * in, send them the full set of accounts.
             * (Do not send them any transactions yet).
            gncxml_write_account_tree_to_buf(root, &reply_bufp, &sz);

            /* send the xml to the client */
            printf ("%s", reply_bufp);
            g_free (request_bufp);

            /* wait for the next request */

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* If we got to here, then the ser should be sending
         * us a query xml.
         * we should somehow error check that what we got
         * is really a valid query

        /* conver the xml input into a gnucash query structure... */
        q = gncxml_read_query (request_bufp, read_len);
        xaccQuerySetGroup (q, root);

        /* hack -- limit to 30 splits ... */
        xaccQuerySetMaxSplits (q, 30);
        split_list = xaccQueryGetSplits (q);

        /* poke those splits into an ccount group structure */
        /* XXX not implemented */

        /* send the account group structure back to the user */
        /* XXX not implemented */

        xaccFreeQuery (q);
        g_free (request_bufp);



    err = gnc_book_get_error (book);

    /* 500 Server Error */
    FCGI_SetExitStatus (500);

    printf("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
           "error was %s\n", strerror (err));


    /* close the book */
    qof_book_destroy (book);

    /* shut down the engine */
    gnc_engine_shutdown ();

    sleep (1);

    /* must return a non-zero error code, otherwise fastcgi
     * attempts to respawn this daemon. */
    return 500;
Exemple #23
static void
test_vendor (void)
    QofBook *book;
    GncVendor *vendor;

    book = qof_book_new();

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncVendorCreate (NULL) == NULL, "vendor create NULL");
        vendor = gncVendorCreate (book);
        do_test (vendor != NULL, "vendor create");
        do_test (qof_instance_get_book (QOF_INSTANCE(vendor)) == book,

        gncVendorBeginEdit (vendor);
        gncVendorDestroy (vendor);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncVendorSetID, gncVendorGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Name", gncVendorSetName, gncVendorGetName);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Notes", gncVendorSetNotes, gncVendorGetNotes);

        //test_string_fcn (book, "Terms", gncVendorSetTerms, gncVendorGetTerms);

        //test_bool_fcn (book, "TaxIncluded", gncVendorSetTaxIncluded, gncVendorGetTaxIncluded);
        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncVendorSetActive, gncVendorGetActive);

        do_test (gncVendorGetAddr (vendor) != NULL, "Addr");

        guid_new (&guid);
        vendor = gncVendorCreate (book);
        gncVendorSetGUID (vendor, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(vendor))), "guid compare");
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_VENDOR, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_VENDOR, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;

        gncVendorSetName (vendor, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_VENDOR, vendor);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (g_strcmp0 (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");

    qof_book_destroy (book);
Exemple #24
static void
test_customer (void)
    QofBook *book;
    GncCustomer *customer;

    book = qof_book_new ();

    /* Test creation/destruction */
        do_test (gncCustomerCreate (NULL) == NULL, "customer create NULL");
        customer = gncCustomerCreate (book);
        do_test (customer != NULL, "customer create");
        do_test (gncCustomerGetBook (customer) == book, "getbook");

        gncCustomerBeginEdit (customer);
        gncCustomerDestroy (customer);
        success ("create/destroy");

    /* Test setting/getting routines; does the active flag get set right? */
        GncGUID guid;

        test_string_fcn (book, "Id", gncCustomerSetID, gncCustomerGetID);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Name", gncCustomerSetName, gncCustomerGetName);
        test_string_fcn (book, "Notes", gncCustomerSetNotes, gncCustomerGetNotes);

        //test_string_fcn (book, "Terms", gncCustomerSetTerms, gncCustomerGetTerms);

        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Discount", gncCustomerSetDiscount, gncCustomerGetDiscount);
        test_numeric_fcn (book, "Credit", gncCustomerSetCredit, gncCustomerGetCredit);

        test_bool_fcn (book, "Active", gncCustomerSetActive, gncCustomerGetActive);

        do_test (gncCustomerGetAddr (customer) != NULL, "Addr");
        do_test (gncCustomerGetShipAddr (customer) != NULL, "ShipAddr");

        guid_replace (&guid);
        customer = gncCustomerCreate (book);
        gncCustomerSetGUID (customer, &guid);
        do_test (guid_equal (&guid, gncCustomerGetGUID (customer)), "guid compare");
        GList *list;

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_CUSTOMER, TRUE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList all");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == count, "correct length: all");
        g_list_free (list);

        list = gncBusinessGetList (book, GNC_ID_CUSTOMER, FALSE);
        do_test (list != NULL, "getList active");
        do_test (g_list_length (list) == 1, "correct length: active");
        g_list_free (list);
        const char *str = get_random_string();
        const char *res;

        res = NULL;
        gncCustomerSetName (customer, str);
        res = qof_object_printable (GNC_ID_CUSTOMER, customer);
        do_test (res != NULL, "Printable NULL?");
        do_test (g_strcmp0 (str, res) == 0, "Printable equals");

    do_test (gncCustomerGetJoblist (customer, TRUE) == NULL, "joblist empty");

    /* Test the Entity Table */
        const GncGUID *guid;

        guid = gncCustomerGetGUID (customer);
        do_test (gncCustomerLookup (book, guid) == customer, "Entity Table");

    /* Note: JobList is tested from the Job tests */
    qof_book_destroy (book);