Exemple #1
* Name: nci_data_close_conn
* Description: Close Data Connection upon CONN_CLOSE response or notification and module destruction.
*			  Connection is marked as closed.
*			  All fragments memory is freed.
*			  Fragment's queue is released.
* Input: 	h_data - handle to NCI DATA context object
*		conn_id - Connection ID
* Output: None
* Return: None
void nci_data_close_conn(nfc_handle_t h_data, nfc_u8 conn_id)
	struct nci_data_context *p_ctx = (struct nci_data_context *)h_data;
	struct nci_conn *p_conn = &p_ctx->p_conn_tbl[conn_id];
	struct nci_buff *p_buff;

	osa_report(INFORMATION, ("DATA nci_data_close_conn"));
	p_conn->b_active_conn = NCI_CONNECTION_DISABLED; /* Marks connection as closed
								 (prepare_2_send will use this to reject new send requests) */
	p_conn->maximum_packet_payload_size = 0;
	p_conn->initial_fc_credit = 0;
	p_conn->current_fc_credit = 0;

	/* Flush RX fragment queue */
	if(p_conn->h_rx_fragments != NULL)
		p_buff = (struct nci_buff *)que_dequeue(p_conn->h_rx_fragments);
			p_buff = (struct nci_buff *)que_dequeue(p_conn->h_rx_fragments);
		p_conn->rx_accumulated_length = 0;
		p_conn->h_rx_fragments = NULL;

	/* Flush pending TX packets */
	p_ctx->p_conn_tbl[conn_id].instance ++; /* Increment connection instance */
	/* nci_data_send CB will drop packets from previous connection, based on conn_instance */
Exemple #2
* Name: static_get_rx_packet
* Description: Prepare received packet from all fragments of data connection queue.
*			  Dequeue each fragment from data connection queue and concatenate
*			  it to received buffer p_rx_payload (this buffer has memory allocated
*			  before calling this function). At end set queue's accumulated_length to 0.
* Input:	p_ctx - handle to NCI DATA context object
*		conn_id - Connection ID
* Output: p_rx_payload - pointer of raw buffer for complete packet payload
* Return: None
static void static_get_rx_packet(struct nci_data_context *p_ctx, nfc_u8 conn_id, nfc_u8 *p_rx_payload)
	struct nci_conn *p_conn = &p_ctx->p_conn_tbl[conn_id];
	nfc_u32 offset = 0;
	struct nci_buff *p_buff = (struct nci_buff *)que_dequeue(p_conn->h_rx_fragments);


		nfc_u8 *p_temp = p_rx_payload + offset;
		NCI_SET_ARR_REV(p_temp, nci_buff_data(p_buff), nci_buff_length(p_buff));
		osa_mem_copy(p_rx_payload + offset, nci_buff_data(p_buff), nci_buff_length(p_buff));
		offset += nci_buff_length(p_buff);
		p_buff = (struct nci_buff *)que_dequeue(p_conn->h_rx_fragments);
	OSA_ASSERT(offset == p_conn->rx_accumulated_length);
	p_conn->rx_accumulated_length = 0;
///queue에 있는 삭제된 단어의 고유번호를 파일에 저장
unsigned int fio_write_to_file_kno (char *fname, QUEUE* queue)
	register int i;
	unsigned int *pno, cnt=0;
	FILE	*fp;
	char	akey[ASIZE];

	fp = fopen (fname, "w");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf ("File(%s) creating error!\n", fname);
		return 0;
	_fio_write_header (fp, fname);  //파일 헤더 쓰기

	printf ("Writing data to the %s...\n", fname);
	if (queue->count == 0) {
		////printf (", Empty.\n");
		fclose (fp);
		return 0;

	while (!que_is_empty (queue))	{
		if (que_dequeue (queue, (void*)&pno)) {
			uint_to_str (*pno, akey);  //정수키를 문자열키로 변환
			i = 0;
			while (fputc (akey[i++], fp));  //마지막에 널 저장됨
			free (pno);	//큐의 데이터 메모리 해제
		} else break;
	} //while

	fclose (fp);
	printf ("have written data: queue (%u)\n", cnt);

	return cnt;