rString NetworkUtility::GetIPFromDNS( const rString& input )
	rString ip = "";
	size_t colonPos = input.find_first_of( ":" );
	rString dns = input;
	if ( colonPos != std::string::npos )
		dns = input.substr( 0, colonPos );

	addrinfo*	result	= nullptr;
	addrinfo	hints;

	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof( addrinfo ) );
	hints.ai_family		= AF_INET; // TODODB: When IPv6 implemented change this to AF_UNSPEC, for now force IPv4
	hints.ai_socktype	= SOCK_STREAM;
	hints.ai_protocol	= IPPROTO_TCP;

	DWORD returnValue;
	int returnValue;

	returnValue	= getaddrinfo( dns.c_str(), nullptr, &hints, &result );

	if ( returnValue != 0 )
		// TODODB: Handle dns lookup failure somehow
		Logger::Log( "Failed DNS lookup with error: " + rString( gai_strerror( returnValue ) ), "Network", LogSeverity::WARNING_MSG );
		return ip;

	// result will be a linked list, use the first entry
	void *addr;
	if(result->ai_family == AF_INET)
		sockaddr_in *ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)result->ai_addr;
		addr = &(ipv4->sin_addr);

		char ipstr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
		// convert the IP to a string and print it:
		inet_ntop(result->ai_family, addr, ipstr, sizeof( ipstr ) );
		ip = rString( ipstr );
	// TODODB: Handle IPv6 when implemented and move inet_ntop to relevant place
	//} else { // Is IPv6
	//struct sockaddr_in6 *ipv6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)p->ai_addr;
	//addr = &(ipv6->sin6_addr);

	// Free the linked list	
	freeaddrinfo( result );
	return ip;
// ---
void CGeneratorOptionsDlg::OnCTTDoExternalEditingEx( long hData, BSTR FAR* pItemText, BOOL FAR* pbCompleted ) {

	*pbCompleted = FALSE;

	if ( m_pInterface ) {
		CString rString( *pItemText );
		::SysFreeString( *pItemText );

//		*pbCompleted = PerformFileDlg( HDATA(hData), rString );


		DWORD dwSSize;
		BYTE *pBuffer = (BYTE *)::SerializeDTree( (HDATA)hData, dwSSize );
		if ( m_pInterface->EditNode(*this, &dwSSize, &pBuffer) == S_OK ) {
			hData = (long)::DeserializeDTree( pBuffer, dwSSize );
			HPROP hProp = ::DATA_Find_Prop( (HDATA)hData, NULL, NULL );

			CAPointer<char> pText = ::GetPropValueAsString( hProp, NULL );
			rString = pText;

			::DATA_Remove( (HDATA)hData, NULL );

			*pbCompleted = TRUE;

		if ( pBuffer )
			::CoTaskMemFree( pBuffer );


		*pItemText = rString.AllocSysString();
void gfx::ShaderProgram::Apply()
    // Lazy validation because of AMD driver behaviour.
    if ( !m_Validated )
        if ( !Validate() )
            GLint status;
            glGetProgramiv ( m_Handle, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &status );
            if ( status == GL_FALSE )
                char log[1024];
                int len = 0;
                glGetProgramInfoLog ( m_Handle, sizeof ( log ), &len, log );
				if (len > 0)
					Logger::Log("Validation of shader program: \"" + m_Filename + "\" failed: " + rString(log, len - 1), "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG);
                // TODO assert or fancy recovery when recompiling in run-time? assert for now.
               assert ( false );

    m_TextureCount = 0;
    glUseProgram ( m_Handle );
//Creates a shader with defines
void gfx::ShaderProgram::CreateShader ( ifstream* FileStream, GLenum shaderType, const rString& filename,bool print, ShaderDefineContainer& container )
    rString line;
    size_t found;
    rString shaderText;
	getline(*FileStream, line);
	shaderText += line;
	shaderText += "\n";
	shaderText += container.GetAllDefineLines();
    shaderText += container.GetDefinesShaderStage ( shaderType );
    bool end = false;
    while ( !end )
        getline ( *FileStream, line );
        //search for the end of the shader
        found = line.find ( "#include " );
		if ( found != rString::npos )
            int i = static_cast<int> ( found ) + 9; //found + "#include "
            rString s;
            while ( i < static_cast<int> ( line.length() ) )
                s += line[i];
            rString str = GetDir ( rString ( filename.c_str() ) ) + s;
            shaderText += LoadText ( str.c_str() );
            shaderText += "\n";
            found = line.find ( "#end_shader" );
			if ( found != rString::npos )
                //break loop
                end = true;
            else if ( FileStream->eof() )
				Logger::Log( "Could not find end of file " + filename, "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
                shaderText += line;
                shaderText += '\n';


    if ( shaderText.length() > 0 )
		Shader* shader = tNew( Shader );
        shader->CreateFromString ( shaderText, shaderType, filename,print );
        m_Shaders.push_back ( shader );
Exemple #5
const rString FrameCounter::GetMaxFrameTimeString() const
	rOStringStream oss;
	oss << std::fixed << GetMaxFrameTime();
	return rString( oss.str().c_str() );
Exemple #6
const rString FrameCounter::GetAverageMSString() const
	rOStringStream oss;
	oss << std::fixed << GetAverageMS();
	return rString( oss.str().c_str() );
Exemple #7
	void GUIEngine::SetWindowClickThrough( const rString& name, bool clickThrough )
		auto windowIt = m_Windows.find( name ) ;
		if( windowIt != m_Windows.end() )
			windowIt->second->SetClickThrough( clickThrough );
			Logger::Log( "Couldn't get window: " + rString( name.c_str()) + ", it doesn't exist.", "GUIEngine", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG  );
Exemple #8
void gfx::DepthBuffer::Initialize( int width, int height )
	m_Width = width;
	m_Height = height;

	//Generate depth texture
	glGenTextures( 1, &m_DepthTexture );
	glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_DepthTexture );


	glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, m_Width, m_Height, 0, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8, 0 );
	glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );

	glGenFramebuffers( 1, &m_FBO );
	glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_FBO );

	glDrawBuffer( GL_NONE );
	glReadBuffer( GL_NONE );

	glFramebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_DepthTexture, 0 );
	if ( !glIsTexture( m_DepthTexture ) )
		Logger::Log( "Error, unable to create depth buffer", "GFX", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
		assert( false );
	GLenum status = glCheckFramebufferStatus( GL_FRAMEBUFFER );
		Logger::Log( ( rString( "FBO error!!, status: " ) + rString( ( char* )glGetString( status ) ) ).c_str(), "GFX", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
		assert( false );
	glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
bool gfx::ShaderProgram::Init ( rVector<Shader*> Shaders, bool print )
    if ( m_Shaders.size() > 0 )
    //save shaders
    for ( auto it : Shaders )
        m_Shaders.push_back ( it );
    m_Handle = glCreateProgram();
    if ( m_Handle == 0 )
        throw "Failed to create shader program";
        return false;
    //attach shaders to program
    for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int> ( Shaders.size() ); i++ )
        glAttachShader ( m_Handle,Shaders[i]->GetHandle() );
    //link shaders
    glLinkProgram ( m_Handle );
    //error checking
    GLint status;
    glGetProgramiv ( m_Handle,GL_LINK_STATUS,&status );
    if ( status == GL_FALSE )
        char log[1024];
        int len = 0;
		Logger::Log( "Can't link shaders", "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
        glGetProgramInfoLog ( m_Handle, sizeof ( log ), &len, log );
		Logger::Log( "Errorlog: " + rString( log ), "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
        return false;
    if ( print )
		Logger::Log( "Linked Shaderprogram", "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::DEBUG_MSG );
    // Not using "return Validate();" because stuff might get added after
    if ( !Validate() )
        return false;
    return true;
CString CHttpFileDownload::GetRunOnceFilePath()
	CString rString("");
	LPTSTR	lpszSystemInfo;     // pointer to system information string 
	TCHAR	tchBuffer[MAX_PATH];   // buffer for expanded string 
	lpszSystemInfo = tchBuffer; 
	if(0==::GetSystemDirectory(lpszSystemInfo, MAX_PATH+1))
		return rString;
		rString = (LPCTSTR)lpszSystemInfo;

	rString+= "\\RunOnce.exe";
		rString = "";

	return rString;
Exemple #11
  void Parser::parseString()
    qDebug() << "Parser::parseString() value:" << qPrintable(lex.symValue());

    QRegExp rString("\\\"(.*)\\\",\\(([A-Z]),.*\\)");

    if (rString.exactMatch(lex.symValue()))
      QStringList caps = rString.capturedTexts();
      if (caps.size() == 3)
        if ( == "T") title =;
        if ( == "Y") type =;
        if ( == "M") composer =;
        if ( == "F") footer =;
bool KeyBindingCollection::AddMappingWithScancode( SDL_Scancode scancode, ActionIdentifier action, KeyBindingType keyBindType,
												   bool overwrite, bool clearConflicting, rString* errorString ) {
	FillTheVoid( action );
	auto keyIt = m_ScancodeToAction.find( scancode );
	// Warn about overwriting duplicate keybindings
	if ( keyIt != m_ScancodeToAction.end() && !clearConflicting ) {
		LogInput( "Can't bind key: \"" + rString( SDL_GetScancodeName( scancode ) ) + "\" to action " + g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( action ) +
				  " because it is already bound to action \"" + g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( keyIt->second ) + "\"",
				  "KeyBindings", LogSeverity::WARNING_MSG );
		if ( errorString != nullptr ) {
			*errorString = "Can't bind key: \"" + rString( SDL_GetScancodeName( scancode ) ) + "\" to action " +
						   g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( action ) + " because it is already bound to action \"" +
						   g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( keyIt->second ) + "\"";
		return false;
	} else {
		// Try to key to action
		if ( BindAction( action, scancode, keyBindType, overwrite ) ) {
			LogInput( "Bound key \"" + rString( SDL_GetScancodeName( scancode ) ) + "\" to action \"" + g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( action ) + "\"",
					  "KeyBindings", LogSeverity::DEBUG_MSG );
			if ( errorString != nullptr ) {
				*errorString =
				"Bound key \"" + rString( SDL_GetScancodeName( scancode ) ) + "\" to action \"" + g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( action ) + "\"";
			return true;
		} else {
			LogInput( "Can't bind key: \"" + rString( SDL_GetScancodeName( scancode ) ) + "\" to action \"" +
					  g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( action ) + "\" because no free bind slots are avaliable",
					  "KeyBindings", LogSeverity::WARNING_MSG );
			if ( errorString != nullptr ) {
				*errorString = "Can't bind key: \"" + rString( SDL_GetScancodeName( scancode ) ) + "\" to action \"" +
							   g_KeyBindings.GetDescription( action ) + "\" because no free bind slots are avaliable";
			return false;
Exemple #13
// Create shaderprogram with a define container
bool gfx::ShaderProgram::LoadCompleteShaderProgramFromFile ( const rString& filename, bool print, ShaderDefineContainer& container )
    //this function is used to load a set of shaders from a single file
    //seperate each shader with a #new_shader ******* and a #end_shader
    //where **** can be a vertex, geometry, control, evaluation or fragment
    //extra code can be loaded into the current shader by the #include filename macro
    m_Filename = rString ( filename.c_str() );
    m_LoadedShaders = true;
	m_Defines = container;
    ifstream fin; ( filename.c_str() );
    if ( !fin.is_open() )
        if ( print )
			Logger::Log( "Could not open file " + filename, "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
			return false;
        return false;
    rString line;
    size_t found;
    while ( !fin.eof() )
        getline ( fin, line );
		if ( (found = line.find( "#new_shader" )) != rString::npos )
			if ( (found = line.find( "vertex" )) != rString::npos )
                CreateShader ( &fin, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, filename,print,container );
			if ( (found = line.find( "geometry" )) != rString::npos )
                CreateShader ( &fin, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, filename, print,container );
			if ( (found = line.find( "control" )) != rString::npos )
                CreateShader ( &fin, GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, filename, print,container );
			if ( (found = line.find( "evaluation" )) != rString::npos )
                CreateShader ( &fin, GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, filename, print,container );
			if ( (found = line.find( "fragment" )) != rString::npos )
                CreateShader ( &fin, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, filename, print,container );
			if ( (found = line.find( "compute" )) != rString::npos )
                CreateShader ( &fin, GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, filename, print,container );
    m_Handle = glCreateProgram();
    if ( m_Handle == 0 )
        if ( print )
			Logger::Log( "Could not create shader program", "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
			return false;
        return false;
    //attach shaders to program
    for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int> ( m_Shaders.size() ); i++ )
        glAttachShader ( m_Handle, m_Shaders[i]->GetHandle() );
    //link shaders
    glLinkProgram ( m_Handle );
    //error checking
    GLint status;
    glGetProgramiv ( m_Handle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status );
    if ( status == GL_FALSE )
        char log[1024];
        int len = 0;
		Logger::Log( "Could not link shaders to program", "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
        glGetProgramInfoLog ( m_Handle, sizeof ( log ), &len, log );
		Logger::Log( "Error log: " + rString( log ), "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
		return false;
    if ( print )
		Logger::Log( "Linked Shaders to program", "ShaderProgram", LogSeverity::DEBUG_MSG );
	return true;
Exemple #14
bool gfx::TextureAtlas::LoadFile(const rString& filename)
    //load file
    std::ifstream file;;
        Logger::Log("Failed to open TextureAtlas " + filename, "Texture",LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
        return false;
    rString line;
    std::string json; //picojson only wants a std::string
    m_Filename = filename;
        json += line.c_str();
    //parse json
    picojson::value val;
    //check if file was parsed
    if (!<picojson::object>()) {
        Logger::Log("Failed to parse json file", "Texture", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
        return false;
    //Get root objects
    picojson::object obj = val.get<picojson::object>();
    for ( auto& it : obj )
        if(it.first == "frames")
            gfx::TextureFrame texFrame;

            picojson::object filenames = it.second.get<picojson::object>();
            for(auto& it2 : filenames)
                texFrame.Filename = rString(it2.first.c_str());

                picojson::object framedata = it2.second.get<picojson::object>();
                for(auto& data : framedata)
                    if(data.first == "frame")
                        texFrame.X		= stoi(data.second.get("x").to_str());
                        texFrame.Y		= stoi(data.second.get("y").to_str());
                        texFrame.Width	= stoi(data.second.get("w").to_str());
                        texFrame.Height = stoi(data.second.get("h").to_str());
        } //end textureframe data
        else if(it.first == "meta")
            picojson::object atlassData = it.second.get<picojson::object>();
            for(auto& data : atlassData)
                if(data.first == "image")
                    m_ImageFilename = rString(data.second.to_str().c_str());
                if(data.first == "size")
                    m_Width		= stoi(data.second.get("w").to_str());
                    m_Height	= stoi(data.second.get("h").to_str());
    } //end outer for
    m_Texture = pNew(Texture);
    m_Texture->Init((GetDir(m_Filename) + m_ImageFilename).c_str(),TEXTURE_2D);
    //generate handles
    int numerator = 0;
    for(auto& it : m_Frames)
        it.Y = it.Y + it.Height;
        m_Handles[it.Filename] = numerator++;
    //generate gpu frames
    GPUTexture tex;
    for(auto& t : m_Frames)
        tex.S = (t.X / (float) m_Width);
        tex.T = ((m_Height - t.Y) / (float) m_Height);
        tex.NormWidth = t.Width / (float) m_Width;
        tex.NormHeight = t.Height / (float) m_Height;
    return true;
Exemple #15
bool gfx::Shader::CreateFromFile( const rString& Filename, GLenum ShaderType, bool print )
    m_Path = Filename;
    m_Type = ShaderType;
    std::ifstream fin; ( Filename.c_str() );
    if ( !fin.is_open() )
        if ( print )
			Logger::Log( "Cant open shader file " + Filename, "Shader", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
        return false;
    rString shadertext;
    size_t found;
    rString line;
    while ( !fin.eof() )
        getline ( fin, line );
        found = line.find ( "#include " );
		if ( found != rString::npos )
            int i = static_cast<int> ( found ) + 9; //found + "#include "
            rString s;
            while ( i < line.length() )
                s += line[i];
            rString str = GetDir ( rString ( Filename ) ) + s;
            shadertext += LoadText ( str.c_str() );
            shadertext += "\n";
            shadertext += line;
            shadertext += '\n';

    //create shader object
    m_Handle = glCreateShader ( ShaderType );
    if ( m_Handle == 0 )
        if ( print )
			Logger::Log( "Error creating shader", "Shader", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
    const char* text = shadertext.c_str();
    glShaderSource ( m_Handle,1,&text,nullptr );

    glCompileShader ( m_Handle );
    int result = 0;
    glGetShaderiv ( m_Handle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &result );
    if ( result == GL_FALSE )
        if ( print )
			Logger::Log( "ERROR, compiling shader " + Filename, "Shader", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
        int length = 0;
        glGetShaderiv ( m_Handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length );
        if ( length > 0 )
            // create a log of error messages
            char* errorLog = fNewArray (char, length);
            int written = 0;

            glGetShaderInfoLog ( m_Handle, length, &written, errorLog );
            if ( print )
				Logger::Log( "Error log: " + rString( errorLog ), "Shader", LogSeverity::ERROR_MSG );
            fDeleteArray (errorLog);
        return false;
Exemple #16
	//note this is a temporary implementation for now
	rString FormatString(const rString format, va_list args) {
		char buffer[2056];
		vsprintf(buffer, format.c_str(), args);

		return rString(buffer);
Exemple #17
rString rToString( int value )
    char buffer[64];
    sprintf( buffer, "%d", value );
    return rString( buffer );
Exemple #18
rString rToString( long double value )
    char buffer[64];
    sprintf( buffer, "%Lf", value );
    return rString( buffer );
Exemple #19
rString rToString( float value )
    char buffer[64];
    sprintf( buffer, "%f", value );
    return rString( buffer );
Exemple #20
rString rToString( unsigned long long value )
    char buffer[64];
    sprintf( buffer, "%llu", value );
    return rString( buffer );
Exemple #21
rString rToString( long long value )
    char buffer[64];
    sprintf( buffer, "%lld", value );
    return rString( buffer );
Exemple #22
string toLower(const string& inStr)
    string rString(inStr);
    std::transform(rString.begin(), rString.end(), rString.begin(), (int(*)(int)) tolower);
    return rString;
const rString KeyBindingCollection::GetScancodeNameForAction( ActionIdentifier action, KeyBindingType bindType ) const {
	return rString( SDL_GetScancodeName(
	( bindType == KeyBindingType::Primary ? m_ActionToScancodePrimary : m_ActionToScancodeSecondary ).at( static_cast<int>( action ) ) ) );
Exemple #24
string toUpperOrLowerCase(const string& inStr, int (*func)(int))
    string rString(inStr);
    std::transform(rString.begin(), rString.end(), rString.begin(), func);
    return rString;
string ToUpperCase(const string& inStr)
    string rString(inStr);
    std::transform(rString.begin(), rString.end(), rString.begin(), ::toupper);
    return rString;