Exemple #1
void ViewObject::setHallu(bool b) {
  if (!hallu && b) {
    shuffledCreatures = randomPermutation(creatureIds);
    shuffledItems = randomPermutation(itemIds);
  hallu = b;
Exemple #2
// create a random graph
graph createGraph(int n, int m, double minWeight, double maxWeight) {
    graph graph; 

    graph.n = n;
    graph.m = 0;
    int i;

    // allocate the memory for the adjacency lists
    graph.edges = malloc(sizeof(edge) * m);
    if (graph.edges == NULL)
        error("Impossible d'allouer le graphe.");
    // force the graph to be connex  
    int *ord = randomPermutation(n);

    for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
        graph.edges[graph.m].x = ord[i];
        graph.edges[graph.m].y = ord[uniformDistributionInt(0, i)];
        graph.edges[graph.m].w = uniformDistributionDouble(minWeight, maxWeight);

    for (i = graph.m; i < m; ++i) {
        int ec = uniformDistributionInt(0, n * n);
        graph.edges[graph.m].x = ec % n;
        graph.edges[graph.m].y = ec / n;
        graph.edges[graph.m].w = uniformDistributionDouble(minWeight, maxWeight);
    graph.m = m;

    return graph;
Exemple #3
Vec2 Level::landCreature(vector<Vec2> landing, Creature* creature) {
  if (creature->isPlayer())
    player = creature;
  if (entryMessage != "") {
    entryMessage = "";
  queue<pair<Vec2, Vec2>> q;
  for (Vec2 pos : randomPermutation(landing))
    q.push(make_pair(pos, pos));
  while (!q.empty()) {
    pair<Vec2, Vec2> v = q.front();
    if (squares[v.first]->canEnter(creature)) {
      putCreature(v.first, creature);
      return v.second;
    } else
      for (Vec2 next : v.first.neighbors8(true))
        if (next.inRectangle(squares.getBounds()) && squares[next]->canEnterEmpty(creature))
          q.push(make_pair(next, v.second));
  FAIL << "Failed to find any square to put creature";
  return Vec2(0, 0);
Exemple #4
void KdTree::naiveBuild (LineSegments &lineSegments)
  // Compute a random permutation p5, p6, . . . , pn of the remaining points.
  int n = lineSegments.size();
  int *p = new int [n];
  randomPermutation (n, p);

  for (int i = 0; i < lineSegments.size(); ++i) {
Exemple #5
void convexHull3 (Points &points, vector<int> &hull)
	if (points.size() < 4) {

	Arrangement arr;

	// add vertices
	for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
		Vertex *v = arr.addVertex(points[i]);
		v->id = vertex_id++;


	// Compute a random permutation p5, p6, . . . , pn of the remaining points.
	int n = points.size() - 4;
	int *p = new int [n];
	randomPermutation (n, p);

	for (int i = 4; i < arr.vertices.size(); ++i) {
		int r = p[i - 4] + 4;

		// Fconflict(Pr) is empty (that is, Pr lies inside C), nothing changes.
		if (arr.vertices[r]->visibleFaces.size() == 0) continue;

		// Compute the horizon
		Edges horizon;
		findHorizon(arr, arr.vertices[r], horizon);

		// list up all the vertices that have to be tested for the conflict graph
		Vertices vertices;
		listUpdateVertices(arr, arr.vertices[r], horizon, vertices);

		// delete all the visible faces and edges except the horizon
		deleteVisibleCone(arr, arr.vertices[r]);

		// add all the outgoing edges from Pr, and all the new faces
		addCone(arr, arr.vertices[r], horizon, vertices);

	// build the return values
	buildHull(arr, hull);

	// debug
	std::ofstream ofs("test.vtk");
	outputVTK(points, hull, ofs);
GuidedLocalSearch::Candidate GuidedLocalSearch::search(const std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>& cities,
                                                       const int kIterLimit,
                                                       const int kNoImproveLimit,
                                                       const float kLambda)

    std::vector<std::vector<float>> penalties(cities.size(), std::vector<float>(cities.size(), 0.0f));
    GuidedLocalSearch::Candidate current, best;
    current.permutation = randomPermutation(cities);
    for (int iter = 0; iter < kIterLimit; ++iter)
        localSearch(current, cities, penalties, kNoImproveLimit, kLambda);
        std::vector<float> utilities = calcualateFeaturesUtilities(cities, current.permutation, penalties);
        updatePenalties(penalties, cities, current.permutation, utilities);
        if (!iter || current.ordinaryCost < best.ordinaryCost)
            best.permutation = current.permutation;
            best.ordinaryCost = current.ordinaryCost;
            best.augmentedCost = current.augmentedCost;
    return best;
Exemple #7
void resetPlayerData(void) {
  int i;
  Data *data;
  AI *ai;
  int not_playing = 0;

  int *startIndex;
  startIndex = malloc( game->players * sizeof(int) );
  randomPermutation(game->players, startIndex);

  for(i = 0; i < game->players; i++) {
    float startpos[][2] = { 
			{ 0.5, 0.25 }, { 0.75, 0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.75 }, { 0.25, 0.5 }
		float x, y;

    data = game->player[i].data;
    ai = game->player[i].ai;
    /* init ai */

		switch(i) {
		case 0: ai->active = getSettingi("ai_player1"); break;
		case 1: ai->active = getSettingi("ai_player2"); break;
		case 2: ai->active = getSettingi("ai_player3"); break;
		case 3: ai->active = getSettingi("ai_player4"); break;
			fprintf(stderr, "[error] player index #%d not caught!\n", i);
			ai->active = AI_NONE;
		ai->tdiff = 0;

		/* arrange players in circle around center */

		/* randomize position on the grid */
		x = startpos[ startIndex[i] ][0] * getSettingi("grid_size");
		y = startpos[ startIndex[i] ][1] * getSettingi("grid_size");
		/* randomize starting direction */
		data->dir = trand() & 3;
		/* data->dir = startdir[i]; */
		data->last_dir = data->dir;

		/* if player is playing... */
		if(ai->active != AI_NONE) {
			data->speed = getSettingf("speed");
			data->booster = getSettingf("booster_max");
			data->boost_enabled = 0;
			data->trail_height = TRAIL_HEIGHT;
		} else {
			data->speed = SPEED_GONE;
			data->trail_height = 0;
		// data->trail = data->trails;
		data->trailOffset = 0;

		data->trails[ data->trailOffset ].vStart.v[0] = x;
		data->trails[ data->trailOffset ].vStart.v[1] = y;
		data->trails[ data->trailOffset ].vDirection.v[0] = 0;
		data->trails[ data->trailOffset ].vDirection.v[1] = 0;

			int camType;
			Camera *cam = game->player[i].camera;
			camType = (game->player[i].ai->active == AI_COMPUTER) ? 
				CAM_CIRCLE : gSettingsCache.camType;
			initCamera(cam, data, camType);


	game->running = game->players - not_playing; /* not everyone is alive */
	/* printf("starting game with %d players\n", game->running); */
	game->winner = -1;
Exemple #8
void Deity::onPrayer(Creature* c) {
  bool prayerAnswered = false;
  for (Epithet epithet : randomPermutation(epithets)) {
    if (contains(usedEpithets, epithet))
    bool noEffect = false;
    switch (epithet) {
      case Epithet::DEATH: {
          PCreature death = CreatureFactory::fromId(CreatureId::DEATH, Tribes::get(TribeId::KILL_EVERYONE));
          for (Vec2 v : c->getPosition().neighbors8(true))
            if (c->getLevel()->inBounds(v) && c->getLevel()->getSquare(v)->canEnter(death.get())) {
              c->privateMessage("Death appears before you.");
              c->getLevel()->addCreature(v, std::move(death));
          if (death)
            noEffect = true;
          break; }
      case Epithet::WAR:
          grantGift(c, chooseRandom(
          {ItemId::SPECIAL_SWORD, ItemId::SPECIAL_BATTLE_AXE, ItemId::SPECIAL_WAR_HAMMER}), name); break;
      case Epithet::WISDOM: grantGift(c, 
          chooseRandom({ItemId::MUSHROOM_BOOK, ItemId::POTION_BOOK, ItemId::AMULET_BOOK}), name); break;
      case Epithet::DESTRUCTION: applyEffect(c, EffectType::DESTROY_EQUIPMENT, ""); break;
      case Epithet::SECRETS: grantGift(c, ItemId::INVISIBLE_POTION, name); break;
      case Epithet::LIGHTNING:
          c->you(MsgType::ARE, "struck by a lightning bolt!");
      case Epithet::FEAR: applyEffect(c, EffectType::PANIC, name + " puts fear in your heart"); break;
      case Epithet::MIND: 
          if (Random.roll(2))
            applyEffect(c, EffectType::RAGE, name + " fills your head with anger");
            applyEffect(c, EffectType::HALLU, "");
      case Epithet::CHANGE:
          if (Random.roll(2) && c->getEquipment().getItem(EquipmentSlot::WEAPON)) {
            PCreature snake = CreatureFactory::fromId(CreatureId::SNAKE, Tribes::get(TribeId::PEST));
            for (Vec2 v : c->getPosition().neighbors8(true))
              if (c->getLevel()->inBounds(v) && c->getLevel()->getSquare(v)->canEnter(snake.get())) {
                c->getLevel()->addCreature(v, std::move(snake));
                c->you(MsgType::YOUR, "weapon turns into a snake!");
            if (!snake)
          for (Item* it : randomPermutation(c->getEquipment().getItems())) {
            if (it->getType() == ItemType::POTION) {
              c->privateMessage("Your " + it->getName() + " changes color!");
            if (it->getType() == ItemType::SCROLL) {
              c->privateMessage("Your " + it->getName() + " changes label!");
            if (it->getType() == ItemType::AMULET) {
              c->privateMessage("Your " + it->getName() + " changes shape!");
      case Epithet::HEALTH:
          if (c->getHealth() < 1 || c->lostLimbs())
            applyEffect(c, EffectType::HEAL, "You feel a healing power overcoming you");
          else {
            if (Random.roll(4))
              grantGift(c, ItemId::HEALING_AMULET, name);
              grantGift(c, ItemId::HEALING_POTION, name, Random.getRandom(1, 4));
      case Epithet::NATURE: grantGift(c, ItemId::FRIENDLY_ANIMALS_AMULET, name); break;
//      case Epithet::LOVE: grantGift(c, ItemId::PANIC_MUSHROOM, name); break;
      case Epithet::WEALTH: grantGift(c, ItemId::GOLD_PIECE, name, Random.getRandom(100, 200)); break;
      case Epithet::DEFENSE: grantGift(c, ItemId::DEFENSE_AMULET, name); break;
      case Epithet::DARKNESS: applyEffect(c, EffectType::BLINDNESS, ""); break;
      case Epithet::CRAFTS: applyEffect(c,
          chooseRandom({EffectType::ENHANCE_ARMOR, EffectType::ENHANCE_WEAPON}), ""); break;
//      case Epithet::HUNTING: grantGift(c, ItemId::PANIC_MUSHROOM, name); break;
      default: noEffect = true;
    if (!noEffect) {
      prayerAnswered = true;
  if (!prayerAnswered)
    c->privateMessage("Your prayer is not answered.");
	AlphaReal SigmoidSingleStumpLearner::run()
		const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
		const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();						
		const int numExamples = _pTrainingData->getNumExamples();
		FeatureReal bestEdge = -numeric_limits<FeatureReal>::max();
		vector<AlphaReal> bestv(numClasses);
		AlphaReal gammat = _initialGammat;
		if (_verbose>4)
			cout << "-->Init gamma: " << gammat << endl;
		// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
		// when theta=0.
		setSmoothingVal( 1.0 / (AlphaReal)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01 );
		vector<FeatureReal> sigmoidSlopes( numColumns );
		vector<FeatureReal> sigmoidOffSets( numColumns );		
		vector<vector<AlphaReal> >   vsArray(numColumns);
		fill( sigmoidSlopes.begin(), sigmoidSlopes.end(), 0.1 );
		fill( sigmoidOffSets.begin(), sigmoidOffSets.end(), 0.0 );
		for(int i=0; i<numColumns; ++i ) 
			for (int k=0; k<numClasses; ++k )
				vsArray[i][k] = (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1;
			normalizeLength( vsArray[i] );
		if ( _gMethod == OPT_SGD )
			vector<int> randomPermutation(numExamples);
			for (int i = 0; i < numExamples; ++i ) randomPermutation[i]=i;
			random_shuffle( randomPermutation.begin(), randomPermutation.end() );			
			AlphaReal gammaDivider = 1.0;
			for (int i = 0; i < numExamples; ++i )
				if ((i>0)&&((i%_gammdivperiod)==0)) gammaDivider += 1.0;
				AlphaReal stepOffSet, stepSlope, stepV;
				//int randomTrainingInstanceIdx = (rand() % _pTrainingData->getNumExamples());
				int randomTrainingInstanceIdx = randomPermutation[i];
				vector<Label> labels = _pTrainingData->getLabels(randomTrainingInstanceIdx);
				for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j)
					FeatureReal val = _pTrainingData->getValue(randomTrainingInstanceIdx, j);					
					FeatureReal tmpSigVal = sigmoid(val,sigmoidSlopes[j],sigmoidOffSets[j]);
					AlphaReal deltaQ = 0.0;
					switch (_tFunction) {
						case TF_EXPLOSS:
							for( vector< Label >::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++ )
								deltaQ += exp( -vsArray[j][it->idx] * it->y * ( 2*tmpSigVal-1 ) ) 
								*2.0 * it->weight*vsArray[j][it->idx]*it->y*tmpSigVal*(1.0-tmpSigVal);
							stepOffSet = -deltaQ;
							stepSlope = -deltaQ * val;							
						case TF_EDGE:
							for( vector< Label >::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++ )
								deltaQ += 2.0 * it->weight*vsArray[j][it->idx]*it->y*tmpSigVal*(1.0-tmpSigVal);
							// because edge should be maximized
							stepOffSet = -deltaQ;
							stepSlope = -deltaQ * val;
					// gradient step
					FeatureReal tmpSigmoidOffSet = sigmoidOffSets[j] - numExamples * static_cast<FeatureReal>(gammat * stepOffSet);										
					FeatureReal tmpSigmoidSlopes = sigmoidSlopes[j] - numExamples * static_cast<FeatureReal>(gammat * stepSlope);									
					// update the parameters
					for( vector< Label >::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++ )
						switch (_tFunction) {
							case TF_EXPLOSS:
								stepV = -exp( - vsArray[j][it->idx] * it->y * ( 2*tmpSigVal-1 ) )   
								* ( it->weight * (2.0 * tmpSigVal - 1.0) * it->y);						
							case TF_EDGE:
								// + gradient since it a maximization task
								stepV =  - ( it->weight * (2.0 * tmpSigVal - 1.0) * it->y);						
						vsArray[j][it->idx] = vsArray[j][it->idx] - gammat * stepV;
					normalizeLength( vsArray[j] );
					sigmoidOffSets[j] = tmpSigmoidOffSet;
					sigmoidSlopes[j] = tmpSigmoidSlopes;
				// decrease gammat
				gammat = gammat / gammaDivider;
		} else if (_gMethod == OPT_BGD )
			AlphaReal gammaDivider = 1.0;			
			for (int gradi=0; gradi<_maxIter; ++gradi)
				if ((gradi>0)&&((gradi%_gammdivperiod)==0)) gammaDivider += 1.0;
				for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j)
					AlphaReal slopeImporvemement = 0.0;
					AlphaReal offsetImporvemement = 0.0;
					vector<AlphaReal> vImprovement(numClasses);
					switch (_tFunction) {
						case TF_EXPLOSS:							
							for (int i = 0; i < numExamples; ++i )					
								vector<Label> labels = _pTrainingData->getLabels(i);
								FeatureReal val = _pTrainingData->getValue(i,j);
								// update the parameters						
								FeatureReal tmpSigVal = sigmoid(val,sigmoidSlopes[j],sigmoidOffSets[j]);
								AlphaReal deltaQ = 0.0;
								for( vector< Label >::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++ )
									deltaQ += exp( -vsArray[j][it->idx] * it->y * ( 2*tmpSigVal-1 ) )
									* 2.0 * it->weight*vsArray[j][it->idx]*it->y*tmpSigVal*(1.0-tmpSigVal);
								offsetImporvemement -= deltaQ;
								slopeImporvemement -= (deltaQ*val);
								for( vector< Label >::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++ )
									// + gradient since it a maximization task
									vImprovement[it->idx] -= exp( -vsArray[j][it->idx] * it->y * ( 2*tmpSigVal-1 ) ) 
									* ( it->weight * (2.0 * tmpSigVal - 1.0) * it->y);
						case TF_EDGE:
							for (int i = 0; i < numExamples; ++i )					
								vector<Label> labels = _pTrainingData->getLabels(i);
								FeatureReal val = _pTrainingData->getValue(i,j);
								// update the parameters						
								FeatureReal tmpSigVal = sigmoid(val,sigmoidSlopes[j],sigmoidOffSets[j]);
								AlphaReal deltaQ = 0.0;
								for( vector< Label >::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++ )
									deltaQ += 2.0 * it->weight*vsArray[j][it->idx]*it->y*tmpSigVal*(1.0-tmpSigVal);
								offsetImporvemement -= deltaQ;
								slopeImporvemement -= (deltaQ*val);
								for( vector< Label >::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++ )
									// + gradient since it a maximization task
									vImprovement[it->idx] -= ( it->weight * (2.0 * tmpSigVal - 1.0) * it->y);
					//update the current parameter vector
					for( int iimp=0; iimp < vImprovement.size(); ++iimp )
						// + gradient since it a maximization task						
						vsArray[j][iimp] -= gammat * vImprovement[iimp];
						//vsArray[j][iimp] += 100.0 * gammat * vImprovement[iimp];
					normalizeLength( vsArray[j] );
					sigmoidOffSets[j] -= gammat * offsetImporvemement;
					//sigmoidOffSets[j] += 100.0 * gammat * offsetImporvemement;
					sigmoidSlopes[j] -= gammat * slopeImporvemement;
					//sigmoidSlopes[j] += 100.0 * gammat * slopeImporvemement;
					// decrease gammat
					gammat = gammat / gammaDivider;
				} // j 
		} else {
			cout << "Unknown optimization method!" << endl;
		int bestColumn = -1;
		// find the best feature
		for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j)
			_selectedColumn = j;
			_sigmoidSlope = sigmoidSlopes[j];
			_sigmoidOffset = sigmoidOffSets[j];
			_v = vsArray[j];
			for(int k=0; k<numClasses; ++k ) _v[k]= _v[k] < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
			AlphaReal tmpEdge = this->getEdge();			
			if ((tmpEdge>0.0) && (tmpEdge>bestEdge))
				bestEdge = tmpEdge;				
				bestv = _v;
				bestColumn = j;
		_selectedColumn = bestColumn;
		if (_verbose>3) cout << "Selected column: " << _selectedColumn << endl;
		if ( _selectedColumn != -1 )
			stringstream parameterString;
			parameterString << _sigmoidSlope << "_" << _sigmoidOffset;
			_id = _pTrainingData->getAttributeNameMap().getNameFromIdx(_selectedColumn) + _id + parameterString.str();			
		} else {
			return numeric_limits<AlphaReal>::signaling_NaN();
		_sigmoidSlope = sigmoidSlopes[_selectedColumn];
		_sigmoidOffset = sigmoidOffSets[_selectedColumn];
		_v = bestv;
		//normalizeLength( _v );
		if (_verbose>3)
			cout << "Sigmoid slope:\t" << _sigmoidSlope << endl;
			cout << "Sigmoid offset:\t" << _sigmoidOffset << endl;			
		//calculate alpha
		this->_alpha = 0.0;
		AlphaReal eps_min = 0.0, eps_pls = 0.0;
		for( int i = 0; i < _pTrainingData->getNumExamples(); i++ ) {
			vector< Label> l = _pTrainingData->getLabels( i );
			for( vector< Label >::iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++ ) {
				AlphaReal result  = this->classify( _pTrainingData, i, it->idx );
				result *= (it->y * it->weight);
				if ( result < 0 ) eps_min -= result;
				if ( result > 0 ) eps_pls += result;
		this->_alpha = getAlpha( eps_min, eps_pls );
		// calculate the energy (sum of the energy of the leaves
		//AlphaReal energy = this->getEnergy( eps_min, eps_pls );
		return bestEdge;							
Exemple #10
 * Function: randomMode()
 * Description:	This is the function to handle User Input Mode
 * Return: 0-Success, 1-Unsucessful
 * Input: N/A
void randomMode(){
	int inputCase1[5000], operation, randomData, iCase, nTime;
	int ipCase[7] = {100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
	clock_t Start, Time, fTime=0;

	printf("Calculating Processing Time for Fibonacci Heap & Leftist Tree...\n");

	//Fibonacci Heap
	for(iCase = 0; iCase<7; iCase++){
		for(nTime=0; nTime<5; nTime++){
			randomPermutation(inputCase1, iCase); //Generating Random Permutation of Inputs
			MIN = intializeFMinHeap(MIN, inputCase1, iCase); //Initializing Fibbonacci Heap
			Start = clock(); //Start time

			//Operation Generator Sequence
				for(operation=1;operation<=MAX_OPERATIONS; operation++){
					if(log == DEBUG)
						printf("\nPeforming operation #%d\n", operation);
					D = rand() % 2;
					randomData = rand() % 10000; //Data's range is b/w 0-9999
					if(D == 0){
						if(log == DEBUG)
							printf("Deleting MIN............\n");
						MIN = deleteMin_MinFHeap(MIN);
						if(log == DEBUG)
							printf("Inserting %d............\n", randomData);
						MIN = insert_MinFHeap(MIN,  randomData);

			Time = clock() - Start;
			fTime +=(Time/5000L);
		printf("Time taken for input size %d in Fibonacci Heap is %ldms: \n", ipCase[iCase], (fTime/5L));

	//Leftist Tree
	for(iCase = 0; iCase<7; iCase++){
		for(nTime=0; nTime<5; nTime++){
			randomPermutation(inputCase1, iCase); //Generating Random Permutation of Inputs
			ROOT = initializeLeftistTree(ROOT, inputCase1, iCase); //Initializing Fibbonacci Heap
			Start = clock(); //Start time

			//Operation Generator Sequence
				for(operation=1;operation<=MAX_OPERATIONS; operation++){
					if(log == DEBUG)
						printf("\nPeforming operation #%d\n", operation);
					D = rand() % 2;
					randomData = rand() % 10000; //Data's range is b/w 0-9999
					if(D == 0){
						if(log == DEBUG)
							printf("Deleting MIN............\n");
						ROOT = deleteMinLeftistTree(ROOT);
						if(log == DEBUG)
							printf("Inserting %d............\n", randomData);
						ROOT = insertMinLeftistTree(ROOT, randomData);

			Time = clock() - Start;
			fTime +=(Time/5000L);
		printf("Time taken for input size %d in Leftist Tree is %ldms: \n", ipCase[iCase], (fTime/5L));

Exemple #11
API void initPerlin()
	permutation = randomPermutation(256);
Exemple #12
 * Delaunay triangulation using the same algorithm as convexHull3.
void triangulate (Points2D &points2D, vector<int> &triangles)
	if (points2D.size() < 4) {

	Arrangement arr;

	// arrange the 3D points
	Points points;
	for (int i = 0; i < points2D.size(); ++i) {
		double x = points2D[i]->getP().getX().mid();
		double y = points2D[i]->getP().getY().mid();
		double z = x * x + y * y;
		points.push_back(new InputPoint(x * 2, y * 2, z));

	// add vertices
	for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
		Vertex *v = arr.addVertex(points[i]);
		v->id = vertex_id++;


	// Compute a random permutation p5, p6, . . . , pn of the remaining points.
	int n = points.size() - 4;
	int *p = new int [n];
	randomPermutation (n, p);

	for (int i = 4; i < arr.vertices.size(); ++i) {
		int r = p[i - 4] + 4;

		// Fconflict(Pr) is empty (that is, Pr lies inside C), nothing changes.
		if (arr.vertices[r]->visibleFaces.size() == 0) continue;

		// compute the horizon
		Edges horizon;
		findHorizon(arr, arr.vertices[r], horizon);

		// list up all the vertices that have to be tested for the conflict graph
		Vertices vertices;
		listUpdateVertices(arr, arr.vertices[r], horizon, vertices);

		// delete all the visible faces and edges except the horizon
		deleteVisibleCone(arr, arr.vertices[r]);

		// add all the outgoing edges from Pr, and all the new faces
		addCone(arr, arr.vertices[r], horizon, vertices);

	// list up all the faces that are visible from (0, 0, -oo)
	for (Faces::iterator f = arr.faces.begin(); f != arr.faces.end(); ++f) {
		Vertex *v0 = (*f)->edge->tail;
		Vertex *v1 = (*f)->edge->twin->next->tail;
		Vertex *v2 = (*f)->edge->twin->next->twin->next->tail;

		// if it is not visible, then skip it.
		PV3 u = v1->p->getP() - v0->p->getP();
		PV3 v = v2->p->getP() - v0->p->getP();
		PV3 w(0, 0, -1);
		if (w.tripleProduct(u, v).sign() <= 0) continue;

		// if it is visible, then copy the indices to the result.
		// Note that since the triangle is in counter-clockwise order viewed from the bottom, 
		// we have to reverse the order to get the counter-clockwise order viewed from the top.