void RayTracer::run()
	int index;
	float viewPlaneX;
	float viewPlaneY;
	Ray ray;

	ray.origin = viewPoint;

	for(int i=0; i<winWidth; i++)
		viewPlaneX = ((float)i)/((float)winWidth) * simWidth;

		for(int j=0; j<winHeight; j++)
			Vec3f shadeColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			viewPlaneY = ((float)j)/((float)winHeight) * simHeight;
			index = j*winWidth+i;
			ray.direction = Vec3f(viewPlaneX, viewPlaneY, viewPlaneZ) - viewPoint;

			rayTracing(ray, shadeColor, 0);

			pixel[index*4+0] = (unsigned char)(shadeColor.x*255.0f);
			pixel[index*4+1] = (unsigned char)(shadeColor.y*255.0f);
			pixel[index*4+2] = (unsigned char)(shadeColor.z*255.0f);
			pixel[index*4+3] = 255;
Exemple #2
//Calcular Raios de Refraccao
void RayTracing::calculateRefraction(Ray ray, Object * oB, glm::vec3 point, glm::vec3 normal, int depth, float ior, glm::vec3 &color){
	if (oB->getTransmittance() != 0){
		glm::vec3 refracted_color;

		// Ver questão do sinal do ray.D	
		glm::vec3 vt = glm::dot(-ray.D, normal) * normal + ray.D;
		float sin_teta_i = Utils::norma(vt);

		// Ver se está dentro ou fora do objecto
		float sin_teta_t;
		float new_reflected_index;

		if (ior != 1) //de dentro para fora
			new_reflected_index = 1;
		else //de fora para dentro
			new_reflected_index = oB->getRefractionIndex();

		//Lei snell
		sin_teta_t = ior / new_reflected_index * sin_teta_i;

		//Se se verificar não houve reflexao perfeita
		if (sin_teta_t*sin_teta_t <= 1){
			float cos_teta_t = sqrt(1 - (sin_teta_t * sin_teta_t));
			glm::vec3 t = glm::normalize(vt);
			glm::vec3 rt = sin_teta_t*t + cos_teta_t * (-normal); //Raio de refraccao
			rt = glm::normalize(rt);
			Ray refracted_ray;
			refracted_ray.O = point + 0.001f*rt;
			refracted_ray.D = rt;
			refracted_color = rayTracing(refracted_ray, depth + 1, new_reflected_index);
			color += refracted_color * oB->getTransmittance();
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    //Create the scene



    //Create the window
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
    glutInitWindowSize(H_RES, V_RES);
    glutInitWindowPosition(500, 200);
    glutCreateWindow("Ray tracing");
    glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    gluOrtho2D(0.0, H_RES, 0.0, V_RES);

    //Call to callback function


    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Exemple #4
//Calcular Raios de Reflexao
void RayTracing::calculateReflection(Ray ray, Object * oB, glm::vec3 point, glm::vec3 normal, int depth, float ior, glm::vec3 &color){
	if (oB->Get_k_constants().y != 0){
		glm::vec3 reflected_color;
		glm::vec3 R = ray.D - 2 * glm::dot(ray.D, normal) * normal; //Raio de reflexao
		Ray reflected_ray;
		reflected_ray.O = point + 0.001f*R;
		reflected_ray.D = R;
		reflected_color = rayTracing(reflected_ray, depth + 1, ior);
		color += reflected_color * oB->Get_k_constants().y;
Exemple #5
Color Phong::getReflectionColor(const IntersectionInfo &info, const Ray &ray, int depth)
	Ray newRay;
	Color res=rayTracing(newRay,depth+1);
	return res*info.material->specular;
//	real cosxita=fabs(newRay.direction.dot(info.norm));
//	return res*(REFL_DECAY*info.material->specular*info.material->shininess*cosxita);
//	return (refl+refl*info.material->diffuse*REFL_DIFFUSE_FACTOR)*
//			(REFL_DECAY*info.material->specular*info.material->shininess*cosxita);
Exemple #6
Color Phong::getRefractionColor(const IntersectionInfo &info, const Ray &ray, int depth)
	if (info.material->transparency<EPS) return COLOR_BLACK;
	Vector dir=info.norm.refraction(ray.direction,info.refractiveIndex);
	if (dir.mod()<EPS) return COLOR_BLACK; //total reflection
//	assert(fabs(dir.mod()-1)<EPS);
	Ray newRay;
	Color res=rayTracing(newRay,depth+1);
	return res*info.material->transparency;
//	return (refra+refra*info.material->diffuse*TRANSM_DIFFUSE_FACTOR)*info.material->transparency;
void RayTracer::rayTracing(Ray &ray, Vec3f &shadeColor, int depth)
	float curDist = MAX_DIST;
	float newDist;
	int pi = -1;

	for(int k=0; k<numPrim; k++)
		if(prims[k]->isEnabled() == false) continue;

		if(prims[k]->intercect(ray, newDist) == 1)
			if(newDist < curDist)
				curDist = newDist;
				pi = k;

	if(pi != -1)
		if(prims[pi]->isLightEnabled() == true)
			//light source
			shadeColor = shadeColor + prims[pi]->getMaterial().getColor();
			Vec3f pos = ray.origin+ray.direction*curDist;
			Vec3f N = prims[pi]->getNormal(pos);
			Vec3f R = ray.direction - N * ray.direction.Dot(N) * 2.0f;
			R = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - R;

			for(int l=0; l<numPrim; l++)
				if(prims[l]->isLightEnabled() == false)

				float viewLightDist = (((Sphere *)prims[l])->getCenter() - pos).Length();
				Vec3f L = (((Sphere *)prims[l])->getCenter() - pos).genNormal();

				//shadow light
				float shade = 1.0f;
				Ray rayShadow;
				rayShadow.direction = L;
				rayShadow.origin = pos;
				for(int s=0; s<numPrim; s++)
					if(prims[s]->isLightEnabled() == true) continue;

					float tmpDist;
					if(prims[s]->intercect(rayShadow, tmpDist) == 1 && s != pi && viewLightDist > tmpDist)
						shade = 1.0f;

				//diffusion light
				float dot = N.Dot(L);
				if(dot > 0)
					float diff = dot * prims[pi]->getMaterial().getDiffRate();
					shadeColor= shadeColor + prims[pi]->getMaterial().getColor() * prims[l]->getMaterial().getColor() * diff * 1.0f;//shade;

				//spec Light
				Vec3f V = ray.direction.genNormal();
				Vec3f LR = L - N * L.Dot(N) * 2.0f;
				dot = V.Dot(LR);
				if (dot > 0)
					float spec = pow(dot, 20) * prims[pi]->getMaterial().getSpecRate();
					shadeColor = shadeColor + prims[l]->getMaterial().getColor() * spec;

			//reflection light
			float refl = prims[pi]->getMaterial().getReflecRate();
			if(depth < RAY_TRACE_DEPTH) 
				Vec3f recColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				Ray recRay;
				recRay.origin=R * 0.00001f + pos;
				rayTracing(recRay, recColor, depth+1);
				shadeColor = shadeColor + recColor * prims[pi]->getMaterial().getColor() * refl;

			//refraction light
			/*float rindex = prims[pi]->getMaterial().getRafracIndex();
			if(prims[pi]->getMaterial().getRefracRate() > 0.0f &&  depth < RAY_TRACE_DEPTH)
				float n = -1.0f;
				Vec3f N = prims[pi]->getNormal(pos);
				float cosI = 0.0f - N.Dot(ray.direction);
				float cosT2 = 1.0f - n * n * (1.0f - cosI * cosI);
				if (cosT2 > 0.0f)
					Vec3f T = (ray.direction * n) + N * (n * cosI - sqrtf( cosT2 ));
					Vec3f rcol(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
					Ray recRay;
					recRay.origin=T + pos;
					rayTracing(recRay, rcol, depth+1);
					shadeColor = shadeColor + rcol * 5.0f;

		if(shadeColor.x > 1.0f) shadeColor.x = 1.0f;
		if(shadeColor.y > 1.0f) shadeColor.y = 1.0f;
		if(shadeColor.z > 1.0f) shadeColor.z = 1.0f;
Exemple #8
Color Phong::traceSimpleRay(Ray &ray)
	Color res=rayTracing(ray,0);
	return res;
Exemple #9
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	//Variables from MyModel.h---------------------------------------------------------------------

	/* create a spherical object */
	SPHERE obj1 = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,	/* center of the circle */
		1.0,		/* radius of the circle */
		0.75 };		/* diffuse reflection coefficient */

	/* create a polygon object */
	POLY4 obj2 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,	/* v0 */
		0.0, 0.0, 2.0,	/* v1 */
		2.0, 0.0, 2.0,	/* v2 */
		2.0, 0.0, 0.0,	/* v3 */
		0.0, 1.0, 0.0,	/* normal of the polygon */
		0.8 };		/* diffuse reflection coefficient */

	unsigned char img[ROWS][COLS];
	float xmin = 0.0175;
	float ymin = -0.0175;
	float xmax = -0.0175;
	float ymax = 0.0175;

	float focal = 0.05;	/* focal length simulating 50 mm lens */

	/* definition of the camera parameters */
	float VRP[3] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.5 };
	float VPN[3] = { 0.0, -1.0, -2.5 };
	float VUP[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };

	/* definition of light source */
	float LRP[3] = { -10.0, 10.0, 2.0 };	/* light position */
	float Ip = 200.0;	/* intensity of the point light source */

	int i, j;
	int c;
	Xform3d TIN1, RT1;
	Xform3d Mcw;
	Point3d Pvpn, Pvup, Pvrp;

	Pvpn = assign_values(VPN);
	Pvup = assign_values(VUP);
	Pvrp = assign_values(VRP);

	translationInverse(VRP, TIN1);
	rotationTranspose(&Pvpn, &Pvup, RT1);

	multXforms(TIN1, RT1, Mcw);

	// initiate buffer
	for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
			img[i][j] = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
			Ray V;
			V.a = (Point3dPtr)malloc(sizeof(Point3d));
			V.b = (Point3dPtr)malloc(sizeof(Point3d));
			rayConstruction(i, j, focal, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, Mcw, &Pvrp, &V);// construct Ray V
			c = rayTracing(V, obj1, obj2, LRP, Ip);
			img[i][j] = c;


	// function output the final image to binary, then change to tiff or other format by using third party tools, such as Photoshop etc.
	FILE * fp;
	fp = fopen("Ray.raw", "wb");
	fwrite(img, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(img), fp);

	return 0;