Exemple #1
/* Reads the next domain name from a NAME, QNAME, or RDATA field in a DNS 
   packet and copies it into the destination buffer. It returns the number
   of bytes read after the packet index. Returns -1 on an error. */
static int read_domain_name(char *packet_index, char *packet_start, 
			    int packet_size, char *dest_buffer) {

  int bytes_read;
  uint8_t label_length;
  uint16_t offset;
  char *max_index;

  bytes_read = 0;
  max_index = packet_start + packet_size;

  /* The domain name is stored as a series of sub-domains or pointers to
     sub-domains. Each sub-domain contains the length as the first byte, 
     followed by LENGTH number of bytes (no null-terminator). If it's a pointer,
     the first two bits of the length byte will be set, and then the rest of
     the bits contain an offset from the start of the packet to another
     sub-domain (or set of sub-domains). 

     We first get the length of the sub-domain (or label), check if it's a
     pointer, and if not, read the that number of bytes into a buffer. Each
     sub-domain is separated by a period character. If a pointer is found,
     we can call this function recursively. 

     The end of the domain name is found when we read a label length of 
     0 bytes. */

  if (packet_index >= max_index) {
    return -1;
  label_length = (uint8_t)*packet_index;

  while (label_length != 0) {

    /* If this isn't the first label, add a period in between
       the labels. */
    if (bytes_read > 0) {
      *dest_buffer++ = '.';

    /* Check to see if this label is a pointer. */
    if ((label_length & DNS_POINTER_FLAG) == DNS_POINTER_FLAG) {
      char *new_packet_index;

      offset = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)packet_index) & DNS_POINTER_OFFSET_MASK;
      new_packet_index = packet_start + offset;
      if (new_packet_index >= max_index) {
	return -1;

      /* Recursively call this function with the packet index set to
	 the offset value and the current location of the destination
	 buffer. Since we're using an offset and reading from some
	 other part of memory, we only need to increment the number
	 of bytes read by 2 (for the pointer value). */
      read_domain_name(new_packet_index, packet_start, 
		       packet_size, dest_buffer);
      return bytes_read + 2;

    label_length &= DNS_LABEL_LENGTH_MASK;

    if (packet_index + label_length >= max_index) {
      return -1;

    memcpy(dest_buffer, packet_index, label_length);
    dest_buffer += label_length;
    *dest_buffer = 0;

    packet_index += label_length;
    bytes_read += label_length + 1;

    label_length = (uint8_t)*packet_index;

  ++bytes_read; /* For the null root. */

  return bytes_read;
int process_cmd(FILE *fp, char *command, int buffer_size, char *buffer)
	if (!strcmp(command, "/rapl_domains_count") ||
		!strncmp(command, "/rapl_domains_count/",
			strlen("/rapl_domains_count/"))) {
		int count;
		count = powercap_get_rapl_domain_count(command);
		printf("rapl domain count %d\n", count);
		snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, "%d", count);
		send_success_response_plain(fp, buffer);
	} else if (!strncmp(command, "/rapl_domain_name/",
			strlen("/rapl_domain_name/"))) {
		if (read_domain_name(command, buffer_size, buffer) ==
			send_success_response_plain(fp, buffer);
			send_error(fp, "Sysfs error", "500",
				"sysfs read error", "name read failed");
	} else if (!strncmp(command, "/rapl_domain_energy/",
			strlen("/rapl_domain_energy/"))) {
		if (read_domain_energy(command, buffer_size, buffer) ==
			send_success_response_plain(fp, buffer);
			send_error(fp, "Sysfs error", "500",
				"sysfs read error", "energy read failed");
	} else if (!strncmp(command, "/rapl_domain_max_energy/",
			strlen("/rapl_domain_max_energy/"))) {
		if (read_domain_max_energy(command, buffer_size, buffer) ==
			send_success_response_plain(fp, buffer);
			send_error(fp, "Sysfs error", "500",
				"sysfs read error", "energy read failed");
	} else if (!strcmp(command, "/") || !strcmp(command, "/index.html")) {
		int content_len;
		char local_ip_buffer[128];
		if (local_host_name[0] != '\0')
			content_len = snprintf(local_ip_buffer,
					"var root_path = 'http://%s:%d/';\n",
					local_host_name, local_port_id);
			content_len = snprintf(local_ip_buffer,
					"var root_path = 'http://%s:%d/';\n",
					local_ip_addr, local_port_id);
		if (local_index_html) {
			FILE *src_fp;
			int size;
			int ch;
			src_fp = fopen(local_index_html_file, "r");
			if (!src_fp) {
				send_error(fp, "Page not found", "404",
				"Not found", "Requested URI not found");
				return TRUE;
			fseek(src_fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
			size = ftell(src_fp);
			fseek(src_fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
			send_success(fp, size);
			while(!feof(src_fp)) {
				ch = fgetc(src_fp);
				fputc(ch, fp);
		} else {
			content_len += strlen(index_html_contents_header);
			content_len += strlen(index_html_contents_contents);
			send_success(fp, content_len);
			fprintf(fp, "%s\n", index_html_contents_header);
			fprintf(fp, "%s\n", local_ip_buffer);
			fprintf(fp, "%s\n", index_html_contents_contents);
	 } else if (!strncmp(command, "/terminate",
			strlen("/terminate"))) {
		return FALSE;
	} else {
		send_error(fp, "Page not found", "404",
				"Not found", "Requested URI not found");

	return TRUE;
Exemple #3
/* Validates the DNS response and returns an array of DNS response structures.
   Returns null if there was an error or if the domain name was not found.
   On an error, the error_message buffer will not be null. */
struct dns_response *parse_dns_response(void *packet_buffer, 
					int packet_length, 
					int expected_id, 
					const char *domain_name, 
					int *answer_count, 
					char *error_message) {

  int i, bytes_read, authoritative;
  char buffer[MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH + 1];
  char *buffer_index, *max_index;
  uint8_t error_code;
  uint16_t rdata_length;
  size_t header_size;
  struct dns_header header;
  struct dns_response *responses;

  authoritative = 0;
  *error_message = 0;
  *answer_count = 0;
  header_size = sizeof(struct dns_header);

  /* Verify that the packet is large enough to contain the DNS header, and
     then copy it into a dns_header struct. */
  if (packet_length < header_size) {
    strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  /* Use the buffer index to step through the packet, checking that it 
     doesn't extend past the max_index value. */
  buffer_index = (char *)packet_buffer;
  max_index = buffer_index + packet_length;

  /* When copying the header back, convert the values from network byte
     order to the host byte order. */
  memcpy(&header, buffer_index, header_size);
  buffer_index += header_size;

  header.id	  = ntohs(header.id);
  header.flags	  = ntohs(header.flags);
  header.qd_count = ntohs(header.qd_count);
  header.an_count = ntohs(header.an_count);
  header.ns_count = ntohs(header.ns_count);
  header.ar_count = ntohs(header.ar_count);

  /* Verify that the response ID is the same as the ID sent in the request. */
  if (header.id != expected_id) {
    strncpy(error_message, "response id does not match request id", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  /* Check the flags to verify that this is a valid response. */
  if (!(header.flags & DNS_QR_RESPONSE)) {
    strncpy(error_message, "header does not contain response flag", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  /* If the message was truncated, return an error. */
  if (header.flags & DNS_TRUNCATED) {
    strncpy(error_message, "response was truncated", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  /* If no recursion is available, return an error. */
  if (!(header.flags & DNS_RECURSION_AVAIL)) {
    strncpy(error_message, "no recursion available", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  /* Check for error conditions. */
  error_code = header.flags & DNS_ERROR_MASK;

  switch (error_code) {
    strncpy(error_message, "server unable to interpret query", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

    strncpy(error_message, "unable to process due to server error", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

    strncpy(error_message, "server does not support requested query type", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

    strncpy(error_message, "server refused query", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

    /* A name error indicates that the name was not found. This isn't due to
       an error, so we just indicate that the number of answers is 0 and return
       a null value. */
    *answer_count = 0;
    return 0;


  /* Verify that there is at least one answer. We also put a limit on the number
     of answers allowed. This is to prevent a bogus response containing a very
     high answer count from allocating too much memory by setting an upper
     bound. */
  if (header.an_count < 1) { 
    *answer_count = 0;
    return 0;

  if (header.an_count > MAX_AN_COUNT) {
    header.an_count = MAX_AN_COUNT;

  /* Is this response authoritative? */
  if (header.flags & DNS_AUTH_ANS) {
    authoritative = 1;

  /* Verify that the question section contains the domain name we requested. */
  bytes_read = read_domain_name(buffer_index, packet_buffer, 
				packet_length, buffer);
  if (bytes_read == -1) {
    strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, bytes_read)) {
    strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  if (strcmp(buffer, domain_name) != 0) {
	    "the response domain does not match the request", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;
  /* After the null root character, skip over the QTYPE and QCLASS sections which
     should put the buffer index at the start of the answer section. */
  if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, 2 * sizeof(uint16_t))) {
    strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;
  /* Answer section. There may be multiple answer sections which we can determine from
     the packet header. Allocate enough space for all of the buffers. 

     The first part of each answer section is similar to the question section, containing
     the name  that we queried for. Ignore this for now, maybe verify that it is the
     same name later. */
  *answer_count = header.an_count;
  responses = malloc(sizeof(struct dns_response) * header.an_count);
  if (responses == 0) {
    strncpy(error_message, "unable to allocate memory for response", ERROR_BUFFER);
    return 0;

  memset(responses, 0, sizeof(struct dns_response) * header.an_count);

  /* Fill out the dns_response structure for each answer. */
  for (i = 0; i < header.an_count; ++i) {

    responses[i].authoritative = authoritative;

    /* Read the domain name from the answer section and verify it matches
       the name in the question section. */
    bytes_read = read_domain_name(buffer_index, packet_buffer, packet_length, buffer);
    if (bytes_read == -1) {
      strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

    if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, bytes_read)) {
      strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

    /* The next part contains the type of response in 2 bytes. */
    responses[i].response_type = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)buffer_index);

    if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, sizeof(uint16_t))) {
      strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

    /* The response class should be for an Internet address. */
    if (ntohs(*(uint16_t *)buffer_index) != DNS_INET_ADDR) {
      strncpy(error_message, "invalid response class", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

    if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, sizeof(uint16_t))) {
      strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

    /* The next 4 bytes contain the TTL value. */
    responses[i].cache_time = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)buffer_index);
    if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
      strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

    /* The next 2 bytes contain the length of the RDATA field. */
    rdata_length = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)buffer_index);
    if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, sizeof(uint16_t))) {
      strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

    /* At the RDATA field. How we process the data depends on the type of response
       this is. */
    switch (responses[i].response_type) {
    case DNS_A_RECORD:
      responses[i].ip_address = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)buffer_index);

    case DNS_NS_RECORD:
      bytes_read = read_domain_name(buffer_index, packet_buffer, packet_length, responses[i].name);
      if (bytes_read == -1) {
	strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
	return 0;

      bytes_read = read_domain_name(buffer_index, packet_buffer, packet_length, responses[i].name);
      if (bytes_read == -1) {
	strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
	return 0;

    case DNS_MX_RECORD:
      responses[i].preference = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)buffer_index);

      if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, sizeof(uint16_t))) {
	strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
	return 0;

      bytes_read = read_domain_name(buffer_index, packet_buffer, 
				    packet_length, responses[i].name);      
      if (bytes_read == -1) {
	strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
	return 0;
      rdata_length -= sizeof(uint16_t);

    /* When we increment the buffer, we may move past the end of the packet at this
       point. This is OK only if this is the last answer we are processing. */
    if (!increment_buffer_index(&buffer_index, max_index, rdata_length) &&
	(i + 1 < header.an_count)) {
      strncpy(error_message, "response has invalid format", ERROR_BUFFER);
      return 0;

  return responses;