void SimpleBackend::processCall () {

	int next_token = current_template.indexOf ("$$$", template_pos);
	if (next_token < 0) next_token = template_sep;
	if (next_token > template_sep) next_token = template_sep;

	if (next_token < template_sep) {
		int token_end = current_template.indexOf ("$$$", next_token + 3);
		RK_ASSERT (token_end >= 0);
		QString token = current_template.mid (next_token + 3, token_end - (next_token + 3));
		template_pos = token_end + 3;
		emit (requestValue (token));

	// all values are fetched. Now generate the return string
	finishCall (current_template.mid (template_sep + 3));
Exemple #2
void AttributeHandler::click() {
    if (isReadOnly()) {
        item->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(getValue()));
    } else {
        QTreeWidget * parent = item->treeWidget();
        QRect rect = parent->visualItemRect(item);
        QPoint pos = parent->mapToGlobal(rect.topLeft());
        if (popupMenu == nullptr) {
            popupMenu = new QMenu();

            QAction * actionChange = popupMenu->addAction("Change value");
            connect(actionChange, SIGNAL(triggered ( )), this, SLOT(changeValue()));
            QAction * actionUpdate = popupMenu->addAction("update value");
            connect(actionUpdate, SIGNAL(triggered ( )), this, SLOT(updateValue()));
Exemple #3
void AttributeHandler::updateValue() {
void PHPBackend::gotOutput (KProcess *, char* buf, int len) {

	QString output = buf;
	QString request;
	QString data;
	int i;
	bool have_data = true;;
	bool have_request = false;
	// is there a request in the output stream?
	if ((i = output.find (eot_string)) >= 0) {
		have_request = true;
		// is there also pending data?
		if (i) {
			data = output.left (i);
		} else {
			have_data = false;
		request = output.mid (i + eot_string.length (), len);
	} else {
		data = output;
	RK_DO (qDebug ("request: %s\ndata: %s", request.latin1 (), data.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
	// pending data is always first in a stream, so process it first, too
	if (have_data) {
		if (!startup_done) {
				php_process->detach ();
				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("There has been an error\n(\"%1\")\nwhile starting up the PHP backend. Most likely this is due to either a bug in RKWard or an invalid setting for the location of the PHP support files. Check the settings (Settings->Configure Settings->PHP backend) and try again.").arg (data.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
				emit (haveError ());
				destroy ();
		_output.append (data);
	if (have_request) {
		if (request == "requesting code") {
			startup_done = true;
			busy = false;
			RK_DO (qDebug ("got type: %d, stack %d", current_type, command_stack.count ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			if (current_type != Ignore) {
				if (code_property) {
					if (_output.isNull ()) _output = "";			// must not be null for the code property!
					if (current_type == Preprocess) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setPreprocess (i18n ("## Prepare\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setPreprocess (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else if (current_type == Calculate) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setCalculate (i18n ("## Compute\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setCalculate (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else if (current_type == Printout) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setPrintout (i18n ("## Print result\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setPrintout (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else if (current_type == Cleanup) {
						if (add_headings) code_property->setCleanup (i18n ("## Clean up\n") + retrieveOutput ());
						else code_property->setCleanup (retrieveOutput ());
						resetOutput ();
					} else {
						emit (commandDone (current_flags));
				} else {
					emit (commandDone (current_flags));
			tryNextFunction ();
			if (!busy) {
				emit (idle ());
		} else if (request.startsWith ("requesting data:")) {
			QString requested_object = request.remove ("requesting data:");
			RK_DO (qDebug ("requested data: \"%s\"", requested_object.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			emit (requestValue (requested_object));
			busy = true;
//			writeData (res + eot_string);
		} else if (request.startsWith ("requesting rcall:")) {
			QString requested_call = request.remove ("requesting rcall:");
			RK_DO (qDebug ("requested rcall: \"%s\"", requested_call.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			emit (requestRCall (requested_call));
			busy = true;
//			_responsible->doRCall (requested_call);
		} else if (request.startsWith ("requesting rvector:")) {
			QString requested_call = request.remove ("requesting rvector:");
			RK_DO (qDebug ("requested rvector: \"%s\"", requested_call.latin1 ()), PHP, DL_DEBUG);
			emit (requestRVector (requested_call));
			busy = true;
//			_responsible->getRVector (requested_call);
		} else if (request.startsWith ("PHP-Error")) {
				QString error = request.remove ("PHP-Error");
				php_process->detach ();
				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("The PHP-backend has reported an error\n(\"%1\")\nand has been shut down. This is most likely due to a bug in the plugin. But of course you may want to try to close and restart the plugin to see whether it works with different settings.").arg (error.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
				emit (haveError ());
				destroy ();