Exemple #1
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_hdc_check(struct rtgui_filerw *file)
    int start;
    rt_bool_t is_HDC;
    rt_uint8_t magic[4];

    if (!file) return 0;

    start = rtgui_filerw_tell(file);

    /* move to the beginning of file */
    rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET);

    is_HDC = RT_FALSE;
    if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic))
        if (magic[0] == 'H' &&
                magic[1] == 'D' &&
                magic[2] == 'C' &&
                magic[3] == '\0')
            is_HDC = RT_TRUE;
    rtgui_filerw_seek(file, start, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET);

Exemple #2
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_png_check(struct rtgui_filerw *file)
    int start;
    rt_bool_t is_PNG;
    rt_uint8_t magic[4];

    if (!file) return 0;

    start = rtgui_filerw_tell(file);

    /* move to the begining of file */
    rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);

    is_PNG = RT_FALSE;
    if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic))
        if (magic[0] == 0x89 &&
                magic[1] == 'P' &&
                magic[2] == 'N' &&
                magic[3] == 'G')
            is_PNG = RT_TRUE;
    rtgui_filerw_seek(file, start, SEEK_SET);

Exemple #3
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_bmp_check(struct rtgui_filerw* file)
	char magic[2];
	rt_bool_t is_bmp;
	rt_off_t start;

	if ( !file ) return 0;

	start = rtgui_filerw_tell(file);

	/* move to the beginning of file */
	rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET);

	is_bmp = RT_FALSE;
	if ( rtgui_filerw_read(file, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic) )
		if (magic[0] == 'B' &&
				magic[1] == 'M')
			is_bmp = RT_TRUE;

	rtgui_filerw_seek(file, start, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET);

Exemple #4
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_hdc_load(struct rtgui_image *image, struct rtgui_filerw *file, rt_bool_t load)
    rt_uint32_t header[5];
    struct rtgui_image_hdc *hdc;

    hdc = (struct rtgui_image_hdc *) rtgui_malloc(sizeof(struct rtgui_image_hdc));
    if (hdc == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE;

    hdc->hw_driver = rtgui_graphic_driver_get_default();
    if (hdc->hw_driver == RT_NULL)
        return RT_FALSE;

    rtgui_filerw_read(file, (char *)&header, 1, sizeof(header));

    /* set image information */
    image->w = (rt_uint16_t)header[1];
    image->h = (rt_uint16_t)header[2];
    image->engine = &rtgui_image_hdc_engine;
    image->data = hdc;
    hdc->filerw = file;
    hdc->byte_per_pixel = hdc->hw_driver->bits_per_pixel / 8;
    hdc->pitch = image->w * hdc->byte_per_pixel;
    hdc->pixel_offset = rtgui_filerw_tell(file);

    if (load == RT_TRUE)
        /* load all pixels */
        hdc->pixels = rtgui_malloc(image->h * hdc->pitch);
        if (hdc->pixels == RT_NULL)
            /* release data */
            return RT_FALSE;

        rtgui_filerw_read(hdc->filerw, hdc->pixels, 1, image->h * hdc->pitch);
        hdc->filerw = RT_NULL;
        hdc->pixel_offset = 0;
        hdc->pixels = RT_NULL;

    return RT_TRUE;
Exemple #5
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_png_load(struct rtgui_image *image, struct rtgui_filerw *file, rt_bool_t load)
    unsigned int width;
    unsigned int height;
    unsigned int error;
    rt_uint8_t* pixel;
    rt_uint8_t* in;
    rt_uint32_t in_size;

    RT_ASSERT(image != RT_NULL);
    RT_ASSERT(file != RT_NULL);

    rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
    in_size = rtgui_filerw_tell(file);
    in = rtgui_malloc(in_size);
    if (in == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; /* out of memory */

    rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
    rtgui_filerw_read(file, in, in_size, 1);

    error = lodepng_decode32(&pixel, &width, &height, in, in_size);    
		rt_kprintf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error));
		return RT_FALSE;


    /* set image information */
    image->w = width;
    image->h = height;
    image->engine = &rtgui_image_png_engine;
    image->data = pixel;

	/* NOTE: the pixel format of PNG is ABGR888, bit0 R,G,B,A bit31 */
	/* convert pixel to ARGB888, swap B/G */
		rt_uint8_t* pixel_ptr;
		rt_uint8_t* pixel_end;

		pixel_ptr = (rt_uint8_t*) pixel;
		pixel_end = pixel_ptr + width * height * 4;

		while (pixel_ptr < pixel_end)
			pixel_ptr[0] = pixel_ptr[0] ^ pixel_ptr[2];
			pixel_ptr[2] = pixel_ptr[0] ^ pixel_ptr[2];
			pixel_ptr[0] = pixel_ptr[0] ^ pixel_ptr[2];

			pixel_ptr += 4;

    /* close file handler */

    return RT_TRUE;