Exemple #1
s3mixw_intv_read(const char *fn,
		 uint32  mixw_s,
		 uint32  mixw_e,
		 float32 ****out_mixw,
		 uint32 *out_n_mixw,
		 uint32 *out_n_feat,
		 uint32 *out_n_density)
    uint32 ignore;
    char *ver;
    char *do_chk;
    FILE *fp;
    uint32 swap;

    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL)
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version id */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, MIXW_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
		    fn, ver, MIXW_FILE_VERSION);
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);
    /* if do_chk is non-NULL, there is a checksum after the data in the file */
    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    /* Read the mixing weight array */
    if (bio_fread_intv_3d((void ****)out_mixw,
		       &ignore) != S3_SUCCESS) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    E_INFO("Read %s [%ux%ux%u array]\n",
	   fn, *out_n_mixw, *out_n_feat, *out_n_density);

    return S3_SUCCESS;
s3regmatcnt_read(const char *fn,
		 float32 *****out_regr,
		 float32 ******out_regl,
		 uint32 *out_n_class,
		 uint32 *out_n_feat,
		 const uint32 **out_veclen,
		 uint32 *out_mllr_mult,
		 uint32 *out_mllr_add)
    uint32 rd_chksum = 0;
    uint32 sv_chksum;
    uint32 ignore;
    char *ver;
    char *do_chk;
    FILE *fp;
    uint32 n_feat, n_class;
    const uint32 *veclen;
    float32 ****l_regr;
    float32 *****l_regl;
    uint32 d1, d2, d3, m, f;
    uint32 swap;
    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL)
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version id */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, REGMATCNT_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);
    /* if do_chk is non-NULL, there is a checksum after the data in the file */
    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    if (s3read_1d((void **)&veclen, sizeof(uint32), &n_feat, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != S3_SUCCESS) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (s3read((void *)&n_class, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (s3read((void *)out_mllr_mult, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (s3read((void *)out_mllr_add, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    l_regr = (float32 ****)ckd_calloc_2d(n_class, n_feat, sizeof(float32 ***));
    l_regl = (float32 *****)ckd_calloc_2d(n_class, n_feat, sizeof(float32 ****));

    for (m = 0; m < n_class; m++) {
	for (f = 0; f < n_feat; f++) {
	    if (s3read_3d((void ****)&l_regl[m][f],
			  sizeof(float32), &d1, &d2, &d3, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != S3_SUCCESS) {
		return S3_ERROR;
	    if (d1 != veclen[f]) {
		E_FATAL("left-hand side regression matrices inconsistent w/ feature set.  Should be %ux%ux%u, but %ux%ux%u\n", veclen[f], veclen[f]+1, veclen[f]+1, d1, d2, d3);
	    if ((d2 != d1 + 1) ||
		(d3 != d1 + 1)) {
		E_FATAL("left-hand side regression matrices should be %ux%ux%u, but %ux%ux%u\n", d1, d1+1, d1+1, d1, d2, d3);

	    if (s3read_2d((void ***)&l_regr[m][f], sizeof(float32), &d1, &d2, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != S3_SUCCESS) {
		return S3_ERROR;
	    if (d1 != veclen[f]) {
		E_FATAL("right-hand side regression matrices inconsistent w/ feature set.  Should be %ux%u, but %ux%u\n", veclen[f], veclen[f]+1, d1, d2);
	    if (d2 != d1 + 1) {
		E_FATAL("right-hand side regression matrices should be %ux%u, but %ux%u\n", d1, d1+1, d1, d2);

    if (do_chk) {
	/* See if the checksum in the file matches that which
	   was computed from the read data */

	if (s3read(&sv_chksum, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &ignore) != 1) {
	    return S3_ERROR;
	if (sv_chksum != rd_chksum) {
	    E_FATAL("Checksum error; read corrupt data.\n");

    *out_regl = l_regl;
    *out_regr = l_regr;
    *out_n_class = n_class;
    *out_n_feat = n_feat;
    *out_veclen = veclen;

    /* other two output args done above */

    E_INFO("Read %s %u*%u regl and regr arrays\n",
	   fn, n_class, n_feat);

    return S3_SUCCESS;
s3tmat_read(const char *fn,
	    float32 ****out_tmat,
	    uint32 *out_n_tmat,
	    uint32 *out_n_state)
    uint32 rd_chksum = 0;
    uint32 sv_chksum;
    uint32 ignore;
    uint32 tmp;
    char *ver;
    char *do_chk;
    FILE *fp;
    uint32 swap;

    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL)
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version id */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, TMAT_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
		    fn, ver, TMAT_FILE_VERSION);
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);
    /* if do_chk is non-NULL, there is a checksum after the data in the file */
    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    if (s3read_3d((void ****)out_tmat,
		  &rd_chksum) != S3_SUCCESS) {

	return S3_ERROR;

    if (do_chk) {
	if (s3read(&sv_chksum, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &ignore) != 1) {
	    return S3_ERROR;

	if (sv_chksum != rd_chksum) {
	    E_FATAL("Checksum error; read corrupted data.\n");


    E_INFO("Read %s [%ux%ux%u array]\n",
	   fn, *out_n_tmat, (*out_n_state)-1, *out_n_state);

    return S3_SUCCESS;
Exemple #4
s3gau_read_maybe_full(const char *fn,
		      vector_t *****out,
		      uint32 *out_n_mgau,
		      uint32 *out_n_feat,
	  	      uint32 *out_n_density,
		      uint32 **out_veclen,
		      uint32 need_full)
    FILE *fp;
    const char *do_chk;
    const char *ver;
    uint32 n_mgau, n_feat, n_density;
    uint32 *veclen, maxveclen;
    uint32 blk, i, j, k, l, r, n;
    uint32 chksum = 0;
    uint32 sv_chksum, ignore = 0;
    float32 *raw;
    vector_t ****o;
    uint32 swap;

    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL)
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version id */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, GAU_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
		    fn, ver, GAU_FILE_VERSION);
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);
    /* if do_chk is non-NULL, there is a checksum after the data in the file */
    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    if (do_chk && !strcmp(do_chk, "no")) {
        do_chk = NULL;
    if (bio_fread(&n_mgau, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &chksum) != 1) {
	goto error;

    if (bio_fread(&n_feat, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &chksum) != 1) {
	goto error;

    if (bio_fread(&n_density, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &chksum) != 1) {
	goto error;

    veclen = ckd_calloc(n_feat, sizeof(uint32));
    if (bio_fread(veclen, sizeof(uint32), n_feat, fp, swap, &chksum) != n_feat) {
	goto error;

    if (bio_fread_1d((void **)&raw, sizeof(float32), &n, fp, swap, &chksum) < 0) {

	goto error;

    for (i = 0, blk = 0, maxveclen = 0; i < n_feat; i++) {
	blk += veclen[i] * veclen[i];
	if (veclen[i] > maxveclen) maxveclen = veclen[i];
    if (n != n_mgau * n_density * blk) {
	if (need_full)
	     E_ERROR("Failed to read full covariance file %s (expected %d values, got %d)\n",
	     	     fn, n_mgau * n_density * blk, n);
	goto error;

    o = (vector_t ****)ckd_calloc_4d(n_mgau, n_feat, n_density,
				     maxveclen, sizeof(vector_t));

    for (i = 0, r = 0; i < n_mgau; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < n_feat; j++) {
	    for (k = 0; k < n_density; k++) {
		for (l = 0; l < veclen[j]; l++) {
		    o[i][j][k][l] = &raw[r];

		    r += veclen[j];

    if (do_chk) {
	/* See if the checksum in the file matches that which
	   was computed from the read data */

	if (bio_fread(&sv_chksum, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &ignore) != 1) {
            goto error;

	if (sv_chksum != chksum) {
	    E_FATAL("Checksum error; read corrupt data.\n");

    *out = o;
    *out_n_mgau = n_mgau;
    *out_n_feat = n_feat;
    *out_n_density = n_density;
    *out_veclen = veclen;


    E_INFO("Read %s [%ux%ux%u array of full matrices]\n",
	   fn, n_mgau, n_feat, n_density);

    return S3_SUCCESS;

    if (fp) s3close(fp);

    return S3_ERROR;
Exemple #5
s3gaucnt_read_full(const char *fn,
		   vector_t ****out_wt_mean,
		   vector_t *****out_wt_var,
		   int32 *out_pass2var,
		   float32 ****out_dnom,
		   uint32 *out_n_cb,
		   uint32 *out_n_feat,
		   uint32 *out_n_density,
		   uint32 **out_veclen)
    uint32 rd_chksum = 0;
    uint32 sv_chksum;
    uint32 ignore;
    char *ver;
    char *do_chk;
    FILE *fp;
    uint32 swap;

    uint32 has_means;
    uint32 has_vars;
    uint32 pass2var;
    uint32 n_cb;
    uint32 n_feat;
    uint32 n_density;
    uint32 *veclen;
    float32 *buf;
    float32 ***dnom;
    uint32 n, i, b_i, j, k, l, d1, d2, d3;
    vector_t ***wt_mean = NULL;
    vector_t ****wt_var = NULL;

    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL)
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version id */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, GAUCNT_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
		    fn, ver, GAUCNT_FILE_VERSION);
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);
    /* if do_chk is non-NULL, there is a checksum after the data in the file */
    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    if (bio_fread((void *)&has_means, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (bio_fread((void *)&has_vars, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (bio_fread((void *)&pass2var, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (bio_fread((void *)&n_cb, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (bio_fread((void *)&n_density, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) != 1) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (bio_fread_1d((void **)&veclen, sizeof(uint32), &n_feat, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) < 0) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (has_means) {
	if (bio_fread_1d((void *)&buf, sizeof(float32), &n, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) < 0) {
	    return S3_ERROR;
	wt_mean = (vector_t ***)ckd_calloc_3d(n_cb, n_feat, n_density, sizeof(vector_t));

	for (i = 0, b_i = 0; i < n_cb; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < n_feat; j++) {
		for (k = 0; k < n_density; k++) {
		    wt_mean[i][j][k] = &buf[b_i];

		    b_i += veclen[j];

    if (has_vars) {
	uint32 blk, maxveclen;

	for (i = 0, blk = 0, maxveclen = 0; i < n_feat; i++) {
	    blk += veclen[i];
	    if (veclen[i] > maxveclen) maxveclen = veclen[i];

	if (bio_fread_1d((void *)&buf, sizeof(float32), &n, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) < 0) {
	    return S3_ERROR;
	assert(n == n_cb * n_density * blk * blk);
	wt_var = (vector_t ****)ckd_calloc_4d(n_cb, n_feat, n_density,
					      maxveclen, sizeof(vector_t));

	for (i = 0, b_i = 0; i < n_cb; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < n_feat; j++) {
		for (k = 0; k < n_density; k++) {
		    for (l = 0; l < veclen[j]; l++) {
			wt_var[i][j][k][l] = &buf[b_i];

			b_i += veclen[j];

    if (bio_fread_3d((void ****)&dnom, sizeof(float32), &d1, &d2, &d3, fp, swap, &rd_chksum) < 0) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    assert(d1 == n_cb);
    assert(d2 == n_feat);
    assert(d3 == n_density);

    if (do_chk) {
	/* See if the checksum in the file matches that which
	   was computed from the read data */
	if (bio_fread(&sv_chksum, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &ignore) != 1) {
	    return S3_ERROR;
	if (sv_chksum != rd_chksum) {
	    E_FATAL("Checksum error; read corrupt data.\n");

    *out_wt_mean = wt_mean;
    *out_wt_var = wt_var;
    *out_pass2var = pass2var;
    *out_dnom = dnom;
    *out_n_cb = n_cb;
    *out_n_feat = n_feat;
    *out_n_density = n_density;
    *out_veclen = veclen;

    E_INFO("Read %s%s%s%s [%ux%ux%u vector arrays]\n",
	   (has_means ? " with means" : ""),
	   (has_vars ? " with vars" : ""),
	   (has_vars && pass2var ? " (2pass)" : ""),
	   n_cb, n_feat, n_density);

    return S3_SUCCESS;
Exemple #6
s3lamb_read(const char *fn,
	    float32 **out_lambda,
	    uint32 *out_n_lambda)
    FILE *fp;
    const char *ver;
    const char *do_chk;
    uint32 rd_chksum = 0, sv_chksum, ignore;
    float32 *lambda;
    uint32 n_lambda;
    uint32 swap;
    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL)
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version io */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, LAMBDA_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
		    fn, ver, LAMBDA_FILE_VERSION);
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);
    /* if do_chk is non-NULL, there is a checksum after the data in the file */
    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    if (s3read_1d((void **)&lambda,
		  &rd_chksum) != S3_SUCCESS)
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (do_chk) {
	/* See if the checksum in the file matches that which
	   was computed from the read data */

	if (s3read(&sv_chksum, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &ignore) != 1) {

	    return S3_ERROR;

	if (sv_chksum != rd_chksum) {
	    E_FATAL("Checksum error; read corrupt data.\n");


    *out_lambda = lambda;
    *out_n_lambda = n_lambda;

    E_INFO("Read %s [%u array]\n", fn, n_lambda);

    return S3_SUCCESS;
Exemple #7
s3map_read(const char *fn,
	   void **out_map,
	   uint32 *out_n_dom,
	   uint32 *out_n_rng,
	   size_t map_elem_size)
    uint32 rd_chksum = 0;
    uint32 sv_chksum;
    uint32 ignore;
    char *ver;
    char *do_chk;
    FILE *fp;
    uint32 swap;

    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version id */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, MAP_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
		    fn, ver, MAP_FILE_VERSION);
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);

    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    if (bio_fread(out_n_rng,
	       &rd_chksum) != 1) {

	return S3_ERROR;

    if (bio_fread_1d(out_map,
		  &rd_chksum) < 0) {

	return S3_ERROR;

    if (do_chk) {
	if (bio_fread(&sv_chksum, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &ignore) != 1) {
	    return S3_ERROR;
	if (sv_chksum != rd_chksum) {
	    E_FATAL("Checksum error; read corrupted data.\n");

    E_INFO("Read %s [%u mappings to %u]\n", fn, *out_n_dom, *out_n_rng);

    return S3_SUCCESS;
Exemple #8
s3mixw_read(const char *fn,
	    float32 ****out_mixw,
	    uint32 *out_n_mixw,
	    uint32 *out_n_feat,
	    uint32 *out_n_density)
    uint32 rd_chksum = 0;
    uint32 sv_chksum;
    uint32 swap;
    uint32 ignore;
    char *ver;
    char *do_chk;
    FILE *fp;

    fp = s3open(fn, "rb", &swap);
    if (fp == NULL)
	return S3_ERROR;

    /* check version id */
    ver = s3get_gvn_fattr("version");
    if (ver) {
	if (strcmp(ver, MIXW_FILE_VERSION) != 0) {
	    E_FATAL("Version mismatch for %s, file ver: %s != reader ver: %s\n",
		    fn, ver, MIXW_FILE_VERSION);
    else {
	E_FATAL("No version attribute for %s\n", fn);
    /* if do_chk is non-NULL, there is a checksum after the data in the file */
    do_chk = s3get_gvn_fattr("chksum0");

    /* Read the mixing weight array */
    if (bio_fread_3d((void ****)out_mixw,
		  &rd_chksum) < 0) {
	return S3_ERROR;

    if (do_chk) {
	/* See if the checksum in the file matches that which
	   was computed from the read data */

	if (bio_fread(&sv_chksum, sizeof(uint32), 1, fp, swap, &ignore) != 1) {
	    return S3_ERROR;

	if (sv_chksum != rd_chksum) {
	    E_FATAL("Checksum error; read corrupt data.\n");


    E_INFO("Read %s [%ux%ux%u array]\n",
	   fn, *out_n_mixw, *out_n_feat, *out_n_density);

    return S3_SUCCESS;