Exemple #1
struct security_descriptor *get_file_sd( struct object *obj, struct fd *fd, mode_t *mode,
                                         uid_t *uid )
    int unix_fd = get_unix_fd( fd );
    struct stat st;
    struct security_descriptor *sd;
    const SID *user, *group;

    if (unix_fd == -1 || fstat( unix_fd, &st ) == -1)
        return obj->sd;

    /* mode and uid the same? if so, no need to re-generate security descriptor */
    if (obj->sd && (st.st_mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXO)) == (*mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXO)) &&
        (st.st_uid == *uid))
        return obj->sd;

    user = security_unix_uid_to_sid( st.st_uid );
    group = token_get_primary_group( current->process->token );
    sd = get_xattr_sd( unix_fd );
    if (!sd) sd = get_xattr_acls( unix_fd, user, group );
    if (sd) convert_generic_sd( sd );
    if (!sd) sd = mode_to_sd( st.st_mode, user, group );
    if (!sd) return obj->sd;

    *mode = st.st_mode;
    *uid = st.st_uid;
    free( obj->sd );
    obj->sd = sd;
    return sd;
Exemple #2
static struct security_descriptor *file_get_sd( struct object *obj )
    struct file *file = (struct file *)obj;
    struct stat st;
    int unix_fd;
    struct security_descriptor *sd;

    assert( obj->ops == &file_ops );

    unix_fd = get_file_unix_fd( file );

    if (unix_fd == -1 || fstat( unix_fd, &st ) == -1)
        return obj->sd;

    /* mode and uid the same? if so, no need to re-generate security descriptor */
    if (obj->sd && (st.st_mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXO)) == (file->mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXO)) &&
        (st.st_uid == file->uid))
        return obj->sd;

    sd = mode_to_sd( st.st_mode,
                     security_unix_uid_to_sid( st.st_uid ),
                     token_get_primary_group( current->process->token ));
    if (!sd) return obj->sd;

    file->mode = st.st_mode;
    file->uid = st.st_uid;
    free( obj->sd );
    obj->sd = sd;
    return sd;
Exemple #3
static struct security_descriptor *file_get_parent_sd( struct fd *root, const char *child_name,
                                                       int child_len, int is_dir )
    struct security_descriptor *parent_sd, *sd = NULL;
    mode_t parent_mode = 0555;
    char *p, *parent_name;
    struct fd *parent_fd;
    struct stat st;
    int unix_fd;

    if (!(parent_name = mem_alloc( child_len + 1 ))) return NULL;
    memcpy( parent_name, child_name, child_len );
    parent_name[child_len] = 0;

    /* skip trailing slashes */
    p = parent_name + strlen( parent_name ) - 1;
    while (p > parent_name && *p == '/') p--;

    /* remove last path component */
    if (p == parent_name && *p == '/')
        return NULL;
    while (p > parent_name && *p != '/') p--;
    while (p > parent_name && *p == '/') p--;
    p[1] = 0;

    parent_fd = open_fd( root, parent_name, O_NONBLOCK | O_LARGEFILE, &parent_mode,
                         FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT );
    free( parent_name );

    if (parent_fd)
        unix_fd = get_unix_fd( parent_fd );
        if (unix_fd != -1)
            parent_sd = get_xattr_sd( unix_fd );
            if (!parent_sd && fstat( unix_fd, &st ) != -1)
                parent_sd = get_xattr_acls( unix_fd, security_unix_uid_to_sid( st.st_uid ),
                                            token_get_primary_group( current->process->token ) );
            if (parent_sd)
                sd = inherit_sd( parent_sd, is_dir );
                free( parent_sd );
        release_object( parent_fd );
    return sd;