Exemple #1
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct mls_net_mcast_ctx* srv = NULL;
    char ifaddr[256];

    if (argc <= 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s mc-address mc-port if-address\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, "   mc-address:\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "   mc-port:    3610\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "   if-address: -or- eth0\n");
        goto out;

#if 0

        int ret = 0;
        if (isdigit(*(argv[3]))) {
            strncpy(ifaddr, argv[3], sizeof(ifaddr));
        } else {
            ret = mls_net_getaddr_by_ifname(argv[3], AF_INET, 
                ifaddr, sizeof(ifaddr));
            if (0 != ret) {
                fprintf(stderr, "mls_net_getaddr_by_ifname(%d) error.\n", ret);
                goto out;
        fprintf(stdout, "ifaddr => %s\n", ifaddr);

    srv = mls_net_mcast_open_ctx(argv[1], argv[2], ifaddr);
    if (NULL == srv) {
        fprintf(stderr, "mls_net_mcast_srv_open() error.\n");
        goto out;


    if (NULL != srv)

    return 0;
 * Setup and run the server. This is called from Init via the loader.
DWORD server_setup( SOCKET fd )
	Remote * remote        = NULL;
	char cStationName[256] = {0};
	char cDesktopName[256] = {0};
	DWORD res              = 0;

	dprintf("[SERVER] Initializing...");

#ifdef _UNIX
	int local_error = 0;

	// if hAppInstance is still == NULL it means that we havent been
	// reflectivly loaded so we must patch in the hAppInstance value
	// for use with loading server extensions later.

	srand( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );
			dprintf( "[SERVER] module loaded at 0x%08X", hAppInstance );
			// Open a THREAD item for the servers main thread, we use this to manage migration later.
			serverThread = thread_open();

			dprintf( "[SERVER] main server thread: handle=0x%08X id=0x%08X sigterm=0x%08X", serverThread->handle, serverThread->id, serverThread->sigterm );

			if( !(remote = remote_allocate(fd)) )

			remote->url = global_meterpreter_url;

			if (strcmp(global_meterpreter_transport+12, "TRANSPORT_SSL") == 0) {
				remote->transport = METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL;
				dprintf("[SERVER] Using SSL transport...");
			} else if (strcmp(global_meterpreter_transport+12, "TRANSPORT_HTTPS") == 0) {
				remote->transport = METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTPS;
				dprintf("[SERVER] Using HTTPS transport...");
			} else if (strcmp(global_meterpreter_transport+12, "TRANSPORT_HTTP") == 0) {
				remote->transport = METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTP;
				dprintf("[SERVER] Using HTTP transport...");

			// Do not allow the file descriptor to be inherited by child processes
			SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)fd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);

			dprintf("[SERVER] Initializing tokens...");

			// Store our thread handle
			remote->hServerThread = serverThread->handle;

#ifdef _WIN32
			// Store our process token
			if (!OpenThreadToken(remote->hServerThread, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, &remote->hServerToken))
				OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &remote->hServerToken);

			// Copy it to the thread token
			remote->hThreadToken = remote->hServerToken;

			// Save the initial session/station/desktop names...
			remote->dwOrigSessionId      = server_sessionid();
			remote->dwCurrentSessionId   = remote->dwOrigSessionId;
			GetUserObjectInformation( GetProcessWindowStation(), UOI_NAME, &cStationName, 256, NULL );
			remote->cpOrigStationName    = _strdup( cStationName );
			remote->cpCurrentStationName = _strdup( cStationName );
			GetUserObjectInformation( GetThreadDesktop( GetCurrentThreadId() ), UOI_NAME, &cDesktopName, 256, NULL );
			remote->cpOrigDesktopName    = _strdup( cDesktopName );
			remote->cpCurrentDesktopName = _strdup( cDesktopName );

			// Process our default SSL-over-TCP transport
			if (remote->transport == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL) {
				dprintf("[SERVER] Flushing the socket handle...");
				server_socket_flush( remote );
				dprintf("[SERVER] Initializing SSL...");
				if( !server_initialize_ssl( remote ) )

				dprintf("[SERVER] Negotiating SSL...");
				if( !server_negotiate_ssl( remote ) )

				dprintf("[SERVER] Registering dispatch routines...");

				dprintf("[SERVER] Entering the main server dispatch loop for transport %d...", remote->transport);
				server_dispatch( remote );
				dprintf("[SERVER] Deregistering dispatch routines...");
				deregister_dispatch_routines( remote );

			if (remote->transport == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTP || remote->transport == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTPS) {
				dprintf("[SERVER] Registering dispatch routines...");
				dprintf("[SERVER] Entering the main server dispatch loop for transport %d...", remote->transport);
#ifdef _WIN32
				server_dispatch_http_wininet( remote );
				// XXX: Handle non-windows HTTP transport

				dprintf("[SERVER] Deregistering dispatch routines...");
				deregister_dispatch_routines( remote );

		} while (0);

		if (remote->transport == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL) {
			dprintf("[SERVER] Closing down SSL...");
			server_destroy_ssl( remote );

		if( remote )
			remote_deallocate( remote );

	__except( exceptionfilter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) )
		dprintf("[SERVER] *** exception triggered!");

		thread_kill( serverThread );

	dprintf("[SERVER] Finished.");
	return res;
Exemple #3
void *
http_go_proc(task_t *t)
  int index = TASK_THRINDEX(t);
  Request h;
  ArgumentList prefs;
  userkey k;
  HTTP_Status result;
  DistillerStatus dist_result;
  const char *content_type;
  Argument *arg;
  int thresh;
  gm_Bool no_distill = gm_False;
  gm_Bool is_text_html = gm_False;
#ifdef LOGGING
  struct loginfo lo;
  char logmsg[MAX_LOGMSG_LEN];
#endif /* LOGGING */
   *  New task data should be the request structure.
  h.cli_fd = (int)TASK_DATA(t); /* socket FD of client */
  INST_set_thread_state(index, THR_ACCEPTED);
  INST_timestamp(index, m_arrival);
#ifdef LOGGING
  h.lo = &lo;
#endif /* LOGGING */
   *  this should read all the headers.
  if (TASK_METADATA(t) == NULL) {
    int result;
    assert( DistillerBufferAlloc(&h.cli_hdrs, PERF_HTTP_TOTAL_HEADERLEN)
            == gm_True);

    result = readline_or_timeout(&h, READ_ALL_HEADERS, NULL);

    INST_timestamp(index, m_headersdone);
    if (result == -1) { /* client request timed out, or error reading hdrs */
      /* TC::1 client timeout, or request doesn't sanity check */
      goto HTTPGO_FINISH;
      /* NOTREACHED */
  } else {
#ifdef NEWFE
     *  This task is a child of a previous 
    strncpy(h.cli_hdrs.mime_headers, TASK_METADATA(t),
#endif /* NEWFE */

  /* parse the headers and request line, filling them in to the loginfo */
  result = parse_status_and_headers(&h);
  if (result != HTTP_NO_ERR) {
    /* BUG:: last arg of http_error_return should be a substitution arg */
    /* TC::2 parse_status_and_headers returns an error */
    http_error_return(&h, result);
    printf("Error occured here!\n");
   *  We have a reasonable looking request.  Get prefs for this user.

  k = userkey_from_sock_ipaddr(h.cli_fd);
#ifdef LOGGING
  lo.ipaddr = k;
#endif /* LOGGING */
  (void)get_userprefs(k, &prefs);
   *  Extract any arguments embedded in the URL itself, and add them
   *  to the arg list.
   *  TC::3 url is magic vs nonmagic
  if (is_magic ((char *) h.url)) {
    /* demagifying a url will never lengthen it so this is a good 
     * upper bounds on the length of the non magical url
    char *demagicURL = ALLOCA(strlen(h.url)+1);
    strcpy(demagicURL, h.url);
    from_magic((char *) demagicURL, h.url, &prefs);

  /* determine the threshold for bypassing */
  arg  = getArgumentFromIdInList(&prefs, FRONT_MTU);
  thresh = (arg == NULL ? PERF_FRONT_MTU : ARG_INT(*arg));

  /* determine if distillation is turned off for this
   * request. EXCEPTION: Force distillation for Prefs html form.
  arg = getArgumentFromIdInList(&prefs, FRONT_NO_DISTILL);
  if (arg != NULL
      && ARG_INT(*arg)
      && strcasecmp(fe_get_prefs_url, h.url) != 0) {
    /* TC::4 no_distill is set */
    no_distill = gm_True;
  }  else {
    no_distill = gm_False;
  /* Short-circuit the following special  URL's:
   *  - "set my prefs as follows" (e.g. form submission)
  if (is_setpref_url(h.url)) {
     * handle what send user prefs form sends back.
     * TC::5 is_setpref_url returns true
    result = parse_and_change_prefs(h.url, k, h.errmsg);
    if (result == HTTP_NO_ERR) {
      /* TC::5.1 setpref url succeeds in setting prefs */
      correct_write(h.cli_fd, "HTTP/1.0 200\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n",
                    "<html><head><title>Preferences Set</title></head>"
                    "<body><center><h1>Preferences set</h1>"
                    "Your new preferences have been set.  Press the back "
                    "button twice to resume browsing."
                    "<p></center></body></html>", -1);
    } else {
      /* TC::5.2 setpref url fails in setting prefs */
      http_error_return(&h, result);
  } else if (is_getpref_url(h.url)) {
    /* TC::6 gimme my prefs*/
    send_prefs(&prefs, h.cli_fd);
  } else if (is_server_url(h.url)==gm_False   && 
	     strcasecmp(h.method, "get") != 0 && 
	     strcasecmp(h.method, "post") != 0) {
     *  Doesn't appear to be an HTTP GET or POST request; so act as a
     *  "dumb tunnel" for passing the request to the server (actually, via
     *  the cache) and relaying the result to the client.
    /* TC::7 tunnel */
    proxy_debug_3(DBG_HTTP, "Tunneling '%s'", 
    INST_set_thread_state(index, THR_DISTILLERSEND);
  } else {
     *  It's not a special URL, and the request appears to be a GET/POST.
     * Add in the client's IP address as an INT32 argument so that
     *  the distiller driver can get at it.
    SET_ARG_INT(prefs.arg[prefs.nargs], (INT32) k);
    SET_ARG_ID(prefs.arg[prefs.nargs], FRONT_CLIENT_IP);
    result = server_dispatch(&prefs, t);
     *  If we get a transport-level error (i.e. fetch from cache failed
     *  due to an internal cache error), wrap the error in HTML (if
     *  needed) and return error to user.
     *  Otherwise, if the transaction succeeded but the server return
     *  code indicates failure (i.e. != 200),  **OR** if the server data
     *  is smaller than a threshold size, bypass the server data
     *  directly to the client.
     *  Otherwise, attempt to distill.
    if (result != HTTP_NO_ERR) {
      /* transport level error: wrap in HTML for delivery to user */
      /* TC::8 server_dispatch returns transport level error */
      http_error_return(&h, result);
      goto HTTPGO_FINISH;

    content_type = get_header_value(&h.svr_hdrs,
                                    "content-type", NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (content_type == NULL) {
      /* TC::9 content-type can't be deduced */
      content_type = "application/octet-stream";
    is_text_html = (  ((strncasecmp(content_type, "text/html", 9) == 0) ||
                       (strncasecmp(content_type, "text/plain", 10) == 0))
                    ? gm_True : gm_False);
    /*if ( (*h.url != '/' && strncasecmp(h.url, fe_agg_string, 
				       strlen(fe_agg_string)) != 0) &&*/

    /* bypass ONLY if it is not a server-type URL */
    /* TC::10.1 bypass because non-200s status */
    /* TC::10.2 bypass because not text/html and too small to distill */
    /* TC::4 bypass because no_distill is set */
    /* bypass server data directly to user */

    if ( is_server_url(h.url)==gm_False) {
      char *bypass_reason = NULL;
      if (h.svr_http_status != 200) {
        bypass_reason = "201 Non-OK server status";
      } else if (is_text_html == gm_False
                 && DistillerBufferLength(&h.svr_data) <= thresh) {
        bypass_reason = "202 content-type not text/html and content-length too short";
      } else if (no_distill == gm_True) {
        bypass_reason = "203 distillation not indicated";
      if (bypass_reason) {
        INST_set_thread_state(index, THR_WRITEBACK);
         *  Set return headers to indicate why the bypass occurred.
        insert_header(&h.svr_hdrs, TRANSEND_STATUS_HEADER, bypass_reason, 0);
        goto HTTPGO_FINISH;
    /* all is well: continue by dispatching to a worker for distillation */
    dist_result = proxy_dispatch(&prefs, t);
    switch(dist_result) {
    case distOk:
      /* TC::11 distillation succeeded */
      INST_timestamp(index, m_wbstart);
      insert_header(&h.pxy_hdrs, TRANSEND_STATUS_HEADER, "200 distillation OK", 0);
      correct_write(h.cli_fd, (char *)DistillerBufferData(&h.pxy_hdrs),
      /* -1 to avoid NULL term gunk */
      correct_write(h.cli_fd, (char *)DistillerBufferData(&h.pxy_data),
      INST_timestamp(thrindex, m_wbdone);

    case distDistillerNotFound:
    case distLaunchTimeout:
    case distBadInput:
    case distConnectionBroken:

      /* forward original if distiller for this type not found, connection
         repeatedly broken, or couldn't be launched */
      /* TC::12 bypass because distillation failed */

                      (dist_result == distBadInput ? TRANSEND_STATUS_HEADER
                       : TRANSEND_ERROR_HEADER),
                      FE_getDistillerStatusString(dist_result), 0);
      if ((arg = getArgumentFromIdInList(&prefs, FRONT_DEVELOPER))
          && ARG_INT(*arg)) {
        /* return explicit error message */
        int tmp_len =
          snprintf(h.errmsg, HTTP_ERRMSG_MAX,
                   "<i>[set arg <tt>i%d</tt> to 0 to suppress "
                   "this diagnostic]</i><br>",
        strncat(h.errmsg, FE_getDistillerStatusString(dist_result),
                HTTP_ERRMSG_MAX - tmp_len - 1);
        http_error_return(&h, HTTP_ERR_UNSPECIFIED);
      } else {

        /*if (*h.url == '/' || 
	    strncasecmp(h.url, fe_agg_string, strlen(fe_agg_string)) == 0) {*/

        if (is_server_url(h.url)==gm_True) {
          /* this is a URL in the frontend's namespace, or an aggregator URL */

          strcpy(h.errmsg, h.url);
          http_error_return(&h, HTTP_ERR_AGGREGATOR_ERROR);
        } else {
    case distRedispatch:
       *  Redispatch count expired: too many redispatches (probably indicates
       * infinite loop in redispatch route.)
      snprintf(h.errmsg, HTTP_ERRMSG_MAX, "%d", PERF_REQUEST_TTL);
      http_error_return(&h, HTTP_ERR_ROUTING_ERROR);
      /* TC::13 some other distillation error */
      insert_header(&h.svr_hdrs, TRANSEND_STATUS_HEADER,
                    FE_getDistillerStatusString(dist_result), 0);

      http_error_return(&h, HTTP_ERR_UNSPECIFIED);
    } /* switch(dist_result) */
  } /* if...else...else...endif */

  /* all cases exit through this single exit point */
  INST_timestamp(index, m_wbdone);

  if (TASK_PARENT(t) == 0 && TASK_CHILD_INDEX(t) == 0) {
    /* this is a "root task" */

#ifdef LOGGING
  /* log the request info */
  /* BUG::relies on formatting of the userkey */

  /* I compare the IP address to so that I don't log connections
     from localhost, namely the fe_check script.  I also MD5 the IP address. */
  k = lo.ipaddr;
  if (((UINT32) k) != ((UINT32) htonl(0x7F000001))) {
/*    MD5_CTX   theHash;
    UINT32    res;

    MD5Update(&theHash, magicKey, sizeof(magicKey));
    MD5Update(&theHash, &k, sizeof(UINT32));

    memcpy(&res, theHash.digest, sizeof(UINT32));
    res = ntohl(res);

    snprintf(logmsg, MAX_LOGMSG_LEN-1,
             "(HTTP) %lu %lu \"%s\" %d %ld %ld\n",
             res, lo.date, lo.url,
             lo.http_response, lo.size_before, lo.size_after);*/
    snprintf(logmsg, MAX_LOGMSG_LEN-1,
             "(HTTP) %08x %08x \"%s\" %d %ld %ld\n",
             (UINT32) k, lo.date, lo.url,
             lo.http_response, lo.size_before, lo.size_after);
#endif /* LOGGING */
  return (void *)0;