ExtractProcess::ExtractProcess( Project *prj, bool& success, QTextCodec *codec )
 : KProcIO( codec )
	success = false;
	// prj mustn't be 0
	if ( !prj ) kdFatal() << "ExtractProcess constructor: prj is null\n";

	setUseShell( true );
	setWorkingDirectory( prj->directory() );
	setComm( KProcess::Stderr );
	enableReadSignals( true );

	// TODO check if cat, tcextract and subtitle2pgm are executable

	*this << "cat";

	uint n = prj->files().count();
	QString file;
	for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
		if ( !prj->downloadVob( i, file ) ) return;
		else *this << file;

	*this << "|" << "tcextract" << "-x" << "ps1" << "-t" << "vob" << "-a" << prj->codeLangSelected();
	*this << "|" << "subtitle2pgm" << "-v" << "-P" << "-C" << "1";
	*this << "-c" << prj->coloursString() << "-o" << prj->baseName();

	success = true;
 * Class constructor.
 * @param	bAutoDelete	If true, the object is deleted when the process
 *						terminates (false by default)
MakeFrontend::MakeFrontend(bool bAutoDelete) :
	Frontend(1, bAutoDelete)
	// Execute using the user's shell

	// Each token represent a complete line
	m_delim = Newline;
KompareProcess::KompareProcess( DiffSettings* diffSettings, enum Kompare::DiffMode mode, QString source, QString destination, QString dir )
	: KProcess(),
	m_diffSettings( diffSettings ),
	m_mode( mode ),
	m_textDecoder( 0 )
	setUseShell( true );

	// connect the stdout and stderr signals
	connect( this, SIGNAL( receivedStdout( KProcess*, char*, int ) ),
	         SLOT  ( slotReceivedStdout( KProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
	connect( this, SIGNAL( receivedStderr( KProcess*, char*, int ) ),
	         SLOT  ( slotReceivedStderr( KProcess*, char*, int ) ) );

	// connect the signal that indicates that the proces has exited
	connect( this, SIGNAL( processExited( KProcess* ) ),
	         SLOT  ( slotProcessExited( KProcess* ) ) );

	*this << "LANG=C";

	// Write command and options
	if( m_mode == Kompare::Default )

	if( !dir.isEmpty() ) {
		QDir::setCurrent( dir );

	// Write file names
	*this << "--";
	*this << KProcess::quote( constructRelativePath( dir, source ) );
	*this << KProcess::quote( constructRelativePath( dir, destination ) );
 * Executes the script using the "sh" shell.
 * @param	sCscopePath		If given, overrides the automatic check for Cscope's
 *							path
 * @param	sCtagsPath		If given, overrides the automatic check for Ctags'
 *							path
 * @param	sDotPath		If given, overrides the automatic check for Dot's
 *							path
 * @param	bCscopeOptsOnly	Only verify cscope's path and options
 * @return	true if successful, false otherwise
bool ConfigFrontend::run(const QString& sCscopePath, 
	const QString& sCtagsPath, const QString& sDotPath,
	bool bCscopeOptsOnly)
	QStringList slArgs;
	KStandardDirs sd;
	QString sScript;

	// Execute using the user's shell

	// Find the configuration script
	sScript = sd.findResource("data", "kscope/kscope_config");
	if (sScript.isEmpty())
		return false;

	// Set command line arguments
	slArgs << QString("sh") << sScript;

	// Initialise environment
	setEnv("CSCOPE_PATH", sCscopePath);
	if (bCscopeOptsOnly){
		slArgs << QString("-co");
	} else {
		setEnv("CTAGS_PATH", sCtagsPath);
		setEnv("DOT_PATH", sDotPath);

	// Parser initialisation
	m_delim = Newline;
	m_nNextResult = CscopePath;

	if (!Frontend::run("sh", QStringList(slArgs)))
		return false;

	emit test(CscopePath);
	return true;