static int get_punctuator (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { /* Here, speed is much less important than correctness and clarity. */ /* ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) Section 6.4.6 Paragraph 1. Note that this table is ordered in a special way. A punctuator which is a prefix of another punctuator must appear after its "extension". Otherwise, the wrong token will be returned. */ static const char * const punctuators[] = { "[", "]", "(", ")", "{", "}", "?", ";", ",", "~", "...", ".", "->", "--", "-=", "-", "++", "+=", "+", "*=", "*", "!=", "!", "&&", "&=", "&", "/=", "/", "%>", "%:%:", "%:", "%=", "%", "^=", "^", "##", "#", ":>", ":", "||", "|=", "|", "<<=", "<<", "<=", "<:", "<%", "<", ">>=", ">>", ">=", ">", "==", "=", 0 }; int i; if (p + 1 <= end) { for (i = 0; punctuators[i]; i++) { const char *punctuator = punctuators[i]; if (p[0] == punctuator[0]) { int len = strlen (punctuator); if (p + len <= end && ! memcmp (p, punctuator, len)) { set_token (tok, p, p + len); return 1; } } } } return 0; }
static int get_comment (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { if (p + 2 > end) return 0; else if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '*') { char *tok_start = p; p += 2; for (; p < end; p++) if (p + 2 <= end && p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '/') { p += 2; set_token (tok, tok_start, p); return 1; } error (_("Unterminated comment in macro expansion.")); } else if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '/') { char *tok_start = p; p += 2; for (; p < end; p++) if (*p == '\n') break; set_token (tok, tok_start, p); return 1; } else return 0; }
/* If the text starting at P going up to (but not including) END starts with a character constant, set *TOK to point to that character constant, and return 1. Otherwise, return zero. Signal an error if it contains a malformed or incomplete character constant. */ static int get_character_constant (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { /* ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) Section paragraph 1 But of course, what really matters is that we handle it the same way GDB's C/C++ lexer does. So we call parse_escape in utils.c to handle escape sequences. */ if ((p + 1 <= end && *p == '\'') || (p + 2 <= end && (p[0] == 'L' || p[0] == 'u' || p[0] == 'U') && p[1] == '\'')) { char *tok_start = p; int char_count = 0; if (*p == '\'') p++; else if (*p == 'L' || *p == 'u' || *p == 'U') p += 2; else gdb_assert_not_reached ("unexpected character constant"); for (;;) { if (p >= end) error (_("Unmatched single quote.")); else if (*p == '\'') { if (!char_count) error (_("A character constant must contain at least one " "character.")); p++; break; } else if (*p == '\\') { p++; char_count += c_parse_escape (&p, NULL); } else { p++; char_count++; } } set_token (tok, tok_start, p); return 1; } else return 0; }
static int step_before_quit(int status) { static int remaining = 20; remaining--; if(remaining == 15 && !is_master()) { set_token(getpid()); } if(remaining == 10 && !is_master()) { get_token(getpid()); } if(!remaining) fiber_quit(); return 0; }
struct token *make_token( const token_class_t token_class, const char *text, const int leng, const struct kw_conf *kw_setting, const size_t indent) { struct token *tok; tok = malloc(sizeof(struct token)); assert(tok); set_token(tok, token_class, text, leng, kw_setting, indent); return tok; }
/* If the text starting at P going up to (but not including) END starts with a string literal, set *TOK to point to that string literal, and return 1. Otherwise, return zero. Signal an error if it contains a malformed or incomplete string literal. */ static int get_string_literal (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { if ((p + 1 <= end && *p == '"') || (p + 2 <= end && (p[0] == 'L' || p[0] == 'u' || p[0] == 'U') && p[1] == '"')) { char *tok_start = p; if (*p == '"') p++; else if (*p == 'L' || *p == 'u' || *p == 'U') p += 2; else gdb_assert_not_reached ("unexpected string literal"); for (;;) { if (p >= end) error (_("Unterminated string in expression.")); else if (*p == '"') { p++; break; } else if (*p == '\n') error (_("Newline characters may not appear in string " "constants.")); else if (*p == '\\') { const char *s, *o; s = o = ++p; c_parse_escape (&s, NULL); p += s - o; } else p++; } set_token (tok, tok_start, p); return 1; } else return 0; }
/* If the text starting at P going up to (but not including) END starts with a character constant, set *TOK to point to that character constant, and return 1. Otherwise, return zero. Signal an error if it contains a malformed or incomplete character constant. */ static int get_character_constant (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { /* ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) Section paragraph 1 But of course, what really matters is that we handle it the same way GDB's C/C++ lexer does. So we call parse_escape in utils.c to handle escape sequences. */ if ((p + 1 <= end && *p == '\'') || (p + 2 <= end && p[0] == 'L' && p[1] == '\'')) { char *tok_start = p; char *body_start; if (*p == '\'') p++; else if (*p == 'L') p += 2; else gdb_assert (0); body_start = p; for (;;) { if (p >= end) error ("Unmatched single quote."); else if (*p == '\'') { if (p == body_start) error ("A character constant must contain at least one " "character."); p++; break; } else if (*p == '\\') { p++; parse_escape (&p); } else p++; } set_token (tok, tok_start, p); return 1; } else return 0; }
void RseLogin::MergeFrom(const RseLogin& from) { GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this); if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) { if (from._has_bit(0)) { set_currenttimemillis(from.currenttimemillis()); } if (from._has_bit(1)) { set_id(; } if (from._has_bit(2)) { set_levelbasedonscore(from.levelbasedonscore()); } if (from._has_bit(3)) { set_myaccountislocked(from.myaccountislocked()); } if (from._has_bit(4)) { set_pop(from.pop()); } if (from._has_bit(5)) { set_rqid(from.rqid()); } if (from._has_bit(6)) { set_sync(from.sync()); } if (from._has_bit(7)) { set_timefromlastlogin(from.timefromlastlogin()); } } if (from._has_bits_[8 / 32] & (0xffu << (8 % 32))) { if (from._has_bit(8)) { set_timefromlastupdate(from.timefromlastupdate()); } if (from._has_bit(9)) { set_token(from.token()); } if (from._has_bit(10)) { set_userid(from.userid()); } if (from._has_bit(11)) { set_version(from.version()); } if (from._has_bit(12)) { set_vip(; } } mutable_unknown_fields()->MergeFrom(from.unknown_fields()); }
/* If the text starting at P going up to (but not including) END starts with a string literal, set *TOK to point to that string literal, and return 1. Otherwise, return zero. Signal an error if it contains a malformed or incomplete string literal. */ static int get_string_literal (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { if ((p + 1 <= end && *p == '\"') || (p + 2 <= end && p[0] == 'L' && p[1] == '\"')) { char *tok_start = p; if (*p == '\"') p++; else if (*p == 'L') p += 2; else gdb_assert (0); for (;;) { if (p >= end) error ("Unterminated string in expression."); else if (*p == '\"') { p++; break; } else if (*p == '\n') error ("Newline characters may not appear in string " "constants."); else if (*p == '\\') { p++; parse_escape (&p); } else p++; } set_token (tok, tok_start, p); return 1; } else return 0; }
static int get_punctuator (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { /* Here, speed is much less important than correctness and clarity. */ /* ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) Section 6.4.6 Paragraph 1 */ static const char * const punctuators[] = { "[", "]", "(", ")", "{", "}", ".", "->", "++", "--", "&", "*", "+", "-", "~", "!", "/", "%", "<<", ">>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "^", "|", "&&", "||", "?", ":", ";", "...", "=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "+=", "-=", "<<=", ">>=", "&=", "^=", "|=", ",", "#", "##", "<:", ":>", "<%", "%>", "%:", "%:%:", 0 }; int i; if (p + 1 <= end) { for (i = 0; punctuators[i]; i++) { const char *punctuator = punctuators[i]; if (p[0] == punctuator[0]) { int len = strlen (punctuator); if (p + len <= end && ! memcmp (p, punctuator, len)) { set_token (tok, p, p + len); return 1; } } } } return 0; }
static int get_identifier (struct macro_buffer *tok, char *p, char *end) { if (p < end && macro_is_identifier_nondigit (*p)) { char *tok_start = p; while (p < end && (macro_is_identifier_nondigit (*p) || macro_is_digit (*p))) p++; set_token (tok, tok_start, p); tok->is_identifier = 1; return 1; } else return 0; }
void step_3_join_clusters(struct Parameters *pParam) { char logStr[MAXLOGMSGLEN]; char digit[MAXDIGITBIT]; log_msg("Joining clusters...", LOG_NOTICE, pParam); set_token(pParam); join_cluster(pParam); str_format_int_grouped(digit, pParam->joinedClusterInputNum); sprintf(logStr, "%s clusters contain frequent words under word weight" "threshold.", digit); log_msg(logStr, LOG_INFO, pParam); str_format_int_grouped(digit, pParam->joinedClusterOutputNum); sprintf(logStr, "Those clusters were joined into %s clusters.", digit); log_msg(logStr, LOG_INFO, pParam); }
/** * Do all tests according to the testing sequence * @param test Test details * @testpath Base path of tests * @return TRUE when all tests were verified ok */ gboolean tests_conduct_tests(testcase* test, gchar* testpath) { if(!test || !testpath) return FALSE; gboolean rval = TRUE; // Go through the test sequence for(gint testidx = 0; testidx < g_slist_length(test_sequence); testidx++) { // Get the item in test sequence gchar* searchparam = g_slist_nth_data(test_sequence,testidx); #ifdef G_MESSAGES_DEBUG g_print("Press enter to continue with test \"%s\" file id=\"%s\"",test->name,searchparam); gchar c = '0'; while(c != '\n') c = getc(stdin); #endif // Get the data with the searchparameter from hash table testfile* tfile = (testfile*)g_hash_table_find(test->files, (GHRFunc)find_from_hash_table, searchparam); // Read any other file except Empty.json if(g_strcmp0(tfile->file,"Empty.json") != 0) { // Create path for the file to be read gchar* filepath = g_strjoin("/",testpath,tfile->file,NULL); JsonParser *parser = json_parser_new(); // Read json detailed by this data (stucture) if(!load_json_from_file(parser, filepath)) return FALSE; // Do this only for files that are sent if(tests_file_sending_method(tfile->method)) tests_check_fields_from_loaded_testfile(parser, tfile, testpath); // Establish a generator to get the character representation JsonGenerator *generator = json_generator_new(); json_generator_set_root(generator, json_parser_get_root(parser)); // Create new jsonreply and set it to contain json as string data tfile->send = jsonreply_initialize(); tfile->send->data = json_generator_to_data(generator,&(tfile->send->length)); g_object_unref(generator); g_object_unref(parser); } // If path contains {id} it needs to be replaced with case id if(g_strrstr(tfile->path,"{id}")) { // Get case file testfile* temp = (testfile*)g_hash_table_find(test->files, (GHRFunc)find_from_hash_table, "0"); // Get case id gchar* caseid = get_value_of_member(temp->recv,"guid",NULL); if(caseid) { // Tokenize path gchar** split_path = g_strsplit(tfile->path,"/",5); // Go through the tokens and replace {id} with case id for(gint splitidx = 0; split_path[splitidx] ; splitidx++) { if(g_strcmp0(split_path[splitidx],"{id}") == 0) { g_free(split_path[splitidx]); split_path[splitidx] = caseid; } } // Replace the path with new g_free(tfile->path); tfile->path = g_strjoinv("/",split_path); g_strfreev(split_path); } } // Create url gchar* url = g_strjoin("/",test->URL,tfile->path,NULL); #ifdef G_MESSAGES_DEBUG g_print("Conducting test id \"%s\"\n",test->name); #endif // First is login, it is always first in the list if(testidx == 0) { tfile->recv = http_post(url,tfile->send,tfile->method); if(tfile->recv) { gchar* token = get_value_of_member(tfile->recv,"token",NULL); set_token(token); g_free(token); } else rval = FALSE; } // Case creation is second else if(testidx == 1) { tfile->recv = http_post(url,tfile->send,tfile->method); if(tfile->recv && verify_server_response(tfile->send,tfile->recv)) { g_print ("Case added correctly\n\n\n"); } else rval = FALSE; } // From third start the tests, here the required fields are checked and replaced else { gint index = 0; // Go through all fields having {parent} as value // Do this only for files that are sent if(tests_file_sending_method(tfile->method)) { for(index = 0; index < g_slist_length(tfile->required); index++) { //replace_required_member(test->files,tfile,index); // Use new function just to add member-new value pairs to hash table add_required_member_value_to_list(test->files,tfile,index); } // Go through the list of items requiring more info for(gint index = 0; index < g_slist_length(tfile->moreinfo); index++) { //replace_getinfo_member(tfile,index,test->URL); // Use new function just to add member-new value pairs to hash table add_getinfo_member_value_to_list(tfile,index,test->URL); } // Replace all values in the jsonreply_t data using the member-value // pairs in the replace hash table set_values_of_all_members(tfile->send, tfile->replace); } tfile->recv = http_post(url,tfile->send,tfile->method); // If there is something to verify if(tfile->send) { g_print("Verifying test id \"%s\" (file: %s):\n",tfile->id,tfile->file); if(verify_server_response(tfile->send,tfile->recv)) { g_print ("Test id \"%s\" was added correctly\n",tfile->id); } else { g_print("Test id \"%s\" was not added correctly\n", tfile->id); rval = FALSE; } g_print("\n\n"); } } g_free(url); } return rval; }
static struct macro_buffer * gather_arguments (const char *name, struct macro_buffer *src, int nargs, int *argc_p) { struct macro_buffer tok; int args_len, args_size; struct macro_buffer *args = NULL; struct cleanup *back_to = make_cleanup (free_current_contents, &args); /* Does SRC start with an opening paren token? Read from a copy of SRC, so SRC itself is unaffected if we don't find an opening paren. */ { struct macro_buffer temp; init_shared_buffer (&temp, src->text, src->len); if (! get_token (&tok, &temp) || tok.len != 1 || tok.text[0] != '(') { discard_cleanups (back_to); return 0; } } /* Consume SRC's opening paren. */ get_token (&tok, src); args_len = 0; args_size = 6; args = (struct macro_buffer *) xmalloc (sizeof (*args) * args_size); for (;;) { struct macro_buffer *arg; int depth; /* Make sure we have room for the next argument. */ if (args_len >= args_size) { args_size *= 2; args = xrealloc (args, sizeof (*args) * args_size); } /* Initialize the next argument. */ arg = &args[args_len++]; set_token (arg, src->text, src->text); /* Gather the argument's tokens. */ depth = 0; for (;;) { if (! get_token (&tok, src)) error (_("Malformed argument list for macro `%s'."), name); /* Is tok an opening paren? */ if (tok.len == 1 && tok.text[0] == '(') depth++; /* Is tok is a closing paren? */ else if (tok.len == 1 && tok.text[0] == ')') { /* If it's a closing paren at the top level, then that's the end of the argument list. */ if (depth == 0) { /* In the varargs case, the last argument may be missing. Add an empty argument in this case. */ if (nargs != -1 && args_len == nargs - 1) { /* Make sure we have room for the argument. */ if (args_len >= args_size) { args_size++; args = xrealloc (args, sizeof (*args) * args_size); } arg = &args[args_len++]; set_token (arg, src->text, src->text); } discard_cleanups (back_to); *argc_p = args_len; return args; } depth--; } /* If tok is a comma at top level, then that's the end of the current argument. However, if we are handling a variadic macro and we are computing the last argument, we want to include the comma and remaining tokens. */ else if (tok.len == 1 && tok.text[0] == ',' && depth == 0 && (nargs == -1 || args_len < nargs)) break; /* Extend the current argument to enclose this token. If this is the current argument's first token, leave out any leading whitespace, just for aesthetics. */ if (arg->len == 0) { arg->text = tok.text; arg->len = tok.len; arg->last_token = 0; } else { arg->len = (tok.text + tok.len) - arg->text; arg->last_token = tok.text - arg->text; } } } }
/* Peel the next preprocessor token off of SRC, and put it in TOK. Mutate TOK to refer to the first token in SRC, and mutate SRC to refer to the text after that token. SRC must be a shared buffer; the resulting TOK will be shared, pointing into the same string SRC does. Initialize TOK's last_token field. Return non-zero if we succeed, or 0 if we didn't find any more tokens in SRC. */ static int get_token (struct macro_buffer *tok, struct macro_buffer *src) { char *p = src->text; char *end = p + src->len; gdb_assert (src->shared); /* From the ISO C standard, ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E), section 6.4: preprocessing-token: header-name identifier pp-number character-constant string-literal punctuator each non-white-space character that cannot be one of the above We don't have to deal with header-name tokens, since those can only occur after a #include, which we will never see. */ while (p < end) if (macro_is_whitespace (*p)) p++; else if (get_comment (tok, p, end)) p += tok->len; else if (get_pp_number (tok, p, end) || get_character_constant (tok, p, end) || get_string_literal (tok, p, end) /* Note: the grammar in the standard seems to be ambiguous: L'x' can be either a wide character constant, or an identifier followed by a normal character constant. By trying `get_identifier' after we try get_character_constant and get_string_literal, we give the wide character syntax precedence. Now, since GDB doesn't handle wide character constants anyway, is this the right thing to do? */ || get_identifier (tok, p, end) || get_punctuator (tok, p, end)) { /* How many characters did we consume, including whitespace? */ int consumed = p - src->text + tok->len; src->text += consumed; src->len -= consumed; return 1; } else { /* We have found a "non-whitespace character that cannot be one of the above." Make a token out of it. */ int consumed; set_token (tok, p, p + 1); consumed = p - src->text + tok->len; src->text += consumed; src->len -= consumed; return 1; } return 0; }