// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ofOpenALSoundPlayer::sfReadFile(string path, vector<short> & buffer, vector<float> & fftAuxBuffer){
	SF_INFO sfInfo;
	SNDFILE* f = sf_open(path.c_str(),SFM_READ,&sfInfo);
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofOpenALSoundPlayer: couldnt read " + path);
		return false;


	int subformat = sfInfo.format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK ;
	if (subformat == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT || subformat == SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE){
		double	scale ;
		sf_command (f, SFC_CALC_SIGNAL_MAX, &scale, sizeof (scale)) ;
		if (scale < 1e-10)
			scale = 1.0 ;
			scale = 32700.0 / scale ;

		sf_count_t samples_read = sf_read_float (f, &fftAuxBuffer[0], fftAuxBuffer.size());
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofOpenALSoundPlayer: couldnt read " + path);
		for (int i = 0 ; i < int(fftAuxBuffer.size()) ; i++){
			fftAuxBuffer[i] *= scale ;
			buffer[i] = 32565.0 * fftAuxBuffer[i];
		sf_count_t frames_read = sf_readf_short(f,&buffer[0],sfInfo.frames);
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofOpenALSoundPlayer: couldnt read buffer for " + path);
			return false;
		frames_read = sf_readf_float(f,&fftAuxBuffer[0],sfInfo.frames);
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR,"ofOpenALSoundPlayer: couldnt read fft buffer for " + path);
			return false;

	channels = sfInfo.channels;
	duration = float(sfInfo.frames) / float(sfInfo.samplerate);
	samplerate = sfInfo.samplerate;
	return true;
Exemple #2
dump_log_buffer (SNDFILE *file)
{	static char	buffer [LOG_BUFFER_SIZE] ;
	int			count ;

	memset (buffer, 0, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) ;

	/* Get the log buffer data. */
	count = sf_command	(file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, buffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) ;

	if (strlen (buffer) < 1)
		puts ("Log buffer empty.\n") ;
		puts (buffer) ;

	return ;
} /* dump_log_buffer */
std::string AudioFileSndfile::sndfileError(int errorNumber,
    const std::string& userMessage) const
    const std::string libraryMessage = sf_error_number(errorNumber);
    char logInfo[LOGINFO_MAX_SIZE];
    sf_command(_handle.get(), SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, logInfo, LOGINFO_MAX_SIZE);
        "Library error detailed information"
            << "\n\n"
            << "Sound file: " << _path << '\n'
            << "Library reports: " << libraryMessage << '\n'
            << "Library version: " << sf_version_string() << '\n'
            << "Library log follows:\n"
            << logInfo);

    return userMessage + ": " + libraryMessage;
static void
usage_exit (const char *progname)
{	char lsf_ver [128] ;
	const char	*cptr ;
	int		k ;

	if ((cptr = strrchr (progname, '/')) != NULL)
		progname = cptr + 1 ;

	if ((cptr = strrchr (progname, '\\')) != NULL)
		progname = cptr + 1 ;

	sf_command (NULL, SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, lsf_ver, sizeof (lsf_ver)) ;

	printf ("\n"
		"  A Sample Rate Converter using libsndfile for file I/O and Secret \n"
		"  Rabbit Code (aka libsamplerate) for performing the conversion.\n"
		"  It works on any file format supported by libsndfile with any \n"
		"  number of channels (limited only by host memory).\n"
		"       %s\n"
		"       %s\n"
		"  Usage : \n"
		"       %s -to <new sample rate> [-c <number>] <input file> <output file>\n"
		"       %s -by <amount> [-c <number>] <input file> <output file>\n"
		"\n", src_get_version (), lsf_ver, progname, progname) ;

	puts (
		"  The optional -c argument allows the converter type to be chosen from\n"
		"  the following list :"
		) ;

	for (k = 0 ; (cptr = src_get_name (k)) != NULL ; k++)
		printf ("       %d : %s%s\n", k, cptr, k == DEFAULT_CONVERTER ? " (default)" : "") ;

	puts ("\n"
		"  The --no-normalize option disables clipping check and normalization.") ;

	puts ("") ;

	exit (1) ;
} /* usage_exit */
main (int argc, char *argv [])
{   SNDFILE *file ;
    SF_INFO sfinfo ;
    SF_BROADCAST_INFO_2K binfo ;
    const char *progname ;
    const char * filename = NULL ;
    int	start ;

    /* Store the program name. */
    progname = program_name (argv [0]) ;

    /* Check if we've been asked for help. */
    if (argc <= 2 || strcmp (argv [1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp (argv [1], "-h") == 0)
        usage_exit (progname, 0) ;

    if (argv [argc - 1][0] != '-')
    {   filename = argv [argc - 1] ;
        start = 1 ;
    else if (argv [1][0] != '-')
    {   filename = argv [1] ;
        start = 2 ;
    {   printf ("Error : Either the first or the last command line parameter should be a filename.\n\n") ;
        exit (1) ;
    } ;

    /* Get the time in case we need it later. */
    memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
    if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL)
    {   printf ("Error : Open of file '%s' failed : %s\n\n", filename, sf_strerror (file)) ;
        exit (1) ;
    } ;

    memset (&binfo, 0, sizeof (binfo)) ;
    if (sf_command (file, SFC_GET_BROADCAST_INFO, &binfo, sizeof (binfo)) == 0)
        memset (&binfo, 0, sizeof (binfo)) ;

    process_args (file, &binfo, argc - 2, argv + start) ;

    sf_close (file) ;
    return 0 ;
} /* main */
Exemple #6
string_in_log_buffer (SNDFILE *file, const char *s)
{	static char	buffer [LOG_BUFFER_SIZE] ;
	int			count ;

	memset (buffer, 0, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) ;

	/* Get the log buffer data. */
	count = sf_command	(file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, buffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) ;

	if (LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - count < 2)
	{	printf ("Possible long log buffer.\n") ;
		exit (1) ;

	/* Look for string */
	return strstr (buffer, s) ? SF_TRUE : SF_FALSE ;
} /* string_in_log_buffer */
Exemple #7
// Write SF control
void sf_ctrl(u8 data)
    if (data & SPIFL_MASK_EN)
    // SF enabled
        if (sf_state == SF_ST_INACT)
        // enable SFI

        // execute command

        // disable SFI
        sfi_disable();   // enable JTAG
Exemple #8
 * Open file in sndfile.
static int startread(sox_format_t * ft)
  priv_t * sf = (priv_t *)ft->priv;
  unsigned bits_per_sample;
  sox_encoding_t encoding;
  sox_rate_t rate;


  sf->sf_file = sf_open_fd(fileno(ft->fp), SFM_READ, sf->sf_info, 1);
  ft->fp = NULL; /* Transfer ownership of fp to LSF */

  if (sf->sf_file == NULL) {
    memset(ft->sox_errstr, 0, sizeof(ft->sox_errstr));
    strncpy(ft->sox_errstr, sf_strerror(sf->sf_file), sizeof(ft->sox_errstr)-1);
    return SOX_EOF;

  if (!(encoding = sox_enc(sf->sf_info->format, &bits_per_sample))) {
    lsx_fail_errno(ft, SOX_EFMT, "unsupported sndfile encoding %#x", sf->sf_info->format);
    return SOX_EOF;

  /* Don't believe LSF's rate for raw files */
  if ((sf->sf_info->format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_RAW && !ft->signal.rate) {
    lsx_warn("'%s': sample rate not specified; trying 8kHz", ft->filename);
    rate = 8000;
  else rate = sf->sf_info->samplerate;

#if 0
  if ((sf->sf_info->format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT)
    sf_command(sf->sf_file, SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ, NULL, SF_TRUE);

#if 0 /* FIXME */
    sox_append_comments(&ft->oob.comments, buf);

  return check_read_params(ft, (unsigned)sf->sf_info->channels, rate,
      encoding, bits_per_sample, (off_t)(sf->sf_info->frames * sf->sf_info->channels));
Exemple #9
int     main (int argc, char *argv[])
{	static	char	strbuffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;
	unsigned int	linecount ;
	char 		*progname, *infilename ;
	SNDFILE	 	*infile ;
	SF_INFO	 	sfinfo ;
	int			k, start, readcount ;

	progname = strrchr (argv [0], '/') ;
	progname = progname ? progname + 1 : argv [0] ;
	if (argc != 2)
	{	print_usage (progname) ;
		return  1 ;
		} ;
	infilename = argv [1] ;
	if (! (infile = sf_open (infilename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", infilename) ;
		sf_perror (NULL) ;
		sf_command (NULL, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, strbuffer, BUFFER_LEN) ;
		printf (strbuffer) ;
		return  1 ;
		} ;
	start = 0 ;
	linecount = 24 ;
	while ((readcount = sf_read_raw (infile, strbuffer, linecount)))
	{	printf ("%08X: ", start) ;
		for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++)
			printf ("%02X ", strbuffer [k] & 0xFF) ;
		for (k = readcount ; k < 16 ; k++)
			printf ("   ") ;
		printf ("\n") ;
		start += readcount ;
		} ;

	sf_close (infile) ;
	return 0 ;
} /* main */
TReadFileAudioStream::TReadFileAudioStream(string name, long beginFrame): TFileAudioStream(name)
  	memset(&fInfo, 0, sizeof(fInfo));
	char utf8name[512] = {0};
	assert(fName.size() < 512);
	Convert2UTF8(fName.c_str(), utf8name, 512);
	fFile = sf_open(utf8name, SFM_READ, &fInfo);
    // Check file
    if (!fFile) {
        throw - 1;

    if (sf_seek(fFile, beginFrame, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
        throw - 2;

    fFramesNum = long(fInfo.frames);
    fChannels = long(fInfo.channels);
    fBeginFrame = beginFrame;

	// Needed because we later on use sf_readf_short, should be removed is sf_readf_float is used instead.
    if (fInfo.format & SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) {
        int arg = SF_TRUE;
        sf_command(fFile, SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ, &arg, sizeof(arg));

    if (fInfo.samplerate != TAudioGlobals::fSampleRate) {
        printf("Warning : file sample rate different from engine sample rate! lib sr = %ld file sr = %d\n", TAudioGlobals::fSampleRate, fInfo.samplerate);

    // Dynamic allocation
    fMemoryBuffer = new TLocalAudioBuffer<short>(TAudioGlobals::fStreamBufferSize, fChannels);
    fCopyBuffer = new TLocalAudioBuffer<short>(TAudioGlobals::fStreamBufferSize, fChannels);
    // Read first buffer directly
    TBufferedAudioStream::ReadBuffer(fMemoryBuffer, TAudioGlobals::fStreamBufferSize, 0);
    TAudioBuffer<short>::Copy(fCopyBuffer, 0, fMemoryBuffer, 0, TAudioGlobals::fStreamBufferSize);

    fReady = true;
Exemple #11
void QcWaveform::doLoad( SNDFILE *new_sf, const SF_INFO &new_info, sf_count_t beg, sf_count_t dur )
  // set up soundfile to scale data in range [-1,1] to int range
  // when reading floating point data as int
  sf_command( new_sf, SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ, NULL, SF_TRUE );

  // check beginning and duration validity

  if( beg < 0 || dur < 1 || beg + dur > new_info.frames ) {
    qcErrorMsg("Invalid beginning and/or duration.");
    sf_close( new_sf );

  // cleanup previous state

  // NOTE we have to delete SoundCacheStream before closing the soundfile, as it might be still
  // loading it
  // TODO: should SoundCacheStream open the soundfile on its own?

  delete _cache;
  if( sf ) sf_close( sf );

  sf = new_sf;
  sfInfo = new_info;
  _beg = _rangeBeg = beg;
  _dur = _rangeDur = dur;
  _rangeEnd = _rangeBeg + _rangeDur;


  _cache = new SoundCacheStream();
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)),
           this, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)) );
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)),
           this, SLOT(update()) );
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadingDone()), this, SIGNAL(loadingDone()) );
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadingDone()), this, SLOT(redraw()) );

  _cache->load( sf, sfInfo, beg, dur, kMaxFramesPerCacheUnit, kMaxRawFrames );

bool BufWriteCmd::Stage2()
	return false;
	SndBuf *buf = World_GetNRTBuf(mWorld, mBufIndex);
	int framesToEnd = buf->frames - mBufOffset;
	if (framesToEnd < 0) framesToEnd = 0;
	mFileInfo.samplerate = (int)buf->samplerate;
	mFileInfo.channels = buf->channels;

	SNDFILE* sf = sf_open(mFilename, SFM_WRITE, &mFileInfo);
	if (!sf) {
		char str[512];
		sprintf(str, "File '%s' could not be opened: %s\n", mFilename, sf_strerror(NULL));
		SendFailureWithIntValue(&mReplyAddress, "/b_write", str, mBufIndex); //SendFailure(&mReplyAddress, "/b_write", str);
		return false;

	if (mNumFrames < 0 || mNumFrames > buf->frames) mNumFrames = buf->frames;

	if (mNumFrames > framesToEnd) mNumFrames = framesToEnd;

	sf_command(sf, SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE); // choose clipping rather than wraparound for integer-format files

	if (mNumFrames > 0) {
		sf_writef_float(sf, buf->data + (mBufOffset * buf->channels), mNumFrames);


	if (mLeaveFileOpen) {
		buf->sndfile = sf;
	} else {
		buf->sndfile = 0;

	return true;
Exemple #13
libsndfile_stream_open(const char * filename, s_stream * stream,
                       s_params * params)
  libsndfile_context *context;
  FILE *dummyfile;

  dummyfile = fopen(filename, "rb");
  if (!dummyfile)
    return 0;

  context = (libsndfile_context *) malloc(sizeof(libsndfile_context));

  context->file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &context->sfinfo) ;
  if (!context->file) {
    return 0;
  sf_command (context->file, SFC_SET_NORM_DOUBLE, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;

  s_stream_context_set(stream, (void *)context);

  /* FIXME: SF_INFO::frames is of type sf_count_t, which is a 32bit
     integer in some libsndfile version and 64bit on others (like the
     Mac OS X one), so casting context->sfinfo.frames to int is not
     totally correct - but necessary, since we do not have a 64bit
     s_params type.
     20030108 kyrah
               "samplerate", S_INTEGER_PARAM_TYPE, context->sfinfo.samplerate,
               "frames",     S_INTEGER_PARAM_TYPE, (int) context->sfinfo.frames,
               "channels",   S_INTEGER_PARAM_TYPE, context->sfinfo.channels,

  return 1;
Exemple #14
/* If byfd is true, try to open the file with sf_open_fd */
int test(const char* filename, int byfd)
    SF_INFO     info;
    SNDFILE*    file;
    int         fid, flags, st;
    char        buffer [2048];

    st  = 0;

    flags = O_RDONLY;
#if (defined (WIN32) || defined (_WIN32))
    flags |= O_BINARY;

    info.format = 0;
    if (byfd) {
        fid = open(filename, flags);
        if (fid < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s failed opening file %s\n", __FILE__, __func__, filename);
            return -1;

        file = sf_open_fd(fid, SFM_READ, &info, SF_TRUE);
    } else {
        file = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &info);

    if (file == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s failed opening file %s\n", __FILE__, __func__, filename);
        sf_command (file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) ;
        fprintf(stderr, "sndfile error is %s:\n", buffer);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s file %s has %d frames \n", __FILE__, __func__, filename, info.frames);


    return st;
Exemple #15
/* Generate a reduced waveform for visualization purposes. */
AU_WaveGenVisual(AU_Wave *w, int reduce)
	int i, j, ch;
	float *pIn, *pViz;

	if (reduce <= 0) {
		AG_SetError("Reduction factor <= 0");
		return (-1);
	if (w->vizFrames != NULL) {
		w->nVizFrames = 0;

	sf_command(w->file, SFC_CALC_SIGNAL_MAX, &w->peak, sizeof(w->peak));
	w->nVizFrames = w->nFrames/reduce;
	if ((w->vizFrames = AG_TryMalloc(w->nVizFrames*sizeof(float))) == NULL) {
		w->nVizFrames = 0;
		return (-1);

	pViz = &w->vizFrames[0];
	for (i = 0; i < w->nVizFrames; i++) {
		for (ch = 0; ch < w->ch; ch++)
			*pViz++ = 0.0;
	pIn = &w->frames[0];
	pViz = &w->vizFrames[0];
	for (i = 0; i < w->nVizFrames; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < reduce; j++) {
			for (ch = 0; ch < w->ch; ch++) {
				pViz[ch] += MAX(w->vizFrames[i],
		for (ch = 0; ch < w->ch; ch++)
			*pViz++ /= reduce;
	return (0);
Exemple #16
 * Drain LSF's wonderful log buffer
static void drain_log_buffer(sox_format_t * ft)
  priv_t * sf = (priv_t *)ft->priv;
  sf_command(sf->sf_file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, sf->log_buffer, LOG_MAX);
  while (*sf->log_buffer_ptr) {
    static char const warning_prefix[] = "*** Warning : ";
    char const * end = strchr(sf->log_buffer_ptr, '\n');
    if (!end)
      end = strchr(sf->log_buffer_ptr, '\0');
    if (!strncmp(sf->log_buffer_ptr, warning_prefix, strlen(warning_prefix))) {
      sf->log_buffer_ptr += strlen(warning_prefix);
      lsx_warn("`%s': %.*s",
          ft->filename, (int)(end - sf->log_buffer_ptr), sf->log_buffer_ptr);
    } else
      lsx_debug("`%s': %.*s",
          ft->filename, (int)(end - sf->log_buffer_ptr), sf->log_buffer_ptr);
    sf->log_buffer_ptr = end;
    if (*sf->log_buffer_ptr == '\n')
Exemple #17
static void
print_usage (char *progname)

	int k ;

	printf ("\nUsage : %s [encoding] <input file> <output file>\n", progname) ;
	puts ("\n"
		"    where [encoding] may be one of the following:\n\n"
		"        -pcms8     : force the output to signed 8 bit pcm\n"
		"        -pcmu8     : force the output to unsigned 8 bit pcm\n"
		"        -pcm16     : force the output to 16 bit pcm\n"
		"        -pcm24     : force the output to 24 bit pcm\n"
		"        -pcm32     : force the output to 32 bit pcm\n"
		"        -float32   : force the output to 32 bit floating point"
		) ;
	puts (
		"        -ulaw      : force the output ULAW\n"
		"        -alaw      : force the output ALAW\n"
		"        -ima-adpcm : force the output to IMA ADPCM (WAV only)\n"
		"        -ms-adpcm  : force the output to MS ADPCM (WAV only)\n"
		"        -gsm610    : force the GSM6.10 (WAV only)\n"
		"        -dwvw12    : force the output to 12 bit DWVW (AIFF only)\n"
		"        -dwvw16    : force the output to 16 bit DWVW (AIFF only)\n"
		"        -dwvw24    : force the output to 24 bit DWVW (AIFF only)\n"
		) ;

	puts (
		"    The format of the output file is determined by the file extension of the\n"
		"    output file name. The following extensions are currently understood:\n"
		) ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < (int) (sizeof (format_map) / sizeof (format_map [0])) ; k++)
	{	info.format = format_map [k].format ;
		sf_command (NULL, SFC_GET_FORMAT_INFO, &info, sizeof (info)) ;
		printf ("        %-10s : %s\n", format_map [k].ext, info.name) ;
		} ;

	puts ("") ;
} /* print_usage */
Exemple #18
float *readaudio_snd(const char *filename, long *sr, const float nbsecs, unsigned int *buflen) {

    SF_INFO sf_info;
    SNDFILE *sndfile = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &sf_info);
    if (sndfile == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    /* normalize */
    sf_command(sndfile, SFC_SET_NORM_FLOAT, NULL, SF_TRUE);

    *sr = (long)sf_info.samplerate;

    //allocate input buffer for signal
    unsigned int src_frames = (nbsecs <= 0) ? sf_info.frames : (nbsecs*sf_info.samplerate);
    src_frames = (sf_info.frames < src_frames) ? sf_info.frames : src_frames;
    float *inbuf = (float*)malloc(src_frames*sf_info.channels*sizeof(float));

    /*read frames */
    sf_count_t cnt_frames = sf_readf_float(sndfile, inbuf, src_frames);

    float *buf = (float*)malloc(cnt_frames*sizeof(float));

    //average across all channels
    int  i,j,indx=0;
    for (i=0; i<cnt_frames*sf_info.channels; i+=sf_info.channels) {
        buf[indx] = 0;
        for (j=0; j<sf_info.channels; j++) {
            buf[indx] += inbuf[i+j];
        buf[indx++] /= sf_info.channels;

    *buflen = indx;
    return buf;
Exemple #19
static void
setup_disk_thread (jack_thread_info_t *info)
	SF_INFO sf_info;
	int short_mask;

	sf_info.samplerate = info->sample_rate;
	sf_info.channels = info->channels;

	switch (info->bitdepth) {
		case 8: short_mask = SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8;
		case 16: short_mask = SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;
		case 24: short_mask = SF_FORMAT_PCM_24;
		case 32: short_mask = SF_FORMAT_PCM_32;
		default: short_mask = SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;
	sf_info.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV|short_mask;

	if ((info->sf = sf_open (info->path, SFM_WRITE, &sf_info)) == NULL) {
		char errstr[256];
		sf_error_str (0, errstr, sizeof (errstr) - 1);
		fprintf (stderr, "cannot open sndfile \"%s\" for output (%s)\n", info->path, errstr);
		jack_client_close (info->client);
		exit (1);

	sf_command (info->sf, SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE);

	info->duration *= sf_info.samplerate;
	info->can_capture = 0;

	pthread_create (&info->thread_id, NULL, disk_thread, info);
Exemple #20
QStringList Version::dependencyVersions() {
    char sndfile_version[128];
    sf_command(nullptr, SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, sndfile_version, sizeof(sndfile_version));
    // Null-terminate just in case.
    sndfile_version[sizeof(sndfile_version) - 1] = '\0';
    // WARNING: may be inaccurate since some come from compile-time header
    // definitions instead of the actual dynamically loaded library).
    QStringList result;
            // Should be accurate.
            << QString("Qt: %1").arg(qVersion())
#ifdef __BROADCAST__
            // Should be accurate.
            << QString("libshout: %1").arg(shout_version(NULL, NULL, NULL))
            << QString("PortAudio: %1 %2").arg(Pa_GetVersion()).arg(Pa_GetVersionText())
            // The version of the RubberBand headers Mixxx was compiled with.
            << QString("RubberBand: %1").arg(RUBBERBAND_VERSION)
            // The version of the SoundTouch headers Mixxx was compiled with.
            << QString("SoundTouch: %1").arg(SOUNDTOUCH_VERSION)
            // The version of the TagLib headers Mixxx was compiled with.
            << QString("TagLib: %1.%2.%3").arg(QString::number(TAGLIB_MAJOR_VERSION),
            // The version of the ChromaPrint headers Mixxx was compiled with.
            << QString("ChromaPrint: %1.%2.%3").arg(QString::number(CHROMAPRINT_VERSION_MAJOR),
            // Should be accurate.
            << QString("Vorbis: %1").arg(vorbis_version_string())
            // Should be accurate.
            << QString("libsndfile: %1").arg(sndfile_version)
            // The version of the FLAC headers Mixxx was compiled with.
            << QString("FLAC: %1").arg(FLAC__VERSION_STRING)
            << QString("libmp3lame: %1").arg(get_lame_version());

    return result;
static int sndfile_set_channel_map(struct input_handle* ih, int* st) {
  int result;
  int* channel_map = (int*) calloc((size_t) ih->file_info.channels, sizeof(int));
  if (!channel_map) return 1;
  result = sf_command(ih->file, SFC_GET_CHANNEL_MAP_INFO,
                      (void*) channel_map,
                      (int) ((size_t) ih->file_info.channels * sizeof(int)));
  /* If sndfile found a channel map, set it with
   * ebur128_set_channel_map */
  if (result == SF_TRUE) {
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < ih->file_info.channels; ++j) {
      switch (channel_map[j]) {
          st[j] = EBUR128_UNUSED;         break;
        case SF_CHANNEL_MAP_MONO:
          st[j] = EBUR128_CENTER;         break;
        case SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LEFT:
          st[j] = EBUR128_LEFT;           break;
        case SF_CHANNEL_MAP_RIGHT:
          st[j] = EBUR128_RIGHT;          break;
          st[j] = EBUR128_CENTER;         break;
          st[j] = EBUR128_LEFT_SURROUND;  break;
          st[j] = EBUR128_RIGHT_SURROUND; break;
          st[j] = EBUR128_UNUSED;         break;
    return 0;
  } else {
    return 1;
Exemple #22
check_log_buffer_or_die (SNDFILE *file, int line_num)
{	static char	buffer [LOG_BUFFER_SIZE] ;
	int			count ;

	memset (buffer, 0, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) ;

	/* Get the log buffer data. */
	count = sf_command	(file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, buffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) ;

	if (LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - count < 2)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Possible long log buffer.\n", line_num) ;
		exit (1) ;

	/* Look for "Should" */
	if (strstr (buffer, "ould"))
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Log buffer contains `ould'. Dumping.\n", line_num) ;
		puts (buffer) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Look for "**" */
	if (strstr (buffer, "*"))
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Log buffer contains `*'. Dumping.\n", line_num) ;
		puts (buffer) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Look for "Should" */
	if (strstr (buffer, "nknown marker"))
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Log buffer contains `nknown marker'. Dumping.\n", line_num) ;
		puts (buffer) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* check_log_buffer_or_die */
Exemple #23
static int
instrument_dump (const char *filename)
{	SNDFILE	 *file ;
	SF_INFO	 sfinfo ;
	int got_inst, k ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ;
		fflush (stdout) ;
		memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	got_inst = sf_command (file, SFC_GET_INSTRUMENT, &inst, sizeof (inst)) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	if (got_inst == SF_FALSE)
	{	printf ("Error : File '%s' does not contain instrument data.\n\n", filename) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	printf ("Instrument : %s\n\n", filename) ;
	printf ("  Gain        : %d\n", inst.gain) ;
	printf ("  Base note   : %d\n", inst.basenote) ;
	printf ("  Velocity    : %d - %d\n", (int) inst.velocity_lo, (int) inst.velocity_hi) ;
	printf ("  Key         : %d - %d\n", (int) inst.key_lo, (int) inst.key_hi) ;
	printf ("  Loop points : %d\n", inst.loop_count) ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < inst.loop_count ; k++)
		printf ("  %-2d    Mode : %s    Start : %6d   End : %6d   Count : %6d\n", k, str_of_type (inst.loops [k].mode), inst.loops [k].start, inst.loops [k].end, inst.loops [k].count) ;

	putchar ('\n') ;
	return 0 ;
} /* instrument_dump */
Exemple #24
static	void
broadcast_rdwr_test (const char *filename, int filetype)
	SNDFILE *file ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
	sf_count_t frames ;

	print_test_name (__func__, filename) ;

	create_short_sndfile (filename, filetype, 2) ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
	memset (&binfo, 0, sizeof (binfo)) ;

	snprintf (binfo.description, sizeof (binfo.description), "Test description") ;
	snprintf (binfo.originator, sizeof (binfo.originator), "Test originator") ;
	snprintf (binfo.originator_reference, sizeof (binfo.originator_reference), "%08x-%08x", (unsigned int) time (NULL), (unsigned int) (~ time (NULL))) ;
	snprintf (binfo.origination_date, sizeof (binfo.origination_date), "%d/%02d/%02d", 2006, 3, 30) ;
	snprintf (binfo.origination_time, sizeof (binfo.origination_time), "%02d:%02d:%02d", 20, 27, 0) ;
	snprintf (binfo.umid, sizeof (binfo.umid), "Some umid") ;
	binfo.coding_history_size = 0 ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;
	frames = sfinfo.frames ;
	if (sf_command (file, SFC_SET_BROADCAST_INFO, &binfo, sizeof (binfo)) != SF_FALSE)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : sf_command (SFC_SET_BROADCAST_INFO) should have failed but didn't.\n\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (file) ;
	exit_if_true (frames != sfinfo.frames, "\n\nLine %d : Frame count %lld should be %lld.\n", __LINE__, sfinfo.frames, frames) ;

	unlink (filename) ;
	puts ("ok") ;
} /* broadcast_rdwr_test */
static void
broadcast_dump (const char *filename)
{	SNDFILE	 *file ;
	SF_INFO	 sfinfo ;
	int got_bext ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ;
		fflush (stdout) ;
		memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		return ;
		} ;

	memset (&bext, 0, sizeof (SF_BROADCAST_INFO)) ;

	got_bext = sf_command (file, SFC_GET_BROADCAST_INFO, &bext, sizeof (bext)) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	if (got_bext == SF_FALSE)
	{	printf ("Error : File '%s' does not contain broadcast information.\n\n", filename) ;
		return ;
		} ;

	printf ("Description      : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.description), bext.description) ;
	printf ("Originator       : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.originator), bext.originator) ;
	printf ("Origination ref  : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.originator_reference), bext.originator_reference) ;
	printf ("Origination date : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.origination_date), bext.origination_date) ;
	printf ("Origination time : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.origination_time), bext.origination_time) ;
	printf ("BWF version      : %d\n", bext.version) ;
	printf ("UMID             : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.umid), bext.umid) ;
	printf ("Coding history   : %.*s\n", bext.coding_history_size, bext.coding_history) ;

} /* broadcast_dump */
 * Class:     org_emmef_sndfile_SoundFile
 * Method:    getSndFileVersion0
 * Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_emmef_sndfile_SoundFileType_getSndFileVersion0(JNIEnv *env, jclass) {
	try {
		int size= 4;
		char *walk = 0;
		bool doContinue = true;
		while (doContinue) {
			if (walk != 0) {
				delete walk;
			walk = new char[size];
			sf_command(0, SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, walk, size);
			int length = 0;
			while (length < size && walk[length] != '\0') {
			if ((size < 1024) && (length == 0 || length + 1 >= size)) {
				size *= 2;
			else {
				doContinue = false;
		jstring version = env->NewStringUTF(walk);
		delete walk;
		return version;
	catch (...) {
	return 0;
Exemple #27
PRIVATE void access_output_file(GtkWidget *widget, GtkWidget *fs) {
  Generator *g = gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(fs), "Generator");
  Data *data = g->data;
  const char *filename = gtk_file_selection_get_filename(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fs));
  FILE *f;

  f = fopen(filename, "rb");

  if (f != NULL) {
    if (popup_msgbox("Confirm Overwrite", MSGBOX_YES | MSGBOX_NO, 0, MSGBOX_NO,
		     "The file named %s exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?",
		     filename) != MSGBOX_YES) {

  if (data->filename != NULL)
  data->filename = safe_string_dup(filename);

  data->output = sf_open( filename, SFM_WRITE, &data->setup );
  data->frames_recorded = 0;

  if (data->output == NULL) {
    popup_msgbox("Could Not Create File", MSGBOX_OK, 0, MSGBOX_OK,
		 "Could not create output file %s.\n"
		 "Recording cancelled.",

  sf_command( data->output, SFC_SET_NORM_DOUBLE, NULL, SF_TRUE );

  gtk_widget_destroy(fs);	/* %%% should this be gtk_widget_hide? uber-paranoia */
Exemple #28
SharedPtr<Decoder> SndFileDecoderFactory::createDecoder(UniquePtr<std::istream> &file)
    SF_VIRTUAL_IO vio = {
        get_filelen, seek,
        read, write, tell
    SF_INFO sndinfo;
    SNDFILE *sndfile = sf_open_virtual(&vio, SFM_READ, &sndinfo, file.get());
    if(!sndfile) return nullptr;

    ChannelConfig sconfig;
    Vector<int> chanmap(sndinfo.channels);
    if(sf_command(sndfile, SFC_GET_CHANNEL_MAP_INFO, &chanmap[0], chanmap.size()*sizeof(int)) == SF_TRUE)
        auto matches = [](const Vector<int> &first, std::initializer_list<int> second) -> bool
            if(first.size() != second.size())
                return false;
            return std::mismatch(first.begin(), first.end(), second.begin()).first == first.end();

        if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_MONO}))
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::Mono;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_RIGHT}))
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::Stereo;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_RIGHT}))
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::Rear;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_RIGHT,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_RIGHT}))
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::Quad;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_RIGHT,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_CENTER, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LFE,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_RIGHT}) ||
                matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_RIGHT,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_CENTER, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LFE,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_SIDE_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_SIDE_RIGHT}))
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::X51;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_RIGHT,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_CENTER, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LFE,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_CENTER, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_SIDE_LEFT,
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::X61;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_RIGHT,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_CENTER, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_LFE,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_REAR_RIGHT,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_SIDE_LEFT, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_SIDE_RIGHT}))
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::X71;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_AMBISONIC_B_W, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_AMBISONIC_B_X,
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::BFormat2D;
        else if(matches(chanmap, {SF_CHANNEL_MAP_AMBISONIC_B_W, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_AMBISONIC_B_X,
                                  SF_CHANNEL_MAP_AMBISONIC_B_Y, SF_CHANNEL_MAP_AMBISONIC_B_Z}))
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::BFormat3D;
            return nullptr;
    else if(sf_command(sndfile, SFC_WAVEX_GET_AMBISONIC, 0, 0) == SF_AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT)
        if(sndinfo.channels == 3)
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::BFormat2D;
        else if(sndinfo.channels == 4)
            sconfig = ChannelConfig::BFormat3D;
            return nullptr;
    else if(sndinfo.channels == 1)
        sconfig = ChannelConfig::Mono;
    else if(sndinfo.channels == 2)
        sconfig = ChannelConfig::Stereo;
        return nullptr;

    SampleType stype = SampleType::Int16;
        case SF_FORMAT_FLOAT:
        case SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE:
        case SF_FORMAT_VORBIS:
            stype = SampleType::Float32;

            stype = SampleType::Int16;

    return MakeShared<SndFileDecoder>(std::move(file), sndfile, sndinfo, sconfig, stype);
Exemple #29
static void	
test_float_peak (char *str, char *filename, int typemajor)
{	SNDFILE		*file ;
	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
	int			k, frames, count ;

	printf ("    test_float_peak : %s ... ", str) ;
	sfinfo.samplerate  = 44100 ;
	sfinfo.format 	   = (typemajor | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) ;
	sfinfo.channels    = 4 ;
	sfinfo.frames     = 0 ;

	frames = BUFFER_LEN / sfinfo.channels ;
	/* Create some random data with a peak value of 0.66. */
	for (k = 0 ; k < BUFFER_LEN ; k++)
		data [k] = (rand () % 2000) / 3000.0 ;
	/* Insert some larger peaks a know locations. */
	data [4 * (frames / 8) + 0] = (frames / 8) * 0.01 ;	/* First channel */
	data [4 * (frames / 6) + 1] = (frames / 6) * 0.01 ;	/* Second channel */
	data [4 * (frames / 4) + 2] = (frames / 4) * 0.01 ;	/* Third channel */
	data [4 * (frames / 2) + 3] = (frames / 2) * 0.01 ;	/* Fourth channel */
	if (! (file = sf_open (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Line %d: sf_open_write failed with error : ", __LINE__) ;
		sf_perror (NULL) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/*	Write the data in four passed. The data is designed so that peaks will 
	**	be written in the different calls to sf_write_double ().
	for (count = 0 ; count < 4 ; count ++)
	{	if ((k = sf_write_double (file, data + count * BUFFER_LEN / 4, BUFFER_LEN / 4)) != BUFFER_LEN / 4)
		{	printf ("Line %d: sf_write_double # %d failed with short write (%d ->%d)\n", __LINE__, count, BUFFER_LEN / 4, k) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;
		} ;
	sf_close (file) ;
	if (! (file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Line %d: sf_open_read failed with error : ", __LINE__) ;
		sf_perror (NULL) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;
	if (sfinfo.format != (typemajor | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT))
	{	printf ("Line %d: Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, (typemajor | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT), sfinfo.format) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;
	if (sfinfo.frames != frames)
	{	printf ("Line %d: Incorrect number of.frames in file. (%d => %ld)\n", __LINE__, frames, (long) sfinfo.frames) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;
	if (sfinfo.channels != 4)
	{	printf ("Line %d: Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Get the log buffer data. */
	log_buffer [0] = 0 ;
	sf_command	(file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, log_buffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) ;
	if (strlen (log_buffer) == 0)
	{	printf ("Line %d: Empty log buffer,\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	check_logged_peaks (log_buffer) ;

	sf_close (file) ;

	unlink (filename) ;
	printf ("ok\n") ;
} /* test_float_peak */
Exemple #30
void World_NonRealTimeSynthesis(struct World *world, WorldOptions *inOptions)
	if (inOptions->mLoadGraphDefs) {
	int bufLength = world->mBufLength;
	int fileBufFrames = inOptions->mPreferredHardwareBufferFrameSize;
	if (fileBufFrames <= 0) fileBufFrames = 8192;
	int bufMultiple = (fileBufFrames + bufLength - 1) / bufLength;
	fileBufFrames = bufMultiple * bufLength;

	// batch process non real time audio
	if (!inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputFilename)
		throw std::runtime_error("Non real time output filename is NULL.\n");

	SF_INFO inputFileInfo, outputFileInfo;
	float *inputFileBuf = 0;
	float *outputFileBuf = 0;
	int numInputChannels = 0;
	int numOutputChannels;

	outputFileInfo.samplerate = inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate;
	numOutputChannels = outputFileInfo.channels = world->mNumOutputs;
		inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputHeaderFormat, inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputSampleFormat);

	world->hw->mNRTOutputFile = sf_open(inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputFilename, SFM_WRITE, &outputFileInfo);
	sf_command(world->hw->mNRTOutputFile, SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE);

	if (!world->hw->mNRTOutputFile)
		throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open non real time output file.\n");

	outputFileBuf = (float*)calloc(1, world->mNumOutputs * fileBufFrames * sizeof(float));

	if (inOptions->mNonRealTimeInputFilename) {
		world->hw->mNRTInputFile = sf_open(inOptions->mNonRealTimeInputFilename, SFM_READ, &inputFileInfo);
		if (!world->hw->mNRTInputFile)
			throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open non real time input file.\n");

		inputFileBuf = (float*)calloc(1, inputFileInfo.channels * fileBufFrames * sizeof(float));

		if (world->mNumInputs != (uint32)inputFileInfo.channels)
			scprintf("WARNING: input file channels didn't match number of inputs specified in options.\n");

		numInputChannels = world->mNumInputs = inputFileInfo.channels; // force it.

		if (inputFileInfo.samplerate != (int)inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate)
			scprintf("WARNING: input file sample rate does not equal output sample rate.\n");

	} else {
		world->hw->mNRTInputFile = 0;

	FILE *cmdFile;
	if (inOptions->mNonRealTimeCmdFilename) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		cmdFile = fopen(inOptions->mNonRealTimeCmdFilename, "rb");
		cmdFile = fopen(inOptions->mNonRealTimeCmdFilename, "r");
	} else cmdFile = stdin;
	if (!cmdFile)
		throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open non real time command file.\n");

	OSC_Packet packet;
	memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
	packet.mData = (char *)malloc(8192);
	packet.mIsBundle = true;
	packet.mReplyAddr.mReplyFunc = null_reply_func;

	int64 schedTime;
	if (nextOSCPacket(cmdFile, &packet, schedTime))
		throw std::runtime_error("command file empty.\n");
	int64 prevTime = schedTime;

	World_SetSampleRate(world, inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate);

	int64 oscTime = 0;
	double oscToSeconds = 1. / pow(2.,32.);
	double oscToSamples = inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate * oscToSeconds;
	int64 oscInc = (int64)((double)bufLength / oscToSamples);

	if(inOptions->mVerbosity >= 0) {
		printf("start time %g\n", schedTime * oscToSeconds);

	bool run = true;
	int inBufStep = numInputChannels * bufLength;
	int outBufStep = numOutputChannels * bufLength;
	float* inputBuses    = world->mAudioBus + world->mNumOutputs * bufLength;
	float* outputBuses   = world->mAudioBus;
	int32* inputTouched  = world->mAudioBusTouched + world->mNumOutputs;
	int32* outputTouched = world->mAudioBusTouched;
	for (; run;) {
		int bufFramesCalculated = 0;
		float* inBufPos = inputFileBuf;
		float* outBufPos = outputFileBuf;

		if (world->hw->mNRTInputFile) {
			int framesRead = sf_readf_float(world->hw->mNRTInputFile, inputFileBuf, fileBufFrames);
			if (framesRead < fileBufFrames) {
				memset(inputFileBuf + framesRead * numInputChannels, 0,
					(fileBufFrames - framesRead) * numInputChannels * sizeof(float));

		for (int i=0; i<bufMultiple && run; ++i) {
			int bufCounter = world->mBufCounter;

			// deinterleave input to input buses
			if (inputFileBuf) {
				float *inBus = inputBuses;
				for (int j=0; j<numInputChannels; ++j, inBus += bufLength) {
					float *inFileBufPtr = inBufPos + j;
					for (int k=0; k<bufLength; ++k) {
						inBus[k] = *inFileBufPtr;
						inFileBufPtr += numInputChannels;
					inputTouched[j] = bufCounter;

			// execute ready commands
			int64 nextTime = oscTime + oscInc;

			while (schedTime <= nextTime) {
				float diffTime = (float)(schedTime - oscTime) * oscToSamples + 0.5;
				float diffTimeFloor = floor(diffTime);
				world->mSampleOffset = (int)diffTimeFloor;
				world->mSubsampleOffset = diffTime - diffTimeFloor;

				if (world->mSampleOffset < 0) world->mSampleOffset = 0;
				else if (world->mSampleOffset >= bufLength) world->mSampleOffset = bufLength-1;

				PerformOSCBundle(world, &packet);
				if (nextOSCPacket(cmdFile, &packet, schedTime)) { run = false; break; }
				if(inOptions->mVerbosity >= 0) {
					printf("nextOSCPacket %g\n", schedTime * oscToSeconds);
				if (schedTime < prevTime) {
					scprintf("ERROR: Packet time stamps out-of-order.\n");
					run = false;
					goto Bail;
				prevTime = schedTime;


			// interleave output to output buffer
			float *outBus = outputBuses;
			for (int j=0; j<numOutputChannels; ++j, outBus += bufLength) {
				float *outFileBufPtr = outBufPos + j;
				if (outputTouched[j] == bufCounter) {
					for (int k=0; k<bufLength; ++k) {
						*outFileBufPtr = outBus[k];
						outFileBufPtr += numOutputChannels;
				} else {
					for (int k=0; k<bufLength; ++k) {
						*outFileBufPtr = 0.f;
						outFileBufPtr += numOutputChannels;
			bufFramesCalculated += bufLength;
			inBufPos += inBufStep;
			outBufPos += outBufStep;
			oscTime = nextTime;

		// write output
		sf_writef_float(world->hw->mNRTOutputFile, outputFileBuf, bufFramesCalculated);

	if (cmdFile != stdin) fclose(cmdFile);
	world->hw->mNRTOutputFile = 0;

	if (world->hw->mNRTInputFile) {
		world->hw->mNRTInputFile = 0;
