void *process_request(void *soap) { pthread_detach(pthread_self()); /* Serve request (or multiple requests with keep-alive enabled) */ soap_serve((struct soap*)soap); /* Cleanup and delete deserialized data */ soap_destroy((struct soap*)soap); soap_end((struct soap*)soap); /* Detach thread's copy of soap environment */ soap_done((struct soap*)soap); /* Free soap environment */ free(soap); fprintf(stderr, "done\n"); return NULL; }
void TCSoapRunnable::process_message(ACE_Message_Block* mb) { ACE_TRACE (ACE_TEXT ("SOAPWorkingThread::process_message")); struct soap* soap; ACE_OS::memcpy(&soap, mb->rd_ptr (), sizeof(struct soap*)); mb->release(); soap_serve(soap); soap_destroy(soap); // dealloc C++ data soap_end(soap); // dealloc data and clean up soap_done(soap); // detach soap struct free(soap); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct soap soap; // use HTTP 1.1 chunking // HTTP chunking allows streaming of DIME content without requiring DIME attachment size to be set // DIME attachments can be streamed without chunking ONLY if the attachment size is set soap_init1(&soap, SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // set DIME callbacks soap.fdimereadopen = dime_read_open; soap.fdimereadclose = dime_read_close; soap.fdimeread = dime_read; soap.fdimewriteopen = dime_write_open; soap.fdimewriteclose = dime_write_close; soap.fdimewrite = dime_write; // connect timeout value (not supported by Linux) soap.connect_timeout = 10; // IO timeouts soap.send_timeout = 30; soap.recv_timeout = 30; // Unix/Linux SIGPIPE, this is OS dependent: // soap.accept_flags = SO_NOSIGPIPE; // some systems like this // soap.socket_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; // others need this // signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handle); // or a sigpipe handler (portable) if (argc < 3) { char *name; if (argc < 2) name = "image.jpg"; else name = argv[1]; getImage(&soap, name); } else { switch (argv[1][1]) { case 'p': endpoint = localhost; putData(&soap, argc, argv); break; case 'g': endpoint = localhost; getData(&soap, argc, argv); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: [-p] [-g] name ...\n"); exit(0); } } soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); return SOAP_OK; }
int ConsoleObserverService::run(int port) { if (soap_valid_socket(bind(NULL, port, 100))) { for (;;) { if (!soap_valid_socket(accept())) return this->error; (void)serve(); soap_destroy(this); soap_end(this); } } else return this->error; return SOAP_OK; }
void grisu_stop(void) { /* grisu */ g_free(grisu_username); g_free(grisu_password); g_free(grisu_server); g_free(grisu_port); g_free(grisu_soap_header); g_free(grisu_cert_path); /* soap */ soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct soap *soap = soap_new(); float q; if (argc <= 2) { soap->user = soap_new(); // pass a new gSOAP environment which we need to make server-side client calls soap_serve(soap); // serve request soap_destroy((struct soap*)soap->user); soap_end((struct soap*)soap->user); soap_done((struct soap*)soap->user); free(soap->user); soap->user = NULL; } else if (soap_call_ns3__getQuote(soap, endpoint, NULL, argv[1], argv[2], q) == 0) printf("\nCompany %s: %f (%s)\n", argv[1], q, argv[2]); else { soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); soap_print_fault_location(soap, stderr); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); soap_done(soap); free(soap); return 0; }
void *process_queue(void *soap) { struct soap *tsoap = (struct soap*)soap; for (;;) { tsoap->socket = dequeue(); if (!soap_valid_socket(tsoap->socket)) break; soap_serve(tsoap); soap_destroy(tsoap); soap_end(tsoap); fprintf(stderr, "served\n"); } return NULL; }
void glite_delegation_free(glite_delegation_ctx *ctx) { if(!ctx) return; free(ctx->endpoint); free(ctx->error_message); if(ctx->soap) { soap_destroy(ctx->soap); soap_end(ctx->soap); free(ctx->soap); } free(ctx); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int m, s; struct soap soap; soap_init(&soap); // cookie domain for CGI must be the current host name: // soap.cookie_domain = "www.cs.fsu.edu"; // Cookie domain for stand-alone server: soap.cookie_domain = "localhost:8080"; // the path which is used to filter/set cookies with this destination soap.cookie_path = "/"; if (argc < 2) { // CGI app: grab cookies from 'HTTP_COOKIE' env var soap_getenv_cookies(&soap); soap_serve(&soap); } else { int port; char buf[100]; port = atoi(argv[1]); m = soap_bind(&soap, NULL, port, 100); if (m < 0) { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); exit(1); } sprintf(buf, "localhost:%d", port); soap.cookie_domain = buf; fprintf(stderr, "Socket connection successful %d\n", m); for (int i = 1; ; i++) { s = soap_accept(&soap); if (s < 0) exit(-1); fprintf(stderr, "%d: accepted %d IP=%d.%d.%d.%d ... ", i, s, (int)(soap.ip>>24)&0xFF, (int)(soap.ip>>16)&0xFF, (int)(soap.ip>>8)&0xFF, (int)soap.ip&0xFF); if (!soap_serve(&soap)) fprintf(stderr, "served\n"); else soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); // clean up soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); // remove all old cookies from database so no interference when new // requests with new cookies arrive soap_free_cookies(&soap); // Note: threads can have their own cookie DB which they need to cleanup // before they terminate } } return 0; }
int OnvifClientPTZ::getConfiguration(std::string configurationToken){ if (SOAP_OK != soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(proxyPTZ.soap, NULL, _user.c_str(), _password.c_str())){ return -1; } _tptz__GetConfiguration *tptz__GetConfiguration = soap_new__tptz__GetConfiguration(soap,-1); _tptz__GetConfigurationResponse *tptz__GetConfigurationResponse = soap_new__tptz__GetConfigurationResponse(soap,-1); tptz__GetConfiguration->PTZConfigurationToken = configurationToken; if(SOAP_OK == proxyPTZ.GetConfiguration(tptz__GetConfiguration, tptz__GetConfigurationResponse)){ std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Absolute Pan Tilt Position Space: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultAbsolutePantTiltPositionSpace-> c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "Absolute Zoom Position Space: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultAbsoluteZoomPositionSpace-> c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "Relative Pan Tilt Translation Space: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultRelativeZoomTranslationSpace->c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "Relative Zoom Translation Space: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace->c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "Continuous Pan Tilt Velocity Space: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultContinuousZoomVelocitySpace->c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "Continuous Zoom Velocity Space: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultContinuousZoomVelocitySpace->c_str() << std::endl << std::endl; printf("Default PTZ Timeout: %ds\n", *tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultPTZTimeout/1000); printf("Pan Min Limit: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->PanTiltLimits->Range->XRange->Min); printf("Pan Max Limit: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->PanTiltLimits->Range->XRange->Max); printf("Tilt Min limit: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->PanTiltLimits->Range->YRange->Min); printf("Tilt Max limit: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->PanTiltLimits->Range->YRange->Max); std::cout << "Coordinate System: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->PanTiltLimits->Range->URI.c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; printf("Zoom Min limit: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->ZoomLimits->Range->XRange->Min); printf("Zoom Max limit: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->ZoomLimits->Range->XRange->Max); printf("Default Pan Speed: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultPTZSpeed->PanTilt->x); printf("Default Tilt Speed: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultPTZSpeed->PanTilt->y); std::cout << "Coordinate System: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultPTZSpeed->PanTilt->space->c_str() << std::endl; printf("Default Zoom Speed: %f\n", tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultPTZSpeed->Zoom->x); std::cout << "Coordinate System: " << tptz__GetConfigurationResponse->PTZConfiguration->DefaultPTZSpeed->Zoom->space->c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; }else{ //PrintErr(proxyPTZ.soap); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); }
inline void innersimpleGsoap2() { struct soap *soap = soap_new(); soap_init(soap); soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_XML_GRAPH); soap_imode(soap, SOAP_XML_GRAPH); soap_begin(soap); _ns1__outersimpleGsoap2 input, output; input.soap = soap; ns1__innersimpleGsoap2 inner1; inner1.soap = soap; inner1.att1 = 1; inner1.att2 = 2; ns1__innersimpleGsoap2 inner2; inner2.soap = soap; inner2.att1 = 1; inner2.att2 = 2; input.att1 = &inner1; input.att2 = &inner2; boost::asio::streambuf streambuf; std::ostream *ost = new std::ostream(&streambuf); std::istream *ist = new std::istream(&streambuf); input.soap->os = ost; input.soap->is = ist; boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t; for(int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_LOOPS; ++i){ soap_write__ns1__outersimpleGsoap2(soap, &input); //streambuf.pubseekpos(0); //ost->rdbuf(&streambuf); //std::cout << "Str: " << streambuf.size() << endl; //break; soap_read__ns1__outersimpleGsoap2(soap, &output); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); soap_done(soap); }
inline void complexGsoap2() { struct soap *soap = soap_new(); soap_init(soap); soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_XML_GRAPH); soap_imode(soap, SOAP_XML_GRAPH); soap_begin(soap); _ns1__complexGsoap2 input, output; input.soap = soap; input.att1 = 0; input.att2 = 1; input.att3 = 0; input.att4 = 1; input.att5 = "TEST 0"; input.att6 = "TEST 1"; input.att7 = 2.5; input.att8 = 3.6; input.att9 = 27.1; input.att10 = 28.2; input.att11 = true; input.att12 = true; boost::asio::streambuf streambuf; std::ostream *ost = new std::ostream(&streambuf); std::istream *ist = new std::istream(&streambuf); input.soap->os = ost; input.soap->is = ist; boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t; for(int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_LOOPS; ++i){ soap_write__ns1__complexGsoap2(soap, &input); //streambuf.pubseekpos(0); //ost->rdbuf(&streambuf); //std::cout << "Str: " << streambuf.size() << endl; //break; soap_read__ns1__complexGsoap2(soap, &output); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); soap_done(soap); }
static void *_working_proc(void *param) #endif // win32 { struct soap *soap = (struct soap*)param; #ifdef WIN32 #else pthread_detach(pthread_self()); #endif// soap_serve((struct soap*)soap); soap_destroy((struct soap*)soap); // dealloc C++ data soap_end((struct soap*)soap); // dealloc data and clean up soap_done((struct soap*)soap); // detach soap struct soap_free(soap); return NULL; }
void send(const std::string& message) { struct soap account_info_soap; soap_init(&account_info_soap); if (soap_ssl_client_context(&account_info_soap, SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT | SOAP_SSL_ALLOW_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE, "client.key", /* keyfile: required only when client must authenticate to server (see SSL docs on how to obtain this file) */ NULL, /* password to read the key file (not used with GNUTLS) */ "server.crt", /* cacert file to store trusted certificates (needed to verify server) */ NULL, /* capath to directory with trusted certificates */ NULL /* if randfile!=NULL: use a file with random data to seed randomness */ )) { printf("Init soap ssl client context error \n"); return; } std::string server = ""; std::string result; account_info_soap.userid = "1"; account_info_soap.passwd = "cpp"; account_info_soap.connect_timeout = 60; /* try to connect for 1 minute */ account_info_soap.send_timeout = account_info_soap.recv_timeout = 30; /* if I/O stalls, then timeout after 30 seconds */ if (soap_call_ns__trade(&account_info_soap, server.c_str(), NULL, message, &result) == SOAP_OK) { printf("result is %s, thread id = %lu\n", result.c_str(), pthread_self()); } else { soap_print_fault(&account_info_soap, stderr); } soap_destroy(&account_info_soap); /* C++ */ soap_end(&account_info_soap); soap_done(&account_info_soap); //soap_free(&account_info_soap); usleep(1); }
int ONVIF_SEARCH_GetServiceCapabilities(char *username, char *password, char *searchService) { int retval = 0; struct soap *soap = NULL; struct _tse__GetServiceCapabilities search_GetServiceCapabilities_req; struct _tse__GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse search_GetServiceCapabilities_resp; struct SOAP_ENV__Header header; UserInfo_S stUserInfo; memset(&stUserInfo, 0, sizeof(UserInfo_S)); strcpy(stUserInfo.username, username); strcpy(stUserInfo.password, password); memset(&header,0,sizeof(header)); soap = ONVIF_Initsoap(&header, NULL, NULL, 5, &stUserInfo); char *soap_endpoint = (char *)malloc(256); memset(soap_endpoint, '\0', 256); sprintf(soap_endpoint, "%s", searchService); const char *soap_action = "http://www.onvif.org/ver20/search/wsdl/GetServiceCapabilities"; do { soap_call___tse__GetServiceCapabilities(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action, &search_GetServiceCapabilities_req, &search_GetServiceCapabilities_resp); if (soap->error) { printf("[%s][%d]--->>> soap error: %d, %s, %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap)); retval = soap->error; return retval; } else { printf("[%s][%d] success !\n", __func__, __LINE__); } }while(0); free(soap_endpoint); soap_endpoint = NULL; soap_destroy(soap); return retval; }
int main() { struct soap soap; init_received(); soap_init1(&soap, SOAP_IO_UDP); if (!soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(&soap, NULL, 10000, 100))) { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); exit(1); } for (;;) { printf("Accepting requests...\n"); if (soap_serve(&soap)) soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); } soap_done(&soap); return 0; }
inline void simpleGsoap10() { struct soap *soap = soap_new(); soap_init(soap); soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_XML_GRAPH); soap_imode(soap, SOAP_XML_GRAPH); soap_begin(soap); _ns1__simpleGsoap10 input, output; input.soap = soap; input.att1 = 1; input.att2 = 2; input.att3 = 3; input.att4 = 4; input.att5 = 5; input.att6 = 6; input.att7 = 7; input.att8 = 8; input.att9 = 9; input.att10 = 10; boost::asio::streambuf streambuf; std::ostream *ost = new std::ostream(&streambuf); std::istream *ist = new std::istream(&streambuf); input.soap->os = ost; input.soap->is = ist; boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t; for(int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_LOOPS; ++i){ soap_write__ns1__simpleGsoap10(soap, &input); //streambuf.pubseekpos(0); //ost->rdbuf(&streambuf); //std::cout << "Str: " << streambuf.size() << endl; //break; soap_read__ns1__simpleGsoap10(soap, &output); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); soap_done(soap); }
void *process_request(void *soap) { #ifdef _POSIX_THREADS pthread_detach(pthread_self()); #endif soap_ssl_accept((struct soap*)soap); // serve request (or multiple requests with keep-alive enabled) soap_serve((struct soap*)soap); // cleanup class instances soap_destroy((struct soap*)soap); // cleanup soap_end((struct soap*)soap); // detach and free thread's copy of soap environment soap_free((struct soap*)soap); return NULL; }
static DSL_int_t DSL_CPE_SOAP(DSL_CPE_Thread_Params_t *param) { Soap_env_t *pSoapEnv = (Soap_env_t *)param->nArg1; int s; /* slave socket */ int ret = 0; pSoapEnv->pid = DSL_CPE_ThreadIdGet(); pSoapEnv->server.soap.user = (DSL_void_t *)pSoapEnv; if ( ((Soap_env_t *)param->nArg1) == DSL_NULL) { return -1; } while (pSoapEnv->bRun) { s = soap_accept (&pSoapEnv->server.soap); if ( s < 0 ) { if (pSoapEnv->bRun == 0) break; /* timeout -> continue */ /*DSL_CCA_DEBUG(DSL_CCA_DBG_ERR, (DSL_CPE_PREFIX "SOAP socket time out (error %d)" DSL_CPE_CRLF, s));*/ continue; } if (soap_serve(&pSoapEnv->server.soap) != SOAP_OK) /* process RPC request */ { /*soap_print_fault(&pSoapEnv->server.soap, stderr);*/ /* print error */ } soap_destroy (&pSoapEnv->server.soap); /* clean up class instances */ soap_end (&pSoapEnv->server.soap); } soap_end(&pSoapEnv->server.soap); soap_done(&pSoapEnv->server.soap); /* close master socket and detach environment */ pSoapEnv->pid = 0; return ret; }
void audioDB::ws_liszt(const char* dbName, char* Hostport){ struct soap soap; adb__lisztResponse adbLisztResponse; soap_init(&soap); if(soap_call_adb__liszt(&soap, hostport, NULL, (char*)dbName, lisztOffset, lisztLength, adbLisztResponse)==SOAP_OK){ for(int i = 0; i < adbLisztResponse.result.__sizeRkey; i++) { std::cout << "[" << i+lisztOffset << "] " << adbLisztResponse.result.Rkey[i] << " (" << adbLisztResponse.result.Rlen[i] << ")" << std::endl; } } else { char fault[MAXSTR]; soap_sprint_fault(&soap, fault, MAXSTR); error(fault); } soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); }
int OnvifClientPTZ::getPTZConfigurations(){ if (SOAP_OK != soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(proxyPTZ.soap, NULL, _user.c_str(), _password.c_str())){ return -1; } _tptz__GetConfigurations *tptz__GetConfigurations = soap_new__tptz__GetConfigurations(soap, -1); _tptz__GetConfigurationsResponse *tptz__GetConfigurationsResponse = soap_new__tptz__GetConfigurationsResponse(soap, -1); if(SOAP_OK == proxyPTZ.GetConfigurations(tptz__GetConfigurations, tptz__GetConfigurationsResponse)){ for(int i = 0; i<tptz__GetConfigurationsResponse->PTZConfiguration.size(); ++i){ std::cout << "ConfigurationToken #" << i << ": " << tptz__GetConfigurationsResponse->PTZConfiguration[i]->token << std::endl; } }else{ //PrintErr(proxyPTZ.soap); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); }
int OnvifClientPTZ::goToHomePosition(std::string profileToken){ if (SOAP_OK != soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(proxyPTZ.soap, NULL, _user.c_str(), _password.c_str())){ return -1; } _tptz__GotoHomePosition *tptz__GotoHomePosition = soap_new__tptz__GotoHomePosition(soap, -1); _tptz__GotoHomePositionResponse *tptz__GotoHomePositionResponse = soap_new__tptz__GotoHomePositionResponse(soap, -1); tptz__GotoHomePosition->ProfileToken = profileToken; if(SOAP_OK == proxyPTZ.GotoHomePosition(tptz__GotoHomePosition, tptz__GotoHomePositionResponse)){ }else{ //PrintErr(proxyPTZ.soap); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); }
static int getImage(const char *name, const char *url, const char *outputfile) { struct soap soap; xsd__base64Binary image; soap_init(&soap); soap.user = (void*)outputfile; soap.fdimewriteopen = dime_write_open; soap.fdimewriteclose = dime_write_close; soap.fdimewrite = dime_write; soap.connect_timeout = 10; int nRet = soap_call_ns__getImage(&soap, url, "", (char *)name, image); if (nRet != SOAP_OK) { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } else { printf("got an image, I suppose\n"); } soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); return nRet; }
int OnvifRemoteDiscoveryBindingService::run(int port) { if (soap_valid_socket(this->master) || bind(port)) { for (;;) { if (!soap_valid_socket(accept())) return this->error; if (serve()) return this->error; soap_destroy(this); soap_end(this); } } else { return this->error; } return SOAP_OK; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { SOAP_SOCKET m, s; struct soap soap; soap_init1(&soap, SOAP_IO_UDP); m = soap_bind(&soap, NULL, PORT, 100); /* reuse address */ soap.bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; if (!soap_valid_socket(m)) { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); exit(-1); } /* optionally join a multicast group */ if (MULTICAST_GROUP) { struct ip_mreq mreq; mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(MULTICAST_GROUP); mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (setsockopt(soap.socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)) < 0) { printf("setsockopt failed\n"); exit(-1); } } printf("socket bind success %d\n", m); for (;;) { printf("socket connect %d\n", s); s = soap_accept(&soap); if (!soap_valid_socket(s)) { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); exit(-1); } if (soap_serve(&soap) != SOAP_OK) { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); } soap_done(&soap); return 0; }
int run_client(int argc, char **argv) { struct soap soap; int ret = 0; #ifdef WITH_GZIP soap_init1(&soap, SOAP_ENC_MTOM | SOAP_ENC_ZLIB); /* Enable MTOM */ #else soap_init1(&soap, SOAP_ENC_MTOM); /* Enable MTOM */ #endif /* Set the MIME callbacks */ soap.fmimereadopen = mime_read_open; soap.fmimereadclose = mime_read_close; soap.fmimeread = mime_read; soap.fmimewriteopen = mime_client_write_open; soap.fmimewriteclose = mime_client_write_close; soap.fmimewrite = mime_client_write; /* Connect timeout value (sec) (not supported by Linux) */ soap.connect_timeout = 10; /* IO timeouts (sec) */ soap.send_timeout = 30; soap.recv_timeout = 30; /* Unix/Linux SIGPIPE, this is OS dependent: soap.accept_flags = SO_NOSIGPIPE; // some systems like this soap.socket_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; // others need this signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handle); // or a sigpipe handler (more portable) */ switch (argv[1][1]) { case 'p': ret = client_putData(&soap, argc, argv); break; case 'g': ret = client_getData(&soap, argc, argv); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mtom-stream-test -p file1 file2 file3 ...\n"); fprintf(stderr, " mtom-stream-test -g key1 key2 key3 ...\n"); } soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct soap soap; double a, b, result; if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: [add|sub|mul|div|pow] num num\n"); exit(0); } soap_init1(&soap, SOAP_XML_INDENT); a = strtod(argv[2], NULL); b = strtod(argv[3], NULL); switch (*argv[1]) { case 'a': soap_call_ns__add(&soap, server, "", a, b, &result); break; case 's': soap_call_ns__sub(&soap, server, "", a, b, &result); break; case 'm': soap_call_ns__mul(&soap, server, "", a, b, &result); break; case 'd': soap_call_ns__div(&soap, server, "", a, b, &result); break; case 'p': soap_call_ns__pow(&soap, server, "", a, b, &result); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command\n"); exit(0); } if (soap.error) { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); exit(1); } else printf("result = %g\n", result); soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); return 0; }
int OnvifClientPTZ::absoluteMove(std::string profileToken, float pan, float panSpeed, float tilt, float tiltSpeed, float zoom, float zoomSpeed){ if (SOAP_OK != soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(proxyPTZ.soap, NULL, _user.c_str(), _password.c_str())) { return -1; } _tptz__AbsoluteMove *tptz__AbsoluteMove = soap_new__tptz__AbsoluteMove(soap, -1); _tptz__AbsoluteMoveResponse *tptz__AbsoluteMoveResponse = soap_new__tptz__AbsoluteMoveResponse(soap, -1); tptz__AbsoluteMove->ProfileToken = profileToken; //setting pan and tilt tptz__AbsoluteMove->Position = soap_new_tt__PTZVector(soap, -1); tptz__AbsoluteMove->Position->PanTilt = soap_new_tt__Vector2D(soap, -1); tptz__AbsoluteMove->Speed = soap_new_tt__PTZSpeed(soap, -1); tptz__AbsoluteMove->Speed->PanTilt = soap_new_tt__Vector2D(soap, -1); //pan tptz__AbsoluteMove->Position->PanTilt->x = pan; tptz__AbsoluteMove->Speed->PanTilt->x = panSpeed; //tilt tptz__AbsoluteMove->Position->PanTilt->y = tilt; tptz__AbsoluteMove->Speed->PanTilt->y = tiltSpeed; //setting zoom tptz__AbsoluteMove->Position->Zoom = soap_new_tt__Vector1D(soap, -1); tptz__AbsoluteMove->Speed->Zoom = soap_new_tt__Vector1D(soap, -1); tptz__AbsoluteMove->Position->Zoom->x = zoom; tptz__AbsoluteMove->Speed->Zoom->x = zoomSpeed; if(SOAP_OK == proxyPTZ.AbsoluteMove(tptz__AbsoluteMove, tptz__AbsoluteMoveResponse)){ }else{ std::cout << "AbsoluteMove ERROR:" << std::endl; //PrintErr(proxyPTZ.soap); std::cout << std::endl; } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); }
int OnvifClientPTZ::getStatus(std::string profileToken){ if (SOAP_OK != soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(proxyPTZ.soap, NULL, _user.c_str(), _password.c_str())) { return -1; } _tptz__GetStatus *tptz__GetStatus = soap_new__tptz__GetStatus(soap, -1); _tptz__GetStatusResponse *tptz__GetStatusResponse = soap_new__tptz__GetStatusResponse(soap, -1); tptz__GetStatus->ProfileToken = profileToken.c_str(); if(SOAP_OK == proxyPTZ.GetStatus(tptz__GetStatus, tptz__GetStatusResponse)){ std::cout << "PAN: " << tptz__GetStatusResponse->PTZStatus->Position->PanTilt->x << std::endl << "TILT: " <<tptz__GetStatusResponse->PTZStatus->Position->PanTilt->y << std::endl; std::cout << "ZOOM:" << tptz__GetStatusResponse->PTZStatus->Position->Zoom->x << std::endl; //std::cout << "PanTilt:" << tptz__GetStatusResponse->PTZStatus->MoveStatus->PanTilt << std::endl << "ZoomStatus" << tptz__GetStatusResponse->PTZStatus->MoveStatus->Zoom << std::endl << "ERROR: " << tptz__GetStatusResponse->PTZStatus->Error << std::endl << "UtcTime: " << tptz__GetStatusResponse->PTZStatus->UtcTime << std::endl; }else{ //PrintErr(proxyPTZ.soap); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); }
int OnvifClientPTZ::stop(std::string profileToken, bool panTilt, bool zoom){ if (SOAP_OK != soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(proxyPTZ.soap, NULL, _user.c_str(), _password.c_str())) { return -1; } _tptz__Stop *tptz__Stop= soap_new__tptz__Stop(soap, -1); _tptz__StopResponse *tptz__StopResponse = soap_new__tptz__StopResponse(soap, -1); tptz__Stop->ProfileToken = profileToken; tptz__Stop->PanTilt = &panTilt; tptz__Stop->Zoom = &zoom; if(SOAP_OK == proxyPTZ.Stop(tptz__Stop, tptz__StopResponse)){ }else{ //PrintErr(proxyPTZ.soap); } soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); }