Exemple #1
static void
signal(void *unused, uintptr_t arg, struct pbuf *pbuf)
    debug("Signal function called\n");
    L4_Msg_t msg;

    L4_MsgTag_t tag = L4_Send((L4_ThreadId_t) arg);
    if (L4_IpcFailed(tag))
        L4_Word_t ec = L4_ErrorCode();
        printf("%s: IPC error\n", __FUNCTION__);
        assert(!(ec & 1));
    call_pbuf = pbuf;
Exemple #2
 * Init function to initialise the page table entries
pager_init(L4_Word_t low, L4_Word_t high)
  //The frames have been used to set up page table entries as well
    page_table = (sos_PTE*) low;
    // Use a simple algaebric formula to calculate optimum size of page table for the
    // amount of memory available
    //new_low points to the memory to be used now, memory low -> new_low is the pagetable
    new_low = ((double)high*sizeof(sos_PTE)+PAGESIZE*(double)low)/
    // align it
    new_low = (new_low/PAGESIZE)*PAGESIZE + PAGESIZE;          
    numPTE = (high-new_low)/PAGESIZE;

    printf("low: %lx new_low: %lx high: %lx numPTE: %d \n", low, new_low, high, numPTE);
    //printf("value of swap memory %p \n",swap_table);
    // initialize the empty page table.
    for (int i = 0; i < numPTE; i++)
        page_table[i].tid = L4_nilthread;
	page_table[i].referenced = 0;
	page_table[i].dirty = 0;
	page_table[i].being_updated = 0;
	page_table[i].error_in_transfer = 0;
        page_table[i].pinned = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<MAX_SWAP_ENTRIES;i++) {
        swap_table[i].tid = L4_nilthread;
	swap_table[i].offset = PTE_SENTINEL;
	//Initially all entries are free so each points to the next one in the table
	swap_table[i].next_free = i+1;
    // add a guard page against stack overflows and let it map to 0 
    L4_Word_t guardPage = 0x7000000;
    L4_PhysDesc_t phys = L4_PhysDesc(0, L4_DefaultMemory);
    L4_Fpage_t targetFpage = L4_FpageLog2(guardPage, 12);
    L4_Set_Rights(&targetFpage, L4_Readable);
    if ( !L4_MapFpage(L4_Myself(), targetFpage, phys) ) {
        printf(" Can't map guard page\n");
    return new_low;
Exemple #3
 * Function invoked by roottask on pagefault
pager(L4_ThreadId_t tid, L4_Msg_t *msgP)
    send = 1;
    // Get the faulting address
    L4_Word_t addr = L4_MsgWord(msgP, 0);
    L4_Word_t physicalAddress = 0;
    L4_Word_t permission = 0;
    L4_MsgTag_t tag;
    // Alignment
    addr = (addr / PAGESIZE)*PAGESIZE;
    tag = L4_MsgMsgTag(msgP);
    L4_Word_t access_type = L4_Label(tag) & 0x07;

    //printf("pager invoked addr=%lx by %lx %lx for access 0x%lx\n", addr,L4_ThreadNo(tid),tid.raw,access_type);

    // Construct fpage IPC message
    L4_Fpage_t targetFpage = L4_FpageLog2(addr, 12);
      if(addr >= BASE_CODE_SEGMENT_ADDRESS) {
	//Code segment
	int inPage = isInPage(tid,targetFpage);
	if(inPage == -1) {
	  //It should be in page table so this should not happen
	  printf("Panic !!! Cannot load the code segment");
	} else {
	  physicalAddress = new_low + inPage*PAGESIZE;
	  permission = L4_FullyAccessible;
      } else {
	//Heap and stack
    	int inPage = isInPage(tid, targetFpage);
    	if (inPage == -1)
	  //We need to check if the page is in swap
	    inPage = isInSwap(tid,targetFpage);
	    mapAddress(tid, targetFpage,inPage);
	    //We dont need to map any addresses here as mapAddresses maps the addresses
	    return send;
    	} else {
    	    physicalAddress = new_low+inPage*PAGESIZE;
	    targetFpage = page_table[inPage].pageNo;
	    page_table[inPage].referenced = 1;
	    if(access_type & L4_Writable) {
	      //We now need to set the dirty bit and provide read write access
	      page_table[inPage].dirty = 1;
	      permission = L4_ReadWriteOnly;
	    } else {
	      permission = L4_Readable;
    } else {
        // we need to map physical addresses 1:1
        physicalAddress = addr;
        if(addr < new_low) {
	        // This is beyond the low memory range ie the page table
	        // and some other addresses which is below the low range
	        permission = L4_FullyAccessible;
        } else {
	        // This would be the code segment between the new_low and high
	        permission = L4_Readable;
    L4_PhysDesc_t phys = L4_PhysDesc(physicalAddress, L4_DefaultMemory);

    if ( !L4_MapFpage(tid, targetFpage, phys) ) {
        printf(" Can't map page at %lx\n", addr);
    return send;