double ptod( double ax, double ay, double bx, double by ){

	double A;
	A = square( bx - ax ) + square( by - ay );
	A = sqrtd( A );
	return A;

uint8_t trilaterate( uint8_t i1, uint8_t i2, uint8_t i3 ){

	double x_1, y_1;
	double x_2, y_2;
	double x_3, y_3;

	double r1, r2, r3;

	double dsq, gam;
	double xa, ya, xb, yb;
	double xt1, yt1;
	double xt2, yt2;
	double d1, d2;

	// get positions of anchor
	x_1 = anchor[i1].x;
	y_1 = anchor[i1].y;

	x_2 = anchor[i2].x;
	y_2 = anchor[i2].y;

	x_3 = anchor[i3].x;
	y_3 = anchor[i3].y;

	r1 = anchor[i1].d;
	r2 = anchor[i2].d;
	r3 = anchor[i3].d;

	// Find the two intersection points of the two circles

	dsq = square(x_2-x_1) + square(y_2-y_1);
	gam = (square(r2+r1) - dsq) * (dsq - square(r2-r1));
#ifdef __DEBUG_MODE__
	dbg( 1, anchor[i1].id, x_1, y_1, r1 );
	dbg( 2, anchor[i2].id, x_2, y_2, r2 );
	dbg( 3, anchor[i3].id, x_3, y_3, r3 );
//	dbg( 1, 364, r1, r2, r3 );
//	dbg( 2, 370, dsq, square(x_2-x_1), square(y_2-y_1) );
//	dbg( 3, 371, gam, (square(r2+r1) - dsq), (dsq - square(r2-r1)) );
//	dbg_out();
	if( gam < 0 || dsq <=0 ){

	gam = sqrtd( gam );

	xa = -(square(r2) - square(r1)) * (x_2-x_1)/(2.0 * dsq) + (x_1+x_2)*0.5;
	ya = -(square(r2) - square(r1)) * (y_2-y_1)/(2.0 * dsq) + (y_1+y_2)*0.5;

	xb = (y_2-y_1) * gam/(2.0*dsq);
	yb = (x_2-x_1) * gam/(2.0*dsq);

	xt1 = xa - xb;
	xt2 = xa + xb;
	yt1 = ya + yb;
	yt2 = ya - yb;

	// disambiguate between the two points using the third node
	d1 = sqrtd( square( xt1 - x_3 ) + square( yt1 - y_3 ));
	d2 = sqrtd( square( xt2 - x_3 ) + square( yt2 - y_3 ));

	if( dabs( d1 - r3 ) < dabs( d2 - r3 ) ){
		delta_x = xt1;
		delta_y = yt1;
	else {
		delta_x = xt2;
		delta_y = yt2;

	return 0;

Exemple #3
DOUBLE                            /*{ ret - acosd(x)       }*/
  DOUBLE x                        /*{ (i) - input value x  }*/
    DOUBLE y, g;
    DOUBLE num, den, result;
    LONG i;

    /*{ y = |x| }*/
    y = x;
    if (y < (DOUBLE)0.0)
        y = -y;

    /*{ if y > 0.5 }*/
    if (y > (DOUBLE)0.5)
        /*{ set i = 0 }*/
        i = 0;

        /*{ if y > 0, return error }*/
        if (y > (DOUBLE)1.0)
            result = 0.0;
            return result;

        /*{ g = (1 - y)/2 }*/
        g = SUBD(1.0, y);
        g = MPYD(0.5, g);

        /*{ y = -2/sqrt(g) }*/
        y = sqrtd(g);
        y = MPYD(y, -2.0);
    /*{ else y <= 0.5 }*/
        /*{ set i = 1 }*/
        i = 1;

        /*{ if y < eps }*/
        if (y < EPS_DOUBLE)
            result = y;

            /*{ if x < 0, result = PI/2 + result }*/
            /* (but more mathematically stable) */
            if (x < (DOUBLE)0.0)
                result = ADDD(PI_4, result);
                result = ADDD(result, PI_4);
            /*{ else x >=0, result = PI/2 - result }*/
            /* (but more mathematically stable) */
                result = SUBD(PI_4, result);
                result = ADDD(result, PI_4);

            /*{ return result }*/
            return result;

        /*{ g = y * y }*/
        g = MPYD(y, y);

    /*{ result = y + y*R(g) }*/
    /*{ R(g) = g*P(g)/Q(g) }*/
    /*{ P(g) = (((p5 * g + p4) * g + p3) * g + p2) * g + p1 }*/
    num = MPYD(ASINDP_COEF5, g);
    num = ADDD(num, ASINDP_COEF4);
    num = MPYD(num, g);
    num = ADDD(num, ASINDP_COEF3);
    num = MPYD(num, g);
    num = ADDD(num, ASINDP_COEF2);
    num = MPYD(num, g);
    num = ADDD(num, ASINDP_COEF1);
    num = MPYD(num, g);

    /*{ Q(g) = ((((g + q4) * g + q3) * g + q2) * g + q1) * g + q0 }*/
    den = ADDD(g, ASINDQ_COEF4);
    den = MPYD(den, g);
    den = ADDD(den, ASINDQ_COEF3);
    den = MPYD(den, g);
    den = ADDD(den, ASINDQ_COEF2);
    den = MPYD(den, g);
    den = ADDD(den, ASINDQ_COEF1);
    den = MPYD(den, g);
    den = ADDD(den, ASINDQ_COEF0);

    result = DIVD(num, den);
    result = MPYD(result, y);
    result = ADDD(result, y);

    /*{ if x < 0 }*/
    if (x < (DOUBLE)0.0)
        /*{ if i == 0, result = PI + result }*/
        /* (but more mathematically stable) */
        if (i == 0)
            result = ADDD(result, PI_2);
            result = ADDD(result, PI_2);
        /*{ if i == 1, result = PI/2 + result }*/
        /* (but more mathematically stable) */
            result = ADDD(PI_4, result);
            result = ADDD(result, PI_4);
    /*{ else x >= 0 }*/
        /*{ if i == 1, result = PI/2 - result }*/
        /* (but more mathematically stable) */
        if (i == 1)
            result = SUBD(PI_4, result);
            result = ADDD(result, PI_4);
        /*{ if i == 0, result = -result }*/
            result = -result;

    /*{ return result }*/
    return result;