Exemple #1
GLOffscreen::GLOffscreen() : _pixels(NULL), _pixels_inv(NULL), _width(0), _height(0) {
#ifndef __APPLE__
    ssassert(glewInit() == GLEW_OK, "Unexpected GLEW failure");

    ssassert(GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, "Expected an available FBO extension");

    glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &_framebuffer);
    glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &_color_renderbuffer);
    glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &_depth_renderbuffer);
void ConstraintBase::ModifyToSatisfy() {
    if(type == Type::ANGLE) {
        Vector a = SK.GetEntity(entityA)->VectorGetNum();
        Vector b = SK.GetEntity(entityB)->VectorGetNum();
        if(other) a = a.ScaledBy(-1);
        if(workplane.v != EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
            a = a.ProjectVectorInto(workplane);
            b = b.ProjectVectorInto(workplane);
        double c = (a.Dot(b))/(a.Magnitude() * b.Magnitude());
        valA = acos(c)*180/PI;
    } else {
        // We'll fix these ones up by looking at their symbolic equation;
        // that means no extra work.
        IdList<Equation,hEquation> l = {};
        // Generate the equations even if this is a reference dimension
        ssassert(l.n == 1, "Expected constraint to generate a single equation");

        // These equations are written in the form f(...) - d = 0, where
        // d is the value of the valA.
        valA += (l.elem[0].e)->Eval();

Exemple #3
void SolveSpaceUI::MenuHelp(Command id) {
    switch(id) {
        case Command::WEBSITE:

        case Command::ABOUT:
"This is SolveSpace version " PACKAGE_VERSION ".\n"
"For more information, see http://solvespace.com/\n"
"SolveSpace is free software: you are free to modify\n"
"and/or redistribute it under the terms of the GNU\n"
"General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.\n"
"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by\n"
"law. For details, visit http://gnu.org/licenses/\n"
"© 2008-2016 Jonathan Westhues and other authors.\n"

        default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID");
Expr *ConstraintBase::Distance(hEntity wrkpl, hEntity hpa, hEntity hpb) {
    EntityBase *pa = SK.GetEntity(hpa);
    EntityBase *pb = SK.GetEntity(hpb);
    ssassert(pa->IsPoint() && pb->IsPoint(),
             "Expected two points to measure projected distance between");

    if(wrkpl.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
        // This is true distance
        ExprVector ea, eb, eab;
        ea = pa->PointGetExprs();
        eb = pb->PointGetExprs();
        eab = ea.Minus(eb);

        return eab.Magnitude();
    } else {
        // This is projected distance, in the given workplane.
        Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv;

        pa->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(wrkpl, &au, &av);
        pb->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(wrkpl, &bu, &bv);

        Expr *du = au->Minus(bu);
        Expr *dv = av->Minus(bv);

        return ((du->Square())->Plus(dv->Square()))->Sqrt();
Expr *ConstraintBase::VectorsParallel(int eq, ExprVector a, ExprVector b) {
    ExprVector r = a.Cross(b);
    // Hairy ball theorem screws me here. There's no clean solution that I
    // know, so let's pivot on the initial numerical guess. Our caller
    // has ensured that if one of our input vectors is already known (e.g.
    // it's from a previous group), then that one's in a; so that one's
    // not going to move, and we should pivot on that one.
    double mx = fabs((a.x)->Eval());
    double my = fabs((a.y)->Eval());
    double mz = fabs((a.z)->Eval());
    // The basis vector in which the vectors have the LEAST energy is the
    // one that we should look at most (e.g. if both vectors lie in the xy
    // plane, then the z component of the cross product is most important).
    // So find the strongest component of a and b, and that's the component
    // of the cross product to ignore.
    Expr *e0, *e1;
    if(mx > my && mx > mz) {
        e0 = r.y; e1 = r.z;
    } else if(my > mz) {
        e0 = r.z; e1 = r.x;
    } else {
        e0 = r.x; e1 = r.y;

    if(eq == 0) return e0;
    if(eq == 1) return e1;
    ssassert(false, "Unexpected index of equation");
Exemple #6
int StepFileWriter::ExportCurveLoop(SBezierLoop *loop, bool inner) {
    ssassert(loop->l.n >= 1, "Expected at least one loop");

    List<int> listOfTrims = {};

    SBezier *sb = &(loop->l.elem[loop->l.n - 1]);

    // Generate "exactly closed" contours, with the same vertex id for the
    // finish of a previous edge and the start of the next one. So we need
    // the finish of the last Bezier in the loop before we start our process.
    fprintf(f, "#%d=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(%.10f,%.10f,%.10f));\n",
        id, CO(sb->Finish()));
    fprintf(f, "#%d=VERTEX_POINT('',#%d);\n", id+1, id);
    int lastFinish = id + 1, prevFinish = lastFinish;
    id += 2;

    for(sb = loop->l.First(); sb; sb = loop->l.NextAfter(sb)) {
        int curveId = ExportCurve(sb);

        int thisFinish;
        if(loop->l.NextAfter(sb) != NULL) {
            fprintf(f, "#%d=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(%.10f,%.10f,%.10f));\n",
                id, CO(sb->Finish()));
            fprintf(f, "#%d=VERTEX_POINT('',#%d);\n", id+1, id);
            thisFinish = id + 1;
            id += 2;
        } else {
            thisFinish = lastFinish;

        fprintf(f, "#%d=EDGE_CURVE('',#%d,#%d,#%d,%s);\n",
            id, prevFinish, thisFinish, curveId, ".T.");
        fprintf(f, "#%d=ORIENTED_EDGE('',*,*,#%d,.T.);\n",
            id+1, id);

        int oe = id+1;
        id += 2;

        prevFinish = thisFinish;

    fprintf(f, "#%d=EDGE_LOOP('',(", id);
    int *oe;
    for(oe = listOfTrims.First(); oe; oe = listOfTrims.NextAfter(oe)) {
        fprintf(f, "#%d", *oe);
        if(listOfTrims.NextAfter(oe) != NULL) fprintf(f, ",");
    fprintf(f, "));\n");

    int fb = id + 1;
        fprintf(f, "#%d=%s('',#%d,.T.);\n",
            fb, inner ? "FACE_BOUND" : "FACE_OUTER_BOUND", id);

    id += 2;

    return fb;
Exemple #7
bool SolveSpaceUI::OkayToStartNewFile() {
    if(!unsaved) return true;

    switch(SaveFileYesNoCancel()) {
        case DIALOG_YES:
            return GetFilenameAndSave(/*saveAs=*/false);

        case DIALOG_NO:
            return true;

        case DIALOG_CANCEL:
            return false;
    ssassert(false, "Unexpected dialog choice");
Exemple #8
bool SolveSpaceUI::PruneRequests(hGroup hg) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < SK.entity.n; i++) {
        Entity *e = &(SK.entity.elem[i]);
        if(e->group.v != hg.v) continue;

        if(EntityExists(e->workplane)) continue;

        ssassert(e->h.isFromRequest(), "Only explicitly created entities can be pruned");

        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #9
void TextWindow::ScreenChangeStyleColor(int link, uint32_t v) {
    hStyle hs = { v };
    Style *s = Style::Get(hs);
    // Same function used for stroke and fill colors
    Edit em;
    RgbaColor rgb;
    if(link == 's') {
        em = Edit::STYLE_COLOR;
        rgb = s->color;
    } else if(link == 'f') {
        em = Edit::STYLE_FILL_COLOR;
        rgb = s->fillColor;
    } else ssassert(false, "Unexpected link");
    SS.TW.ShowEditControlWithColorPicker(13, rgb);
    SS.TW.edit.style = hs;
    SS.TW.edit.meaning = em;
Exemple #10
void SolveSpaceUI::PopOntoCurrentFrom(UndoStack *uk) {
    int i;

    ssassert(uk->cnt > 0, "Cannot pop from empty undo stack");
    uk->write = WRAP(uk->write - 1, MAX_UNDO);

    UndoState *ut = &(uk->d[uk->write]);

    // Free everything in the main copy of the program before replacing it
    for(i = 0; i < SK.groupOrder.n; i++) {
        Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SK.groupOrder.elem[i]);

    // And then do a shallow copy of the state from the undo list
    for(i = 0; i < ut->groupOrder.n; i++)
    SS.GW.activeGroup = ut->activeGroup;

    // No need to free it, since a shallow copy was made above
    *ut = {};

    // And reset the state everywhere else in the program, since the
    // sketch just changed a lot.

    // Activate the group that was active before.
    Group *activeGroup = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup);
Exemple #11
void TextWindow::ScreenChangeStyleMetric(int link, uint32_t v) {
    hStyle hs = { v };
    Style *s = Style::Get(hs);
    double val;
    Style::UnitsAs units;
    Edit meaning;
    int col;
    switch(link) {
        case 't':
            val = s->textHeight;
            units = s->textHeightAs;
            col = 10;
            meaning = Edit::STYLE_TEXT_HEIGHT;

        case 's':
            val = s->stippleScale;
            units = s->widthAs;
            col = 17;
            meaning = Edit::STYLE_STIPPLE_PERIOD;

        case 'w':
        case 'W':
            val = s->width;
            units = s->widthAs;
            col = 9;
            meaning = Edit::STYLE_WIDTH;

        default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected link");

    std::string edit_value;
    if(units == Style::UnitsAs::PIXELS) {
        edit_value = ssprintf("%.2f", val);
    } else {
        edit_value = SS.MmToString(val);
    SS.TW.ShowEditControl(col, edit_value);
    SS.TW.edit.style = hs;
    SS.TW.edit.meaning = meaning;
Exemple #12
void *MemAlloc(size_t n) {
    void *p = malloc(n);
    ssassert(p != NULL, "Cannot allocate memory");
    return p;
Exemple #13
void TtfFont::PlotString(const std::string &str,
                         SBezierList *sbl, Vector origin, Vector u, Vector v)
    ssassert(fontFace != NULL, "Expected font face to be loaded");

    FT_Pos dx = 0;
    for(char32_t chr : ReadUTF8(str)) {
        uint32_t gid = FT_Get_Char_Index(fontFace, chr);
        if (gid == 0) {
            dbp("freetype: CID-to-GID mapping for CID 0x%04x failed: %s; using CID as GID",
                chr, ft_error_string(gid));

        FT_F26Dot6 scale = fontFace->units_per_EM;
        if(int fterr = FT_Set_Char_Size(fontFace, scale, scale, 72, 72)) {
            dbp("freetype: cannot set character size: %s",

         * Stupid hacks:
         *  - if we want fake-bold, use FT_Outline_Embolden(). This actually looks
         *    quite good.
         *  - if we want fake-italic, apply a shear transform [1 s s 1 0 0] here using
         *    FT_Set_Transform. This looks decent at small font sizes and bad at larger
         *    ones, antialiasing mitigates this considerably though.
        if(int fterr = FT_Load_Glyph(fontFace, gid, FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING)) {
            dbp("freetype: cannot load glyph (gid %d): %s",
                gid, ft_error_string(fterr));

        /* A point that has x = xMin should be plotted at (dx0 + lsb); fix up
         * our x-position so that the curve-generating code will put stuff
         * at the right place.
         * There's no point in getting the glyph BBox here - not only can it be
         * needlessly slow sometimes, but because we're about to render a single glyph,
         * what we want actually *is* the CBox.
         * This is notwithstanding that this makes extremely little sense, this
         * looks like a workaround for either mishandling the start glyph on a line,
         * or as a really hacky pseudo-track-kerning (in which case it works better than
         * one would expect! especially since most fonts don't set track kerning).
        FT_BBox cbox;
        FT_Outline_Get_CBox(&fontFace->glyph->outline, &cbox);
        FT_Pos bx = dx - cbox.xMin;
        // Yes, this is what FreeType calls left-side bearing.
        // Then interchangeably uses that with "left-side bearing". Sigh.
        bx += fontFace->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX;

        OutlineData data = {};
        data.origin  = origin;
        data.u       = u;
        data.v       = v;
        data.beziers = sbl;
        data.factor  = 1.0f/(float)scale;
        data.bx      = bx;
        if(int fterr = FT_Outline_Decompose(&fontFace->glyph->outline, &outline_funcs, &data)) {
            dbp("freetype: bezier decomposition failed (gid %d): %s",
                gid, ft_error_string(fterr));

        // And we're done, so advance our position by the requested advance
        // width, plus the user-requested extra advance.
        dx += fontFace->glyph->advance.x;
Exemple #14
FILE *ssfopen(const std::string &filename, const char *mode)
    ssassert(filename.length() == strlen(filename.c_str()),
             "Unexpected null byte in middle of a path");
    return fopen(filename.c_str(), mode);
Exemple #15
void SolveSpaceUI::MenuAnalyze(Command id) {
#define gs (SS.GW.gs)

    switch(id) {
        case Command::STEP_DIM:
            if(gs.constraints == 1 && gs.n == 0) {
                Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(gs.constraint[0]);
                if(c->HasLabel() && !c->reference) {
                    SS.TW.shown.dimFinish = c->valA;
                    SS.TW.shown.dimSteps = 10;
                    SS.TW.shown.dimIsDistance =
                        (c->type != Constraint::Type::ANGLE) &&
                        (c->type != Constraint::Type::LENGTH_RATIO) &&
                        (c->type != Constraint::Type::LENGTH_DIFFERENCE);
                    SS.TW.shown.constraint = c->h;
                    SS.TW.shown.screen = TextWindow::Screen::STEP_DIMENSION;

                    // The step params are specified in the text window,
                    // so force that to be shown.

                } else {
                    Error("Constraint must have a label, and must not be "
                          "a reference dimension.");
            } else {
                Error("Bad selection for step dimension; select a constraint.");

        case Command::NAKED_EDGES: {

            Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup);
            SMesh *m = &(g->displayMesh);
            SKdNode *root = SKdNode::From(m);
            bool inters, leaks;
                EdgeKind::NAKED_OR_SELF_INTER, /*coplanarIsInter=*/true, &inters, &leaks);


            const char *intersMsg = inters ?
                "The mesh is self-intersecting (NOT okay, invalid)." :
                "The mesh is not self-intersecting (okay, valid).";
            const char *leaksMsg = leaks ?
                "The mesh has naked edges (NOT okay, invalid)." :
                "The mesh is watertight (okay, valid).";

            std::string cntMsg = ssprintf("\n\nThe model contains %d triangles, from "
                            "%d surfaces.", g->displayMesh.l.n, g->runningShell.surface.n);

            if(SS.nakedEdges.l.n == 0) {
                Message("%s\n\n%s\n\nZero problematic edges, good.%s",
                    intersMsg, leaksMsg, cntMsg.c_str());
            } else {
                Error("%s\n\n%s\n\n%d problematic edges, bad.%s",
                    intersMsg, leaksMsg, SS.nakedEdges.l.n, cntMsg.c_str());

        case Command::INTERFERENCE: {

            SMesh *m = &(SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup)->displayMesh);
            SKdNode *root = SKdNode::From(m);
            bool inters, leaks;
                EdgeKind::SELF_INTER, /*coplanarIsInter=*/false, &inters, &leaks);


            if(inters) {
                Error("%d edges interfere with other triangles, bad.",
            } else {
                Message("The assembly does not interfere, good.");

        case Command::VOLUME: {
            SMesh *m = &(SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup)->displayMesh);

            double vol = 0;
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < m->l.n; i++) {
                STriangle tr = m->l.elem[i];

                // Translate to place vertex A at (x, y, 0)
                Vector trans = Vector::From(tr.a.x, tr.a.y, 0);
                tr.a = (tr.a).Minus(trans);
                tr.b = (tr.b).Minus(trans);
                tr.c = (tr.c).Minus(trans);

                // Rotate to place vertex B on the y-axis. Depending on
                // whether the triangle is CW or CCW, C is either to the
                // right or to the left of the y-axis. This handles the
                // sign of our normal.
                Vector u = Vector::From(-tr.b.y, tr.b.x, 0);
                u = u.WithMagnitude(1);
                Vector v = Vector::From(tr.b.x, tr.b.y, 0);
                v = v.WithMagnitude(1);
                Vector n = Vector::From(0, 0, 1);

                tr.a = (tr.a).DotInToCsys(u, v, n);
                tr.b = (tr.b).DotInToCsys(u, v, n);
                tr.c = (tr.c).DotInToCsys(u, v, n);

                n = tr.Normal().WithMagnitude(1);

                // Triangles on edge don't contribute
                if(fabs(n.z) < LENGTH_EPS) continue;

                // The plane has equation p dot n = a dot n
                double d = (tr.a).Dot(n);
                // nx*x + ny*y + nz*z = d
                // nz*z = d - nx*x - ny*y
                double A = -n.x/n.z, B = -n.y/n.z, C = d/n.z;

                double mac = tr.c.y/tr.c.x, mbc = (tr.c.y - tr.b.y)/tr.c.x;
                double xc = tr.c.x, yb = tr.b.y;

                // I asked Maple for
                //    int(int(A*x + B*y +C, y=mac*x..(mbc*x + yb)), x=0..xc);
                double integral =

                vol += integral;

            std::string msg = ssprintf("The volume of the solid model is:\n\n""    %.3f %s^3",
                vol / pow(SS.MmPerUnit(), 3),

            if(SS.viewUnits == Unit::MM) {
                msg += ssprintf("\n    %.2f mL", vol/(10*10*10));
            msg += "\n\nCurved surfaces have been approximated as triangles.\n"
                   "This introduces error, typically of around 1%.";
            Message("%s", msg.c_str());

        case Command::AREA: {
            Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup);
            if(g->polyError.how != PolyError::GOOD) {
                Error("This group does not contain a correctly-formed "
                      "2d closed area. It is open, not coplanar, or self-"
            SEdgeList sel = {};
            SPolygon sp = {};
            sel.AssemblePolygon(&sp, NULL, /*keepDir=*/true);
            sp.normal = sp.ComputeNormal();
            double area = sp.SignedArea();
            double scale = SS.MmPerUnit();
            Message("The area of the region sketched in this group is:\n\n"
                    "    %.3f %s^2\n\n"
                    "Curves have been approximated as piecewise linear.\n"
                    "This introduces error, typically of around 1%%.",
                area / (scale*scale),

        case Command::SHOW_DOF:
            // This works like a normal solve, except that it calculates
            // which variables are free/bound at the same time.
            SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::Generate::ALL, true);

        case Command::TRACE_PT:
            if(gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 1) {
                SS.traced.point = gs.point[0];
            } else {
                Error("Bad selection for trace; select a single point.");

        case Command::STOP_TRACING: {
            std::string exportFile;
            if(GetSaveFile(&exportFile, "", CsvFileFilter)) {
                FILE *f = ssfopen(exportFile, "wb");
                if(f) {
                    int i;
                    SContour *sc = &(SS.traced.path);
                    for(i = 0; i < sc->l.n; i++) {
                        Vector p = sc->l.elem[i].p;
                        double s = SS.exportScale;
                        fprintf(f, "%.10f, %.10f, %.10f\r\n",
                            p.x/s, p.y/s, p.z/s);
                } else {
                    Error("Couldn't write to '%s'", exportFile.c_str());
            // Clear the trace, and stop tracing
            SS.traced.point = Entity::NO_ENTITY;

        default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID");
Exemple #16
void SolveSpaceUI::MenuFile(Command id) {
    if((uint32_t)id >= (uint32_t)Command::RECENT_OPEN &&
       (uint32_t)id < ((uint32_t)Command::RECENT_OPEN+MAX_RECENT)) {
        if(!SS.OkayToStartNewFile()) return;

        std::string newFile = RecentFile[(uint32_t)id - (uint32_t)Command::RECENT_OPEN];

    switch(id) {
        case Command::NEW:
            if(!SS.OkayToStartNewFile()) break;

            SS.saveFile = "";

        case Command::OPEN: {
            if(!SS.OkayToStartNewFile()) break;

            std::string newFile;
            if(GetOpenFile(&newFile, "", SlvsFileFilter)) {

        case Command::SAVE:

        case Command::SAVE_AS:

        case Command::EXPORT_PNG: {
            std::string exportFile;
            if(!GetSaveFile(&exportFile, "", PngFileFilter)) break;

        case Command::EXPORT_VIEW: {
            std::string exportFile;
            if(!GetSaveFile(&exportFile, CnfThawString("", "ViewExportFormat"),
                            VectorFileFilter)) break;
            CnfFreezeString(Extension(exportFile), "ViewExportFormat");

            // If the user is exporting something where it would be
            // inappropriate to include the constraints, then warn.
            if(SS.GW.showConstraints &&
                (FilenameHasExtension(exportFile, ".txt") ||
                 fabs(SS.exportOffset) > LENGTH_EPS))
                Message("Constraints are currently shown, and will be exported "
                        "in the toolpath. This is probably not what you want; "
                        "hide them by clicking the link at the top of the "
                        "text window.");

            SS.ExportViewOrWireframeTo(exportFile, /*exportWireframe*/false);

        case Command::EXPORT_WIREFRAME: {
            std::string exportFile;
            if(!GetSaveFile(&exportFile, CnfThawString("", "WireframeExportFormat"),
                            Vector3dFileFilter)) break;
            CnfFreezeString(Extension(exportFile), "WireframeExportFormat");

            SS.ExportViewOrWireframeTo(exportFile, /*exportWireframe*/true);

        case Command::EXPORT_SECTION: {
            std::string exportFile;
            if(!GetSaveFile(&exportFile, CnfThawString("", "SectionExportFormat"),
                            VectorFileFilter)) break;
            CnfFreezeString(Extension(exportFile), "SectionExportFormat");


        case Command::EXPORT_MESH: {
            std::string exportFile;
            if(!GetSaveFile(&exportFile, CnfThawString("", "MeshExportFormat"),
                            MeshFileFilter)) break;
            CnfFreezeString(Extension(exportFile), "MeshExportFormat");


        case Command::EXPORT_SURFACES: {
            std::string exportFile;
            if(!GetSaveFile(&exportFile, CnfThawString("", "SurfacesExportFormat"),
                            SurfaceFileFilter)) break;
            CnfFreezeString(Extension(exportFile), "SurfacesExportFormat");

            StepFileWriter sfw = {};

        case Command::IMPORT: {
            std::string importFile;
            if(!GetOpenFile(&importFile, CnfThawString("", "ImportFormat"),
                            ImportableFileFilter)) break;
            CnfFreezeString(Extension(importFile), "ImportFormat");

            if(Extension(importFile) == "dxf") {
            } else if(Extension(importFile) == "dwg") {
            } else ssassert(false, "Unexpected extension of file to import");


        case Command::EXIT:
            if(!SS.OkayToStartNewFile()) break;

        default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID");

Exemple #17
void ssremove(const std::string &filename)
    ssassert(filename.length() == strlen(filename.c_str()),
             "Unexpected null byte in middle of a path");
Exemple #18
void TextWindow::ShowStyleInfo() {
    Printf(true, "%Fl%f%Ll(back to list of styles)%E", &ScreenShowListOfStyles);

    Style *s = Style::Get(shown.style);

    if(s->h.v < Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) {
        Printf(true, "%FtSTYLE  %E%s ", s->DescriptionString().c_str());
    } else {
        Printf(true, "%FtSTYLE  %E%s "
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleName,
            s->h.v, &ScreenDeleteStyle);
    Printf(true, "%Ft line stroke style%E");
    Printf(false, "%Ba   %Ftcolor %E%Bz  %Ba (%@, %@, %@) %D%f%Ls%Fl[change]%E",
        s->color.redF(), s->color.greenF(), s->color.blueF(),
        s->h.v, ScreenChangeStyleColor);

    // The line width, and its units
    if(s->widthAs == Style::UnitsAs::PIXELS) {
        Printf(false, "   %Ftwidth%E %@ %D%f%Lp%Fl[change]%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleMetric,
            (s->h.v < Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) ? 'w' : 'W');
    } else {
        Printf(false, "   %Ftwidth%E %s %D%f%Lp%Fl[change]%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleMetric,
            (s->h.v < Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) ? 'w' : 'W');

    if(s->widthAs == Style::UnitsAs::PIXELS) {
        Printf(false, "%Ba   %Ftstipple width%E %@ %D%f%Lp%Fl[change]%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleMetric, 's');
    } else {
        Printf(false, "%Ba   %Ftstipple width%E %s %D%f%Lp%Fl[change]%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleMetric, 's');

    bool widthpx = (s->widthAs == Style::UnitsAs::PIXELS);
    if(s->h.v < Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) {
        Printf(false,"   %Ftin units of %Fdpixels%E");
    } else {
        Printf(false,"%Ba   %Ftin units of  %Fd"
                            "%D%f%LW%s pixels%E  "
                            "%D%f%Lw%s %s",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            widthpx ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            !widthpx ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,

    Printf(false,"%Ba   %Ftstipple type:%E");

    const size_t patternCount = (size_t)StipplePattern::LAST + 1;
    const char *patternsSource[patternCount] = {
        "-  -  -  - ",
        "- - - - - -",
        "__ __ __ __",
    std::string patterns[patternCount];

    for(uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)StipplePattern::LAST; i++) {
        const char *str = patternsSource[i];
        do {
            switch(*str) {
                case ' ': patterns[i] += " "; break;
                case '.': patterns[i] += "\xEE\x80\x84"; break;
                case '_': patterns[i] += "\xEE\x80\x85"; break;
                case '-': patterns[i] += "\xEE\x80\x86"; break;
                case '~': patterns[i] += "\xEE\x80\x87"; break;
                default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected stipple pattern element");
        } while(*(++str));

    for(uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)StipplePattern::LAST; i++) {
        const char *radio = s->stippleType == (StipplePattern)i ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE;
        Printf(false, "%Bp     %D%f%Lp%s %s%E",
            (i % 2 == 0) ? 'd' : 'a',
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStylePatternType,
            i + 1, radio, patterns[i].c_str());

    if(s->h.v >= Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) {
        // The fill color, and whether contours are filled

        Printf(false, "");
        Printf(false, "%Ft contour fill style%E");
            "%Ba   %Ftcolor %E%Bz  %Ba (%@, %@, %@) %D%f%Lf%Fl[change]%E",
            s->fillColor.redF(), s->fillColor.greenF(), s->fillColor.blueF(),
            s->h.v, ScreenChangeStyleColor);

        Printf(false, "%Bd   %D%f%Lf%s  contours are filled%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            s->filled ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);

    // The text height, and its units
    Printf(false, "");
    Printf(false, "%Ft text style%E");

    if(s->textHeightAs == Style::UnitsAs::PIXELS) {
        Printf(false, "%Ba   %Ftheight %E%@ %D%f%Lt%Fl%s%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleMetric,
    } else {
        Printf(false, "%Ba   %Ftheight %E%s %D%f%Lt%Fl%s%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleMetric,

    bool textHeightpx = (s->textHeightAs == Style::UnitsAs::PIXELS);
    if(s->h.v < Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) {
        Printf(false,"%Bd   %Ftin units of %Fdpixels");
    } else {
        Printf(false,"%Bd   %Ftin units of  %Fd"
                            "%D%f%LG%s pixels%E  "
                            "%D%f%Lg%s %s",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            textHeightpx ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            !textHeightpx ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,

    if(s->h.v >= Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) {
        Printf(false, "%Ba   %Ftangle %E%@ %D%f%Ll%Fl[change]%E",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleTextAngle);

        Printf(false, "");
        Printf(false, "%Ft text comment alignment%E");
        bool neither;
        neither = !((uint32_t)s->textOrigin & ((uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::LEFT | (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::RIGHT));
        Printf(false, "%Ba   "
                      "%D%f%LL%s left%E    "
                      "%D%f%LH%s center%E  "
                      "%D%f%LR%s right%E  ",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            ((uint32_t)s->textOrigin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::LEFT) ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            neither ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            ((uint32_t)s->textOrigin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::RIGHT) ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE);

        neither = !((uint32_t)s->textOrigin & ((uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::BOT | (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::TOP));
        Printf(false, "%Bd   "
                      "%D%f%LB%s bottom%E  "
                      "%D%f%LV%s center%E  "
                      "%D%f%LT%s top%E  ",
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            ((uint32_t)s->textOrigin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::BOT) ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            neither ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
            s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
            ((uint32_t)s->textOrigin & (uint32_t)Style::TextOrigin::TOP) ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE);

    if(s->h.v >= Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) {
        Printf(false, "");

        Printf(false, "  %Fd%D%f%Lv%s  show these objects on screen%E",
                s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
                s->visible ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);

        Printf(false, "  %Fd%D%f%Le%s  export these objects%E",
                s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo,
                s->exportable ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);

        Printf(false, "");
        Printf(false, "To assign lines or curves to this style,");
        Printf(false, "right-click them on the drawing.");
void ConstraintBase::GenerateReal(IdList<Equation,hEquation> *l) const {
    Expr *exA = Expr::From(valA);

    switch(type) {
        case Type::PT_PT_DISTANCE:
            AddEq(l, Distance(workplane, ptA, ptB)->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::PROJ_PT_DISTANCE: {
            ExprVector pA = SK.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs(),
                       pB = SK.GetEntity(ptB)->PointGetExprs(),
                       dp = pB.Minus(pA);

            ExprVector pp = SK.GetEntity(entityA)->VectorGetExprs();
            pp = pp.WithMagnitude(Expr::From(1.0));

            AddEq(l, (dp.Dot(pp))->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::PT_LINE_DISTANCE:
                PointLineDistance(workplane, ptA, entityA)->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::PT_PLANE_DISTANCE: {
            ExprVector pt = SK.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs();
            AddEq(l, (PointPlaneDistance(pt, entityA))->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::PT_FACE_DISTANCE: {
            ExprVector pt = SK.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs();
            EntityBase *f = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            ExprVector p0 = f->FaceGetPointExprs();
            ExprVector n = f->FaceGetNormalExprs();
            AddEq(l, (pt.Minus(p0)).Dot(n)->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            AddEq(l, Distance(workplane, a->point[0], a->point[1])->Minus(
                     Distance(workplane, b->point[0], b->point[1])), 0);

        // These work on distance squared, since the pt-line distances are
        // signed, and we want the absolute value.
        case Type::EQ_LEN_PT_LINE_D: {
            EntityBase *forLen = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            Expr *d1 = Distance(workplane, forLen->point[0], forLen->point[1]);
            Expr *d2 = PointLineDistance(workplane, ptA, entityB);
            AddEq(l, (d1->Square())->Minus(d2->Square()), 0);
        case Type::EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES: {
            Expr *d1 = PointLineDistance(workplane, ptA, entityA);
            Expr *d2 = PointLineDistance(workplane, ptB, entityB);
            AddEq(l, (d1->Square())->Minus(d2->Square()), 0);

        case Type::LENGTH_RATIO: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            Expr *la = Distance(workplane, a->point[0], a->point[1]);
            Expr *lb = Distance(workplane, b->point[0], b->point[1]);
            AddEq(l, (la->Div(lb))->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::LENGTH_DIFFERENCE: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            Expr *la = Distance(workplane, a->point[0], a->point[1]);
            Expr *lb = Distance(workplane, b->point[0], b->point[1]);
            AddEq(l, (la->Minus(lb))->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::DIAMETER: {
            EntityBase *circle = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            Expr *r = circle->CircleGetRadiusExpr();
            AddEq(l, (r->Times(Expr::From(2)))->Minus(exA), 0);

        case Type::EQUAL_RADIUS: {
            EntityBase *c1 = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *c2 = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            AddEq(l, (c1->CircleGetRadiusExpr())->Minus(
                      c2->CircleGetRadiusExpr()), 0);

        case Type::EQUAL_LINE_ARC_LEN: {
            EntityBase *line = SK.GetEntity(entityA),
                       *arc  = SK.GetEntity(entityB);

            // Get the line length
            ExprVector l0 = SK.GetEntity(line->point[0])->PointGetExprs(),
                       l1 = SK.GetEntity(line->point[1])->PointGetExprs();
            Expr *ll = (l1.Minus(l0)).Magnitude();

            // And get the arc radius, and the cosine of its angle
            EntityBase *ao = SK.GetEntity(arc->point[0]),
                       *as = SK.GetEntity(arc->point[1]),
                       *af = SK.GetEntity(arc->point[2]);

            ExprVector aos = (as->PointGetExprs()).Minus(ao->PointGetExprs()),
                       aof = (af->PointGetExprs()).Minus(ao->PointGetExprs());
            Expr *r = aof.Magnitude();

            ExprVector n = arc->Normal()->NormalExprsN();
            ExprVector u = aos.WithMagnitude(Expr::From(1.0));
            ExprVector v = n.Cross(u);
            // so in our new csys, we start at (1, 0, 0)
            Expr *costheta = aof.Dot(u)->Div(r);
            Expr *sintheta = aof.Dot(v)->Div(r);

            double thetas, thetaf, dtheta;
            arc->ArcGetAngles(&thetas, &thetaf, &dtheta);
            Expr *theta;
            if(dtheta < 3*PI/4) {
                theta = costheta->ACos();
            } else if(dtheta < 5*PI/4) {
                // As the angle crosses pi, cos theta is not invertible;
                // so use the sine to stop blowing up
                theta = Expr::From(PI)->Minus(sintheta->ASin());
            } else {
                theta = (Expr::From(2*PI))->Minus(costheta->ACos());

            // And write the equation; r*theta = L
            AddEq(l, (r->Times(theta))->Minus(ll), 0);

        case Type::POINTS_COINCIDENT: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(ptA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(ptB);
            if(workplane.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                ExprVector pa = a->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector pb = b->PointGetExprs();
                AddEq(l, pa.x->Minus(pb.x), 0);
                AddEq(l, pa.y->Minus(pb.y), 1);
                AddEq(l, pa.z->Minus(pb.z), 2);
            } else {
                Expr *au, *av;
                Expr *bu, *bv;
                a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av);
                b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv);
                AddEq(l, au->Minus(bu), 0);
                AddEq(l, av->Minus(bv), 1);

        case Type::PT_IN_PLANE:
            // This one works the same, whether projected or not.
            AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(
                        SK.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs(), entityA), 0);

        case Type::PT_ON_FACE: {
            // a plane, n dot (p - p0) = 0
            ExprVector p = SK.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs();
            EntityBase *f = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            ExprVector p0 = f->FaceGetPointExprs();
            ExprVector n = f->FaceGetNormalExprs();
            AddEq(l, (p.Minus(p0)).Dot(n), 0);

        case Type::PT_ON_LINE:
            if(workplane.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                EntityBase *ln = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
                EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[0]);
                EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[1]);
                EntityBase *p = SK.GetEntity(ptA);

                ExprVector ep = p->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector ea = a->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector eb = b->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector eab = ea.Minus(eb);

                // Construct a vector from the point to either endpoint of
                // the line segment, and choose the longer of these.
                ExprVector eap = ea.Minus(ep);
                ExprVector ebp = eb.Minus(ep);
                ExprVector elp =
                    (ebp.Magnitude()->Eval() > eap.Magnitude()->Eval()) ?
                        ebp : eap;

                if(p->group.v == group.v) {
                    AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, eab, elp), 0);
                    AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, eab, elp), 1);
                } else {
                    AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, elp, eab), 0);
                    AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, elp, eab), 1);
            } else {
                AddEq(l, PointLineDistance(workplane, ptA, entityA), 0);

        case Type::PT_ON_CIRCLE: {
            // This actually constrains the point to lie on the cylinder.
            EntityBase *circle = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            ExprVector center = SK.GetEntity(circle->point[0])->PointGetExprs();
            ExprVector pt     = SK.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs();
            EntityBase *normal = SK.GetEntity(circle->normal);
            ExprVector u = normal->NormalExprsU(),
                       v = normal->NormalExprsV();

            Expr *du = (center.Minus(pt)).Dot(u),
                 *dv = (center.Minus(pt)).Dot(v);

            Expr *r = circle->CircleGetRadiusExpr();

                ((du->Square())->Plus(dv->Square()))->Minus(r->Square()), 0);

        case Type::AT_MIDPOINT:
            if(workplane.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                EntityBase *ln = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
                ExprVector a = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[0])->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector b = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[1])->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector m = (a.Plus(b)).ScaledBy(Expr::From(0.5));

                if(ptA.v) {
                    ExprVector p = SK.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs();
                    AddEq(l, (m.x)->Minus(p.x), 0);
                    AddEq(l, (m.y)->Minus(p.y), 1);
                    AddEq(l, (m.z)->Minus(p.z), 2);
                } else {
                    AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, entityB), 0);
            } else {
                EntityBase *ln = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
                EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[0]);
                EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[1]);

                Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv;
                a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av);
                b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv);
                Expr *mu = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(au->Plus(bu));
                Expr *mv = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(av->Plus(bv));

                if(ptA.v) {
                    EntityBase *p = SK.GetEntity(ptA);
                    Expr *pu, *pv;
                    p->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &pu, &pv);
                    AddEq(l, pu->Minus(mu), 0);
                    AddEq(l, pv->Minus(mv), 1);
                } else {
                    ExprVector m = PointInThreeSpace(workplane, mu, mv);
                    AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, entityB), 0);

        case Type::SYMMETRIC:
            if(workplane.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                EntityBase *plane = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
                EntityBase *ea = SK.GetEntity(ptA);
                EntityBase *eb = SK.GetEntity(ptB);
                ExprVector a = ea->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector b = eb->PointGetExprs();

                // The midpoint of the line connecting the symmetric points
                // lies on the plane of the symmetry.
                ExprVector m = (a.Plus(b)).ScaledBy(Expr::From(0.5));
                AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, plane->h), 0);

                // And projected into the plane of symmetry, the points are
                // coincident.
                Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv;
                ea->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(plane->h, &au, &av);
                eb->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(plane->h, &bu, &bv);
                AddEq(l, au->Minus(bu), 1);
                AddEq(l, av->Minus(bv), 2);
            } else {
                EntityBase *plane = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
                EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(ptA);
                EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(ptB);

                Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv;
                a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av);
                b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv);
                Expr *mu = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(au->Plus(bu));
                Expr *mv = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(av->Plus(bv));

                ExprVector m = PointInThreeSpace(workplane, mu, mv);
                AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, plane->h), 0);

                // Construct a vector within the workplane that is normal
                // to the symmetry pane's normal (i.e., that lies in the
                // plane of symmetry). The line connecting the points is
                // perpendicular to that constructed vector.
                EntityBase *w = SK.GetEntity(workplane);
                ExprVector u = w->Normal()->NormalExprsU();
                ExprVector v = w->Normal()->NormalExprsV();

                ExprVector pa = a->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector pb = b->PointGetExprs();
                ExprVector n;
                Expr *d;
                plane->WorkplaneGetPlaneExprs(&n, &d);
                AddEq(l, (n.Cross(u.Cross(v))).Dot(pa.Minus(pb)), 1);

        case Type::SYMMETRIC_HORIZ:
        case Type::SYMMETRIC_VERT: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(ptA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(ptB);

            Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv;
            a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av);
            b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv);

            if(type == Type::SYMMETRIC_HORIZ) {
                AddEq(l, av->Minus(bv), 0);
                AddEq(l, au->Plus(bu), 1);
            } else {
                AddEq(l, au->Minus(bu), 0);
                AddEq(l, av->Plus(bv), 1);

        case Type::SYMMETRIC_LINE: {
            EntityBase *pa = SK.GetEntity(ptA);
            EntityBase *pb = SK.GetEntity(ptB);

            Expr *pau, *pav, *pbu, *pbv;
            pa->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &pau, &pav);
            pb->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &pbu, &pbv);

            EntityBase *ln = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *la = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[0]);
            EntityBase *lb = SK.GetEntity(ln->point[1]);
            Expr *lau, *lav, *lbu, *lbv;
            la->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &lau, &lav);
            lb->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &lbu, &lbv);

            Expr *dpu = pbu->Minus(pau), *dpv = pbv->Minus(pav);
            Expr *dlu = lbu->Minus(lau), *dlv = lbv->Minus(lav);

            // The line through the points is perpendicular to the line
            // of symmetry.
            AddEq(l, (dlu->Times(dpu))->Plus(dlv->Times(dpv)), 0);

            // And the signed distances of the points to the line are
            // equal in magnitude and opposite in sign, so sum to zero
            Expr *dista = (dlv->Times(lau->Minus(pau)))->Minus(
            Expr *distb = (dlv->Times(lau->Minus(pbu)))->Minus(
            AddEq(l, dista->Plus(distb), 1);


        case Type::HORIZONTAL:
        case Type::VERTICAL: {
            hEntity ha, hb;
            if(entityA.v) {
                EntityBase *e = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
                ha = e->point[0];
                hb = e->point[1];
            } else {
                ha = ptA;
                hb = ptB;
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(ha);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(hb);

            Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv;
            a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av);
            b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv);

            AddEq(l, (type == Type::HORIZONTAL) ? av->Minus(bv) : au->Minus(bu), 0);

        case Type::SAME_ORIENTATION: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            if(b->group.v != group.v) {
                swap(a, b);

            ExprVector au = a->NormalExprsU(),
                       an = a->NormalExprsN();
            ExprVector bu = b->NormalExprsU(),
                       bv = b->NormalExprsV(),
                       bn = b->NormalExprsN();

            AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, an, bn), 0);
            AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, an, bn), 1);
            Expr *d1 = au.Dot(bv);
            Expr *d2 = au.Dot(bu);
            // Allow either orientation for the coordinate system, depending
            // on how it was drawn.
            if(fabs(d1->Eval()) < fabs(d2->Eval())) {
                AddEq(l, d1, 2);
            } else {
                AddEq(l, d2, 2);

        case Type::PERPENDICULAR:
        case Type::ANGLE: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            ExprVector ae = a->VectorGetExprs();
            ExprVector be = b->VectorGetExprs();
            if(other) ae = ae.ScaledBy(Expr::From(-1));
            Expr *c = DirectionCosine(workplane, ae, be);

            if(type == Type::ANGLE) {
                // The direction cosine is equal to the cosine of the
                // specified angle
                Expr *rads = exA->Times(Expr::From(PI/180)),
                     *rc   = rads->Cos();
                double arc = fabs(rc->Eval());
                // avoid false detection of inconsistent systems by gaining
                // up as the difference in dot products gets small at small
                // angles; doubles still have plenty of precision, only
                // problem is that rank test
                Expr *mult = Expr::From(arc > 0.99 ? 0.01/(1.00001 - arc) : 1);
                AddEq(l, (c->Minus(rc))->Times(mult), 0);
            } else {
                // The dot product (and therefore the direction cosine)
                // is equal to zero, perpendicular.
                AddEq(l, c, 0);

        case Type::EQUAL_ANGLE: {
            EntityBase *a = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *b = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            EntityBase *c = SK.GetEntity(entityC);
            EntityBase *d = SK.GetEntity(entityD);
            ExprVector ae = a->VectorGetExprs();
            ExprVector be = b->VectorGetExprs();
            ExprVector ce = c->VectorGetExprs();
            ExprVector de = d->VectorGetExprs();

            if(other) ae = ae.ScaledBy(Expr::From(-1));

            Expr *cab = DirectionCosine(workplane, ae, be);
            Expr *ccd = DirectionCosine(workplane, ce, de);

            AddEq(l, cab->Minus(ccd), 0);

        case Type::ARC_LINE_TANGENT: {
            EntityBase *arc  = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *line = SK.GetEntity(entityB);

            ExprVector ac = SK.GetEntity(arc->point[0])->PointGetExprs();
            ExprVector ap =
                SK.GetEntity(arc->point[other ? 2 : 1])->PointGetExprs();

            ExprVector ld = line->VectorGetExprs();

            // The line is perpendicular to the radius
            AddEq(l, ld.Dot(ac.Minus(ap)), 0);

        case Type::CUBIC_LINE_TANGENT: {
            EntityBase *cubic = SK.GetEntity(entityA);
            EntityBase *line  = SK.GetEntity(entityB);

            ExprVector a;
            if(other) {
                a = cubic->CubicGetFinishTangentExprs();
            } else {
                a = cubic->CubicGetStartTangentExprs();

            ExprVector b = line->VectorGetExprs();

            if(workplane.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, a, b), 0);
                AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, a, b), 1);
            } else {
                EntityBase *w = SK.GetEntity(workplane);
                ExprVector wn = w->Normal()->NormalExprsN();
                AddEq(l, (a.Cross(b)).Dot(wn), 0);

        case Type::CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT: {
            bool parallel = true;
            int i;
            ExprVector dir[2];
            for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                EntityBase *e = SK.GetEntity((i == 0) ? entityA : entityB);
                bool oth = (i == 0) ? other : other2;

                if(e->type == Entity::Type::ARC_OF_CIRCLE) {
                    ExprVector center, endpoint;
                    center = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetExprs();
                    endpoint =
                        SK.GetEntity(e->point[oth ? 2 : 1])->PointGetExprs();
                    dir[i] = endpoint.Minus(center);
                    // We're using the vector from the center of the arc to
                    // an endpoint; so that's normal to the tangent, not
                    // parallel.
                    parallel = !parallel;
                } else if(e->type == Entity::Type::CUBIC) {
                    if(oth) {
                        dir[i] = e->CubicGetFinishTangentExprs();
                    } else {
                        dir[i] = e->CubicGetStartTangentExprs();
                } else {
                    ssassert(false, "Unexpected entity types for CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT");
            if(parallel) {
                EntityBase *w = SK.GetEntity(workplane);
                ExprVector wn = w->Normal()->NormalExprsN();
                AddEq(l, ((dir[0]).Cross(dir[1])).Dot(wn), 0);
            } else {
                AddEq(l, (dir[0]).Dot(dir[1]), 0);

        case Type::PARALLEL: {
            EntityBase *ea = SK.GetEntity(entityA), *eb = SK.GetEntity(entityB);
            if(eb->group.v != group.v) {
                swap(ea, eb);
            ExprVector a = ea->VectorGetExprs();
            ExprVector b = eb->VectorGetExprs();

            if(workplane.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, a, b), 0);
                AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, a, b), 1);
            } else {
                EntityBase *w = SK.GetEntity(workplane);
                ExprVector wn = w->Normal()->NormalExprsN();
                AddEq(l, (a.Cross(b)).Dot(wn), 0);

        case Type::WHERE_DRAGGED: {
            EntityBase *ep = SK.GetEntity(ptA);
            if(workplane.v == EntityBase::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                ExprVector ev = ep->PointGetExprs();
                Vector v = ep->PointGetNum();

                AddEq(l, ev.x->Minus(Expr::From(v.x)), 0);
                AddEq(l, ev.y->Minus(Expr::From(v.y)), 1);
                AddEq(l, ev.z->Minus(Expr::From(v.z)), 2);
            } else {
                Expr *u, *v;
                ep->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &u, &v);
                AddEq(l, u->Minus(Expr::From(u->Eval())), 0);
                AddEq(l, v->Minus(Expr::From(v->Eval())), 1);

        case Type::COMMENT:
    ssassert(false, "Unexpected constraint ID");
Exemple #20
void SSurface::AddExactIntersectionCurve(SBezier *sb, SSurface *srfB,
                                         SShell *agnstA, SShell *agnstB, SShell *into)
    SCurve sc = {};
    // Important to keep the order of (surfA, surfB) consistent; when we later
    // rewrite the identifiers, we rewrite surfA from A and surfB from B.
    sc.surfA = h;
    sc.surfB = srfB->h;
    sc.exact = *sb;
    sc.isExact = true;

    // Now we have to piecewise linearize the curve. If there's already an
    // identical curve in the shell, then follow that pwl exactly, otherwise
    // calculate from scratch.
    SCurve split, *existing = NULL, *se;
    SBezier sbrev = *sb;
    bool backwards = false;
    for(se = into->curve.First(); se; se = into->curve.NextAfter(se)) {
        if(se->isExact) {
            if(sb->Equals(&(se->exact))) {
                existing = se;
            if(sbrev.Equals(&(se->exact))) {
                existing = se;
                backwards = true;
    if(existing) {
        SCurvePt *v;
        for(v = existing->pts.First(); v; v = existing->pts.NextAfter(v)) {
        if(backwards) sc.pts.Reverse();
        split = sc;
        sc = {};
    } else {
        // and split the line where it intersects our existing surfaces
        split = sc.MakeCopySplitAgainst(agnstA, agnstB, this, srfB);

    // Test if the curve lies entirely outside one of the
    SCurvePt *scpt;
    bool withinA = false, withinB = false;
    for(scpt = split.pts.First(); scpt; scpt = split.pts.NextAfter(scpt)) {
        double tol = 0.01;
        Point2d puv;
        ClosestPointTo(scpt->p, &puv);
        if(puv.x > -tol && puv.x < 1 + tol &&
           puv.y > -tol && puv.y < 1 + tol)
            withinA = true;
        srfB->ClosestPointTo(scpt->p, &puv);
        if(puv.x > -tol && puv.x < 1 + tol &&
           puv.y > -tol && puv.y < 1 + tol)
            withinB = true;
        // Break out early, no sense wasting time if we already have the answer.
        if(withinA && withinB) break;
    if(!(withinA && withinB)) {
        // Intersection curve lies entirely outside one of the surfaces, so
        // it's fake.

#if 0
    if(sb->deg == 2) {
        dbp(" ");
        SCurvePt *prev = NULL, *v;
        dbp("split.pts.n = %d", split.pts.n);
        for(v = split.pts.First(); v; v = split.pts.NextAfter(v)) {
            if(prev) {
                Vector e = (prev->p).Minus(v->p).WithMagnitude(0);
                SS.nakedEdges.AddEdge((prev->p).Plus(e), (v->p).Minus(e));
            prev = v;
#endif // 0
             "Unexpected zero-length edge");

    split.source = SCurve::Source::INTERSECTION;
void Constraint::MenuConstrain(Command id) {
    Constraint c = {};
    c.group = SS.GW.activeGroup;
    c.workplane = SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane();

    auto const &gs = SS.GW.gs;

    switch(id) {
        case Command::DISTANCE_DIA:
        case Command::REF_DISTANCE: {
            if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_PT_DISTANCE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.ptB = gs.point[1];
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 1) {
                c.type = Type::PT_PT_DISTANCE;
                Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]);
                c.ptA = e->point[0];
                c.ptB = e->point[1];
            } else if(gs.vectors == 1 && gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 3) {
                c.type = Type::PROJ_PT_DISTANCE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.ptB = gs.point[1];
                c.entityA = gs.vector[0];
            } else if(gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_PLANE_DISTANCE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_LINE_DISTANCE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
            } else if(gs.faces == 1 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_FACE_DISTANCE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityA = gs.face[0];
            } else if(gs.circlesOrArcs == 1 && gs.n == 1) {
                c.type = Type::DIAMETER;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for distance / diameter constraint. This "
                        "constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two points (distance between points)\n"
                        "    * a line segment (length)\n"
                        "    * two points and a line segment or normal (projected distance)\n"
                        "    * a workplane and a point (minimum distance)\n"
                        "    * a line segment and a point (minimum distance)\n"
                        "    * a plane face and a point (minimum distance)\n"
                        "    * a circle or an arc (diameter)\n"));
            if(c.type == Type::PT_PT_DISTANCE || c.type == Type::PROJ_PT_DISTANCE) {
                Vector n = SS.GW.projRight.Cross(SS.GW.projUp);
                Vector a = SK.GetEntity(c.ptA)->PointGetNum();
                Vector b = SK.GetEntity(c.ptB)->PointGetNum();
                c.disp.offset = n.Cross(a.Minus(b));
                c.disp.offset = (c.disp.offset).WithMagnitude(50/SS.GW.scale);
            } else {
                c.disp.offset = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);

            if(id == Command::REF_DISTANCE) {
                c.reference = true;

            c.valA = 0;

        case Command::ON_ENTITY:
            if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::POINTS_COINCIDENT;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.ptB = gs.point[1];
            } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_IN_PLANE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
            } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_ON_LINE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
            } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.circlesOrArcs == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_ON_CIRCLE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
            } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.faces == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PT_ON_FACE;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityA = gs.face[0];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for on point / curve / plane constraint. "
                        "This constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two points (points coincident)\n"
                        "    * a point and a workplane (point in plane)\n"
                        "    * a point and a line segment (point on line)\n"
                        "    * a point and a circle or arc (point on curve)\n"
                        "    * a point and a plane face (point on face)\n"));

        case Command::EQUAL:
            if(gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[1];
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 4) {
                c.type = Type::EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[1];
                c.ptB = gs.point[1];
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 3) {
                // The same line segment for the distances, but different
                // points.
                c.type = Type::EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[0];
                c.ptB = gs.point[1];
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 3) {
                c.type = Type::EQ_LEN_PT_LINE_D;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[1];
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
            } else if(gs.vectors == 4 && gs.n == 4) {
                c.type = Type::EQUAL_ANGLE;
                c.entityA = gs.vector[0];
                c.entityB = gs.vector[1];
                c.entityC = gs.vector[2];
                c.entityD = gs.vector[3];
            } else if(gs.vectors == 3 && gs.n == 3) {
                c.type = Type::EQUAL_ANGLE;
                c.entityA = gs.vector[0];
                c.entityB = gs.vector[1];
                c.entityC = gs.vector[1];
                c.entityD = gs.vector[2];
            } else if(gs.circlesOrArcs == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::EQUAL_RADIUS;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[1];
            } else if(gs.arcs == 1 && gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::EQUAL_LINE_ARC_LEN;
                if(SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->type == Entity::Type::ARC_OF_CIRCLE) {
                    c.entityA = gs.entity[1];
                    c.entityB = gs.entity[0];
                } else {
                    c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                    c.entityB = gs.entity[1];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for equal length / radius constraint. "
                        "This constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two line segments (equal length)\n"
                        "    * two line segments and two points "
                                "(equal point-line distances)\n"
                        "    * a line segment and two points "
                                "(equal point-line distances)\n"
                        "    * a line segment, and a point and line segment "
                                "(point-line distance equals length)\n"
                        "    * four line segments or normals "
                                "(equal angle between A,B and C,D)\n"
                        "    * three line segments or normals "
                                "(equal angle between A,B and B,C)\n"
                        "    * two circles or arcs (equal radius)\n"
                        "    * a line segment and an arc "
                                "(line segment length equals arc length)\n"));
            if(c.type == Type::EQUAL_ANGLE) {
                // Infer the nearest supplementary angle from the sketch.
                Vector a1 = SK.GetEntity(c.entityA)->VectorGetNum(),
                       b1 = SK.GetEntity(c.entityB)->VectorGetNum(),
                       a2 = SK.GetEntity(c.entityC)->VectorGetNum(),
                       b2 = SK.GetEntity(c.entityD)->VectorGetNum();
                double d1 = a1.Dot(b1), d2 = a2.Dot(b2);

                if(d1*d2 < 0) {
                    c.other = true;

        case Command::RATIO:
            if(gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::LENGTH_RATIO;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[1];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for length ratio constraint. This "
                        "constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two line segments\n"));

            c.valA = 0;

        case Command::DIFFERENCE:
            if(gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::LENGTH_DIFFERENCE;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[1];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for length difference constraint. This "
                        "constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two line segments\n"));

            c.valA = 0;

        case Command::AT_MIDPOINT:
            if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::AT_MIDPOINT;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];

                // If a point is at-midpoint, then no reason to also constrain
                // it on-line; so auto-remove that.
                DeleteAllConstraintsFor(Type::PT_ON_LINE, c.entityA, c.ptA);
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::AT_MIDPOINT;
                int i = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->IsWorkplane() ? 1 : 0;
                c.entityA = gs.entity[i];
                c.entityB = gs.entity[1-i];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for at midpoint constraint. This "
                        "constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * a line segment and a point "
                              "(point at midpoint)\n"
                        "    * a line segment and a workplane "
                              "(line's midpoint on plane)\n"));

        case Command::SYMMETRIC:
            if(gs.points == 2 &&
                                ((gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 3) ||
                                 (gs.n == 2)))
                if(gs.entities > 0)
                    c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.ptB = gs.point[1];
                c.type = Type::SYMMETRIC;
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 &&
                                ((gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 2) ||
                                 (gs.n == 1)))
                Entity *line;
                if(SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->IsWorkplane()) {
                    line = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[1]);
                    c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                } else {
                    line = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]);
                c.ptA = line->point[0];
                c.ptB = line->point[1];
                c.type = Type::SYMMETRIC;
            } else if(SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()
                        && gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.n == 2)
                Entity *l0 = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]),
                       *l1 = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[1]);

                if((l1->group.v != SS.GW.activeGroup.v) ||
                   (l1->construction && !(l0->construction)))
                    swap(l0, l1);
                c.ptA = l1->point[0];
                c.ptB = l1->point[1];
                c.entityA = l0->h;
                c.type = Type::SYMMETRIC_LINE;
            } else if(SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()
                        && gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 3)
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                c.ptB = gs.point[1];
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                c.type = Type::SYMMETRIC_LINE;
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for symmetric constraint. This constraint "
                        "can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two points or a line segment "
                            "(symmetric about workplane's coordinate axis)\n"
                        "    * line segment, and two points or a line segment "
                            "(symmetric about line segment)\n"
                        "    * workplane, and two points or a line segment "
                            "(symmetric about workplane)\n"));
            if(c.entityA.v == Entity::NO_ENTITY.v) {
                // Horizontal / vertical symmetry, implicit symmetry plane
                // normal to the workplane
                if(c.workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                    Error(_("A workplane must be active when constraining "
                            "symmetric without an explicit symmetry plane."));
                Vector pa = SK.GetEntity(c.ptA)->PointGetNum();
                Vector pb = SK.GetEntity(c.ptB)->PointGetNum();
                Vector dp = pa.Minus(pb);
                EntityBase *norm = SK.GetEntity(c.workplane)->Normal();;
                Vector u = norm->NormalU(), v = norm->NormalV();
                if(fabs(dp.Dot(u)) > fabs(dp.Dot(v))) {
                    c.type = Type::SYMMETRIC_HORIZ;
                } else {
                    c.type = Type::SYMMETRIC_VERT;
                if(gs.lineSegments == 1) {
                    // If this line segment is already constrained horiz or
                    // vert, then auto-remove that redundant constraint.
                    DeleteAllConstraintsFor(Type::HORIZONTAL, (gs.entity[0]),
                    DeleteAllConstraintsFor(Type::VERTICAL, (gs.entity[0]),

        case Command::VERTICAL:
        case Command::HORIZONTAL: {
            hEntity ha, hb;
            if(c.workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
                Error(_("Activate a workplane (with Sketch -> In Workplane) before "
                        "applying a horizontal or vertical constraint."));
            if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 1) {
                c.entityA = gs.entity[0];
                Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(c.entityA);
                ha = e->point[0];
                hb = e->point[1];
            } else if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                ha = c.ptA = gs.point[0];
                hb = c.ptB = gs.point[1];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for horizontal / vertical constraint. "
                        "This constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two points\n"
                        "    * a line segment\n"));
            if(id == Command::HORIZONTAL) {
                c.type = Type::HORIZONTAL;
            } else {
                c.type = Type::VERTICAL;

        case Command::ORIENTED_SAME: {
            if(gs.anyNormals == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::SAME_ORIENTATION;
                c.entityA = gs.anyNormal[0];
                c.entityB = gs.anyNormal[1];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for same orientation constraint. This "
                        "constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two normals\n"));

            Entity *nfree = SK.GetEntity(c.entityA);
            Entity *nref  = SK.GetEntity(c.entityB);
            if(nref->group.v == SS.GW.activeGroup.v) {
                swap(nref, nfree);
            if(nfree->group.v == SS.GW.activeGroup.v &&
               nref ->group.v != SS.GW.activeGroup.v)
                // nfree is free, and nref is locked (since it came from a
                // previous group); so let's force nfree aligned to nref,
                // and make convergence easy
                Vector ru = nref ->NormalU(), rv = nref ->NormalV();
                Vector fu = nfree->NormalU(), fv = nfree->NormalV();

                if(fabs(fu.Dot(ru)) < fabs(fu.Dot(rv))) {
                    // There might be an odd*90 degree rotation about the
                    // normal vector; allow that, since the numerical
                    // constraint does
                    swap(ru, rv);
                fu = fu.Dot(ru) > 0 ? ru : ru.ScaledBy(-1);
                fv = fv.Dot(rv) > 0 ? rv : rv.ScaledBy(-1);

                nfree->NormalForceTo(Quaternion::From(fu, fv));
            AddConstraint(&c, /*rememberForUndo=*/false);

        case Command::OTHER_ANGLE:
            if(gs.constraints == 1 && gs.n == 0) {
                Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(gs.constraint[0]);
                if(c->type == Type::ANGLE) {
                    c->other = !(c->other);
                if(c->type == Type::EQUAL_ANGLE) {
                    c->other = !(c->other);
            Error(_("Must select an angle constraint."));

        case Command::REFERENCE:
            if(gs.constraints == 1 && gs.n == 0) {
                Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(gs.constraint[0]);
                if(c->HasLabel() && c->type != Type::COMMENT) {
                    (c->reference) = !(c->reference);
                    SS.MarkGroupDirty(c->group, /*onlyThis=*/true);
            Error(_("Must select a constraint with associated label."));

        case Command::ANGLE:
        case Command::REF_ANGLE: {
            if(gs.vectors == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::ANGLE;
                c.entityA = gs.vector[0];
                c.entityB = gs.vector[1];
                c.valA = 0;
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for angle constraint. This constraint "
                        "can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two line segments\n"
                        "    * a line segment and a normal\n"
                        "    * two normals\n"));

            Entity *ea = SK.GetEntity(c.entityA),
                   *eb = SK.GetEntity(c.entityB);
            if(ea->type == Entity::Type::LINE_SEGMENT &&
               eb->type == Entity::Type::LINE_SEGMENT)
                Vector a0 = SK.GetEntity(ea->point[0])->PointGetNum(),
                       a1 = SK.GetEntity(ea->point[1])->PointGetNum(),
                       b0 = SK.GetEntity(eb->point[0])->PointGetNum(),
                       b1 = SK.GetEntity(eb->point[1])->PointGetNum();
                if(a0.Equals(b0) || a1.Equals(b1)) {
                    // okay, vectors should be drawn in same sense
                } else if(a0.Equals(b1) || a1.Equals(b0)) {
                    // vectors are in opposite sense
                    c.other = true;
                } else {
                    // no shared point; not clear which intersection to draw

            if(id == Command::REF_ANGLE) {
                c.reference = true;


        case Command::PARALLEL:
            if(gs.vectors == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PARALLEL;
                c.entityA = gs.vector[0];
                c.entityB = gs.vector[1];
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.arcs == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                Entity *line = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]);
                Entity *arc  = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[1]);
                if(line->type == Entity::Type::ARC_OF_CIRCLE) {
                    swap(line, arc);
                Vector l0 = SK.GetEntity(line->point[0])->PointGetNum(),
                       l1 = SK.GetEntity(line->point[1])->PointGetNum();
                Vector a1 = SK.GetEntity(arc->point[1])->PointGetNum(),
                       a2 = SK.GetEntity(arc->point[2])->PointGetNum();

                if(l0.Equals(a1) || l1.Equals(a1)) {
                    c.other = false;
                } else if(l0.Equals(a2) || l1.Equals(a2)) {
                    c.other = true;
                } else {
                    Error(_("The tangent arc and line segment must share an "
                            "endpoint. Constrain them with Constrain -> "
                            "On Point before constraining tangent."));
                c.type = Type::ARC_LINE_TANGENT;
                c.entityA = arc->h;
                c.entityB = line->h;
            } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.cubics == 1 && gs.n == 2) {
                Entity *line  = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]);
                Entity *cubic = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[1]);
                if(line->type == Entity::Type::CUBIC) {
                    swap(line, cubic);
                Vector l0 = SK.GetEntity(line->point[0])->PointGetNum(),
                       l1 = SK.GetEntity(line->point[1])->PointGetNum();
                Vector as = cubic->CubicGetStartNum(),
                       af = cubic->CubicGetFinishNum();

                if(l0.Equals(as) || l1.Equals(as)) {
                    c.other = false;
                } else if(l0.Equals(af) || l1.Equals(af)) {
                    c.other = true;
                } else {
                    Error(_("The tangent cubic and line segment must share an "
                            "endpoint. Constrain them with Constrain -> "
                            "On Point before constraining tangent."));
                c.type = Type::CUBIC_LINE_TANGENT;
                c.entityA = cubic->h;
                c.entityB = line->h;
            } else if(gs.cubics + gs.arcs == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                if(!SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) {
                    Error(_("Curve-curve tangency must apply in workplane."));
                Entity *eA = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]),
                       *eB = SK.GetEntity(gs.entity[1]);
                Vector as = eA->EndpointStart(),
                       af = eA->EndpointFinish(),
                       bs = eB->EndpointStart(),
                       bf = eB->EndpointFinish();
                if(as.Equals(bs)) {
                    c.other = false; c.other2 = false;
                } else if(as.Equals(bf)) {
                    c.other = false; c.other2 = true;
                } else if(af.Equals(bs)) {
                    c.other = true; c.other2 = false;
                } else if(af.Equals(bf)) {
                    c.other = true; c.other2 = true;
                } else {
                    Error(_("The curves must share an endpoint. Constrain them "
                            "with Constrain -> On Point before constraining "
                c.type = Type::CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT;
                c.entityA = eA->h;
                c.entityB = eB->h;
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for parallel / tangent constraint. This "
                        "constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two line segments (parallel)\n"
                        "    * a line segment and a normal (parallel)\n"
                        "    * two normals (parallel)\n"
                        "    * two line segments, arcs, or beziers, that share "
                              "an endpoint (tangent)\n"));

        case Command::PERPENDICULAR:
            if(gs.vectors == 2 && gs.n == 2) {
                c.type = Type::PERPENDICULAR;
                c.entityA = gs.vector[0];
                c.entityB = gs.vector[1];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for perpendicular constraint. This "
                        "constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * two line segments\n"
                        "    * a line segment and a normal\n"
                        "    * two normals\n"));

        case Command::WHERE_DRAGGED:
            if(gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 1) {
                c.type = Type::WHERE_DRAGGED;
                c.ptA = gs.point[0];
            } else {
                Error(_("Bad selection for lock point where dragged constraint. "
                        "This constraint can apply to:\n\n"
                        "    * a point\n"));

        case Command::COMMENT:
            SS.GW.pending.operation = GraphicsWindow::Pending::COMMAND;
            SS.GW.pending.command = Command::COMMENT;
            SS.GW.pending.description = _("click center of comment text");

        default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID");

    if(SK.constraint.FindByIdNoOops(c.h)) {
        Constraint *constraint = SK.GetConstraint(c.h);
        if(SS.TestRankForGroup(c.group) == SolveResult::REDUNDANT_OKAY &&
                !SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup)->allowRedundant &&
                constraint->HasLabel()) {
            constraint->reference = true;
